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Studies of inbreeding depression or kin selection require knowledge of relatedness between individuals. If pedigree information is lacking, one has to rely on genotypic information to infer relatedness. In this study we investigated the performance (absolute and relative) of 10 marker-based relatedness estimators using allele frequencies at microsatellite loci obtained from natural populations of two bird species and one mammal species. Using Monte Carlo simulations we show that many factors affect the performance of estimators and that different sets of loci promote the use of different estimators: in general, there is no single best-performing estimator. The use of locus-specific weights turns out to greatly improve the performance of estimators when marker loci are used that differ strongly in allele frequency distribution. Microsatellite-based estimates are expected to explain between 25 and 79% of variation in true relatedness depending on the microsatellite dataset and on the population composition (i.e. the frequency distribution of relationship in the population). We recommend performing Monte Carlo simulations to decide which estimator to use in studies of pairwise relatedness.  相似文献   

Knowledge of relatedness between pairs of individuals plays an important role in many research areas including evolutionary biology, quantitative genetics, and conservation. Pairwise relatedness estimation methods based on genetic data from highly variable molecular markers are now used extensively as a substitute for pedigrees. Although the sampling variance of the estimators has been intensively studied for the most common simple genetic relationships, such as unrelated, half- and full-sib, or parent-offspring, little attention has been paid to the average performance of the estimators, by which we mean the performance across all pairs of individuals in a sample. Here we apply two measures to quantify the average performance: first, misclassification rates between pairs of genetic relationships and, second, the proportion of variance explained in the pairwise relatedness estimates by the true population relatedness composition (i.e., the frequencies of different relationships in the population). Using simulated data derived from exceptionally good quality marker and pedigree data from five long-term projects of natural populations, we demonstrate that the average performance depends mainly on the population relatedness composition and may be improved by the marker data quality only within the limits of the population relatedness composition. Our five examples of vertebrate breeding systems suggest that due to the remarkably low variance in relatedness across the population, marker-based estimates may often have low power to address research questions of interest.  相似文献   

Hu XS 《Heredity》2005,94(3):338-346
The 'spatial' pattern of the correlation of pairwise relatedness among loci within a chromosome is an important aspect for an insight into genomic evolution in natural populations. In this article, a statistical genetic method is presented for estimating the correlation of pairwise relatedness among linked loci. The probabilities of identity-in-state (IIS) are related to the probabilities of identity-by-descent (IBS) for the two- and three-loci cases. By decomposing the joint probabilities of two- or three-loci IBD, the probability of pairwise relatedness at a single locus and its correlation among linked loci can be simultaneously estimated. To provide effective statistical methods for estimation, weighted least square (LS) and maximum likelihood (ML) methods are evaluated through extensive Monte Carlo simulations. Results show that the ML method gives a better performance than the weighted LS method with haploid genotypic data. However, there are no significant differences between the two methods when two- or three-loci diploid genotypic data are employed. Compared with the optimal size for haploid genotypic data, a smaller optimal sample size is predicted with diploid genotypic data.  相似文献   

Ritland K 《Molecular ecology》2005,14(10):3157-3165
Estimators for pairwise relatedness designed for dominant markers are derived, based on a genetic model that accounts for the full structure of pairwise relatedness between two individuals at a diploid locus with dominance. They jointly estimate 'relatedness' and 'fraternity', in which case the estimators are inherently multilocus, as at least two loci of differing gene frequency are required. Extensions to cases of zero fraternity and isolation by distance (inbreeding) are also examined. Properties of estimators are examined by simulation and compared to the estimator of Hardy. The most statistical power for pairwise relatedness occurs when roughly half of individuals are the recessive phenotype. Estimation procedures are implemented in the computer program mark.  相似文献   

