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Native grasslands, and the fauna that inhabit them, are globally some of the most threatened ecosystems and organisms. Knowledge of the relative importance of climate, landscape context and site-based resources for local insect populations is critical for the restoration and conservation of these communities. We investigated the site and landscape-scale best predictors of occurrence and abundance over three consecutive years of sampling, for the critically endangered golden sun moth Synemon plana in south-eastern Australia. We found eight vegetation factors to be significantly associated with golden sun moth occurrence using data from combined survey data and data for each year alone; we identified just three common factors from year to year. Modelling indicated that Austrostipa and Rytidosperma species richness was the most consistent parameter, but for each year alone, there was a combination of aspect, landscape position and Austrostipa and Rytidosperma species richness. Our study shows that environmental characteristics where golden sun moth occur are relatively predictable over multiple years. This information can be used to protect sites where monitoring of extant populations is yet to occur, predict the location of new populations in the region, and restore adjacent habitat that is suitable but degraded.  相似文献   

The critically endangered golden sun‐moth Synemon plana occurs in urban fringe areas of southeastern Australia that are currently experiencing rapid and extensive development. The urban fringe is a complex and uncertain environment in which to manage threatened species with the intersection of fragmented natural habitats, built environments and human populations generating novel, poorly understood interactions. In this context, management frameworks must incorporate ecological processes as well as social considerations. Here, we explore how biodiversity sensitive urban design might improve the fate of the golden sun‐moth, and threatened species generally, in urban fringe environments. We: (i) developed an expert‐informed Bayesian Belief Network model that synthesizes the current understanding of key determinants of golden sun‐moth population viability at sites experiencing urbanizing pressure; (ii) quantified the nature and strength of cause‐effect relationships between these factors using expert knowledge; and (iii) used the model to assess expectations of moth population viability in response to different combinations of management actions. We predict that adult survival, bare ground cover and cover of resource plants are the most important variables affecting the viability of golden sun‐moth populations. We also demonstrate the potential for biodiversity sensitive urban design as a complementary measure to conventional management for this species. Our findings highlight how expert knowledge may be a valuable component of conservation management, especially in addressing uncertainty around conservation decisions when empirical data are lacking, and how structured expert judgements become critical in supporting decisions that may help ameliorate extinction risks faced by threatened species in urban environments.  相似文献   

Much debate about assemblage organization in stream fish may stem from analysing the effects of both local and large-scale processes on assemblage attributes over whole geographic regions. This study addresses this issue, by examining the contribution of local habitat attributes and landscape context to fish assemblage variation across small Mediterranean drainages in southern Portugal. Fish abundance and species composition was estimated in 28 sites, across 10 drainages, in both a dry year (1999) and a wet year (2001), and related to two sets of variables reflecting habitat and landscape characteristics. Fish showed responses to both sets of variables with variance partitioning indicating that landscape context had important effects on species richness whereas habitat attributes were the primary determinants of local fish abundance. In general, high species richness was associated with larger drainage area and higher rainfall variability, whereas variation in species abundances mostly reflected the influence of width, depth, conductivity, current velocity, substrate size and emergent vegetation. The relative contributions of both landscape context and habitat attributes to species richness and abundance were generally lower in 1999 than in 2001, with much less diversified species–habitat relationships being found in the former dry year. These results point to the dynamic nature of assemblage organization, emphasizing the importance of innovative, multi-scale approaches in advancing our knowledge of fish assemblage structure in Mediterranean streams.  相似文献   

1. We quantified spatial and temporal variability in benthic macroinvertebrate species richness, diversity and abundance in six unpolluted streams in monsoonal Hong Kong at different scales using a nested sampling design. The spatial scales were regions, stream sites and stream sections within sites; temporal scales were years (1997–99), seasons (dry versus wet seasons) and days within seasons. 2. Spatiotemporal variability in total abundance and species richness was greater during the wet season, especially at small scales, and tended to obscure site‐ and region‐scale differences, which were more conspicuous during the dry season. Total abundance and richness were greater in the dry season, reflecting the effects of spate‐induced disturbance during the wet season. Species diversity showed little variation at the seasonal scale, but variability at the site scale was apparent during both seasons. 3. Despite marked variations in monsoonal rainfall, inter‐year differences in macroinvertebrate richness and abundance at the site scale during the wet season were minor. Inter‐year differences were only evident during the dry season when streams were at base flow and biotic interactions may structure assemblages. 4. Small‐scale patchiness within riffles was the dominant spatial scale of variation in macroinvertebrate richness, total abundance and densities of common species, although site or region was important for some species. The proportion of total variance contributed by small‐scale spatial variability increased during the dry season, whereas temporal variability associated with days was greater during the wet season. 5. The observed patterns of spatiotemporal variation have implications for detection of environmental change or biomonitoring using macroinvertebrate indicators in streams in monsoonal regions. Sampling should be confined to the dry season or, in cases where more resources are available, make use of data from both dry and wet seasons. Sampling in more than one dry season is required to avoid the potentially confounding effects of inter‐year variation, although variability at that scale was relatively small.  相似文献   

