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目的研究氨溴索对铜绿假单胞菌PA01菌株BF早期黏附及胞外多糖复合物(Extracellular Pdymeric Substances,EPS)的影响。方法利用荧光多功能酶标仪检测各组不同时间点96孔板中pGFPuv转化PA01菌株的荧光强度,计算黏附率以表示干预对不同时间点细菌黏附的影响;利用罗丹明标记的麦胚凝集素(WGA)特异性结合细菌EPS,荧光显微镜下定性观察各组EPS的变化;利用硫酸-苯酚法定量各组细菌EPS的产量。结果8h组,氨溴索高浓度干预后细菌的黏附率由0.72±0.17下降至0.49±0.08,t=4.03,P〈0.05,与克拉霉素阳性对照组黏附率(0.50±0.06)相比,t=-1.19,P〉0.05;氨溴索低浓度干预后黏附率也有下降,但不及高浓度组明显;其余时间组趋势与8h组大致相似。罗丹明标记WGA可使胞外多糖显色,在荧光显微镜下观察可见氨溴索干预后EPS减少,稀薄;EPS定量实验,EPS总量(μg)/细菌干重(g)氨溴索干预组(477.82±7.90)较生理盐水对照组(523.76±10.12)有明显降低,t=8.76,P〈0.05。结论氨溴索可显著减少PA01菌株黏附及产EPS的能力。  相似文献   

Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy was tested to monitor the cell attachment and the biofilm proliferation in order to identify characteristic events induced on the metal surface by Gram-negative (Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1) and Gram-positive (Bacillus subtilis) bacteria strains. Electrochemical impedance spectra of AISI 304 electrodes during cell attachment and initial biofilm growth for both strains were obtained. It can be observed that the resistance increases gradually with the culture time and decreases with the biofilm detachment. So, the applicability of electric cell-substrate impedance sensing (ECIS) for studying the attachment and spreading of cells on a metal surface has been demonstrated. The biofilm formation was also characterized by the use of scanning electron microscopy and confocal laser scanning microscopy and COMSTAT image analysis. The electrochemical results roughly agree with the microscope image observations. The ECIS technique used in this study was used for continuous real-time monitoring of the initial bacterial adhesion and the biofilm growth. It provides a simple and non-expensive electrochemical method for in vitro assessment of the presence of biofilms on metal surfaces.  相似文献   

Abstract A considerable amount of methylformate accumulated in the culture medium of methanol-grown methylotrophic yeasts. Methylformate is considered as an intermediate in a novel formaldehyde oxidation pathway. Through investigations with Pichia methanolica , methylformate formation was found to be catalysed by a new type of alcohol dehydrogenase, which was named methylformate synthase. When cells were grown on a relatively high concentration of methanol or exposed to a high concentration of formaldehyde, formation of methylformate was enhanced and the level of methylformate synthase in the cells increased. How methylformate synthase is involved in formaldehyde oxidation and formaldehyde detoxification is discussed.  相似文献   

持留菌(persisters)是细菌种群中所占比例不到0.1%的一类特殊亚群,具有与种群内普通菌、抗性突变菌所不同的特征,其形成机制复杂,不易分离培养.持留菌可通过“休眠-生长-增殖”应对逆境的胁迫,维持自身生存和菌体结构稳定,在生物膜的多药耐受性与多金属耐性中发挥着重要作用,对于维持微生物群落结构稳定具有重要意义.本文从持留菌的研究历程、特点、基因调控机制及其对微生物膜的耐药性与多金属耐性的影响等方面进行了综述,并对今后的研究方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic human pathogen and has been established as a model organism to study bacterial biofilm formation. At least three exopolysaccharides (alginate, Psl, and Pel) contribute to the formation of biofilms in this organism. Here mutants deficient in the production of one or more of these polysaccharides were generated to investigate how these polymers interactively contribute to biofilm formation. Confocal laser scanning microscopy of biofilms formed in flow chambers showed that mutants deficient in alginate biosynthesis developed biofilms with a decreased proportion of viable cells than alginate-producing strains, indicating a role of alginate in viability of cells in biofilms. Alginate-deficient mutants showed enhanced extracellular DNA (eDNA)-containing surface structures impacting the biofilm architecture. PAO1 ΔpslA Δalg8 overproduced Pel, and eDNA showing meshwork-like structures presumably based on an interaction between both polymers were observed. The formation of characteristic mushroom-like structures required both Psl and alginate, whereas Pel appeared to play a role in biofilm cell density and/or the compactness of the biofilm. Mutants producing only alginate, i.e., mutants deficient in both Psl and Pel production, lost their ability to form biofilms. A lack of Psl enhanced the production of Pel, and the absence of Pel enhanced the production of alginate. The function of Psl in attachment was independent of alginate and Pel. A 30% decrease in Psl promoter activity in the alginate-overproducing MucA-negative mutant PDO300 suggested inverse regulation of both biosynthesis operons. Overall, this study demonstrated that the various exopolysaccharides and eDNA interactively contribute to the biofilm architecture of P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   

