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The presence of cell surface fibronectin was examined by indirect immunofluorescence in 8 groups of related rat fibroblast lines expressing an in vitro transformed phenotype. The transformed cells were selected for anchorage independent growth either after X-ray treatment (X-ray transformed cells) or from control cultures (spontaneously transformed cells). All transformed fibroblasts of the latter class showed reduced expression of fibronectin at the cell surface, whereas most of the X-ray transformed derivatives exhibited a fibronectin-positive phenotype, like the untransformed parents. Moreover, from the fibronectin-negative spontaneously transformed cells, ouabain-resistant variants were isolated, the majority of which had regained the capacity to form an extracellular matrix of fibronectin. These results emphasize the variability in the properties of transformed cells and suggest that the properties of in vitro transformed cells may depend on the cause of transformation.  相似文献   

Both fibronectin and laminin were found by immunofluorescence as a matrix at the surface of normal rat kidney cells. These matrices were absent from the surface of virally transformed rat kidney cells. Soluble fibronectin and laminin were detected in the culture media of the transformed as well as the normal cells. Culture supernates of the transformed cells contained even more fibronectin than the supernates of the transformed cells contained even more fibronectin than the supernates of the normal cells while laminin was present in similar amounts in both culture media. This shows that the loss of fibronectin and laminin from the surface of the transformed cells is caused by failure of the cells to deposit these proteins into an insoluble matrix and not caused by inadequate production. Fibronectins isolated from culture media of the normal and transformed cells were similar in SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophresis. Laminin isolated from culture media by affinity chromatography on heparin-Sepharose followed by immunoprecipitation was composed of three main polypeptides, one with a molecular weight of 400,000 and two with a molecular weight close to 200,000 in both cell types. Fibronectins from both cell types were equally active in promoting cell attachment. Rat fibronectin from transformed cells, like normal cells, when applied to culture dishes coated with fibronectin, readily attached and spread on the substratum, requiring approximately the same amount of fibronectin as the normal cells. On the basis of these results it seem that the failure of the transformed cells to incorporate fibronectin into an insoluble cell surface matix is not a consequence of a demonstrable change in the functional characteristics of the fibronectin molecule or in the ability of the cells to interact with fibronectin. It may depend on as yet unidentified interactions of the cell surface. Similar interactions may be needed for the deposition of laminin into the matrix, because laminin was also absent from the surface of transformed cells, despite its being synthesized by these cells.  相似文献   

K Xu  S D Li  D X Xu 《实验生物学报》1989,22(1):67-73
In this paper, Fn was analysed qualitatively and quantitatively in three Syrian hamster cell lines, ie, nontransformed baby hamster lung fibroblasts cell line (BHL), a transformed cell line (BHLB4) and a butyric acid-induced phenotypically reversed cell line (ButB4) respectively. Fn was visualized on cell surface by means of indirect immunofluorescence technique. Immunofluorescence of Fn on the surface of BHL was bright with a stripe-like distribution, while that on the surface of BHLB4 was very dim or dispersed. On ButB4 cell surface, the intensity and distribution of immunofluorescence was similar to that on BHLB4 cells. Fn was isolated by affinity chromatography from the cell surface of the three cell lines. Its molecular weight was 250 kDa on SDS-polyacrylamide electrophoresis. The quantity of Fn isolated from surface of ButB4 was a bit lower than that from BHL, but was much higher than that from BHLB4. The result offers us a useful criterion for transformation and reverse transformation.  相似文献   

Rat hepatoma cells grown in vitro were poorly adhesive to plastic surfaces coated with fibronectin and lacked cell surface fibronectin matrix. They synthesized soluble fibronectin into the medium. The cell surface fibronectin matrix and the ability to attach to fibronectin-coated surface were restored in the 7777 cells upon passage as a tumor in rats and by coculturing these cells with normal liver-derived cells in vitro. Fibronectin matrix and the ability of cells to attach to fibronectin were thus modulated in a coordinated fashion, suggesting that the formation of a cell surface fibronectin matrix is dependent on the cell surface property that enables cells to interact with fibronectin.  相似文献   

Cross-linking of fibronectin to sulfated proteoglycans at the cell surface.   总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40  
M E Perkins  T H Ji  R O Hynes 《Cell》1979,16(4):941-952
Fibronectin is a major surface protein of normal animal cells but is absent from many transformed cells. Addition of fibronectin to transformed cells causes increased cell substrate adhesion and changes in the morphology and cytoskeleton of the cells. We have coupled fibronectin to photoactivable chemical cross-linkers and have added it to cells to identify those molecules to which it binds. In this way, fibronectin can be cross-linked to sulfated proteoglycans at the cell surface. The cross-linking is specific for fibronectin. The fibronectin-proteoglycan complex is sensitive to chondroitinase ABC and AC and to trypsin. Addition of fibronectin also affects binding of hyaluronic acid to the cells. These results suggest that fibronectin interacts with proteoglycans at the cell surface. The existence of such interactions may have implications for the role of fibronectin and proteoglycans in cell adhesion.  相似文献   

