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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Digestive structures of carnivorous plants produce external digestive enzymes, and play the main role in absorption. In Lentibulariaceae, the ultrastructure of digestive hairs has been examined in some detail in Pinguicula and Utricularia, but the sessile digestive hairs of Genlisea have received very little attention so far. The aim of this study was to fill this gap by expanding their morphological, anatomical and histochemical characterization. METHODS: Several imaging techniques were used, including light, confocal and electron microscopy, to reveal the structure and function of the secretory hairs of Genlisea traps. This report demonstrates the application of cryo-SEM for fast imaging of whole, physically fixed plant secretory structures. KEY RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The concentration of digestive hairs along vascular bundles in subgenus Genlisea is a primitive feature, indicating its basal position within the genus. Digestive hairs of Genlisea consist of three compartments with different ultrastructure and function. In subgenus Tayloria the terminal hair cells are transfer cells, but not in species of subgenus Genlisea. A digestive pool of viscous fluid occurs in Genlisea traps. In spite of their similar architecture, the digestive-absorptive hairs of Lentibulariaceae feature differences in morphology and ultrastructure.  相似文献   

Adamec L 《Annals of botany》2007,100(4):849-856
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Species of Utricularia and Genlisea (Lentibulariaceae) are carnivorous, capturing small prey in traps which are physiologically very active, with abundant quadrifid and bifid glands. Traps of Utricularia have walls composed of two cell layers, and are filled with water. Diverse communities of commensal microorganisms often live inside the traps. Genlisea forms long, hollow subterranean traps of foliar origin, growing in anoxic wet substrate. Knowledge of the O(2) concentrations inside Utricularia and Genlisea traps is vital for understanding their physiological functioning and conditions for the life of commensals. To test the hypothesis that prey are killed by anoxia inside the traps, and to measure respiration of traps, [O(2)] was measured in the fluid in mature traps of these species. METHODS: Oxygen concentration and electrical redox potential were measured using a small Clark-type oxygen sensor and a miniature platinum electrode, respectively, in the fluid of excised and intact traps of six aquatic Utricularia species and in Genlisea hispidula traps. KEY RESULTS: Steady-state [O(2)] in the traps of both genera always approached zero (median 0.0-4.7 microm). The [O(2)] decreased after electrodes were inserted into Utricularia traps at a rate which ranged from 0.09 to 1.23 mm h(-1) and was lower in traps of irradiated and intact shoots with higher [O(2)] in shoot tissues. Redox potential ranged from -24 to -105 mV in the traps, confirming the very small or zero [O(2)]. CONCLUSIONS: Very small or zero [O(2)], effectively anoxia, is demonstrated in Utricularia and Genlisea traps. This is probably below the critical [O(2)] for prey survival, and causes captured prey to die of suffocation. Internal trap glands and trap commensals are considered to be adapted to facultative anoxia interrupted by limited periods of higher [O(2)] after firings.  相似文献   

Nuclear holoploid genome sizes (C-values) have been estimated to vary about 800-fold in angiosperms, with the smallest established 1C-value of 157 Mbp recorded in Arabidopsis thaliana. In the highly specialized carnivorous family Lentibulariaceae now three taxa have been found that exhibit significantly lower values: Genlisea margaretae with 63 Mbp, G. aurea with 64 Mbp, and Utricularia gibba with 88 Mbp. The smallest mitotic anaphase chromatids in G. aurea have 2.1 Mbp and are thus of bacterial size (NB: E. coli has ca. 4 Mbp). Several Utricularia species range somewhat lower than A. thaliana or are similar in genome size. The highest 1C-value known from species of Lentibulariaceae was found in Genlisea hispidula with 1510 Mbp, and results in about 24-fold variation for Genlisea and the Lentibulariaceae. Taking into account these new measurements, genome size variation in angiosperms is now almost 2000-fold. Genlisea and Utricularia are plants with terminal positions in the phylogeny of the eudicots, so that the findings are relevant for the understanding of genome miniaturization. Moreover, the Genlisea-Utricularia clade exhibits one of the highest mutational rates in several genomic regions in angiosperms, what may be linked to specialized patterns of genome evolution. Ultrasmall genomes have not been found in Pinguicula, which is the sister group of the Genlisea-Utricularia clade, and which does not show accelerated mutational rates. C-values in Pinguicula varied only 1.7-fold from 487 to 829 Mbp.  相似文献   

