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Heterogeneity of tetracycline resistance determinants in Streptococcus   总被引:61,自引:21,他引:40       下载免费PDF全文
We found that naturally occurring tetracycline resistance in streptococci is encoded by more than one genetic determinant. Two of these distinct determinants were cloned, and the regions that are necessary and sufficient for expression of tetracycline resistance were defined by deletion analysis. These cloned determinants were further characterized by DNA-DNA hybridization experiments which also identified a third genetically unrelated tetracycline resistance determinant. Some of these genetic differences appear to represent mechanistic differences. The tetL determinant was associated with small nonconjugative plasmids and mediated resistance to tetracycline. The tetM determinant was most often "nonplasmid" associated and mediated resistance to minocycline as well as tetracycline. The tetN determinant was represented on a large conjugative plasmid and was genetically distinct from tetL and tetM, although phenotypically it resembled tetM.  相似文献   

It was shown in the gel precipitation tests that absorption of human and rabbit IgG or Fc-fragments obtained from human IgG group A streptococcal cultures results in inhibition of the reactions of these preparations with immunoglobulin sera. The reactions of F(ab')2-fragments with the corresponding sera are not inhibited during their absorption by the same cultures. The results obtained support the presence in a number of group A streptococcal cultures of immunoglobulin receptors (Ig-receptors) capable of reacting with Fc-parts of human and rabbit IgG. Pepsin treatment destroys Ig-receptors. These receptors could not be found by the method used in hydrochloric acid extracts prepared from streptococci containing the receptors. The method can be applied for determination of Ig-receptors in streptococcal cultures.  相似文献   

Summary Two circular DNA plasmids designated Tet and Ero, distinguishable by their molecular weights (64.5 and 17.6×106 respectively) and their guanine plus cytosine (G+C) content (36.5 and 34.5% respectively) were identified in Streptococcus faecalis strain KR, resistant to tetracycline and erythromycin. Loss of resistance to tetracycline, to erythromycin and to both antibiotics simultaneously in independently isolated cured derivatives corresponds to the loss of the Tet, Ero, and of both plasmids respectively. In the singly resistant strains we estimated that 3 and 6 copies of the Tet and Ero plasmids respectively are present per chromosomal genome equivalent.Abbreviations form I supercoiled circular DNA - form II relaxed circular DNA - form III linear double-strand DNA - Tet tetracycline - Ero erythromycin - R resistant - S sensitive  相似文献   

A model system for testing the helper plasmid cloning system of Gryczan et al. (Mol. Gen. Genet. 177:459-467, 1980) was devised for the Streptococcus sanguis (Challis) host-vector system. In this system, linearized pVA736 plasmid efficiently transformed an S. sanguis (Challis) host containing a homologous plasmid, pVA380-1, but did not transform a plasmidless host or a host containing a nonhomologous plasmid, pVA380. In addition, whereas monomeric circular pVA736 transformed a plasmidless host with two-hit kinetics, it transformed a pVA380-1-containing host with one-hit kinetics. This helper plasmid cloning system was used to isolate two HindIII fragments (5.0 megadaltons [Mdal] and 1.9 Mdal in size) from the chromosome of Streptococcus mutans V825 which conferred high-level tetracycline resistance. One tetracycline-resistant clone was examined and found to contain three plasmids which were sized and designated pVA868 (9.0 Mdal), pVA869 (9.5 Mdal), and pVA870 (9.8 Mdal). Results of Southern blot hybridization and restriction endonuclease digestion confirmed that all three chimeras were composed of two HindIII fragments of the S. mutans V825 chromosome, as well as a large portion, varying in size for each chimera, of the 2.8 Mdal cloning vector, pVA380-1. Incompatibility observed between pVA380-1 and each of the chimeras indicated that replication of the chimeras was governed by the pVA380-1 replicative origin. Southern blotting experiments revealed that the chimeras hybridized to Tn916, providing the first evidence that transposon-related genes of enteric streptococcal origin are disseminated among oral streptococci.  相似文献   

Modern data on prevalence, structural and functional organization of the tetracycline resistance determinants in bacteria are reviewed. The three mechanisms of the antibiotic resistance are the tetracycline efflux, the ribosomal protection and the antibiotic modification. The problems of evolution of tetracycline resistance genes are discussed.  相似文献   

Products obtained from lysis in the cell wall of group A streptococcus have been studied in different growth phases: at the end of the exponential phase and in the stationary one. Endo-beta-N-acetylmuramidase extracted from the culture liquid of Streptomyces levoris 96 has been used for lysis of streptococcus. It is stated that streptococcus cell walls isolated at different growth stages differ in the protein and polysaccharide content. High content of protein in the cell wall of a young culture makes lower the initial rate of the walls' hydrolysis by endo-beta-N-acetylmuramidase. However, with the enzyme penetration into peptidoglycan the rate of hydrolysis of cell walls gets higher and after four-hour incubation the lysis degree of walls of the 16- and 8-hour cultures reaches the equal value (63%). Studies in the protein composition of lysates of the streptococcus cell walls have shown that they contain at least 12 proteins most of which are acid and neutral ones.  相似文献   

