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The South Coast Renosterveld has been fragmented extensively by agriculture. The extent of this fragmentation in terms of overall habitat loss, fragment sizes and fragment numbers has not been described previously, thereby limiting the development of conservation strategies for this vegetation type. Patterns of renosterveld loss in three sectors along a west–east gradient were described using LANDSAT imagery and a Geographical Information System‐based program (FRAGSTATS) for spatial pattern analysis. These patterns were then correlated with rainfall and topography measures, which are indicators of agricultural potential. Over 80% of the South Coast Renosterveld has been cultivated. Fragmentation levels increased significantly from east to west, with 33% of natural vegetation remaining in the east and only 4% in the west. Topographical variables were the strongest predictors of patterns of renosterveld loss, with fragments being largely confined to slopes too steep for ploughing; they therefore face little risk of future cultivation. These results have implications for conservation planning options for the South Coast Renosterveld. There is the potential for large reserves in the east, as well as corridor reserves along major river valleys, but for only small, isolated reserves in the west.  相似文献   

Many grassland specialist plant populations in Europe have become restricted to remnant habitats. The performance of these populations depends on both species‐specific traits and local and landscape level aspects of habitat quality. Understanding which specific local or landscape level conditions determine the performance of grassland species populations in remnant habitats would help design the restoration of the habitats and to detect the conditions that favour the long‐term persistence of grassland species in them. Such information is especially needed in urbanised landscapes, where remnant habitats engulfed by urban land use types may experience increased erosion, higher temperatures and invasion by alien species. This study investigates the population performance determinants of Carex caryophyllea (VU), a grassland specialist, in 43 remnant grasslands in an urban‐rural gradient in Finland. The population performance was assessed with metrics of persistence, establishment and reproduction, and related to environmental conditions with generalized additive models and redundancy analysis. The most important positive determinants for the performance of C. caryophyllea populations were disturbance through management or ground erosion, a warm microclimate, large habitat area and high historical connectivity to suitable grassland habitats. Present connectivity to other C. caryophyllea populations had a weak and near‐significant positive relationship with population performance. Urbanisation of the surrounding landscape correlated with population performance as well, possibly due to the high historical cover of grasslands in presently urbanised landscapes. The results imply that the most effective restoration method of remnant C. caryophyllea populations would be reinstating disturbance regimes in overgrown habitats with warm microclimates close to suitable habitats and other existing populations, whether urban or rural. This would counteract the species future decline due to possible extinction debts and help the species persist in the study area in the long term.  相似文献   

The protection and management of grasslands is a priority to conserve biodiversity, particularly in fragmented landscapes subject to human‐induced disturbance. We examined the success of salvage and reinstatement of multiple 90 m2 slabs of modified temperate grassland in a pipeline construction corridor in south‐eastern Australia and compared it with a reinstated topsoil treatment (i.e. standard pipeline reinstatement practice) and an undisturbed control. Thirty‐six plots (each 9 × 10 m) representing the three treatments were monitored across six locations, pre‐ and postconstruction every 3 months for 2 years. We sampled 18 vegetation/habitat variables to examine the effect of treatments over time. Introduced grass cover was consistently higher than native grasses for both treatments, and the cover of introduced grasses increased over time in both treatments. Conversely, control plots had considerably higher native grass cover than the slab and reinstated topsoil treatments. Native species richness was not negatively affected by the slab reinstatement process. Our results suggest that in this instance, slab replacement was an ineffective way to reinstate native grasslands, as it appeared to confer minimal benefit when compared to the standard practice of reinstating topsoil. This was most likely due to the high degree of disturbance to slabs during the reinstatement process.  相似文献   

