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Wang C  Liu F  Liu YY  Zhao CH  You Y  Wang L  Zhang J  Wei B  Ma T  Zhang Q  Zhang Y  Chen R  Song H  Yang Z 《Cell research》2011,21(11):1534-1550
It is of great interest to identify new neurons in the adult human brain, but the persistence of neurogenesis in the subventricular zone (SVZ) and the existence of the rostral migratory stream (RMS)-like pathway in the adult human forebrain remain highly controversial. In the present study, we have described the general configuration of the RMS in adult monkey, fetal human and adult human brains. We provide evidence that neuroblasts exist continuously in the anterior ventral SVZ and RMS of the adult human brain. The neuroblasts appear singly or in pairs without forming chains; they exhibit migratory morphologies and co-express the immature neuronal markers doublecortin, polysialylated neural cell adhesion molecule and βIII-tubulin. Few of these neuroblasts appear to be actively proliferating in the anterior ventral SVZ but none in the RMS, indicating that neuroblasts distributed along the RMS are most likely derived from the ventral SVZ. Interestingly, no neuroblasts are found in the adult human olfactory bulb. Taken together, our data suggest that the SVZ maintains the ability to produce neuroblasts in the adult human brain.  相似文献   

Adult neurogenesis in the olfactory bulb of rodents is provided by cells which migrate tangentially from their site of genesis into the forebrain subependymal layer (SEL). This migration involves 'chains' of neuroblasts sliding into a meshwork of astrocytic cells and processes (glial tubes). The analysis of this process in postnatal rodents and in adult rabbits reveals different types of relationships occurring both among the migrating cells and between these cells and the glial structures of the SEL.  相似文献   

Stressful experience during the early postnatal period may influence processes associated with neurogenesis (i.e. proliferation, cell death, appearance of astrocytes or cell differentiation) in the neonatal rat rostral migratory stream (RMS). To induce stress, pups were subjected to maternal deprivation daily for three hours, starting from the first postnatal day till the seventh postnatal day. Immunohistochemical methods were used to visualize proliferating cells and astrocytes; dying cells and nitrergic cells were visualized using histochemical staining. Quantitative analysis showed that maternal deprivation decreased the number of proliferating cells and significantly increased the number of dying cells in the RMS. Maternal deprivation did not influence the appearance of astrocytes in the RMS, but caused premature differentiation of nitrergic cells. In control rats, nitrergic cells can be observed in the RMS as early as the tenth postnatal day. In maternally deprived pups, these cells were detected as early as the seventh postnatal day. The observed earlier appearance of nitrergic cells in the RMS was associated with altered proliferation and increased cell dying and this observation supports the hypothesis that nitric oxide has an anti-proliferative role in the RMS. Our study demonstrates that maternal deprivation represents a stressful condition with a profound impact on early postnatal neurogenesis.  相似文献   

