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Ethanol increases agonist affinity for nicotinic receptors from Torpedo   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The presence of ethanol increases the apparent affinity with which acetylcholine and carbamylcholine elicit 86Rb+ flux from Torpedo nicotinic acetylcholine receptor-rich vesicles at 4 degrees C. Affinity increased exponentially with ethanol concentration, reaching nearly 200-fold by 3.0 M ethanol without sign of saturation. At submaximal agonist concentrations 50-100 mM ethanol enhanced flux by 15-35%, but the maximum agonist-induced flux was unaffected in quenched-flow assays. The effect was independent of the agonist and of the time over which flux was measured (5 ms to 10 s), indicating that ethanol acts before agonist-induced desensitization occurs. Ethanol also caused an increase in the apparent affinity with which acetylcholine caused fast desensitization. This affinity increase was equal to that for flux-response curves, but the maximum fast desensitization rate was increased 50% at 0.5 M ethanol. This was the most pronounced of ethanol's actions and has not been reported before. Prolonged preincubation with 1.0 M ethanol alone reduced agonist-induced flux activity by only 25%. The rate of agonist-induced slow desensitization was also increased, but neither of these effects was as marked as those on fast desensitization and cation flux.  相似文献   

We have identified a means by which agonist-evoked responses of nicotinic receptors can be conditionally eliminated. Modification of α7L119C mutants by the sulfhydryl reagent 2-aminoethyl methanethiosulfonate (MTSEA) reduces responses to acetylcholine (ACh) by more than 97%, whereas corresponding mutations in muscle-type receptors produce effects that depend on the specific subunits mutated and ACh concentration. We coexpressed α7L119C subunits with pseudo wild-type α7C116S subunits, as well as ACh-insensitive α7Y188F subunits with wild-type α7 subunits in Xenopus laevis oocytes using varying ratios of cRNA. When mutant α7 cRNA was coinjected at a 5:1 ratio with wild-type cRNA, net charge responses to 300 μM ACh were retained by α7L119C-containing mutants after MTSEA modification and by the ACh-insensitive Y188F-containing mutants, even though the expected number of ACh-sensitive wild-type binding sites would on average be fewer than two per receptor. Responses of muscle-type receptors with one MTSEA-sensitive subunit were reduced at low ACh concentrations, but much less of an effect was observed when ACh concentrations were high (1 mM), indicating that saturation of a single binding site with agonist can evoke strong activation of nicotinic ACh receptors. Single-channel patch clamp analysis revealed that the burst durations of fetal wild-type and α1β1γδL121C receptors were equivalent until the α1β1γδL121C mutants were exposed to MTSEA, after which the majority (81%) of bursts were brief (≤2 ms). The longest duration events of the receptors modified at only one binding site were similar to the long bursts of native receptors traditionally associated with the activation of receptors with two sites containing bound agonists.  相似文献   

Kawai H  Cao L  Dunn SM  Dryden WF  Raftery MA 《Biochemistry》2000,39(14):3867-3876
The binding of the semirigid agonist [(3)H]arecolone methiodide to the Torpedo nicotinic acetylcholine receptor has been correlated with its functional properties measured both in flux studies with Torpedo membrane vesicles and by single-channel analysis after reconstitution in giant liposomes. Under both equilibrium and preequilibrium conditions, the binding of arecolone methiodide is similar to that of other agonists such as acetylcholine. At equilibrium, it binds to two sites per receptor with high affinity (K(d) = 99 +/- 12 nM), and studies of its dissociation kinetics suggest that each of these sites is made up of two subsites that are mutually exclusive at equilibrium. The kinetics of arecolone methiodide binding were monitored by the changes in the receptor intrinsic fluorescence, and the data are consistent with a model in which the initial binding event is followed by sequential conformational transitions of the receptor-ligand complex. In flux studies, arecolone methiodide was approximately 3-fold more potent (EC(50) = 31 +/- 5 microM) than acetylcholine but its maximum flux rate was 4-10-fold lower. This phenomenon has been studied further by single-channel analysis of Torpedo receptors reconstituted in giant liposomes. Whereas the flexible agonist carbamylcholine (5 microM) was shown to induce channels with conductances of 56 and 34 pS with approximately equal frequency, arecolone methiodide (2 microM) preferentially induced the channel of lower conductance. These results are interpreted in terms of a simple model in which the rigidity of arecolone methiodide restrains the conformation that the receptor-ligand complex can adopt, thus favoring the lower conductance state.  相似文献   