Abstract. Questions: This paper examines the long‐term change in the herbaceous layer of semi‐arid vegetation since grazing ceased. We asked whether (1) there were differences in the temporal trends of abundance among growth forms of plants; (2) season of rainfall affected the growth form response; (3) the presence of an invasive species influenced the abundance and species richness of native plants relative to non‐invaded plots, and (4) abundance of native plants and/or species richness was related to the time it took for an invasive species to invade a plot. Location: Alice Springs, Central Australia. Methods: Long‐term changes in the semi‐arid vegetation of Central Australia were measured over 28 years (1976–2004) to partition the effects of rainfall and an invasive perennial grass. The relative abundance (biomass) of all species was assessed 25 times in each of 24 plots (8 m × 1 m) across two sites that traversed floodplains and adjacent foot slopes. Photo‐points, starting in 1972, were also used to provide a broader overview of a landscape that had been intensively grazed by cattle and rabbits prior to the 1970s. Species’abundance data were amalgamated into growth forms to examine their relationship with environmental variation in space and time. Environmental variables included season and amount of rainfall, fire history, soil variability and the colonization of the plots by the exotic perennial grass Cenchrus ciliaris (Buffel grass). Results: Constrained ordination showed that season of rainfall and landscape variables relating to soil depth strongly influenced vegetation composition when Cenchrus was used as a covariate. When Cenchrus was included in constrained ordination, it was strongly related to the decline of all native growth forms over time. Univariate comparisons of non‐invaded vs impacted plots over time revealed unequivocal evidence that Cenchrus had caused the decline of all native growth form groups and species richness. They also revealed a contrasting response of native plants to season of rainfall, with a strong response of native grasses to summer rainfall and forbs to winter rainfall. In the presence of Cenchrus these responses were strongly attenuated. Discussion: Pronounced changes in the composition of vegetation were interpreted as a response to removal of grazing pressure, fluctuations in rainfall and, most importantly, invasion of an exotic grass. Declines in herbaceous species abundance and richness in the presence of Cenchrus appear to be directly related to competition for resources. Indirect effects may also be causing the declines of some woody species from changed fire regimes as a result of increased fuel loads. We predict that Cenchrus will begin to alter landscape level processes as a result of the direct and indirect effects of Cenchrus on the demography of native plants when there is a switch from resource limited (rainfall) establishment of native plants to seed limited recruitment.  相似文献   

Mechanistic models for herbivore populations responding to rainfall-driven pasture are used to explore the effect of temporal variability in a primary resource on the abundance and distribution of a species. If the numerical response of the herbivore to pasture is a convex function, then gains made over time intervals with above average rainfall do not compensate for losses incurred when rainfall is below average. Populations therefore fare worse when rainfall is variable compared with when rainfall is reliable. It is demonstrated that this result is independent of the distribution of rainfall. Sensitivity of a species to variability, and hence the limit to its distribution in variable environments, is directly proportional to the difference between population growth rate under ideal conditions and the estimated rate of decline as the species' resource tends to zero. When density dependence is included in the numerical response, the average abundance of a species declines with increasing variability in its primary resource. However, a model for the dynamics of pasture and rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) and red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in southern Australia, is used to illustrate that trophic interactions can reverse the effect of variability: in the absence of foxes, the mean abundance of rabbits declines with variability as expected, but in the full model the mean abundance of rabbits increases.  相似文献   

