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A total of l84 species of marine molluscs has been identified from shells collected on the beach of Iztuzu near Dalyan (Mu?la province, Turkey). Of these, 16 species of gastropod and 4 species of bivalvia are new For the extreme Eastern Mediterranean. Only three species of Lessepsian migrants (from the Red Sea via the Suez canal) have been found.  相似文献   

Bioeroded gastropod, bivalve and coral specimens (n = 570) were collected from the Jazan area, Saudi Red Sea coast, from which 22 ichnospecies of 8 ichnogenera were identified and illustrated. These traces were produced by clionid sponges (Entobia geometrica, E. ovula, E. cf. goniodes, E. cretacea, E. laquea, E. cf. paradoxa and E. isp.), duraphagous drillers (Oichnus ovalis, O. paraboloides, O. simplex and O. isp.), endolithic bivalves (Gastrochaenolites cf. dijugus, G. lapidicus, G. torpedo and G. isp.), polychaete annelids (Caulostrepsis taeniola, C. isp., Maeandropolydora sulcans, M. isp. and ?Trypanites isp.), acorn barnacles (Rogerella isp.), and vermetid gastropods (Renichnus isp.). The seashells act as hard substrate for colonization by serpulid worm, bivalves, bryozoans, and barnacles. Ichnogenus Entobia was most abundant (56.1%), followed by Gastrochaenolites (25.4%), Caulostrepsis (5.3%), Trypanites (4.2%), Maeandropolydora (3.2%), Oichnus (2.8%), Renichnus (1.9%), and Rogerella (1.0%). Oichnus occurred on the thin-shelled and smooth molluscs, while most Gastrochaenolites borings were found in the larger and thicker seashells as a suitable substrate for the settlement of polychaetes, lithophages, naticids, mytilids, and vermetids. Presence of annelid traces among radial ribs and at the siphonal areas of bivalves is indicative of nutrient capturing from water flow during the lifetime of these bivalves, within a shallow, high energy marine environment, where disarticulation, fragmentation, and abrasion of the seashells were abundantly observed.  相似文献   

The organisation of the coastal rocky fish community of Lebanon was investigated for the first time, using visual censuses. A total of 62 fish species were recorded between the surface and 32 m depth, 8 species being Red Sea migrants. Species richness and fish abundance were positively correlated first with substrate complexity and second with depth. The trophic structure of the community was dominated by diurnal zooplanktivores (Chromis chromis, Oblada melanura and Spicara smaris) and mesocarnivores 1 (Coris julis and Thalassoma pavo), and did not vary significantly with depth. The Lessepsian migrants represented 13% of the species richness and 19% of the total abundance of individuals. They dominated among herbivores, nocturnal zooplanktivores and macrocarnivores. The Lessepsian Siganus luridus and S. rivulatus (Siganidae), Pempheris vanicolensis (Pempheridae) and Sargocentron rubrum (Holocentridae) were now among the most common fish species on the Lebanese rocky coast. Lessepsian fish species displayed either similar ecological niches in the Red Sea and in the Levantine basin (P. vanicolensis, S. rubrum) or an enlargement of their depth distribution towards deeper waters in their new environment (S. luridus, S. rivulatus). This study will serve as a baseline for future studies as eastern Mediterranean communities are subjected to a steady increase in Red Sea migrant species.  相似文献   

