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The utilization and translocation of nitrogen was investigated in exponentially growing, nitrogen-limited Pisum sativum L. cv. Marma. The plants were given N daily at exponentially increasing, although suboptimal, relative nitrogen addition rates (RN) calculated to yield a relative increment in N of 0.06 day?1 and 0.12 day?1. After 10 days of NO?3 additions (26 days after sowing), the relative growth rate more or less equaled RN. Uptake of NO?3 was several-fold higher than the N requirement for the growth rate set by RN. The daily addition of NO?3 was taken up after 7 to 8 h, resulting in a cyclic behaviour in the NO?3 utilization. During the phase of net NO?3 influx, the filling phase (0 to 8 h), in vitro nitrate reductase activity (NR activity) and intracellular levels of soluble N in the root increased. In the phase of no net influx of NO?3 the depletion phase (8 to 24 h), the plants were entirely dependent on stored N. During this phase both in vitro NR activity and intracellular levels of soluble N decreased. Also the calculated actual rate of NO?3 reduction was high in the filling phase, while it was close to zero in the depletion phase. The pattern of these fluctuations indicates that the regulation of NO?3 utilization involves an interplay between transmembrane fluxes of NO?3, the cytosolic NO?3 concentration and NR activity. Cyclic fluctuations in N-containing compounds were also found in the xylem. Nitrogen was mainly transported as amino acids. The pattern of NO?3 transport in the xylem and the fluctuations in the shoot of in vitro NR activity indicate that a reasoning similar to that for the regulation of NO?3 assimilation in the root also applies for the shoot. The results also indicate a substantial supply of amino acids to the xylem through recirculation from the shoot.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis in ozone-exposed duckweed (Lemna gibba)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The photosynthetic light saturation curve in duckweed was lowered by 20–25% after ozone exposure (300 nmol mol−1, 1 h). The light flux and oxygen concentration during ozone-exposure had no effect on reduction of net photosynthesis. Net photosynthesis and photorespiration were both depressed by about 40% after exposure for 1 h to 360 nmol mol−1 ozone. We could not find any change in dark respiration after ozone exposure below 300 nmol mol−1. When the concentration of ozone was doubled from 150 nmol mol−1 to 300 nmol mol−1, the uptake of ozone in duckweed changed from 100 nmol m−2 s−1 to 170 nmol m−2 s−1. We found no differences in fluorescence (pattern) between ozone treated plants and the control plants during a period of 150 min after ozone treatment, but there was an increase in synthesis of the Dl-protein and a significant reduction in degradation after ozone treatment (300 nmol mol−1, 1 h). These results, together with fluorescence measurements, indicate that photochemical electron transport was not responsible for the ozone-induced reduction in net photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Response of nitrogen metabolism to boron toxicity in tomato plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Boron (B) toxicity has become important in areas close to the Mediterranean Sea where intensive agriculture has been developed. The objective of this research was to study the effects of B toxicity (0.5 m m and 2.0 m m B) on nitrogen (N) assimilation of two tomato cultivars that are often used in these areas. Leaf biomass, relative leaf growth rate (RGRL), concentration of B, nitrate (NO3), ammonium (NH4+), organic N, amino acids and soluble proteins, as well as nitrate reductase (NR), nitrite reductase (NiR), glutamine synthase (GS), glutamate synthetase (GOGAT) and glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) activities were analysed in leaves. Boron toxicity significantly decreased leaf biomass, RGRL, organic N, soluble proteins, and NR and NiR activities. The lowest NO3 and NH4+ concentration in leaves was recorded when plants were supplied with 2.0 m m B in the root medium. Total B, amino acids, activities of GS, GOGAT and GDH increased under B toxicity. Data from the present study prove that B toxicity causes inhibition of NO3 reduction and increases NH4+ assimilation in tomato plants.  相似文献   