Identification of all residues involved in the recognition and binding of cholinergic ligands (e.g. agonists, competitive antagonists, and noncompetitive agonists) is a primary objective to understand which structural components are related to the physiological function of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR). The picture for the localization of the agonist/competitive antagonist binding sites is now clearer in the light of newer and better experimental evidence. These sites are located mainly on both alpha subunits in a pocket approximately 30-35 A above the surface membrane. Since both alpha subunits are identical, the observed high and low affinity for different ligands on the receptor is conditioned by the interaction of the alpha subunit with other non-alpha subunits. This molecular interaction takes place at the interface formed by the different subunits. For example, the high-affinity acetylcholine (ACh) binding site of the muscle-type AChR is located on the alphadelta subunit interface, whereas the low-affinity ACh binding site is located on the alphagamma subunit interface. Regarding homomeric AChRs (e.g. alpha7, alpha8, and alpha9), up to five binding sites may be located on the alphaalpha subunit interfaces. From the point of view of subunit arrangement, the gamma subunit is in between both alpha subunits and the delta subunit follows the alpha aligned in a clockwise manner from the gamma. Although some competitive antagonists such as lophotoxin and alpha-bungarotoxin bind to the same high- and low-affinity sites as ACh, other cholinergic drugs may bind with opposite specificity. For instance, the location of the high- and the low-affinity binding site for curare-related drugs as well as for agonists such as the alkaloid nicotine and the potent analgesic epibatidine (only when the AChR is in the desensitized state) is determined by the alphagamma and the alphadelta subunit interface, respectively. The case of alpha-conotoxins (alpha-CoTxs) is unique since each alpha-CoTx from different species is recognized by a specific AChR type. In addition, the specificity of alpha-CoTxs for each subunit interface is species-dependent.In general terms we may state that both alpha subunits carry the principal component for the agonist/competitive antagonist binding sites, whereas the non-alpha subunits bear the complementary component. Concerning homomeric AChRs, both the principal and the complementary component exist on the alpha subunit. The principal component on the muscle-type AChR involves three loops-forming binding domains (loops A-C). Loop A (from mouse sequence) is mainly formed by residue Y(93), loop B is molded by amino acids W(149), Y(152), and probably G(153), while loop C is shaped by residues Y(190), C(192), C(193), and Y(198). The complementary component corresponding to each non-alpha subunit probably contributes with at least four loops. More specifically, the loops at the gamma subunit are: loop D which is formed by residue K(34), loop E that is designed by W(55) and E(57), loop F which is built by a stretch of amino acids comprising L(109), S(111), C(115), I(116), and Y(117), and finally loop G that is shaped by F(172) and by the negatively-charged amino acids D(174) and E(183). The complementary component on the delta subunit, which corresponds to the high-affinity ACh binding site, is formed by homologous loops. Regarding alpha-neurotoxins, several snake and alpha-CoTxs bear specific residues that are energetically coupled with their corresponding pairs on the AChR binding site. The principal component for snake alpha-neurotoxins is located on the residue sequence alpha1W(184)-D(200), which includes loop C. In addition, amino acid sequence 55-74 from the alpha1 subunit (which includes loop E), and residues gammaL(119) (close to loop F) and gammaE(176) (close to loop G) at the low-affinity binding site, or deltaL(121) (close to the homologous region of loop G) at the high-affinity binding site, are i  相似文献   

