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We report experimental observation and numerical simulation of a two-dimensional multiplet effect in the heteronuclear correlation spectrum of a paramagnetic protein that depends on molecular geometry. This effect arises as a consequence of cross-correlated relaxation involving the Curie spin relaxation and internuclear dipolar relaxation mechanisms. It also manifests itself in resolution and sensitivity improvement in transverse relaxation optimised spectroscopy (TROSY) kind of experiments. Characteristic multiplet patterns in heteronuclear coupled two-dimensional NMR spectra encode directional information for the heteronuclear bond with respect to the paramagnetic center. These patterns, which are simulated here using Redfield's relaxation theory, can be used to obtain a new type of geometry restriction for structure determination and refinement of paramagnetic macromolecular systems.  相似文献   

A theoretical full-relaxation matrix analysis of heteronuclear Overhauser effects in oligosaccharides is described. This analysis predicts that trans-glycosidic heteronuclear 1H{13C} NOEs should be measurable in a model disaccharide with appropriate enrichment with 13C and 2H. These predictions are confirmed experimentally, and the value of these measurements is discussed for conformational analysis.  相似文献   

Recent advances in chemoselective ligation technology have made possible the modification of proteins with polymers in a site-specific and controlled manner. These approaches rely on the incorporation of chemoselective anchors into the protein backbone by either chemical or recombinant means, and subsequent modification with a polymer carrying a complementary linker. As a result, the assembly process and the covalent structure of the resulting protein-polymer conjugate are completely controlled, enabling the rational optimization of drug properties, in particular efficacy and pharmacokinetic properties. Application of chemoselective ligation technologies to cytokines and chemokines has led to the generation of new lead proteins for use as erythropoietic agents and HIV fusion inhibitors.  相似文献   

Strickler MA  Gerig JT 《Biopolymers》2002,64(5):227-235
Interactions between the diketopiperazine cyclo-alanylglycine and four fluorinated alcohols in water-fluoroalcohol mixtures were examined by (1)H[(19)F] intermolecular nuclear Overhauser effects (NOE) experiments. The alcohols studied were trifluoroethanol, hexafluoroacetone trihydrate, 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoroisopropanol and perfluoro-t-butanol. The experimental methods used permit detection of solvent-solute NOEs of 0.1% or less. Solute and solvent diffusion coefficients were determined and apparent molecular radii of the fluoroalcohols estimated. Using these data, it was shown that observed (1)H[(19)F] intermolecular NOEs are consistent with expectations based on theory. A method for extending conventional theory to take into account the shape of a solute and the exposure of its hydrogens to solvent is described. This approach gives reasonable agreement with experimental results, particularly if it is assumed that solute-solvent interactions take place in such a way that the fluorines of a fluoroalcohol are preferentially oriented toward the solute during solute-solvent encounters. The results support the suggestion that intermolecular (1)H[(19)F] NOEs may become a useful tool for studies of peptide and protein conformations in fluoroalcohol-water solvent mixtures.  相似文献   

R67 dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) is a type II DHFR produced by bacteria as a resistance mechanism to the increased clinical use of the antibacterial drug trimethoprim. Type II DHFRs are not homologous in either sequence or structure with chromosomal DHFRs. The type II enzymes contain four identical subunits which form a homotetramer containing a single active site pore accessible from either end. Although the crystal structure of the complex of R67 DHFR with folate has been reported [Narayana et al. (1995) Nat. Struct. Biol. 2, 1018], the nature of the ternary complex which must form with substrate and cofactor is unclear. We have performed transferred NOE and interligand NOE (ILOE) studies to analyze the ternary complexes formed from NADP(+) and folate in order to probe the structure of the ternary complex. Consistent with previous studies of the binary complex formed from another type II DHFR, the ribonicotinamide bond of NADP(+) was found to adopt a syn conformation, while the adenosine moiety adopts an anti conformation. Large ILOE peaks connecting NADP(+) H4 and H5 with folate H9 protons are observed, while the absence of a large ILOE connecting NADP(+) H4 and H5 with folate H7 indicates that the relative orientation of the two ligands differs significantly from the orientation in the chromosomal enzyme. To obtain more detailed insight, we prepared and studied the folate analogue 2-deamino-2-methyl-5,8-dideazafolate (DMDDF) which contains additional protons in order to provide additional NOEs. For this analogue, the exchange characteristics of the corresponding ternary complex were considerably poorer, and it was necessary to utilize higher enzyme concentrations and higher temperature in order to obtain ILOE information. The results support a structure in which the NADP(+) and folate/DMDDF molecules extend in opposite directions parallel to the long axis of the pore, with the nicotinamide and pterin ring systems approximately stacked at the center. Such a structure leads to a ternary complex which is in many respects similar to the gas-phase theoretical calculations of the dihydrofolate-NADPH transition state by Andres et al. [(1996) Bioorg. Chem. 24, 10-18]. Analogous NMR studies performed on folate, DMDDF, and R67 DHFR indicate formation of a ternary complex in which two symmetry-related binding sites are occupied by folate and DMDDF.  相似文献   

