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In yeast, RAD52 has been shown to be essential for homologous recombination of DNA and to be involved in the repair of double-stranded DNA breaks. Recently, the human homologue of yeast RAD52, a 418-amino-acid protein, has been identified. In this study, we report three different isoforms of human RAD52 isolated from brain and testis cDNA libraries. cDNAs of these isoforms contain distinct insertions and encode truncated proteins due to translational frame-shifts. The three isoforms consist of 226-, 139-, and 118-amino-acid residues, and are designated as RAD52beta, gamma, and delta, respectively. The original RAD52 is termed as RAD52alpha in this paper. Messages of these isoforms have been detected in various human tissues. We found that the RAD52 isoforms were unable to interact with RAD52alpha because of partial defect of the self-interaction domain. Furthermore, like RAD52alpha, the isoforms have been shown to bind to both single-stranded and double-stranded DNA. These results suggest that RAD52beta, gamma, and delta might affect RAD52alpha function through their DNA-binding property and their inability to bind to RAD52alpha. Thus, these isoforms might act as dominant negative mutants or negative regulators of RAD52alpha.  相似文献   

We examined the double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) binding preference of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rad52 protein and its homologue, the Rad59 protein. In nuclease protection assays both proteins protected an internal sequence and the dsDNA ends equally well. Similarly, using electrophoretic mobility shift assays, we found the affinity of both Rad52 and Rad59 proteins for DNA ends to be comparable with their affinity for internal sequences. The protein-DNA complexes were also directly visualized using atomic force microscopy. Both proteins formed discrete complexes, which were primarily found (90-94%) at internal dsDNA sites. We also measured the DNA end binding behavior of human Rad52 protein and found a slight preference for dsDNA ends. Thus, these proteins have no strong preference for dsDNA ends over internal sites, which is inconsistent with their function at a step of dsDNA break repair that precedes DNA processing. Therefore, we conclude that S. cerevisiae Rad52 and Rad59 proteins and their eukaryotic counterparts function by binding to single-stranded DNA formed as intermediates of recombination rather than by binding to the unprocessed DNA double-strand break.  相似文献   

Double-strand breaks (DSBs) can be repaired by homologous recombination (HR) in mammalian cells, often resulting in gene conversion. RAD51 functions with RAD52 and other proteins to effect strand exchange during HR, forming heteroduplex DNA (hDNA) that is resolved by mismatch repair to yield a gene conversion tract. In mammalian cells RAD51 and RAD52 overexpression increase the frequency of spontaneous HR, and one study indicated that overexpression of mouse RAD51 enhances DSB-induced HR in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. We tested the effects of transient and stable overexpression of human RAD51 and/or human RAD52 on DSB-induced HR in CHO cells and in human cells. DSBs were targeted to chromosomal recombination substrates with I-SceI nuclease. In all cases, excess RAD51 and/or RAD52 reduced DSB-induced HR, contrasting with prior studies. These distinct results may reflect differences in recombination substrate structures or different levels of overexpression. Excess RAD51/RAD52 did not increase conversion tract lengths, nor were product spectra otherwise altered, indicating that excess HR proteins can have dominant negative effects on HR initiation, but do not affect later steps such as hDNA formation, mismatch repair or the resolution of intermediates.  相似文献   

RADiation sensitive52 (RAD52) mediates RAD51 loading onto single-stranded DNA ends, thereby initiating homologous recombination and catalyzing DNA annealing. RAD52 is highly conserved among eukaryotes, including animals and fungi. This article reports that RAD52 homologs are present in all plants whose genomes have undergone extensive sequencing. Computational analyses suggest a very early RAD52 gene duplication, followed by later lineage-specific duplications, during the evolution of higher plants. Plant RAD52 proteins have high sequence similarity to the oligomerization and DNA binding N-terminal domain of RAD52 proteins. Remarkably, the two identified Arabidopsis thaliana RAD52 genes encode four open reading frames (ORFs) through differential splicing, each of which specifically localized to the nucleus, mitochondria, or chloroplast. The A. thaliana RAD52-1A ORF provided partial complementation to the yeast rad52 mutant. A. thaliana mutants and RNA interference lines defective in the expression of RAD52-1 or RAD52-2 showed reduced fertility, sensitivity to mitomycin C, and decreased levels of intrachromosomal recombination compared with the wild type. In summary, computational and experimental analyses provide clear evidence for the presence of functional RAD52 DNA-repair homologs in plants.  相似文献   

