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A semidefined medium based on Casamino Acids allowed Lactococcus lactis ATCC 19435 to grow in the presence of oxygen at a slow rate (0.015 h(-1)). Accumulation of H(2)O(2) in the culture prevented a higher growth rate. Addition of asparagine to the medium increased the growth rate, whereby H(2)O(2) accumulated only temporarily during the lag phase. H(2)O(2) is an inhibitor for several glycolytic enzymes, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase being the most sensitive. Strain ATCC 19435 contained NADH oxidase (maximum specific rate under aerobic conditions, 426 nmol of NADH min(-1) mg of protein(-1)), which reduced oxygen to water, whereby superoxide was formed as a by-product. H(2)O(2) originated from the dismutation of superoxide by superoxide dismutase. Although H(2)O(2) was rapidly destroyed under high metabolic fluxes, neither NADH peroxidase nor any other enzymatic H(2)O(2)-reducing activity was detected. However, pyruvate, the end product of glycolysis, reacted nonenzymatically and rapidly with H(2)O(2) and hence was a potential alternative for scavenging of this oxygen metabolite intracellularly. Indeed, intracellular concentrations of up to 93 mM pyruvate were detected in aerobic cultures growing at high rates. It is hypothesized that self-generated pyruvate may serve to protect L. lactis strain ATCC 19435 from H(2)O(2).  相似文献   

Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis ATCC 19435 is known to produce mixed acids when grown on maltose. A change in fermentation conditions only, elevated temperatures (up to 37 °C) and reduced pH values (down to 5.0) resulted in a shift towards homolactic product formation. This was accompanied by decreased growth rate and cell yield. The results are discussed in terms of redox balance and maintenance, and the regulation of lactate dehydrogenase and pyruvate formate-lyase. Received: 14 December 1998 / Received revision: 12 January 1999 / Accepted: 22 January 1999  相似文献   

Relatedness between Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris and L. lactis subsp. lactis was assessed by Southern hybridization analysis, with cloned chromosomal genes as probes. The results indicate that strains of the two subspecies form two distinct groups and that the DNA sequence divergence between L. lactis subsp. lactis and L. lactis subsp. cremoris is estimated to be between 20 and 30%. The previously used phenotypic criteria do not fully discriminate between the groups; therefore, we propose a new classification which is based on DNA homology. In agreement with this revised classification, the L. lactis subsp. lactis and L. lactis subsp. cremoris strains from our collection have distinct phage sensitivities.  相似文献   

Growth of Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis biovar diacetylactis was observed on media with citrate as the only energy source. At pH 5.6, steady state was achieved in a chemostat on a citrate-containing medium in the absence of a carbohydrate. Under these conditions, pyruvate, acetate, and some acetoin and butanediol were the main fermentation products. This indicated that energy was conserved in L. lactis subsp. lactis biovar diacetylactis during citrate metabolism and presumably during the conversion of citrate into pyruvate. The presumed energy-conserving step, decarboxylation of oxaloacetate, was studied in detail. Oxaloacetate decarboxylase was purified to homogeneity and characterized. The enzyme has a native molecular mass of approximately 300 kDa and consists of three subunits of 52, 34, and 12 kDa. The enzyme is apparently not sodium dependent and does not contain a biotin moiety, and it seems to be different from the energy-generating oxaloacetate decarboxylase from Klebsiella pneumoniae. Energy-depleted L. lactis subsp. lactis biovar diacetylactis cells generated a membrane potential and a pH gradient immediately upon addition of citrate, whereas ATP formation was slow and limited. In contrast, lactose energization resulted in rapid ATP formation and gradual generation of a proton motive force. These data were confirmed during studies on amino acid uptake. α-Aminoisobutyrate uptake was rapid but glutamate uptake was slow in citrate-energized cells, whereas lactose-energized cells showed the reverse tendency. These data suggest that, in L. lactis subsp. lactis bv. diacetylactis, a proton motive force could be generated during citrate metabolism as a result of electrogenic citrate uptake or citrate/product exchange together with proton consumption by the intracellular oxaloacetate decarboxylase.  相似文献   

