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A network N is a rooted acyclic digraph. A base-set X for N is a subset of vertices including the root (or outgroup), all leaves, and all vertices of outdegree 1. A simple model of evolution is considered in which all characters are binary and in which back-mutations occur only at hybrid vertices. It is assumed that the genome is known for each member of the base-set X. If the network is known and is assumed to be “normal,” then it is proved that the genome of every vertex is uniquely determined and can be explicitly reconstructed. Under additional hypotheses involving time-consistency and separation of the hybrid vertices, the network itself can also be reconstructed from the genomes of all members of X. An explicit polynomial-time procedure is described for performing the reconstruction.  相似文献   

The relationship between the structure and function of biological networks constitutes a fundamental issue in systems biology. Particularly, the structure of protein-protein interaction networks is related to important biological functions. In this work, we investigated how such a resilience is determined by the large scale features of the respective networks. Four species are taken into account, namely yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, worm Caenorhabditis elegans, fly Drosophila melanogaster and Homo sapiens. We adopted two entropy-related measurements (degree entropy and dynamic entropy) in order to quantify the overall degree of robustness of these networks. We verified that while they exhibit similar structural variations under random node removal, they differ significantly when subjected to intentional attacks (hub removal). As a matter of fact, more complex species tended to exhibit more robust networks. More specifically, we quantified how six important measurements of the networks topology (namely clustering coefficient, average degree of neighbors, average shortest path length, diameter, assortativity coefficient, and slope of the power law degree distribution) correlated with the two entropy measurements. Our results revealed that the fraction of hubs and the average neighbor degree contribute significantly for the resilience of networks. In addition, the topological analysis of the removed hubs indicated that the presence of alternative paths between the proteins connected to hubs tend to reinforce resilience. The performed analysis helps to understand how resilience is underlain in networks and can be applied to the development of protein network models.  相似文献   

Yu  Yun  Jermaine  Christopher  Nakhleh  Luay 《BMC genomics》2016,17(10):784-124


Phylogenetic networks are leaf-labeled graphs used to model and display complex evolutionary relationships that do not fit a single tree. There are two classes of phylogenetic networks: Data-display networks and evolutionary networks. While data-display networks are very commonly used to explore data, they are not amenable to incorporating probabilistic models of gene and genome evolution. Evolutionary networks, on the other hand, can accommodate such probabilistic models, but they are not commonly used for exploration.


In this work, we show how to turn evolutionary networks into a tool for statistical exploration of phylogenetic hypotheses via a novel application of Gibbs sampling. We demonstrate the utility of our work on two recently available genomic data sets, one from a group of mosquitos and the other from a group of modern birds. We demonstrate that our method allows the use of evolutionary networks not only for explicit modeling of reticulate evolutionary histories, but also for exploring conflicting treelike hypotheses. We further demonstrate the performance of the method on simulated data sets, where the true evolutionary histories are known.


We introduce an approach to explore phylogenetic hypotheses over evolutionary phylogenetic networks using Gibbs sampling. The hypotheses could involve reticulate and non-reticulate evolutionary processes simultaneously as we illustrate on mosquito and modern bird genomic data sets.

SUMMARY: ProfDist is a user-friendly software package using the profile-neighbor-joining method (PNJ) in inferring phylogenies based on profile distances on DNA or RNA sequences. It is a tool for reconstructing and visualizing large phylogenetic trees providing new and standard features with a special focus on time efficency, robustness and accuracy. AVAILABILITY: A Windows version of ProfDist comes with a graphical user interface and is freely available at http://profdist.bioapps.biozentrum.uni-wuerzburg.de  相似文献   

