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The maintenance of short-term memories is critical for survival in a dynamically changing world. Previous studies suggest that this memory can be stored in the form of persistent neural activity or using a synaptic mechanism, such as with short-term plasticity. Here, we compare the predictions of these two mechanisms to neural and behavioral measurements in a visual change detection task. Mice were trained to respond to changes in a repeated sequence of natural images while neural activity was recorded using two-photon calcium imaging. We also trained two types of artificial neural networks on the same change detection task as the mice. Following fixed pre-processing using a pretrained convolutional neural network, either a recurrent neural network (RNN) or a feedforward neural network with short-term synaptic depression (STPNet) was trained to the same level of performance as the mice. While both networks are able to learn the task, the STPNet model contains units whose activity are more similar to the in vivo data and produces errors which are more similar to the mice. When images are omitted, an unexpected perturbation which was absent during training, mice often do not respond to the omission but are more likely to respond to the subsequent image. Unlike the RNN model, STPNet produces a similar pattern of behavior. These results suggest that simple neural adaptation mechanisms may serve as an important bottom-up memory signal in this task, which can be used by downstream areas in the decision-making process.  相似文献   

Saalmann YB  Kastner S 《Neuron》2011,71(2):209-223
The thalamus is classically viewed as passively relaying information to the cortex. However, there is growing evidence that the thalamus actively regulates information transmission to the cortex and between cortical areas using a variety of mechanisms, including the modulation of response magnitude, firing mode, and synchrony of neurons according to behavioral demands. We discuss how the visual thalamus contributes to attention, awareness, and visually guided actions, to present a general role for the thalamus in perception and cognition.  相似文献   

Natural visual scenes are rich in information, and any neural system analysing them must piece together the many messages from large arrays of diverse feature detectors. It is known how threshold detection of compound visual stimuli (sinusoidal gratings) is determined by their components' thresholds. We investigate whether similar combination rules apply to the perception of the complex and suprathreshold visual elements in naturalistic visual images. Observers gave magnitude estimations (ratings) of the perceived differences between pairs of images made from photographs of natural scenes. Images in some pairs differed along one stimulus dimension such as object colour, location, size or blur. But, for other image pairs, there were composite differences along two dimensions (e.g. both colour and object-location might change). We examined whether the ratings for such composite pairs could be predicted from the two ratings for the respective pairs in which only one stimulus dimension had changed. We found a pooling relationship similar to that proposed for simple stimuli: Minkowski summation with exponent 2.84 yielded the best predictive power (r=0.96), an exponent similar to that generally reported for compound grating detection. This suggests that theories based on detecting simple stimuli can encompass visual processing of complex, suprathreshold stimuli.  相似文献   

With intensive training, human can achieve impressive behavioral improvement on various perceptual tasks. This phenomenon, termed perceptual learning, has long been considered as a hallmark of the plasticity of sensory neural system. Not surprisingly, high-level vision, such as object perception, can also be improved by perceptual learning. Here we review recent psychophysical, electrophysiological, and neuroimaging studies investigating the effects of training on object selective cortex, such as monkey inferior temporal cortex and human lateral occipital area. Evidences show that learning leads to an increase in object selectivity at the single neuron level and/or the neuronal population level. These findings indicate that high-level visual cortex in humans is highly plastic and visual experience can strongly shape neural functions of these areas. At the end of the review, we discuss several important future directions in this area.  相似文献   

Visual scene recognition is a dynamic process through which incoming sensory information is iteratively compared with predictions regarding the most likely identity of the input stimulus. In this study, we used a novel progressive unfolding task to characterize the accumulation of perceptual evidence prior to scene recognition, and its potential modulation by the emotional valence of these scenes. Our results show that emotional (pleasant and unpleasant) scenes led to slower accumulation of evidence compared to neutral scenes. In addition, when controlling for the potential contribution of non-emotional factors (i.e., familiarity and complexity of the pictures), our results confirm a reliable shift in the accumulation of evidence for pleasant relative to neutral and unpleasant scenes, suggesting a valence-specific effect. These findings indicate that proactive iterations between sensory processing and top-down predictions during scene recognition are reliably influenced by the rapidly extracted (positive) emotional valence of the visual stimuli. We interpret these findings in accordance with the notion of a genuine positivity offset during emotional scene recognition.  相似文献   