In the mammalian forebrain, most neurons originate from proliferating cells in the ventricular zone lining the lateral ventricles, including a discrete area of the subventricular zone in which neurogenesis continues into adulthood. The majority of the cells generated in the anterior portion of the subventricular zone (SVZa) are neuronal precursors with progeny that migrate to the olfactory bulb (OB) along a pathway known as the rostral migratory stream (RMS). The list of factors that influence the proliferation and survival of neurons in the adult brain remains incomplete, but previous studies have implicated neurotrophins in mammals and estrogen in birds. This study examined the effect of estrus induction on the proliferation of SVZa neurons in female prairie voles. Prairie voles, unlike many other rodents, are induced into estrus by chemosensory cues from a male. This olfactory-mediated process results in an increase in serum estrogen levels and the consequent induction of behavioral estrus (sexual receptivity). Female prairie voles induced into estrus by male exposure had a 92% increase in BrdU-labeled cells in the SVZa compared to females exposed to a female. Double-label immunocytochemical studies demonstrated that 80% of the BrdU-labeled cells in the RMS displayed a neuronal phenotype. Ovariectomized females exposed to a male did not show an increase in serum estrogen or BrdU labeling in the RMS. Conversely, ovariectomized females injected with estrogen were sexually receptive and had more BrdU-labeled cells in the RMS than oil-injected females. These data suggest that, in female prairie voles, estrus induction is associated with increased numbers of dividing cells in the RMS, possibly via an estrogen-mediated process.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate whether stressful experience during early postnatal period may influence morphological characteristics of the rat neurogenic pathway--the rostral migratory stream (RMS) and proliferation of neuronal precursors in three successive areas of the RMS: in the vertical arm, the elbow and the horizontal arm. To induce stress, the pups were subjected to repeated maternal deprivation during the first postnatal week after birth. Brains were analyzed at the seventh postnatal day. The controls matched the age of maternally deprived animals. Observation of hematoxylin-eosin stained sections showed that maternal deprivation did not affect the general morphological appearance of the RMS. The shape of the RMS of maternally deprived rats resembles the RMS of control animals. Maternal deprivation caused slight, not significant increase in the RMS thickness in comparison with control rats. Significant difference between the control and maternally deprived rats concerns the olfactory ventricle. While in seven days old control rats the olfactory ventricle is completely closed, in maternally deprived rats of the same age the olfactory ventricle was regularly visible as a narrow lumen at the axis of the RMS horizontal arm. This finding indicates delayed maturation of the migratory pathway as a consequence of stress. Proliferation activity has been assessed by immunoreactivity of the endogenous cell cycle protein Ki-67. The results of Ki-67 immunohistochemistry showed that seven days' maternal separation for 3 h daily induces significant quantitative changes in the number of proliferating cells within the RMS. The response of Ki-67-positive cells to stress differed in individual part of the RMS, with a marked decrease in the vertical arm and a significant increase in the elbow, suggesting heterogeneity of neural stem cells along the RMS; while in the RMS vertical arm the number of dividing cells significantly decreased, there was a marked increase of Ki-67-positive cells in the RMS elbow. This suggests heterogeneity of neural stem cells along the RMS.  相似文献   

Most olfactory bulb (OB) interneurons are derived from neural stem cells in the subventricular zone (SVZ) and migrate to the OB via the rostral migratory stream (RMS). Mature dopaminergic interneurons in the OB glomerular layer are readily identified by their synaptic activity-dependent expression of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH). Paradoxically, TH is not expressed in neural progenitors migrating in the RMS, even though ambient GABA and glutamate depolarize these progenitors. In forebrain slice cultures prepared from transgenic mice containing a GFP reporter gene under the control of the Th 9 kb upstream regulatory region, treatment with histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors (either sodium butyrate, Trichostatin A or Scriptaid) induced Th-GFP expression specifically in the RMS independently of depolarizing conditions in the culture media. Th-GFP expression in the glomerular layer was also increased in slices treated with Trichostatin A, but this increased expression was dependent on depolarizing concentrations of KCl in the culture media. Th-GFP expression was also induced in the RMS in vivo by intra-peritoneal injections with either sodium butyrate or valproic acid. Quantitative RT-PCR analysis of neurosphere cultures confirmed that HDAC inhibitors de-repressed Th expression in SVZ-derived neural progenitors. Together, these findings suggest that HDAC function is critical for regulating Th expression levels in both neural progenitors and mature OB dopaminergic neurons. However, the differential responses to the combinatorial exposure of HDAC inhibitors and depolarizing culture conditions indicate that Th expression in mature OB neurons and neural progenitors in the RMS are regulated by distinct HDAC-mediated mechanisms.  相似文献   



The blood brain barrier (BBB) is impermeable to most drugs, impeding the establishment of novel neuroprotective therapies and strategies for many neurological diseases. Intranasal administration offers an alternative path for efficient drug delivery into the CNS. So far, the anatomical structures discussed to be involved in the transport of intranasally administered drugs into the CNS include the trigeminal nerve, olfactory nerve and the rostral migratory stream (RMS), but the relative contributions are debated.