An estimated one-third of all proteins in higher eukaryotes are regulated by phosphorylation by protein kinases (PKs). Although plant genomes encode more than 1000 PKs, the substrates of only a small fraction of these kinases are known. By mass spectrometry of peptides from cytoplasmic- and nuclear-enriched fractions, we determined 303 in vivo phosphorylation sites in Arabidopsis proteins. Among 21 different PKs, 12 were phosphorylated in their activation loops, suggesting that they were in their active state. Immunoblotting and mutational analysis confirmed a tyrosine phosphorylation site in the activation loop of a GSK3/shaggy-like kinase. Analysis of phosphorylation motifs in the substrates suggested links between several of these PKs and many target sites. To perform quantitative phosphorylation analysis, peptide arrays were generated with peptides corresponding to in vivo phosphorylation sites. These peptide chips were used for kinome profiling of subcellular fractions as well as H 2O 2-treated Arabidopsis cells. Different peptide phosphorylation profiles indicated the presence of overlapping but distinct PK activities in cytosolic and nuclear compartments. Among different H 2O 2-induced PK targets, a peptide of the serine/arginine-rich (SR) splicing factor SCL30 was most strongly affected. SRPK4 (SR protein-specific kinase 4) and MAPKs (mitogen-activated PKs) were found to phosphorylate this peptide, as well as full-length SCL30. However, whereas SRPK4 was constitutively active, MAPKs were activated by H 2O 2. These results suggest that SCL30 is targeted by different PKs. Together, our data demonstrate that a combination of mass spectrometry with peptide chip phosphorylation profiling has a great potential to unravel phosphoproteome dynamics and to identify PK substrates.  相似文献   

Native disulfide bonds in therapeutic proteins are crucial for tertiary structure and biological activity and are therefore considered unsuitable for chemical modification. We show that native disulfides in human interferon alpha-2b and in a fragment of an antibody to CD4(+) can be modified by site-specific bisalkylation of the two cysteine sulfur atoms to form a three-carbon PEGylated bridge. The yield of PEGylated protein is high, and tertiary structure and biological activity are retained.  相似文献   

A novel method is proposed for the study of the conformation in solution of small molecules bound to proteins. In transfer of saturation experiments, irradiation at the frequency of a proton in the bound ligand can result in an intensity change in the signal from a different proton in the free excess ligand via a nuclear Overhauser effect between the two protons in the bound ligand. Approximatel calculations show that the observation of such effects depends upon the close spatial proximity (within about 4.0 Å) of the two protons involved and thus gives useful conformational information. Two examples of this method are given, for the binding of trimethoprim and NADP+, respectively, to Lactobacillus casei dihydrofolate reductase.  相似文献   

Site-specific PEGylation of proteins containing unnatural amino acids   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Here, we report a generally applicable PEGylation methodology based on the site-specific incorporation of para-azidophenylalanine into proteins in yeast. The azido group was used in a mild [3+2] cycloaddition reaction with an alkyne derivatized PEG reagent to afford selectively PEGylated protein. This strategy should be useful for the generation of selectively PEGylated proteins for therapeutic applications.  相似文献   