Motor learning in the context of arm reaching movements has been frequently investigated using the paradigm of force-field learning. It has been recently shown that changes to somatosensory perception are likewise associated with motor learning. Changes in perceptual function may be the reason that when the perturbation is removed following motor learning, the hand trajectory does not return to a straight line path even after several dozen trials. To explain the computational mechanisms that produce these characteristics, we propose a motor control and learning scheme using a simplified two-link system in the horizontal plane: We represent learning as the adjustment of desired joint-angular trajectories so as to achieve the reference trajectory of the hand. The convergence of the actual hand movement to the reference trajectory is proved by using a Lyapunov-like lemma, and the result is confirmed using computer simulations. The model assumes that changes in the desired hand trajectory influence the perception of hand position and this in turn affects movement control. Our computer simulations support the idea that perceptual change may come as a result of adjustments to movement planning with motor learning.  相似文献   

Perception can change nonlinearly with stimulus contrast, and perceptual threshold may depend on the direction of contrast change. Such hysteresis effects in neurometric functions provide a signature of perceptual awareness. We recorded brain activity with functional neuroimaging in observers exposed to gradual contrast changes of initially hidden visual stimuli. Lateral occipital, frontal, and parietal regions all displayed both transient activations and hysteresis that correlated with change and maintenance of a percept, respectively. Medial temporal activity did not follow perception but increased during hysteresis and showed transient deactivations during perceptual transitions. These findings identify a set of brain regions sensitive to visual awareness and suggest that medial temporal structures may provide backward signals that account for neural and, thereby, perceptual hysteresis.  相似文献   

Triacylglycerol synthesis was studied in hepatocytes isolated from fasted/refed rats by EDTA perfusion. Insulin induced a 1.5-fold increase in glucose incorporation into triacylglycerol. Insulin-stimulated triacylglycerol synthesis and insulin-stimulated protein kinase B/Akt activity were inhibited by the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibitors wortmannin and LY 294002, and the mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase inhibitor PD 98059. Inhibition of p70 ribosomal protein-S6 kinase with rapamycin was without effect. Insulin-stimulated pyruvate dehydrogenase activity was abolished by phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibitors. No effect of insulin on acetyl CoA carboxylase activity was observed.  相似文献   

Pharmaceutical industry has been striving to reduce the costs of drug development and increase productivity. Among the many different attempts, drug repositioning (retargeting existing drugs) comes into the spotlight because of its financial efficiency. We introduce IDMap which predicts novel relationships between targets and chemicals and thus is capable of repositioning the marketed drugs by using text mining and chemical structure information. Also capable of mapping commercial chemicals to possible drug targets and vice versa, IDMap creates convenient environments for identifying the potential lead and its targets, especially in the field of drug repositioning. AVAILABILITY: IDMap executable and its user manual including color images are freely available to non-commercial users at http://www.equispharm.com/idmap  相似文献   

We view the world with two eyes and yet are typically only aware of a single, coherent image. Arguably the simplest explanation for this is that the visual system unites the two monocular stimuli into a common stream that eventually leads to a single coherent sensation. However, this notion is inconsistent with the well-known phenomenon of rivalry; when physically different stimuli project to the same retinal location, the ensuing perception alternates between the two monocular views in space and time. Although fundamental for understanding the principles of binocular vision and visual awareness, the mechanisms under-lying binocular rivalry remain controversial. Specifically, there is uncertainty about what determines whether monocular images undergo fusion or rivalry. By taking advantage of the perceptual phenomenon of color contrast, we show that physically identical monocular stimuli tend to rival-not fuse-when they signify different objects at the same location in visual space. Conversely, when physically different monocular stimuli are likely to represent the same object at the same location in space, fusion is more likely to result. The data suggest that what competes for visual awareness in the two eyes is not the physical similarity between images but the similarity in their perceptual/empirical meaning.  相似文献   