Interleukin-8 (IL-8) promotes neutrophil-mediated host defense through its chemoattractant and immunostimulatory activities. The Group A Streptococcus (GAS) protease SpyCEP (also called ScpC) cleaves IL-8, and SpyCEP expression is strongly upregulated in vivo in the M1T1 GAS strains associated with life-threatening systemic disease including necrotizing fasciitis. Coupling allelic replacement with heterologous gene expression, we show that SpyCEP is necessary and sufficient for IL-8 degradation. SpyCEP decreased IL-8-dependent neutrophil endothelial transmigration and bacterial killing, the latter by reducing neutrophil extracellular trap formation. The knockout mutant lacking SpyCEP was attenuated for virulence in murine infection models, and SpyCEP expression conferred protection to coinfecting bacteria. We also show that the zoonotic pathogen Streptococcus iniae possesses a functional homolog of SpyCEP (CepI) that cleaves IL-8, promotes neutrophil resistance, and contributes to virulence. By inactivating the multifunctional host defense peptide IL-8, the SpyCEP protease impairs neutrophil clearance mechanisms, contributing to the pathogenesis of invasive streptococcal infection.  相似文献   

A chromosomal tetracycline resistance (Tcr) determinant previously cloned from Streptococcus mutans into Streptococcus sanguis (Tobian and Macrina, J. Bacteriol. 152:215-222, 1982) was characterized by using restriction endonuclease mapping, deletion analysis, and Southern blot hybridization. Deletion analysis allowed localization of the Tcr determinant to a 2.8-kilobase region of the originally cloned 10.4-kilobase sequence. This cloned determinant hybridized to a representative of the tetM class of streptococcal Tcr determinants but not to representatives of the tetL and tetN classes and, like other tetM determinants, mediated high-level resistance to tetracycline and low-level resistance to minocycline. A portion (approximately 3 kilobases) of the isolated streptococcal fragment was subcloned into Escherichia coli, where it conferred resistance to tetracycline and minocycline. Two proteins with apparent molecular weights of 33,000 and 35,000, encoded by the S. mutans DNA, were synthesized in E. coli minicells. Insertion of DNA into a unique SstI site of the cloned S. mutans fragment resulted in inactivation of Tcr expression in E. coli and S. sanguis, as well as loss of production of both the 33,000- and 35,000-dalton proteins in E. coli minicells. Incubation of minicells in subinhibitory concentrations of tetracycline did not result in changes in the levels of synthesis of either protein. Our data suggest that at least one of these proteins is involved in the expression of Tcr.  相似文献   

Previously, we demonstrated that the Bacteroides transposon Tn4351, which confers tetracycline resistance only on aerobically grown Escherichia coli, carries a gene that codes for a tetracycline-inactivating enzyme (B. S. Speer and A. A. Salyers, J. Bacteriol. 170:1423-1429, 1988). However, Park et al. (B. H. Park, M. Hendricks, M. H. Malamy, F. P. Tally, and S. B. Levy, Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 31:1739-1743, 1987) showed that E. coli carrying a closely related transposon, Tn4400, exhibits energy-dependent efflux of tetracycline as well as tetracycline-inactivating activity (B. H. Park and S. B. Levy, Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 32:1797-1800, 1988). This result raised the question of whether efflux or inactivation or a combination of the two was necessary for resistance conferred by both transposons. We showed that cells carrying Tn4351 did not exhibit the clear-cut efflux activity seen with cells carrying Tn4400 but rather exhibited a tetracycline accumulation profile which could be explained solely on the basis of inactivation of tetracycline in the cytoplasm and rapid diffusion of altered tetracycline out of the cell. Additionally, we were able to clone the efflux and tetracycline-modifying genes of Tn4400 separately. The region carrying the efflux gene spanned one of the two regions in which Tn4400 differs from Tn4351. A clone containing the corresponding region of Tn4351 did not exhibit efflux. Thus, it appears that Tn4351 does not have the efflux gene and that efflux makes no contribution to the resistance conferred by Tn4351. The MIC for cells carrying the subclone from Tn4400 that contained only the gene for tetracycline inactivation was the same that for cells carrying both the inactivation and efflux genes. Cells carrying only the gene for tetracycline efflux were tetracycline sensitive. This was true even when the efflux gene was on a high-copy-number plasmid which increased the level of efflux to that associated with the Tcr gene on pBR328. These results indicate that efflux activity does not contribute significantly to the tetracycline resistance conferred by Tn4400.  相似文献   

