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以葡萄,鲜枣为材料研究了果实采且贮期ABA的变化与呼吸非跃变性,结果表明;葡萄,鲜枣均为呼吸非跃变型果实,贮期ABA的变化呈抛物经形,有明显的高峰出现,对于呼吸非跃变型果实,ABA尽管不导致呼吸高峰的出现,但贮期ABA峰值高的果实,呼吸强度高,三碘苯果酸处理后低温贮藏葡萄,鲜枣,抑制ABA形成作用明显,具有良好的保鲜效果。  相似文献   

葡萄果实中脱落酸结合蛋白的存在及其性质   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
葡萄果实微粒体上存在高亲和力的脱落酸(ABA)结合位点,这些位点与ABA的结合具有饱和性,高亲和力及低容量。胰蛋白酶或DTT处理可以使该位点的特异结合活性下降约90%,表明此结合位点是一种蛋白质,故称为ABA结合蛋白,它含有维系蛋白质特定构象的二硫键。该蛋白与ABA反应的最适pH为6.0,说明与配基结合部位可能存在带有正电荷的氨基酸残基,结合活性在25℃高于0℃,结合反应达到动态平衡需要30min  相似文献   

灰葡萄孢霉菌固体培养产生的(+)ABA及其生物学效应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目前已筛选出的Botrysits、Cercospord等属菌株能合成次生代谢物ABA。这已成为化学家和生物学研究者感兴趣的课题,然而尚存在一些亟待解决的问题。由于天然ABA纯度高(大于97%),且生理活性较强,是开发ABA的新途径。本文应用草莓灰葡萄孢菌株,通过试探性的实验,用简便的固体发酵方式培养,经吸  相似文献   

蒜苔在切除珠蒜后可减少贮存中干物质的损失,延缓衰老,在切口处施加外源ABA可加速苔干叶绿素的破坏和组织的老化,气相色谱与色质联用法检测完整蒜苔和无珠蒜蒜苔各部分组织中ABA含量在衰老过程中的变化,发现无珠蒜苔干上,中,下各段ABA含量在衰老进程中是逐步减少的,变化幅度小,而带有珠蒜的苔干各相应段和珠蒜的ABA含量均有一迅速增加而后减少的过程,珠蒜的ABA含量最大,ABA含量高峰出现时间最早,苔干各段ABA含量按上,中,下顺序依次减少,高峰出现的时间也是由上至下依次推迟,没有发现蒜苔在衰老过程中有乙烯放出,外加乙烯对其衰老进程影响不大,本文认为珠蒜是蒜苔衰老的关键部位,能加速苔干衰老的ABA主要是在珠蒜中合成的,并自上向下极性运往苔干组织,进而动员物质的再分配,起着信息传递作用,蒜苔的衰老过程可分为“准备期”和“活跃期”两个阶段。  相似文献   

以处于不同发育时期的红富士葡萄 (VitisviniferaL .×VitislabruscaL .)果实为试材 ,采用胶体金免疫电镜定位技术对果肉细胞脱落酸 (ABA)的区隔化及其动态进行了研究。结果表明 :在果实发育前期 ,ABA主要存在于细胞核和胞质溶胶中 ;随着果实的进一步发育成熟 ,ABA转为主要分布在叶绿体和细胞核中。与处于第Ⅰ期、始熟期以及第Ⅲ期果实的果肉细胞ABA含量相比 ,处于第Ⅱ期的前期果实的果肉细胞ABA含量最低。这些事实说明在果实发育成熟的任一时期 ,果肉细胞ABA均呈区隔化分布 ,其在不同区隔之间的浓度差异随着果实的发育成熟而发生变化 ,即发生了再分配  相似文献   

葡萄果实微粒体上存在高亲和力的脱落酸(ABA)结合位点,这些位点与ABA的结合具有饱和性,高亲和力及低容量,胰蛋白酶或DTT处理可以使该位点的特异结合活性下降约90%,表明此结合位点是一种蛋白质,故称为ABA结合蛋白,它含有维系蛋白质特定构象的二硫键,该蛋白与ABA反应的最适pH为6.0,说明与配基结合部位可能存在带有正电荷的氨基酸残基,结合活性在25℃高于0℃,结合反应达到动态平衡需要30min,30min以后结合活性随时间延长而下降。该蛋白与ABA结合反应的平衡解离常数为17.5nmol/L,最大结合容量(Bmax)为98.4fmol/mgprotein。  相似文献   

环境因素和ABA对葡萄试管苗气孔开闭的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
黑暗、低温、低湿、高渗等环境因素和ABA处理,虽能降低葡萄试管苗叶气孔开度,但因长时处于饱和湿度和弱光下的气孔保卫细胞发育不良,造成气孔口过度开放,而保卫细胞胀缩变化的幅度,不足以使这种过度开放的气孔口关闭。通过分步炼苗降低试管苗气孔口的开度后,保卫细胞膨压的变化就能使气孔关闭了。试管苗叶气孔在暗中的关闭率,可作为炼苗适合程度的生理指标。  相似文献   