Song XZ  Andreeva IE  Pedersen SE 《Biochemistry》2003,42(14):4197-4207
Fluorescent energy transfer measurements of dansyl-C6-choline binding to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) from Torpedo californica were used to determine binding characteristics of the alpha gamma and alpha delta binding sites. Equilibrium binding measurements show that the alpha gamma site has a lower fluorescence than the alpha delta site; the emission difference is due to differences in the intrinsic fluorescence of the bound fluorophores rather than differences in energy transfer at the two sites. Stopped-flow fluorescence kinetics showed that dissociation of dansyl-C6-choline from the AChR in the desensitized conformation occurs 5-10-fold faster from the alpha gamma site than from the alpha delta site. The dissociation rates are robust for distinct protein preparations, in the presence of noncompetitive antagonists, and over a broad range of ionic strengths. Equilibrium fluorescent binding measurements show that dansyl-C6-choline binds with higher affinity to the alpha delta site (K = 3 nM) than to the alpha gamma site (K = 9 nM) when the AChR is desensitized. Similar affinity differences were observed for acetylcholine itself. The distinct dissociation rates permit the extent of desensitization to be measured at each site during the time course of binding. This sequential mixing method of measuring the desensitized state population at each agonist site can be applied to study the mechanism of AChR activation and subsequent desensitization in detail.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of acetylcholine receptor to eleven cholinergic drugs, phospholipase A, heat and pH provided evidence that the so-called high-affinity binding (Kd for acetylcholine 11 nm in 1% Triton) and low-affinity binding (Kd 562 nm) were related to two distinct binding sites. The low-affinity binding site was less sensitive to heat and several of the cholinergic drugs, but was a little more sensitive to bungarotoxin than the high-affinity site. Zinc (0.4 mm) and EDTA (10 mm) abolished acetylcholine binding to both sites; the EDTA inhibition was time-dependent.  相似文献   

A preparation of purified 125I-labelled acetylcholine receptor was shown to bind to concanavalin A and to be totally bound by rabbit antiserum to Torpedo acetylcholine receptor. Pre-incubation of the receptor with F(ab')2 and Fab fragments from antibodies against Torpedo acetylcholine receptor, or with corresponding fragments from control immunoglobulin G showed that subsequent binding of the receptor to concanavalin A was specifically inhibited to a maximum of approximately 25% by the immune fragments. Treatment of acetylcholine receptor with periodate or with glycosidases apparently destroyed or removed carbohydrate residues without affecting the antigenicity of the receptor as assessed by radioimmunoassay. These results suggest that although there is a steric interrelatonship between the antigenic and concanavalin-A-binding sites of the receptor the latter sites do not contain its major antigenic determinants.  相似文献   

R Haring  Y Kloog 《Life sciences》1984,34(11):1047-1055
Binding of [3H]-phencyclidine ( [3H]-PCP) to acetylcholine-receptor enriched membrane from Torpedo ocellata electric organ was studied over a ligand concentration range of 1 to 200 microM. The results indicate that [3H]-PCP is bound to two classes of sites: high affinity (Kd = 6-9 microM) and low affinity (Kd = 85 microM) binding sites. In the absence of cholinergic drugs the ratio of high affinity [3H]-PCP binding sites to 125I-alpha-bungarotoxin (alpha-Bgt) binding sites is 0.37, and that of low affinity [3H]-PCP binding sites to 125I-alpha-Bgt is 1.06. Low affinity [3H]-PCP binding can be completely inhibited by alpha-bungarotoxin (alpha-Bgt), carbamylcholine and d-tubocurarine. This inhibition, together with the one to one stoichiometry with 125I-alpha-Bgt, suggests that the sites to which [3H]-PCP binds with low affinity are the acetylcholine (AcCho) binding sites. In the presence of 1 microM alpha-Bgt which blocks binding of [3H]-PCP to the AcCho binding sites, the ratio of high affinity [3H]-PCP sites to 125I-alpha-Bgt sites is 0.5, indicating the existence of one high affinity PCP site per receptor molecule, The toxin, however, decreases the apparent affinity of [3H]-PCP towards the AcCho receptor as well as the potency of tetracaine or dibucaine in inhibiting [3H]-PCP binding to that receptor. In the latter case the effect involves changes from a biphasic to a simple inhibition curve. The results suggest that non-competitive blockers to the AcCho receptors may affect their own sites as well, and that they do this also by binding to the AcCho binding sites. This is also inferred from the accelerated dissociation of [3H]-PCP from its high affinity binding sites by unlabeled PCP in the concentration range of 10(-3) to 10(-4) M, at which the drug occupies AcCho binding sites as well.  相似文献   

