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Senna reticulata can be considered one of the most efficient colonizers of open areas in the nutrient-rich Amazonian floodplains. Its main strategies for success are a high tolerance for waterlogging of its roots and stems and extremely high photosynthetic assimilation and rapid growth during the first terrestrial period, when height is important to avoid lethal submergence. The density of the crown is important in outshading competitors. Efficient seed dispersal and a great ability to resprout after a period of unfavorable conditions, after cutting, or after predation add to its effectiveness. These features led local people to considerSenna re-ticulata a noxious woody weed calledmatapasto. In the present article I describe the ecological, physiological, and phenological characteristics ofSenna reticulata, with its extremely high productivity and unique capacity to colonize open areas.  相似文献   

We investigated responses of growth, leaf gas exchange, carbon-isotope discrimination, and whole-plant water-use efficiency (W(P)) to elevated CO(2) concentration ([CO(2)]) in seedlings of five leguminous and five nonleguminous tropical tree species. Plants were grown at CO(2) partial pressures of 40 and 70 Pa. As a group, legumes did not differ from nonlegumes in growth response to elevated [CO(2)]. The mean ratio of final plant dry mass at elevated to ambient [CO(2)] (M(E)/M(A)) was 1.32 and 1.24 for legumes and nonlegumes, respectively. However, there was large variation in M(E)/M(A) among legume species (0.92-2.35), whereas nonlegumes varied much less (1.21-1.29). Variation among legume species in M(E)/M(A) was closely correlated with their capacity for nodule formation, as expressed by nodule mass ratio, the dry mass of nodules for a given plant dry mass. W(P) increased markedly in response to elevated [CO(2)] in all species. The ratio of intercellular to ambient CO(2) partial pressures during photosynthesis remained approximately constant at ambient and elevated [CO(2)], as did carbon isotope discrimination, suggesting that W(P) should increase proportionally for a given increase in atmospheric [CO(2)]. These results suggest that tree legumes with a strong capacity for nodule formation could have a competitive advantage in tropical forests as atmospheric [CO(2)] rises and that the water-use efficiency of tropical tree species will increase under elevated [CO(2)].  相似文献   

全球变化深刻影响着陆地生态系统生物多样性及生态功能。丛枝菌根(AM)真菌可与绝大多数陆生植物根系形成互惠共生体,在协助宿主养分吸收、促进植物生长、维持植物多样性等方面发挥着重要作用。本文主要分析了大气CO2浓度升高(eCO2)和增温对森林和草地生态系统AM真菌群落组成及其功能的影响。eCO2主要通过影响宿主植物、土壤碳(C)输入等方式间接影响AM真菌,可增加AM真菌的多度和活性,影响AM真菌的多样性与群落组成。增温可直接或间接地(通过宿主植物和土壤途径)影响AM真菌,显著改变森林土壤AM真菌的群落组成,但对草地土壤AM真菌群落组成的影响尚无定论。我们提出了当前研究中存在的主要问题及未来应重点关注的内容。本文旨在明晰AM真菌对eCO2和增温的响应和适应,增进对AM真菌介导的土壤生态功能的认识,为利用AM真菌缓解全球变化、增强土壤功能的韧性和全球变化的生态系统适应性提供依据。  相似文献   

研究了不同月份、不同密度下川西亚高山丘桦(Betula albo—sinensis)幼苗土壤蔗糖酶活性对温度升高(ET)、大气CO2浓度升高(EC)及其复合作用(ETC)的响应.结果表明:ET处理下,各月份土壤蔗糖酶活性均表现出不同程度的提高,其中5、6、9和10月份达到显著水平(P〈0.05);EC处理下,各月份土壤蔗糖酶活性均显著提高,各月份土壤蔗糖酶活性表现为高密度根际土壤(HR)〉低密度根际土壤(LR)〉高密度非根际土壤(HN)〉低密度非根际土壤(LN);不同月份的土壤蔗糖酶活性对ETC和遮荫(CS)处理的响应不同,其响应动态与季节变化、植物密度以及蔗糖酶在土壤中的位置密切相关.  相似文献   

