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ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Myllocerus malignus Faust was described new to science from Korea in 1887. Since then, the species collected from Korea and Far-east Russia has been misidentified as Eumyllocerus gratiosus Sharp, E. filicornis (Reitter), or E. longulus Egorov et Zherikhin. A taxonomic review of Myllocerus malignus Faust (1887) with its synonymy and the clarification of sexual dimorphism is presented. As a results, Myllocerus viridiaureus Suvorov (1915) and Eumyllocerus longulus Egorov et Zherikhin (1990) are synonymized with Myllocerus malignus.  相似文献   

Eulechriops argyrosoman. sp. (Curculionidae: Conoderinae: Lechropini) and Geratozygops platysoman. sp., Geratozygops stenosoman. sp. and Geratozygops arsinotusn. sp. (Curculionidae: Conoderinae: Zygopini) are described from Dominican amber. The small size, nearly parallel sides of the pronotum and silvery sheen distinguish Eulechriops argyrosoma from extant members of the genus, which have not been recorded from Hispaniola. Size and rostral and pronotal characters separate the three Geratozygops species from the single species (Geratozygops atropos) previously described from Dominican amber.http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:89BC7F43-6C1A-4A6A-839B-CE94C7F6F140  相似文献   

The following new genus and seven new species of Cossonine weevils (Curculionidae: Cossoninae) are described from Dominican amber: Acamptus exilipes Poinar and Legalov, n. sp. (similar to A. rigidus), Caulophilus camptus Poinar and Legalov, n. sp. (similar to C. bennetti), Caulophilus elongatus Poinar and Legalov, n. sp. (similar to C. swensoni), Caulophilus ruidipunctus Poinar and Legalov, n. sp., Dryotribus pedanus Poinar and Legalov, n. sp. (similar to D. amplioculus), Ogygius obrieni Poinar and Legalov, n. gen., n. sp. (similar to the genus Apotrepus), and Stenotrupis pumilis Poinar and Legalov, n. sp. (similar to S. breviscapus). A key to the Dominican amber species of the genus Caulophilus is provided. Based on the extant weevil fauna, it appears that the Hispaniolan Cossonine were more diverse in the Tertiary than at present. http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:14D1CFC0-4967-4D22-888B-0DE3E157D6BD  相似文献   

Swiatek P 《Tissue & cell》1999,31(6):587-593
A complex structure termed the karyosome forms in the nuclei of the developing oocytes of Anthonomus pomorum, Hylobius abietis and Phyllobius sp. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). It is composed of highly condensed chromosomes, fused with an electron-dense granular material. There are two types of nuclear body associated with the karyosome. The smaller bodies are found in the immediate vicinity of the karyosome. The larger, and more electron-dense, bodies originate next to the condensing chromosomes. During vitellogenesis, the latter bodies disperse in the karyoplasm, and at least some of them locate in the characteristic irregular projections of the germinal vesicle. Morphologically, these projections resemble the accessory nuclei described in other insects. In the studied species, a proteinaceous sheath, the so-called karyosome capsule, surrounds the karyosome. The formation of the karyosome and its capsule occurs during previtellogenesis, so that these structures are fully formed at the onset of vitellogenesis. An extraction of the oocyte cytoplasm with Triton X-100 showed that the material constituting the karyosome capsule is filamentous. Staining with rhodamine-conjugated phalloidin reveals large amount of F-actin in the karyosome capsule.  相似文献   

Five new species of Scolytus Geoffroy, 1762 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) are described from Peru, namely Scolytus woodi, Scolytus carveli, Scolytus vagabundus, Scolytus lindemani, Scolytus mozolevskae .The following new synonym is established: Scolytus angustatus Browne, 1970 (= Scolytus facialis Schedl, 1973, syn. n.) New records of the Scolytus species in Loreto, Junin ,Cusco and Madre de Dios Provinces are given and the biology of the genus representatives is discussed.  相似文献   

We developed six microsatellite markers for Amphitmetus transversus (Kolbe, 1897) (Coleoptera, Curculionidae), a beetle widely distributed in the guineo‐congolian rainforests of east Africa. The numbers of alleles per locus range from three to eight, with a mean number of 4.6. They will be used for population genetic analysis. The ongoing study concentrates on the genetic differentiation and variability of isolated populations in the Kakamega Forest, a highly degraded and fragmented rainforest remnant in western Kenya.  相似文献   