The occurrence and abundance of the pelagic eggs of southern North Sea spring-spawning fish were analysed between 1984 and 2000. Species number varied between six (1986) and 14 (1999) and was positively correlated with sea surface temperature. With one exception, dab eggs were always the most abundant and usually highly dominant. Ranking of species depended on temperature, but no significant differences in ranking between years was discernible. Although with the increase in temperature in the 1990s a change in species assemblage was evident [species belonging to the boreal-Mediterranean (Lusitanian) group became more apparent in the species assemblage] this did not lead to an increased species diversity (Shannon Index) or a change in other community parameters. It appears that the recent developments regarding spawning stock biomass of commercial North Sea fish is reflected in the declining egg abundance of the respective commercial and larger species (i.e. cod, flounder, plaice) and an increase in abundance of the eggs of small species (i.e. long rough dab, rockling) over the years. Received in revised form: 5 November 2001 Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The bioaccumulation of Hg, Cd, Zn, Cu, Mn and Fe was evaluated in the muscle and liver tissue of four fish species (Siganus rivulatus, Diplodus sargus, Lithognatus mormyrus and Plathychtis flesus) from clean and polluted marine coastal sites in the Red Sea, Mediterranean Sea and North Sea within the framework of the MARS 1 program. Representative liver samples were screened for organic contaminants (DDE, PCBs and PAHs) which exhibited very low concentrations. The levels of Cd, Cu, Zn, Fe and Mn found in the muscle tissue in this study were similar among the four species and within the naturally occurring metal ranges. However, differences were found among the sites. In the Red Sea, Cu was higher in the muscle of S. rivulatus at Ardag and Zn at the Observatory (OBS). Cu, Zn and Mn were higher in the Red Sea than in the specimens from the Mediterranean. The differences were attributed to different diets derived from distinctively different natural environments. D. sargus from Haifa Bay (HB) had higher Cd, Cu and Mn values than specimens from Jaffa (JFA), and L. mormyrus higher Cd, Fe and Mn in HB, corresponding to the polluted environmental status of the Bay. No differences in metal levels were found among the North Sea sites, except for Fe that was lower at the Eider station. Hg was low in all the specimens, but the values varied with species and sites. The lowest Hg values were found in S. rivulatus, the herbivorous species, as expected from its trophic level. Hg in P. flesus was higher than in S. rivulatus but still low. Higher Hg values were found in the muscle tissue of L. mormyrus,with the highest values in D. sargus, both carnivorous species from the same family. Hg in D. sargus was higher in HB than in JFA, as expected, but in the larger specimens of L. mormyrus from JFA values were higher, while in the small specimens there were no differences in Hg values. The levels of all metals were higher in the liver than in the muscle, with enrichment factors ranging from 3 to 104, depending on species and sites. The lowest enrichment values were found for Hg. Based on liver values, the specimens of S. rivulatus from the OBS had the highest levels, as well as D. sargus and L. mormyrus from JFA, contrary to the known relative environmental status of the sites. Received: 25 February 1999 / Received in revised form: 5 June 1999 / Accepted: 7 June 1999  相似文献   

In order to test the temporal stability within and the reproducibility of larval fish assemblages between years, the larval fish assemblage at Helgoland Roads, North Sea (NE Atlantic) was quantitatively sampled almost daily from January 2003 to December 2005. The survey resulted in a total of 462 samples containing 50,632 larval fish of at least 42 taxa. In winter the larval fish assemblage was mainly dominated by larvae emerging from demersal eggs. This changed gradually to larvae hatching from pelagic eggs. Larvae from pelagic eggs dominated the ichthyoplankton assemblage in summer. A remarkably stable seasonality in terms of dominance patterns with recurring, season-specific fish assemblages was observed over the 3 years, despite substantial variation in environmental conditions such as a temperature difference of almost 20°C between summer and winter. The lesser sandeel (Ammodytes marinus), was the only species which showed significant fluctuations in abundance between the years. After removal of this species from the analysis, the dominance patterns of the remaining fish species were almost identical between years.  相似文献   

The higher taxonomic structure of a meiofaunal community was investigated in an Eastern Mediterranean lagoon (Gialova lagoon, Ionian Sea). Seven stations were sampled on a seasonal basis during 1995–1996. Stations within the lagoon were found to support a maximum of 14 meiofaunal taxa with densities ranging from 17 to over 2000 individuals per 10 cm2. Nematodes were not always the most abundant taxa, although they dominated about half of the total 28 samples. Uni- and multivariate analyses were employed to study the community structure. The distribution pattern of the meiofaunal community varied both across the lagoon and over the seasons. On the basis of the spatial differences a meiofaunal coenocline, correlated with the degree of isolation, was observed, composed of mainly two zones: one defined by the area close to the marine channel and the other the more isolated area in the inner lagoon. Meiofaunal distribution pattern was not clearly correlated to one environmental variable, but rather to many, and spatial and seasonal effects could be seen. Received: 2 March 1999 / Received in revised form: 6 December 1999 / Accepted: 9 December 1999  相似文献   