By using both a 3 to 4 ms quenched-86Rb+ flux assay and native acetylcholine receptor (AChR) rich electroplaque vesicles on which 50-60% of acetylcholine activation sites were blocked with alpha-BTX, we determined apparent rates of agonist-induced inactivation in AChR from Torpedo under conditions where measured flux response was directly proportional to initial 86Rb+ influx rate. Inactivation kinetics with acetylcholine in both the activating range (10 microM-10 mM) and the self-inhibiting range (15-100 mM) were measured at 4 degrees C. In the presence of 10 microM-1 mM acetylcholine, inactivation is characterized by a single exponential rate constant, kd (fast desensitization). Plots of kd vs. acetylcholine concentration display maximum kds [kd(max)] of 6.6-8.0 s-1, half-maximal kd at 102 +/- 16 microM, and a Hill coefficient of 1.6 +/- 0.3, closely paralleling the initial ion flux response of AChR. Thus, fast desensitization probably occurs from a doubly-liganded preopen state or the open channel state. In the self-inhibiting acetylcholine concentration range, inactivation is biphasic. A "rapid inactivation" phase is complete within 30 ms, followed by fast desensitization at a rate close to kd(max). Both the rate and extent of rapid inactivation increase with acetylcholine concentration, indicating that acetylcholine binds to its self-inhibition site with apparent kon approximately equal to 10(3) M-1s-1 and koff approximately equal to 40 s-1. This slow kon suggests either hindered access to the inhibitory allosteric site or that a fast binding step is followed by a slower conformational change leading to channel inhibition. Overall, our data suggest that acetylcholine binds preferentially to its inhibitory site when the receptor is in the open-channel conformation and that fast desensitization can occur from all multiple-liganded states.  相似文献   

We have studied alkylation of the membrane-bound acetylcholine receptor (AcChR) from Torpedo californica electric organ by the cholinergic agonist bromo-acetylcholine (BrAcCh). Following reduction of the AcChR with dithiothreitol (DTT) under strictly controlled conditions, a single class of binding sites was covalently labeled by BrAcCh. The extent of alkylation was dependent on the concentration of both DTT and BrAcCh and reached a maximum when a number of sites equivalent to the number of alpha-bungarotoxin (alpha-BTx) binding sites were labeled. The reaction with BrAcCh was completely inhibited by saturating concentrations of alpha-BTx. On the contrary, complete alkylation of the AcChR with [3H]BrAcCh consistently inhibited only approximately 50% of alpha-BTx binding. The effects of DTT reduction and subsequent BrAcCh alkylation on the cation-gating properties of the AcChR were investigated in rapid kinetic experiments. DTT reduction resulted in a slight decrease in the maximum cation flux and a small shift in the effective dissociation constant to higher acetylcholine (AcCh) concentration. The flux response was completely inhibited by maximal alkylation of the membrane vesicles by BrAcCh. A low-affinity binding site for AcCh, which is likely to be important in AcChR activation, has been revealed for T. californica AcChR by studying the effects of cholinergic ligands on the fluorescence of a probe, 4-[(iodoacetoxy)ethylmethylamino]-7-nitro-2,1,3-benzoxadiazole (IANBD), covalently bound to the AcChR protein. Maximal labeling by BrAcCh did not affect the binding of AcCh to the low-affinity binding site, as monitored by changes in the fluorescence of this probe. This low-affinity binding site must therefore be distinct from the site labeled by BrAcCh. The results strongly support the notion that the nicotinic AcChR contains multiple binding sites for cholinergic ligands.  相似文献   

Nirthanan S  Ziebell MR  Chiara DC  Hong F  Cohen JB 《Biochemistry》2005,44(41):13447-13456
The interactions of a photoreactive analogue of benzoylcholine, 4-azido-2,3,5,6-tetrafluorobenzoylcholine (APFBzcholine), with nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) were studied using electrophysiology and photolabeling. APFBzcholine acted as a low-efficacy partial agonist, eliciting maximal responses that were 0.3 and 0.1% of that of acetylcholine for embryonic mouse and Torpedo nAChRs expressed in Xenopus oocytes, respectively. Equilibrium binding studies of [3H]APFBzcholine with nAChR-rich membranes from Torpedo electric organ revealed equal affinities (K(eq) = 12 microM) for the two agonist binding sites. Upon UV irradiation at 254 nm, [3H]APFBzcholine was photoincorporated into the nAChR alpha, gamma, and delta subunits in an agonist-inhibitable manner. Photolabeled amino acids in the agonist binding sites were identified by Edman degradation of isolated, labeled subunit fragments. [3H]APFBzcholine photolabeled gammaLeu-109/deltaLeu-111, gammaTyr-111, and gammaTyr-117 in binding site segment E as well as alphaTyr-198 in alpha subunit binding site segment C. The observed pattern of photolabeling is examined in relation to the predicted orientation of the azide when APFBzcholine is docked in the agonist binding site of a homology model of the nAChR extracellular domain based upon the structure of the snail acetylcholine binding protein.  相似文献   

