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To complete their life cycle waterbirds rely on patchily distributed and often ephemeral wetlands along their migration route in a vast unsuitable matrix. However, further loss and degradation of remaining wetland habitats might lead to a configuration and size of stopovers that is no longer sufficient to ensure long-term survival of waterbird populations. By identifying optimal conservation targets to maintain overall habitat availability en route, we can accommodate an as yet absent functional connectivity component in larger management frameworks for migratory waterbirds, such as the Ramsar Convention and the EU Natura 2000 Network. Using a graph-based habitat availability metric (Equivalent Connected Area) we determine the functional connectivity of wetland networks for seven migratory waterbirds with divergent habitat requirements. Analyses are performed at two spatial extents both spanning the Mediterranean Sea and centered around Greece (Balkan-Cyrenaica and Greece-Cyrenaica). We create species-specific suitable habitat maps and account for human disturbance by species-specific disturbance buffers, based on expert estimates of Flight Initiation Distances. At both spatial extents we quantitatively determine the habitat networks’ overall functional connectivity and identify wetland sites that are crucial for maintaining a well-connected network. We show that the wetland networks for both spatial extents are relatively well connected and identify several wetland sites in Greece and Libya as important for maintaining connectivity. The application of disturbance buffers results in wetland site-specific reduction of suitable habitat area (0.90–7.36%) and an overall decrease of the network’s connectivity (0.65–6.82%). In addition, we show that the habitat networks of a limited set of species can be combined into a single network which accounts for their autoecological requirements. We conclude that targeted management in few but specific wetland complexes could benefit migratory waterbird populations. Deterioration of these vital wetland sites in Greece and Libya will have disproportionate consequences to the waterbird populations they support.  相似文献   

Waterbird species have different requirements with respect to their non‐breeding areas, aiming to survive and gain condition during the non‐breeding period. Selection of non‐breeding areas could change over time and space driven by climate change and species habitat requirements. To help explain the mechanism shaping non‐breeding area selection, we provide site‐specific analyses of distributional changes in wintering waterbirds in central Europe, located at the centre of their flyways. We use wintering waterbirds as a highly dynamic model group monitored over a long‐time scale of 50 years (1966–2015). We identified species habitat requirements and changes in habitat use at the level of 733 individual non‐breeding (specifically wintering) sites for 12 waterbird species using citizen‐science monitoring data. We calculated site‐specific mean numbers and estimated site‐specific trends in numbers. The site‐specific approach revealed a general effect of mean winter temperature of site (seven of 12 species), wetland type (all species) and land cover (all species) on site‐specific numbers. We found increasing site‐specific trends in numbers in the northern and/or eastern part of the study area (Mute Swan Cygnus olor, Eurasian Teal Anas crecca, Common Pochard Aythya ferina, Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo and Eurasian Coot Fulica atra). Common Merganser Mergus merganser, Great Cormorant, Grey Heron Ardea cinerea, Common Pochard, Eurasian Coot and Common Moorhen Galinulla chloropus increased their site‐specific numbers on standing industrial waters with traditionally low fish stock. The site‐specific dynamics of bird numbers helped us to identify general preference for sites reducing winter harshness (warmer areas, running waters and more wetlands in the site vicinity), as well as indicating climate‐driven changes in spatial use of wintering sites (northern/north‐eastern range changes and changes in preference for industrial waters). This fine‐scale (site‐specific) approach can reveal large‐scale range and distribution shifts driven by climate and environmental changes regardless of the availability of large‐scale datasets.  相似文献   