The production of aroma compounds (acetoin and diacetyl) in fresh unripened cheese by Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis biovar diacetylactis CNRZ 483 was studied at 30°C at different initial oxygen concentrations (0, 21, 50, and 100% of the medium saturation by oxygen). Regardless of the initial O2 concentration, maximal production of these compounds was reached only after all the citrate was consumed. Diacetyl and acetoin production was 0.01 and 2.4 mM, respectively, at 0% oxygen. Maximum acetoin concentration reached 5.4 mM at 100% oxygen. Diacetyl production was increased by factors of 2, 6, and 18 at initial oxygen concentrations of 21, 50, and 100%, respectively. The diacetyl/acetoin concentration ratio increased linearly with initial oxygen concentration: it was eight times higher at 100% (3.3%) than at 0% oxygen (0.4%). The effect of oxygen on diacetyl and acetoin production was also shown with other lactococci. At 0% oxygen, specific activity of α-acetolactate synthetase (0.15 U/mg) and NADH oxidase (0.04 U/mg) was 3.6 and 5.4 times lower, respectively, than at 100% oxygen. The increasing α-acetolactate synthetase activity in the presence of oxygen would explain the higher production of diacetyl and acetoin. The NADH oxidase activity would replace the role of the lactate dehydrogenase, diacetyl reductase, and acetoin reductase in the reoxidation of NADH, allowing accumulation of these two aroma compounds.  相似文献   

Summary Cell wall-associated proteinases were isolated from Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris AC1 and subsp. lactis NCDO 763 in order to compare their specificities towards different caseins. Two purification strategies were applied. Cells grown in casein-free M17 medium were a suitable starting material for purification, since electrophoretic purity could be achieved after one chromatographic step. Both enzymes has an apparent molecular mass of about 145000 daltons as judged by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Electrophoresis and reversed phase HPLC patterns of hydrolysates of s1-, s2-, -, and K-caseins indicated that both proteinases had a similar specificity. The enzyme of L. lactis subsp. lactis split s1- and s2-caseins more extensively than that of L. lactis subsp. cremoris.  相似文献   

A nucleoside N-deoxyribosyltransferase-homologous gene was detected by homological search in the genomic DNA of Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis. The gene yejD is composed of 477 nucleotides encoding 159 amino acids with only 25% identity, which is low in comparison to the amino acid sequences of the N-deoxyribosyltransferases from other lactic acid bacteria, i.e. Lactobacillus leichmannii and Lactobacillus helveticus. The residues responsible for catalytic and substrate-binding sites in known enzymes are conserved at Gln49, Asp73, Asp93 (or Asp95), and Glu101, respectively. The recombinant YejD expressed in Escherichia coli shows a 2-deoxyribosyl transfer activity to and from both bases of purine and pyrimidine, showing that YejD should be categorized as a class II N-deoxyribosyltransferase. Interestingly, the base-exchange activity as well as the heat stability of YejD was enhanced by the presence of monovalent cations such as K(+), NH(4)(+), and Rb(+), indicating that the Lactococcus enzyme is a K(+)-activated Type II enzyme. However, divalent cations including Mg(2+) and Ca(2+) significantly inhibit the activity. Whether or not the yejD gene product actually participates in the nucleoside salvage pathway of Lc. lactis remains unclear, but the lactic acid bacterium possesses the gene coding for the nucleoside N-deoxyribosyltransferase activated by K(+) on its genome.  相似文献   