Root structure parameters, root biomass and allometric relationships between above- and belowground biomass were investigated in young Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) trees cultivated inside the glass domes with ambient (AC, 375 μmol(CO2) mol?1) and elevated (EC, A + 375 μmol(CO2) mol?1) atmospheric CO2 concentrations ([CO2]). After 8 years of fumigation, a mean EC tree in comparison with AC one exhibited about 37 % higher belowground biomass. The growth of primary root structure was unaffected by elevated [CO2]; however, the biomass of secondary roots growing on the primary root structure and the biomass of secondary roots growing in the zone between the soil surface and the first primary root ramification were significantly higher in EC comparing with AC treatment about 58 and 70 %, respectively. The finest root’s (diameter up to 1 mm) biomass as well as length and surface area of both primary and secondary root structures showed the highest difference between the treatments; advancing EC to AC by 43 % on average. Therefore, Norway spruce trees cultivated under well-watered and rather nitrogen-poor soil conditions responded to the air elevated [CO2] environment by the enhancement of the secondary root structure increment, by enlargement of root length and root absorbing area, and also by alternation of root to aboveground organ biomass proportion. Higher root to leaf and root to stem basal area ratios could be beneficial for Norway spruce trees to survive periods with limited soil water availability.  相似文献   

Communities of ten species of tropical forest tree seedlings from three successional classes were grown at ambient and elevated CO2 in large open-top chambers on the edge of a forest in Panamá. Communities grew from 20?cm to approximately 2?m in height in 6 months. No enhancements in plant biomass accumulation occurred under elevated CO2 either in the whole communities or in growth of individual species. Reductions in leaf area index under elevated CO2 were observed, as were decreases in leaf nitrogen concentrations and increases in the C:N ratio of leaf tissue. Species tended to respond individualistically to elevated CO2, but some generalizations of how successional groupings responded could be made. Early and mid-successional species generally showed greater responses to elevated CO2 than late-successional species, particularly with respect to increases in photosynthetic rates and leaf starch concentrations, and reductions in leaf area ratio. Late-successional species showed greater increases in C:N ratios in response to elevated CO2 than did other species. Our results indicate that there may not be an increase in the growth of regenerating tropical forest under elevated CO2, but that there could be changes in soil nutrient availability because of reductions in leaf tissue quality, particularly in late-successional species.  相似文献   

Background and Aims: Nitrogen (N) is a major factor affecting yield gain of cropsunder elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations [CO2].It is well established that elevated [CO2] increases root mass,but there are inconsistent reports on the effects on N uptakecapacity per root mass. In the present study, it was hypothesizedthat the responses of N uptake capacity would change with theduration of exposure to elevated [CO2]. Methods: The hypothesis was tested by measuring N uptake capacity inrice plants exposed to long-term and short-term [CO2] treatmentsat different growth stages in plants grown under non-limitingN conditions in hydroponic culture. Seasonal changes in photosynthesisrate and transpiration rate were also measured. Key Results: In the long-term [CO2] study, leaf photosynthetic responsesto intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) were not affected byelevated [CO2] before the heading stage, but the initial slopein this response was decreased by elevated [CO2] at the grain-fillingstage. Nitrate and ammonium uptake capacities per root dry weightwere not affected by elevated [CO2] at panicle initiation, butthereafter they were reduced by elevated [CO2] by 31–41% at the full heading and mid-ripening growth stages. In theshort-term study (24 h exposures), elevated [CO2] enhanced nitrateand ammonium uptake capacities at the early vegetative growthstage, but elevated [CO2] decreased the uptake capacities atthe mid-reproductive stage. Conclusions: This study showed that N uptake capacity was downregulated underlong-term exposure to elevated [CO2] and its response to elevated[CO2] varied greatly with growth stage.  相似文献   