K Huang  S T Guo  M R Shattuck  S T Chen  X G Qi  P Zhang  B G Li 《Heredity》2015,114(2):133-142
Relatedness between individuals is central to ecological genetics. Multiple methods are available to quantify relatedness from molecular data, including method-of-moment and maximum-likelihood estimators. We describe a maximum-likelihood estimator for autopolyploids, and quantify its statistical performance under a range of biologically relevant conditions. The statistical performances of five additional polyploid estimators of relatedness were also quantified under identical conditions. When comparing truncated estimators, the maximum-likelihood estimator exhibited lower root mean square error under some conditions and was more biased for non-relatives, especially when the number of alleles per loci was low. However, even under these conditions, this bias was reduced to be statistically insignificant with more robust genetic sampling. We also considered ambiguity in polyploid heterozygote genotyping and developed a weighting methodology for candidate genotypes. The statistical performances of three polyploid estimators under both ideal and actual conditions (including inbreeding and double reduction) were compared. The software package POLYRELATEDNESS is available to perform this estimation and supports a maximum ploidy of eight.  相似文献   

Genome-wide SNP data provide a powerful tool to estimate pairwise relatedness among individuals and individual inbreeding coefficient. The aim of this study was to compare methods for estimating the two parameters in a Finnsheep population based on genome-wide SNPs and genealogies, separately. This study included ninety-nine Finnsheep in Finland that differed in coat colours (white, black, brown, grey, and black/white spotted) and were from a large pedigree comprising 319 119 animals. All the individuals were genotyped with the Illumina Ovine SNP50K BeadChip by the International Sheep Genomics Consortium. We identified three genetic subpopulations that corresponded approximately with the coat colours (grey, white, and black and brown) of the sheep. We detected a significant subdivision among the colour types (F ST = 5.4%, P<0.05). We applied robust algorithms for the genomic estimation of individual inbreeding (F SNP) and pairwise relatedness (Φ SNP) as implemented in the programs KING and PLINK, respectively. Estimates of the two parameters from pedigrees (F PED and Φ PED) were computed using the RelaX2 program. Values of the two parameters estimated from genomic and genealogical data were mostly consistent, in particular for the highly inbred animals (e.g. inbreeding coefficient F>0.0625) and pairs of closely related animals (e.g. the full- or half-sibs). Nevertheless, we also detected differences in the two parameters between the approaches, particularly with respect to the grey Finnsheep. This could be due to the smaller sample size and relative incompleteness of the pedigree for them.We conclude that the genome-wide genomic data will provide useful information on a per sample or pairwise-samples basis in cases of complex genealogies or in the absence of genealogical data.  相似文献   

Estimates of relatedness coefficients, based on genetic marker data, are often necessary for studies of genetics and ecology. Whilst many estimates based on method‐of‐moment or maximum‐likelihood methods exist for diploid organisms, no such estimators exist for organisms with multiple ploidy levels, which occur in some insect and plant species. Here, we extend five estimators to account for different levels of ploidy: one relatedness coefficient estimator, three coefficients of coancestry estimators and one maximum‐likelihood estimator. We use arrhenotoky (when unfertilized eggs develop into haploid males) as an example in evaluations of estimator performance by Monte Carlo simulation. Also, three virtual sex‐determination systems are simulated to evaluate their performances for higher levels of ploidy. Additionally, we used two real data sets to test the robustness of these estimators under actual conditions. We make available a software package, PolyRelatedness , for other researchers to apply to organisms that have various levels of ploidy.  相似文献   

Measuring the information content of markers in relationship/relatedness inferences is important in selecting highly informative markers to attain a given statistical power with the minimal genotyping effort. Using information-theoretic principles, I introduce the informativeness for relationship (I(R)) and the informativeness for relatedness (I(r)) to measure the amount of information provided by markers in inferring pairwise relationships (R) and relatedness (r), respectively. I also propose a fast and accurate algorithm to calculate the power (PW(R)) of a set of markers in differentiating two candidate relationships, and the reciprocal of the mean squared deviations of relatedness estimates (RMSD) to measure the amount of information of markers actually used by an estimator in estimating relatedness. All of the four measurements (I(R), I(r), PW(R), RMSD) apply to dominant and codominant markers, haploid and diploid individuals, and take into account of mutations and typing errors in data. The statistical properties of the four measurements and their relationships are investigated analytically and are examined by applying these methods to simulated and empirical data.  相似文献   