Zheng Xue  Huijie Lu 《Biofouling》2014,30(7):813-821
Ensuring the quality and reproducibility of results from biofilm structure and microbial community analysis is essential to membrane biofouling studies. This study evaluated the impacts of three sample preparation factors (ie number of buffer rinses, storage time at 4°C, and DNA extraction method) on the downstream analysis of nitrifying biofilms grown on ultrafiltration membranes. Both rinse and storage affected biofilm structure, as suggested by their strong correlation with total biovolume, biofilm thickness, roughness and the spatial distribution of EPS. Significant variations in DNA yields and microbial community diversity were also observed among samples treated by different rinses, storage and DNA extraction methods. For the tested biofilms, two rinses, no storage and DNA extraction with both mechanical and chemical cell lysis from attached biofilm were the optimal sample preparation procedures for obtaining accurate information about biofilm structure, EPS distribution and the microbial community.  相似文献   

A plasmid encoding the green fluorescent protein (GFP) of Aequorea victoria was transformed into a biofilm-forming strain of Enterobacter agglomerans originally isolated from an industrial environment. The transformed strain, EntGFP, could then be identified in dual species biofilms by direct visualization, plate counts and quantitiative fluorescence measurements. A variety of cell constituents and products may be involved in the adhesion and accumulation process and exopolysaccharides (EPS) represent one of these factors. The involvement of EPS in the initial adhesion events and the role in dual species biofilm development was investigated. Cells of EntGFP and Klebsiella pneumoniae Gl interact forming biofilms more successfully in a mixture than in isolation. The co-resistance results in enhanced biofilm formation and increased resistance to disinfection. Microscopic examination showed that the two species were often closely juxtaposed in microcolonies, suggesting the interactions involve surface-associated macromolecules. Fluorescence was used to measure the adhesion of EntGFP cells to Kleb, pneumoniae Gl (Gl) EPS. The results showed EntGFP adhered better to Gl EPS that Ent EPS. Polysaccharde depolymerases isolated from a bacteriophage for Ent. agglomerans were used to degrade Ent EPS specifically. Following polysaccharase treatment, the adhaesion of EntGFP to Gl cells was reduced. This suggests both types of EPS mediate adhesion. The two types of EPS were dissolved in dimethylsulphoxide and when mixed, their viscosity increased, reaching a maximum after ~+40 min. This may partially explain the increased protection of dual species biofilms from disinfectants. The depolymerases were used to treat dual species biofilms and this resulted in the effective removal of both species from the surface. This may suggest Ent contributes more EPS to the biofilm matrix. The EPS play an important role in EntGFP and Gl dual species biofilm formation both as adhesins and as the EPS interact, changing their physical properties.  相似文献   

Summary The monosaccharide composition of exopolysaccharides extracted from mixed microbial slimes from cooling towers and process waters of paper machines was determined. Gas chromatographic evidence demonstrated that the microbial slimes found in these industrial systems were heteropolysaccharides, each composed of more than one monosaccharide. Monosaccharides identified in deposit samples were glucose, mannose, galactose, rhamnose, fucose, and glucuronic acid. The methods reported allow efficient extraction and analysis of microbial exopolysaccharides, and the results have implications for slime control strategies in industrial systems.  相似文献   


Staphylococcus lugdunensis is an emerging high-virulent pathogen causative of hospital-acquired infections. Biofilm formation is a complex pathogenic process that leads to well-established bacterial communities. There is a paucity of data on the composition of the biofilm matrix among S. lugdunensis strains. Here, twenty-two S. lugdunensis clinical isolates, mainly from orthopaedic infections but also from other clinical sources, were sub-grouped by ribotyping and dendrogram analysis. Biofilms were analysed by fluorimetric methods based on FITC-Wheat Germ Agglutinin, SYPRO Ruby and TOTO-1 dyes to detect exopolysaccharides, proteins and extracellular DNA (eDNA), respectively. Biofilm morphology was investigated under confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). Isolates displayed intriguing diversities in biofilm mass and matrix composition. The content of exopolysaccharides was found to be to be strongly associated with the biofilm mass (R2 = 0.882), while the content of proteins turned out to be weakly (R2 = 0.465) and that of eDNA very weakly associated (R2 = 0.202) to the biofilm mass.  相似文献   

The ability of hard-shelled clams (Mercenaria mercenaria) to accumulate fecal coliforms and other microorganisms (Escherichia coli, Clostridium perfringens, and male-specific bacteriophages) was determined over a 1-year period. Twenty separate trails were conducted during different seasons to encompass a wide range of water temperatures. The greatest accumulation of microorganisms in hard-shelled clams occurred during certain periods in the spring, at temperatures ranging from 11.5 to 21.5 degrees C. These periods of hyperaccumulation did not always coincide for all organisms; the accumulation of bacteriophages was not predicted by the accumulation of either fecal coliforms or C. perfringens. Bacteriophages and C. perfringens showed significantly higher rates of accumulation than either the fecal coliform group or E. coli, especially during the spring. The higher incidence of human viral gastroenteritis associated with the consumption of shellfish during this period may be a result of the extraordinary concentration of certain microorganisms, including enteric viral pathogens.  相似文献   