In contrast to antagonists, agonists tend to induce considerable conformational changes in their receptors, resulting in opening of ion channels, either directly or via secondary messengers. These conformational transformations require great energy expenses. However, the experimentally determined free energies of complexation between agonists and receptors are often relatively smaller than those for the corresponding antagonists. To rationalize this so-called 'agonist paradox', which has not been clarified in the literature, we have developed an alternative model. Our model may help to discriminate between agonists and antagonists of the acetylcholine (ACh) and mu-opioid receptors. For this purpose, a series of ligands (1-18) have been analyzed both in structural terms and with respect to complexation geometry within the anionic binding sites of these two receptor types.  相似文献   

The experiments described examine single channel currents recorded through Torpedo acetylcholine receptor channels stably expressed by a mouse fibroblast cell line. Closed-duration histograms were constructed from currents elicited by 0.5-300 microM acetylcholine (ACh). The concentration dependence of closed durations is well described by a four-state linear scheme with the addition of open-channel block by ACh. Analysis of closed durations measured at low concentrations gives estimates of the rate of opening of doubly liganded receptors, beta, the rate of dissociation of ACh from doubly liganded receptors, k-2, and the rate of channel closing, alpha. The rate of ACh dissociation from singly liganded receptors, k-1, is then deduced from closed-duration histograms obtained at intermediate ACh concentrations. With k-1, k-2 and beta determined, the rates of ACh association, k+1 and k+2, are estimated from fitting closed-duration histograms obtained over a range of high ACh concentrations. A complete set of rate constants is presented for three experimental conditions: (a) Ca2(+)-free extracellular solution containing 1 mM free Mg2+ at 22 degrees C, (b) Ca2(+)-free solution at 12 degrees C, and (c) extracellular Ca2+ and Mg2+, both at 0.5 mM, at 22 degrees C. For all three conditions the dissociation constant for the first agonist binding site is approximately 100-fold lower than that for the second site. The different affinities are due primarily to different dissociation rates. Both the association and dissociation rates depend strongly on temperature. At 22 degrees C ACh associates at diffusion-limited rates, whereas at 12 degrees C association is 30- to 60-fold slower. Also slowed at 12 degrees C are beta (4-fold), k-2 (3-fold), k-1 (25-fold), and alpha (15-fold). In contrast to the activation rate constants, those for ACh-induced block decrease only twofold between 22 and 12 degrees C. Changing from a Ca2(+)-free to a Ca2(+)-containing extracellular solution does not affect k+1 and k+2, but increases beta (twofold) and decreases k-2, k-1, and alpha (all twofold). Spectral analysis of single channel currents supports the parameter estimates obtained from fitting the open- and closed-duration histograms, and improves resolution of brief channel blockages produced by ACh.  相似文献   

Antisera against purified acetylcholine receptors from the electric tissues of Torpedo californica and of Electrophorus electricus were raised in rabbits. The antisera contain antibodies which bind to both autologous and heterologous receptors in solution as shown by an immunoprecipitation assay. Antibodies in both types of antisera bind specifically to the postjunctional membrane on the innervated surface of the intact electroplax from Electrophorus electric tissue as demonstrated by an indirect immunohistochemical procedure using horseradish peroxidase conjugated to anti-rabbit IgG. Only anti-Electrophorus receptor antisera, however, cause inhibition of the receptor-mediated depolarization of the intact Electrophorus electroplax. The lack of inhibition by anti-Torpedo receptor antibodies, which do bind, suggests that the receptor does not undergo extensive movement during activity. The binding of anti-Torpedo antibodies to receptor-rich vesicles prepared by subcellular fractionation of Torpedo electric tissue was demonstrated by both direct and indirect immunohistochemical methods using ferritin conjugates. These vesicles can be conveniently collected and prepared for electron microscopy on Millipore filters, a procedure requiring only 25 micrograms of membrane protein per filter. In addition, it was possible to visualize the binding of anti-Torpedo receptor antibodies directly, without ferritin. These anti-Torpedo receptor antibodies, however, do not inhibit the binding of acetylcholine or of alpha-neurotoxin to receptor in Torpedo microsacs but do inhibit binding of alpha-neurotoxin to Torpedo receptor in Triton X-100 solution. It is likely that the principal antigenic determinants on receptor are at sites other than the acetylcholine-binding sites and that inhibition of receptor function, when it occurs, may be due to a stabilization by antibody binding of an inactive conformational state.  相似文献   