The Madagascar! representatives of the genus Sarcostemma are investigated. All Malagasy material studied can be assigned to four taxa. S. viminale ssp. viminale occurs in Madagascar as well as on other islands along the African coast and on the African mainland: the other three species are endemic to Madagascar. All four species occur in the southern, arid part of the island, to which S. decorsei is endemic. S. membranaceum and S. elachistemmoides are new. All species are described and illustrated and a key and distribution maps are presented.  相似文献   

Ludo J. Jacobs 《Hydrobiologia》1984,113(1):259-291
During the past three decades, much attention has been given to free-living nematodes and, in particular, to the species of the African continent. Despite the current absence of evidence for the existence of planktonic species, several conditions are suggested that could lead to intrusion of the planktonic habitat, e.g. turbulent shallow waters, high food densities and preadaptations such as swimming ability and negative geotaxis. A new and more practical ecological classification of the inland free-living nematodes is proposed to avoid further incoherency in this regard. All the free-living inland aquatic species described in Africa are presented here in a checklist, including notes on their ecology and distribution. Many of the cosmopolitan species, included in the checklist, are now increasingly being recognized as conglomerates of species, each species of which occupies a restricted area. Finally the distribution of free-living inland aquatic species in Africa is discussed and some preliminary notes are presented.  相似文献   

Abstract: A new ELF (enzyme labelled fluorescence) assay was applied to detect phosphatase activity in glandular structures of 47 carnivorous plant species, especially Lentibulariaceae, in order to understand their digestive activities. We address the following questions: (1) Are phosphatases produced by the plants and/or by inhabitants of the traps? (2) Which type of hairs/glands is involved in the production of phosphatases? (3) Is this phosphatase production a common feature among carnivorous plants or is it restricted to evolutionarily advanced species? Our results showed activity of the phosphatases in glandular structures of the majority of the plants tested, both from the greenhouse and from sterile culture. In addition, extracellular phosphatases can also be produced by trap inhabitants. In Utricularia, activity of phosphatase was detected in internal glands of 27 species from both primitive and advanced sections and different ecological groups. Further positive reactions were found in Genlisea, Pinguicula, Aldrovanda, Dionaea, Drosera, Drosophyllum, Nepenthes, and Cephalotus. In Utricularia and Genlisea, enzymatic secretion was independent of stimulation by prey. Byblis and Roridula are usually considered as “proto‐carnivores”, lacking digestive enzymes. However, we found high activity of phosphatases in both species. Thus, they should be classified as true carnivores. We suggest that the inflorescence of Byblis and some Pinguicula species might also be an additional “carnivorous organ”, which can trap a prey, digest it, and finally absorb available nutrients.  相似文献   

Carnivorous plants have emerged as model systems for addressing many ecological and evolutionary questions, and since Lentibulariaceae comprise more than half of all known carnivorous species (325 spp.), they are of particular interest. Studies using various molecular markers have established that Lentibulariaceae and their three genera are monophyletic with Pinguicula being sister to a Genlisea-Utricularia-clade, while the closest relatives of the family remain uncertain. Character states of the carnivorous syndrome in related proto-carnivorous lamialean families apparently emerged independently. In Utricularia, the terrestrial habit has been reconstructed as plesiomorphic, and an extension of subgenus Polypompholyx is warranted. In the protozoan-attracting Genlisea, subgenus Tayloria is revealed as basal lineage. In Pinguicula, the six major lineages found reflect radiations in clearly defined geographic regions, whereas most previously recognized subgeneric taxa are non-monophyletic. Genlisea and Utricularia exhibit substitutional rates that rank among the highest in angiosperms for the molecular markers analyzed. One possible explanation for this lies in selective constraints on a wide range of genomic regions that may have been lowered due to the use of an alternative mode of acquiring nutrients.  相似文献   

The genus Killickia is described to accommodate the South African endemic species formerly placed in Micromeria sect. Hesperothymus . Morphological data, as well as results from unpublished phylogenetic studies support its separation from the genera Micromeria and Clinopodium . A new species Killickia lutea Bräuchler is described and three new combinations are made. Killickia is characterised as comprising solitary- or few-flowered cymes, a campanulate to subcampanulate (obconical) calyx with similar teeth, a corolla tube with two pubescent ridges and nutlets with scattered minute hairs. A thickened marginal vein in the leaves as typical for Micromeria is absent. As currently understood all species are restricted to the Drakensberg mountains and KwaZulu-Natal Midlands in eastern South Africa. A key to the species, brief notes on anatomy and ecology are provided.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 157 , 575–586.  相似文献   

