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The regulation of ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) of Rhodotorula glutinis has been studied, by growing the yeasts in different carbon and nitrogen sources and estimating the enzyme level in crude yeasts extracts.The results show a nutritional repression of OTC by arginine, when added to the culture media as carbon, nitrogen or carbon and nitrogen sources. On the other hand ornithine does not exert any effect in the same experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Conformational change associated with allosteric regulation in a protein is ultimately driven by energy transformation. However, little is known about the latter process. In this work, we combined steered molecular dynamics simulations and sequence conservation analysis to investigate the conformational changes and energy transformation in the allosteric enzyme aspartokinase III (AK III) from Escherichia coli. Correlation analysis of energy change at residue level indicated significant transformation between electrostatic energy and dihedral angle energy during the allosteric regulation. Key amino acid residues located in the corresponding energy transduction pathways were identified by dynamic energy correlation analysis. To verify their functions, residues with a high energy correlation in the pathways were altered and their effects on allosteric regulation of AKIII were determined. This study sheds new insights into energy transformation during allosteric regulation of AK III and proposes a strategy to identify key residues that are involved in intramolecular energy transduction and thus in driving the allosteric process.  相似文献   

Duckweed colonies were grown on 1 l of nutrient solution supplied with 10 M l-[14C]leucine or with 25 M l-[14C]valine. Under these conditions the exogenously supplied amino acid did not inhibit growth, but caused in the plants a moderately increased pool of that amino acid, which remained essentially constant during the culture period. The effect of the increased pool of valine or leucine on the biosynthesis of these amino acids was determined from isotope dilution in the protein-bound valine and-or leucine. An increase in the leucine pool from 1.1 to 5.0 nmol mg–1 dry weight resulted in a 21% reduction of metabolite flow through the common part of the valine-leucine biosynthetic pathway; leucine synthesis was reduced by 35%, but valine synthesis by only 5% and isoleucine synthesis was apparently unaffected. An increase in the valine pool from 3.2 to 6.6 nmol mg–1 dry weight reduced the metabolite flow through the valine-leucine pathway by 48%, valine synthesis by 70%, and leucine synthesis from pyruvate by 29%, which was compensated by leucine synthesis from exogenous valine, whereas the synthesis of isoleucine was not changed. It is concluded that the biosynthesis of valine and leucine is mainly controlled by feedback inhibition of acetohydroxyacid synthetase. In vivo, the feedback inhibition can be exerted in such a way that synthesis of acetolactate (the precursor of valine and leucine) is appreciably reduced, whereas synthesis of acetohydroxybutyrate (the isoleucine precursor) is not inhibited.  相似文献   

Complementation tests and enzyme analyses separated 29 leucine auxotrophs of the Basidiomycete Rhodosporidium toruloides into three groups, each deficient in one of the leucine biosynthetic enzymes. The following differences are suggested between the organization of the leucine pathway in R. toruloides and the Ascomycetes Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Neurospora crassa: (1) isopropylmalate, the product of the first enzymic reaction appears not to be an internal inducer of the later enzymes of the pathway; this is consistent with the apparent lack of mutants homologous to the leu3 class in N. crassa and S. cerevisiae; (2) as in S. cerevisiae, but unlike N. crassa, isopropylmalate synthase is under the control of a general cross pathway control system; (3) unlike S. cerevisiae, but like N. crassa, R. toruloides appears to possess only one gene encoding isopropylmalate synthase.Abbreviations IPM Isopropylmalate - EMS methanesulphonic acid, ethyl ester  相似文献   