Summary The cell wall proteinases of Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis NCDO 763 and L. lactis subsp. cremoris AC1 hydrolyse -casein with a similar specificity even though some quantitative differences can be observed for a few degradation products analysed by reverse phase HPLC and sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The main peptides soluble in 1.1% trifluoroacetic acid and liberated by the two proteinases were identified and have been found to be the same for the two enzymes. They are located in two areas of the -casein sequence (53–93 and the C-terminal part: 129–209) and they include bitter tasting or physiologically active fragments. No narrow specificity was observed for these proteinases. However, glutamine and serine residues are more frequently encountered in position P1 and P1 of the sensitive peptide bond and the close environment (position P2 to P4 and P2 to P4) of the cleaved bond is mainly hydrophobic.  相似文献   

DNA fragments with promoter activity were isolated from the chromosome of Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis. For the isolation, a promoter probe vector based on the cat gene was constructed, which allowed direct selection with chloramphenicol in Bacillus subtilis and L. lactis. Four of the putative promoters (P1, P2, P10, and P21) were analyzed further by sequencing, mapping of the 5' end of the mRNA, Northern (RNA blot) hybridization, and chloramphenicol acetyltransferase activity measurements. From these fragments, -10 and -35 regions resembling the consensus Escherichia coli sigma 70 and B. subtilis sigma 43 promoters were identified. Another set of promoters, together with a signal sequence, were also isolated from the same organism. These fragments promoted secretion of TEM beta-lactamase from L. lactis. When the two sets of promoters were compared, it was found that the ones isolated with the cat vector were more efficient (produced more mRNA). By changing the promoter part of the promoter-signal sequence fragment giving the best TEM beta-lactamase secretion into a more efficient one (P2), a 10-fold increase in enzyme production was obtained.  相似文献   

DNA fragments with promoter activity were isolated from the chromosome of Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis. For the isolation, a promoter probe vector based on the cat gene was constructed, which allowed direct selection with chloramphenicol in Bacillus subtilis and L. lactis. Four of the putative promoters (P1, P2, P10, and P21) were analyzed further by sequencing, mapping of the 5' end of the mRNA, Northern (RNA blot) hybridization, and chloramphenicol acetyltransferase activity measurements. From these fragments, -10 and -35 regions resembling the consensus Escherichia coli sigma 70 and B. subtilis sigma 43 promoters were identified. Another set of promoters, together with a signal sequence, were also isolated from the same organism. These fragments promoted secretion of TEM beta-lactamase from L. lactis. When the two sets of promoters were compared, it was found that the ones isolated with the cat vector were more efficient (produced more mRNA). By changing the promoter part of the promoter-signal sequence fragment giving the best TEM beta-lactamase secretion into a more efficient one (P2), a 10-fold increase in enzyme production was obtained.  相似文献   

J L Steele  L L McKay 《Plasmid》1989,22(1):32-43
Conjugal transfer of genetic material by Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis 11007 was examined. A plasmid of 88 MDa (pJS88) was identified in addition to the previously reported conjugally transferred plasmids of 32 (pKB32) and 4.8 MDa. Proteinase activity, reduced bacteriophage sensitivity, bacteriocin resistance, and conjugal transfer ability were encoded by pJS88. The ability to metabolize lactose (Lac+) was encoded by pKB32, and the 4.8-MDa plasmid was cryptic. When a strain containing both pKB32 and pJS88 was mated with a recipient deficient in host-mediated homologous recombination (Rec-), a plasmid of 40 MDa (pJS40) was observed in approximately 50% of the Lac+ transconjugants. DNA-DNA hybridization results indicated that pJS40 contained homology with both pKB32 and pJS88. These results indicated that pKB32 was conjugally transferred via conduction and suggested that pJS40 is a deletion derivative of a pKB32::pJS88 cointegrate. A Rec- strain containing pKB32 and pJS88 mediated Lac+ conjugal transfer, suggesting that the pKB32::pJS88 cointegrate could form via a rec-independent event. Resolution of the pKB32::pJS88 cointegrate was observed in both Rec- and Rec+ hosts. Cointegrate formation and resolution via rec-independent mechanisms suggest the involvement of a transposable element in the Tn3 family.  相似文献   

