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Australia has a range of native and introduced large herbivores that could affect the abundance of small mammals through direct and indirect effects. Here we study the relationship between occurrence of the introduced rusa deer (Rusa timorensis) and the native swamp wallaby (Wallabia bicolor), and the abundance of four species of native small mammals in coastal heath vegetation with varying fire history. The abundance of two species, the brown antechinus (Antechinus stuartii) and bush rat (Rattus fuscipes), was related to occurrence of large herbivores and was dependent also on fire history. Abundance of swamp rats (R. lutreolus) and New Holland mice (Pseudomys novaehollandiae) was not related to the occurrence of any of the large herbivores, and did not depend on fire history. At sites burned within the last 9 years, captures of brown antechinus were negatively related to both deer and wallaby occurrence, and captures of bush rats were negatively related to deer occurrence. However, at sites that burned more than 15 years ago, captures of brown antechinus and bush rats were not related to large herbivore occurrence. Overall there was either no relationship, or a negative one, between small mammals and the large herbivores. This mensurative study has demonstrated relationships between deer and wallabies and small mammals, with fire as an additional important factor. From the results of the current study we put forward a series of hypotheses that need to be tested by future experiments.  相似文献   

Understanding mechanisms underlying fire regime effects on savanna fauna is difficult because of a wide range of possible trophic interactions and feedbacks. Yet, understanding mechanisms underlying fauna dynamics is crucial for conservation management of threatened species. Small savanna mammals in northern Australia are currently undergoing widespread declines and regional extinctions partly attributable to fire regimes. This study investigates mammal trophic and ecosystem responses to fire in order to identify possible mechanisms underlying these declines. Mammal trophic responses to fire were investigated by surveying mammal abundance, mammal diet, vegetation structure and non‐mammal fauna dynamics in savannas six times at eight sites over a period of 3 years. Known site‐specific fire history was used to test for trophic responses to post‐fire interval and fire frequency. Mammal and non‐mammal fauna showed only minor responses of post‐fire interval and no effect of fire frequency. Lack of fauna responses differed from large post‐fire vegetation responses. Dietary analysis showed that two mammal species, Dasyurus hallucatus and Isoodon auratus, increased their intake of large prey groups in recently burnt, compared to longer unburnt vegetation. This suggests a fire‐related change in trophic interactions among predators and their prey, after removal of ground‐layer vegetation. No evidence was found for other changes in food resource uptake by mammals after fire. These data provide support for a fire‐related top‐down ecosystem response among savanna mammals, rather than a bottom‐up resource limitation response. Future studies need to investigate fire responses among other predators, including introduced cats and dingoes, to determine their roles in fire‐related mammal declines in savannas of northern Australia.  相似文献   

Wildfire is a major driver of spatio‐temporal variation in terrestrial ecosystems. Large wildfires are predicted to occur more frequently due to climate change. The mechanisms by which post‐fire recovery proceeds are influenced by the abundance of survivors, and their distribution in relation to habitat variability and refugia. Thus, characterising early post‐fire demographic processes is critical to understanding the demographic and community‐level responses of ecosystems to fire. The Black Saturday fires of February 2009 burnt an area of approximately 3500 km2 in Victoria, Australia. We quantified the effects of this high severity forest fire on the habitat, abundance, sex ratio and body mass of two small mammal species, the agile antechinus Antechinus agilis and bush rat Rattus fuscipes. We developed a hypothetical framework to distinguish in situ survival and rapid recolonisation as the processes underlying short‐term post‐fire distributions. These hypotheses were based on expected patterns of abundance over increasing distances from unburnt sources, and the estimated recolonisation capabilities of each species and sex. The agile antechinus and bush rat were present in burnt sites at 30% and 12% of the density observed in unburnt sites. In situ survival, and not recolonisation, was the most plausible explanation for our findings. Abundance and body mass data indicated a greater effect of fire on the bush rat than the agile antechinus. The bush rat showed a shift in topographic association, whereby drainage lines acted as post‐fire refugia. Our findings suggest these species do not depend on recolonisation for recovery, and that the bush rat will follow a nucleated recovery, expanding from topographic refugia. Thus, connectivity‐reducing management activities, such as salvage logging and firebreak and road construction, may not affect the early stages of population recovery in remaining stands of burnt forest. Rather, ongoing recovery is likely to be limited by demographic rates and resource availability.  相似文献   