Flooding can be an important control of nitrogen (N) biogeochemistry in wetland ecosystems. In North American prairie marshes, spring flooding is a dominant feature of the physical environment that increases emergent plant production and could influence N cycling. I investigated how spring flooding affects N availability and plant N utilization in whitetop (Scolochloa festucacea) marshes in Manitoba, Canada by comparing experimentally spring-flooded marsh inside an impoundment with adjacent nonflooded marsh. The spring-flooded marsh had net N mineralization rates up to 4 times greater than nonflooded marsh. Total growing season net N mineralization was 124 kg N ha–1 in the spring-flooded marsh compared with 62 kg N ha–1 in the nonflooded marsh. Summer water level drawdown in the spring-flooded marsh decreased net N mineralization rates. Net nitrification rates increased in the nonflooded marsh following a lowering of the water table during mid summer. Growing season net nitrification was 33 kg N ha–1 in the nonflooded marsh but < 1 kg N ha–1 in the spring-flooded marsh. Added NO3 –1 induced nitrate reductase (NRA) activity in whitetop grown in pot culture. Field-collected plants showed higher NRA in the nonflooded marsh. Nitrate comprised 40% of total plant N uptake in the nonflooded marsh but <1% of total N uptake in the spring-flooded marsh. Higher plant N demand caused by higher whitetop production in the spring-flooded marsh approximately balanced greater net N mineralization. A close association between the presence of spring flooding and net N mineralization and net nitrification rates indicated that modifications to prairie marshes that change the pattern of spring inundation will lead to rapid and significant changes in marsh N cycling patterns.  相似文献   

Salinity represents an increasing environmental problem in managed ecosystems. Populus spp. is widely used for wood production by short-rotation forestry in fertilized plantations and can be grown on saline soil. Because N fertilization plays an important role in salt tolerance, we analysed Grey poplar (Populus tremula x alba, syn. Populus canescens) grown with either 1 mM nitrate or ammonium subjected to moderate 75 mM NaCl. The impact of N nutrition on amelioration of salt tolerance was analysed on different levels of N metabolism such as N uptake, assimilation and N (total N, proteins and amino compounds) accumulation. Na concentration increased in all tissues over time of salt exposure. The N nutrition-dependent effects of salt exposure were more intensive in roots than in leaves. Application of salt reduced root increment as well as stem height increase and, at the same time, increased the concentration of total amino compounds more intensively in roots of ammonium-fed plants. In leaves, salt treatment increased concentrations of total N more intensively in nitrate-fed plants and concentrations of amino compounds independently of N nutrition. The major changes in N metabolism of Grey poplar exposed to moderate salt concentrations were detected in the significant increase of amino acid concentrations. The present results indicate that N metabolism of Grey poplar exposed to salt performed better when the plants were fed with nitrate instead of ammonium as sole N source. Therefore, nitrate fertilization of poplar plantations grown on saline soil should be preferred.  相似文献   

K.-D Jung  U. Lüttge 《Planta》1980,150(3):230-235
Earlier work suggested that amino acid uptake by Lemna gibba cells is a H+-cotransport mechanism driven by a proton-electrochemical gradient at the plasmalemma. The present investigations of the transient membrane depolarizations elicited by amino acids and tracer-uptake experiments show that all neutral -L-amino acids, D-alanine and analogues, like -alanine and p-fluorophenylalanine, are transported by the same system. It remains to be seen if there are separate mechanisms for the uptake of acidic and basic amino acids.  相似文献   

Summary We developed efficient genetic transformation protocols for two species of duckweed, Lemna gibba (G3) and Lemna minor (8627 and 8744), using Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer. Partially differentiated nodules were co-cultivated with Agrobacterium tumefaciens harboring a binary vector containing β-glucuronidase and nptII expression cassettes. Transformed cells were selected and allowed to grow into nodules in the presence of kanamycin. Transgenic duckweed fronds were regenerated from selected nodules. We demonstrated that transgenic duckweed could be regenerated within 3 mo. after Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of nodules. Furthermore, we developed a method for transforming L. minor 8627 in 6 wk. These transformation protocols will facilitate genetic engineering of duckweed, ideal plants for bioremediation and large-scale industrial production of biomass and recombinant proteins.  相似文献   

L-Pipecolic acid was found to be effective in inducing floweringof Lemna paucicostata 151, 381, 441 and 6746, and of Lemna gibbaG3. When the plants were grown on half-strength Hutner's medium,L-pipecolic acid caused profuse flowering of L. paucicostata151 maintained under 9 and 10 h of light daily. In L. paucicostata441 and 6746, L-pipecolic acid had a strong flower-promotingeffect under a near critical photoperiod. In L. paucicostata381, by contrast, L-pipecolic acid had only a very small effecton flowering. In L. gibba G3 substantial promotion of floweringwas observed under continuous light. When one-twentieth-strengthHutner's medium was used as the basic medium, L-pipecolic acidstimulated flowering in all strains of Lemna examined, evenunder continuous light. When L. paucicostata 151 was grown on one-tenth-strength M mediumor one-twentieth-strength Hutner's medium, the flower-inducingactivity of L-pipecolic acid was greatly enhanced by cytokininunder continuous light. However, when this strain was grownwith 9 h of illumination daily, this synergistic effect of cytokininwas only slight. A short-term (even 1-h) treatment with L-pipecolicacid resulted in flowering, suggesting that L-pipecolic acidis involved in the induction of flowering, rather than its evocation.D-Pipecolic acid also had flower-inducing activity, but itsactivity was 50 times lower than that of the L-isomer. (Received January 23, 1992; Accepted March 9, 1992)  相似文献   

