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Genetical analysis of rifampicin resistant mutants of E. coli K 12   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary E. coli rifampicin-resistant (rif-r) mutants were divided into two conventional groups: A, resistant to 50–100g/ml of rifampicin both on complete and minimal medium and B, sensitive to these concentrations of rifampicin on minimal, but resistant on complete medium. RNA polymerase from rif-r-A mutants is resistant to high concentrations of rifampicin in vitro while the enzyme from rif-r-B mutants but slightly if at all differs from the wild-type enzyme in its response to the drug.All rif-r-A and rif-r-B mutants are closely linked and map between argH and thi on E. coli K 12 chromosome. We failed to isolate any rifampicin-resistant mutants which would map outside this region.  相似文献   

Fifty-five haemin-requiring mutants were isolated from haemin-permeable mutants. According to their growth responses to haem precursors and their patterns of porphyrin accumulation, the 55 mutants fell into three groups which were judged to have defects in 5-aminolaevulinate dehydratase, ferrochelatase, and uroporphyrinogen III cosynthase or uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase. In mutants of the group deficient in 5-aminolaevulinate dehydratase, the mutations were adjacent to lac, and evidence is presented that the mutations were in hemB and were commonly deletions extending into proC.  相似文献   

A first year graduate student, Ann Dee Margulies, changed my research career in 1962 by challenging me to direct her in the isolation of recombination-deficient mutants of Escherichia coli K-12. She succeeded in isolating two mutants, which conjugated with donor strains and received the donor DNA, but could not recombine that DNA with their own chromosomes. Ann Dee showed that both mutants were much more sensitive to UV radiation than was the wild type. Furthermore, she showed that one of these mutants carried a single mutation affecting both recombination and resistance. This work, published in 1965, was the first demonstration of the recA gene of E. coli. Subsequent work led to the discovery of many more recombination genes, the phenomenon of post replication-recombination repair, the invention of the SOS hypothesis and the discovery of genes encoding proteins with similar primary structure and function in all major groups of organisms. This article honors the memory of Ann Dee.  相似文献   

Dominance study with rifampicin-resistant mutants of E. coli K 12   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary The location of the characters for rifampicin-resistance in E. coli linked to the arg E marker was confirmed by mating experiments with rifampicin-resistant Hfr C mutants and a rifampicin-sensitive acceptor strain. During these tests, temporary dominance of rifampicin-sensitivity was observed. On the basis of the results obtained, the time required for complete phenotypic expression of rifampicin-resistance was determined, and the ratios of rifampicin-sensitivity to rifampicin-resistance in the merozygote phase of the cell were studied. It was found that the episomal marker of rifampicin-sensitivity influences the level of resistance in merodiploid cells, but does not fully restore the original sensitivity of the wild type.  相似文献   

Summary We have isolated spontaneous and chemically induced revertants of cya mutant strains of Escherichia coli. Three different classes of revertants were obtained. One class consisted of primary site revertants; a second class was pseudorevertants that had phenotypically reverted to wild type but retaining the original cya mutation and the third class of revertants, designated csm, were pseudorevertants hypersensitive to exogenous cAMP. Transductional analysis of the csm mutation indicated the mechanism of suppression in these strains was intergenic. The csm mutation and hypersensitivity to cAMP map in or near the crp gene. Growth of the csm strains of PTS (phosphoenolpyruvate phosphotransferase system) and non-PTS substrates was inhibited by 5 mM cAMP. The csm strains were found to accumulate toxic levels of methylglyocal when grown on non-PTS substrates in the presence of exogenous cAMP. All csm strains were sensitive to catabolite repression mediated by -methylglucoside. Revertants selected as resistant to cAMP fell into four major classes that could be distinguished by their fermentation patterns in the presence and absence of cAMP as well as by their growth response to streptomycin in the presence of cAMP.Paper No. 6623 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, Raleigh, North Carolina 27650, USA  相似文献   