We test, using site-directed mutagenesis, predictions based on the X-ray structure of N-acetyl-L-glutamate kinase (NAGK), the paradigm of the amino acid kinase protein family, about the roles of specific residues on substrate binding and catalysis. The mutations K8R and D162E decreased V([sustrate]= infinity ) 100-fold and 1000-fold, respectively, in agreement with the predictions that K8 catalyzes phosphoryl transfer and D162 organizes the catalytic groups. R66K and N158Q increased selectively K(m)(Asp) three to four orders of magnitude, in agreement with the binding of R66 and N158 to the C(alpha) substituents of NAG. Mutagenesis in parallel of aspartokinase III (AKIII phosphorylates aspartate instead of acetylglutamate), another important amino acid kinase family member of unknown 3-D structure, identified in AKIII two residues, K8 and D202, that appear to play roles similar to those of K8 and D162 of NAGK, and supports the involvement of E119 and R198, similarly to R66 and N158 of NAGK, in the binding of the amino acid substrate, apparently interacting, respectively, with the alpha-NH(3)(+) and alpha-COO(-) of aspartate. These results and an improved alignment of the NAGK and AKIII sequences have guided us into 3-D modelling of the amino acid kinase domain of AKIII using NAGK as template. The model has good stereochemistry and validation parameters. It provides insight into substrate binding and catalysis, agreeing with mutagenesis results with another aspartokinase that were not considered when building the model.AKIII is homodimeric and is inhibited by lysine. Lysine may bind to a regulatory region that is C-terminal to the amino acid kinase domain. We make a C-terminally truncated AKIII (AKIIIt) and show that the C-region is involved in intersubunit interactions, since AKIIIt is found to be monomeric. Further, it is inactive, as demanded if dimer formation is essential for activity. Models for AKIII architecture are proposed that account for these findings.  相似文献   

The aecA and aecB loci map at 250 and 290 degrees, respectively, on the Bacillus subtilis chromosomal genetic map. The aecB locus has been proposed as the structural gene for aspartokinase II. From DNA sequence analyses and comparisons to the sequence of the aspartokinase II gene, it can be concluded that the structural gene for aspartokinase II is located close to sdh at 250 degrees and cannot be aecB. A detailed map over 7 kbp in the 250 degree region is presented.  相似文献   

To analyse the regulation of the biosynthesis of the secondary metabolite penicillin in Aspergillus nidulans, a strain with an inactivated acvA gene produced by targeted disruption was used. acvA encodes -(l--aminoadipyl)-l-cysteinyl-d-valine synthetase (ACVS), which catalyses the first step in the penicillin biosynthetic pathway. To study the effect of the inactivated acvA gene on the expression of acvA and the second gene, ipnA, which encodes isopenicillin N synthase (IPNS), A. nidulans strain XEPD, with the acvA disruption, was crossed with strain AXB4A carrying acvA-uidA and ipnA-lacZ fusion genes. Ascospores with the predicted non-penicillin producing phenotype and a hybridization pattern indicating the presence of the disrupted acvA gene, and the fusion genes integrated in single copy at the chromosomal argB locus were identified. Both fusion genes were expressed at the same level as in the non-disrupted strain. Western blot analysis (immunoblotting) revealed that similar amounts of IPNS enzyme were present in both strains from 24 to 68 h of a fermentation run. In the acvA disrupted strain, IPNS and acyl-CoA: 6-aminopenicillanic acid acyltransferase (ACT) specific activities were detected, excluding a sequential induction mechanism of regulation of the penicillin biosynthesis gene ipnA and the third gene aat.  相似文献   

【目的】研究盐霉素生物合成基因簇上游潜在调控基因slnN的功能。【方法】本实验利用遗传操作技术,分别对白色链霉菌出发菌株Streptomyces albus BK3-25中的slnN基因进行敲除和过表达,然后利用抑菌圈实验和发酵实验,分别检测不同衍生菌株中盐霉素生物合成产量的变化。同时利用qRT-PCR分析衍生菌株与原始出发菌株之间的结构基因表达差异。【结果】结果表明在slnN基因缺失株(slnNDM)中,盐霉素的表达水平提高了35%左右;而在slnN基因过表达株(slnNOE)中,盐霉素产量下降达43%左右。qRT-PCR分析进一步发现slnN基因缺失,会引起slnO和slnA1基因的上调;而slnN基因过表达后,一方面会下调slnO与slnA1基因的表达,另一方面引起slnT1、slnF基因上调。【结论】本研究证实slnN基因对盐霉素的生物合成具有明显的负调控作用,其机制有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

Kinetic analysis of the glycogen chain growth reaction catalyzed by glycogen phosphorylase b from rabbit skeletal muscle has been carried out over a wide range of AMP concentration under the saturation of the enzyme by glycogen. Applicability of some variants of the kinetic model involving the interaction of AMP- and glucose 1-phosphate-binding sites in the dimeric enzyme molecule is considered. A kinetic model of the enzymatic reaction describing adequately the activation of the enzyme by AMP and inhibition at sufficiently high concentrations of AMP is proposed.  相似文献   