Dongting Lake, an important wintering habitat for migratory waterbirds in the East Asian–Australasian Flyway, has suffered serious degradation in recent decades. To restore habitats for biodiversity conservation and flood control, 459 dykes were demolished and 14 were preserved in 2017. However, the direct impact of dyke demolition on wintering waterbirds was not comprehensively assessed. In this study, based on annual waterbird census and habitat data (2013/14–2020/21), we compared the differences in habitat areas and species composition of waterbirds in the dyke‐demolished and preserved areas, and explored whether habitat changes caused by the dyke demolition were responsible for the changes in the number of species and percentages of waterbird individuals. The results indicate that the areas of water (including shallow water) and mudflat habitats significantly decreased, but the vegetation area significantly increased in the dyke‐demolished areas. The species numbers and percentages of waterbird individuals at the community and foraging guilds levels, and the percentages of nine species, were higher in the dyke‐preserved areas than those in the dyke‐demolished areas. Changes in the numbers of species and percentages of individuals of fish eaters, insectivores, and omnivores positively correlated with drastic changes in the percentages of water habitats (including shallow water) after dyke demolition. Effective measures should be carried out to restore hydrological regimes, providing waterbirds sufficient suitable habitats with different water depths. These findings improve our understanding of the influence of dyke demolition on waterbirds and provide insights for wetland management and waterbird conservation.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic habitat loss and climate change are among the major threats to biodiversity. Bioclimatic zones such as the boreal and arctic regions are undergoing rapid environmental change, which will likely trigger changes in wildlife communities. Disentangling the effects of different drivers of environmental change on species is fundamental to better understand population dynamics under changing conditions. Therefore, in this study we investigate the synergistic effect of winter and summer weather conditions and habitat type on the abundance of 17 migratory boreal waterbird species breeding in Finland using three decades (1986–2015) of count data. We found that above‐average temperatures and precipitations across the western and northern range of the wintering grounds have a positive impact on breeding numbers in the following season, particularly for waterbirds breeding in eutrophic wetlands. Conversely, summer temperatures did not seem to affect waterbird abundance. Moreover, waterbird abundance was higher in eutrophic than in oligotrophic wetlands, but long term trends indicated that populations are decreasing faster in eutrophic than in oligotrophic wetlands. Our results suggest that global warming may apparently benefit waterbirds, e.g. by increased winter survival due to more favourable winter weather conditions. However, the observed population declines, particularly in eutrophic wetlands, may also indicate that the quality of breeding habitat is rapidly deteriorating through increased eutrophication in Finland which override the climatic effects. The findings of this study highlight the importance of embracing a holistic approach, from the level of a single catchment up to the whole flyway, in order to effectively address the threats that waterbirds face on their breeding as well as wintering grounds.  相似文献   

Habitat loss is widely regarded as one of the most destructive factors threatening native biodiversity. Because migratory waterbirds include some of the most globally endangered species, information on their sensitivity to landscape would benefit their conservation. While citizen science data on waterbird species occurrence are subjected to various biases, their appropriate interpretation can provide information of benefit to species conservation. We apply a bootstrapping procedure to citizen science data to reduce sampling biases and report the relative sensitivity of waterbird species to natural versus human‐dominated landscapes. Analyses are performed on 30,491 data records for 69 waterbird species referred to five functional groups observed in China between 2000 and 2018. Of these taxa, 30 species (43.5%) are significantly associated with natural landscapes, more so for cranes, geese, and ducks than for shorebirds and herons. The relationship between land association and the threat status of waterbirds is significant when the range size of species is considered as the mediator, and the higher the land association, the higher the threat status. Sensitive species significantly associated with natural landscapes are eight times more likely to be classified as National Protected Species (NPS) Classes I or II than less sensitive species significantly associated with human‐dominated landscapes. We demonstrate the potential for citizen science data to assist in conservation planning in the context of landscape changes. Our methods might assist others to obtain information to help relieve species decline and extinction.  相似文献   