Threats and biodiversity in the mediterranean biome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aim Global conservation assessments recognize the mediterranean biome as a priority for the conservation of the world's biodiversity. To better direct future conservation efforts in the biome, an improved understanding of the location, magnitude and trend of key threats and their relationship with species of conservation importance is needed. Location Mediterranean‐climate regions in California‐Baja California, Chile, South Africa, Australia and the Mediterranean Basin. Methods We undertook a systematic, pan‐regional assessment of threats in the mediterranean biome including human population density, urban area and agriculture. To realize the full implications of these threats on mediterranean biodiversity, we examined their relationship with species of conservation concern: threatened mammals at the global scale and threatened plants at the subecoregional scale in California, USA. Results Across the biome, population density and urban area increased by 13% and agriculture by 1% between 1990 and 2000. Both population density and urban area were greatest in California‐Baja California and least in Australia while, in contrast, agriculture was greatest in Australia and least in California‐Baja California. In all regions lowlands were most affected by the threats analysed, with the exception of population density in the Chilean matorral. Threatened species richness had a significant positive correlation with population density at global and subecoregional scales, while threatened species were found to increase with the amount of urban area and decrease as the amount of natural area and unfragmented core area increased. Main conclusions Threats to mediterranean biodiversity have increased from 1990 to 2000, although patterns vary both across and within the five regions. The need for future conservation efforts is further underlined by the positive correlation between species of conservation concern and the increase in population density over the last decade. Challenges to reducing threats extend beyond those analysed to include human–environmental interactions and their synergistic effects, such as urbanization and invasive species and wildfires.  相似文献   

Although mammalian carnivores are vulnerable to habitat fragmentation and require landscape connectivity, their global patterns of fragmentation and connectivity have not been examined. We use recently developed high-resolution habitat suitability models to conduct comparative analyses and to identify global hotspots of fragmentation and connectivity for the world's terrestrial carnivores. Species with less fragmentation (i.e. more interior high-quality habitat) had larger geographical ranges, a greater proportion of habitat within their range, greater habitat connectivity and a lower risk of extinction. Species with higher connectivity (i.e. less habitat isolation) also had a greater proportion of high-quality habitat, but had smaller, not larger, ranges, probably reflecting shorter distances between habitat patches for species with restricted distributions; such species were also more threatened, as would be expected given the negative relationship between range size and extinction risk. Fragmentation and connectivity did not differ among Carnivora families, and body mass was associated with connectivity but not fragmentation. On average, only 54.3 per cent of a species' geographical range comprised high-quality habitat, and more troubling, only 5.2 per cent of the range comprised such habitat within protected areas. Identification of global hotspots of fragmentation and connectivity will help guide strategic priorities for carnivore conservation.  相似文献   

Connectivity losses lead to a reduction of the amount of habitat resources that can be reached and used by species, and hence to a decline in the ranges and abundance of multiple taxa. Despite the recognized important role of small habitat patches for many species inhabiting fragmented landscapes, their potential contribution as stepping stones for maintaining overall landscape connectivity has received less attention. Using connectivity metrics based on a graph-theoretic approach we (i) quantified the connectivity of grassland patches in a sector of the Pampa region in Argentina, using a range of dispersal distances (from 100 to 10,000 m) representative of the scale of dispersal of different species; (ii) identified the most relevant patches for maintaining overall connectivity; and (iii) studied the importance of small patches (defined for different area thresholds of 5, 20, and 50 ha) as connectivity providers in the landscape. Although grassland patches were in general poorly connected at all distances, some of them were critical for overall connectivity and were found to play different crucial roles in the patch network. The location of small patches in the grassland network allowed them to function as stepping stones, yielding significant connectivity gains for species that move large distances (>5000 m) for the three area thresholds considered. Thus, under the spatial pattern of the studied landscape, species that move long distances would benefit from stepping stones, while less mobile organisms would benefit from, and mostly rely on the largest patches. We recommend that future management activities should (i) aim at preserving the grassland patches with the highest potential as stepping stones to promote landscape-level connectivity; and (ii) pay more attention to the conservation of key small patches, particularly given that usually they are those more vulnerable to land clearing for agriculture.  相似文献   