Our everyday conscious experience of the visual world is fundamentally shaped by the interaction of overt visual attention and object awareness. Although the principal impact of both components is undisputed, it is still unclear how they interact. Here we recorded eye-movements preceding and following conscious object recognition, collected during the free inspection of ambiguous and corresponding unambiguous stimuli. Using this paradigm, we demonstrate that fixations recorded prior to object awareness predict the later recognized object identity, and that subjects accumulate more evidence that is consistent with their later percept than for the alternative. The timing of reached awareness was verified by a reaction-time based correction method and also based on changes in pupil dilation. Control experiments, in which we manipulated the initial locus of visual attention, confirm a causal influence of overt attention on the subsequent result of object perception. The current study thus demonstrates that distinct patterns of overt attentional selection precede object awareness and thereby directly builds on recent electrophysiological findings suggesting two distinct neuronal mechanisms underlying the two phenomena. Our results emphasize the crucial importance of overt visual attention in the formation of our conscious experience of the visual world.  相似文献   

Gao Z  Li J  Yin J  Shen M 《PloS one》2010,5(12):e14273


The processing mechanisms of visual working memory (VWM) have been extensively explored in the recent decade. However, how the perceptual information is extracted into VWM remains largely unclear. The current study investigated this issue by testing whether the perceptual information was extracted into VWM via an integrated-object manner so that all the irrelevant information would be extracted (object hypothesis), or via a feature-based manner so that only the target-relevant information would be extracted (feature hypothesis), or via an analogous processing manner as that in visual perception (analogy hypothesis).

Methodology/Principal Findings

High-discriminable information which is processed at the parallel stage of visual perception and fine-grained information which is processed via focal attention were selected as the representatives of perceptual information. The analogy hypothesis predicted that whereas high-discriminable information is extracted into VWM automatically, fine-grained information will be extracted only if it is task-relevant. By manipulating the information type of the irrelevant dimension in a change-detection task, we found that the performance was affected and the ERP component N270 was enhanced if a change between the probe and the memorized stimulus consisted of irrelevant high-discriminable information, but not if it consisted of irrelevant fine-grained information.


We conclude that dissociated extraction mechanisms exist in VWM for information resolved via dissociated processes in visual perception (at least for the information tested in the current study), supporting the analogy hypothesis.  相似文献   

In the fly's visual system, two classes of lamina interneuron, L1 and L2, cyclically change both their size and shape in a rhythm that is circadian. Several neurotransmitters and the lamina's glial cells are known to be involved in regulating these rhythms. Moreover, vacuolar-type H+-ATPase (V-ATPase) in the optic lobe is thought also to participate in such regulation. We have detected V-ATPase-like immunoreactivity in the heads of both Drosophilla melanogaster and Musca domestica using antibodies raised against either the B- or H-subunits of V-ATPase from D. melanogaster or against the B-subunit from two other insect species Culex quinquefasciatus and Manduca sexta. In the visual systems of both fly species V-ATPase was localized immunocytochemically to the compound eye photoreceptors. In D. melanogaster immunoreactivity oscillated during the day and night and under constant darkness the signal was stronger during the subjective night than the subjective day. In turn, blocking V-ATPase by injecting a V-ATPase blocker, bafilomycin, in M. domestica increased the axon sizes of L1 and L2, but only when bafilomycin was applied during the night. As a result bafilomycin abolished the day/night difference in axon size in L1 and L2, their sizes being similar during the day and night.  相似文献   

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