A family of fibronectin mRNAs in human normal and transformed cells   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Previously, two fibronectin mRNAs, generated by alternative splicing of the extra domain (ED) and type III connecting segments (IIICS) sequences, have been described in a human transformed cell line and in human liver, respectively. We now report on a family of fibronectin mRNAs identified by Northern blotting analysis in two normal human fibroblast strains (HEL 299 and Flow 7000) and five transformed cell lines (8387 and HT-1080, fibrosarcomas; G-361, melanoma; JEG-3, choriocarcinoma; and RD, rhabdomyosarcoma). Seven different fibronectin mRNA forms with electrophoretic mobilities ranging between 8.6 and 7.7 kb were identified. Each cell line contains three (HEL 299, Flow 7000 and 8387) or two (HT-1080, G-361, JEG-3 and RD) fibronectin mRNAs species with characteristic size. In all cell lines we detected one fibronectin mRNA form which lacks the ED sequence (ED- fibronectin mRNA) and one or two fibronectin mRNAs containing it (ED+ fibronectin mRNA). These data show that the presence of ED+ and ED- fibronectin mRNAs is a general feature of all cells tested. Moreover, the fibronectin mRNA pattern is characteristic of the cell type analyzed, suggesting the occurrence of specifically programmed splicing mechanisms in each cell line.  相似文献   

Transformed baby hamster kidney (BHK) cells were tested for surface antigens by an immunocytoadhesion method. The cells were sensitized with rabbit antisera to cell clones transformed by polyoma or by BK virus and then rosetted with erythrocytes coated with antibody to rabbit immunoglobulin. These antisera detected common antigens on BHK cells transformed by either of three papovaviruses, polyoma, BK, or SV40, but apparently not on normal BHK cells.  相似文献   

To understand corneal wound healing, in which fibronectin plays an important role, we investigated the regulatory mechanism of fibronectin synthesis in cultured rabbit corneal blocks in situ. The amount of fibronectin was determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. We found that butyrate stimulated fibronectin synthesis in a dose-response fashion, and that butyrate had a greater stimulatory effect than did any of its derivatives examined. This suggests that butyrate stimulates fibronectin synthesis specifically; 8Br-cAMP also stimulated fibronectin synthesis. Additivity of stimulation by butyrate and by 8Br-cAMP was observed at the saturated concentration of each; the present result indicated an independent mechanism of action for these two compounds.  相似文献   

When LETS protein positive and negative cells were co-cultured, the positive cells remained as positive and the negative cells remained as negative. Apparently the transformed cells do not secrete factors which are sufficient to influence the distribution of surface LETS protein on normal cells.  相似文献   

Incubation of cells with selenite, under conditions in which there is no effect on cell viability, results in a decrease in the rate of their subsequent attachment to extracellular matrix proteins such as fibronectin (1). The attachment was inhibited by a pentapeptide containing the RGD sequence and by antibody against the cellular fibronectin receptor (α5β1 integrin), indicating that it is receptor-mediated. To investigate whether exposure to selenite has an effect on fibronectin receptors, we assayed for their presence on the cell surface by measuring the ability of cells to attach to a surface that had been coated with antibodies to the receptor. Brief exposure of cells to low concentrations of selenite resulted in a significant decrease in their ability to attach to monoclonal antibodies against the α5 or β1 subunits of the fibronectin receptor, as well as to polyclonal antibodies against the complete receptor. This indicates that exposure to selenite results in a decrease in receptors that are present at the cell surface. Exposure of the cells to selenate, selenocystine or selenomethionine did not result in a significant decrease in cell surface receptors. Preincubation of the cells with selenite was required for the effect, indicating that selenite does not directly interfere with receptor structure or function.  相似文献   

Surface protrusions at the leading edge of a moving cell that make contact with the surrounding extracellular matrix (ECM) are its main motor for locomotion and invasion. Chicken embryonic fibroblasts transformed by Rous sarcoma virus (RSV-CEF) form specialized membrane rosette-shaped contact sites on planar substrata as shown by interference reflection microscopy (IRM). Such activity is lacking in normal cells. These rosette contacts are more labile than other adhesion sites, such as focal and close contacts. Ultrastructural studies demonstrate that rosettes are sites at which membrane protrusions from the ventral cell surface contact the substratum. These protrusions are filled with meshworks of microfilaments and contain the pp60src oncogene product, actin, vinculin, and alpha-actinin. However, unlike focal contacts, at the rosettes these proteins interact to extend a highly motile membrane. Rosettes have the biological activity of degrading ECM components, as demonstrated by (1) local degradation of fibronectin substrata at sites of rosette contacts, but not focal and close contacts; (2) localization of putative antiprotease antibody at sites of rosette contacts, but not at focal an close contacts; and (3) local disruption of fibronectin matrix at sites of protrusive activity seen by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). In addition, formation of the rosette contact is insensitive to the ionophore monensin, and to inhibitors of proteolytic enzymes, while local fibronectin degradation at rosette contacts is inhibited by inhibitors of metalloproteases, 1,10-phenanthroline and NP-20. I consider these membrane protrusions of the rosette contacts in RSV-transformed cells specialized structural entities--invadopodia--that are involved in the local degradation of the ECM.  相似文献   