Waterbird counts at Rietvlei, a freshwater wetland in the Western Cape, were analysed for four periods: 1950–56, 1961–67, 1980–85 and 1992–97. Ninety-eight species of waterbirds were recorded during these counts. Palaearctic migrants predominated during summer, with Curlew Sandpipers, Calidris ferruginea, being the mast abundant species in all years, except in the 1960s and 1950s when Red-knobbed Coots, Fulica cristata, and Ruffs, Philomachus pugnax, outnumbered them respectively. Red-knobbed Coots and Yellow-billed Ducks, Anas undulata, were the most numerous species during winter in all years. The numbers of waterbirds at Rietvlei have shown a progressive increase since the 1950s, reaching over 8300 birds in the mid-summer of 1997. The increase in abundance of several species is attributed to changes in the water regime and habitat availability at the wetland. In terms of waterbird abundance, Rietvlei is the most important temporary vlei in the Western Cape and it ranks 16th in terms of waterbird abundance compared with all South African coastal and inland wetlands for which counts are available. In the light of Rietvlei being proclaimed a nature reserve, a conservation management plan for the area is discussed.  相似文献   

The impact of wetland loss on migratory waterbirds can be mitigated by the presence of anthropogenic habitats such as rice fields. In the Mediterranean basin, wetlands have been drained and altered to such a degree that their very existence is threatened. It is, therefore, essential to identify key buffer areas in the basin to develop conservation strategies for migratory waterbirds. In Extremadura, continental SW Spain, 30,000 ha of new rice fields have created since the 1960s. The present study describes for the first time the waterbird community associated with these inland rice fields, and addresses the question of the potential value of this area in buffering the loss of natural wetlands for populations of waterbirds using the East Atlantic Flyway (EAF). The waterbird community studied consisted of 45 species, with population levels reaching values of international importance (>1% of the biogeographical population using EAF) for the Common Crane Grus grus (19%), Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa (1.2%), Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus (1.2%), and Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis (1%). The presence of these rice fields may be modifying the wintering and/or feeding sites of some waterbird species such as the Common Crane and Black-tailed Godwit. Unfortunately, there is no legal protection for this area. We propose the designation of these rice fields as a Special Protection Area for birds.  相似文献   

Natural freshwater wetlands are among the most threatened habitats on Earth. Effective wetland biodiversity conservation can not, however, be evaluated without fully understanding the roles of artificial waterbodies as refuges for water-dependent plants and animals. Waterbird assemblages were examined on 59 farm ponds in the Elgin and Caledon districts of the Western Cape, South Africa. This study examines the relationship between waterbird use and habitat characteristics of farm ponds. Patterns of temporal and spatial variation of waterbird species richness and abundance were quantified in relation to the habitat characteristics of each pond. Cluster analysis and multiple regression analyses identified surface area of the farm ponds as an important variable determining the presence and abundance of many waterbird species. Structural diversity in terms of vegetation in and around the ponds was especially important in determining their usage by waterbirds. These variables were evaluated in terms of creating a mosaic of habitat types (by varying vegetation structure and pond topography), which may be a useful way to enhance waterbird diversity at farm ponds. This study concludes that the high number of farm ponds in the transformed habitat matrix of the Western Cape plays an important role in conserving waterbirds.  相似文献   

Many migratory waterbird populations are declining and wetland connectivity is a major conservation challenge. The importance of stopover sites has been typically assessed by peak counts of birds, which underestimate the total number of individuals using the site over a migratory season, especially in small wetlands. We analysed the accuracy of different daily count schemes to estimate the total number of Eurasian Spoonbill that stop over at two tidal wetlands during their autumn migration and compared them with the birds observed leaving the area each day. Total number of birds was obtained by combining numbers of each flock of birds leaving during the season. We obtained different accurate predictors for birds departing daily from each stopover area. Daily low-tide counts were the best predictor of the daily number of birds that stopover in a tidal wetland mainly used to refuel (staging site), whereas daily high-tide counts were best at a wetland mainly used to rest (stopover site). Each measure also accurately predicted annual trends for each area, respectively. Daily low-tide counts could be used as an easy census method to estimate the daily number of individuals using a staging site consistently during the entire migratory season, as well as indicating trends, without the necessity of estimating turnover rates. By contrast, daily high-tide counts would be especially suitable for determining the minimum relevance and the population trends of other tidal wetlands (especially the smaller ones), which regularly support moderate numbers of spoonbills during migration where birds use to stop over for less than one day. This method developed for the spoonbill, a flagship and umbrella species, could represent a first step in improving the conservation of other endangered migratory waterbird populations.  相似文献   

