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本文简述适度加工果蔬酶促褐变的机理,着重论述控制酶促褐变的物理方法、化学方法、酶法以及基因工程改良技术等方面的研究进展, 相似文献
水果和蔬菜是二大类最主要的虫媒作物, 在农业生产中占据十分重要的地位, 但是近几十年来授粉昆虫在多国出现了不同程度的下降, 影响了农业生产的经济效益。为了明确中国主要授粉昆虫的现状以及昆虫授粉在中国水果和蔬菜生产中的经济地位, 本文分析了1961-2009年间中国主要授粉昆虫蜜蜂的数量动态以及水果和蔬菜种植的变化特征; 并以2008年种植的与人类食品密切相关的44种水果和蔬菜为研究对象, 引入农作物对昆虫授粉的依赖性参数, 应用生物经济学的方法评估了昆虫授粉对中国水果和蔬菜产生的经济价值。结果表明: 1961-2009年的49年之间, 中国主要授粉昆虫蜜蜂蜂群数量增加了161%, 水果和蔬菜种植面积增加了472%, 产量增加了833%。中国水果和蔬菜中虫媒作物产量的提高, 与作物种植面积的增长密切相关(r=0.995, P<0.01), 也与主要授粉昆虫蜜蜂蜂群数量增加有关(r=0.804, P<0.01)。2008年昆虫授粉对中国水果和蔬菜产生的经济价值为521.7亿美元, 占44种水果和蔬菜总产值的25.5%。水果类对昆虫授粉的依赖程度较高, 授粉产生的经济价值大于蔬菜类。在昆虫授粉的贡献中, 苹果、西瓜、梨、芒果和李占据前5位。昆虫授粉对中国水果和蔬菜产生的经济价值十分巨大, 中国水果和蔬菜对昆虫授粉的依赖程度超过15.9%的全球平均水平。随着中国水果和蔬菜种植面积的持续增长, 中国需要更多的授粉昆虫为其提供授粉服务。 相似文献
This study is aimed to investigate the transfer of potentially toxic trace elements from soils to plants grown under the impact of Alaverdi's mining complex and assess the related dietary exposure to local residents. Contamination levels of potentially toxic trace elements (Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, Hg, As, Cd) in soils and plants were determined and afterwards, transfer factors, estimated daily intakes, target hazard quotients, and hazard indexes were calculated. Some trace elements (Pb, Zn, Cd) exceeded the maximum allowable levels. EDIs of Cu, Ni, Hg for the majority of studied fruits and vegetables exceeded the health-based guideline values. Meanwhile, in case of combined consumption of the studied food items, the estimated cumulative daily intakes exceeded health-based guideline values not only for the aforementioned trace elements but also for Zn in the following sequence: Zn > Hg > Ni > Cu. HI > 1 values highlighted the potential adverse health effects for local population through more than one trace element. Detailed investigations need to be done for the overall assessment of health risks, taking into consideration not only adverse health effects posed by more than one toxic trace element but also through other exposure pathways. 相似文献
随着化学杀菌剂弊端的日益凸显,生物防治已逐渐成为采后果蔬病害控制的研究和开发热点.其中,很多微生物产生的多种挥发性物质(volatile organic compounds,VOCs),能显著抑制多种病原菌的生长繁殖,有效控制采后果蔬病害.由于微生物源VOCs具有有效、安全、环保、易降解和无残留等优点,越来越受到各国研... 相似文献
病原微生物侵染引起的果蔬病害日趋严重,现阶段果蔬病害的防治措施主要依赖化学防治,但长期大量施用合成农药的弊端如化学残留、环境污染、抗药性病原菌株出现等日益凸显。近年来,生物防治由于其安全性及高效、经济、环保等优点,成为研究热点。荧光假单胞菌(Pseudomonas fluorescens)分布广泛,施用方便,许多菌株能有效抑制多种病原微生物,成为最具应用价值的一类生防菌和根际促生菌。本文综述了荧光假单胞菌控制果蔬病害的生防效果、主要作用机制(直接寄生作用、营养物质和空间位点竞争、次生抗性代谢物、诱导宿主系统抗性)以及菌剂混配、物理方法、化学处理、分子技术在提高荧光假单胞菌生防效力等方面的研究进展,为荧光假单胞菌在生物防治领域的进一步开发利用提供一定的基础资料。 相似文献
为科学评价食用菌与果蔬两类食材的营养特征与口感风味,本研究选取4种常见食用菌(金针菇、斑玉蕈、香菇、双孢蘑菇)和4种常见果蔬(苹果、香蕉、胡萝卜、番茄),采用氨基酸自动分析仪测定其游离氨基酸,系统比较了两类食材的游离氨基酸组分比例及呈味特征。主成分和聚类分析表明 4种食用菌和4种果蔬显著分为两类,食用菌类游离氨基酸总量平均是果蔬类的3倍以上,4种食用菌中各游离氨基酸的比例均衡。4种食用菌的必需氨基酸/(必需氨基酸+非必需氨基酸)在40%左右,必需氨基酸/非必需氨基酸接近或大于60%,均接近理想值。4种食用菌所含的呈味氨基酸(鲜味、甜味、芳香族、苦味)均是4种果蔬的2倍以上,TAV值最显著的是:谷氨酸、苯丙氨酸、甘氨酸、苏氨酸、组氨酸、赖氨酸、缬氨酸、精氨酸和丙氨酸。这些氨基酸分属在五大氨基酸家族,在食用菌与果蔬中代谢途径相同;只有赖氨酸在二者中的合成途径不同。结果表明供试的食用菌比果蔬有优质的氨基酸比例和丰富的呈味组分,此差异体现在众多氨基酸的代谢层面,而非个别氨基酸导致。 相似文献
近几年来 ,随着重氮环戊二烯和环丙烯类等乙烯受体抑制剂的发现 ,为控制乙烯敏感型的果蔬采后成熟、衰老提供新的技术手段。从乙烯受体抑制剂的特性、作用特点以及可能作用机理等方面概述了采后果蔬对乙烯受体抑制剂的响应和应用乙烯受体抑制剂延长采后果蔬贮运保鲜的技术。 相似文献