The ability of hard-shelled clams (Mercenaria mercenaria) to accumulate fecal coliforms and other microorganisms (Escherichia coli, Clostridium perfringens, and male-specific bacteriophages) was determined over a 1-year period. Twenty separate trails were conducted during different seasons to encompass a wide range of water temperatures. The greatest accumulation of microorganisms in hard-shelled clams occurred during certain periods in the spring, at temperatures ranging from 11.5 to 21.5 degrees C. These periods of hyperaccumulation did not always coincide for all organisms; the accumulation of bacteriophages was not predicted by the accumulation of either fecal coliforms or C. perfringens. Bacteriophages and C. perfringens showed significantly higher rates of accumulation than either the fecal coliform group or E. coli, especially during the spring. The higher incidence of human viral gastroenteritis associated with the consumption of shellfish during this period may be a result of the extraordinary concentration of certain microorganisms, including enteric viral pathogens.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of copper on the structure and physiology of freshwater biofilm microbial communities. For this purpose, biofilms that were grown during 4 weeks in a shallow, slightly polluted ditch were exposed, in aquaria in our laboratory, to a range of copper concentrations (0, 1, 3, and 10 microM). Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) revealed changes in the bacterial community in all aquaria. The extent of change was related to the concentration of copper applied, indicating that copper directly or indirectly caused the effects. Concomitantly with these changes in structure, changes in the metabolic potential of the heterotrophic bacterial community were apparent from changes in substrate use profiles as assessed on Biolog plates. The structure of the phototrophic community also changed during the experiment, as observed by microscopic analysis in combination with DGGE analysis of eukaryotic microorganisms and cyanobacteria. However, the extent of community change, as observed by DGGE, was not significantly greater in the copper treatments than in the control. Yet microscopic analysis showed a development toward a greater proportion of cyanobacteria in the treatments with the highest copper concentrations. Furthermore, copper did affect the physiology of the phototrophic community, as evidenced by the fact that a decrease in photosynthetic capacity was detected in the treatment with the highest copper concentration. Therefore, we conclude that copper affected the physiology of the biofilm and had an effect on the structure of the communities composing this biofilm.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the antimicrobial, anti-adhesion and anti-biofilm activity of the modified synthetic molecules nitrochalcone (NC-E05) and pentyl caffeate (C5) against microorganisms which have a high incidence in hospital-acquired infections. The compounds were further tested for their preliminary systemic toxicity in vivo. NC-E05 and C5 showed antimicrobial activity, with minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) ranging between 15.62 and 31.25?μg ml?1. Treatment with NC-E05 and C5 at 1?×?MIC and/or 10?×?MIC significantly reduced mono or mixed-species biofilm formation and viability. At MIC/2, the compounds decreased microbial adhesion to HaCaT keratinocytes from 1 to 3?h (p?<?0.0001). In addition, NC-E05 and C5 demonstrated low toxicity in vivo in the Galleria mellonella model at anti-biofilm concentrations. Thus, the chemical modification of these molecules proved to be effective in the proposed anti-biofilm activity, opening opportunities for the development of new antimicrobials.  相似文献   

Biofilms are the most common mode of bacterial growth in nature. Their formation occurs on organic or inorganic solid surfaces in contact with a liquid, on gas-liquid and liquid-liquid boundaries as well. The aims of this study were, by combining cell enumeration, scanning electron microscopy and denaturing gel gradient electrophoresis (DGGE), to characterize the structural dynamics of dairy biofilm growth in the environments with a nutrient flow, and to evaluate the impact of adhesion of Lactococcus lactis on the biofilm community depending on the incubation time. Significantly higher values of biofilm volume and thickness were observed under dynamic conditions after 55 h. The populations of gram-positive bacteria and fungi exhibited a significantly higher biofilm organization after 2 days of cultivation than that of gram-negative bacteria. Also, results showed that Lc. lactis was able to adhere to silicone surface and the produced biofilm in which the number of adhered gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria decreased by nine orders of magnitude after 48 h of contact. This study constitutes a step ahead in developing the strategies to prevent microbial colonization by lactococcal protective biofilm.  相似文献   

The production of biofuels and biochemicals is highly electron intensive. To divert fermentative and respiratory pathways to the product of interest, additional electrons (i.e. reducing power) are often needed. Meanwhile, the past decade has seen the breakthrough of sustainable electricity sources such as solar and wind. Microbial electrosynthesis (MES) is at the nexus of both, as it uses electrical energy as source of reducing power for microorganisms. This review addresses the key opportunities and challenges for MES. While exciting as a concept, MES needs to overcome many biological, electrochemical, logistical and economic challenges. Particularly the latter is critical, as on a 'per electron basis' MES does not yet appear to deliver a substantial benefit relative to existing approaches.  相似文献   

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