付雪  叶乐夫  戈峰 《生态学报》2010,30(13):3575-3583
以CO2浓度为主处理因子,研究了加倍CO2浓度和对照大气CO2浓度条件下,烟蚜、马铃薯Y病毒N株(PVYN)以及二者共同作用下烟草各指标的响应。结果表明,在当前CO2浓度条件下,PVYN、烟蚜及两者联合作用对烟草生物量影响不显著;而在未来高CO2浓度条件下,PVYN、烟蚜及两者联合作用对烟草生物量影响很大。CO2浓度升高后,PVYN和蚜虫二者联合作用显著降低烟草产量,危害加重,高CO2的肥料作用被极大地削弱。在有烟蚜、PVYN以及两者共同作用时烟草的化学物质及主要的次生代谢物烟碱的含量对CO2浓度升高的响应也发生一定的变化,表现在:高CO2浓度条件下,蚜虫、蚜虫与PVYN共同作用显著增加了烟草的含氮量;显著减少了烟叶含糖量;PVYN及其与蚜虫共同作用显著升高叶片可溶性蛋白含量;当高CO2浓度下,各处理的烟草烟碱含量均显著下降,而且PVYN感染的烟叶烟碱含量无论在哪一种CO2浓度条件下,都比无毒无虫的对照烟叶烟碱含量升高。结果显示,烟蚜和马铃薯Y病毒N株(PVYN)对烟草的产量、营养物质及防御物质都有影响;CO2浓度升高对烟草的生长有促进作用,增加了烟草的产量,但蚜虫的危害和PVYN感染使烟草产量下降,在高CO2浓度条件下,烟蚜和PVYN共同作用相对于目前CO2浓度对烟草产量的危害加重。  相似文献   

应用封闭式生长室系统,研究了CO2浓度升高对红桦(Betula albosinensis)幼苗的根/冠、粗根和细根的干质量、非结构性碳水化合物类含量、碳含量和碳/氮、氮和磷的含量及氮磷吸收量的影响。结果表明:CO2浓度升高使红桦幼苗粗根和细根的干质量增加,同时根/冠值显著升高,表明CO2浓度升高使红桦幼苗生物量向根系的分配增加;与对照相比,粗根的还原糖、蔗糖和总可溶性糖含量显著增加,而在细根中没有显著变化;粗根、细根的淀粉和总的非结构性碳水化合物含量显著增加;CO2浓度升高下粗根和细根的碳含量有升高的趋势但未达到显著水平,同时氮含量降低,碳/氮值升高;氮的吸收量在粗根和细根中均无显著变化。上述结果表明,CO2浓度升高下红桦幼苗根系氮含量下降是由非结构性碳水化合物(主要是淀粉)含量升高和(或)根系生物量增加产生的稀释效应引起的。  相似文献   

In Amazonian floodplains, plant survival is determined by adaptations and growth strategies to effectively capture sunlight and endure extended periods of waterlogging. By measuring gas exchange, quantum efficiency of photosystem 2 (PSII), and growth parameters, we investigated the combined effects of flooding gradients and light on two common evergreen floodplain tree species, the light-tolerant Cecropia latiloba and the shade-tolerant Pouteria glomerata. Individual plants were subjected to different combinations of light and flooding intensity in short-term and long-term experiments. Plants of C. latiloba lost all their leaves under total submersion treatments (plants flooded to apex and with reduced irradiance) and showed highest maximum assimilation rates (Amax) in not flooded, high light treatments (6.1 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1). Individuals of P. glomerata showed similar patterns, with Amax increasing from 1.9 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1 under total flooding to 7.1 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1 in not flooded, high light treatments. During the long-term flooding experiment, quantum efficiency of PSII (Fv/Fm) of C. latiloba was not affected by partial flooding. In contrast, in P. glomerata Fv/Fm decreased to values below 0.73 after 120 days of total flooding. Moreover, total submergence led P. glomerata to reduce significantly light saturation point (LSP), as compared to C. latiloba. For both species morphological adjustments to long-term flooding, such as the production of adventitious roots, resulted in reduced total biomass, relative growth rate (RGR) and leaf mass ratio (LMR). Growth increase in C. latiloba seemed to be more limited by low-light than by flooding. Therefore, the predominant occurrence of this species is in open areas with high light intensities and high levels of inundation. In P. glomerata flooding induced high reductions of growth and photosynthesis, whereas light was not limiting. This species is more abundant in positions where irradiance is reduced and periods of submergence are slightly modest. We could show that the physiological requirements are directly responsible for the flooding (C. latiloba) and shade (P. glomerata) tolerance of the two species, which explains their local distribution in Amazonian floodplain forests.  相似文献   