脱落酸(ABA)在蒜苔衰老中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒜苔在切除珠蒜后可减少贮存中干物质的损失,延缓衰老,在切口处施加外源ABA可加速苔干叶绿素的破坏和组织的老化,气相色谱与色质联用法检测完整蒜苔和无珠蒜蒜苔各部分组织中ABA含量在衰老过程中的变化,发现无珠蒜苔干上,中,下各段ABA含量在衰老进程中是逐步减少的,变化幅度小,而带有珠蒜的苔干各相应段和珠蒜的ABA含量均有一迅速增加而后减少的过程,珠蒜的ABA含量最大,ABA含量高峰出现时间最早,苔干各段ABA含量按上,中,下顺序依次减少,高峰出现的时间也是由上至下依次推迟,没有发现蒜苔在衰老过程中有乙烯放出,外加乙烯对其衰老进程影响不大,本文认为珠蒜是蒜苔衰老的关键部位,能加速苔干衰老的ABA主要是在珠蒜中合成的,并自上向下极性运往苔干组织,进而动员物质的再分配,起着信息传递作用,蒜苔的衰老过程可分为“准备期”和“活跃期”两个阶段。  相似文献   

植物激素脱落酸(ABA)在植物对逆境适应及种子发育过程中具有重要的生理功能。尽管ABA作用的分子机制还不清楚,ABA受体还未得到鉴定,但近年来对ABA结合蛋白的研究取得了可喜的进展,已在多种植物中证明存在与ABA有高亲和力的结合蛋白。ABA的识别到底发生在胞外还是胞内,近几年随着微注射技术的应用,也得到不少实验证据。ABA信号的转导途径,特别是位于下游区域参与信号传递的物质的研究取得重大进展,其中以ABA调节气孔保卫细胞开关的信号传递成为研究这一领域的模式体系。  相似文献   

Elevated atmospheric ozone concentrations (70 ppb) reduced the sensitivity of stomatal closure to abscisic acid (ABA) in Leontodon hispidus after at least 24 h exposure (1) when detached leaves were fed ABA, and (2) when intact plants were sprayed or injected with ABA. They also reduced the sensitivity of stomatal closure to soil drying around the roots. Such effects could already be occurring under current northern hemisphere peak ambient ozone concentrations. Leaves detached from plants which had been exposed to elevated ozone concentrations generated higher concentrations of ethylene, although leaf tissue ABA concentrations were unaffected. When intact plants were pretreated with the ethylene receptor binding antagonist 1-methylcyclopropene, the stomatal response to both applied ABA and soil drying was fully restored in the presence of elevated ozone. Implications of ethylene's antagonism of the stomatal response to ABA under oxidative stress are discussed. We suggest that this may be one mechanism whereby elevated ozone induces visible injury in sensitive species. We emphasize that drought linked to climate change and tropospheric ozone pollution, are both escalating problems. Ozone will exacerbate the deleterious effects of drought on the many plant species including valuable crops that respond to this pollutant by emitting more ethylene.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted on14C-sorbitol, fructose, and glucose uptakeinto flesh discs, and sorbitol efflux from thediscs, with and without ABA application toexamine the effect of abscisic acid (ABA) onsugar accumulation in peach fruit flesh at thestart of the maturation stage in relation tomembrane transport. Total uptake of14C-sorbitol, fructose, and glucose intoflesh discs was effectively promoted by ABA ata concentration of 10–5 M. PCMBS(p-chloromercuribenzensulfonicacid)-sensitive uptake, which was considered ascarrier-mediated uptake, of sorbitol into thediscs was clearly stimulated by ABA at10–5 M, compared with glucose andfructose uptake. Sorbitol efflux from the discsacross the tonoplast was restricted by ABA at10–5 M. ABA application todeveloping fruit increased sugar accumulationin the fruit. Estimated ABA concentration inthis fruit was approximately 10–5 M. These results indicate that sugar accumulationin peach fruit flesh is stimulated by ABA at aconcentration of 10–5 M both invitro and in vivo. ABA stimulatesuptake of sugars, especially sorbitol, into theflesh by enhancing carrier-mediated transportpossibly across both tonoplast and plasmamembrane.  相似文献   

We have developed a radioimmunoassay (RIA) for abscisic acid (ABA) in the 0.1 ng to 2.5 ng range. Antibodies were obtained from rabbits immunized with ABA bound via its carboxyl group to bovine serum albumin. Cross-reactivity studies indicate that ABA esters are completely cross-reactive with ABA, while trans, trans abscisic acid (t-ABA) phaseic acid (PA) and dihydrophaseic acid (DPA) have much lower but significant cross-reactivities. Purification methods which reduce the levels of cross-reacting substances are described.Abbreviations RIA radioimmunoassay - DPA 4-dihydrophaseic acid - PA phaseic acid - GC gas chromatography - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - TLC thin-layer chromatography - BSA bovine serum albumin - ABA abscisic acid - t-ABA trans, trans abscisic acid - IAA indoleacetic acid  相似文献   