The antioxidant activity, mutagenicity, and genotoxicity of bis(3-(3,5-di- tret-butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)propyl)sulfide (thiophane) were studied using bacterial tests. The results of both an Ames test and SOS chromotest, as well as those studying the survival of E. coli cells deficient in enzymes responsible for the repair of DNA oxidative damage, testify to the fact that thiophane is not mutagenic and genotoxic, and it protects Salmonella typhimurium cells better than the well-known antioxidant trolox. 相似文献
Demethyloleuropein plays a major role in the defense mechanism of olive fruits. To understand how this molecule is metabolized during different stages of maturation of olive fruits, a biomolecular approach to identify the demethyloleuropein chemistry was employed. The beta-glucosidase activity in crude extracts was assayed spectrophotometrically using the chromogenic substrate p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside. Demethyloleuropein was extracted and identified by HPLC-MS from both infected and uninfected olive fruits at different physiological stages. The release of more functionally relevant dialdehydes in uninfected fruits was investigated using ESIMS/ MS. In fruits harvested in October, the activity of beta-glucosidase was significantly enhanced in uninfected fruits when compared to the infected fruits. Quantitative differences in the demethyloleuropein content from uninfected fruits showed the highest values (5.09 mg/g) in October, whereas lower levels (4.44 mg/g) were found in infected fruits. The results demonstrated that demethyloleuropein derivatives could be influenced by beta-glucosidase activity to improve the quality of the olive products with the best dialdehyde nutraceutical content. 相似文献
Two locally-produced seasonal vegetables, carrot and patol, were preserved in brine, with and without radiation, with marked changes in their properties as foods and their microbiology. The treated vegetables could be preserved, at optimum salt and irradiation levels, for up to 60 days without becoming unacceptable in terms of appearance, texture, flavour and taste. The optimum salt concentrations for preservation of carrot and patol were 2% (w/v) and 3% (w/v), respectively. The microbial load initially showed an upward trend and then declined after 5 to 10 days of storage. Lactic acid bacteria predominated in treated vegetables. 相似文献
Resveratrol, a plant phenolic compound, is found in grapes and red wine, but is not widely distributed in other common food sources. The pathway for resveratrol biosynthesis is well characterized. Metabolic engineering of this compound has been achieved in tomato plants ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) in order to improve their nutritional value. Tomato plants synthesizing resveratrol were obtained via the heterologous expression of a grape ( Vitis vinifera L.) cDNA encoding for the enzyme stilbene synthase (StSy), under the control of the fruit-specific promoter TomLoxB. The resulting LoxS transgenic plants accumulated trans -resveratrol and trans -piceid, in particular in the skin of the mature fruits. Quantitative analyses carried out on LoxS fruits were compared with those of a tomato line constitutively expressing the stsy gene (35SS). The LoxS fruits contained levels of trans -resveratrol that were 20-fold lower than those previously reported for the 35SS line. The total antioxidant capability and ascorbate content in transformed fruits were also evaluated, and a significant increase in both was found in the LoxS and 35SS lines. These results could explain the higher capability of transgenic fruits to counteract the pro-inflammatory effects of phorbol ester in monocyte–macrophages via the inhibition of induced cyclo-oxygenase-2 enzyme. 相似文献