Methods and Findings

In the present study we demonstrate that surgical transection, and the resulting structural disruption of the RMS, in mice effectively obstructs the uptake of intranasally administered radioligands into the CNS. Furthermore, using a fluorescent cell tracer, we demonstrate that intranasal administration in mice allows agents to be distributed throughout the entire brain, including olfactory bulb, hippocampus, cortex and cerebellum.


This study provides evidence of the vital role the RMS has in the CNS delivery of intranasally administered agents. The identification of the RMS as the major access path for intranasally administered drugs into the CNS may contribute to the development of treatments that are tailored for efficient transport within this structure. Research into the RMS needs to continue to elucidate its limitations, capabilities, mechanisms of transport and potential hazards before we are able to advance this technique into human research.  相似文献   

New neurons generated in the ventricular‐subventricular zone in the post‐natal brain travel toward the olfactory bulb by using a collective cell migration process called ‘chain migration.’ These new neurons show a saltatory movement of their soma, suggesting that each neuron cycles through periods of ‘rest’ during migration. Here, we investigated the role of the resting neurons in chain migration using post‐natal mouse brain, and found that they undergo a dynamic morphological change, in which a deep indentation forms in the cell body. Inhibition of Rac1 activity resulted in less indentation of the new neurons in vivo. Live cell imaging using a Förster resonance energy transfer biosensor revealed that Rac1 was activated at the sites of contact between actively migrating and resting new neurons. On the cell surface of resting neurons, Rac1 activation coincided with the formation of the indentation. Furthermore, Rac1 knockdown prevented the indentation from forming and impaired migration along the resting neurons. These results suggest that Rac1 regulates a morphological change in the resting neurons, which allows them to serve as a migratory scaffold, and thereby non‐cell‐autonomously promotes chain migration.


In the adult brain, neuroblasts originating in the subventricular zone migrate through the rostral migratory stream to the olfactory bulb. While migrating, neuroblasts undergo progressive differentiation until reaching their final locations and fates. Because molecules involved in migration may also exert differentiating effects on young neurons, the identification of factors that support migration could also shed light on the processes of adult neuroblast differentiation. This is the case for members of the family of semaphorins and of its cognate receptors, the neuropilins. Here, we have evaluated the presence of semaphorin-3A and of its receptor neuropilin-1 along the rostral migratory stream in young and adult mice by using immunocytochemical, histochemical, and in situ hybridization techniques. Our morphological studies show that semaphorin-3A and neuropilin-1 are both mainly expressed on endothelial cells along the rostral migratory stream during postnatal development. Our results suggest that endothelial cells constitute the primary source and target of semaphorin-3A along the rostral migratory stream. Moreover, the present work outlines the potential role of blood vessels on neuroblast migration in the postnatal rostral migratory stream.  相似文献   

G proteins play important roles in transmembrane signal transduction, and various isoforms of each subunit, alpha, beta and gamma, are highly expressed in the brain. The Ggamma5 subunit is a minor isoform in the adult brain, but we have previously shown it to be highly expressed in the proliferative region of the ventricular zone in the rat embryonic brain. We show here that Ggamma5 is also selectively localized in a proliferative region in the adult rat brain, including the subventricular zone of the lateral ventricle and rostral migratory stream. The Galphai2 subunit colocalized with Ggamma5 in these regions, the two subunits being present in neuronal precursors and ependymal cells but not in proliferating astrocytes. In addition, intense staining of Ggamma5 was seen in axons of the olfactory neurons, which are known to regenerate. These results suggest specific roles for Ggamma5 in precursor cells during neurogenesis so that this isoform might be a useful biological marker.  相似文献   

Traas AM 《Theriogenology》2008,70(3):343-348
Fetal depression following dystocia and Cesarean section has two primary causes; the first (and often most important) cause is hypoxia, and the second is depression from anesthetic agents given to the dam. Resuscitation efforts should be provided in the following order: warmth, airway, breathing, circulation, and drugs. Adequate time should be allowed for correction of hypoxia using ventilatory and circulatory support before drugs are used, with the exception of drugs given to reverse anesthetic and analgesic agents that were given to the dam prior to delivery of the neonates.  相似文献   