水鸟是反映湿地生态系统状况的指示物种,水鸟多样性保护优先区识别对自然保护区功能区划和湿地保护修复具有重要意义。于2020年5月-2021年4月,开展了衡水湖自然保护区水鸟群落的调查监测,采用GIS软件和结构方程模型等分析其不同区域水鸟群落结构和季节性变化、水鸟多样性分布格局及其驱动因素。结果表明:(1)衡水湖自然保护区不同区域均表现出以雁鸭类等游禽为优势种的水鸟群落特征,衡水湖西湖和滏东排河的水鸟物种丰富度和Shannon多样性指数最高,衡水湖东湖的水鸟种群数量最大,滏阳新河的鸻鹬类种群数量相对较大。(2)不同区域水鸟群落具有明显的季节性变化特征,春夏季涉禽数量明显增多,但仅在衡水湖自然保护区东湖、西湖和滏阳新河成为水鸟群落的优势种;9月之后各区域游禽种数和种群数量占比均明显上升,雁鸭类成为优势种群。(3)水鸟物种丰富度和种群数量较高的区域主要在自然保护区的湿地恢复区、滏东排河和小湖隔堤两侧等地;不同类群水鸟的空间分布格局差异较大,雁鸭类分布较为分散,鸻鹬类、鹤鹳类水鸟分布更为集中;栖息地状况是影响衡水湖水鸟多样性的主要因素。(4)衡水湖水鸟保护优先区包括湿地恢复区及周边区域、南李庄鱼塘、良心庄鱼塘及周边区域、东湖的姊妹东岛、小湖隔堤两侧等5个区域,占保护区总面积的8.94%。研究结果为衡水湖自然保护区的功能区划、水鸟保护策略制定、栖息地保护修复提供了相关依据。  相似文献   

The competition–relatedness hypothesis of Darwin states that competition is greater among species that are phylogenetically closely‐related, and such species will tend to appear in separate communities (i.e. the species within communities will be phylogenetically overdispersed). Many studies have tested (and mainly refuted) this hypothesis for plant and bacterial communities. Results for the few studies with avian species are not conclusive. We tested Darwin's hypothesis for waterbirds using a set of open, artificial fish ponds in Doñana, south‐western Spain, that provide relatively homogeneous habitat where competition is likely to be intense. Monthly counts of 38 ponds (for 11 months, i.e. 418 censuses) recorded 76 bird species. Darwin's hypothesis predicted that species appearing in the same pond would be less related phylogenetically than expected if species occurred randomly across ponds and months according to the structure of the overall community across the entire pond complex. However, the waterbird community did not show a predominantly overdispersed pattern, suggesting that interspecific competition among phylogenetically related species was not the main force structuring communities. In contrast, the proportion of clustered communities was higher than expected throughout the annual cycle, indicating that related waterbirds tend to co‐occur on the same site, probably because they have similar microhabitat preferences. Clustering patterns were mainly driven by abundant and closely related duck species, and also by shorebirds. However, few individual pond communities remained significantly different from random after correction for multiple testing. Furthermore, the probability of co‐occurrence of a given species pair was negatively related to the phylogenetic distance between them. In conclusion, our study shows waterbird communities are mainly phylogenetically clustered or random, and do not support the competition‐relatedness hypothesis.  相似文献   