When 14C-labelled abscisic acid ([14C]ABA) was supplied to isolated protoplasts of the barley leaf at pH 6, initial rates of metabolism were about five times higher in epidermal cell protoplasts than in mesophyll cell protoplasts if equal cytosolic volumes were considered. In spite of the fact that epidermal cells make up only about 35% of the total water space in barley leaves, and despite the small cytosolic volume of these cells, in intact leaves all epidermal cells would thus metabolize half as much ABA per unit time as the mesophyll cells (0–27 and 0–51 mmol h?1 m?3 leaf water). Therefore, under these conditions epidermal cells seem to be a stronger sink than mesophyll cells for ABA that arrives via the transpiration stream. However, at an apoplastic pH of 7–25, which occurs in stressed leaves, the proportion of total metabolized ABA would be much smaller in epidermal than in mesophyll cells (0–029 and 0–204 mmolh?l m?3 leaf water). Our results indicate that under conditions of slightly alkaline apoplastic pH the epidermis may serve as the main source for fast stress-dependent ABA redistribution into the guard cell apoplast. This is partly the result of ABA transport across the epidermal tonoplast, which is dependent on the apoplastic pH and possibly on the cytosolic calcium concentration. The cuticle seems to be of no particular importance in stress-induced apoplastic ABA shifts and cannot be regarded as a significant sink for high ABA concentrations under stress.  相似文献   

Seed dormancy develops latein embryogenesis after a period of potential prematuregermination and has been associated with levels ofabscisic acid (ABA) in, and sensitivity to, ABA ofembryos. In wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)embryos, there are two peaks in levels of ABA duringdevelopment: the first occurs 25 days afterpollination (DAP) and the second from 35 to 40 DAP. The first peak of ABA appears to be associated withthe development of the embryo's sensitivity to ABAsince such sensitivity was altered in seeds on earsthat were incubated in a solution of ABA from 15 and20 DAP. In the embryos of Kitakei wheat, a line thatexhibits dormancy, the second peak, at around 35 DAP,was more prolonged in comparison to Chihoku, anon-dormant line. The results support the proposedinvolvement of ABA in the formation and maintenance ofseed dormancy during middle and late embryogenesis. When developing embryos were incubated in water,embryonic ABA leaked out from the embryos, inparticular between 30 and 40 DAP. Prematuregermination observed between 30 and 40 DAP might berelated to such leakage of ABA from embryos.  相似文献   

We performed activation tagging screen to isolate abscisic acid (ABA) response mutants. One of the mutants, designated ahs10 (ABA-hypersensitive 10), exhibited ABA-hypersensitive phenotypes. TAIL-PCR analysis of the mutant revealed that T-DNA was inserted in the promoter region of the Arabidopsis gene, At2g01430, which encodes a homeodomain-leucine zipper protein ATHB17. Subsequent expression analysis indicated that ATHB17 was activated in ahs10. To recapitulate the mutant phenotypes, we prepared ATHB17 OX lines and investigated their phenotypes. The results showed that ATHB17 confers ABA-hypersensitivity and drought tolerance. On the contrary, ATHB17 knockout lines were ABA-insensitive and drought-sensitive, further demonstrating that ATHB17 is involved in ABA and water-stress responses. Interestingly, the ATHB17 effect on seedling growth in the presence of ABA was observed only during the postgermination seedling establishment stage, suggesting that it functions during a narrow developmental window of early seedling growth.  相似文献   

Metabolism and distribution of xylem-fed ABA were investigated in leaves of maize (Zea mays) and Commelina communis when water stress and xylem pH manipulation were applied. 3H-ABA was fed to excised leaves via the transpiration stream. Water stress was applied through either a previous soil-drying before leaves were excised, or a quick dehydration after leaves were fed with ABA. Xylem-delivered ABA was metabolised rapidly in the leaves (half-life 0.7 h and 1.02 h for maize and Commelina respectively), but a previous soil-drying or a post-feeding dehydration significantly extended the half-life of fed ABA in both species. In the first few hours after ABA was fed into the detached leaves, percentages of applied ABA remaining unmodified were always higher in leaves which received water stress treatments than in control leaves. However the percentage decreased to below the control levels several hours later in leaves which received a previous soil-drying treatment prior to excision, but had then been rehydrated by the xylem-feeding process itself. One possible explanation for this could be a changed pattern of compartmentalisation for xylem-carried ABA. A post-feeding dehydration treatment also changed the distribution of xylem-fed ABA within the leaves: more ABA was found in the epidermis of Commelina leaves which had been dehydrated rapidly after ABA had been fed, compared to the controls. The levels of xylem-delivered ABA remaining unmodified increased as the pH of the feeding solution increased from 5 to 8. The results support the hypothesis that water stress and a putative stress-induced xylem pH change may modify stomatal sensitivity to ABA by changing the actual ABA content of the leaf epidermis.  相似文献   

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