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Three of 16 juvenile rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) and 1 rhesus of 79 adult rhesus and cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) were found comatose in a state of profound hypothermia after a heating failure occurred in the room in which they were housed. One juvenile monkey died shortly thereafter. The three other monkeys were revived with gradual warming and supportive therapy but later experienced separate acute clinical crises manifesting shock and died at 19, 31, and 51 days after the initial episode. Histopathologic findings of severe bone marrow depletion were observed in each of the three monkeys that died after the initial episode.  相似文献   

To many pathogenic bacteria, human hosts are an evolutionary dead end. This begs the question what evolutionary forces have shaped their virulence traits. Why are these bacteria so virulent? The coincidental evolution hypothesis suggests that such virulence factors result from adaptation to other ecological niches. In particular, virulence traits in bacteria might result from selective pressure exerted by protozoan predator. Thus, grazing resistance may be an evolutionarily exaptation for bacterial pathogenicity. This hypothesis was tested by subjecting a well characterized collection of 31 Escherichia coli strains (human commensal or extra-intestinal pathogenic) to grazing by the social haploid amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum. We then assessed how resistance to grazing correlates with some bacterial traits, such as the presence of virulence genes. Whatever the relative population size (bacteria/amoeba) for a non-pathogenic bacteria strain, D. discoideum was able to phagocytise, digest and grow. In contrast, a pathogenic bacterium strain killed D. discoideum above a certain bacteria/amoeba population size. A plating assay was then carried out using the E. coli collection faced to the grazing of D. discoideum. E. coli strains carrying virulence genes such as iroN, irp2, fyuA involved in iron uptake, belonging to the B2 phylogenetic group and being virulent in a mouse model of septicaemia were resistant to the grazing from D. discoideum. Experimental proof of the key role of the irp gene in the grazing resistance was evidenced with a mutant strain lacking this gene. Such determinant of virulence may well be originally selected and (or) further maintained for their role in natural habitat: resistance to digestion by free-living protozoa, rather than for virulence per se.  相似文献   

Serum levels of ticarcillin disodium, a semi-synthetic penicillin (Beecham Laboratories, Bristol, Tennessee, 37620), were measured at various time intervals up to and including 24 h after intrauterine and intramuscular administration in adult female horses. Three separate studies were conducted in Part I: in the first and second studies, serum levels were measured after intrauterine administration of 1 and 3 g of ticarcillin, respectively, and in the third study, levels were measured after intramuscular administration of 6 g of ticarcillin. In Part II, serum levels of ticarcillin were measured after intramuscular administration of ticarcillin at dosages based on body weight: 10 mg/lb (22 mg/kg) of body weight, 15 mg/lb (33 mg/kg) of body weight and 20 mg/lb (44 mg/kg) of body weight. Results showed little if any absorption of the antibiotics into the systemic circulation after intrauterine administration. All serum levels measured after administration of both intrauterine dosages of 1 and 3 g were less than 4.0 ug/ml. Peak serum concentrations, after intramuscular administration of 6 g of ticarcillin, occurred between 20 and 45 min after administration and averaged 15.97 +/- 5.0 ug/ml. Average peak serum concentrations, after intramuscular administration of 10 mg/lb (22 mg/kg) of body weight, 15 mg/lb (33 mg/kg) of body weight, 15 mg/lb (33 mg/kg) and 20 mg/lb (44 mg/kg) of body weight, were 16.12 ug/ml, 25.75 ug/ml and 50.25 ug/ml, respectively. After intramuscular administration of 6 g of ticaracilin, average serum half-life was determined to be 2.9 h.  相似文献   