Many artificial wetland constructions are currently underway worldwide to compensate for the degradation of natural wetland systems. Researchers face the responsibility of proposing wetland management and species protection strategies to ensure that constructed wetlands positively impact waterbird diversity. Nestedness is a commonly occurring pattern for biotas in fragmented habitats with important implications for conservation; however, only a few studies have focused on seasonal waterbird communities in current artificial wetlands. In this study, we used the nestedness theory for analyzing the annual and seasonal community structures of waterbirds in artificial wetlands at Lake Dianchi (China) to suggest artificial wetland management and waterbird conservation strategies. We carried out three waterbird surveys per month for one year to observe the annual, spring, summer, autumn, and winter waterbird assemblages in 27 lakeside artificial wetland fragments. We used the NeD program to quantify nestedness patterns of waterbirds at the annual and seasonal levels. We also determined Spearman partial correlations to examine the associations of nestedness rank and habitat variables to explore the factors underlying nestedness patterns. We found that annual and all four seasonal waterbird compositions were nested, and selective extinction and habitat nestedness were the main factors governing nestedness. Further, selective colonization was the key driver of nestedness in autumn and winter waterbirds. We suggest that the area of wetland fragments should be as large as possible and that habitat heterogeneity should be maximized to fulfill the conservation needs of different seasonal waterbirds. Furthermore, we suggest that future studies should focus on the least area criterion and that vegetation management of artificial wetland construction should be based on the notion of sustainable development for humans and wildlife.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》2002,23(3):213-222
Wetlands are key habitats connected physically and socially with processes occurring over a much wider territory. The biotic connection through dispersal mechanisms among wetlands is of primary importance to wetland management and policies. However, traditional wetland conservation approaches are based on the preservation of isolated sites considered to be of special importance (typically owing to their importance for concentrations of migratory waterbirds). Research linking local species richness and bird migration suggests that the effect of wetland loss on regional diversity might be much larger than what would be expected from direct habitat loss. Since the biotic connection among wetlands serviced by waterbirds appears to be more efficient within a limited range, the distribution of wetlands in space is a key aspect determining wetland connectedness even in the absence of direct hydrologic links. Protected areas should thus be defined with regard to waterfowl movements and waterbird migration as functional processes contributing to aquatic species migration and local species richness. This calls for a regional approach to wetland management within a continental context. This paper aims at defining an operational view of the dispersion function of wetlands and its implication for conservation policies. For this purpose, we examined the conservation policies of the Ramsar Convention (the international treaty that protects wetlands) and the European Union (as an example of relevant continental level policy-making) from the viewpoint of bird-mediated dispersal of aquatic organisms. We propose nine specific avenues for the inclusion of bird-mediated dispersal in the policy documents examined. Non-governmental organisations and other organisations working in waterbird conservation should also recognise the importance of their policies for aquatic biodiversity at broader levels and avoid compartmentalising their conservation activities.  相似文献   

We investigated habitat use and diversity of waterbirds at one of the coastal and satellite lagoons around Lake Biwa, which is a registered wetland of the Ramsar Convention in Japan. To evaluate the importance for waterbirds of a lagoon around the freshwater lake, we conducted 26 censuses over 1 year on seven blocks with different landscape elements in a small lagoon. A total of 25 species were found and most of them (72%) belonged to a guild in which birds forage without diving. Species density (per ha) and diversity was high in blocks where Zizania latifolia Turcz and Phragmites australis L. reed beds existed. Not all of the waterbird species were feeding all the time, but were often resting in their preferred blocks, suggesting that they use the lagoon as both a refuge and a feeding site. Habitats with a structural reed bed community and shallow waters (<1 m depth) may be crucial determinants of high waterbird diversity in this small lagoon around which many people live.  相似文献   

崇明东滩抛荒鱼塘的自然演替过程对水鸟群落的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人工湿地抛荒的现象普遍存在,但针对抛荒后的自然演替过程对水鸟群落影响的研究较少.于2007、2008、2011年对崇明东滩自然抛荒的人工鱼塘水鸟群落展开调查,探究抛荒后的自然演替过程对水鸟群落结构及不同水鸟类群的影响.3a累计观察到水鸟59种12819只,隶属6目12科.其中抛荒前最多,共53种11001只;抛荒第1年22种1673只;抛荒第4年最少,9种145只.鱼塘抛荒后水鸟种类和数量下降剧烈,物种多样性先上升再下降,均匀度逐年上升,优势度先下降再上升.方差分析结果表明,5个群落特征都存在极显著年度差异(P1<0.01;P2<0.01;P3<0.01;P4=0.003;P5<0.01).非参数检验结果表明,不同类群水鸟的种类和数量逐年下降趋势明显,且年际差异极显著.即抛荒后的自然演替过程对水鸟群落产生了不利影响.建议采取人工管理措施防止旱化,增加环境异质性,恢复水鸟群落多样性.  相似文献   