Unburnt patches within burnt landscapes are expected to provide an important resource for fauna, potentially acting as a refuge from direct effects of fire and allowing animals to persist in burnt landscapes. Nevertheless, there is little information about the way refugia are used by fauna and how populations may be affected by them. Planned burns are often patchy, with unburnt areas generally associated with gully systems providing a good opportunity to study faunal use of refugia. We used a before–after control‐impact design associated with a planned burn in south eastern Australia to investigate how two small mammal species, the bush rat Rattus fuscipes and agile antechinus Antechinus agilis, used unburnt gully systems within a larger burnt area. We tested three alternative hypotheses relating to post‐fire abundance: (i) active refugia – abundance would increase in unburnt patches because of a post‐fire shift of individuals from burnt to unburnt areas; (ii) passive refugia – abundance in unburnt patches would remain similar to pre‐fire levels; and (iii) limited or no refugia – abundance would reduce in unburnt patches related to the change induced by fire in the wider landscape. We found the two species responded differently to the presence of unburnt refugia in the landscape. Relative to controls, fire had little effect on bush rat abundance in gullies, supporting hypothesis 2. In contrast, agile antechinus abundance increased in gullies immediately post‐fire consistent with a shift of individuals from burnt parts of the landscape, supporting hypothesis 1. Differences in site fidelity, habitat use and intraspecific competition between these species are suggested as likely factors influencing responses to refugia. The way unburnt patches function as faunal refugia and the subsequent influence they have on post‐fire population dynamics, will to some extent depend on the life history attributes of individual species.  相似文献   

Aim Fire affects the structure and dynamics of ecosystems world‐wide, over long time periods (decades and centuries) and at large spatial scales (landscapes and regions). A pressing challenge for ecologists is to develop models that explain and predict faunal responses to fire at broad temporal and spatial scales. We used a 105‐year post‐fire chronosequence to investigate small mammal responses to fire across an extensive area of ‘tree mallee’ (i.e. vegetation characterized by small multi‐stemmed eucalypts). Location The Murray Mallee region (104,000 km²) of semi‐arid Australia. Methods First, we surveyed small mammals at 260 sites and explored the fire responses of four species using nonlinear regression models. Second, we assessed the predictive accuracy of models using cross‐validation and by testing with independent data. Third, we examined our results in relation to an influential model of animal succession, the habitat accommodation model. Results Two of four study species showed a clear response to fire history. The distribution of the Mallee Ningaui Ningaui yvonneae, a carnivorous marsupial, was strongly associated with mature vegetation characterized by its cover of hummock grass. The occurrence of breeding females was predicted to increase up to 40–105 years post‐fire, highlighting the extensive time periods over which small mammal populations may be affected by fire. Evaluation of models for N. yvonneae demonstrated that accurate predictions of species occurrence can be made from fire history and vegetation data, across large geographical areas. The introduced House Mouse Mus domesticus was the only species positively associated with recently burnt vegetation. Main conclusions Understanding the impact of fire over long time periods will benefit ecological and conservation management. In this example, tracts of long‐unburnt mallee vegetation were identified as important habitat for a fire‐sensitive native mammal. Small mammal responses to fire can be predicted accurately at broad spatial scales; however, a conceptual model of post‐fire change in community structure developed in temperate Australia is not, on its own, sufficient for small mammals in semi‐arid systems.  相似文献   

Fire has a varied influence on plant and animal species through direct (e.g. fire‐induced mortality) and indirect (e.g. modification of habitat) effects. Our understanding of the influence of fire regime on invertebrates and their response to fire‐induced modifications to habitat is poor. We aimed to determine the response of a beetle family (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) to varying fire treatments and hypothesised that the abundance of cerambycid beetles is influenced by fire frequency due to modifications in habitat associated with the fire treatments. Arthropods were sampled across 3 months in annually and triennially burnt areas (treatments starting in 1952 and 1973 respectively), an area unburnt since 1946, and a former unburnt treatment, burnt by wildfire in 2006. Eleven different cerambycid taxa were collected using flight intercept panel traps, dominated by three species (Ipomoria tillides, Adrium sp. and Bethelium signiferum) which made up 99% of individuals collected. Over the sampling period the long unburnt treatment had significantly lower species richness than the triennial and wildfire treatments. Cerambycid abundance was significantly higher in the triennially burnt treatment than in all other fire treatments. Ipomoria tillides was more abundant in both frequently burnt treatments, Adrium sp. was more common in triennially burnt areas, whereas B. signiferum, was more common in the wildfire affected treatment. Some, but not all, cerambycid beetles were more common in areas with a more open understorey (i.e. resulting from frequent burning), and lower tree basal area, as this likely influences their ability to fly easily between food sources. Cerambycid abundance was positively related to the volume of coarse woody debris and healthy tree crowns. Cerambycid beetles were clearly influenced by historic fire regime, suggesting that changes in fire regime can potentially have a profound influence on arthropod assemblages, and subsequent influences on ecosystem processes, which are currently poorly understood.  相似文献   