Canine parvovirus (CPV) and feline panleukopenia virus (FPV) capsids bind to the transferrin receptors (TfRs) of their hosts and use these receptors to infect cells. The binding is partially host specific, as FPV binds only to the feline TfR, while CPV binds to both the canine and feline TfRs. The host-specific binding is controlled by a combination of residues within a raised region of the capsid. To define the TfR structures that interact with the virus, we altered the apical domain of the feline or canine TfR or prepared chimeras of these receptors and tested the altered receptors for binding to FPV or CPV capsids. Most changes in the apical domain of the feline TfR did not affect binding, but replacing Leu221 with Ser or Asp prevented receptor binding to either FPV or CPV capsids, while replacing Leu221 with Lys resulted in a receptor that bound only to CPV but not to FPV. Analysis of recombinants of the feline and canine TfRs showed that sequences controlling CPV-specific binding were within the apical domain and that more than one difference between these receptors determined the CPV-specific binding of the canine TfR. Single changes within the canine TfR which removed a single amino acid insertion or which eliminated a glycosylation site gave that receptor the expanded ability to bind to FPV and CPV. In some cases, binding of capsids to mutant receptors did not result in infection, suggesting a structural role for the receptor in cell infection by the viruses.  相似文献   

Traas AM 《Theriogenology》2008,70(3):337-342
If medical management of dystocia has failed or is inadvisable, a Cesarean section is indicated. The necessity of surgery is primarily based on the condition of the dam, progression of labor, and fetal heart rate. Timely intervention is crucial for optimal fetal and maternal survival. Surgical technique may vary, based on the needs of each individual case. There are many options for each portion of the surgery, including the choice of anesthetic protocol, abdominal approach, uterine incision location, and post-surgical pain management. Indications for surgery and some of the options for each step of the procedure are presented. Episiotomy is rarely used to treat dystocia and therefore, it is discussed only briefly.  相似文献   

Medical management of canine and feline dystocia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pretzer SD 《Theriogenology》2008,70(3):332-336
When dystocia is diagnosed in the bitch or queen, two forms of treatment exist: medical or surgical therapy. Medical management of dystocia has the advantage of aiding completion of the parturition process without surgery or anesthesia. However, since not all cases of dystocia can be managed medically, educated and careful decision making is required prior to instituting medical management in cases of dystocia. Improper medical treatment, especially when surgical management is clinically indicated, can result in compromise and even death of the dam and fetuses. This paper focuses on the decision making necessary prior to instituting medical management for cases of dystocia in both bitches and queens, and describes available therapeutics.  相似文献   

Kahn SA 《Lab animal》2007,36(5):25-26
Esophagostomy feeding tubes may be used to provide nutrition to animals with insufficient calorie intake. This column describes tube placement and use in the feline patient.  相似文献   

Neuroblasts generated in the adult subventricular zone (SVZ) migrate through the rostral migratory stream (RMS) to the olfactory bulb (OB). Previous work uncovered motility ranging from straight to complex, but it was unclear if directional changes were stochastic or exhibited stereotypical patterns. Here, we provide the first in-depth two-photon time-lapse microscopy study of morphological and dynamic features that accompany turning and direction reversals in the RMS. We identified three specific kinds of turning (30–90 degrees): bending of the leading process proximal to the cell body (P-bending 47% of cases), bending of the distal leading process (D-bending 30%) or branching of the leading process or lamellipodium (23%). Bending and branching angles were remarkably constrained and were significantly different from one another. Cells reversed direction (>90 degrees) through D-bendings (54%), branching (11%) or de novo growth of processes from the soma (23%), but not P-bending. Direction reversal was often composed of several iterations of D-bending or branching as opposed to novel modalities. Individual neuroblasts could turn or change direction in multiple patterns suggesting that the patterns are not specific for different lineages. These findings show that neuroblasts in the RMS use a limited number of distinct and constrained modalities to turn or reverse direction.Key words: neurogenesis, subventricular zone, migration, direction, motility  相似文献   

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