The conservation of many freshwater marsh waterbirds (i.e., waterfowl, shorebirds, wading birds, and secretive marshbirds) in the Laurentian Great Lakes requires managing invasive emergent macrophytes, which degrade waterbird habitat by creating dense, litter-clogged stands, and excluding plants that produce nutritionally balanced and high-energy food (seeds, tubers, and submerged aquatic vegetation). The most commonly used management approach in the United States Great Lakes region involves the application of herbicides, which can stimulate waterbird forage plants but does not address the accumulation of plant litter, the underlying cause of plant community diversity loss and habitat degradation. We experimentally evaluated the effects of an alternative approach, harvesting invasive plants and their litter followed by flooding, on plant communities, focusing on the effects of these treatments to increase the abundance of high-energy wetland plants. At the Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge in Michigan, USA, we experimentally treated an invasive cattail (Typha × glauca)-dominated wetland in August and September of 2016, 2017, and 2018, using a randomized block design with 4 blocks and 3 treatments (sediment surface harvest, above ground harvest, and control). We monitored the effects of these treatments on the abundance and dominance of waterbird forage-producing plants, plant diversity, and plant communities prior to (Jul 2016) and during the summer following each treatment (late Jul or early Aug 2017, 2018, and 2019). Additionally, we used pre- and post-treatment waterbird use-day data collected at the unit scale and compared values with satellite imagery-derived land cover changes. Compared to control plots, 3 years of harvesting and flooding significantly increased plant species diversity, increased the abundance of waterbird seed- and tuber-producing plant species by 5 times, and increased annual plant dominance by more than 10 times, while substantially reducing all measures of cattail and its litter. Use-days increased for total waterbirds, including waterfowl and dabbling ducks, following treatment. Cattail cover decreased and open water and non-cattail emergent vegetation cover increased. Harvesting invasive plant biomass coupled with flooding promoted a plant community composition and structure beneficial to waterbirds. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

阐明水鸟栖息地利用与环境因子的关系有助于制定针对性的水鸟保护对策。本研究在2012~2013年冬季对崇明东滩鸟类栖息地优化区内越冬水鸟的种类、数量以及6种环境因子(植被面积比例、裸地面积比例、水深、地形变异、栖息地结构多样性和干扰)进行调查,以了解水鸟对人工湿地的栖息地利用及其影响因子。野外调查共记录到水鸟24种9 018只,其中优势种为斑嘴鸭(Anas poecilorhyncha)和绿头鸭(A.platyrhynchos);栖息地优化区内水鸟休息的个体数量占总数量的79.2%,这表明优化区是大多数水鸟的休息地,而小(Tachybaptus ruficollis)、白骨顶(Fulica atra)、黑水鸡(Gallinula chloropus)、白琵鹭(Platalea leucorodia)和黑脸琵鹭(P.minor)的觅食个体数量超过60%,说明优化区也为这些鸟类提供了觅食地。逐步回归分析表明,裸地面积比例是影响越冬水鸟种类分布的最主要因子;尽管游禽在地形变异较大、植被面积比例较低的区域数量较多,但在休息时游禽更偏好于裸地面积比例较高的区域,而涉禽休息时偏好于地形变异较大的区域。为增加栖息地优化区内的水鸟多样性,建议在优化区内种植水鸟可食的沉水植物以增加水鸟的食物资源,同时增加裸地面积比例和地形变异程度,更好地为水鸟提供栖息地。  相似文献   