Investigations into symbioses may be important in order to analyse the grade of stability in ecosystems. Host–cleaner relationships were investigated in two localities of the Mediterranean Sea: Giglio (Tuscany, Italy) and Banyuls-sur-Mer (France). The cleaner wrasse, Symphodus melanocercus, was the main cleaner. Supplementary cleaners, such as the young of several wrasses, Symphodus mediterraneus, Symphodus ocellatus, Symphodus tinca, Coris julis and Ctenolabrus rupestris, are able to help out in times when there is a shortage of cleaners. Differences between the localities were obvious by a greater fish (host) density in Banyuls, which is probably due to eutrophication and might improve and increase cleaner activities. Regarding two seasons, spring and late summer, the fishes presented a lower degree of activity in Giglio, but a higher one in Banyuls – in late summer compared with spring. The main hosts were Chromis chromis, Symphodus tinca and Coris julis; additionally Diplodus sargus in Banyuls and Apogon imberbis in Giglio. Chromis chromis may be a key host species because of its distribution in large groups in the whole Mediterranean; Coris julis is of similar abundance. Symphodus melanocercus additionally came into contact with Symphodus tinca in order to partake of the food of the peacock wrasse. During cleaning activities, Diplodus sargus and other sparids present hesitant behaviour, where the cleaner probably picks more than parasites (skin, scales?) from the body surface. Apogon imberbis (which prefers dark habitats such as caves) totally rejects the main cleaner but was cleaned exclusively by Coris julis which, unlike Symphodus melanocercus, is regularly present near cave entrances. The investigations may present models of the evolutionary processes on specialised partnerships in ecosystems. Received in revised form: 10 August 2001 Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Holocene Madrepora-Lophelia subfossil frames recovered at ca. 690 m from deep-water coral grounds south of Malta (Strait of Sicily, Central Mediterranean Sea) were found to entrap shells of cnidarian predatory gastropods such as Babelomurex sentix, “Coralliophilasquamosa (morphotype ruderatus) and architectonicids. This finding documents the capability of deep-water coral reefs to serve as taphonomic traps eventually promoting the preservation of rare components of their original biota.  相似文献   

A new microsporidian species, Glugea arabica n. sp., is reported infecting the intestinal wall of the marine teleost Epinephelus polyphekadion (=microdon) collected from the Red Sea coast off Saudi Arabia, and described on the basis of microscopic and molecular procedures. Spherical blackish xenomas formed parasitophorous vacuoles completely packed with several parasitic developmental stages, including spores. The nuclei were monokaryotic in all developmental stages. Spores were ellipsoidal to pyriform and measured 6.3 ± 0.3 (5.9–6.6) μm in length and 3.3 ± 0.4 (2.9–3.7) μm in width. A lamellar polaroplast surrounded the uncoiled portion of the polar filament, which extended into the spore's posterior pole and formed 27–29 coils organized in three or four rows. The posterior vacuole, located at the spore's posterior pole, appeared surrounded by the polar filament coils and displayed an irregular matrix composed of light material, in which was located the posterosome. Molecular analysis of the rRNA genes, including the ITS region, was performed using maximum parsimony, neighbor-joining and maximum likelihood methodologies. The ultrastructural features observed, in combination with the molecular data analysed, suggests the parasite to be a new species of the genus Glugea.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe surroundings of the Cortiou sewage are among the most polluted environments of the French Mediterranean Sea (Marseilles, France). So far, no studies have precisely quantified the impact of pollution on the development of organisms in this area.MethodsWe used a fluctuating asymmetry (FA) measure of developmental instability (DI) to assess environmental stress in two species of radially symmetric sea urchins (Arbacia lixula and Paracentrotus lividus). For six sampling sites (Cortiou, Riou, Maire, East Maire, Mejean, and Niolon), levels of FA were calculated from continuous and discrete skeletal measures of ambulacral length, number of pore pairs and primary tubercles.ResultsFor both species, the most polluted sampling site, Cortiou, displayed the highest level of FA, while the Maire and East Maire sampling sites displayed the lowest levels. A. lixula revealed systematic differences in FA among sampling sites for all characters and P. lividus showed differences in FA for the number of primary tubercles.ConclusionsStatistical analyses of FA show a concordance between the spatial patterns of FA among sampling sites and the spatial distribution of sewage discharge pollutants in the Cortiou area. High developmental stress in these sampling sites is associated with exposure to high concentrations of heavy metals and many harmful organic substances contained in wastewater. FA estimated from structures with complex symmetry appears to be a fast and reliable tool to detect subtle differences in FA. Its use in biomonitoring programs for inferring anthropogenic and natural environmental stress is suggested.  相似文献   

