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Microglia, the brain's innate immune cell type, are cells of mesodermal origin that populate the central nervous system (CNS) during development. Undifferentiated microglia, also called ameboid microglia, have the ability to proliferate, phagocytose apoptotic cells and migrate long distances toward their final destinations throughout all CNS regions, where they acquire a mature ramified morphological phenotype. Recent studies indicate that ameboid microglial cells not only have a scavenger role during development but can also promote the death of some neuronal populations. In the mature CNS, adult microglia have highly motile processes to scan their territorial domains, and they display a panoply of effects on neurons that range from sustaining their survival and differentiation contributing to their elimination. Hence, the fine tuning of these effects results in protection of the nervous tissue, whereas perturbations in the microglial response, such as the exacerbation of microglial activation or lack of microglial response, generate adverse situations for the organization and function of the CNS. This review discusses some aspects of the relationship between microglial cells and neuronal death/survival both during normal development and during the response to injury in adulthood.  相似文献   

Microglial activation is one of the earliest and most prominent features of nearly all CNS neuropathologies often occurring prior to other indicators of overt neuropathology. Whether microglial activation in seemingly healthy CNS tissue during the early stages of several is a response to early stages of neuronal or glial distress or an early sign of microglial dysfunction causing subsequent neurodegeneration is unknown. Here we characterize and discuss how changes in the CNS microenvironment (neuronal activity/viability, glial activation) lead to specific forms of microglial activation. Specifically, we examine the potential role that TREM-2 expressing microglia may play in regulating the effector function of autoreactive T cell responses. Thus, we suggest that ubiquitous suppression of microglial activation during CNS inflammatory disorders rather than targeted manipulation of microglial activation, may in the end be maladaptive leading to incomplete remission of symptoms.  相似文献   

The perivascular space of the rat pineal gland is known to contain phagocytic cells that are immunoreactive for leukocyte antigens, and thus they appear to belong to the macrophage/microglial cell line. These cells also contain MHC class II proteins. We investigated this cell type in the pineal gland of mice. Actively phagocytosing cells with a prominent lysosomal system were found in the pericapillary spaces of the mouse pineal gland following intravenous injection of horseradish peroxidase. The cells also exhibited strong acid phosphatase activity. Perivascular cells were immunopositive for MHC class II protein and for CD68, a marker of monocytes/phagocytes. This study verifies that perivascular phagocytes with antigen-presenting properties are present in the mouse pineal gland.  相似文献   

We partially characterized the transferrin-independent iron uptake (Tf-IU) of neuronal and glial cells in the previous report. In the present study, we further examined a mechanism of which glial cells protect neuronal cells against iron stress using neuron-microglia (N-MG) and neuron-astrocyte (N-AS) co-cultures. When each solely purified cell was treated with iron citrate, cell death occurred in N and MG. However, AS proliferated under the same condition. Both N-MG and N-AS co-cultures were effective in resistance to excessive iron. The total and specific Tf-IU activities of N-MG co-cultures similar to those of N did not increase in a density-dependent manner. Contrarily, the total activity of AS was extremely high and the specific activity was extremely low as a result of proliferation. Regarding of effect of co-cultures on H(2)O(2)-induced cell death, N-MG co-cultures were less effective, but N-AS co-cultures were more effective in protecting N from the oxidative stress. These results suggest that N-MG co-cultures suppress the Tf-IU and N-AS co-cultures stimulate AS proliferation to protect neuronal cells. Brain cells from aceruloplasminemia with mutations in the ceruloplasmin gene take up iron by Tf-IU. Therefore, the different mechanisms of neuronal cell protection by MG and AS may explain the pathophysiological observations in the brains of patient with aceruloplasminemia.  相似文献   

Astrocyte-like cells, which act as stem cells in the adult brain, reside in a few restricted stem cell niches. However, following brain injury, glia outside these niches acquire or reactivate stem cell potential as part of reactive gliosis. Recent studies have begun to uncover the molecular pathways involved in this process. A comparison of molecular pathways activated after injury with those involved in the normal neural stem cell niches highlights strategies that could overcome the inhibition of neurogenesis outside the stem cell niche and instruct parenchymal glia towards a neurogenic fate. This new view on reactive glia therefore suggests a widespread endogenous source of cells with stem cell potential, which might potentially be harnessed for local repair strategies.  相似文献   

Interactions between Schwann cells and axons are critical for the development and function of myelinated axons. Two recent studies (see Maurel et al. on p. 861 of this issue; Spiegel et al., 2007) report that the nectin-like (Necl) proteins Necl-1 and -4 are internodal adhesion molecules that are critical for myelination. These studies suggest that Necl proteins mediate a specific interaction between Schwann cells and axons that allows proper communication of the signals that trigger myelination.  相似文献   

