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The common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) is a small New World primate that has increasingly been used as a non-human model in the fields of sensory, motor, and cognitive neuroscience. However, little knowledge exists regarding behavioral methods in this species. Developing an understanding of the neural basis of perception and cognition in an animal model requires measurement of both brain activity and behavior. Here we describe an operant conditioning behavioral training method developed to allow controlled psychoacoustic measurements in marmosets. We demonstrate that marmosets can be trained to consistently perform a Go/No-Go auditory task in which a subject licks at a feeding tube when it detects a sound. Correct responses result in delivery of a food reward. Crucially, this operant conditioning task generates little body movement and is well suited for pairing behavior with single-unit electrophysiology. Successful implementation of an operant conditioning behavior opens the door to a wide range of new studies in the field of auditory neuroscience using the marmoset as a model system.  相似文献   

Songbirds, and in particular zebra finches, present a wonderful opportunity to study cognition in species that have evolved specialized abilities and brain structures for auditory cognition. The authors describe the rationale, methods, and apparatus used to test the auditory perceptual and cognitive abilities of songbirds. They have developed an operant conditioning system for conducting discrimination experiments simultaneously with several songbirds. The system uses specialized single-board computers, standard personal computers, CD-ROMs, and custom-written software to present stimuli, control training, and record responses. Also, the authors describe software to produce high-quality synthesized and naturally occurring acoustic stimuli for use in studies of auditory cognition. Typical results from a challenging frequency-range discrimination are included.  相似文献   

大脑的感觉、情绪、认知等功能与其神经振荡模式有密切的联系。通过施加节律性刺激可以调控大脑的神经振荡模式,进而影响个体感受、情绪状态和认知功能等。与近年来常见的非侵入性电刺激和磁刺激相比,同样依赖于外部刺激输入的节律性感觉刺激具有成本低、易操作等优点,被认为是一种极具潜力的神经调控手段。本文以节律性听觉刺激为例,系统综述了不同类型的节律性听觉刺激如何影响大脑的神经振荡模式,进而影响相关状态和功能;并通过总结外部节律性听觉刺激对个体感知觉、情绪与认知功能的影响,讨论其生理机制和应用前景。  相似文献   

《Journal of Physiology》2013,107(3):156-169
Songbirds provide an excellent model system exhibiting vocal learning associated with an extreme brain plasticity linked to quantifiable behavioral changes. This animal model has thus far been intensively studied using electrophysiological, histological and molecular mapping techniques. However, these approaches do not provide a global view of the brain and/or do not allow repeated measures, which are necessary to establish correlations between alterations in neural substrate and behavior. In contrast, functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) is a non-invasive in vivo technique which allows one (i) to study brain function in the same subject over time, and (ii) to address the entire brain at once. During the last decades, fMRI has become one of the most popular neuroimaging techniques in cognitive neuroscience for the study of brain activity during various tasks ranging from simple sensory-motor to highly cognitive tasks. By alternating various stimulation periods with resting periods during scanning, resting and task-specific regional brain activity can be determined with this technique. Despite its obvious benefits, fMRI has, until now, only been sparsely used to study cognition in non-human species such as songbirds. The Bio-Imaging Lab (University of Antwerp, Belgium) was the first to implement Blood Oxygen Level Dependent (BOLD) fMRI in songbirds – and in particular zebra finches – for the visualization of sound perception and processing in auditory and song control brain regions. The present article provides an overview of the establishment and optimization of this technique in our laboratory and of the resulting scientific findings. The introduction of fMRI in songbirds has opened new research avenues that permit experimental analysis of complex sensorimotor and cognitive processes underlying vocal communication in this animal model.  相似文献   