Two independent mutants defective in glutathione reductase (EC were isolated in an Escherichia coli K12 strain lysogenized with bacteriophage Mu. The prophage was lost (and the ability to reduce glutathione regained) by 32% of the xylose-positive transductants when T4GT7 was used as the vector, but the markers were not cotransduced by P1. Similarly, the prophage site and malA were cotransduced by T4GT7 but not by P1. The gor gene maps between min 77 and 78 on the E. coli genome, and the mutation causes no growth defect.  相似文献   

cysK mutants, deficient in O-acetylserine sulphydrylase A [O-acetyl-L-serine acetate-lyase (adding hydrogen-sulphide); EC], were isolated as strains resistant to selenite or giving a black colour reaction on bismuth citrate indicator medium. All were resistant to the inhibitor I,2,4-triazole. Four independent mutants were found which possessed lowered levels of O-acetylserine sulphydrylase activity and also partially constitutive levels of NADPH-sulphite reductase [hydrogen-sulphide: NADP+ oxidoreductase; EC I.8.I.2]. Strains containing both a cysE mutation and a cysK mutation lacked the constitutive levels of NADPH-sulphite reductase showing that these levels were due to the in vivo concentration of the inducer, O-acetylserine. The cysK locus was found to be 81% cotransducible with the ptsI gene.  相似文献   

Six mutants of Escherichia coli K12 that are sensitive to visible light have been isolated. Five of them, including an amber mutant, are defective in a gene that maps near 11 minutes on the linkage map of the chromosome, and this gene has been designated visA. The sixth mutant, which was isolated from bacteria that carried the visA+/visA+ diploid allele, is defective in a gene that maps near 63 minutes on the linkage map, which has been designated visB. These mutant strains of bacteria are killed by illumination with visible light. The effective wavelength of the light is around 460 nm. The nucleotide sequence of the visA gene was determined. As a result of a search for homologous products, we found that visA may be identical to hemH, the structural gene for ferrochelatase which catalyzes a final step in the biosynthesis of heme. A possible mechanism for the killing of the visA mutant bacteria is discussed.  相似文献   

To determine to what extent the biosynthesis of cysteine in Escherichia coli resembles that in Salmonella typhimurium, the following experiments were performed. (1) Mutants of E. coli K 12 deficient in the biosynthesis of cysteine were isolated. (2) These mutants were classified by nutritional and biochemical criteria; some mutants lacked a single enzyme of sulphate reduction, other mutants appeared to lack two or more enzymes. (3) The genetic map predicted from the biochemical data alone is shown to be incorrect, and an alternative map, consistent with the genetic data, is proposed for the cys mutants of E. coli.  相似文献   

Using a variety of antibiotics, it was found that nine separate isolates of spontaneous antibiotic resistant mutants of Escherichia coli K12 pPSX-vioABCDE overproduce the anti-tumour antibiotic violacein. Subsequent analysis showed that seven of these mutations occurred on the plasmid pPSX-vioABCDE. The other two overproducing strains carried spontaneous chromosomal mutations to lincomycin and kanamycin. The kanamycin resistant mutant of E. coli K12 DH10B (AA23) and a lincomycin resistant mutant of E. coli K12 LE392 (AA24) increased the synthesis of violacein. The plasmid pPSX-vioABCDE opv-1 contains a violacein over-production (opv-1) mutation which when introduced into either E. coli K12 AA23 or AA24, resulted in a hyper-production of violacein. Remarkably, E. coli K12 AA23 pPSX-vioABCDE opv-1 produced 41 times the normal level of violacein. In addition, both E. coli K12 AA23 and E. coli K12 AA24 demonstrated an increase in expression of an alpha amylase gene from Streptomyces lividans and the urease gene cluster from Klebsiella oxytoca. These results suggest that selection of antibiotic resistant mutants can increase heterologous gene expression in E. coli K12. Additionally, the increased expression is a general effect applicable to genes and gene clusters cloned into E. coli K12 from both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   

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