In the spring and summer of 2019–2020, the ‘Black Summer’ bushfires burned more than 97 000 km2 of predominantly Eucalyptus dominated forest habitat in eastern Australia. The Black Summer bushfires prompted great concern that many species had been imperilled by the fires. Here, we investigate the effects that fire severity had on the habitat and abundance of a cool climate lizard Eulamprus tympanum that was identified as a species of concern because 37% of its habitat was burnt in the Black Summer bushfires. We quantified habitat structure and the abundance of E. tympanum at sites which were unburnt, burnt at low severity and at high severity 10, 15 and 23 months after the fires. Our classification of fire severity based on scorch height and canopy status corresponded well with the Australian Government Google Earth Engine Burnt Area Map (AUS GEEBAM) fire severity layer. Ten months after the fires, sites burnt at high severity had less canopy cover, more bare ground and less fine fuel than sites burnt at low severity or unburnt sites. The abundance of E. tympanum varied with survey occasion and was greatest during the warmest sampling period and lowest during the coolest sampling period. The abundance of E. tympanum was consistently lower on sites burnt at high severity than sites burnt at low severity or unburnt sites. Our findings show that higher severity fires had a greater effect on E. tympanum than low severity fires. Our results suggest that E. tympanum were likely to have persisted in burnt sites, with populations in low severity and unburnt sites facilitating population recovery in areas burnt at high severity. Our results also suggest that wildfire impacts on E. tympanum populations will increase because the frequency and extent of severe fires are expected to increase due to climate change.  相似文献   

Fire regimes are changing throughout the world. Changed fire patterns across northern Australian savannas have been proposed as a factor contributing to recent declines of small‐ and medium‐sized mammals. Despite this, few studies have examined the mechanisms that underpin how species use habitat in fire‐affected landscapes. We determined the habitats and resources important to the declining golden‐backed tree‐rat (Mesembriomys macrurus) in landscapes partially burnt by recent intense fire. We aimed to (i) compare the relative use of rainforest and savanna habitats; (ii) examine the effect of fire history on use of savanna habitats; and (iii) identify key foraging and denning resources. Habitat selection was examined by comparing the availability of eight habitat types around real (used) and generated (available) location points. Individuals used a range of habitats, but consistently selected long unburnt rainforest in preference to recently burnt savanna (1–12 months post‐fire); however, recently burnt savanna was used in preference to long unburnt savanna. Tree‐rats foraged in Terminalia hadleyana, Planchonia rupestris, Celtis philippensis and Owenia vernicosa, tree species that are found in a variety of habitat types. Individuals used a range of den sites, including cliffs, trees, logs, scree and stags found throughout the study area. Although multiple factors may have led to the decline of Mes. macrurus across its range, these results are consistent with the idea that changes in the savanna structure as a consequence of contemporary fire patterns could also have a role. The continued persistence of Mes. macrurus in the northwest Kimberley may be supported by land management strategies that conserve fruiting and hollow‐bearing trees, and maintain the availability of fire‐sensitive vegetation types.  相似文献   

