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Membrane from Plasmodium berghei-infected mouse erythrocytes showed a pattern of protein phosphorylation which was substantially altered from the normal pattern, with an increase in the phosphorylation of the protein with an apparent molecular weight of 43,000 (M 43), which increased from undetectable in uninfected cells to a maximum in the mature trophozoite stage. Phosphorylation levels of this and other minor bands were strongly correlated with osmotic fragility and filterability. The level of M 43 phosphorylation in membranes from cells which remained intact in a hypotonic medium was 3.82 +/- 0.59-times that of lysed cells, compared with the value of 0.76 +/- 0.07 calculated from distribution alone. Results found when intact erythrocytes were phosphorylated by incubation with [32P]Pi prior to partial lysis were similar to those found when membranes from the lysed and unlysed fractions were subsequently phosphorylated with [gamma-32P]ATP. Infected erythrocytes which could pass repeatedly through 3-micron polycarbonate filters had a much higher phosphorylation level for the M 43 region than whole infected cells with similar parasitemia and stage distribution. The phosphorylation change could play a role in the control of osmotic and mechanical properties of the infected erythrocytes during maturation.  相似文献   

Normal and Plasmodium berghei (NYU-2 strain)-infected murine erythrocytes display substantially different patterns of plasma membrane phosphoproteins phosphorylation. Intact erythrocytes (normal and parasite infected) incubated with 32Pi and isolated washed erythrocyte plasma membranes incubated with gamma-32P-ATP were analyzed for phosphoproteins by SDS PAGE and autoradiography. Two new phosphoproteins of molecular weight 45,000 (pp45) and 68,000 (pp68), which are absent in normal erythrocyte membranes, are associated with the membranes of infected erythrocytes subjected to both intact-cell and isolated-membrane phosphorylation conditions. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis indicates that pp45 and pp68 are of parasite origin. Partial or complete proteolytic digestion reveals that pp45 is phosphorylated at similar amino acid residues both in intact cells and in isolated membranes. The pp45 phosphoprotein can be detected at as low as 3% parasitemia and its phosphorylation is not affected by 10 microM cAMP, 1 mM Ca2+, or 5 mM EGTA. Extraction of isolated washed plasma membranes with 0.5% Triton X-100 or 0.1 M NaOH indicates that pp45 is detergent insoluble and only partially extractable with NaOH, suggesting that pp45 is closely associated with the host erythrocyte plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Incubation of radioactively labeled parasitized (Plasmodium berghei) erythrocytes (PE) with adherent peritoneal exudate cells in the presence of 10% (v/v) fresh mouse serum (NMS) resulted in the uptake of a proportion of radioactive material (PE). Inactivation of the added serum by heat or zymosan treatment resulted in diminished uptake of radioactivity. These results suggest that PE activated complement. Incubation of fresh NMS with PE reduced the hemolytic complement level of the serum as shown by its subsequent decreased ability to lyse antibody-coated rabbit red blood cells. No such effect was found when uninfected erythrocytes from either infected or uninfected blood were preincubated with fresh NMS. Thus, PE or PE-derived material activated complement. Addition of EGTA during incubation of fresh NMS with PE did not inhibit the decrease in complement level. This indicated that complement was activated by the alternative pathway. Complement levels decreased even when fresh NMS and PE were incubated in the presence of EDTA (which inhibits both classical and alternative pathway activation), suggesting that a complement activating factor (or a complement inhibitor) was released from the PE. However, lysis of PE after incubation with either fresh rabbit or guinea pig serum did not occur unless anti-mouse erythrocyte antibody was added. The production of a complement-activating factor by PE might explain part of the decreasing complement levels during infection and might enable the parasite to escape from a complement-mediated defense mechanism of the host.  相似文献   

Adrenergic modification of membrane protein phosphorylation was studied in intact human erythrocytes. Micromolar norepinephrine increased 32P incorporation into Band 2 by 70%, and into Band 3 by 40%. Phosphorylation levels observed with a series of specific agonists and antagonists suggest that an α-adrenergic receptor is involved in this effect. The mechanism of linkage between this receptor and protein phosphorylation does not appear to involve modulation of intracellular concentrations of ATP, cyclic AMP, or cyclic GMP.  相似文献   