Rands SA  Whitney HM 《PloS one》2011,6(10):e25971
The areas of wild land around the edges of agricultural fields are a vital resource for many species. These include insect pollinators, to whom field margins provide both nest sites and important resources (especially when adjacent crops are not in flower). Nesting pollinators travel relatively short distances from the nest to forage: most species of bee are known to travel less than two kilometres away. In order to ensure that these pollinators have sufficient areas of wild land within reach of their nests, agricultural landscapes need to be designed to accommodate the limited travelling distances of nesting pollinators. We used a spatially-explicit modelling approach to consider whether increasing the width of wild strips of land within the agricultural landscape will enhance the amount of wild resources available to a nesting pollinator, and if it would impact differently on pollinators with differing foraging strategies. This was done both by creating field structures with a randomised geography, and by using landscape data based upon the British agricultural landscape. These models demonstrate that enhancing field margins should lead to an increase in the availability of forage to pollinators that nest within the landscape. With the exception of species that only forage within a very short range of their nest (less than 125 m), a given amount of field margin manipulation should enhance the proportion of land available to a pollinator for foraging regardless of the distance over which it normally travels to find food. A fixed amount of field edge manipulation should therefore be equally beneficial for both longer-distance nesting foragers such as honeybees, and short-distance foragers such as solitary bees.  相似文献   

耐热真菌的分类鉴定及rDNA-ITS系统发育分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梁茵  王芳  李安娜  李多川 《菌物学报》2011,30(4):542-550
分别从山东、山西、河北、陕西、河南、云南、江西、海南、新疆、内蒙古、甘肃、广州等地实地采集堆肥、培养料、草堆等标本600多份,分离鉴定出耐热真菌28种,其中包括2个中国新记录种,沙生梭孢壳Thielavia arenaria和丰孢木霉Trichoderma saturnisporum,其余26个为中国已知种。在形态分类的基础上,对所分离鉴定的28株耐热真菌及购买的3株耐热真菌,进行rDNA-ITS序列测定,所测序列片段长度为554-895bp。将所测的31个和从GenBank下载的15个耐热真菌的rDNA-ITS序列构建NJ系统发育树,该树较好地显示了耐热真菌的系统进化关系,有力地支持了形态学的观点。  相似文献   

Analyses of the increasingly available genomic data continue to reveal the extent of hybridization and its role in the evolutionary diversification of various groups of species. We show, through extensive coalescent-based simulations of multilocus data sets on phylogenetic networks, how divergence times before and after hybridization events can result in incomplete lineage sorting with gene tree incongruence signatures identical to those exhibited by hybridization. Evolutionary analysis of such data under the assumption of a species tree model can miss all hybridization events, whereas analysis under the assumption of a species network model would grossly overestimate hybridization events. These issues necessitate a paradigm shift in evolutionary analysis under these scenarios, from a model that assumes a priori a single source of gene tree incongruence to one that integrates multiple sources in a unifying framework. We propose a framework of coalescence within the branches of a phylogenetic network and show how this framework can be used to detect hybridization despite incomplete lineage sorting. We apply the model to simulated data and show that the signature of hybridization can be revealed as long as the interval between the divergence times of the species involved in hybridization is not too small. We reanalyze a data set of 106 loci from 7 in-group Saccharomyces species for which a species tree with no hybridization has been reported in the literature. Our analysis supports the hypothesis that hybridization occurred during the evolution of this group, explaining a large amount of the incongruence in the data. Our findings show that an integrative approach to gene tree incongruence and its reconciliation is needed. Our framework will help in systematically analyzing genomic data for the occurrence of hybridization and elucidating its evolutionary role.  相似文献   



Phylogenies capture the evolutionary ancestry linking extant species. Correlations and similarities among a set of species are mediated by and need to be understood in terms of the phylogenic tree. In a similar way it has been argued that biological networks also induce correlations among sets of interacting genes or their protein products.  相似文献   

Dispersive movements are often thought to be multicausal and driven by individual body size, sex, conspecific density, environmental variation, personality, and/or other variables. Yet such variables often do not account for most of the variation among dispersive movements in nature, leaving open the possibility that dispersion may be indeterministic. We assessed the amount of variation in 24 h movement distances that could be accounted for by potential drivers of displacement with a large empirical dataset of movement distances performed by Fowler''s Toads (Anaxyrus fowleri) on the northern shore of Lake Erie at Long Point, Ontario (2002–2021, incl.). These toads are easy to sample repeatedly, can be identified individually and move parallel to the shoreline as they forage at night, potentially dispersing to new refuge sites. Using a linear mixed‐effect model that incorporated random effect terms to account for sampling variance and inter‐annual variation, we found that all potential intrinsic and extrinsic drivers of movement accounted for virtually none of the variation observed among 24 h distances moved by these animals, whether over short or large spatial scales. We examined the idea of movement personality by testing variance per individual toad and found no evidence of individuality in movement distances. We conclude that deterministic variables, whether intrinsic or extrinsic, neither can be shown to nor are necessary to drive movements in this population over all spatial scales. Stochastic, short time‐scale movements, such as daily foraging movements, can instead accumulate over time to produce large spatial‐scale movements that are dispersive in nature.  相似文献   