Nine microsatellite loci were developed from enriched libraries of scarlet gilia (Ipomopsis aggregata). A screen of 160 individuals from a population identified reduced levels of heterozygosity, low levels of relatedness, and weak spatial genetic patterns. The population inbreeding coefficient was calculated to be 0.19 (SE = 0.04). These patterns are consistent with those expected from low levels of biparental inbreeding in an obligate outcrosser and extensive seed and pollen dispersal. These preliminary data confirm the usefulness of microsatellite markers for breeding system studies of I. aggregata.  相似文献   

Various aspects of sociality in mammals (e.g., dyadic connectedness) are linked with measures of biological fitness (e.g., longevity). How within- and between-individual variation in relevant social traits arises in uncontrolled wild populations is challenging to determine but is crucial for understanding constraints on the evolution of sociality. We use an advanced statistical method, known as the ‘animal model’, which incorporates pedigree information, to look at social, genetic, and environmental influences on sociality in a long-lived wild primate. We leverage a longitudinal database spanning 20 years of observation on individually recognized white-faced capuchin monkeys (Cebus capucinus imitator), with a multi-generational pedigree. We analyze two measures of spatial association, using repeat sampling of 376 individuals (mean: 53.5 months per subject, range: 6–185 months per subject). Conditioned on the effects of age, sex, group size, seasonality, and El Niño–Southern Oscillation phases, we show low to moderate long-term repeatability (across years) of the proportion of time spent social (posterior mode [95% Highest Posterior Density interval]: 0.207 [0.169, 0.265]) and of average number of partners (0.144 [0.113, 0.181]) (latent scale). Most of this long-term repeatability could be explained by modest heritability (h2social: 0.152 [0.094, 0.207]; h2partners: 0.113 [0.076, 0.149]) with small long-term maternal effects (m2social: 0.000 [0.000, 0.045]; m2partners: 0.000 [0.000, 0.041]). Our models capture the majority of variance in our behavioral traits, with much of the variance explained by temporally changing factors, such as group of residence, highlighting potential limits to the evolvability of our trait due to social and environmental constraints.Subject terms: Heritable quantitative trait, Behavioural ecology  相似文献   

In recent years there has been a dramatic increase in the availability of high density genetic marker data for both model and non‐model organisms. A potential application of these data is to infer relatedness in the absence of a complete pedigree. Using a marker panel of 771 SNPs genotyped in three generations of an extensive zebra finch pedigree, correlations between pedigree relatedness and seven marker‐based estimates of relatedness were examined, as was the relationship between heterozygosity and inbreeding. Although marker‐based and pedigree relatedness were highly correlated, the variance in estimated relatedness was high. Further, the correlation between heterozygosity and inbreeding was weak, even though mean inbreeding coefficient is typical of that seen in wild vertebrate pedigrees; the weak relationship was in part due to the small variance in inbreeding in the pedigree. Our data suggest that using marker information to reconstruct the pedigree, and then calculating relatedness from the pedigree, is likely to give more accurate relatedness estimates than using marker‐based estimators directly.  相似文献   

Anderson AD  Weir BS 《Genetics》2007,176(1):421-440
A maximum-likelihood estimator for pairwise relatedness is presented for the situation in which the individuals under consideration come from a large outbred subpopulation of the population for which allele frequencies are known. We demonstrate via simulations that a variety of commonly used estimators that do not take this kind of misspecification of allele frequencies into account will systematically overestimate the degree of relatedness between two individuals from a subpopulation. A maximum-likelihood estimator that includes F(ST) as a parameter is introduced with the goal of producing the relatedness estimates that would have been obtained if the subpopulation allele frequencies had been known. This estimator is shown to work quite well, even when the value of F(ST) is misspecified. Bootstrap confidence intervals are also examined and shown to exhibit close to nominal coverage when F(ST) is correctly specified.  相似文献   