A complex integration of molecular and electrical signals is needed to transform a quiescent uterus into a contractile organ at the end of pregnancy. Despite the discovery of key regulators of uterine contractility, this process is still not fully understood. Transgenic mice provide an ideal model in which to study parturition. Previously, the only method to study uterine contractility in the mouse was ex vivo isometric tension recordings, which are suboptimal for several reasons. The uterus must be removed from its physiological environment, a limited time course of investigation is possible, and the mice must be sacrificed. The recent development of radiometric telemetry has allowed for longitudinal, real-time measurements of in vivo intrauterine pressure in mice. Here, the implantation of an intrauterine telemeter to measure pressure changes in the mouse uterus from mid-pregnancy until delivery is described. By comparing differences in pressures between wild type and transgenic mice, the physiological impact of a gene of interest can be elucidated. This technique should expedite the development of therapeutics used to treat myometrial disorders during pregnancy, including preterm labor.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: An increased risk for intrauterine growth restriction in the affected member of like-sex twin pairs discordant for hypospadias has been reported. The purpose of this study was to document patterns of birth weight disparities in like-sex twins discordant for a variety of structural defects in order to determine if this is a general phenomenon seen in twins who are discordant for any malformation, is seen only in pairs discordant for certain specific malformations, or is unique to hypospadias. METHODS: Data were extracted from the Latin American Collaborative Study of Congenital Malformations (ECLAMC). Between 1967 and 1999, all like-sex twin pairs discordant for hypospadias or any other isolated defect that met the criteria of at least 5 discordant pairs for which birth weight was available on both twins were selected. All nonmalformed like-sex twin pairs in the ECLAMC data base collected over the same study years were selected as controls. RESULTS: A total of 216 discordant malformed like-sex twin pairs in 13 defect categories and 328 nonmalformed like-sex twin pairs met the criteria for inclusion. The proportion of affected infants who were > or =20% smaller than their co-twin was statistically significantly different from controls for hypospadias, heart defects, anencephaly, and esophageal atresia. CONCLUSIONS: Intrauterine growth restriction seen in the affected member of like-sex twin pairs discordant for hypospadias is not unique, but occurs as well in at least 3 additional structural malformations.  相似文献   

目的:探讨宫血宁胶囊用于治疗宫内放置节育器后异常子宫出血的临床疗效。方法:350例宫内置器后异常出血患者随机分为观察组(175例)与对照组(175例),其中观察组给予宫血宁胶囊治疗,对照组给予抗菌止血常规西药治疗,比较两组患者治疗前后月经异常变化情况及治疗效果。结果:①观察组治愈率、总有效率分别为56.00%和92.57%,对照组治愈率、总有效率为25.71%和75.43%,组间差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。②经过治疗,观察组与对照组患者月经异常症状均得到明显缓解,与治疗前比较差异有显著性(P〈0.01),其中观察组患者经量增多、经期延长和经间点滴出血等症状例数分别减少至9例、7例和1例,对照组减少至34例、30例和15例,组间差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。③经过治疗,观察组患者平均月经持续时间从11.74±4.69d减少至6.92±2.34d,对照组从12.11±5.25d减少至9.28±3.14d,两组间差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论:宫血宁胶囊可有效治疗因宫内放置节育器所引起的子宫异常出血,且疗效优于抗菌止血西药治疗,值得进一步推广。  相似文献   

目的:探讨宫血宁胶囊用于治疗宫内放置节育器后异常子宫出血的临床疗效。方法:350例宫内置器后异常出血患者随机分为观察组(175例)与对照组(175例),其中观察组给予宫血宁胶囊治疗,对照组给予抗菌止血常规西药治疗,比较两组患者治疗前后月经异常变化情况及治疗效果。结果:①观察组治愈率、总有效率分别为56.00%和92.57%,对照组治愈率、总有效率为25.71%和75.43%,组间差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。②经过治疗,观察组与对照组患者月经异常症状均得到明显缓解,与治疗前比较差异有显著性(P<0.01),其中观察组患者经量增多、经期延长和经间点滴出血等症状例数分别减少至9例、7例和1例,对照组减少至34例、30例和15例,组间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。③经过治疗,观察组患者平均月经持续时间从11.74±4.69d减少至6.92±2.34d,对照组从12.11±5.25d减少至9.28±3.14d,两组间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:宫血宁胶囊可有效治疗因宫内放置节育器所引起的子宫异常出血,且疗效优于抗菌止血西药治疗,值得进一步推广。  相似文献   



In an obstetrical setting, inaccurate medication histories at hospital admission may result in failure to identify potentially harmful treatments for patients and/or their fetus(es).


This prospective study was conducted to assess average concordance rates between (1) a medication list obtained with a one-page structured medication history algorithm developed for the obstetrical setting and (2) the medication list reported in medical records and obtained by open-ended questions based on standard procedures. Both lists were converted into concordance rate using a best possible medication history approach as the reference (information obtained by patients, prescribers and community pharmacists’ interviews).


The algorithm-based method obtained a higher average concordance rate than the standard method, with respectively 90.2% [CI95% 85.8–94.3] versus 24.6% [CI95%15.3–34.4] concordance rates (p<0.01).


Our algorithm-based method strongly enhanced the accuracy of the medication history in our obstetric population, without using substantial resources. Its implementation is an effective first step to the medication reconciliation process, which has been recognized as a very important component of patients’ drug safety.  相似文献   

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