The structural basis for red fluorescence in the tetrameric GFP homolog DsRed   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Green fluorescent protein (GFP) has rapidly become a standard tool for investigating a variety of cellular activities, and has served as a model system for understanding spectral tuning in chromophoric proteins. Distant homologs of GFP in reef coral and anemone display two new properties of the fluorescent protein family: dramatically red-shifted spectra, and oligomerization to form tetramers. We now report the 1.9 A crystal structure of DsRed, a red fluorescent protein from Discosoma coral. DsRed monomers show similar topology to GFP, but additional chemical modification to the chromophore extends the conjugated pi-system and likely accounts for the red-shifted spectra. Oligomerization of DsRed occurs at two chemically distinct protein interfaces to assemble the tetramer. The DsRed structure reveals the chemical basis for the functional properties of red fluorescent proteins and provides the basis for rational engineering of this subfamily of GFP homologs.  相似文献   

The human RAD52 protein, which exhibits a heptameric ring structure, has been shown to bind resected double strand breaks (DSBs), consistent with an early role in meiotic recombination and DSB repair. In this work, we show that RAD52 binds single-stranded and tailed duplex DNA molecules via precise interactions with the terminal base. When probed with hydroxyl radicals, ssDNA-RAD52 complexes exhibit a four-nucleotide repeat hypersensitivity pattern. This unique pattern is due to the interaction of RAD52 with either a 5' or a 3' terminus of the ssDNA, is sequence independent and is phased precisely from the terminal nucleotide. Hypersensitivity is observed over approximately 36 nucleotides, consistent with the length of DNA that is protected by RAD52 in nuclease protection assays. We propose that RAD52 binds DNA breaks via specific interactions with the terminal base, leading to the formation of a precisely organized ssDNA-RAD52 complex in which the DNA lies on an exposed surface of the protein. This protein-DNA arrangement may facilitate the DNA-DNA interactions necessary for RAD52-mediated annealing of complementary DNA strands.  相似文献   

A number of DNA damage-inducible genes (DIN) have been identified in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In the present study we describe isolation of a novel gene, Din7, the expression of which is induced by exposure of cells to UV light, MMS (methyl methanesulfonate) or HU (hydoxyurea). The DNA sequence of DIN7 was determined. By comparison of the predicted Din7 amino acid sequence with those in databases we found that it belongs to a family of proteins which includes S. cerevisiae Rad2 and its Schizosaccharomyces pombe and human homologs Rad13 and XPGC; S. cerevisiae Rad27 and its S. pombe homolog Rad2, and S. pombe Exo I. All these proteins are endowed with DNA nuclease activity and are known to play an important function in DNA repair. The strongest homology to Din7 was found with the Dhs1 protein of S.?cerevisiae, the function of which is essentially unknown. The expression of the DIN7 gene was studied in detail using a DIN7-lacZ fusion integrated into a chromosome. We show that the expression level of DIN7 rises during meiosis at a time nearly coincident with commitment to recombination. No inducibility of DIN7 was found after treatment with DNA-damaging agents of cells bearing the rad53-21 mutation. Surprisingly, a high basal level of DIN7 expression was found in strains in which the DUN1 gene was inactivated by transposon insertion. We suggest that a form of Dun1 may be a negative regulator of the DIN7 gene expression.  相似文献   

Degenerate oligonucleotides encoding conserved regions of the Rad52 protein of S. cerevisiae and its homologue, the Rad22 protein of S. pombe, were used to clone a chicken RAD52 counterpart by the polymerase chain reaction. Sequence comparison of the chicken and yeast proteins reveals a strongly conserved region between positions 40 and 178 of the chicken Rad52 sequence indicating that this part of the protein is under strong evolutionary pressure. The first 39 amino acids and the 3' end of the chicken Rad52 homologue does not share significant similarity with the yeast proteins. High abundance of the mRNA in testis makes it likely that the chicken Rad52 protein plays a role in meiotic recombination.  相似文献   

Carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1A (CPT1A) is the key regulatory enzyme of hepatic long-chain fatty acid beta-oxidation. Human CPT1A deficiency is characterized by recurrent attacks of hypoketotic hypoglycemia. We presently analyzed at both the functional and structural levels five missense mutations identified in three CPT1A-deficient patients, namely A275T, A414V, Y498C, G709E, and G710E. Heterologous expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae permitted to validate them as disease-causing mutations. To gain further insights into their deleterious effects, we localized these mutated residues into a three-dimensional structure model of the human CPT1A created from the crystal structure of the mouse carnitine acetyltransferase. This study demonstrated for the first time that disease-causing CPT1A mutations can be divided into two categories depending on whether they affect directly (functional determinant) or indirectly the active site of the enzyme (structural determinant). Mutations A275T, A414V, and Y498C, which exhibit decreased catalytic efficiency, clearly belong to the second class. They are located more than 20 A away from the active site and mostly affect the stability of the protein itself and/or of the enzyme-substrate complex. By contrast, mutations G709E and G710E, which abolish CPT1A activity, belong to the first category. They affect Gly residues that are essential not only for the structure of the hydrophobic core in the catalytic site, but also for the chain-length specificity of CPT isoforms. This study provides novel insights into the functionality of CPT1A that may contribute to the design of drugs for the treatment of lipid disorders.  相似文献   