The effects of intensive commercial livestock farming on the distribution and habitat use of the redwing francolin, Francolinus levaillantii, was investigated to identify habitat constraints that may contribute towards the observed decline of this species on livestock farms. Data on the size, placement of the home ranges and compositional habitat use from ten radio‐tracked individuals, five in commercially grazed (and frequently burned) and five in protected (and infrequently burned) highland grasslands, was collated to determine habitat preferences. Mean home range size within protected and grazed grassland study sites were similar and ranged between 7.6 and 15.4 hectares. However, habitat use by groups in grazed grasslands was restricted to areas of greater cover and food availability. Group sizes were significantly larger in protected (mean 3.77, n = 111 coveys) than in grazed and frequently burned grassland (mean = 2.96, n = 135 coveys). Smaller coveys in grazed habitats had smaller home ranges and were further spaced from one another. It is therefore suggested that habitat degradation, through excessive defoliation of the grassland from heavy grazing and frequent burning, both fragments francolin subpopulations and reduces the ecological availability of suitable habitat. Thus, undermining the metapopulation structure of the redwing francolin in these commercially grazed grasslands.  相似文献   

Habitat specialists living in metapopulations are sensitive to habitat fragmentation. In most studies, the effects of fragmentation on such species are analyzed based on Euclidean inter-patch distances. This approach, however, ignores the role of the landscape matrix. Recently, therefore, functional distances that account for the composition of the landscape surrounding the habitat patches have been used more frequently as indicators for patch occupancy. However, the performance of functional and non-functional connectivity measures in predicting patch occupancy of such species has never been compared in a multi-species approach.Here we evaluate the effect of habitat connectivity on the patch occupancy of 13 habitat specialists from three different insect orders (Auchenorrhyncha, Lepidoptera, Orthoptera) in fragmented calcareous grasslands. In order to calculate functional distances we used four different sets of resistance values and rankings. We then modelled species’ occurrence using both Euclidean and functional (based on least-cost modelling) inter-patch distances as predictors.We found that functional connectivity measures provided better results than the non-functional approach. However, a functional connectivity measure that was based on very coarse land-cover data performed even better than connectivity measures that were based on much more detailed land-use data.In order to take into account possible effects of the landscape matrix on patch occupancy by habitat specialists, future metapopulation studies should use functional rather than Euclidean distances whenever possible. For practical applications, we recommend a ‘simple approach’ which requires only coarse land-cover data and in our study performed better than all other functional connectivity measures, even more complex ones.  相似文献   

Many recent studies have explored the effects of present and past landscape structure on species distribution and diversity. However, we know little about the effects of past landscape structure on distribution of genetic diversity within and between populations of a single species. Here we describe the relationship between present and past landscape structure (landscape connectivity and habitat size estimated from historical maps) and current genetic structure in a perennial herb, Succisa pratensis. We used allozymes as co‐dominant markers to estimate genetic diversity and deviation from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium in 31 populations distributed within a 5 km2 agricultural landscape. The results showed that current genetic diversity of populations was related to habitat suitability, habitat age, habitat size and habitat connectivity in the past. The effects of habitat age and past connectivity on genetic diversity were in most cases also significant after taking the current landscape structure into account. Moreover, current genetic similarity between populations was affected by past connectivity after accounting for current landscape structure. In both cases, the oldest time layer (1850) was the most informative. Most populations showed heterozygote excess, indicating disequilibrium due to recent gene flow or selection against homozygotes. These results suggest that habitat age and past connectivity are important determinants of distribution of genetic diversity between populations at a scale of a few kilometres. Landscape history may significantly contribute to our understanding of distribution of current genetic structure within species and the genetic structure may be used to better understand landscape history, even at a small scale.  相似文献   

We investigated a variety of habitat characteristics along a land‐use gradient in an attempt to determine which factors may have influenced the population decline of redwing francolin, Francolinus levaillantii, in commercial pasture farms in the highland grasslands of Mpumalanga province, South Africa. Within three microhabitats (wetlands, rocky outcrops and grassland), number and diversity of food plants, height of the sward and percentage cover were significantly lower in habitat exposed to commercial grazing with sheep. Increased cover and height of the sward were positively correlated with higher diversity and availability of francolin food plants. Crop analyses revealed a lower intake in the number of food plant species, but higher incidence of invertebrates, ingested by birds collected in heavily grazed and frequently burned grasslands. Intestinal caecae were significantly (P < 0.001) longer in birds collected from grazed/burned grasslands – possibly associated with a low quality, more fibrous diet. Both the quantity and quality of habitat in terms of food abundance, diversity and cover are important factors influencing the distribution of redwing francolin in these grasslands.  相似文献   