In N-starved (?N) fronds of Lemna gibba L. G 1, NH4+ uptake rates were several-fold those of NO3?-supplied (+N) fronds. NO3?, uptake in +N-plants was slow and not inhibited by addition of NH4+. However, in ?N-plants with higher NO3? and still higher NH4+ uptake rates, addition of NH4+ immediately reduced the NO3? uptake rates to about one third until the NH4+ was consumed. The membrane potential (Em) decreased immediately upon addition of NH4+ in all fronds, but whereas depolarisation was moderate and transient in +N-plants, it was strong, up to 150 mV, in N-starved plants, where Em remained at the level of the K+ diffusion potential (ED) until NH4+ was removed. In N-starved plants NH4+ uptake and membrane depolarisation showed the same concentration dependence, except for an apparent linear component for uptake. Phosphate uptake was inhibited by NH4+ similarly to NO3? uptake, but only in P- and N-starved plants, not after mere P starvation. Influx of NO3? and H2PO 4? into the negatively charged cells of Lemna is mediated by anion/H+ cotransport, but NH4+ influx can follow the electrochemical gradient. Its saturating component may reflect a carrier-mediated NH4+ uniport, the linear component diffusion of NH4+ or NH3. Inhibition of anion/H+ cotransport by high NH4+ influx rates may be due to loss of the proton-driving force, Δμ?H+, across the plasmalemma. Reversible inhibition by NH4+ of the H+ extrusion pump may contribute to the finding that Δμ?H+ cannot be reconstituted in the presence of higher NH4+ concentrations.  相似文献   

Using supravital fluorescent staining of lysosomes with Euchrysine 3R, the morphology of these organelles was studied in L cells examined from cultures being at different growth phases in the course of cell cycle and after adipocyte conversion of L cells due to the 60% bovine serum administration. As cells were passing from the lag-phase to the stationary phase of culture growth, the number of lysosomes was seen to increase. The appearance of large lysosomes is characteristic of cells in confluent and senescent cultures. During G1-period, lysosomes are often confined to the perinuclear area of L-cells, to be extended later during S and G2-periods. In dividing cells, these are commonly seen scattered throughout the cell periphery, around the mitotic spindle. In cells undergoing differentiation, within 4-7 days the seeding in the medium supplemented with 60% bovine serum, the number of lysosomes became augmented to be gradually reduced during the next 10-15 days, concomittantly with the accumulation of lipid drops in the cell cytoplasm. The activity of the Golgi complex and the intensity of autophagy are discussed as possible regulation points of lysosome formation during the cell growth.  相似文献   

A 10 to 20% stimulation of growth in Lemna gibba L. G3 occurred following the addition of 0.5 to 3 mM glycolate or glyoxylate, although concentrations of 5 mM or higher were inhibitory. Glyoxylate gave a higher stimulation than glycolate. The stimulating effect on growth was obtained in media with or without 2% added sucrose. A higher stimulation was obtained when the plants were cultivated in open flasks in comparison to cultivation in flasks plugged with cellulose stoppers, which presumably retarded gas exchange.  相似文献   

Miller  Amy E.  Bowman  William D. 《Plant and Soil》2003,250(2):283-292
As an estimate of species-level differences in the capacity to take up different forms of N, we measured plant uptake of 15N-NH4 +, 15N-NO3 and 15N, [1]-13C glycine within a set of herbaceous species collected from three alpine community types. Plants grown from cuttings in the greenhouse showed similar growth responses to the three forms of N but varied in the capacity to take up NH4 +, NO3 and glycine. Glycine uptake ranged from approximately 42% to greater than 100% of NH4 + uptake; however, four out of nine species showed significantly greater uptake of either NH4 + or NO3 than of glycine. Relative concentrations of exchangeable N at the sites of plant collection did not correspond with patterns of N uptake among species; instead, species from the same community varied widely in the capacity to take up NH4 +, NO3 , and glycine, suggesting the potential for differentiation among species in resource (N) use.  相似文献   