To identify mechanisms of DNA repair in Arabidopsis thaliana, we have analyzed a mutant (uvh3) which exhibits increased sensitivity to ultraviolet (UV) light, H2O2 and ionizing radiation and displays a premature senescence phenotype. The uvh3 locus was mapped within chromosome III to the GL1 locus. A cosmid contig of the GL1 region was constructed, and individual cosmids were used to transform uvh3 mutant plants. Cosmid N9 was found to confer UV-resistance, H2O2-resistance and a normal senescence phenotype following transformation, indicating that the UVH3 gene is located on this cosmid and that all three phenotypes are due to the same mutation. Analysis of cosmid N9 sequences identified a gene showing strong similarity to two homologous repair genes, RAD2 (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and XPG (human), which encode an endonuclease required for nucleotide excision repair of UV-damage. The uvh3 mutant was shown to carry a nonsense mutation in the coding region of the AtRAD2/XPG gene, thus revealing that the UVH3 gene encodes the AtRAD2/XPG gene product. In humans, the homologous XPG protein is also involved in removal of oxygen-damaged nucleotides by base excision repair. We discuss the possibility that the increased sensitivity of the uvh3 mutant to H2O2 and the premature senescence phenotype might result from failure to repair oxygen damage in plant tissues. Finally, we show that the AtRAD2/XPG gene is expressed at moderate levels in all plant tissues.  相似文献   

Replication protein A (RPA), the nuclear ssDNA-binding protein in eukaryotes, is essential to DNA replication, recombination, and repair. We have shown that a globular domain at the C terminus of subunit RPA32 contains a specific surface that interacts in a similar manner with the DNA repair enzyme UNG2 and repair factors XPA and RAD52, each of which functions in a different repair pathway. NMR structures of the RPA32 domain, free and in complex with the minimal interaction domain of UNG2, were determined, defining a common structural basis for linking RPA to the nucleotide excision, base excision, and recombinational pathways of repairing damaged DNA. Our findings support a hand-off model for the assembly and coordination of different components of the DNA repair machinery.  相似文献   

Mismatch repair (MMR) proteins repair mispaired DNA bases and have an important role in maintaining the integrity of the genome [1]. Loss of MMR has been correlated with resistance to a variety of DNA-damaging agents, including many anticancer drugs [2]. How loss of MMR leads to resistance is not understood, but is proposed to be due to loss of futile MMR activity and/or replication stalling [3], [4]. We report that inactivation of MMR genes (MLH1, MLH2, MSH2, MSH3, MSH6, but not PMS1) in isogenic strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae led to increased resistance to the anticancer drugs cisplatin, carboplatin and doxorubicin, but had no effect on sensitivity to ultraviolet C (UVC) radiation. Sensitivity to cisplatin and doxorubicin was increased in mlh1 mutant strains when the MLH1 gene was reintroduced, demonstrating a direct involvement of MMR proteins in sensitivity to these DNA-damaging agents. Inactivation of MLH1, MLH2 or MSH2 had no significant effect, however, on drug sensitivities in the rad52 or rad1 mutant strains that are defective in mitotic recombination and removing unpaired DNA single strands. We propose a model whereby MMR proteins – in addition to their role in DNA-damage recognition – decrease adduct tolerance during DNA replication by modulating the levels of recombination-dependent bypass. This hypothesis is supported by the finding that, in human ovarian tumour cells, loss of hMLH1 correlated with acquisition of cisplatin resistance and increased cisplatin-induced sister chromatid exchange, both of which were reversed by restoration of hMLH1 expression.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells expressing both a- and alpha-mating-type (MAT) genes (termed mating-type heterozygosity) exhibit higher rates of spontaneous recombination and greater radiation resistance than cells expressing only MATa or MATalpha. MAT heterozygosity suppresses recombination defects of four mutations involved in homologous recombination: complete deletions of RAD55 or RAD57, an ATPase-defective Rad51 mutation (rad51-K191R), and a C-terminal truncation of Rad52, rad52-Delta327. We investigated the genetic basis of MAT-dependent suppression of these mutants by deleting genes whose expression is controlled by the Mata1-Matalpha2 repressor and scoring resistance to both campothecin (CPT) and phleomycin. Haploid rad55Delta strains became more damage resistant after deleting genes required for nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ), a process that is repressed in MATa/MATalpha cells. Surprisingly, NHEJ mutations do not suppress CPT sensitivity of rad51-K191R or rad52-Delta327. However, rad51-K191R is uniquely suppressed by deleting the RME1 gene encoding a repressor of meiosis or its coregulator SIN4; this effect is independent of the meiosis-specific homolog, Dmc1. Sensitivity of rad52-Delta327 to CPT was unexpectedly increased by the MATa/MATalpha-repressed gene YGL193C, emphasizing the complex ways in which MAT regulates homologous recombination. The rad52-Delta327 mutation is suppressed by deleting the prolyl isomerase Fpr3, which is not MAT regulated. rad55Delta is also suppressed by deletion of PST2 and/or YBR052C (RFS1, rad55 suppressor), two members of a three-gene family of flavodoxin-fold proteins that associate in a nonrandom fashion with chromatin. All three recombination-defective mutations are made more sensitive by deletions of Rad6 and of the histone deacetylases Rpd3 and Ume6, although these mutations are not themselves CPT or phleomycin sensitive.  相似文献   