Cognitive impairment is the most frequent cause of disability in humans following brain damage, yet the behavioral tasks used to assess cognition in rodent models of brain injury is lacking. Borrowing from the operant literature our laboratory utilized a basic scent discrimination paradigm1-4in order to assess deficits in frontally-injured rats. Previously we have briefly described the Dig task and demonstrated that rats with frontal brain damage show severe deficits across multiple tests within the task5. Here we present a more detailed protocol for this task. Rats are placed into a chamber and allowed to discriminate between two scented sands, one of which contains a reinforcer. The trial ends after the rat either correctly discriminates (defined as digging in the correct scented sand), incorrectly discriminates, or 30 sec elapses. Rats that correctly discriminate are allowed to recover and consume the reinforcer. Rats that discriminate incorrectly are immediately removed from the chamber. This can continue through a variety of reversals and novel scents. The primary analysis is the accuracy for each scent pairing (cumulative proportion correct for each scent). The general findings from the Dig task suggest that it is a simple experimental preparation that can assess deficits in rats with bilateral frontal cortical damage compared to rats with unilateral parietal damage. The Dig task can also be easily incorporated into an existing cognitive test battery. The use of more tasks such as this one can lead to more accurate testing of frontal function following injury, which may lead to therapeutic options for treatment. All animal use was conducted in accordance with protocols approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.  相似文献   

Estimating the functional interactions and connections between brain regions to corresponding process in cognitive, behavioral and psychiatric domains is a central pursuit for understanding the human connectome. Few studies have examined the effects of dynamic evolution on cognitive processing and brain activation using brain network model in scalp electroencephalography (EEG) data. Aim of this study was to investigate the brain functional connectivity and construct dynamic programing model from EEG data and to evaluate a possible correlation between topological characteristics of the brain connectivity and cognitive evolution processing. Here, functional connectivity between brain regions is defined as the statistical dependence between EEG signals in different brain areas and is typically determined by calculating the relationship between regional time series using wavelet coherence. We present an accelerated dynamic programing algorithm to construct dynamic cognitive model that we found that spatially distributed regions coherence connection difference, the topologic characteristics with which they can transfer information, producing temporary network states. Our findings suggest that brain dynamics give rise to variations in complex network properties over time after variation audio stimulation, dynamic programing model gives the dynamic evolution processing at different time and frequency. In this paper, by applying a new construct approach to understand whole brain network dynamics, firstly, brain network is constructed by wavelet coherence, secondly, different time active brain regions are selected by network topological characteristics and minimum spanning tree. Finally, dynamic evolution model is constructed to understand cognitive process by dynamic programing algorithm, this model is applied to the auditory experiment, results showed that, quantitatively, more correlation was observed after variation audio stimulation, the EEG function connection dynamic evolution model on cognitive processing is feasible with wavelet coherence EEG recording.  相似文献   

Research on operant control of brain potentials is reviewed. From single-unit firing and spontaneous EEG activity to event-related potentials such as sensory and pain evoked potentials, and slow potential shifts, most of the aspects of electrical brain activity have been investigated. Results produced by conditioning of spontaneous EEG oscillations (alpha and theta) dampened the early enthusiasm: e.g., no increase above baseline levels could be achieved and no reliable behavioral effects became manifest. Evidence accumulates, however, that operant conditioning of the sensorimotor rhythm (12–15 Hz) may lead to successful self-regulation and that epileptic patients may profit from the training. First steps in the conditioning of brainstem, as well as pain evoked potentials suggest that self-regulation of EPs can be achieved by adequate biofeedback procedures. If some of the observed behavioral effects prove to be stable, the therapeutic usefulness seems to be within reach. A comparable progress has been achieved for the operant control of slow potentials (DC-shifts across seconds). Biofeedback procedures have been used successfully as a scientific tool to achieve systematic variations on a psychological level and to record psychological covariations. This method may provide insights into the behavioral meaning of electrical brain activity.  相似文献   

Acute animal preparations have been used in research prospectively investigating electrode designs and stimulation techniques for integration into neural auditory prostheses, such as auditory brainstem implants and auditory midbrain implants. While acute experiments can give initial insight to the effectiveness of the implant, testing the chronically implanted and awake animals provides the advantage of examining the psychophysical properties of the sensations induced using implanted devices. Several techniques such as reward-based operant conditioning, conditioned avoidance, or classical fear conditioning have been used to provide behavioral confirmation of detection of a relevant stimulus attribute. Selection of a technique involves balancing aspects including time efficiency (often poor in reward-based approaches), the ability to test a plurality of stimulus attributes simultaneously (limited in conditioned avoidance), and measure reliability of repeated stimuli (a potential constraint when physiological measures are employed). Here, a classical fear conditioning behavioral method is presented which may be used to simultaneously test both detection of a stimulus, and discrimination between two stimuli. Heart-rate is used as a measure of fear response, which reduces or eliminates the requirement for time-consuming video coding for freeze behaviour or other such measures (although such measures could be included to provide convergent evidence). Animals were conditioned using these techniques in three 2-hour conditioning sessions, each providing 48 stimulus trials. Subsequent 48-trial testing sessions were then used to test for detection of each stimulus in presented pairs, and test discrimination between the member stimuli of each pair. This behavioral method is presented in the context of its utilisation in auditory prosthetic research. The implantation of electrocardiogram telemetry devices is shown. Subsequent implantation of brain electrodes into the Cochlear Nucleus, guided by the monitoring of neural responses to acoustic stimuli, and the fixation of the electrode into place for chronic use is likewise shown.  相似文献   