A total of 96 samples of fresh fruits were collected to investigate the residues of selected plant growth regulators and fungicides. The analyses utilized ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry after a modified QuEChERS method. The results were evaluated according to maximum residue limits (MRLs) by the Chinese regulation. All blueberries, litchis, and watermelons were pesticide-free, and only one (1%) fruit sample contained pesticide residues above MRLs. Concerning the most frequently detected pesticide residues, carbendazim was found in 20% of the samples analyzed. Data obtained were then used to estimate the potential health risks associated with the exposures to these pesticides. The short-term risks were below 3.25% and the long-term risks were also very low, ranging from 0.0005% for dimethomorph to 0.4302% for prochloraz. 相似文献
峨眉冷杉林是青藏高原东缘亚高山暗针叶林的重要组成部分,其自然更新对全球变化非常敏感,是研究气候变化对陆地生态系统影响的代表性森林类型.以峨眉冷杉幼苗为研究对象,以开顶式增温小室(Open top chambers,OTCs)和电热棒联合的方式增加环境温度,人为添加不同类型凋落物(A,75%峨眉冷杉针叶+25%杜鹃荚蒾灌木叶凋落物;B,55%峨眉冷杉针叶+45%杜鹃荚蒾灌木叶凋落物),共设置4个处理:(1)凋落物A+增温T(A-T);(2)凋落物B+增温T(B-T);(3)凋落物A+环境温度TO(A-T0);(4)凋落物B+环境温度TO(B-TO).研究增温和两种类型凋落物联合作用下峨眉冷杉幼苗的生理生态响应特征.得到以下结果:(1)在环境温度下,A型凋落物情景下的冷杉幼苗的电导率、丙二醛和脯氨酸含量、超氧阴离子自由基产生率比B型情景下高;而可溶性糖和淀粉含量、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、抗坏血酸过氧化物氢酶(APX)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性比B型凋落物情景下低.说明在当前环境温度下,B型凋落物比A型凋落物更加适合冷杉幼苗的生长.(2)在A型凋落物情景下,增温处理显著增加了冷杉幼苗叶片的自由脯氨酸含量和过氧化氢浓度;在B型凋落物情景下,增温处理显著降低了冷杉幼苗丙二醛、自由脯氨酸含量、可溶性糖和淀粉含量,增加了超氧阴离子自由基产生速率.可见,与A型凋落物相比,增温使得B型凋落物情景下的冷杉幼苗膜伤害程度减小.(3)不同类型凋落物与增温的联合作用均降低了冷杉幼苗的可溶性糖和淀粉含量.与A-T处理相比,B-T处理下冷杉幼苗叶片的电导率、丙二醛和脯氨酸含量更低,而POD、APX、GR、CAT抗氧化酶活性却更高.研究结果表明,针叶成分相对较少的B型凋落物更有利于峨眉冷杉幼苗适应未来气候变暖情景. 相似文献
[目的] 定量评估进境台湾果蔬主要病虫在大陆的入侵风险,为早期监测预警提供依据。[方法] 首先,基于外来物种传入、定殖、扩散和危害的一般过程,构建了包括4个层次26个指标的进境台湾果蔬有害生物入侵综合风险评估指标体系,规范了风险指数的计算方法,评估了14种病虫随台湾果蔬入侵的综合风险;其次,利用气候生态位模型预测了它们在我国的适生区;最后,融合进境台湾果蔬到达港口、物流中转站、集散地和主要病虫的适生区的空间分布,通过空间叠加分析划定了它们在我国传入并定殖的风险区及其空间异质性。[结果] 14种被评估病虫在我国的综合风险值均大于0.7,属高风险等级。14种病虫在我国都存在广阔的适生区,但不同物种适生区的面积和空间分布存在差异。福建、广东、海南等东部和南部沿海地区是它们适生区的高度重叠区,超过95%的台湾果蔬到达港口、物流中转和集散地的集中分布区,潜在的入侵风险极高。[结论] 进境台湾果蔬贸易能够促进或加剧外来有害生物的入侵。研究进一步证实了台湾已经并将继续成为大陆外来有害生物入侵的踏板。建议进一步加强海关检疫、开展和完善监测预警等措施预防和控制有害生物入侵,为农业生物安全提供保障。 相似文献
Skin aging is a complex biological process influenced by a combination of endogenous or intrinsic and exogenous or extrinsic factors due to environmental damage. The primary environmental factor that causes human skin aging is the ultraviolet irradiation from the sun. Recently, it was established that the long-term exposure to light-emitting-diode-generated blue light (LED-BL) from electronic devices seems to have a relevant implication in the molecular mechanisms of premature photoaging. BL irradiation induces changes in the synthesis of various skin structures through DNA damage and overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS), matrix metalloproteinase-1 and -12, which are responsible for the loss of the main components of the extracellular matrix of skin like collagen type I and elastin. In the current study, using human keratinocytes and fibroblasts exposed to specific LED-BL radiation doses (45 and 15 J/cm 2), we produced an in vitro model of skin photoaging. We verified that, compared with untreated