Folate derivatives are essential cofactors in the biosynthesis of purines, pyrimidines and amino acids across all forms of life. Mammals uptake folate from their diets, whereas most bacteria must synthesize folate de novo. Therefore, the enzymes in the folate biosynthetic pathway are attractive drug targets against bacterial pathogens such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the cause of the world's most deadly infectious disease, tuberculosis (TB). M.tuberculosis 7,8-dihydroneopterin aldolase (Mtb FolB, DHNA) is the second enzyme in the folate biosynthetic pathway, which catalyzes the conversion of 7,8-dihydroneopterin to 6-hydroxymethyl-7,8-dihydropterin and glycoaldehyde. The 1.6A X-ray crystal structure of Mtb FolB complexed with its product, 6-hydroxymethyl-7,8-dihydropterin, reveals an octameric assembly similar to that seen in crystal structures of other FolB homologs. However, the 2.5A crystal structure of unliganded Mtb FolB reveals a novel tetrameric oligomerization state, with only partially formed active sites. A substrate induced conformational change appears to be necessary to convert the inactive tetramer to the active octamer. Ultracentrifugation confirmed that in solution unliganded Mtb FolB is mainly tetrameric and upon addition of substrate FolB is predominantly octameric. Kinetic analysis of substrate binding gives a Hill coefficient of 2.0, indicating positive cooperativity. We hypothesize that Mtb FolB displays cooperativity in substrate binding to regulate the cellular concentration of 7,8-dihydroneopterin, so that it may function not only as a precursor to folate but also as an antioxidant for the survival of M.tuberculosis against host defenses.  相似文献   

Matthews  Benjamin F.  Widholm  Jack M. 《Planta》1978,141(3):315-321
Aspartokinase (EC, homoserine-dehydrogenase (EC and dihydrodipicolinic-acid-synthase (EC activities were examined in extracts from 1-year-old and 11-year-old cell suspension cultures and whole roots of garden carrot (Daucus carota L.). Aspartokinase activity from suspension cultures was inhibited 85% by 10 mM L-lysine and 15% by 10mM L-threonine. In contrast, aspartokinase activity from whole roots was inhibited 45% by 10 mM lysine and 55% by 10 mM threonine. This difference may be based upon alterations in the ratios of the two forms (lysine-and threonine-sensitive) of aspartokinase, since the activity is consistently inhibited 100% by lysine+threonine. Only one form each of homoserine dehydrogenase and of dihydrodipicolinic acid synthase was found in extracts from cell suspension cultures and whole roots. The regulatory properties of either enzyme were identical from the two sources. In both the direction of homoserine formation and aspartic--semialdehyde formation, homoserine dehydrogenase activities were inhibited by 10mM threonine and 10 mM L-cysteine in the presence of NADH or NADPH. KCl increased homoserine dehydrogenase activity to 185% of control values and increased the inhibitory effect of threonine. Dihydrodipicolinic acid synthase activities from both sources were inhibited over 80% by 0.5 mM lysine. Aspartokinase was less sensitive to inhibition by low concentrations of lysine and threonine than were dihydrodipicolinic acid synthase and homoserine dehydrogenase to inhibition by the respective inhibitors.  相似文献   

Summary Alpha-IPM synthase catalyzes the first committed step in leucine biosynthesis in the yeast S. cerevisiae. LEU4 is known to encode this enzyme activity. A second gene, LEU5, has been proposed to encode a second enzyme with this activity.We cloned LEU5 and genetically defined the locus. LEU5 maps to chromosome VIII and is tightly linked to CEN8.Five different mutations in LEU5 were analyzed: a sitedirected deletion and a disruption, as well as three distinct mutations produced by chemical mutagenesis. In a leu4 background, each leu5 mutation causes a Leu — phenotype; in a LEU4 background, none of the mutations alters the Leu+ phenotype. This shows that LEU5 is not essential for leucine biosynthesis. In either a leu4 or LEU4 background, each leu5 mutation causes a glycerol — phenotype. This operationally defines LEU5 as a PET gene.Two distinct suppressors of the Pet — phenotype of leu5 strains have been isolated. These suppressors revert the Pet — phenotype of each of four mutant leu5 alleles that were tested. Suppression occurs regardless of the allele at LEU4. Moreover, the suppressors co-revert the Leu — phenotype for each of the four leu5 mutations that is combined with a leu4 allele. This establishes the presence of a gene other than LEU5 that encodes a second alpha-IPM synthase. Further analysis provided no evidence for synthase activity that is encoded by LEU5.Abbreviation EMS ethylmethane sulfonate - IPM isopropylmalate - NPD nonparental ditype - PD parental ditype - TT tetratype  相似文献   