利用封顶式生长室模拟未来变化的气候条件,研究了亚高山林线优势物种岷江冷杉(Abies faxoniana)和4种草本植物形态与竞争指标对CO2浓度和温度升高的响应.结果表明:处理2个生长季后,高CO2浓度条件下,岷江冷杉冠体积增加42%,比叶面积、比冠体积和比根长分别增加17%、65%和19%;温度升高使岷江冷杉冠形更纵向生长,冠体积增加22%,根冠比和比根长均比对照增加17%;二者同时升高使岷江冷杉冠体积增加79%,比叶面积、比冠体积和比根长分别增加17%、197%和18%.CO2浓度升高处理下糙野青茅(Deyeuxia scabrescen)的株高、基茎和每株叶片数增加,但比叶面积降低;甘肃苔草(Carexkansuensis)、东方草莓(Fragaria orientali)和紫花碎米荠(Cardamine tangutorum)的各项指标变化与青茅相反.温度升高下青茅、苔草、草莓株高、基茎和根冠比下降.二者同时升高条件下4种草本植物的基茎和每株叶片数增加,但比叶面积和根冠比降低.这表明,在CO2浓度和温度升高处理下,岷江冷杉形成有利于生长的冠层结构且单位质量的竞争力增加,而4种草本植物的形态结构和竞争力均受到不同程度的负面影响.  相似文献   

Indirect effects of atmospheric CO2 concentration [CO2], onlongleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) foliage respiration werestudied by growing trees in a factorial arrangement of low andhigh [CO2] (369 and 729µmol CO2 mol–1) and low andhigh N (40 and 400 kg ha–1 yr–1). Direct effectsof [CO2] on leaf respiration were tested by measuring respirationrates of foliage from all treatments at two CO2 levels (360and 720µmol CO2mol–1) at the time of measurement.Elevated CO2 did not directly or indirectly affect leaf respirationwhen expressed on a leaf area or mass basis, but a significantincrease in respiration per unit leaf N was observed in treesgrown in elevated [CO2] (indirect response to elevated [CO2]).The lack of a [CO2] effect on respiration, when analysed onan area or mass basis, may have resulted from combined effectsof [CO2] on factors that increase respiration (e.g. greateravailability of non-structural carbohydrates stimulating growthand carbon export from leaves) and on factors that decreaserespiration (e.g. lower N concentration leading to lower constructioncosts and maintenance requirements). Thus, [CO2] affected factorsthat influence respiration, but in opposing ways. Key words: Pinus palustris, elevated CO2, nitrogen, foliar, respiration  相似文献   

水稻秸秆是生物能源生产的潜在材料,大气二氧化碳(CO2)浓度升高改变水稻秸秆的量和质,从而改变其生物能源的生产潜力.本试验水稻秸秆来自中国自由大气CO2富集平台(FACE),选取FACE平台(试验组CO2浓度控制在570μmol·mol^-1左右,比对照组高200μmol·mol-1)3种水稻品种‘武运粳27’、‘Y两优900’和‘日本晴N16’,通过对秸秆化学组成进行分析,探讨CO2浓度升高对水稻秸秆质量的影响.结果表明:大气CO2浓度升高显著提高了水稻秸秆C含量和C/N;增加了秸秆中非结构碳水化合物含量;CO2浓度升高使武运粳27、Y两优900和N16秸秆中释放的总糖分别增加8.8%、6.7%和9.9%;CO2浓度升高显著提高N16秸秆生物量,但对其他两种水稻秸秆生物量没有显著影响;N16的总糖产量在CO2浓度升高下增加最显著,达到19.2%.表明CO2浓度升高可以改善水稻秸秆质和量,从而提高生物燃料利用潜能.  相似文献   