controls, the treatment with LED-BL irradiation results in the alteration of metalloprotease-1 (collagenase), metalloprotease-12 (elastase), 8-dihydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine, proliferating cell nuclear antigen, and collagen type I. Moreover, we showed that the photoaging prevention is possible via the use of hydroxytyrosol extracted from olive fruits, well known for antioxidant properties. Our results demonstrated that hydroxytyrosol protects keratinocytes and fibroblasts from LED-BL-induced damage. Thus, hydroxytyrosol might be proposed as an encouraging candidate for the prevention of BL-induced premature photoaging. 相似文献
为了研究风害对不同叶菜的影响,本研究通过模拟风洞试验,以上海青,四季小白菜,玻璃生菜3种叶菜为试验材料,分别在5,15,25 m/s风速条件下设置5,10,15 min的风胁迫处理,采用电导率法、伤口染色目测法、伤口色泽L值测定法研究风胁迫对不同种类叶菜造成的机械损伤,并对以上3种测定方法进行了综合评价,进而建立相应的数学模型。结果表明:风速和风胁迫时间两因子均对3种叶菜的相对电导率、目测等级、L值有显著性影响;两者的交互作用对上海青和四季小白菜的相对电导率有显著性影响,但对玻璃生菜的相对电导率无显著影响;另外,两者的交互作用对3种叶菜的目测等级均影响显著,但对3种叶菜的L值影响均不显著。25 m/s和15 m/s风对3种叶菜都可引起显著机械损伤,其中,在25 m/s持续15 min风处理下机械损伤最为严重,在此处理组合下,上海青、四季小白菜和玻璃生菜的相对电导率分别高于对照214.70%,228.96%,266.92%;目测等级分别高于对照2.3,2.4和3.6级;L值分别低于对照21.17%,38.91%,42.73%。显然,与上海青和四季小白菜相比,玻璃生菜更容易受到风害影响。Gauss2D拟合模型中,3种叶菜机械损伤拟合模型的决定系数R2均超过0.95,证明该拟合模型能较好地预测不同叶菜遭受风害后的机械损伤程度,可以为风害机械损伤预测提供理论基础。 相似文献
Synthetic chalcones (SCs) having different side chains on the 1-(2-Hydroxy-3-(2-hydroxy-cyclohexyl)-4,6 dimethoxy-phenyl(-methanone structure were examined in-vitro for their antioxidant abilities by DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl hydrazine) radical scavenging activity, reducing ability, OH radical scavenging activity, inhibition of polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and formation of diene conjugates. Overall, with few exceptions, all the SCs showed moderate biological activity in all the parameters examined. The SCs were found to be reactive towards DPPH radical and had considerable reducing ability. With few exceptions, all the test compounds under study were found to possess moderate to poor OH radical scavenging activity and inhibited PPO significantly and all were found to be effective inhibitors of hydroperoxide formation. These findings suggest that these SCs can be considered as potential antioxidant agents which might be further explored for the design of lead antioxidant drug candidates. 相似文献
Cholestasis occurs in a variety of hepatic diseases and causes damage due to accumulation of bile acids in the liver. The aim was to investigate the effect of several bile acids, i.e. chenodeoxycholic, taurochenodeoxycholic, deoxycholic, taurodeoxycholic, ursodeoxycholic, lithocholic and taurolithocholic (TLC), in inducing oxidative damage. Hepatic tissue of male Sprague-Dawley rats was incubated with or without 1 mM of each bile acid, with or without 0.1 mM FeCl 3 and 0.1 mM ascorbic acid for the purpose of generating free radicals. Several bile acids increased lipid and protein oxidation, with TLC being the most pro-oxidative (657% and 175% in homogenates and 350% and 311% in membranes, respectively). TLC also enhanced iron-induced oxidative stress to lipids (21% in homogenates and 29% in membranes) and to proteins (74% in membranes). This enhancement was dose- and time-dependent and was reduced by melatonin. These results suggest that bile acids differentially mediate hepatic oxidative stress and may be involved in the physiopathology of cholestasis. 相似文献