The effect of isolation and the importance of dispersal in establishing and maintaining populations in fragments of remnant habitat remain poorly understood. Nevertheless, environmental connectivity is likely to be important for ensuring the long‐term preservation of biodiversity in extensively cleared landscapes. In this study, we compared reptile communities in large conservation parks with those in small woodland remnants 6.5–12 km from the parks, on the Eyre Peninsula, South Australia, Australia. We assessed the impact of fragmentation on the abundance, richness and habitat preferences of reptiles, and examined whether connection to linear roadside vegetation altered reptile communities in small woodland remnants. Of the 31 reptile species, 12 were restricted to conservation parks and six to habitat fragments in farmland. There was a substantial reduction in reptile species richness and abundance in farmland fragments. Direct connection of remnant vegetation to roadside corridors did not affect abundance of common species in the farmland fragments, although species richness was lower in isolated remnants in one of our two study regions. The habitat preference of the scincid lizard Menetia greyii differed between farmland fragments, where they were regularly found on dunes and roadsides, and conservation parks, where they were rare and not detected on dunes. We suggest that habitat fragmentation may have altered interspecific interactions, enabling an expansion of habitat use in the farming landscape. Significantly lower abundance of four common species in farmland settings compared with reserves indicated that existing corridors and small fragments provide inadequate connectivity over larger distances. To counter this effect, large reserves may need to be less than 10 km apart.  相似文献   

Nearly one third of the described species of Cypholoba Chaudoir (Coleoptera: Carabidae) are known to inhabit the Republic of South Africa. A key and diagnostic notes are provided for their identification, as well as notes about way of life for some of the species based on observations in the Kruger National Park. Fifteen species and subspecies of the genus are recorded from the Republic of South Africa; adult specimens of each species and subspecies are illustrated and information about the distribution of each species in the Republic of South Africa is summarized and mapped: Cypholoba alstoni (Péringuey), Cypholoba alveolata (Brême), Cypholoba amatonga Péringuey, Cypholoba fritschi (Chaudoir), Cypholoba gracilis gracilis (Dejean), Cypholoba gracilis scrobiculata (Bertoloni), Cypholoba gracilis zuluana Basilewsky, Cypholoba graphipteroides graphipteroides (Guérin-Méneville), Cypholoba leucospilota semilaevis (Chaudoir), Cypholoba macilenta (Olivier), Cypholoba notata (Perroud), Cypholoba oberthueri seruana Strohmeyer, Cypholoba opulenta (Boheman), Cypholoba rutata (Péringuey), and Cypholoba tenuicollis aenigma (Dohrn).  相似文献   

Bracon celer, Psyttalia perproxima, Psyttalia humilis (all Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and Tetrastichus giffardianus (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) were reared from fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) infesting Coffea canephora in Mpumalanga, South Africa. Psyttalia perproxima and T. giffardianus were recorded for the first time from southern Africa. Ceratitis capitata was likely the main tephritid host.  相似文献   