We make fast, "saccadic" eye movements to view our surroundings, "voluntary" saccades when saccade targets are deliberately selected, and "stimulus-driven" saccades when a target suddenly appears. Saccades of patients with spatial neglect have been studied to identify the coordinate systems guiding such behavior. However, previous reports disagree on whether neglect involves an eye-centered deficit of (delayed and hypometric) saccades specifically when performed in the direction opposite the brain lesion or not. We show that this inconsistency is due to independent mechanisms underlying voluntary and stimulus-driven saccades. We used a new experimental procedure comparing identical saccades performed either during an exploratory search task or a stimulus-driven task, both of which required similar cognitive functions (Figure 1). Only the patients' stimulus-driven saccades showed the eye-centered deficit. The same saccades were intact when voluntarily performed. However, here the patients showed a head-centered deficit; their saccades ignored the left part of space. In none of our control subjects with or without brain lesions did the neglect patients' pattern of deficits occur. The results argue that the brain flexibly uses a system of distinct but interrelated neural circuits for visual orienting to optimally encode its sensorimotor functions in multiple behavioral situations.  相似文献   

For the last two decades, a large number of studies have investigated the effects of mobile phone radiation on the human brain and cognition using behavioral or neurophysiological measurements. This review evaluated previous findings with respect to study design and data analysis. Provocation studies found no evidence of subjective symptoms attributed to mobile phone radiation, suggesting psychological reasons for inducing such symptoms in hypersensitive people. Behavioral studies previously reported improved cognitive performance under exposure, but it was likely to have occurred by chance due to multiple comparisons. Recent behavioral studies and replication studies with more conservative statistics found no significant effects compared with original studies. Neurophysiological studies found no significant effects on cochlear and brainstem auditory processing, but only inconsistent results on spontaneous and evoked brain electrical activity. The inconsistent findings suggest possible false positives due to multiple comparisons and thus replication is needed. Other approaches such as brain hemodynamic response measurements are promising but the findings are few and not yet conclusive. Rigorous study design and data analysis considering multiple comparisons and effect size are required to reduce controversy in this important field of research.  相似文献   

We propose and validate a multivariate classification algorithm for characterizing changes in human intracranial electroencephalographic data (iEEG) after learning motor sequences. The algorithm is based on a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) that captures spatio-temporal properties of the iEEG at the level of single trials. Continuous intracranial iEEG was acquired during two sessions (one before and one after a night of sleep) in two patients with depth electrodes implanted in several brain areas. They performed a visuomotor sequence (serial reaction time task, SRTT) using the fingers of their non-dominant hand. Our results show that the decoding algorithm correctly classified single iEEG trials from the trained sequence as belonging to either the initial training phase (day 1, before sleep) or a later consolidated phase (day 2, after sleep), whereas it failed to do so for trials belonging to a control condition (pseudo-random sequence). Accurate single-trial classification was achieved by taking advantage of the distributed pattern of neural activity. However, across all the contacts the hippocampus contributed most significantly to the classification accuracy for both patients, and one fronto-striatal contact for one patient. Together, these human intracranial findings demonstrate that a multivariate decoding approach can detect learning-related changes at the level of single-trial iEEG. Because it allows an unbiased identification of brain sites contributing to a behavioral effect (or experimental condition) at the level of single subject, this approach could be usefully applied to assess the neural correlates of other complex cognitive functions in patients implanted with multiple electrodes.  相似文献   