Patch mosaic burning, in which fire is used to produce a mosaic of habitat patches representative of a range of fire histories (‘pyrodiversity’), has been widely advocated to promote greater biodiversity. However, the details of desired fire mosaics for prescribed burning programs are often unspecified. Threatened small to medium-sized mammals (35 g to 5.5 kg) in the fire-prone tropical savannas of Australia appear to be particularly fire-sensitive. Consequently, a clear understanding of which properties of fire mosaics are most instrumental in influencing savanna mammal populations is critical. Here we use mammal capture data, remotely sensed fire information (i.e. time since last fire, fire frequency, frequency of late dry season fires, diversity of post-fire ages in 3 km radius, and spatial extent of recently burnt, intermediate and long unburnt habitat) and structural habitat attributes (including an index of cattle disturbance) to examine which characteristics of fire mosaics most influence mammals in the north-west Kimberley. We used general linear models to examine the relationship between fire mosaic and habitat attributes on total mammal abundance and richness, and the abundance of the most commonly detected species. Strong negative associations of mammal abundance and richness with frequency of late dry season fires, the spatial extent of recently burnt habitat (post-fire age <1 year within 3 km radius) and level of cattle disturbance were observed. Shrub cover was positively related to both mammal abundance and richness, and availability of rock crevices, ground vegetation cover and spatial extent of ≥4 years unburnt habitat were all positively associated with at least some of the mammal species modelled. We found little support for diversity of post-fire age classes in the models. Our results indicate that both a high frequency of intense late dry season fires and extensive, recently burnt vegetation are likely to be detrimental to mammals in the north Kimberley. A managed fire mosaic that reduces large scale and intense fires, including the retention of ≥4 years unburnt patches, will clearly benefit savanna mammals. We also highlighted the importance of fire mosaics that retain sufficient shelter for mammals. Along with fire, it is clear that grazing by introduced herbivores also needs to be reduced so that habitat quality is maintained.  相似文献   

The composition of mammalian communities in Australia's Eucalyptus forests and woodlands is known to be affected by fire. However, there are few published studies that compare mammal assemblages in recently burnt and long‐unburnt forests because there are few areas with long‐term fire history data. Understanding the value of long‐unburnt forest is important because it is becoming rare in fire‐prone regions of the world, such as south‐eastern Australia, partly because of the widespread use of prescribed burning. We deployed wildlife cameras for 28 trap‐nights at each of 81 sites that ranged from 0.5 to at least 96 years since the last fire. We recorded a total of 15 native mammal species. At least one mammal species was recorded at 80 of the 81 sites. Significantly more species were detected at long‐unburnt sites (>96 years since fire) than sites 0.5–12 years since the last fire. Species composition varied significantly between sites 0.5–12 years and >96 years since the last fire but did not vary between sites 0.5–2 years and 6–12 years since the last fire. Although there was not one category of time since fire (i.e. 0.5–2 years, 6–12 years and >96 years) in which all 15 native mammal species were recorded, long‐unburnt sites were significantly more important for the occurrence of seven mammal species; intermediate and recently burnt sites were significantly more important for one species. Our results suggested that, while a diversity of fire ages is important for conserving mammalian diversity, long‐unburnt forests and woodlands (which comprised only 8% of our study area) are disproportionately important for mammal conservation. Our results add to a growing body of the literature from south‐eastern Australia, suggesting that remaining long‐unburnt forest should be afforded protection from fire and more forest should be transitioned to long unburnt.  相似文献   

Abstract Over 35 days in January–February 2003, wildfires burnt across much of the subalpine/alpine landscape of south‐eastern Australia, including about 70% of the land above 1500 m in the Snowy Mountains. At the time of the fire, studies of two subalpine faunal assemblages were being undertaken. The opportunity to resurvey the assemblages was taken in order to examine the immediate impact of fire in an environment where it is uncommon but predicted to occur increasingly with global warming. A study area in the Whites River Valley, where the number of bird species was counted monthly from 1996 to 2003, and weekly in late winter–spring from 2000 to 2003, was burnt in one fire. As well as the expected decrease in the number of individual birds, the fire resulted in an immediate decrease in the number of bird species, unlike in previously studied montane forest, with only the regularly wintering species plus the olive whistler and the ground‐feeding flame robin remaining. During the post‐winter avian immigration, few regular spring migrants appeared on burnt sites despite their nearby presence on the unburnt side of the valley. Five of six small mammal trapping grids were burnt. As with fires at lower altitudes, there was an immediate reduction in mammal numbers on burnt grids following the fire, but in addition, one species, Mastacomys fuscus, declined further in the ensuing 2 months both on burnt and unburnt sites. Numbers of Antechinus swainsonii and Rattus fuscipes stabilized until autumn/winter when there was a further decline due to the unavailability of subnivean space to allow winter foraging, allied with a concentration of fox predation on areas still carrying populations of small mammals.  相似文献   