Reassessing the nitrogen relations of Arctic plants: a mini-review   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
The Arctic is often assumed to be an NH4+-dominated ecosystem. This review assesses the validity of this assumption. It also addresses the question of whether Arctic plant growth is limited by the ability to use the forms of nitrogen that are available. The review demonstrates that several sources of soil nitrogen are available to Arctic plants, including soluble organic nitrogen (e.g. glycine, aspartic acid and glutamic acid), NH4+ and NO?3. In mesic Arctic soils, soluble organic nitrogen is potentially more important than either NH+4 or NO?3. Many Arctic species are capable of taking up soluble organic nitrogen (either directly and/or in association with ectomycorrhizae), with the greatest potential for soluble organic nitrogen uptake being exhibited by deciduous species. The ability to take up soluble organic nitrogen may enable some Arctic plants to avoid nitrogen limitations imposed by the slow rate of organic matter decomposition. NO?3 is also present in many Arctic soils, especially calcareous soils and soils near flowing water, animal burrows and bird cliffs. Arctic species characteristic of mesic and xeric habitats are capable of taking up and assimilating NO?3. Even when present in lower concentrations in soils than NH+4, NO?3 is still an important source of nitrogen for some Arctic plants. Arctic-plants therefore have a variety of nitrogen sources available to them, and are capable of using those nitrogen sources. Taken together, these findings demonstrate that the Arctic is not an NH+4dominated ecosystem. Symbiotic fixation of atmospheric N2 does not appear to be an important source of nitrogen for Arctic plants. The reliance of Arctic plants on internal recycling of nitrogen substantially reduces their dependence on soil nitrogen uptake (this is particularly the case for slow-growing evergreens). Despite the high level of internal nitrogen recycling, Arctic plant growth remains limited by the low levels of available soil nitrogen. However, Arctic plant growth is not limited by an inability to utilize any of the available forms of nitrogen. The potential effects of climatic warming on nitrogen availability and use are discussed. The question of whether the Arctic ecosystem is uniquely different from temperate nitrogen-deficient ecosystems is also assessed.  相似文献   

Summary Production of somatic embryos in suspension cultures ofDactylis glomerata L. (orchardgrass) was stimulated by the addition of various compounds containing reduced nitrogen to Schenk and Hildebrandt (SH) basal medium. Equimolar concentrations of combinations of proline and either serine or threonine supported embryogenesis, whereas, these amino acids individually did not promote embryogenesis. SH medium supplemented with 6 to 25 mM ammonium ion or Murashige-Skoog basal medium also supported embryo production. Ammonium ion did not act synergistically with either proline or serine to enhance embryogenesis. Embryos produced in media containing amino acid combinations were formed singly, did not exhibit secondary embryogenesis, and had significantly higher conversion rates compared to those formed in either SH medium supplemented with ammonium ion only or in combination with amino acids.  相似文献   

We assessed the extent to which plants can acquire amino acids when supplied as single N-sources or when plants have access to a mixture of amino- and inorganic N sources. Because the uptake of different N-sources is temperature-dependent, the effects of temperature on amino-N uptake were also tested. Lolium perenne (perennial rye-grass) was grown hydroponically at 11 °C or 21 °C. Uptake of N was determined using 15N tracers at the growth temperature from solutions containing either nitrate, ammonium or glycine as single N sources and from a mixture containing all three N-forms. Estimates of the relative importance of amino acids such as glycine to the total N budget of plants will have been underestimated in studies where uptake was determined in single source solutions compared with those from solutions containing a mixture of N-forms. The proportion of total N acquired from the mixed N source as ammonium increased as temperature was reduced. Regarding the uptake and initial metabolism of glycine, uptake was probably the rate limiting step at 11 °C whilst it was the metabolism of glycine to serine at 21 °C. Although 15N incorporation into the plant amino-N pool was generally in proportion to the abundance of individual amino acids, its incorporation into the glycine pool was sometimes significantly less than predicted.  相似文献   

A cell suspension culture from Tabernaemontana divaricata was fed with 15N-labelled ammonium or nitrate. The incorporation of label in free amino acids, protein amino acids and indole alkaloids was determined. Ammonium was found to be used more extensively than nitrate in the biosynthesis of these compounds. For tryptamine considerably lower labelling percentages were found than for the indole alkaloid O-acetylvallesamine and the amino acids. This indicates a vacuolar pool of tryptamine, formed at the beginning of the culture-period and not available for further alkaloid biosynthesis.  相似文献   

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