张斌  袁晓  裴恩乐  牛俊英  衡楠楠  王天厚 《生态学报》2011,31(16):4599-4608
近年来长江口滩涂湿地高强度的促淤围垦对生物多样性保育造成了严重影响。本研究于2006至2010年在南汇东滩进行了水鸟调查,研究围垦后堤内环境的快速演替过程对水鸟的群落结构的影响。通过分析鸻鹬类、雁鸭类和鹭类三类主要水鸟类群,结果表明鸻鹬类的总数呈严重下降趋势(ANOVA, p=0.009),而雁鸭类和鹭类总数在上升(ANOVA,p=0.015;p=0.00);在种类数量方面,鸻鹬类和雁鸭类差异不显著(ANOVA,p=0.597;p=0.523),鹭类种类数变化极显著(ANOVA ,p=0.00)。同时,通过对水鸟的栖息地选择因子偏好的分析, 发现滩涂减少是鸻鹬类减少的主要因素,而大型鱼塘和芦苇增加是雁鸭类和鹭类增加的重要原因。为此我们提出相应海岸带湿地管理建议。  相似文献   

Habitat restoration can partially compensate for the extensive loss of coastal wetlands, but creation of functional habitat and assessment of restoration success remain challenging tasks. To evaluate wintering shorebird use of restored coastal wetlands, we quantified shorebird assemblages and behavior of selected focal species at five restored sites and paired reference sites in Mugu Lagoon, southern California, United States. The Shannon–Wiener index of species diversity (for all birds in order Charadriiformes) was higher in the restored than in the reference portion of three of the five sites, higher in the reference portion of a fourth site, and similar between reference and restored areas of the fifth site. Species diversity was lower in sites closer to man‐made structures. The four most abundant species groups across the five sites were selected for detailed analysis of site use and behavior: Willets (Catoptrophorus semipalmatus), Marbled Godwits (Limosa fedoa), Dowitchers (Limnodromus spp.), and Sandpipers (Calidris spp.) (Western, Least, and Dunlin). Each focal species group exhibited distinct site preferences, and densities in restored sites were often as high or higher than in reference sites. Willets and Dowitchers preferred habitats with more extensive tidal flats, a characteristic of restored sites. Godwits and Sandpipers preferred heterogeneous habitats with a mix of water and tidal flats. Most birds were engaged in feeding activities during the ebb tides surveyed, and there were no apparent differences in behavior between reference and restored sites. Though not all restored sites were used equally by all species, the creation of multiple restored sites with varied habitat characteristics attracted a diverse assemblage of shorebirds and may have contributed to the integrity of the regional wetland landscape.  相似文献   

Surveys of colonial‐nesting waterbirds are needed to assess population trends and gain insight into the health of wetland ecosystems. Use of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) for such surveys has increased over the past decade, but possible sources of bias in surveys conducted with UAS have not been examined. We examined possible visibility biases associated with using a UAS to survey waterbird colonies in cypress‐tupelo watersheds and coastal island habitats in Texas in 2016. We used known numbers of four waterbird decoy types, including Black Skimmers (Rynchops niger), terns, and white‐ and dark‐plumaged herons, to estimate their detectability in each habitat. Six observers independently counted decoys from aerial imagery mosaics taken with a consumer‐grade, off‐the‐shelf quadcopter drone. We used generalized linear mixed‐effects models to estimate detection probabilities of each decoy type. Black Skimmers at the coastal island had a detection probability of just 53%. Detectability of both white‐ and dark‐plumaged herons was lower in the canopied cypress‐tupelo habitat than the coastal island. In addition, cloud cover > 50% further reduced detectability of white heron decoys in cypress‐tupelo habitat. Use of the double‐count method yielded biased‐low abundance estimates for white‐ and dark‐plumaged herons in canopied sites, suggesting that habitat differences were a greater source of bias than observer error. Black Skimmers were the only decoy type to be imperfectly detected at the coastal island, a surprising result given the stark contrast of their plumage with their sand and shell nesting substrate. Our results indicate that UAS‐derived photographic surveys are prone to low detection probabilities at sites where vegetation occludes nests. In habitats without canopy, however, UAS surveys show promise for obtaining accurate counts of terns, white herons, and dark herons.  相似文献   

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