 A coral damage index (CDI) is provided, to screen sites to obtain a perspective on the extent and severity of physical damage to coral. Sites are listed as “hot spots” if in any transect the percent of broken coral colonies (BCC) is greater than or equal to 4% or if the percent cover of coral rubble (CR) is greater than or equal to 3%. To demonstrate its utility, the CDI is applied to a real-life management situation off Hurghada and Safaga, Egypt in the Red Sea. The extent of coral damage covered all four diving sites. Forty percent of all the transects were “hot spots” that required management action. Thirty-one percent of the 16 “hot spot” transects were identified by both broken coral and rubble criteria, 25% by only broken coral criterion and 44% by only coral rubble criterion of the CDI, suggesting that past breakage was responsible for most of the observed damage. Sixty-three percent of the “hot spot” transects were at 4 m depth versus 37% at 8 m depth, suggesting that most of the damage was caused by anchors dragging across the reef in shallow water. The severity of coral damage, reflected by CR, was the greatest at Small Giftun in transect 5 at 4 m depth (333% above the CDI). EI Fanous experienced the most severe degree of broken coral damage (325% above the CDI) at 8 m depth along transect 2. Estimates of the number of dives per year show diving carrying capacities for El Fanous, Gotta Abu Ramada, Ras Abu Soma and Small Giftun being exceeded by large amounts. The CDI can be used globally to; gauge the severity and extent of damage, focus managers on areas that need mooring buoys and associated dive site management programs, and provide a starting point from which to focus more detailed coral reef assessments and restoration programs. Accepted: 30 June 1999  相似文献   

A male specimen of the paedomorphic fish Schindleria sp. was collected by plankton net, in February 2005, from a reef lagoon from Hurghada on the Egyptian coast of the northern Red Sea. This is the first record of the Schindleriidae in the Red Sea.  相似文献   

  An integrated biological effect monitoring concept has been tested in flounder (Platichthys flesus L.) from four locations with different anthropogenic impact in the German Bight. During 3 years of sampling, biomarkers at all levels of biological organisation from the molecular to the ecosystem level were applied and tested on 742 individual fish of body lengths between 18 and 25 cm. At the ecosystem level, the fish were taken as a habitat for the parasite assemblage. The hypothesis was that changes in the environment might lead to changes in the species diversity of parasites and in the infection intensity of single species, as well as between heteroxenic and monoxenic parasite species (H/M ratio). At the molecular level, activity of the CYP1A-dependent monooxygenase ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD) was used as a biomarker of exposure. At the subcellular level, the integrity of lysosomal membranes in hepatocytes was taken as an indicator of non-specific acute and chronic toxic effects. Both biomarkers are recommended by the ICES Advisory Committee on the Marine Environment for the application in biological effects monitoring programmes. In addition, neutral lipid content in the liver was used as a marker for pathologically induced fat accumulation. In the same individual fish, a new method for the measurement of macrophage aggregate activity in the liver was tested for its application and reliability in reflecting immunosuppression. Tests were accompanied by chemical analysis of standard organochlorine and heavy metal residues in flounder tissue. A total of 33 parasite species were found. As an indicator species, the mean abundance of Trichodina sp. reflected best the pollution gradient observed with highest infection intensity at the most polluted location. Species diversity was significantly higher in fish caught near the reference site and significantly lower in fish from the polluted Elbe estuary. The use of the heteroxenous/monoxenous species ratio as a marker was not useful at the locations investigated because of the dominance of heteroxenous species at all habitats. Since EROD activity and macrophage aggregate activity were dependent on sex and maturity of female flounder, only male fish were taken into consideration for the integrated evaluation of data. All biochemical and histochemical tests were able to reflect accurately the site-specific differences, as well as an observed pollution event at the end of 1995 as determined by chemical analyses. The correlation analysis revealed a connection not only between the single parasitological and biochemical parameters but also within these groups. The non-specific immune response and Trichodina infection intensity were correlated with all other parameters, leading to the assumption that these may serve as links between the lowest and the highest levels of biological organisation. The simultaneous use of metabolic and parasitological results facilitated the interpretation of the observed variations of the data and the distinction between natural variation and pollution-mediated effects. Received: 1 March 1999 / Received in revised form: 25 May 1999 / Accepted: 7 June 1999  相似文献   