Although ionizable groups are known to play important roles in the assembly, catalytic, and regulatory mechanisms of Escherichia coli aspartate transcarbamylase, these groups have not been characterized in detail. We report the application of static accessibility modified Tanford-Kirkwood theory to model electrostatic effects associated with the assembly of pairs of chains, subunits, and the holoenzyme. All of the interchain interfaces except R1-R6 are stabilized by electrostatic interactions by -2 to -4 kcal-m-1 at pH 8. The pH dependence of the electrostatic component of the free energy of stabilization of intrasubunit contacts (C1-C2 and R1-R6) is qualitatively different from that of intersubunit contacts (C1-C4, C1-R1, and C1-R4). This difference may allow the transmission of information across subunit interfaces to be selectively regulated. Groups whose calculated pK or charge changes as a result of protein-protein interactions have been identified and the results correlated with available information about their function. Both the 240s loop of the c chain and the region near the Zn(II) ion of the r chain contain clusters of ionizable groups whose calculated pK values change by relatively large amounts upon assembly. These pK changes in turn extend to regions of the protein remote from the interface. The possibility that networks of ionizable groups are involved in transmitting information between binding sites is suggested.  相似文献   

脂肽类抗生素不仅对细菌、真菌有抗菌作用,而且对支原体、寄生虫和病毒等也具有显著的抑制作用。其主要包括表面活性素(Surfactins)、伊枯草菌素(Iturins)和芬芥素(Fengycins),其中Iturins和Fengycins有抗真菌活性,Surfactins有抗支原体、抗病毒等活性。综述了芽胞杆菌产生的脂肽类抗生素的结构、功能和应用,为其在农业和医药的研究与应用提供参考。  相似文献   

171 mutations conferring resistance to the indole analogue 5-fluoroindole (5 FI) were isolated in the filamentous basidiomycete fungus Coprinus cinereus. 5 FI is thought to be toxic because it is converted intracellularly to 5-fluorotryptophan (5 FT) which feedback inhibits the first enzyme of the tryptophan biosynthetic pathway, anthranilate synthase. Mutations were assigned to five loci, iar-1-iar-5 on the basis of functional analyses and mapping experiments. iar-5 mutations mapped in the anthranilate synthase structural gene and gave rise to an enzyme feedback resistant to tryptophan and its analogue. Mutants at other loci had regulatory changes. iar-1 and iar-3 mutants had elevated levels of two pathway enzymes measured (anthranilate synthase and tryptophan synthase) and were cross resistant to analogues of other aromatic amino acids suggesting that the entire aromatic pathway was derepressed. iar-3 mutants were unable to degrade metabolically derived typtophan to anthranilic acid unlike iar-1 mutants which excreted high levels of anthranilic acid. iar-2 mutants appeared to have a constitutive degradative pathway. iar-4 mutants had a blocked degradative pathway and unusual levels of tryptophan pathway enzymes.Abbreviations 5 FI 5-fluoroindole - 5 FT 5-fluorotryptophan - pFP para-fluorophenylalanine - mFT meta-fluoro-tyrosine  相似文献   

Bacterial surface polysaccharides fulfill a number of important roles in cell-cell interactions, survival in natural environments, and formation of biofilms. Consequently, the mechanisms involved in regulation of extracellular polysaccharides are predicted to have a significant impact on microbial adaptation. Strains ofEscherichia coli, Klebsiella spp, andErwinia spp produce extracellular polysaccharides which share structural features. There are also similarities in the organization of genes required for synthesis of these cell surface polymers and, in some cases, the mechanism of synthesis may be related. Despite the diverse habitats of these bacteria, the systems which regulate expression of their extracellular polysaccharides appear to share components and mechanisms. Understanding these regulatory processes may lead to novel therapeutic approaches for pathogens, or for control of unwanted biofilm formation in industrial settings.  相似文献   