The genetic addition of hexahistidine (H(6)) tags is widely used to isolate recombinant proteins by immobilized metal-affinity chromatography (IMAC). Addition of a tyrosine residue to H(6) tags enabled proteins to be covalently cross-linked under mild conditions in a manner similar to the natural, site-specific cross-linking of tyrosines into dityrosine. A series of seven hexahistidine tags with tyrosines placed in various positions (H(6)Y tags) were added to the amino terminus of the I28 immunoglobulin domain of the human cardiac titin. The H(6)Y-tagged I28 dimerized in the presence of excess Ni(2+) with a K(D) of 200 microM. Treatment of Ni(2+)-dimerized H(6)Y-I28 with an oxidant, monoperoxyphthalic acid (MMPP) or sodium sulfite, resulted in covalent protein multimerization through chelated Ni(2+)-catalyzed cross-linking of the Y residues engineered into the H(6) tag. The protein oligomerization was observed by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS PAGE). The presence of dityrosine in the cross-linked proteins was confirmed by fluorescence emission at 410 nm. Proteins lacking the Y residue in the H(6) tag treated with the same oxidative conditions did not cross-link or exhibit dityrosine fluorescence, despite the presence of an endogenous Y residue. The method may have potential uses in other protein conjugation applications such as protein labeling and interfacial immobilization of proteins on artificial surfaces.  相似文献   

Macek B  Mijakovic I 《Proteomics》2011,11(15):3002-3011
Protein phosphorylation on serine, threonine and tyrosine is established as an important regulatory modification in bacteria. A growing number of studies employing mass spectrometry-based proteomics report large protein phosphorylation datasets, providing precise evidence for in-vivo phosphorylation that is especially suitable for functional follow-up. Here, we provide an overview of the strategies currently used in bacterial phosphoproteomics, with an emphasis on gel-free proteomics and approaches that enable global detection of phosphorylation sites in bacterial proteins. The proteomics technology has matured sufficiently to permit routine characterization of phosphoproteomes and phosphopeptides with high sensitivity; we argue that the next challenge in the field will be the large-scale detection of protein kinase and phosphatase substrates and their integration into regulatory networks of the bacterial cell.  相似文献   

The principal bottleneck for the utilization of small-molecule probes in live cells is the shortage of methodologies for targeting them with very high specificity to biological molecules or compartments of interest. Recently developed methods for labeling proteins with small-molecule probes in cells employ special protein or peptide handles that recruit small-molecule ligands, harness enzymes to catalyze small-molecule conjugation or hijack the cell's protein translation machinery.  相似文献   

The furanochromones khellin and visnagin have been characterised by 1H and 13C mono- and bidimensional NMR spectroscopies. Their strong affinity with DNA was experimentally confirmed by the complete disappearance of the furano-chromones' NMR signals upon additions of DNA. An intermolecular interaction between furanochromones and the thymidyl moieties of DNA, stabilized by the formation of a hydrogen bond between the thymidyl NH hydrogen and the C = O group of khellin or visnagin, is here proposed. This is suggested by the strong donor-acceptor behavior of these two molecular moieties, as pointed out by a selective 1H-13C Overhauser effect study of the khellin-thymidine model system.  相似文献   

Summary While both 31P and 113Cd are present at locations of interest in many different macromolecular systems, heteronuclear-detected relaxation measurements on these nuclei have been restrained by limitations in either resolution or signal-to-noise ratio. We have developed hetero TOCSY-based methods to overcome both of these problems. Two-dimensional versions of these experiments were utilized to measure 31P T1 and T2 values in DNA oligonucleotides; the additional resolution offered by a second dimension allowed determination of these values for most of the 31P resonances in a DNA dodecamer. The results from the experiments indicated that there was little significant variation in T1 values for the different phosphates in the DNA dodecamer; however, the T2 values showed a clear pattern, with lower values in the interior of the sequence than at the ends of the helix. Furthermore, a significant correlation between 31P chemical shifts and T2 values was observed. One-dimensional, frequency-selective versions of these experiments were also developed for use on systems containing a smaller number of heteronuclear spins. These methods were applied to investigate the heteronuclear relaxation properties of 113Cd in 113Cd2LAC9(61), a Cys6Zn2 DNA-binding domain. Data from the experiments confirm biochemical evidence that more significant differences occur in the metal-protein interactions between the two metal-binding sites than has been previously identified for proteins containing this motif.  相似文献   