Determining the mechanisms that underlie species distributions and assemblages is necessary to effectively preserve biodiversity. This cannot be accomplished by examining a single taxonomic group, as communities comprise a plethora of interactions across species and trophic levels. Here, we examine the patterns and relationships among plant, mammal, and bird diversity in Madagascar, a hotspot of biodiversity and endemism, across taxonomic, phylogenetic, and functional axes. We found that plant community diversity and structure are shaped by geography and climate, and have significant influences on the taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional diversity of mammals and birds. Patterns of primate diversity, in particular, were strongly correlated with patterns of plant diversity. Furthermore, our findings suggest that plant and animal communities could become more phylogenetically and functionally clustered in the future, leading to homogenization of the flora and fauna. These results underscore the importance and need of multi‐taxon approaches to conservation, given that even small threats to plant diversity can have significant cascading effects on mammalian and avian community diversity, structure, and function.  相似文献   

Conclusions From our experiments it could be seen that a quite definite relationship exists between various dermatophytes and the soil which is expressed on the one side by antagonistic action of the microflora in the soil inhibiting the growth of dermatophytes and on the other, by ability of some dermatophytes to persist in the soil or to use the soil as habitat in their saprophytic life. This condition appears to be the reflection of the evolutive tendency of dermatophytes to develop from its primary habitat, the soil, to the parasitic life on man and animal. It is persumed that this evolution of dermatophytes is based on mutations of gens as one of the fundamental phenomenons in nature. It is obvious that this evolution of dermatophytes is not completed. Our experiments regardingT. mentagrophytes indicate that this species is at present still to a certain extent in a transitional evolutive stage with retained but limited ability to the life in the soil and with an evident tendency for adaption on small rodents and human beings. In this course of development on a lower level isK. ajelloi andM. gypseum with full ability of saprophytic life in the soil and with slowly but increasing pathogenicity for men and animals. E. I. Grin, Prof. of Dermatology, Med. Faculty, Univ. Sarajevo, Director Institute of Dermatovenerology. L. Oegovi, Prof. of Intern. Dis., Veter. Faculty, Univ. Sarajevo, Chief of Dept. of Mycology Inst. of Dermatovenerology.  相似文献   



A phylogenetic network is a generalization of phylogenetic trees that allows the representation of conflicting signals or alternative evolutionary histories in a single diagram. There are several methods for constructing these networks. Some of these methods are based on distances among taxa. In practice, the methods which are based on distance perform faster in comparison with other methods. The Neighbor-Net (N-Net) is a distance-based method. The N-Net produces a circular ordering from a distance matrix, then constructs a collection of weighted splits using circular ordering. The SplitsTree which is a program using these weighted splits makes a phylogenetic network. In general, finding an optimal circular ordering is an NP-hard problem. The N-Net is a heuristic algorithm to find the optimal circular ordering which is based on neighbor-joining algorithm.  相似文献   

The morphological response, as measured by changes to mycelial area, radial extension and border fractal dimension, of the oomycete Achlya bisexualis to Cu, Co, Hg, Zn and Cd at concentrations of between 0.05 and 3 mM is described. All of the metals decreased mycelial area and radial extension. Border fractal dimension increased in the presence of Cu, Co and Hg with individual hyphae extending out beyond the mycelial margin. In the presence of 3 mM Hg these hyphae displayed spiral growth. Zn and Cd had no effect on border fractal dimension. We suggest that all of the metals slow growth and that Cu, Co and Hg may also disrupt the relationship between tip growth and branching at the edge of the mycelium.  相似文献   

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