We studied temporal dynamics of diverse moth ensembles (Arctiidae and Geometridae) in early and late succession stages of forest recovery in the montane zone of southern Ecuador. Moths were sampled using weak light sources (2 × 15 W tubes per trap) during three sampling periods (March–April 2002, wet season; October–November 2002, and August–October 2003, both “dry” seasons). Arctiid moth abundance hardly varied between sampling periods. Estimates of local diversity were lower in 2002 (wet and dry season) than in the dry season 2003, and ensemble composition was more strongly affected by sampling period rather than habitat differences. Geometridae ensembles revealed stronger temporal patterns. Geometrid abundance increased about twofold from the wet to the dry season, and temporal effects on species composition were far more pronounced that in arctiids. These differences might hint to variation in the dependence of geometrid versus arctiid larvae on ephemeral plant resources. Despite these significant temporal dynamics, in both families only a few of the more common species analyzed individually showed strong temporal changes in abundance. Almost all common species occurred as adults during all sampling periods. Therefore, even though temporal dynamics of moth ensembles are not negligible, both moth families are suitable “indicators” of community diversity and change along the succession gradient. Samples must be large enough, however, and preferably should be collated over various times of the year and in parallel, to allow for valid statements about moth diversity and species compositions in relation to habitat differences. These recommendations undermine the validity of the concept of “rapid biodiversity inventories” for speciose tropical insect communities.  相似文献   

The conservation status of Attacus wardi, a large iconic moth endemic to north-western Australia, is reviewed based on new data. Available evidence on the spatial distribution, critical habitat and threatening processes suggests the species qualifies as threatened according to IUCN Red List Criteria, and that its conservation status nationally should be revised from Endangered to Vulnerable. The species depends on relatively large patches of wet and dry coastal tropical monsoon forest, and it has the potential to be an important flagship species for the conservation of these ecological communities. Further studies are needed to determine minimum patch size and spatial connectivity among patches to support viable populations of the moth.  相似文献   

Question: Are seed size and plant size linked to species responses to inter‐annual variations in rainfall and rainfall distribution during the growing season in annual grasslands? Location: A 16‐year data set on species abundance in permanent plots 15 km north of Madrid in a Quercus ilex subsp. ballota dehesa. Methods: At species level, a GLM was used to analyse the effects of various rainfall indices (total autumn rainfall, early autumn rainfall and spring drought) on species abundance residuals with respect to time and topography. We also assessed the importance of seed size and plant size in the species responses at community level using species as data points. Seed mass and maximum stem length were used as surrogates for seed size and plant size, respectively. Results: Seed mass and plant size may explain some of the fluctuations in the floristic composition of annual species associated with autumn rainfall patterns. Species that are more abundant in dry autumns have greater seed mass than those species that are more abundant in wet autumns. Early autumn rainfall seems to favour larger plants. Conclusions: Our empirical results support the hypothesis that autumn rainfall patterns affect the relative establishment capacity of small and large seedlings in annual species.  相似文献   

Resource selection function (RSF) models are commonly used to quantify species/habitat associations and predict species occurrence on the landscape. However, these models are sensitive to changes in resource availability and can result in a functional response to resource abundance, where preferences change as a function of availability. For generalist species, which utilize a wide range of habitats and resources, quantifying habitat selection is particularly challenging. Spatial and temporal changes in resource abundance can result in changes in selection preference affecting the robustness of habitat selection models. We examined selection preference across a wide range of ecological conditions for a generalist mega‐herbivore, the African savanna elephant Loxodonta africana, to quantify general patterns in selection and to illustrate the importance of functional responses in elephant habitat selection. We found a functional response in habitat selection across both space and time for tree cover, with tree cover being unimportant to habitat selection in the mesic, eastern populations during the wet season. A temporal functional response for water was also evident, with greater variability in selection during the wet season. Selection for low slopes, high tree cover, and far distance from people was consistent across populations; however, variability in selection coefficients changed as a function of the abundance of a given resource within the home range. This variability of selection coefficients could be used to improve confidence estimations for inferences drawn from habitat selection models. Quantifying functional responses in habitat selection is one way to better predict how wildlife will respond to an ever‐changing environment, and they provide promising insights into the habitat selection of generalist species.  相似文献   

Abstract. Tropical forests are species-diverse communities, but we know very little about the geographical distribution of genetic diversity within a species. During the late Pleistocene, lower temperatures and rainfall reduced the distribution of tropical wet forests, and in Central America lowland species may have been limited to riparian habitats. Approximately 12,000 years bp , temperature and rainfall increased in Central America, the distribution of wet forest species expanded, and today the distribution of some species extends into southern Mexico. The distribution of genetic diversity, based on RAPD markers, among ten populations of Poulsenia armata (Miq.) Standl. (Moraceae) suggests that these populations did not originate from a single refugium or region in the late Pleistocene. The Central American populations had high genetic diversity and unique bands giving support to the hypothesis that populations of P. armata occurred in Central American during the late Pleistocene. The majority of genetic diversity was partitioned among populations and there was no geographical relationship among populations, suggesting that these populations were isolated for a long period and there has been little gene flow. Populations of P. armata may have persisted in riparian zones along the Caribbean coast during the late Pleistocene. Given that riparian forest can support high levels of biodiversity in ecological time, and they have played an important role during periods of climate change over geological time, their conservation is of utmost importance particularly with the threat of a rapid shift in climatic patterns.  相似文献   