Global climate warming, now conclusively linked to anthropogenically-increased CO2 levels in the earth's atmosphere, has already had impacts on the earth's biodiversity and is predicted to threaten more than 1 million species with extinction by 2050. Climate change in southern Africa is expected to involve higher temperatures and lower rainfall, with less predictability and a greater frequency of severe storms, fires and El Niño events. The predicted changes to birds in Africa — the continent most at risk from climate change — have hardly been explored, yet birds and many other vertebrates face uncertain futures. Here, in one of the first focused analyses of the correlates of climate change vulnerability in southern African birds, we offer a wide-ranging perspective on which species may be most at risk, and explore which traits may influence the adaptability or extinction risk of bird species.

Our review suggests that small nomadic species with short generation times may be least at risk. While larger-bodied species may be physiologically buffered against environmental change, their longer generation times may make them less able to adapt evolutionarily to climate change. Migrant species, and those with specialised feeding niches such as pollinators, are also predicted to be at risk of population declines, based on low ability to adapt to new environments when introduced there as aliens. Species with small ranges (<50 000km2) restricted to the two southern African biodiversity hotspots most at risk from climate change — the Cape Floral Kingdom and the Succulent Karoo — are ranked according to low, medium or high risk of extinction. Those restricted to mountain slopes, mountain tops or islands, and those occurring mainly at the southern or western extremes of these biomes, are ranked as highest risk. These include endemic sunbirds, warblers and rock-jumpers — none of which are currently recognised Red Data species. Using climate envelopes we modelled the possible range shifts by 2050 of three pairs of species found in habitats considered to be at risk: fynbos, mountain and arid Karoo. All six species lost substantial portions of their range (x = 40%), with the montane Drakensberg Rock-jumper Chaetops aurantius losing most (69%). Significant reductions of available climate space in all species may interact with life history characteristics to threaten many southern African bird species unable to shift geographic range or adapt to novel resource conditions. We conclude with a list of research priorities and testable hypotheses which may advance our understanding of the complex influence that climate change is likely to have on African, particularly southern African, birds.  相似文献   

Recent collections of the genus Colpodium from Ethiopia and South Africa made a renewed revision of the African material of this genus desirable. Apart from the two earlier recognized African species ( C. chionogeiton and C. hedbergii ) a third one is described (C. drakensbergense ), restricted to the Drakensberg area of eastern Lesotho and amply distinct both in morphology and chromosome number. The phytogeographical position of Colpodium is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The African forest robins (akalats) of the genus Sheppardia are represented by eight forest-dwelling species with restricted distributions in tropical Africa. All but three are strictly montane, inhabiting isolated highland areas in eastern and western Africa. Due to their subtle plumage variation and almost wholly allopatric distribution, determining systematic relationships based upon morphology has proven difficult. However, akalats, due to their distribution, offer an ideal opportunity to test models of speciation within tropical forests. We therefore investigated the phylogeny of species of this genus from presently sampled regions of their distribution using mtDNA sequence analysis. We found that the monophyly of described species, even from disjunct populations, is well supported. However, relationships among species is generally poorly resolved, with support given only to the paired relationships S. montana/S. lowei, S. bocagei/S. gunningi, and S. aequatorialis/S. cyornithopsis. This dataset lent support to S. montana and S. lowei representing a superspecies. All species appear to have evolved rapidly from a common ancestor around the Miocene/Pliocene transition, a time of the last uplift of East Africa's montane region. Surprisingly, intraspecific radiations suggest a far more recent population expansion in the upper Pleistocene, concordant with major climatic variation and vegetational changes. We discuss the implications of our results in the light of previous discussions of the montane speciation model.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):257-263

South African populations of Bryobartramia have been treated as B. novae-valesiae, a species otherwise restricted to Australia. However, material from the two regions differs in a number of traits, and the African populations are here described as a new species, B. schelpei. The Cape species differs most obviously from B. novae-valesiae in the markedly prorate-papillose, narrow, thick-walled cells of the calyptra. Nested analysis of variance reveals further morphometric differences, including the relatively narrower, more cylindrical, calyptra with a longer rostrum, and the smaller leaf cells and spores. Bryobartramia schelpii is known only from arid portions of the winter rainfall region in the Northern and Western Cape Provinces of South Africa.  相似文献   