Human group IIA-secreted phospholipase A(2) (sPLA(2)-IIA) is a bactericidal molecule important for the innate immune defense against Gram-positive bacteria. In this study, we analyzed its role in the host defense against Streptococcus pyogenes, a major human pathogen, and demonstrated that this bacterium has evolved a previously unidentified mechanism to resist killing by sPLA(2)-IIA. Analysis of a set of clinical isolates demonstrated that an ~500-fold higher concentration of sPLA(2)-IIA was required to kill S. pyogenes compared with strains of the group B Streptococcus, which previously were shown to be sensitive to sPLA(2)-IIA, indicating that S. pyogenes exhibits a high degree of resistance to sPLA(2)-IIA. We found that an S. pyogenes mutant lacking sortase A, a transpeptidase responsible for anchoring LPXTG proteins to the cell wall in Gram-positive bacteria, was significantly more sensitive (~30-fold) to sPLA(2)-IIA compared with the parental strain, indicating that one or more LPXTG surface proteins protect S. pyogenes against sPLA(2)-IIA. Importantly, using transgenic mice expressing human sPLA(2)-IIA, we showed that the sortase A-mediated sPLA(2)-IIA resistance mechanism in S. pyogenes also occurs in vivo. Moreover, in this mouse model, we also showed that human sPLA(2)-IIA is important for the defense against lethal S. pyogenes infection. Thus, we demonstrated a novel mechanism by which a pathogenic bacterium can evade the bactericidal action of sPLA(2)-IIA and we showed that sPLA(2)-IIA contributes to the host defense against S. pyogenes infection.  相似文献   

Streptococcus mutans DL5, isolated from the dental plaque of a pig, was resistant to high levels of streptomycin (Sm, 20 mg/ml), erythromycin (Em, 1 mg/ml), and tetracycline (Tc, greater than 100 micrograms/ml), but contained no detectable plasmid DNA. The Smr and Emr determinants were cloned from cellular DNA on the self-replicating 5-kilobase-pair (kbp) EcoRI fragment of pAM beta 1 and the 4.2-kbp cryptic plasmid pVA380-1, respectively, by transformation of Streptococcus sanguis Challis. Helper plasmid cloning, with a Challis host containing pVA380-1, was required to clone the Tcr determinant of strain DL5 on this vector. A single-colony isolate of the original Tcr clone contained a hybrid plasmid, pDL421, composed of 2.6 kbp of vector DNA and 11.4 kbp of S. mutans DNA. Plasmid pDL421 did not hybridize to plasmids containing the streptococcal Tcr determinants tetL, tetM, and tetN. A shortened derivative of this hybrid plasmid, pDL422, missing a 4.9-kbp HincII fragment from the S. mutans DNA but still encoding Tcr, was obtained by subcloning in S. sanguis Challis. The Tcr gene was located in a 1,917-base-pair open reading frame (ORF) corresponding to a 72-kilodalton protein. The ORF exhibited 99.4% sequence identity with the 1,917-base-pair tetO gene from a strain of Campylobacter coli (W. Sougakoff, B. Papadopoulou, P. Nordmann, and P. Courvalin, FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 44:153-160, 1987). A 1.67-kbp NdeI fragment, internal to the ORF from strain DL5, as well as pDL421 hybridized under stringent conditions to DNA from 10 of 10 Tcr strains of C. coli and Campylobacter jejuni from human and animal sources, but not to DNA from Tcs isolates of these two species.  相似文献   

目的建立快速鉴定B群链球菌(group B Streptococcus,GBS)的同时检测其对克林霉素、红霉素耐药基因的多重PCR方法,并初步应用。方法建立多重PCR方法,同时扩增以下4个基因位点:GBS编码CAMP因子的基因cfb、大环类脂类耐药基因erm B和mef A/E、克林霉素耐药基因lin B。对该方法的引物质量浓度、Taq酶量和退火温度进行优化,确定多重PCR最适反应体系及最低检测限;将该方法用于91株GBS临床菌株的鉴定及其耐药性的检测,并评价其与常规PCR方法结果的一致性。结果多重PCR的最适反应体系,总量25μL:多重PCR mix212.5μL、多重PCR mix1Taq酶0.23μL、lin B-F和lin B-R引物0.4μmol/L、mef A/E-F和mef A/E-R引物0.2μmol/L、erm B-F和erm B-R引物0.12μmol/L、cfb-F和cfb-R引物0.08μmol/L、DNA 10~100 ng、不足量补入无菌去离子水。扩增程序为:94℃预变性60 s;94℃变性30 s、53℃退火90 s、72℃延伸30 s,共30个循环;72℃延伸10 min。最低检测限为20 pg/μL。多重PCR方法与常规PCR方法检测91株GBS临床菌株,cfb基因结果一致率为100%,erm B、mef A/E和lin B基因的Kappa值分别为0.938、0.956和0.935。结论建立的以GBS cfb、erm B、mef A/E和lin B基因为检测位点的多重PCR方法,可在鉴定GBS的同时检测其对克林霉素、红霉素的耐药性。  相似文献   

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