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Absorption and retention of plutonium were determined in mice after intragastric administration of either 6 X 10(-4) or 1.5 mg/kg in bicarbonate, citrate, or nitrate media. At the higher concentration, absorption of the citrate was greater than that of the nitrate; at the lower concentration, chemical form was not an important factor in absorption. Concentration and chemical form had much less influence on absorption by the neonatal (versus the adult) rat. The transfer factor (f1) for neonates was between one and two orders of magnitude higher than for adults. Absorption and retention of neptunium were determined in rats and/or mice after intragastric administration at doses ranging from 2.2 X 10(-7) to 43 mg/kg in nitrate solutions of pH 1.5. At the higher concentrations, absorption was 1.5 to 2.7%. For lower concentrations, absorption was 25 to 65 times less. In contrast to results obtained in adult animals, absorption of neptunium by neonates decreased with increasing dose. The data obtained in adult animals suggest that the f1 factor recommended by the ICRP for plutonium should be increased by a factor of 10, but the neptunium f1 factor, in contrast, should be decreased by a factor of 10.  相似文献   

Absorption and retention of neptunium were determined in baboons after intragastric administration of neptunium nitrate solutions at pH 1. The effects of mass, diet, and fasting on absorption were studied. At higher mass levels (400-800 micrograms Np/kg), absorption was about 1%; at lower mass intakes (0.0009-0.005 micrograms Np/kg), absorption was reduced by 10- to 20-fold. The addition of an oxidizing agent (Fe3+) increased gastrointestinal absorption and supported the hypothesis of a reduction of Np (V) when loss masses were ingested. Diets depleted of or enriched with hydroxy acids did not modify retention of neptunium but increased urinary excretion with increasing hydroxy acid content. The diet enriched with milk components reduced absorption by a factor of 5. Potatoes increased absorption and retention by a factor 5, not necessarily due to the effect of phytate. Fasting for 12 or 24 h increased retention and absorption by factors of about 3 and 10, respectively. Data obtained in baboons when low masses of neptunium were administered suggest that the f1 factor used by ICRP should be decreased. However, fasting as encountered in certain nutritional habits is a factor to be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

Values of about 0.005-0.01 per cent were obtained for the absorption in fed hamsters of plutonium ingested as Pu4+ citrate, isocitrate, phytate and malate complexes and Pu3+ ascorbate compared with about 0.003-0.004 per cent for Pu4+ nitrate. Replacing drinking water with tea did not affect the result for Pu4+ nitrate. Fasting hamsters for 8 h before the administration of plutonium citrate increased absorption to 0.1-0.2 per cent. An extra period of fasting for 4 h after administration did not lead to a further increase in absorption. Similar values were also obtained when plutonium citrate was administered after a 24 h fast, followed either by immediate access to food or a further 4 h fast. In hamsters fasted for 24 h before administration of either Pu3+ ascorbate or Pu4+ nitrate, about 6-7 per cent of the ingested plutonium was retained in the gastrointestinal tract after one week. At three weeks after ingestion of Pu3+ ascorbate, gastrointestinal retention had fallen 100-fold without an increase in absorption.  相似文献   

Neptunium administered intravenously together with the high molecular weight protein fraction of blood serum was almost completely accumulated by the liver after 60 min. Then neptunium left the liver and was partially deposited in the skeleton. Plutonium, being a component of a nonprotein and a low molecular weight protein fractions, was mainly found in the skeleton where it had been accumulated throughout the entire period of observation (14 days, 52-58%); as to the nonprotein fraction, the value of accumulation was somewhat higher.  相似文献   

Rhizopus arrhizus biomass removed more than 95% of 239Pu, 241Am, 95Zr, 144Ce and 152+154Eu from different waste streams generated in Purex as well as Truex processes after suitable adjustment of pH. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

The total body burden of plutonium 24 or 96 hr following a single gastric intubation was approximately fourfold greater in iron-deficient than in iron-replete mice. There was also a more rapid translocation of plutonium from soft tissues to bone in the iron-deficient mice by 96 hr after gavage. In the iron-replete group only liver concentrations of plutonium increased during the corresponding time period.  相似文献   

N S Shvydko 《Radiobiologiia》1986,26(5):699-702
A study was made of the role of biocomponents of bile, urine and feces in the elimination of plutonium and americium from the organism. Plutonium 239 and americium 241 were separated in bile due to higher tropism of plutonium to low molecular weight ligands, and of americium, to a protein-containing fraction. The status of plutonium excreted in feces was the same as the physicochemical status of americium. Plutonium 239 and americium 241 eliminated in urine were in a completely ultrafiltered state.  相似文献   

Abstract: A biological process for the removal of heavy metals from the aqueous flows is described. Metals are precipitated on the surface of immobilized cells of a Citrobacter sp. as cell-bound metal phosphates. This uses phosphate liberated by the activity of a cell-bound phosphatase. Some radionuclides (e.g. 241americium) form metal phosphates readily; efficient removal of 241Am on a continuous basis is demonstrated. At low phosphatase activities, the efficiency of uranium removal correlates with enzyme activity. High phosphatase activities are not realised as an increase in metal removal, suggesting that chemical events become rate-limiting. Studies have suggested that maximal metal uptake occurs only after nucleation and the formation of precipitation foci. A model is presented to illustrate how nucleation and crystallization processes could enhance the removal of plutonium and neptunium from dilute solutions.  相似文献   

To measure the effect of radiation on plutonium transport, rats that were exposed to 250-kVp X rays were given 238Pu 3 days afterwards by either gavage or injection into a ligated segment of the duodenum. In a second group of experiments, rats were either injected intraduodenally with 238Pu-DTPA or administered the chelate intravenously and the 238Pu by gavage. In a third experiment, rats that had been gavaged with 200 or 400 mg/kg/day of aspirin for 2 days were injected intragastrically with 238Pu nitrate. Results of the first experiment showed a dose-dependent increase in 238Pu absorption between 800 and 1500 rad of lower-body X irradiation. Intravenous or intraduodenal injections of DTPA caused a marked increase in 238Pu absorption but resulted in decreased plutonium deposition in the skeleton and liver. Retention of 238Pu in the skeleton of rats given aspirin was double that of controls, but the effect on plutonium absorption was less marked than that of DTPA.  相似文献   

To probe the pathway and specificity of cholesterol absorption, the synthetic enantiomer of cholesterol (ent-cholesterol) and cholesterol were labeled with deuterium, gavaged into hamsters, and measured by negative ion mass spectrometry. Initial uptake of both tracers into the intestinal mucosa at 30 min was similar but cholesterol was temporarily retained there, whereas mucosal ent-cholesterol declined rapidly with concomitantly increased enrichment in both the systemic circulation and the gut lumen. In a 3 day fecal recovery study, ent-cholesterol was quantitatively recovered in the stool, whereas cholesterol absorption was 53.2%. ent-Cholesterol given by intracardiac injection was selectively secreted into bile, and the ratio of ent-cholesterol to cholesterol tracers in the gut lumen increased down the length of the small bowel, with the largest value being found in stool. ent-Cholesterol is efficiently taken up by the intestinal mucosa and undergoes transient enterohepatic recirculation, but it is quantitatively eliminated over 3 days as a result of selective secretion into bile and selective enrichment within the lumen of the intestine. These findings suggest that cholesterol absorption is structurally specific and likely to be mediated by enantiospecific cellular proteins.  相似文献   

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