South Africa, having met the World Health Organisation''s pre-elimination criteria, has set a goal to achieve malaria elimination by 2018. Mpumalanga, one of three provinces where malaria transmission still occurs, has a malaria season subject to unstable transmission that is prone to sporadic outbreaks. As South Africa prepares to intensify efforts towards malaria elimination, there is a need to understand patterns in malaria transmission so that efforts may be targeted appropriately. This paper describes the seasonality of transmission by exploring the relationship between malaria cases and three potential drivers: rainfall, geography (physical location) and the source of infection (local/imported). Seasonal decomposition of the time series by Locally estimated scatterplot smoothing is applied to the case data for the geographical and source of infection sub-groups. The relationship between cases and rainfall is assessed using a cross-correlation analysis. The malaria season was found to have a short period of no/low level of reported cases and a triple peak in reported cases between September and May; the three peaks occurring in October, January and May. The seasonal pattern of locally-sourced infection mimics the triple-peak characteristic of the total series while imported infections contribute mostly to the second and third peak of the season (Christmas and Easter respectively). Geographically, Bushbuckridge municipality, which exhibits a different pattern of cases, contributed mostly to the first and second peaks in cases while Maputo province (Mozambique) experienced a similar pattern in transmission to the imported cases. Though rainfall lagged at 4 weeks was significantly correlated with malaria cases, this effect was dampened due to the growing proportion of imported cases since 2006. These findings may be useful as they enhance the understanding of the current incidence pattern and may inform mathematical models that enable one to predict the impact changes in these drivers will have on malaria transmission.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation and disturbance are two of the most significant drivers of species extinctions in plant populations. The degree of impact of fragmentation on plant populations depends on the level of specificity of plant–animal interactions, as well as on the availability of suitable sites for seedling recruitment. In this study, we describe the population density and structure, pollen limitation and reproductive success of the endangered tropical orchid Myrmecophila christinae, an epiphytic species with a specialized pollination system. We surveyed a total of 14 populations located in a fragmented landscape. Seedling density was related to habitat disturbance and host plant density; while density of juveniles was related to density of adults. Adult and total individual densities were related to habitat affectation. We also found that fragments <1 ha had significantly fewer seedlings, as well as an over‐representation of large adults. On the other hand, fruit production was higher in fragments >10 ha, and fruit set was significantly lower in highly disturbed fragments. Hand pollination experiments showed that M. christinae was pollen limited in all the studied populations, suggesting that pollen limitation is unrelated to habitat disturbance. Overall, our results suggest that fragmentation has affected key demographic features of M. christinae, including reproduction and recruitment.  相似文献   

Wildlife conservation in urban habitats is increasingly important due to current urbanization trends. We review the different approaches to studying birds in urban landscapes, and point out the importance of the habitat island ecological theory as a research framework for the management and conservation of urban birds. Based on two comprehensive research projects conducted at urban parks in Spain (Madrid) and Finland (Oulu and Rovaniemi), several different issues related to bird conservation in cities are discussed, main findings of these projects are presented, and future research needs are suggested. Urban parks are important biodiversity hotspots in cities. Fragmentation conditions have the same deleterious effects to urban birds as in other fragmented landscapes. Park size accounts for species accumulation in urban parks; this pattern being highly nested. Urban parks of 10–35 ha would contain most of the species recorded in cities, but other indicators related to the probabilities of persistence of the target species should be obtained. Wooded streets can increase urban landscape connectivity by providing alternative habitat for feeding and nesting during the breeding season. Because increasing the size of parks is difficult in cities, enhancement of habitat diversity and resource availability for birds within parks (e.g. nest boxes, winter feeding tables, etc.) appears to be a straightforward way of increasing urban bird diversity. However, human disturbance (pedestrians) should be controlled since it can negatively influence many urban birds. We present a conceptual model for urban bird conservation, which includes three aspects (management, environmental education and research) and new alternatives to promote the involvement of different sectors of the society.  相似文献   

Mammals (mainly aardvark Orycteropus ufer , porcupine Hystrix austro-africanae , bat-eared fox Otocyon megalotis and Cape fox Vulpes chama ) which excavate holes in hard-capped soils in Karoo shrubland and inter-dune pans create microsites where seeds, detritus and water accumulate, and seeds germinate. Holes with seedlings were significantly deeper (6.7 ± 0.4 cm) than holes without seedlings (4.5 ± 0.3 cm). In open, inter-shrub sites, significantly more seedlings germinated in diggings than on the flat soil surface, but there was no difference in the proportion of seedlings germinating under shrubs and in diggings. In inter-dune pans, 96% of all seedlings found were growing in diggings.


Les mammifères (surtout l'oryctérope Orycreropus afer , le porcépic Hystrix austro-ajricanae , l'otocyon Otocyion megalotis , et le renard du Cap Vulpes chama ) qui creusent des trous dans les régions buissonneuses du Karoo et dans les creux entre les dunes créent des microsites où les semences, les déchets et l'eau se rassemblent, et les semences germent. Les trous où elles germent sont significativement plus profonds (6,7 ± 0,4 cm) que ceux où elles ne germent pas (4,5± 0,3 cm). Aux endroits buissonneux ouverts, il pousse plus de jeunes plantes dans des creux qu'à la surface du sol, mais il n'y a pas de différence entre les proportions de celles qui poussent sous les buissons et dans les creux. Dans les creux entre les dunes, 96% des jeunes pousses croissent dans les excavations.  相似文献   

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