To apply recombinant DNA techniques for genetic manipulation of the industrially important lactococci, an efficient and reliable high-frequency transformation system must be available. High-voltage electric pulses have been demonstrated to enhance uptake of DNA into protoplasts and intact cells of numerous gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms. The objective of this study was to develop a system for electroporating intact cells of Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis LM0230 (previously designated Streptococcus lactis LM0230) with a commercially available electroporation unit (BTX Transfector 100; BTX, Inc., San Diego, Calif.). Parameters which influenced the efficiency of transformation included growth phase and final concentration of cells, ionic strength of the suspending medium, concentration of plasmid DNA, and the amplitude and duration of the pulse. Washed suspensions of intact cells suspended in deionized distilled water were subjected to one high-voltage electric pulse varying in voltage (300 to 900 V corresponding to field strengths of 5 to 17 kV/cm) and duration (100 microseconds to 1 s). Transformation efficiencies of 10(3) transformants per microgram of DNA were obtained when dense suspensions (final concentration, 5 x 10(10) CFU/ml) of stationary-phase cells were subjected to one pulse with a peak voltage of 900 V (field strength, 17 kV/cm) and a pulse duration of 5 ms in the presence of plasmid DNA. Dilution of porated cells in broth medium followed by an expression period of 2 h at 30 degrees C was beneficial in enhancing transformation efficiencies. Plasmids ranging in size from 9.8 to 30.0 kilobase pairs could be transformed by this procedure.  相似文献   

To apply recombinant DNA techniques for genetic manipulation of the industrially important lactococci, an efficient and reliable high-frequency transformation system must be available. High-voltage electric pulses have been demonstrated to enhance uptake of DNA into protoplasts and intact cells of numerous gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms. The objective of this study was to develop a system for electroporating intact cells of Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis LM0230 (previously designated Streptococcus lactis LM0230) with a commercially available electroporation unit (BTX Transfector 100; BTX, Inc., San Diego, Calif.). Parameters which influenced the efficiency of transformation included growth phase and final concentration of cells, ionic strength of the suspending medium, concentration of plasmid DNA, and the amplitude and duration of the pulse. Washed suspensions of intact cells suspended in deionized distilled water were subjected to one high-voltage electric pulse varying in voltage (300 to 900 V corresponding to field strengths of 5 to 17 kV/cm) and duration (100 microseconds to 1 s). Transformation efficiencies of 10(3) transformants per microgram of DNA were obtained when dense suspensions (final concentration, 5 x 10(10) CFU/ml) of stationary-phase cells were subjected to one pulse with a peak voltage of 900 V (field strength, 17 kV/cm) and a pulse duration of 5 ms in the presence of plasmid DNA. Dilution of porated cells in broth medium followed by an expression period of 2 h at 30 degrees C was beneficial in enhancing transformation efficiencies. Plasmids ranging in size from 9.8 to 30.0 kilobase pairs could be transformed by this procedure.  相似文献   

pIP501 is a streptococcal conjugative plasmid which can be transmitted among numerous gram-positive strains. To identify a minimal mobilization (mob) locus of pIP501, DNA fragments of pIP501 were cloned into nonconjugative target plasmids and tested for mobilization by pIP501. We show that nonmobilizable plasmids containing a specific fragment of pIP501 are transmitted at high frequencies between Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis strains if transfer (tra) functions are provided in trans by a pIP501 derivative. Independent transfer of the mobilized plasmid was observed in up to 44% of transconjugants. A 2.2-kb segment containing mob was sequenced. This DNA segment is characterized by three palindromes (palI, palII, and palIII) and a 202-amino-acid open reading frame (ORFX) of unknown function. The smallest DNA fragment conferring high frequency mobilization was localized to a 1.0-kb region (extending from pIP501 coordinates 3.60 to 4.60 on the 30.2-kb map) which contains palI (delta G = -27 kcal/mol [ca. -110,000 J/mol]). A 26-bp sequence identical to palI is present on pIP501, upstream of the plasmid copy control region. Further homologies with the palI sequence are also found with the related Enterococcus faecalis conjugative plasmid pAM beta 1. The region containing mob maps outside the previously described segment mediating pIP501 conjugation. Our results with recA strains indicate that the mob site is a hot spot for cointegrate formation.  相似文献   