Morphometric and electrophoretic variation are analysed among Iberian and African populations of Cobitis (Cobitidae). Three discrete morphotypes are distinguished, showing a remarkable genetic differentiation among them. Each of the three morphotypes is judged to represent a species, one being described as a new species. Both approaches agree on the separate status of the Iberian populations from the Alagón drainage, Tagus basin of west central Spain. This population is described as a new species, Cobitis vettonica sp. nov., a sexually dimorphic spined loach was assigned to the subgenus Iberocobitis Bacescu, 1961. Morphometric and electrophoretic data placed this new species phenetically close to Cobitis maroccana Pellegrin, 1929 and Cobitis pahdica De Buen, 1930, but differs from these species in overall shape, male coloration pattern, shorter barbels and fins, posterior lamina of the cleithrum, seven branched rays on the dorsal fin and in having a unique alleles at sAAT-2*, EST-1* and MPI* loci. The new species range described in this paper is more restricted than that of C. pahdica. Both inhabit the Tagus basin but have not been reported to be sympatric.  相似文献   

Aim Anthropogenic climate change is expected to result in the complete loss of glaciers from the high mountains of tropical Africa, with profound impacts on the hydrology and ecology of unique tropical cold‐water lakes located downstream from them. This study examines the biodiversity of Chironomidae (Insecta: Diptera) communities in these scarce Afroalpine lake systems, in order to determine their uniqueness in relation to lowland African lakes and alpine lakes in temperate regions, and to evaluate the potential of Afroalpine Chironomidae as biological indicators to monitor future changes in the ecological integrity of their habitat. Location Mount Kenya (Kenya) and Rwenzori Mountains (Uganda). Methods The species composition of Afroalpine chironomid communities was assessed using recent larval death assemblages extracted from the surface sediments of 11 high‐mountain lakes between 2900 and 4575 m. Results were compared with similar faunal data from 68 East African lakes at low and middle elevation (750–2760 m), and with literature records of Chironomidae species distribution in sub‐Saharan Africa, the Palaearctic region and elsewhere. All recovered taxa were fully described and illustrated. Results The 11‐lake analysis yielded 1744 subfossil chironomid larvae belonging to 16 distinct taxa of full‐grown larvae, and three taxa of less differentiated juveniles. Eleven of these 16 are not known to occur in African lakes at lower elevation, and eight taxa (or 50% of total species richness) appear restricted to the specific habitat of cold lakes above 3900 m, where night‐time freezing is frequent year‐round. The faunal transition zone coincides broadly with the Ericaceous zone of terrestrial vegetation (c. 3000–4000 m). Snowline depression during the Quaternary ice ages must have facilitated dispersion of cold‐stenothermous species among the high mountains of equatorial East Africa, but less so from or to the Palaearctic region via the Ethiopian highlands. Main conclusions Chironomid communities in glacier‐fed lakes on Africa's highest mountains are highly distinct from those of lowland African lakes, and potentially unique on a continental scale. By virtue of excellent preservation and their spatial and temporal integration of local community dynamics, chironomid larval death assemblages extracted from surface sediments are powerful biological indicators for monitoring the hydrological and ecological changes associated with the current retreat and loss of Africa's glaciers.  相似文献   

All species of the scleractinian coral genus Acropora presently known to occur in south-east Africa (denoting the African coast south of the Tropic of Capricorn, and including the atoll Bassas da India in the Mozambique channel) are reviewed. Twenty-three species are discussed, most of which are of wide Indo-Pacific distribution. Field and laboratory characteristics of all species are described in detail. Species richness in southern Mozambique is much higher (23 species) than in South Africa (14 species), probably due to the higher ecological differentiation of Mozambiquan reefs. The Acropora fauna of the atoll Bassas da India is similar to that of Mozambique but with two additional species A. paniculata and A. cf. striata. Compared to other coral reef areas in similar latitudes, the south-east African Acropora fauna is of average diversity. An identification key to all species is provided.  相似文献   