This review highlights a potential signaling pathway of CO2-dependent stimulation in root hair development. Elevated CO2 firstly increases the carbohydrates production, which triggers the auxin or ethylene responsive signal transduction pathways and subsequently stimulates the generation of intracellular nitric oxide (NO). The NO acts on target Ca2+ and ion channels and induces activation of MAPK. Meanwhile, reactive oxygen species (ROS) activates cytoplasmic Ca2+ channels at the plasma membrane in the apex of the root tip. This complex pathway involves transduction cascades of multiple signals that lead to the fine tuning of epidermal cell initiation and elongation. The results suggest that elevated CO2 plays an important role in cell differentiation processes at the root epidermis.Key words: elevated CO2, root hairs, carbohydrate, auxin, ethylene, NO, ROS, Ca2+, genetic elementsIncreasing concentration of atmospheric CO2 in the 21st century will impact many aspects of the human and natural world. Elevated CO2 has some beneficial physiological effects on plants but nutrient limitation has generally been found to suppress these beneficial effects.1 Therefore, under conditions of suboptimal supply of nutrients and elevated CO2, the plants need to develop adaptive mechanisms to enhance nutrient acquisition, among which the plasticity of root development is of crucial importance.Root hairs make a significant contribution to increasing root surface area and facilitating physical anchorage to a substrate and providing a large interface for nutrient uptake.2 Root-hair cells are highly polarized cellular structures resulting from tip growth of specific epidermal cells, which are controlled by multiple cellular factors and genetic processes.3,4 Previous studies have shown that root hair development can influenced by various environmental factors, such as nutritional status,5 mycorrhizal infection and water stress,6 salinity7 and light intensity.8 Our current research has demonstrated a profound effect of elevated CO2 on development of root hairs in Arabidopsis, which works through the well-characterized auxin signal transduction pathway.9 Since root hairs are an efficient strategy to alleviate the limitation of nutrients, one promising area of future research will be to discover the pathway that control root hair differentiation in crops under elevated CO2. In this paper, we discussed a layer pathway in the interaction between CO2 and some classical signals on regulating gene regulatory network to control development of root hairs.  相似文献   

植物挥发性有机化合物(biogenic volatile organic compounds,BVOCs)在近地表臭氧和二次有机气溶胶生成中有重要作用,而大气CO2浓度上升对植物BVOCs释放有显著影响。利用Meta-analysis方法对已发表的数据进行整合分析发现:(1)总体而言,大气CO2浓度增加会导致不同木本植物(常绿与落叶) BVOCs释放降低;(2)就不同木本植物BVOCs释放而言,大气CO2浓度增加主要导致落叶植物BVOCs释放速率降低,而常绿植物则以增加为主;(3)就植物释放BVOCs种类而言,大气CO2浓度增加显著降低异戊二烯的释放速率,对单萜烯释放速率则无显著影响。结果可为阐明陆地生态系统BVOCs释放对全球CO2浓度增加的响应提供依据。  相似文献   