The intensification of agricultural land use over wide parts of Europe has led to the decline of semi-natural habitats, such as extensively used meadows, with those that remain often being small and isolated. These rapid changes in land use during recent decades have strongly affected populations inhabiting these ecosystems. Increasing habitat deterioration and declining permeability of the surrounding landscape matrix disrupt the gene flow within metapopulations. The burnet moth species Zygaena loti has suffered strongly from recent habitat fragmentation, as reflected by its declining abundance. We have studied its population genetic structure and found a high level of genetic diversity in some of the populations analysed, while others display low genetic diversity and a lack of heterozygosity. Zygaena loti was formerly highly abundant in meadows and along the skirts of forests. However, the species is currently restricted to isolated habitat remnants, which is reflected by the high genetic divergence among populations (F ST: 0.136). Species distribution modelling as well as the spatial examination of panmictic clusters within the study area strongly support a scattered population structure for this species. We suggest that populations with a high level of genetic diversity still represent the former genetic structure of interconnected populations, while populations with low numbers of alleles, high F IS values, and a lack of heterozygosity display the negative effects of reduced interconnectivity. A continuous exchange of individuals is necessary to maintain high genetic variability. Based on these results, we draw the general conclusion that more common taxa with originally large population networks and high genetic diversity suffer stronger from sudden habitat fragmentation than highly specialised species with lower genetic diversity which have persisted in isolated patches for long periods of time.  相似文献   

This paper supplements the existing climatic analyses for Darwin and the surrounding region, by providing a classification of years in terms of amount and distribution of rainfall, and highlighting the extreme, episodic rainfall events that have occurred in the period 1870 to 1983 inclusive. Approximately 77% of years have had significant departures from the two most frequent rainfall patterns and these are described. Much of the variation between years or groups of years lies in the dry and dry-wet transition periods. While the reliability of rainfall in the wet-dry tropics has been emphasized, rainfall variability over both the dry and wet seasons would seem to be an equally important characteristic, at least for the biota. In an environment such as the wet-dry tropics, where moisture is the primary limiting factor, rainfall variability has important implications for the design and interpretation of faunal and floristic surveys, monitoring programs and field experiments.  相似文献   

Although widespread declines in anuran populations have attracted considerable concern, the stochastic demographics of these animals make it difficult to detect consistent trends against a background of spatial and temporal variation. To identify long‐term trends, we need datasets gathered over long time periods, especially from tropical areas where anuran biodiversity is highest. We conducted road surveys of four anurans in the Australian wet–dry tropics on 4637 nights over a 16‐year period. Our surveys spanned the arrival of invasive cane toads (Rhinella marina), allowing us to assess the invader's impact on native anuran populations. Our counts demonstrate abrupt and asynchronous shifts in abundance and species composition from one year to the next, not clearly linked to rainfall patterns. Typically, periods of decline in numbers of a species were limited to 1–2 years and were followed by 1‐ to 2‐year periods of increase. No taxa showed consistent declines over time, although trajectories for some species showed significant perturbations coincident with the arrival of toads. None of the four focal frog species was less common at the end of the study than at the beginning, and three of the species reached peak abundances after toad arrival. Survey counts of cane toads increased rapidly during the initial stage of invasion but have subsequently declined and fluctuated. Distinguishing consistent declines versus stochastic fluctuations in anuran populations requires extensive time‐series analysis, coupled with an understanding of the shifts expected under local climatic conditions. This is especially pertinent when assessing impacts of specific perturbations such as invasive species.  相似文献   