Soulet D  Rivest S 《Current biology : CB》2008,18(12):R506-R508

Mononuclear phagocyte activation: activation-associated antigens   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Mononuclear phagocyte activation is characterized by alterations in cellular metabolism and plasma membrane composition. In rodent and human systems, antibodies (conventional heteroantibodies or monoclonal reagents) that identify plasma membrane antigens selectively expressed by activated macrophages and monocytes have been generated. Among these activation-associated determinants is Mo3e (p50,80), a protease-sensitive antigen that is expressed by human monocytes activated in culture by exposure to bacterial lipopolysaccharide, muramyl dipeptide, or phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) (as well as other biologically active phorbol compounds). Mo3e is also expressed by the monoblastic cell line U-937 after culture in medium containing PMA and other pharmacological activators of protein kinase C (4 beta-phorbol-12,13-dibutyrate, 4 beta-phorbol-12,13-didecanoate, mezerein, and cell-permeable 1,2-diacylglycerol). The human promyelocytic cell line HL-60 becomes Mo3e positive after exposure in vitro to certain inducers of monocytic differentiation (PMA, dibutyryl cyclic AMP, and cholera toxin plus 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine). The surface expression of Mo3e is blocked by inhibitors of protein synthesis, N-linked glycosylation, and protein kinase activation, as well as by ethylene glycol bis(beta-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid and calcium antagonists. These data suggest the involvement of glycoprotein synthesis, protein kinase activation, and calcium ions in the stimulated expression of Mo3e by activated human mononuclear phagocytes. Anti-Mo3e antibody blocks the human monocyte response to migration inhibitory factor (MIF), which indicates an association between the expression of Mo3e antigen and responsiveness to MIF.  相似文献   

小胶质细胞与炎症介导的神经系统退行性病变   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
小胶质细胞是中枢神经系统常驻细胞,行使支持、营养、免疫监视等多种功能。小胶质细胞在受到感染、外伤等因素刺激后活化,并产生多种免疫效应分子,包括:白细胞介素、肿瘤坏死因子、干扰素γ、活性氮、活性氧等。这些因子介导慢性炎症反应、细胞凋亡等,是导致神经系统退行性病变的主要因素。本文着重阐述小胶质细胞通过分泌这些效应分子引起神经功能损伤的机制,并对目前一些针对性治疗方法加以介绍。  相似文献   

Brain microglial morphology relates to function, with ramified microglia surveying the micro-environment and amoeboid microglia engulfing debris. One subgroup of microglia, rod microglia, have been observed in a number of pathological conditions, however neither a function nor specific morphology has been defined. Historically, rod microglia have been described intermittently as cells with a sausage-shaped soma and long, thin processes, which align adjacent to neurons. More recently, our group has described rod microglia aligning end-to-end with one another to form trains adjacent to neuronal processes. Confusion in the literature regarding rod microglia arises from some reports referring to the sausage-shaped cell body, while ignoring the spatial distribution of processes. Here, we systematically define the morphological characteristics of rod microglia that form after diffuse brain injury in the rat, which differ morphologically from the spurious rod microglia found in uninjured sham. Rod microglia in the diffuse-injured rat brain show a ratio of 1.79±0.03 cell length∶cell width at day 1 post-injury, which increases to 3.35±0.05 at day 7, compared to sham (1.17±0.02). The soma length∶width differs only at day 7 post-injury (2.92±0.07 length∶width), compared to sham (2.49±0.05). Further analysis indicated that rod microglia may not elongate in cell length but rather narrow in cell width, and retract planar (side) processes. These morphological characteristics serve as a tool for distinguishing rod microglia from other morphologies. The function of rod microglia remains enigmatic; based on morphology we propose origins and functions for rod microglia after acute neurological insult, which may provide biomarkers or therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

Migration and proliferation have been mostly explored in culture systems or fixed preparations. We present a simple genetic model, the chains of glia moving along fly wing nerves, to follow such dynamic processes by time-lapse in the whole animal. We show that glia undergo extensive cytoskeleton and mitotic apparatus rearrangements during division and migration. Single cell labelling identifies different glia: pioneers with high filopodial, exploratory, activity and, less active followers. In combination with time-lapse, altering this cellular environment by genetic means or cell ablation has allowed to us define the role of specific cell-cell interactions. First, neurone-glia interactions are not necessary for glia motility but do affect the direction of migration. Second, repulsive interactions between glia control the extent of movement. Finally, autonomous cues control proliferation.  相似文献   

Major depressive disorder(MDD) is a prevalent psychiatric disease that involves malfunctions of different cell types in the brain.Accumulating studies started to reveal that microglia, the primary resident immune cells, play an important role in the development and progression of depression. Microglia respond to stress-triggered neuroinflammation, and through the release of proinflammatory cytokines and their metabolic products, microglia may modulate the function of neurons and astrocytes to regulate depression. In this review, we focused on the role of microglia in the etiology of depression. We discussed the dynamic states of microglia; the correlative and causal evidence of microglial abnormalities in depression; possible mechanisms of how microglia sense depression-related stress and modulate depression state; and how antidepressive therapies affect microglia. Understanding the role of microglia in depression may shed light on developing new treatment strategies to fight against this devastating mental illness.  相似文献   