The human RAD52 protein plays an important role in the earliest stages of chromosomal double-strand break repair via the homologous recombination pathway. Individual subunits of RAD52 self-associate into rings that can then form higher order complexes. RAD52 binds to double-strand DNA ends, and recent studies suggest that the higher order self-association of the rings promotes DNA end-joining. Earlier studies defined the self-association domain of RAD52 to a unique region in the N-terminal half of the protein. Here we show that there are in fact two experimentally separable self-association domains in RAD52. The N-terminal self-association domain mediates the assembly of monomers into rings, and the previously unidentified domain in the C-terminal half of the protein mediates higher order self-association of the rings.  相似文献   

The structures of many cell surface adhesion proteins comprise multiple tandem repeats of structurally similar domains. In many cases, the functional significance of this architecture is unknown, and there are several cases in which evidence for individual domain involvement in adhesion has been contradictory. In particular, the extracellular region of the adhesion glycoprotein cadherin consists of five tandemly arranged domains. One proposed mechanism postulated that adhesion involves only trans interactions between the outermost domains. However, subsequent investigations have generated several competing models. Here we describe direct measurements of the distance-dependent interaction potentials between cadherin mutants lacking different domains. By quantifying both the absolute distances at which opposed cadherin fragments bind and the quantized changes in the interaction potentials that result from deletions of individual domains, we demonstrate that two domains participate in homophilic cadherin binding. This finding contrasts with the current view that cadherins bind via a single, unique site on the protein surface. The potentials that result from interactions involving multiple domains generate a novel, modular binding mechanism in which opposed cadherin ectodomains can adhere in any of three antiparallel alignments.  相似文献   

Alterations in minisatellite DNA repeat tracts are associated with a variety of human diseases including Type 1 diabetes, progressive myoclonus epilepsy, and some types of cancer. However, in spite of their role in human health, the factors required for minisatellite alterations are not well understood. We previously identified a stationary phase specific increase in minisatellite instability caused by mutations in the high affinity zinc transporter ZRT1, using a minisatellite inserted into the ADE2 locus in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Here, we examined ZRT1-mediated minisatellite instability in yeast strains lacking key recombination genes to determine the mechanisms by which these alterations occur. Our analysis revealed that minisatellite alterations in a Δzrt1 mutant occur by a combination of RAD52-dependent and RAD52-independent mechanisms. In this study, plasmid-based experiments demonstrate that ZRT1-mediated minisatellite alterations occur independently of chromosomal context or adenine auxotrophy, and confirmed the stationary phase timing of the events. To further examine the stationary phase specificity of ZRT1-mediated minisatellite alterations, we deleted ETR1 and POR1, genes that were previously shown to differentially affect the viability of quiescent or nonquiescent cells in stationary phase populations. These experiments revealed that minisatellite alterations in Δzrt1 mutants occur exclusively in quiescent stationary phase cells. Finally, we show that loss of ZRT1 stimulates alterations in a derivative of the human HRAS1 minisatellite. We propose that the mechanism of ZRT1-mediated minisatellite instability during quiescence is relevant to human cells, and thus, human disease.  相似文献   

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