The rodent hippocampus has been thought to represent the spatial environment as a cognitive map. In the classical theory, the cognitive map has been explained as a consequence of the fact that different spatial regions are assigned to different cell populations in the framework of rate coding. Recently, the relation between place cell firing and local field oscillation theta in terms of theta phase precession was experimentally discovered and suggested as a temporal coding mechanism leading to memory formation of behavioral sequences accompanied with asymmetric Hebbian plasticity. The cognitive map theory is apparently outside of the sequence memory view. Therefore, theoretical analysis is necessary to consider the biological neural dynamics for the sequence encoding of the memory of behavioral sequences, providing the cognitive map formation. In this article, we summarize the theoretical neural dynamics of the real-time sequence encoding by theta phase precession, called theta phase coding, and review a series of theoretical models with the theta phase coding that we previously reported. With respect to memory encoding functions, instantaneous memory formation of one-time experience was first demonstrated, and then the ability of integration of memories of behavioral sequences into a network of the cognitive map was shown. In terms of memory retrieval functions, theta phase coding enables the hippocampus to represent the spatial location in the current behavioral context even with ambiguous sensory input when multiple sequences were coded. Finally, for utilization, retrieved temporal sequences in the hippocampus can be available for action selection, through the process of reverting theta rhythm-dependent activities to information in the behavioral time scale. This theoretical approach allows us to investigate how the behavioral sequences are encoded, updated, retrieved and used in the hippocampus, as the real-time interaction with the external environment. It may indeed be the bridge to the episodic memory function in human hippocampus.  相似文献   

Already in the 1930s Skinner, Konorskiand colleagues debated the commonalities, differences and interactions among the processes underlying what was then known as “conditioned reflexes type I and II”, but which is today more well-known as classical (Pavlovian) and operant (instrumental) conditioning. Subsequent decades of research have confirmed that the interactions between the various learning systems engaged during operant conditioning are complex and difficult to disentangle. Today, modern neurobiological tools allow us to dissect the biological processes underlying operant conditioning and study their interactions. These processes include initiating spontaneous behavioral variability, world-learning and self-learning. The data suggest that behavioral variability is generated actively by the brain, rather than as a by-product of a complex, noisy input-output system. The function of this variability, in part, is to detect how the environment responds to such actions. World-learning denotes the biological process by which value is assigned to environmental stimuli. Self-learning is the biological process which assigns value to a specific action or movement. In an operant learning situation using visual stimuli for flies, world-learning inhibits self-learning via a prominent neuropil region, the mushroom-bodies. Only extended training can overcome this inhibition and lead to habit formation by engaging the self-learning mechanism. Self-learning transforms spontaneous, flexible actions into stereotyped, habitual responses.  相似文献   

Category formation allows us to group perceptual objects into meaningful classes and is fundamental to cognition. Categories can be derived from similarity relationships of object features by using prototypes or multiple exemplars, or from abstract relationships of features and rules . A variety of brain areas have been implicated in categorization processes, but mechanistic insights on the single-cell and local-network level are still rare and limited to the matching of individual objects to categories . For directional categorization of tone steps, as in melody recognition , abstract relationships between sequential events (higher or lower in frequency) have to be formed. To explore the neuronal mechanisms of this categorical identification of step direction, we trained monkeys for more than two years on a contour-discrimination task with multiple tone sequences. In the auditory cortex of these highly trained monkeys, we identified two interrelated types of neuronal firing: Increased phasic responses to tones categorically represented the reward-predicting downward frequency steps and not upward steps; subsequently, slow modulations of tonic firing predicted the behavioral decisions of the monkeys, including errors. Our results on neuronal mechanisms of categorical stimulus identification and of decision making attribute a cognitive role to auditory cortex, in addition to its role in signal processing.  相似文献   