Two species of fossil listroderine weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Rhytirhinini: Listroderina) are reported from the Meyer Desert Formation at a locality on the Beardmore Glacier in the Transantarctic Mountains about 500 km from the South Pole. Associated fossils include wood, leaves and pollen of Nothofagus, stems and leaves of several species of mosses, achenes of Ranunculus, shells of freshwater molluscs and a fish tooth. The age of the fossiliferous strata is contentious but probably within the range of Pliocene to mid-Miocene. The fossils represent organisms that colonised the margins of a glacier at the head of a fjord during an interglaciation. The autecology of the listroderine species indicates that temperatures during summer months averaged 5°C. The mean annual temperature, with winter temperatures constrained by 6 months of darkness, is estimated to have been about −8°C compared to the −26°C estimated for sea level at latitude 85°S today. The closest evolutionary link of the fossil listroderines is with South American rather than Australian or New Zealand taxa. Divergence of the taxa, at least at the level of tribe, had most probably occurred on Gondwana before the continent broke apart. The fossil species are considered to be the descendants of Antarctic lineages which evolved on the continent in the Late Cretaceous or Palaeogene and survived until the Neogene. Extinction of the listroderines and most other Antarctic terrestrial biota occurred with the growth of the polar ice sheets and the change to the polar desert climate.  相似文献   

Abstract Among eight species of Polydrusus weevils which belong to subgenus Scythodrusus, at least two possess parthenogenetic forms: P. (S.) inustus and P. (S.) pilifer. Both of these species consist of dioecious populations in the Caspian area and of parthenogenetic populations in Eastern Europe (P. (S.) inustus), the Caucasus region (both species) and Middle Asia (P. (S.) pilifer). The origin of parthenogenesis in this subgenus is unresolved; however some data suggest that the parthenogenetic forms are of hybrid ancestry. The genetic distinctness of parthenogenetic Scythodrusus was assessed on the basis of COII, ITS2, EF1‐α and Wolbachiawsp, 16S ribosomal DNA, ftsZ and hcpA sequence comparisons. Both taxa turned out to be monophyletic for all markers, which is an evidence against hybridization of their dioecious ancestors. On the other hand, a high frequency of heterozygous P. (S.) inustus females suggests an origin resulting from hybridization between genetically distinct dioecious representatives of this species. Very similar strains of Wolbachia supergroup A were found in both species, indicating that they have been either inherited from a common ancestor or were transmitted between parthenogenetic Scythodrusus weevils and probably spread randomly across their ranges.  相似文献   

1 The parthenogenetic weevil Otiorhynchus sulcatus was collected from five geographical locations in the U.S.A. All weevils from each location were infected by Wolbachia belonging to supergroup B. 2 We hypothesized that treatment with tetracycline, which has been used to clear Wolbachia infection, would influence the reproduction of Wolbachia‐infected parthenogenetic O. sulcatus females. Tetracycline treatment of preovipositional O. sulcatus females specifically inhibited egg hatching but had no effect relative to controls on any other physiological trait. 3 Treatment with gentamicin, which reportedly has no effect on Wolbachia infection but is indistinguishable from tetracycline in inhibiting protein synthesis of other bacterial genera, did not influence egg hatching. 4 These findings strongly suggest that the inhibition of egg development results from the antibiotic effect on Wolbachia rather than by direct toxic effects on O. sulcatus physiology. 5 We speculate that Wolbachia may be necessary for normal development of O. sulcatus eggs and discuss the implications of these findings for O. sulcatus ecology.  相似文献   

Two new species of the subfamily Cossoninae are described from Madagascar copal. Pentarthrum inclusus sp. nov. is similar to P. alpinum Hustache, 1933 but differs in the smaller body size, almost straight rostrum, almost flat eyes, temples with smooth punctures, and the shorter 3rd antennomere. Cossonus shevnini sp. nov. is similar to C. suturalis Boheman, 1838, differing in the unicolorous body, uniformly punctured pronotum, and more convex eyes.  相似文献   

Presently the only keys available for identification of genera of Anthonomini are limited to those of the United States of America and Canada. A dichotomous key is presented to identify all genera of Mexican and Central American Anthonomini. Previous keys do not include the genera Achia, Botanebius, Loncophorus, Loncophorellus and Melexerus. A brief synopsis is given for each genus and photographs of representative species are included.  相似文献   

Five microsatellite loci were isolated from the Galápagos weevil Gerstaeckeria galapagoensis. Polymorphism ranged from two to seven alleles, and observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.286 to 0.917 and 0.254 to 0.683, respectively.  相似文献   

Two new species of the genus Eumyllocerus Sharp, 1896, of the subfamily Entiminae Schoenherr, 1823, are described from China. Eumyllocerus longisetus sp. n. may be distinguished from other species of the genus by its long bristle-like, erect setae on the intervals, each of which is longer than the width of the second interval, the setae arrangedin double rows, and its shell-like, shiny, dense, metallic green scales. Eumyllocerus rotundicorpus sp. n. may be distinguished from any other Eumyllocerus species by its oval and inflated elytral shape, short stout metepisternum, small humeri, elytral setae shorter than 0.5 times the width of the second interval, the setae arranged in double rows, and its golden copper and pearl gray scales. The taxonomy of the genus is discussed. The two new species are described and habitus photographs and figures of diagnostic characters are provided. The type specimens of the new species are deposited in the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China (holotype and paratypes) and the Korean Entomological Institute, Korea University, Seoul, Korea (paratypes).  相似文献   