Myrmecochory (seed dispersal by ants) is a common seed dispersal strategy of plants in fire‐prone sclerophyll vegetation of Australia, yet there is little understanding of how fire history may influence this seed dispersal mutualism. We investigated the initial fate of seeds of two myrmecochorous plant species, the small‐seeded Pultenaea daphnoides J.C. Wendl. and the large‐seeded Acacia pycnantha Benth., in replicated burnt (3.25 years since fire) and unburnt (53 years since fire) forest plots in the Mount Lofty Ranges, South Australia. Specifically we measured (i) seed removal rates; (ii) the frequency of three ant–seed interactions (seed removal, elaiosome robbery and seed ignoring); (iii) the relative contribution of different ant species to ant–seed interactions; and (iv) the abundance of common interacting ant species. Rates of seed removal from depots and the proportion of seeds removed were higher in recently burnt vegetation and the magnitude of these effects was greater for the smaller‐seeded P. daphnoides. The overall proportion of elaiosomes robbed was higher in unburnt vegetation; however, the decrease in elaiosome robbery in burnt vegetation was greater for P. daphnoides than for A. pycnantha. Ants ignored seeds more frequently in burnt vegetation and at similar rates for both seed species. In total, 20 ant species were observed interacting with seeds; however, three common ant species accounted for 66.3% of ant–seed interactions. Monomorium sydneyense almost exclusively robbed elaiosomes, Rhytidoponera metallica typically removed seeds and Anonychomyrma nr. nitidiceps showed a mix of the three behaviours towards seeds. Differences in the proportions of seeds removed, elaiosomes robbed and seeds ignored appeared to be largely driven by an increase in abundance of A. nr. nitidiceps and a decrease in abundance of M. sydneyense in burnt vegetation. Understanding how these fire‐driven changes in the initial fate of myrmecochorous seeds affect plant fitness requires further investigation.  相似文献   

Because most tree species recruit from seeds, seed predation by small‐mammal granivores may be important for determining plant distribution and regeneration in forests. Despite the importance of seed predation, large‐scale patterns of small‐mammal granivory are often highly variable and thus difficult to predict. We hypothesize distributions of apex predators can create large‐scale variation in the distribution and abundance of mesopredators that consume small mammals, creating predictable areas of high and low granivory. For example, because gray wolf (Canis lupus) territories are characterized by relatively less use by coyotes (C. latrans) and greater use by foxes (Vulpes vulpes, Urocyon cinereoargentus) that consume a greater proportion of small mammals, wolf territories may be areas of reduced small‐mammal granivory. Using large‐scale, multiyear field trials at 22 sites with high‐ and low‐wolf occupancy in northern Wisconsin, we evaluated whether removal of seeds of four tree species was lower in wolf territories. Consistent with the hypothesized consequences of wolf occupancy, seed removal of three species was more than 25% lower in high‐wolf‐occupancy areas across 2 years and small‐mammal abundance was more than 40% lower in high‐wolf areas during one of two study years. These significant results, in conjunction with evidence of seed consumption in situ and the absence of significant habitat differences between high‐ and low‐wolf areas, suggest that top‐down effects of wolves on small‐mammal granivory and seed survival may occur. Understanding how interactions among carnivores create spatial patterns in interactions among lower trophic levels may allow for more accurate predictions of large‐scale patterns in seed survival and forest composition.  相似文献   