A J Dowding  Z W Hall 《Biochemistry》1987,26(20):6372-6381
We have isolated and characterized 12 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that block the binding of alpha-bungarotoxin (alpha-BuTx) to the acetylcholine receptor (AChR) of Torpedo californica. Two of the mAbs block alpha-BuTx binding completely; the other 10 inhibit only about 50% of the binding. The mAbs that partially inhibit alpha-BuTx binding can be divided into two groups by examination of the additive effect of pairs of mAbs on toxin binding, and by analysis of competition between mAbs for binding to the AChR. These two groups of mAbs, which we have termed A and B, appear to recognize different toxin-binding sites on the same receptor. A and B mAbs were used to determine the kinetic and pharmacological properties of the two sites. The site recognized by A mAbs binds alpha-BuTx with a forward rate constant of 0.98 X 10(5) M-1 s-1, d-tubocurarine (dTC) with a KD of (6.8 +/- 0.3) X 10(-8) M, and pancuronium with a KD of (1.9 +/- 1.0) X 10(-9) M. The site recognized by B mAbs binds alpha-BuTx with a forward rate constant of 9.3 X 10(5) M-1 s-1, dTC with a KD of (4.6 +/- 0.3) X 10(-6) M, and pancuronium with a KD of (9.3 +/- 0.8) X 10(-6) M. Binding of A and B mAbs to the AChR was variably inhibited by nicotinic cholinergic agonists and antagonists, and by alpha-conotoxin. The observed pattern of inhibition is consistent with the relative affinity of the two sites for antagonists as given above but also indicates that the mAbs recognize a diversity of epitopes within each site.  相似文献   

J Lindstrom  B Walter  B Einarson 《Biochemistry》1979,18(21):4470-4480
Polypeptide chains composing acetylcholine receptors from the electric organs of Torpedo californica and Electrophorus electricus were purified and labeled with 125I. Immunochemical studies with these labeled chains showed that receptor from Electrophorus is composed of three chains corresponding to the alpha, beta, and gamma chains of receptor from Torpedo but lacks a chain corresponding to the delta chain of Torpedo. Experiments suggest that receptor from mammalian muscle contains four groups of antigenic determinants corresponding to all four of the Torpedo chains. Binding of 125I-labeled chains was measured by quantitative immune precipitation and electrophoresis. Antisera to the following immunogens were used: denatured alpha, beta, gamma, and delta chains of Torpedo receptor, native receptor from Torpedo and Electrophorus electric organs and from rat and fetal calf muscle, and human muscle receptor (from autoantisera of patients with myasthenia gravis). The four chains of Torpedo receptor were immunologically distinct from one another and from higher molecular weight chains found in electric organ membranes. Antibodies to these chains reacted very efficiently with native Torpedo receptor, but the reverse was not true. Antibodies to native receptor from Torpedo and Electrophorus reacted slightly with each of the chains of the corresponding receptor. However, cross-reaction between chains and antibodies to any native receptor was most obviuos with the alpha chain of Torpedo or the corresponding alpha' chain of Electrophorus. Antiserum to alpha chains exhibited higher titer aginst receptor from denervated rat muscle. Antibodies from myasthenia gravis patients did not cross-react detectably with 125I-labeled chains from electric organ receptors. Most interspecies cross-reaction occurred at conformationally dependent determinants whose subunit localization could not be determined by reaction with the denatured chains.  相似文献   

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