Adrenergic modification of membrane protein phosphorylation was studied in intact human erythrocytes. Micromolar norepinephrine increased 32P incorporation into Band 2 by 70%, and into Band 3 by 40%. Phosphorylation levels observed with a series of specific agonists and antagonists suggest that an alpha-adrenergic receptor is involved in this effect. The mechanism of linkage between this receptor and protein phosphorylation does not appear to involve modulation of intracellular concentrations of ATP, cyclic AMP, or cyclic GMP.  相似文献   

Membrane from Plasmodium berghei-infected mouse red cells has a different pattern of phosphorylation by (γ-32P)ATP from normal membrane. A phosphorylated membrane protein of apparent molecular weight 42,000, absent in membrane from normal cells, can be detected in membrane from infected cells. The new phosphorylated protein can be extracted by 0.1 mM EDTA but not by triton X-100, indicating that it may be red cell actin.  相似文献   

The primary function of the thymus is to develop immature T-cells into cells that further in the periphery will be able to carry out immune functions. The Literature has shown that thymus can be a target for many pathogens and severe structural alterations take place in this organ during infectious diseases. Here, we investigated if thymus is also a target organ during experimental malaria infection by analyzing the presence of parasites inside the organ and histological alterations in thymuses from Plasmodium berghei NK65-infected BALB/c. After 14 days of infection, parasites were found inside the thymus that presented a profound atrophy with total loss of its architecture. We propose that the presence of parasites in the thymus induces histological modifications that alter the microenvironment, impairing by consequence the successful T cell development. Additional studies are currently being developed in our laboratory to verify if such thymic alterations can influence the systemic immune response to the parasite.  相似文献   

A spectrophotometric assay has been devised to measure oxygen consumption non-invasively in intact murine red cells parasitized by Plasmodium berghei. The method uses oxyhemoglobin in the erythrocytes both as a source of oxygen and as an indicator of oxygen consumption. Spectra of intact cells show broad peaks and sloping baselines due to light-scattering. In order to ascertain the number of varying components in the 370-450 nm range, the resolution of the spectra was enhanced using Fourier transforms of the frequency domain spectra. Calculation of oxygen consumption was carried out for two-component systems (oxyhemoglobin, deoxyhemoglobin) using absorbances at 415 and 431 nm. Samples prepared from highly parasitized mice (greater than 80% parasitemia, 5% hematocrit) showed oxygen consumption rates of (4-8) X 10(-8) microliter/cell per h. This rate was not attributable to the presence of white cells or reticulocytes. The rate of oxygen consumption in the erythrocytes is shown to be modulated by various agents: the respiratory inhibitors NaN3 and KCN (1 mM) reduced oxygen consumption 2-3-fold; salicylhydroxamic acid (2.5 mM) caused a 20% reduction in rate and 10 mM NaN3, completely blocked deoxygenation. Antimalarial drugs and metal-chelating agents were also tested. Chloroquine, EDTA and desferal (desferoxamine mesylate) did not decrease the deoxygenation rate of hemoglobin in parasitized cells. Quinacrine, quinine and primaquine reduced the rate of formation of deoxyhemoglobin but also produced substantial quantities of methemoglobin. The lipophilic chelator, 5-hydroxyquinoline, decreased the rate of deoxygenation one-third. The spectrophotometric assay provides a convenient means to monitor oxygen consumption in parasitized red cells, to test the effects of various agents thereon, and potentially to explore possible mechanisms for oxygen utilization.  相似文献   

51Cr-labelled uninfected cells, separated from Plasmodium berghei-infected mouse blood using the fluorescence-activated cell sorter, were cleared more rapidly than normal mouse erythrocytes after intravenous injection into normal mice.  相似文献   

Incubation of either ghost membranes with 32P- -ATP or intact erythrocytes with 32P-inorganic phosphate led to phosphorylation of the beta-chain of the major membrane-associated protein spectrin. This phosphorylation was reduced by 30% by insulin (10-100 microU/ml) both in membranes and in intact cells. The results show that the membrane-cytoskeleton is responsive to extracellular signals such as hormone receptor activation.  相似文献   