Many studies have documented the individual effects of variables such as vegetation, long‐term climate and short‐term weather on biodiversity. Few, however, have explicitly explored how interactions among these major drivers can influence species abundance. We used data from a 15‐year study (2002–2017) in the endangered temperate woodlands of south‐eastern Australia to test hypotheses associated with the effects of vegetation type, long‐term climate and short‐term weather on population trajectories of seven species of (largely) nocturnal mammals and birds. Despite prolonged drought conditions, there was a significant increase in the abundance of some species over time (e.g. the Eastern Grey Kangaroo). It is possible that destocking of domestic livestock may have reduced competition with Kangaroos, thereby facilitating increases in abundance. The Common Brushtail Possum and Common Ringtail Possum were significantly less likely to occur in replanted woodlands, possibly because of the paucity of nesting sites. We found no evidence that replanted woodlands are refuges for exotic pest species like the European Rabbit and Red Fox. Short‐ and long‐term rainfall and vegetation type had important independent and combined effects on animal abundance. That is, responses to periods of high short‐term rainfall were dependent on vegetation type and whether sites occurred in long‐term climatically wet versus climatically dry locations. For example, the Red Fox responded positively to high levels of short‐term rainfall, but only at climatically dry sites. Our results highlight the complementary value of different vegetation types across the landscape and the context‐specific responses of animals to short‐term fluctuations in moisture availability. They also underscore the value of long‐term monitoring at a landscape scale for examining how multiple interacting factors influence trends in animal abundance.  相似文献   

Remote tropical oceanic islands are of high conservation priority, and they are exemplified by range-restricted species with small global populations. Spatial and temporal patterns in rainfall and plant productivity may be important in driving dynamics of these species. Yet, little is known about environmental influences on population dynamics for most islands and species. Here we leveraged avian capture-recapture, rainfall, and remote-sensed habitat data (enhanced vegetation index [EVI]) to assess relationships between rainfall, vegetation greenness, and demographic rates (productivity, adult apparent survival) of three native bird species on Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands: rufous fantail (Rhipidura rufifrons), bridled white-eye (Zosterops conspicillatus), and golden white-eye (Cleptornis marchei). Rainfall was positively related to vegetation greenness at all but the highest rainfall levels. Temporal variation in greenness affected the productivity of each bird species in unique ways. Predicted productivity of rufous fantail was highest when dry and wet season greenness values were high relative to site-specific 5-year seasonal mean values (i.e., relative greenness); while the white-eye species had highest predicted productivity when relative greenness contrasted between wet and dry seasons. Survival of rufous fantail and bridled white eye was positively related to relative dry-season greenness and negatively related to relative wet-season greenness. Bridled white-eye survival also showed evidence of a positive response to overall greenness. Our results highlight the potentially important role of rainfall regimes in affecting population dynamics of species on oceanic tropical islands. Understanding linkages between rainfall, vegetation, and animal population dynamics will be critical for developing effective conservation strategies in this and other regions where the seasonal timing, extent, and variability of rainfall is expected to change in the coming decades.  相似文献   

Tree species distribution in lowland tropical forests is strongly associated with rainfall amount and distribution. Not only plant water availability, but also irradiance, soil fertility, and pest pressure covary along rainfall gradients. To assess the role of water availability in shaping species distribution, we carried out a reciprocal transplanting experiment in gaps in a dry and a wet forest site in Ghana, using 2,670 seedlings of 23 tree species belonging to three contrasting rainfall distributions groups (dry species, ubiquitous species, and wet species). We evaluated seasonal patterns in climatic conditions, seedling physiology and performance (survival and growth) over a 2‐year period and related seedling performance to species distribution along Ghana's rainfall gradient. The dry forest site had, compared to the wet forest, higher irradiance, and soil nutrient availability and experienced stronger atmospheric drought (2.0 vs. 0.6 kPa vapor pressure deficit) and reduced soil water potential (?5.0 vs. ?0.6 MPa soil water potential) during the dry season. In both forests, dry species showed significantly higher stomatal conductance and lower leaf water potential, than wet species, and in the dry forest, dry species also realized higher drought survival and growth rate than wet species. Dry species are therefore more drought tolerant, and unlike the wet forest species, they achieve a home advantage. Species drought performance in the dry forest relative to the wet forest significantly predicted species position on the rainfall gradient in Ghana, indicating that the ability to grow and survive better in dry forests and during dry seasons may allow species to occur in low rainfall areas. Drought is therefore an important environmental filter that influences forest composition and dynamics. Currently, many tropical forests experience increase in frequency and intensity of droughts, and our results suggest that this may lead to reduction in tree productivity and shifts in species distribution.  相似文献   