Acclimation of photosynthesis and respiration in shoots and ecosystem carbon dioxide fluxes to rising atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration (C a ) was studied in a brackish wetland. Open top chambers were used to create test atmospheres of normal ambient and elevated C a (=normal ambient + 34 Pa CO2) over mono-specific stands of the C3 sedge Scirpus olneyi, the dominant C3 species in the wetland ecosystem, throughout each growing season since April of 1987. Acclimation of photosynthesis and respiration were evaluated by measurements of gas exchange in excised shoots. The impact of elevated C a on the accumulation of carbon in the ecosystem was determined by ecosystem gas exchange measurements made using the open top chamber as a cuvette.Elevated C a increased carbohydrate and reduced Rubisco and soluble protein concentrations as well as photosynthetic capacity(A) and dark respiration (R d ; dry weight basis) in excised shoots and canopies (leaf area area basis) of Scirpus olneyi. Nevertheless, the rate of photosynthesis was stimulated 53% in shoots and 30% in canopies growing in elevated C a compared to normal ambient concentration. Elevated C a inhibited R d measured in excised shoots (–19 to –40%) and in seasonally integrated ecosystem respiration (R e ; –36 to –57%). Growth of shoots in elevated C a was stimulated 14–21%, but this effect was not statistically significant at peak standing biomass in midseason. Although the effect of elevated C a on growth of shoots was relatively small, the combined effect of increased number of shoots and stimulation of photosynthesis produced a 30% stimulation in seasonally integrated gross primary production (GPP). The stimulation of photosynthesis and inhibition of respiration by elevated C a increased net ecosystem production (NEP=GPP–R e ) 59% in 1993 and 50% in 1994. While this study consistently showed that elevated C a produced a significant increase in NEP, we have not identified a correspondingly large pool of carbon below ground.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Elevated levels of atmospheric [CO2] are likely to enhance photosynthesis and plant growth, which, in turn, should result in increased specific and whole-plant respiration rates. However, a large body of literature has shown that specific respiration rates of plant tissues are often reduced when plants are exposed to, or grown at, high [CO2] due to direct effects on enzymes and indirect effects derived from changes in the plant's chemical composition. SCOPE: Although measurement artefacts may have affected some of the previously reported effects of CO2 on respiration rates, the direction and magnitude for the effects of elevated [CO2] on plant respiration may largely depend on the vertical scale (from enzymes to ecosystems) at which measurements are taken. In this review, the effects of elevated [CO2] from cells to ecosystems are presented within the context of the enzymatic and physiological controls of plant respiration, the role(s) of non-phosphorylating pathways, and possible effects associated with plant size. CONCLUSIONS: Contrary to what was previously thought, specific respiration rates are generally not reduced when plants are grown at elevated [CO2]. However, whole ecosystem studies show that canopy respiration does not increase proportionally to increases in biomass in response to elevated [CO2], although a larger proportion of respiration takes place in the root system. Fundamental information is still lacking on how respiration and the processes supported by it are physiologically controlled, thereby preventing sound interpretations of what seem to be species-specific responses of respiration to elevated [CO2]. Therefore the role of plant respiration in augmenting the sink capacity of terrestrial ecosystems is still uncertain.  相似文献   

Xinyou Yin 《Annals of botany》2013,112(3):465-475


Process-based ecophysiological crop models are pivotal in assessing responses of crop productivity and designing strategies of adaptation to climate change. Most existing crop models generally over-estimate the effect of elevated atmospheric [CO2], despite decades of experimental research on crop growth response to [CO2].


A review of the literature indicates that the quantitative relationships for a number of traits, once expressed as a function of internal plant nitrogen status, are altered little by the elevated [CO2]. A model incorporating these nitrogen-based functional relationships and mechanisms simulated photosynthetic acclimation to elevated [CO2], thereby reducing the chance of over-estimating crop response to [CO2]. Robust crop models to have small parameterization requirements and yet generate phenotypic plasticity under changing environmental conditions need to capture the carbon–nitrogen interactions during crop growth.


The performance of the improved models depends little on the type of the experimental facilities used to obtain data for parameterization, and allows accurate projections of the impact of elevated [CO2] and other climatic variables on crop productivity.  相似文献   

红豆草与土壤氮含量对大气二氧化碳浓度升高的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在封闭的植物培养箱中,通过盆栽实验,研究了红豆草和土壤氮含量对CO2浓度增加的响应.结果表明,与正常CO2浓度(355~370 μmol·mol-1)相比,CO2浓度升高(700 μmol·mol-1),植物生物量增加25.1%(P<0.01),但植物体氮浓度降低25.3%(P<0.001),植物全氮没有显著的变化.经3个月盆栽实验后,与原始土壤相比,两种CO2浓度处理土壤全N、NO3--N和NH4+-N都有所降低,而土壤微生物氮则显著增加,这可能与植物生长有关.不同CO2浓度处理土壤NH4+-N浓度基本一致,但在高CO2浓度下,土壤NO3--N浓度显著降低,而微生物生物氮显著增加.对整个土壤-植物系统而言,盆栽实验后,整个系统全氮有少量增加,但变化不显著,特别是在高CO2浓度条件下,土壤-植物系统全氮最大,这可能与培养材料红豆草为豆科植物,而且在高CO2浓度下生物量增加,导致氮的固定量增加有关.  相似文献   

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