Aggression is a quantitative trait deeply entwined with individual fitness. Mapping the genomic architecture underlying such traits is complicated by complex inheritance patterns, social structure, pedigree information and gene pleiotropy. Here, we leveraged the pedigree of a reintroduced population of grey wolves (Canis lupus) in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA, to examine the heritability of and the genetic variation associated with aggression. Since their reintroduction, many ecological and behavioural aspects have been documented, providing unmatched records of aggressive behaviour across multiple generations of a wild population of wolves. Using a linear mixed model, a robust genetic relationship matrix, 12,288 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and 111 wolves, we estimated the SNP‐based heritability of aggression to be 37% and an additional 14% of the phenotypic variation explained by shared environmental exposures. We identified 598 SNP genotypes from 425 grey wolves to resolve a consensus pedigree that was included in a heritability analysis of 141 individuals with SNP genotype, metadata and aggression data. The pedigree‐based heritability estimate for aggression is 14%, and an additional 16% of the phenotypic variation was explained by shared environmental exposures. We find strong effects of breeding status and relative pack size on aggression. Through an integrative approach, these results provide a framework for understanding the genetic architecture of a complex trait that influences individual fitness, with linkages to reproduction, in a social carnivore. Along with a few other studies, we show here the incredible utility of a pedigreed natural population for dissecting a complex, fitness‐related behavioural trait.  相似文献   



Dog breeds lose genetic diversity because of high selection pressure. Breeding policies aim to minimize kinship and therefore maintain genetic diversity. However, policies like mean kinship and optimal contributions, might be impractical. Cluster analysis of kinship can elucidate the population structure, since this method divides the population in clusters of related individuals. Kinship-based analyses have been carried out on the entire Icelandic Sheepdog population, a sheep-herding breed.


Analyses showed that despite increasing population size and deliberately transferring dogs, considerable genetic diversity has been lost. When cluster analysis was based on kinships calculated seven generation backwards, as performed in previous studies, results differ markedly from those based on calculations going back to the founder-population, and thus invalidate recommendations based on previous research. When calculated back to the founder-population, kinship-based clustering reveals the distribution of genetic diversity, similarly to strategies using mean kinship.


Although the base population consisted of 36 Icelandic Sheepdog founders, the current diversity is equivalent to that of only 2.2 equally contributing founders with no loss of founder alleles in descendants. The maximum attainable diversity is 4.7, unlikely achievable in a non-supervised breeding population like the Icelandic Sheepdog. Cluster analysis of kinship coefficients can provide a supporting tool to assess the distribution of available genetic diversity for captive population management.  相似文献   

The spatial structure of relatedness between individuals ina population can be crucial for social selection and evolution.Here we analyze a female alternative reproductive tactic, conspecificbrood parasitism, in relation to spatial relatedness among femalesin a Baltic Sea population of the common eider Somateria mollissima.The role of relatedness in brood parasitism is debated: somemodels predict parasite avoidance of related hosts, others predicthost–parasite relatedness. We estimate pairwise relatednessfrom protein fingerprinting of egg albumen in 156 nests, withpairwise nest distances ranging from 1 to 6 km. Relatednessincreases significantly from the longest distances to an averageof r 0.09 below 20 m. Brood parasitism is common, and averagepairwise relatedness between host and parasite is estimatedat 0.18–0.21. Parasites thus do not avoid relatives, andcombined with the findings of a similar study in another eiderpopulation, the results show that mean host–parasite relatednessis higher than that among close neighbors. High host–parasiterelatedness is therefore not an effect of natal philopatry alone;some other form of kin bias is also involved. Recognition andassociation between birth nest mates is a candidate mechanismfor further study.  相似文献   