Abstract We report the effects of El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events on the distribution and abundance of 3 raptor species at continental, regional, and landscape scales. We correlated values from the southern oscillation index (SOI), an index of ENSO phase and strength, with Christmas Bird Count data over a 30-year period. We investigated the relationship between the SOI and winter raptor distributions at 3 spatial scales: continental (central United States), regional (TX, USA), and landscape (3 roadside transects within TX). At the continental scale, ENSO events resulted in regional shifts for American kestrel (Falco sparverius), northern harrier (Circus cyaneus), and red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) winter abundances. As expected, these shifts were northward during El Niño (warm) winters, and southward for red-tailed hawks and northern harriers during La Niña (cold) winters. Within Texas, northern harrier distributions shifted towards arid west Texas during wet El Niño winters but were restricted to mesic coastal Texas during dry La Niña winters. Red-tailed hawk abundance increased in eastern Texas during La Niña winters responding to cooler than normal temperatures throughout the northern Midwest. Data from local roadside transects over a 3-year period encompassing 2 El Niño winters and one La Niña winter supported the abundance patterns revealed by continental and regional data, and added evidence that fluctuations in winter abundances result from demographic pulses as well as spatial shifts for wintering populations. This study underscores the need for long-term monitoring at both local and regional spatial scales in order to detect changes in continental populations. Short-term or local studies would have erroneously assumed local population declines or increases associated with ENSO events, rather than facultative movements or demographic pulses supported by this study.  相似文献   

Seasonality causes fluctuations in resource availability, affecting the presence and abundance of animal species. The impacts of these oscillations on wildlife populations can be exacerbated by habitat fragmentation. We assessed differences in bat species abundance between the wet and dry season in a fragmented landscape in the Central Amazon characterized by primary forest fragments embedded in a secondary forest matrix. We also evaluated whether the relative importance of local vegetation structure versus landscape characteristics (composition and configuration) in shaping bat abundance patterns varied between seasons. Our working hypotheses were that abundance responses are species as well as season specific, and that in the wet season, local vegetation structure is a stronger determinant of bat abundance than landscape‐scale attributes. Generalized linear mixed‐effects models in combination with hierarchical partitioning revealed that relationships between species abundances and local vegetation structure and landscape characteristics were both season specific and scale dependent. Overall, landscape characteristics were more important than local vegetation characteristics, suggesting that landscape structure is likely to play an even more important role in landscapes with higher fragment‐matrix contrast. Responses varied between frugivores and animalivores. In the dry season, frugivores responded more to compositional metrics, whereas during the wet season, local and configurational metrics were more important. Animalivores showed similar patterns in both seasons, responding to the same group of metrics in both seasons. Differences in responses likely reflect seasonal differences in the phenology of flowering and fruiting between primary and secondary forests, which affected the foraging behavior and habitat use of bats. Management actions should encompass multiscale approaches to account for the idiosyncratic responses of species to seasonal variation in resource abundance and consequently to local and landscape scale attributes.  相似文献   

In ecosystems subject to regular canopy fires, woody species have evolved two general strategies of post‐fire regeneration. Seeder species are killed by fire and populations regenerate solely by post‐fire recruitment from a seed bank. Resprouter species survive fire and regenerate by vegetative regrowth from protected organs. Interestingly, the abundance of these strategies varies along environmental gradients and across regions. Two main hypotheses have been proposed to explain this spatial variation: the gap dependence and the environmental‐variability hypotheses. The gap‐dependence model predicts that seeders are favoured in sparse vegetation (vegetation gaps allowing effective post‐fire recruitment of seedlings), while resprouters are favoured in densely vegetated sites (seedlings being outcompeted by the rapid crown regrowth of resprouters). The environmental‐variability model predicts that seeders would prevail in reliable rainfall areas, whereas resprouters would be favoured in areas under highly variable rainfall that are prone to severe dry events (leading to high post‐fire seedling mortality). We tested these two models using distribution data, captured at the scale of quarter‐degree cells, for seeder and resprouter species of two speciose shrub genera (Aspalathus and Erica) common in fire‐prone fynbos ecosystems of the mediterranean‐climate part of the Cape Floristic Region. Contrary to the predictions of the gap‐dependence model, species number of both resprouters and seeders increased with values of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (a widely used surrogate for vegetation density), with a more marked increase for seeders. The predictions of the environmental‐variability hypothesis, by contrast, were not refuted by this study. Seeder and resprouter species of both genera showed highest richness in environments with high rainfall reliability. However, with decreasing reliability, seeder numbers dropped more quickly than those of resprouters. We conclude that the environmental‐variability model is better able to explain the abundance of woody seeder and resprouter species in Southern Hemisphere fire‐prone shrublands (fynbos and kwongan) than the gap‐dependence model.  相似文献   

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