A large number of amino acids other than the canonical amino acids can now be easily incorporated in vivo into proteins at genetically encoded positions. The technology requires an orthogonal tRNA/aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase pair specific for the unnatural amino acid that is added to the media while a TAG amber or frame shift codon specifies the incorporation site in the protein to be studied. These unnatural amino acids can be isotopically labeled and provide unique opportunities for site-specific labeling of proteins for NMR studies. In this perspective, we discuss these opportunities including new photocaged unnatural amino acids, outline usage of metal chelating and spin-labeled unnatural amino acids and expand the approach to in-cell NMR experiments.  相似文献   

Naturally occurring hemin cofactor has been functionalized to introduce two terminal alkyne groups. This modified hemin has been successfully covalently attached to mixed self-assembled monolayers of alkanethiols and azide-terminated alkanethiols on gold electrodes using a Cu(I)-catalyzed 1,3-cycloaddition reaction. However these hemin-modified electrodes could not be used to reconstitute apomyoglobin on gold electrodes owing to the hydrophobicity of the alkane thiol self-assembled monolayer. Modification of existing techniques allowed covalent attachment of alkyne-terminated electroactive species onto mixed monolayers of azidothiols and carboxylatoalkanethiols on electrodes using the same Cu(I)-catalyzed 1,3-cycloaddition reaction. Apomyoglobin could be reconstituted using the hemin covalently attached to these hydrophilic electrodes. The electrochemical data, UV-vis absorption data, surface-enhanced resonance Raman spectroscopy data, and atomic force microscopy data indicate the presence of these modified myoglobin proteins on these electrodes. The direct attachment of the heme cofactor of these modified myoglobin proteins to the electrode allows fast electron transfer to the heme center from the electrode and affords efficient O(2)-reducing bioelectrodes under physiological conditions.  相似文献   

A general procedure for site-specific and reversible labeling of proteins with transition metal ions is described. The method is based on the use of the novel ligand 1-(2-thioethyl)-1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane (TETAC), which specifically and readily reacts with thiol groups. Synthesis of TETAC from 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane (cyclen) and ethylene disulfide yielded a mixture of products, including TETAC and its oxidized disulfide in 56.4% yield. The procedure for labeling proteins with TETAC is straightforward and led to separation of the TETAC-containing product mixture through gel-filtration chromatography. The resulting protein-TETAC adducts were shown to contain a single TETAC group which bound transition metal ions. Protein-TETACCu2+ had a UV-Vis spectrum similar to that of Cu2+(cyclen) while the protein-TETACCo2+ complex had a different spectrum to that of the cobalt-containing cyclen. This is because attachment to the protein prevented the Co2+-containing TETAC from dimerising and binding O2, which the cobalt-containing cyclen is able to do. The proteins used to develop this labeling procedure were the DNase domain of colicin E9 and its inhibitor protein Im9. Unlike Im9, the DNase does not contain a cysteine residue but the Ser30Cys variant of the DNase was prepared by site-directed mutagenesis. Both Im9 and the Ser30Cys DNase were modified with TETAC and the modifications shown to be structurally and functionally benign through NMR spectroscopy of the modified Im9 and fluorescence spectroscopy binding assays in which DNase-Im9 complexes were formed. The simplicity of the method, and its general application to any protein through the introduction of cysteine by site-directed mutagenesis, suggests it will be of wide use in protein chemistry applications.  相似文献   

[19F]-1H heteronuclear difference nuclear Overhauser effect experiments are performed on a sample of 5,5-difluorohexanoyl acyl carrier protein from Escherichia coli. Interaction of the fluorines at the 5-position of the acyl chain with protons on methyl groups of isoleucine 54 and alanine 59 is clearly indicated. The covalent attachment of the acyl chain via a prosthetic group to serine 36 and the known alpha-helix which exists from residues 36 to 51 greatly restrict the structural models which would allow acyl chain contact with residues 54 and 59.  相似文献   

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