Abstract Every year large proportions of northern Australia's tropical savanna landscapes are burnt, resulting in high fire frequencies and short intervals between fires. The dominant fire management paradigm in these regions is the use of low‐intensity prescribed fire early in the dry season, to reduce the incidence of higher‐intensity, more extensive wildfire later in the year. This use of frequent prescribed fire to mitigate against high‐intensity wildfire has parallels with fire management in temperate forests of southern Australia. However, unlike in southern Australia, the ecological implications of high fire frequency have received little attention in the north. CSIRO and collaborators recently completed a landscape‐scale fire experiment at Kapalga in Kakadu National Park, Northern Territory, Australia, and here we provide a synthesis of the effects of experimental fire regimes on biodiversity, with particular consideration of fire frequency and, more specifically, time‐since‐fire. Two recurring themes emerged from Kapalga. First, much of the savanna biota is remarkably resilient to fire, even of high intensity. Over the 5‐year experimental period, the abundance of most invertebrate groups remained unaffected by fire treatment, as did the abundance of most vertebrate species, and we were unable to detect any effect of fire on floristic composition of the grass‐layer. Riparian vegetation and associated stream biota, as well as small mammals, were notable exceptions to this general resilience. Second, the occurrence of fire, independent of its intensity, was often the major factor influencing fire‐sensitive species. This was especially the case for extinction‐prone small mammals, which have suffered serious population declines across northern Australia in recent decades. Results from Kapalga indicate that key components of the savanna biota of northern Australia favour habitat that has remained unburnt for at least several years. This raises a serious conservation concern, given that very little relatively long unburnt habitat currently occurs in conservation reserves, with most sites being burnt at least once every 2 years. We propose a conservation objective of increasing the area that remains relatively long unburnt. This could be achieved either by reducing the proportion of the landscape burnt each year, or by setting prescribed fires more strategically. The provision of appropriately long unburnt habitat is a conservation challenge for Australia's tropical savanna landscapes, just as it is for its temperate forests.  相似文献   

Fire and seral vegetation succession are known to influence the distribution and abundance of a wide range of arid and semi‐arid mammal species. In Triodia hummock grasslands, the gradual increase in Triodia cover after fire is a significant factor influencing mammal distribution and abundance. However, the height of fire‐adapted hummock grass species is often ignored during habitat preference studies despite the fact that taller hummocks are likely to have improved insulation properties and greater protection from predators. We tested the relative importance of a range of Triodia habitat characteristics in determining the distribution and abundance of a fire‐adapted mammal inhabiting Triodia mallee dune fields in semi‐arid Australia. We sampled 77 sites and collected information on habitat attributes including Triodia cover, height and time since fire. The 90th percentile Triodia height (>400 mm) was the most reliable predictor of sandhill dunnart abundance, and breeding, inferred through the presence of subadults. The presence of adult sandhill dunnarts was best explained by Triodia cover, increasing when cover exceeded 25%. We suggest that while Triodia cover may be an important variable for predicting the presence of adult sandhill dunnarts, the height of Triodia is important for breeding, when tall Triodia are possibly sought for nesting sites. These Triodia height and cover requirements were not recorded at sites until at least 10 years post fire but the relationship between fire and Triodia cover and height was inconsistent; after 20 years Triodia cover declined with increasing fire age while the 90th percentile Triodia height remained relatively constant. This incongruence may explain why the presence of sandhill dunnarts appears more constrained by a minimum rather than maximum time since fire and could help explain patterns of post‐fire distribution in other arid zone mammals. Importantly, the 90th percentile Triodia height highlighted the possible significance of scattered, tall Triodia hummocks for arid zone fossorial mammals.  相似文献   

Fire frequency is a key land management issue, particularly in tropical savannas where fire is widely used and fire recurrence times are often short. We used an extended Before‐After‐Control‐Impact design to examine the impacts of repeated wet‐season burning for weed control on bird assemblages in a tropical savanna in north Queensland, Australia. Experimentally replicated fire treatments (unburnt, singularly bunt, twice burnt), in two habitats (riparian and adjacent open woodland), were surveyed over 3 years (1 year before the second burn, 1 year post the second burn, 2 years post the second burn) to examine responses of birds to a rapid recurrence of fire. Following the second burn, species richness and overall bird abundance were lower in the twice‐burnt sites than either the unburnt or singularly burnt sites. Feeding group composition varied across year of survey, but within each year, feeding guilds grouped according to fire treatment. In particular, abundance of frugivores and insectivores was lower in twice‐burnt sites, probably because of the decline of a native shrub that produces fleshy fruits, Carissa ovata. Although broader climatic variability may ultimately determine overall bird assemblages, our results show that a short fire‐return interval will substantially influence bird responses at a local scale. Considering that fire is frequently used as a land management tool, our results emphasize the importance of determining appropriate fire‐free intervals.  相似文献   