The availability of cheap and abundant molecular markers has led to plant-breeding methods that rely on the prediction of genotypic value from marker data, but published information is lacking on the accuracy of genotypic value predictions with empirical data in plants. Our objectives were to (1) determine the accuracy of genotypic value predictions from multiple linear regression (MLR) and genomewide selection via best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) in biparental plant populations; (2) assess the accuracy of predictions for different numbers of markers (N M) and progenies (N P) used in estimation; and (3) determine if an empirical Bayes approach for modeling of the variances of individual markers and of epistatic effects leads to more accurate predictions in empirical data. We divided each of four maize (Zea mays L.) datasets, one Arabidopsis dataset, and two barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) datasets into an estimation set, where marker effects were calculated, and a test set, where genotypic values were predicted based on markers. Predictions were more accurate with BLUP than with MLR. Predictions became more accurate as N P and N M increased, until sufficient genome coverage was reached. Modeling marker variances with the empirical Bayes method sometimes led to slightly better predictions, but the accuracy with different variants of the empirical Bayes method was often inconsistent. In nearly all cases, the accuracy with BLUP was not significantly different from the highest accuracy across all methods. Accounting for epistasis in the empirical Bayes procedure led to poorer predictions. We concluded that among the methods considered, the quick and simple BLUP approach is the method of choice for predicting genotypic value in biparental plant populations.  相似文献   

Hardy OJ 《Molecular ecology》2003,12(6):1577-1588
A new estimator of the pairwise relatedness coefficient between individuals adapted to dominant genetic markers is developed. This estimator does not assume genotypes to be in Hardy-Weinberg proportions but requires a knowledge of the departure from these proportions (i.e. the inbreeding coefficient). Simulations show that the estimator provides accurate estimates, except for some particular types of individual pairs such as full-sibs, and performs better than a previously developed estimator. When comparing marker-based relatedness estimates with pedigree expectations, a new approach to account for the change of the reference population is developed and shown to perform satisfactorily. Simulations also illustrate that this new relatedness estimator can be used to characterize isolation by distance within populations, leading to essentially unbiased estimates of the neighbourhood size. In this context, the estimator appears fairly robust to moderate errors made on the assumed inbreeding coefficient. The analysis of real data sets suggests that dominant markers (random amplified polymorphic DNA, amplified fragment length polymorphism) may be as valuable as co-dominant markers (microsatellites) in studying microgeographic isolation-by-distance processes. It is argued that the estimators developed should find major applications, notably for conservation biology.  相似文献   

Understanding the social dynamics of large carnivores is critical to effective conservation and management planning. We made the first attempt to delineate both paternity and relatedness for a population of cougar (Puma concolor) using microsatellite data. We analyzed a long-term genetic dataset collected from a hunted population in the Garnet Mountains of western Montana. We assigned paternity for 62.5% of litters sampled using both exclusion and likelihood analyses. Attempts at reconstructing unsampled paternal genotypes resulted in delineating possible sires for 8 more litters. Sires were on average younger than reported for males involved in pairings assessed via field data in other cougar populations. Although most mating pairs were unrelated, 5 of 17 pairings involved cougars with levels of relatedness corresponding to half-sibling and full-sibling or parent offspring relationship (r = 0.215–0.575). Relatedness among adult and subadult males was higher than relatedness levels among adult and subadult females. Relatedness among males in the Garnet population differed from patterns hypothesized to occur under male-biased dispersal theories for cougars. The long-term impact of the turnover of resident cougars in hunted populations is still unclear and warrants additional research. Our results highlight the utility of monitoring cougar demographic parameters using a combination of genetic and field data that in turn may assist managers with determining cougar harvest quotas or strategies, harvest seasons, sustainable harvest, and the appropriate management level of cougar populations. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

New theoretical work on kin selection and inclusive fitness benefits predicts that individuals will sometimes choose close or intermediate relatives as mates to maximize their fitness. However, empirical examples supporting such predictions are rare. In this study, we look for such evidence in a natural population of Drosophila melanogaster. We compared mating and nonmating individuals to test whether mating was nonrandom with respect to relatedness. Consistent with optimal inbreeding, males were more closely related to their mate than to randomly sampled females. However, all individuals collected mating showed higher relatedness and males were not significantly more related to their mate than to other mating females. We also found a negative relationship between relatedness and fecundity. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that inclusive fitness benefits may drive inbreeding tolerance despite direct costs to fitness; however, an experimental approach is needed to investigate the link between mate preference and relatedness.  相似文献   

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