The phenology of native brachycerine weevil species at seven pasture sites in Otago, Canterbury and Waikato was studied by regular quantitative sampling of adults. Weevils were identified to species, and dissected to record reproductive status and parasitism by introduced braconid parasitoids in the genus Microctonus. Climatic data assisted in the interpretation of some population density patterns. Weevil population density was estimated for periods of two to five years at the selected sites. Species in the Entimini (species of Irenimus and Nicaeana) were generally univoltine, with adults emerging in winter‐spring. The main period of reproductive activity was spring, and parasitism by Microctonus aethiopoides reached its highest incidence in January. Low level parasitism of native weevil species by M. aethiopoides was detected at all sites, and by M. hyperodae at two sites. At one site in Otago, parasitism by M. aethiopoides was higher and could have affected the population density of Irenimus aemulator (Broun) and Nicaeana sp. Most parasitism occurred after the main reproductive period of weevils in spring, but a putative second generation in some species might be more affected by parasitoid attack. A native rhytirhinine species, Steriphus variabilis, differed from the entimines because adults emerged in autumn and spring, and may be bivoltine. Mechanisms of M. aethiopoides parasitism of non‐target species in the field are discussed.  相似文献   

Two new genera Petropsis gen. n., and Menatorhis gen. n., and two species, Petropsis rostrata gen. et sp. n. (Ithyceridae) and Perapion menatensis sp. n. (Brentidae), are described from the Paleocene of Menat (France). Petropsis rostrata gen. et sp. n. is similar to Cretocar luzzii Gratshev et Zherikhin (2000) but differs from it in the comparatively short ventrites 1 and 2, almost straight and not dilated metatibiae, short precoxal portion of the prosternum, slightly convex elytra and antennae inserted more closely to the middle of the rostrum. Perapion menatensis sp. n. is similar to Perapion antiquum (Gyllenhal, 1833) but differs from it in the straight rostrum, sparser and finer punctures of the pronotum, and somewhat larger body. The families Ithyceridae and Brentidae are recorded for the first time in the Paleocene of Menat. The systematic positions of Balaninus elegans Piton (1940) (type species of Menatorhis gen. n.) and Hipporhinus ventricosus Piton (1940) are discussed.  相似文献   

Five new genera, Turononemonyxn. gen. (type species: Turononemonyxsamsonovin. sp.) (Nemonychidae: ? Cretonemonychinae: ? Cretonemonychini), Falsotanaosn. gen. (type species: Falsotanaos convexusn. sp.), Pretanaosn. gen. (type species: Pretanaosocularisn. sp.), Longotanaosn. gen. (type species: Longotanaosrasnitsynin. sp.) from Brentidae: Apioninae: Tanaini) and Turonerirhinusn. gen. (type species: Turonerirhinuskaratavensisn. sp.) from Curculionidae (Erirhininae: Erirhinini), and seven new species, Falsotanaosconvexusn. sp., Paratanaos samsonovin. sp., Pretanaos ocularisn. sp., Longotanaos rasnitsynin. sp., Turonerirhinus karatavensisn. sp., Turonerirhinuspunctatusn. sp. and Turonerirhinus poinarin. sp., are described from Kzyl-Dzhar locality (Kazakhstan, Upper Cretaceous, Turonian).http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:13E0316E-C229-471A-90AA-2D71253B12F9  相似文献   

Results of investigation of the Otiorhynchus subgenus Nubidanus Rtt. (sensu Reitter) are reported. Pseudotiorhynchus Magnano is downgraded to a subgenus of Otiorhynchus Germar. Four species-groups are distinguished in the subgenera Nubidanus (as recently treated) (the hebraeus and impexus groups) and Pseudotiorhynchus (the morosus and ruminalis groups). Morphological diagnoses and brief distributional characteristics of the groups are given. Lectotype of O. morosus is designated, four new species closely related to O. morosus are described from Middle Asia and Kazakhstan.  相似文献   

It has been postulated that parthenogenesis in weevil species is of hybrid origin, but some have speculated that Wolbachia infection plays a role through the modification of host breeding systems. Here we focus on Strophosoma weevils, which are known to be pests in young forest stands. Using molecular data, we investigated the diversity of the two most common Strophosoma species in Europe: S. capitatum, which reproduces bisexually, and S. melanogrammum, which is parthenogenetic. Also researched were their associations with the endosymbiotic bacterium Wolbachia. These species of weevil were found to be clearly distinguishable based on their mitochondrial DNA, with the bisexual taxa being more diverse. However, the nuclear DNA divergence of the two species was very low, and the parthenogenetic taxon was found to be heterozygous. Wolbachia infection was detected in all individuals of the S. melanogrammum populations and less than half of the S. capitatum populations. Moreover, multiple Wolbachia strains were found in both taxa (two in the former and three in the latter). The results of this research suggest that parthenogenesis in this genus is of hybrid origin and that Wolbachia could have played a role in speciation of these weevils.  相似文献   

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