The biodiversity and endemism of Madagascar are among the most extraordinary and endangered in the world. This includes the island’s freshwater biodiversity, although detailed knowledge of the diversity, endemism, and biogeographic origin of freshwater invertebrates is lacking. The aquatic immature stages of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) are widely used as bio-indicators and form an important component of Malagasy freshwater biodiversity. Many species are thought to be microendemics, restricted to single river basins in forested areas, making them particularly sensitive to habitat reduction and degradation. The Heptageniidae are a globally diverse family of mayflies (>500 species) but remain practically unknown in Madagascar except for two species described in 1996. The standard approach to understanding their diversity, endemism, and origin would require extensive field sampling on several continents and years of taxonomic work followed by phylogenetic analysis. Here we circumvent this using museum collections and freshly collected individuals in a combined approach of DNA taxonomy and phylogeny. The coalescent-based GMYC analysis of DNA barcode data (mitochondrial COI) revealed 14 putative species on Madagascar, 70% of which were microendemics. A phylogenetic analysis that included African and Asian species and data from two mitochondrial and four nuclear loci indicated the Malagasy Heptageniidae are monophyletic and sister to African species. The genus Compsoneuria is shown to be paraphyletic and the genus Notonurus is reinstalled for African and Malagasy species previously placed in Compsoneuria. A molecular clock excluded a Gondwanan vicariance origin and instead favoured a more recent overseas colonization of Madagascar. The observed monophyly and high microendemism highlight their conservation importance and suggest the DNA-based approach can rapidly provide information on the diversity, endemism, and origin of freshwater biodiversity. Our results underline the important role that museum collections can play in molecular studies, especially in critically endangered biodiversity hotspots like Madagascar where entire species or populations may go extinct very quickly.  相似文献   

Cryptosylvicola randrianasoloi is described as a new genus and species in the family Sylviidae. This bird is endemic to the rain forests of eastern Madagascar, where it is restricted to elevations between 900 and 2100 m a.s.l. Cryptosylvicola randrianasoloi is distinguished from other Malagasy, African and Asian taxa by plumage colouration, external morphological characters and voice. The discovery of this new taxon in several well-known areas of Madagascar, and the fact that it has a relatively broad distribution in that country, indicates that much still remains to be learned about the biota of the island.  相似文献   

The species recently described as Acanthostomum macroclemidis possesses the gonotyl in the form of a solid muscular pad uniquely diagnostic for species of Proctocaecum and is accordingly transferred to that genus. An artificial key to the 5 acanthostomine genera, as well as an updated phylogenetic hypothesis for the 10 known species of Proctocaecum, based on 11 characters and including 2 species described since the last phylogenetic analysis, are presented. The single most parsimonious phylogenetic tree with a consistency index of 87.5% suggests that Proctocaecum originated in Africa and spread to North America and South America before the breakup of Pangaea. As a result, the 2 North American and 1 South American species are most closely related to different African members of the genus. African and Indo-Pacific species inhabit crocodylids; hence, the occurrence of North American species in alligatorids and chelonians and a South American species in alligatorids are the result of host switches.  相似文献   

The present study compares the bat faunas of the islands of the Gulf of Guinea. Species composition. endemism and hypothetical origins are discussed. All families present in the mainland region are found in Bioko, a typical landbridge island. Foliage gleaning guild species (Nycteridae) show limited colonization abilities. This is also true of the family Rhinolophidae, but not for the closely related family Hipposideridae. The majority of the oceanic island species are African bats which show a widespread distribution and, therefore, have a high ecological plasticity. The continental relatives of the two endemic species Myonycteris brachycephala and Chaerephon tomensis are restricted to relatively small forested areas. Bioko's bat fauna is the result of the recent isolation from a formerly land-connected community. The oceanic bat faunas originated from the establishment of incomers from other areas. Nevertheless, extinction appears in both vicariant and dispersal processes, as an important factor in modelling the current bat communities of the Gulf of Guinea islands.  相似文献   

Soricid remains collected from Bed I of Olduvai Gorge are described. The great majority of the specimens are mandibles. A survey of the mandibles of living African species revealed many differences in characters of the lower teeth and jaw that can be used for identification. On the basis of these characters, nine species are distinguished in the Olduvai collection, of which six are well enough preserved to permit a discussion of their relationships to living species. Three new species and one new subspecies are described. All the Olduvai shrews differ in some respects from their nearest living relatives; three species are close to species from Makapansgat, Swartkrans and Sterkfontein, RSA, though there appear to be slight differences. A change in the soricid fauna takes place within Bed I, interpreted as due to increasing aridity.  相似文献   

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