Executive functions consist of multiple high-level cognitive processes that drive rule generation and behavioral selection. An emergent property of these processes is the ability to adjust behavior in response to changes in one’s environment (i.e., behavioral flexibility). These processes are essential to normal human behavior, and may be disrupted in diverse neuropsychiatric conditions, including schizophrenia, alcoholism, depression, stroke, and Alzheimer’s disease. Understanding of the neurobiology of executive functions has been greatly advanced by the availability of animal tasks for assessing discrete components of behavioral flexibility, particularly strategy shifting and reversal learning. While several types of tasks have been developed, most are non-automated, labor intensive, and allow testing of only one animal at a time. The recent development of automated, operant-based tasks for assessing behavioral flexibility streamlines testing, standardizes stimulus presentation and data recording, and dramatically improves throughput. Here, we describe automated strategy shifting and reversal tasks, using operant chambers controlled by custom written software programs. Using these tasks, we have shown that the medial prefrontal cortex governs strategy shifting but not reversal learning in the rat, similar to the dissociation observed in humans. Moreover, animals with a neonatal hippocampal lesion, a neurodevelopmental model of schizophrenia, are selectively impaired on the strategy shifting task but not the reversal task. The strategy shifting task also allows the identification of separate types of performance errors, each of which is attributable to distinct neural substrates. The availability of these automated tasks, and the evidence supporting the dissociable contributions of separate prefrontal areas, makes them particularly well-suited assays for the investigation of basic neurobiological processes as well as drug discovery and screening in disease models.  相似文献   

Gottlieb J 《Neuron》2007,53(1):9-16
The lateral intraparietal area (LIP) is a subdivision of the inferior parietal lobe that has been implicated in the guidance of spatial attention. In a variety of tasks, LIP provides a "salience representation" of the external world-a topographic visual representation that encodes the locations of salient or behaviorally relevant objects. Recent neurophysiological experiments show that this salience representation incorporates information about multiple behavioral variables-such as a specific motor response, reward, or category membership-associated with the task-relevant object. This integration occurs in a wide variety of tasks, including those requiring eye or limb movements or goal-directed or nontargeting operant responses. Thus, LIP acts as a multifaceted behavioral integrator that binds visuospatial, motor, and cognitive information into a topographically organized signal of behavioral salience. By specifying attentional priority as a synthesis of multiple task demands, LIP operates at the interface of perception, action, and cognition.  相似文献   

Behavioral pharmacological studies have implicated a role for the neurophysin arginine-vasopressin in learning and memory. Vasopressin, and its analogues, can produce either improvements or impairments in mnemonic functions, effects that depend upon the agent administered, the memory process measured and the task employed. As recent data have implicated vasopressin in regulating the cognitive functions of the prefrontal cortex, we sought to determine whether changes in vasopressinergic tone would affect a form of memory that is dependent upon this brain region. To that end, we used a genetic approach to examine how haploinsufficiency of the vasopressin gene affects working memory performance. Specifically, we tested a naturally occurring null-mutant rat on an operant delayed-non-match-to-position task. Male and female heterozygous and wild-type rats were trained to perform this working memory task, and the effects of varying the delay across which they had to maintain task information were systematically varied. Although vasopressin-deficient rats omitted fewer trials and completed trials more quickly, they exhibited delay-dependent deficits of choice accuracy. The genotype effects were not modified by sex. Collectively, these data indicate that even partial vasopressin deficiency can trigger deficits of spatial working memory performance and add to the growing body of results supporting a regulatory control of neocortical-dependent cognitive functions by this neurohormone.  相似文献   

As cognitive neuroscience methods develop, established experimental tasks are used with emerging brain imaging modalities. Here transferring a paradigm (the visual oddball task) with a long history of behavioral and electroencephalography (EEG) experiments to a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) experiment is considered. The aims of this paper are to briefly describe fMRI and when its use is appropriate in cognitive neuroscience; illustrate how task design can influence the results of an fMRI experiment, particularly when that task is borrowed from another imaging modality; explain the practical aspects of performing an fMRI experiment. It is demonstrated that manipulating the task demands in the visual oddball task results in different patterns of blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) activation. The nature of the fMRI BOLD measure means that many brain regions are found to be active in a particular task. Determining the functions of these areas of activation is very much dependent on task design and analysis. The complex nature of many fMRI tasks means that the details of the task and its requirements need careful consideration when interpreting data. The data show that this is particularly important in those tasks relying on a motor response as well as cognitive elements and that covert and overt responses should be considered where possible. Furthermore, the data show that transferring an EEG paradigm to an fMRI experiment needs careful consideration and it cannot be assumed that the same paradigm will work equally well across imaging modalities. It is therefore recommended that the design of an fMRI study is pilot tested behaviorally to establish the effects of interest and then pilot tested in the fMRI environment to ensure appropriate design, implementation and analysis for the effects of interest.  相似文献   

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