The temperate forests of Australia support a high diversity of hypogeous fungi and a wide variety of mycophagous mammals, yet many mammal-fungal relationships are still poorly understood. We studied the seasonal fungal diets of eight sympatric mammals (seven marsupials and one rodent) in a remnant montane eucalypt forest. Fifty-five different fungal taxa were identified from 305 scat samples. Swamp wallabies (Wallabia bicolor), yellow-footed antechinus (Antechinus flavipes) and brown antechinus (A. stuartii) were the primary mycophagists in this community, but all mammals consumed fungi, including three species not previously recorded as mycophagous (eastern grey kangaroo, Macropus giganteus;common wallaroo, Osphranter robustus; and common dunnart, Sminthopsis murina). Winter was the peak season for fungal consumption and dietary diversity of fungi, however, the diversity of taxa ingested varied between species and season. Our work supports the idea that a diverse mycophagous mammal community is important for maintaining natural variation in fungal community composition.  相似文献   

Fire is an important part of many Australian ecosystems, and determining how it affects different vegetation communities and associated fauna is of particular interest to land managers. Here, we report on a study that used sites established during a 39‐year fire experiment in coastal heathland in southeastern Queensland to compare arthropod abundance and vegetation in 1.5–2.6 ha sites that were (i) long unburnt, (ii) burnt every 5 years and (iii) burnt every 3 years. We found that the abundance of ants was more than four times higher in the frequently burnt sites compared to long unburnt sits. Moreover, long unburnt sites had greater dominance of Xanthorrhoea johnsonii and Caustis recurvata, whereas burnt sites had greater cover of Lomandra filiformis, Leucopogon margarodes and Leucopogon leptospermoides. Our findings show that frequent fire can alter vegetation structure and composition, and this is matched by an increase in the relative dominance of ants in the arthropod community.  相似文献   

Abstract Changes in plant abundance within a eucalypt savanna of north‐eastern Australia were studied using a manipulative fire experiment. Three fire regimes were compared between 1997 and 2001: (i) control, savanna burnt in the mid‐dry season (July) 1997 only; (ii) early burnt, savanna burnt in the mid‐dry season 1997 and early dry season (May) 1999; and (iii) late burnt, savanna burnt in the mid‐dry season 1997 and late dry season (October) 1999. Five annual surveys of permanent plots detected stability in the abundance of most species, irrespective of fire regime. However, a significant increase in the abundance of several subshrubs, ephemeral and twining perennial forbs, and grasses occurred in the first year after fire, particularly after late dry season fires. The abundance of these species declined toward prefire levels in the second year after fire. The dominant grass Heteropogon triticeus significantly declined in abundance with fire intervals of 4 years. The density of trees (>2 m tall) significantly increased in the absence of fire for 4 years, because of the growth of saplings; and the basal area of the dominant tree Corymbia clarksoniana significantly increased over the 5‐year study, irrespective of fire regime. Conservation management of these savannas will need to balance the role of regular fires in maintaining the diversity of herbaceous species with the requirement of fire intervals of at least 4‐years for allowing the growth of saplings >2 m in height. Whereas late dry season fires may cause some tree mortality, the use of occasional late fires may help maintain sustainable populations of many grasses and forbs.  相似文献   

Abstract Fires are integral to the healthy functioning of most ecosystems and are often poorly understood in policy and management, however, the relationship between floristic composition and habitat structure is intrinsically linked, particularly after fire. The aim of this study was to test whether the variability of habitat structure or floristic composition and abundance in forests at a regional scale can be explained in terms of fire frequency using historical data and experimental prescribed burns. We tested this hypothesis in open eucalypt forests of Fraser Island off the east coast of Australia. Fraser Island dunes show progressive stages in plant succession as access to nutrients decreases across the Island. We found that fire frequency was not a good predictor of floristic composition or abundance across dune systems; rather, its affects were dune specific. In contrast, habitat structure was strongly influenced by fire frequency, independent of dune system. A dense understorey occurred in frequently burnt areas, whereas infrequently burnt areas had a more even distribution of plant heights. Plant communities returned to pre‐burn levels of composition and abundances within 6 months of a fire and frequently burnt areas were dominated by early successional species of plant. These ecosystems were characterized by low diversity and frequently burnt areas on the east coast were dominated by Pteridium. Greater midstorey canopy cover in low frequency areas reduces light penetration and allows other species to compete more effectively with Pteridium. Our results strongly indicate that frequent fires on the Island have resulted in a decrease in relative diversity through dominance of several species. Prescribed fire represents a powerful management tool to shape habitat structure and complexity of Fraser Island forests.  相似文献   

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