The rhoptry is an organelle of the malarial merozoite which has been suggested to play a role in parasite invasion of its host cell, the erythrocyte. A monoclonal antibody selected for reactivity with this organelle identifies a parasite synthesized protein of 110 kD. From biosynthetic labeling experiments it was demonstrated that the protein is synthesized midway through the erythrocytic cycle (the trophozoite stage) but immunofluorescence indicates the protein is not localized in the organelle until the final stage (segmenter stage) of intraerythrocytic development. Immunoelectron microscopy shows that the protein is localized in the matrix of the rhoptry organelle and on membranous whorls secreted from the merozoite. mAb recognition of the protein is dithiothreitol (DTT) labile, indicating that the conformation of the epitope is dependent on a disulfide linkage. During erythrocyte reinvasion by the extracellular merozoite, immunofluorescence shows the rhoptry protein discharging from the merozoite and spreading around the surface of the erythrocyte. The protein is located in the plasma membrane of the newly invaded erythrocyte. These studies suggest that the 110-kD rhoptry protein is inserted into the membrane of the host erythrocyte during merozoite invasion.  相似文献   

The effects of adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate (cyclic AMP) on the phosphorylation of membrane proteins in intact rabbit and human erythrocytes were investigated. The addition of cyclic AMP to intact human or rabbit erythrocytes results in an increase in the incorporation of ortho[32P]phosphate into several membrane protein components which are known to serve as substrates for the cyclic-AMP-dependent protein kinases. Thus this increase in protein phsophorylation is probably due to the activation of either soluble or membrane-bound cyclic-AMP-dependent protein kinases. Incubation of human erythrocytes in the presence of ortho [32P]phosphate and cyclic AMP also leads to the phosphorylation of a membrane protein component, band 7, which has not been previously detected in the autophosphorylation of isolated ghosts. Since rabbit erythrocyte membranes do not contain any cyclic-AMP-dependent protein kinase, the results suggest that cytoplasmic kinases also play a role in the phosphorylation of membrane proteins in intact cells.  相似文献   

Plasmodium berghei: folic acid levels in mouse erythrocytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Folate levels of parasitized whole blood increased over fourfold above noninfected controls based on microbiological assays with Lactobacillus casei. Most of this increase is attributed to oxidized forms of folate (mono-, di-, and triglutamates) and/or N5-methyltetra-hydropteroyl mono-, di-, and triglutamates. Assays with Pediococcus cerevisiae showed that levels of tetrahydro-forms of folate polyglutamates doubled during parasitization of mouse erythrocytes. The folate activity for Lactobacillus casei after conjugase treatment was about 1.5 times as high for infected as for uninfected blood. During the malarial infection there was more a change in the form of folate than in its overall level.  相似文献   

The rate of glucose utilization by red blood cells infected with Plasmodium berghei was not inhibited by an acidic pH which completely inhibited normal red cell glucose consumption. This insensitivity to acid conditions by P. berghei-parasitized red cells was associated with an electrophoretically separable and kinetically distinct form of the enzyme phosphofructokinase (EC which exhibited a pH response similar to that of whole-cell glucose consumption.  相似文献   

Nucleoside permeation in mouse erythrocytes infected with Plasmodium yoelii   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In normal mouse erythrocytes, nucleoside permeation was almost completely blocked in the presence of binding site-saturating concentrations of nitrobenzylthioinosine, whereas permeation in erythrocytes infected with the malarial parasite, Plasmodium yoelii, was substantial under these conditions, suggesting the presence of a permeation mechanism of low sensitivity to nitrobenzylthioinosine in the infected cells. Binding sites for nitrobenzylthioinosine were more numerous on infected erythrocytes than on uninfected cells. When mice infected with P. yoelii were treated with combinations of tubercidin and nitrobenzylthioinosine 5'-monophosphate, progression of parasitemia was delayed and survival times were increased.  相似文献   

Trimethylamino-diphenylhexatriene (TMA-DPH), a novel hydrophobic fluorescent probe with relevant photophysical properties for fluorescence anisotropy measurements in phospholipidic membranes, specifically labels the plasma membranes of whole living-cells, unlike earlier commonly used probes such as 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene (DPH) and anthroyloxy fatty acids, which invade all hydrophobic regions of the cell. Using TMA-DPH, it was shown that mouse malaria parasite Plasmodium berghei induced a statistically highly significant increase (8%) in the plasma membrane fluidity of the host erythrocyte. The physical factors, which might critically influence the measurements in this study, i.e. the fluorescence lifetime of the probe and the contribution of scattered light, were carefully controlled. The effect observed is discussed on the basis of earlier established metabolic changes in the membrane following infection, namely phospholipidic and cytoskeleton modifications.  相似文献   

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