V P Collins 《Cytobiologie》1978,18(2):327-338
Human glia cells become blocked in G1 if starved of serum. The characteristics of the GI blocked state are flattening on the substrate, and absence of cell translocation, ruffling and macropinocytosis. Re-entry into the cell cycle, as a result of growth factor stimulation, is accompained and even preceded by the return of this cellular locomotion. We have studied the fine structure of intact human glia cells and ultrathin sections of these cells when proliferating normally in vitro, when starved of serum and during their return to the cell cycle following stimulation with mEGF (mouse epidermal growth factor). Particular attention was paid to morphologically definable components of the cellular musculoskeletal system. Proliferating interphase glia generally had a leading lamella containing few organelles and oriented bundles of 7 nm microfilaments with structureless lamellipodia at their tips, which often formed ruffles. The perinuclear area was thick and contained many cell organelles, including mitochondria and secondary lysosomes. Glia starved of serum were thinly spread; their peripheral cytoplasm was filled with a diffuse mat of microfilaments, they had no structureless lamellipodia and their perinuclear areas, although thinner, contained cell organelles in equal amounts and of similar type of those found in proliferating cells. On EGF stimulation, after approximately 2 hours the perinuclear area of the cells thickened, and structureless lamellipodia subsequently appeared at the tips of the leading lamellae, forming ruffles. The cells finally began to translocate, the process being accompained by the reorientation and packing of the microfilaments into bundles. As the kinetics of EGF binding and break down by glia cells are similar to those described for fibroblasts, the findings do not support the concept of EGF receptor interactions inducing ultrastructurally demonstrable microfilament or other musculoskeletal structural changes in the cell. They do, however, define the differing cellular morphologies of motile and immobile structures.  相似文献   

The central nervous system (CNS) is host to a significant population of macrophage-like cells known as microglia. In addition to these cells which reside within the parenchyma, a diverse array of macrophages are present in meningeal, perivascular, and other peripheral locations. The role that microglia and other CNS macrophages play in disease and injury is under intensive investigation, and functions in development and in the normal adult are just beginning to be explored. At present the biology of these cells represents one of the most fertile areas of CNS research. This article describes methodology for the isolation and maintenance of microglia in cell cultures prepared from murine and feline animals. Various approaches to identify microglia are provided, using antibody, lectin, or scavenger receptor ligand. Assays to confirm macrophage-like functional activity, including phagocytosis, lysosomal enzyme activity, and motility, are described. Findings regarding the origin and development of microglia and results of transplantation studies are reviewed. Based on these data, a strategy is presented that proposes to use the microglial cell lineage to effectively deliver therapeutic compounds to the CNS from the peripheral circulation.  相似文献   

Recent evidence in humans indicate that defective phagocytic clearance of dying cells is linked to progression of advanced atherosclerotic lesions, the precursor to atherothrombosis, ischemic heart disease, and leading cause of death in the industrialized world. During atherogenesis, apoptotic cell turnover in the vascular wall is counterbalanced by neighboring phagocytes with high clearance efficiency, thereby limiting cellularity and maintaining lesion integrity. However, as lesions mature, phagocytic removal of apoptotic cells (efferocytosis) becomes defective, leading to secondary necrosis, expansion of plaque necrotic cores, and susceptibility to rupture. Recent genetic causation studies in experimental rodents have implicated key molecular regulators of efferocytosis in atherosclerotic progression. These include MER tyrosine kinase (MERTK), milk fat globule-EGF factor 8 (MFGE8), and complement C1q. At the cellular level, atheromata are infiltrated by a heterogenous population of professional phagocytes, comprised of monocytes, differentiated macrophages, and CD11c+ dendritic-like cells. Each cell type is characterized by disparate clearance efficiencies and varying activities of key phagocytic signaling molecules. It is in this context that we outline a working model whereby plaque necrosis and destabilization is jointly promoted by (1) direct inhibition of core phagocytic signaling pathways and (2) expansion of phagocyte subsets with poor clearance capacity. Towards identifying targets for promoting efficient apoptotic cell clearance and resolving inflammation in atherosclerosis and during ischemic heart disease and post myocardial infarction, this review will discuss potential in vivo suppressors of efferocytosis at each stage of clearance and how these putative interventional targets may differentially affect uptake at the level of vascular phagocyte subsets.  相似文献   

The coordination of the vertebrate nervous system requires high velocity signal transmission between different brain areas. High speed nerve conduction is achieved in the myelinated fibers of both the central and the peripheral nervous system where the myelin sheath acts as an insulator of the axon. The interactions between the glial cell and the adjacent axon, namely axo-glial interactions, segregate the fiber in distinct molecular and functional domains that ensure the rapid propagation of action potentials. These domains are the node of Ranvier, the paranode, the juxtaparanode and the internode and are characterized by multiprotein complexes between voltage-gated ion channels, cell adhesion molecules, members of the Neurexin family and cytoskeletal proteins. In the present review, we outline recent evidence on the key players of axo-glial interactions, depicting their importance in myelinated fiber physiology and disease.  相似文献   

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