The occurrence of the acmA gene, encoding the lactococcal N-acetylmuramidase in new lactococcal isolates from raw milk cheeses, has been determined. Isolates were genotypically identified to the subspecies level with a PCR technique. On the basis of PCR amplification of the acmA gene, the presence or absence of an additional amplicon of approximately 700 bp correlated with Lactococcus lactis subspecies. L. lactis subsp. lactis exhibits both the expected 1,131-bp product and the additional amplicon, whereas L. lactis subsp. cremoris exhibits a single 1,131-bp fragment.  相似文献   

Unlike other lactic acid bacteria, Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis NCDO 2118 was able to grow in a medium lacking glutamate and the amino acids of the glutamate family. Growth in such a medium proceeded after a lag phase of about 2 days and with a reduced growth rate (0.11 h−1) compared to that in the reference medium containing glutamate (0.16 h−1). The enzymatic studies showed that a phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activity was present, while the malic enzyme and the enzymes of the glyoxylic shunt were not detected. As in most anaerobic bacteria, no α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase activity could be detected, and the citric acid cycle was restricted to a reductive pathway leading to succinate formation and an oxidative branch enabling the synthesis of α-ketoglutarate. The metabolic bottleneck responsible for the limited growth rate was located in this latter pathway. As regards the synthesis of glutamate from α-ketoglutarate, no glutamate dehydrogenase was detected. While the glutamate synthase-glutamine synthetase system was detected at a low level, high transaminase activity was measured. The conversion of α-ketoglutarate to glutamate by the transaminase, the reverse of the normal physiological direction, operated with different amino acids as nitrogen donor. All of the enzymes assayed were shown to be constitutive.  相似文献   

The Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis 194-K strain has been established to be able to produce two bacteriocins, one of which was identified as the known lantibiotic nisin A, and the other 194-D bacteriocin represents a polypeptide with a 2589-Da molecular mass and comprises 20 amino acid residues. Both bacteriocins were produced in varying proportions in all of the studied culture media, which support the growth of the producer. Depending on the cultivation medium, the nisin A content was 380- to 1123-fold lower in the 194-K stain culture broth than that of the 194-D peptide. In comparision to nisin A Bacteriocin 194-D possessed a wide range of antibacterial activity and suppressed the growth of both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. An optimal medium for 194-D bacteriocin synthesis was shown to be a fermentation medium which contained yeast extract, casein hydrolysate, and potassium phosphate. The biosynthesis of bacteriocin 194-D by the 194-K strain in these media occurred parallel to producer growth, and its maximal accumulation in the culture broth was observed at14–20 h of the strain’s growth.  相似文献   

Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis MG1363 was grown in batch cultures on a defined medium with glucose as the energy source under different aeration conditions, namely, anaerobic conditions, aerobic conditions, and microaerobic conditions with a dissolved oxygen tension of 5% (when saturation with air was used as the reference). The maximum specific growth rate was high (0.78 to 0.91 h−1) under all aeration conditions but decreased with increasing aeration, and more than 90% of the glucose was converted to lactate. However, a shift in by-product formation was observed. Increasing aeration resulted in acetate, CO2, and acetoin replacing formate and ethanol as end products. Under microaerobic conditions, growth came to a gradual halt, although more than 60% of the glucose was still left. A decline in growth was not observed during microaerobic cultivation when acetate was added to the medium. We hypothesize that the decline in growth was due to a lack of acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA) needed for fatty acid synthesis since acetyl-CoA can be synthesized from acetate by means of acetate kinase and phosphotransacetylase activities.  相似文献   

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