When suspensions of Klebsiella aerogenes are incubated in a nitrogen-free medium there is a gradual decrease in the levels of acid-precipitable protein and of aspartokinase III (lysine-sensitive) and aspartokinase I (threonine-sensitive) activities. In contrast, the level of glutamine synthetase increases slightly and then remains constant. Under these conditions, the glutamine synthetase and other proteins continue to be synthesized as judged (a) by the incorporation of [14C]leucine into the acid-precipitable protein fraction and into protein precipitated by anti-glutamine synthetase antibodies, (b) by the fact that growth-inhibiting concentrations of chloramphenicol also inhibit the incroporation of [14C]leucine into protein and into protein precipitated by anti-glutamine synthetase antibody, and (c) by the fact that chloramphenicol leads to acceleration in the loss of aspartokinases I and III and promotes a net decrease in the level of glutamine synthetase and its cross-reactive protein. The loss of aspartokinases I and III in cell suspensions is stimulated by glucose and is inhibited by 2,4-dinitrophenol. Glucose also stimulates the loss of aspartokinases and glutamine synthetase in the presence of chloramphenicol. Cell-free extracts of K. aerogenes catalyze rapid inactivation of endogenous glutamine synthetase as well as exogeneously added pure glutamine synthetase. This loss of glutamine synthetase is not associated with a loss of protein that cross-reacts with anti-glutamine synthetase antibodies. The inactivation of glutamine synthetase in extracts is not due to adenylylation. It is partially prevented by sulfhydryl reagents, Mn2+, antimycin A, 2,4-dinitrophenol, EDTA, anaerobiosis and by dialysis. Following 18 h dialysis, the capacity of extracts to catalyze inactivation of glutamine synthetase is lost but can be restored by the addition of Fe2+ (or Ni2+ together with ATP (or other nucleoside di- and triphosphates. After 40–60 h dialysis Fe3+ together with NADH (but not ATP) are required for glutamine synthetase inactivation. The results suggest that accelerated protein degradation in cells exposed to nitrogen-limited conditions reflects the differential destruction of some proteins, including aspartokinases I and III, in order to sustain the biosynthesis of others such as glutamine synthetase. The loss of glutamine synthetase activity in cell-free extracts is likely mediated in part by mixed-function oxidation systems and could represent a ‘marking’ step in protein turnover.  相似文献   

3-Deoxy-d-arabino-heptulosonate-7-phosphate synthase (DAHPS) catalyzes the first reaction of the aromatic biosynthetic pathway in bacteria, fungi, and plants, the condensation of phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) and d-erythrose-4-phosphate (E4P) with the formation of DAHP. Crystals of DAHPS from Thermotoga maritima (DAHPS(Tm)) were grown in the presence of PEP and metal cofactor, Cd(2+), and then soaked with E4P at 4 degrees C where the catalytic activity of the enzyme is negligible. The crystal structure of the "frozen" reaction complex was determined at 2.2A resolution. The subunit of the DAHPS(Tm) homotetramer consists of an N-terminal ferredoxin-like (FL) domain and a (beta/alpha)(8)-barrel domain. The active site located at the C-end of the barrel contains Cd(2+), PEP, and E4P, the latter bound in a non-productive conformation. The productive conformation of E4P is suggested and a catalytic mechanism of DAHPS is proposed. The active site of DAHPS(Tm) is nearly identical to the active sites of the other two known DAHPS structures from Escherichia coli (DAHPS(Ec)) and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (DAHPS(Sc)). However, the secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structures of DAHPS(Tm) are more similar to the functionally related enzyme, 3-deoxy-d-manno-octulosonate-8-phosphate synthase (KDOPS) from E.coli and Aquiflex aeolicus, than to DAHPS(Ec) and DAHPS(Sc). Although DAHPS(Tm) is feedback-regulated by tyrosine and phenylalanine, it lacks the extra barrel segments that are required for feedback inhibition in DAHPS(Ec) and DAHPS(Sc). A sequence similarity search revealed that DAHPSs of phylogenetic family Ibeta possess a FL domain like DAHPS(Tm) while those of family Ialpha have extra barrel segments similar to those of DAHPS(Ec) and DAHPS(Sc). This indicates that the mechanism of feedback regulation in DAHPS(Tm) and other family Ibeta enzymes is different from that of family Ialpha enzymes, most likely being mediated by the FL domain.  相似文献   

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