Fibronectin binding sites on cultured human fibroblasts were localized by high voltage electron microscopy using either 5- or 18-nm colloidal gold beads (Au5 or Au18) bound to intact fibronectin, the 70-kD amino- terminal fragment of fibronectin that blocks incorporation of exogenous fibronectin into extracellular matrix, or 160-180-kD fragments of fibronectin with cell adhesion and heparin-binding activities. Binding sites for Au18-fibronectin on the cell surface were localized to specific regions along the edge of the fibroblast and on retraction fibers. Au18-fibronectin complexes at these sites were initially localized in clusters that co-aligned with intracellular microfilament bundles. With longer incubations, Au18-fibronectin complexes were arranged into long fibrillar networks on the cell surface and in the extracellular space. The appearance of Au18-fibronectin in these fibrillar networks and disappearance of clusters of Au18-fibronectin suggest that Au18-fibronectin complexes are arranged into matrix at specific regions of the cell surface. Au18-70-kD fragment complexes initially had a similar distribution to Au18-fibronectin complexes. With longer incubations, Au18-70-kD fragment complexes were found in long linear arrangements on the cell surface. Double labeling experiments using Au18-70-kD fragment and Au5-160-180-kD fragments showed that the 70-kD fragment and the 160-180-kD fragments bind to different regions of the cell.  相似文献   

A sensitive method for measuring cell surface and secreted protease activity utilizing 3H-labelled casein is described. The method is based upon proteolytic degradation of the casein substrate into trichloroacetic acid soluble 3H-labelled peptides. Utilizing the radioassay we found that all cultured cell lines examined contain cell surface proteolytic activity which is not secreted into the media. The protease activity was found to be due to protease(s) other than plasminogen activator or plasmin. A comparison of surface protease activity of normal and transformed mouse epidermal cells indicated that the transformed cells contained approximately 3–4 times more proteolytic activity than the normal cells.Surface protease activity was also correlated with the doubling times of various cultured cells. The results indicated that cultured cells with doubling times of greater than three days possess less surface protease activity than cells with shorter doubling times. In order to determine changes in the levels of surface protease activity during the cell cycle several cell lines were synchronized. In synchronized rabbit aortic fibroblasts, mouse transformed epidermal cells and human melanoma cells, a marked increase in surface protease activity was observed during or before mitosis. The protease levels decreased following mitosis. The results suggest that in culture, cell surface protease(s) may be important factor in regulating the rate of cell growth.  相似文献   

Expression of MacMARCKS restores cell adhesion to ICAM-1-coated surface   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To evaluate the role of MacMARCKS, a major substrate of protein kinase C, in cell adhesion, we selected a macrophage cell line, Wehi 274.1.7. Although surface expression of beta2-integrins can be detected on these cells, they lack the phorbol ester- or chemokine-induced adhesion to ICAM-1-coated surface, an event mediated by beta2-integrins. Concomitantly, these cells lack expression of both MacMARCKS and its homologue, MARCKS. When wild type MacMARCKS was expressed in these cells, the phorbol ester-induced adhesion to ICAM-1-coated surface increased approximately 5-fold compared to vector transfected control cells. To further investigate the potential physiological role of MacMARCKS in this adhesion event, we also tested the effect of monocyte chemotactic protein-1, and a 3-fold increase in the adhesion to ICAM-1-coated surface was observed with MacMARCKS-transfected cells. Therefore, these data suggest that MacMARCKS is an essential component in regulating cell adhesion.  相似文献   

Fibronectin (FN) is a multidomain extracellular matrix protein that induces attachment and chemotactic migration of fibroblastic cells. In this study we analyzed the molecular determinants involved in the FN-induced chemotactic migration of normal and SV40-transformed 3T3 cells. Two different monoclonal antibodies to the cell-binding site of FN blocked chemotaxis to a 140-kD FN fragment (Ca 140) containing the cell-binding domain. A monoclonal antibody to a determinant distant from the cell-binding site did not affect chemotaxis. A synthetic tetrapeptide, RGDS, which represents the major cell-attachment sequence, was able to compete with FN and the Ca 140 fragment in chemotaxis assays, but this peptide itself had no significant chemotactic activity. A larger peptide encompassing this sequence, GRGDSP, was chemotactic, while the peptide GRGESP, where a glutamic acid residue was substituted for aspartic acid, was inactive. Chemotactic migration could be prevented in a dose-dependent manner by a rabbit polyclonal antiserum to a 140-kD cell surface FN receptor. This antibody was more effective on normal than on transformed 3T3 cells. Neither the anti-FN receptor antiserum nor a monoclonal antibody to the cell-binding site of FN blocked migration induced by another potent chemoattractant, platelet-derived growth factor. These data indicate that FN-induced chemotaxis of 3T3 and SV3T3 cells is mediated via the RGDS cell-attachment site of FN and the 140-kD cell surface FN receptor. The interaction is specific and can be altered by transformation.  相似文献   

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