 A new cardinalfish species, Gymnapogon melanogaster, is described from two specimens collected at night in the Gulf of Aqaba, Eilat, Israel. This species is characterized by having 9 dorsal and 8 anal fin soft rays; 14–15 pectoral fin rays; 2 + 11 gill rakers; a flat, bifurcated preopercular spine; a naked body without a papillae network; black pelvic fins; and a black stomach. It is similar to Gymnapogon vanderbilti (Fowler, 1938) that is known only from the Line Islands of the Central Pacific Ocean. Received: December 26, 2001 / Revised: June 10, 2002 / Accepted: June 24, 2002 Acknowledgments We thank D. Didier and M. Sabaj of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, for loans of and for taking data from type specimens; T.H. Fraser of the Mote Marine Laboratory, Sarasota, kindly provided data on type specimens. We are grateful to E. Heemstra of the South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity, Grahamstown, South Africa, for the artwork presented in this article and to A. Lerner of the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, for his assistance in collecting the specimens. Correspondence to:Ofer Gon  相似文献   


After the successful establishment of free–living populations of Rose–ringed Parakeets (Psittacula krameri) and Common Mynas (Acridotheres tristis) in Jeddah, an overview of all exotic birds imported into Jeddah in the first three months of 1990 is given.  相似文献   

The trace element contamination levels in mollusks were evaluated for different marine coastal sites in the Mediterranean (Israeli coast), Red (Israeli coast) and North (German coast) Seas. Three bivalve species (Mactra corallina, Donax sp, and Mytilus edulis) and two gastropod species (Patella sp.and Cellana rota) were sampled at polluted and relatively clean sites, and their soft tissue analyzed for Hg, Cd, Zn, Cu, Mn and Fe concentrations. Representative samples were screened for organic contaminants [(DDE), polychlorinated biphenyls PCBs and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)] which exhibited very low concentrations at all sites. In the Red Sea, the gastropod C. rota showed low levels of Hg (below detection limit) and similar Cd concentrations at all the examined sites, while other trace elements (Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe) were slightly enriched at the northern beach stations. Along the Mediterranean coast of Israel, Hg and Zn were enriched in two bivalves (M. corallina and Donax sp.) from Haifa Bay, both species undergoing a long-term decrease in Hg based on previous studies. Significant Cd and Zn enrichment was detected in Patella sp. from the Kishon River estuary at the southern part of Haifa Bay. In general, Patella sp. and Donax sp. specimens from Haifa Bay exhibited higher levels of Cd compared to other sites along the Israeli Mediterranean coast, attributed to the enrichment of Cd in suspended particulate matter. Along the German coast (North Sea) M. edulis exhibited higher concentrations of Hg and Cd at the Elbe and Eider estuaries, but with levels below those found in polluted sites elsewhere. Received: 25 February 1999 / Received in revised form: 22 April 1999 / Accepted: 30 April 1999  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of 50 ornamental fish species from shallow water habitats on coral reefs were investigated using visual census techniques, between latitudes 11−29°N in the Red Sea, in Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen, and in the adjacent Gulf of Aden in Djibouti. One hundred eighteen transects (each 100×5 m) were examined in 29 sites (3−8 sites per country). A total of 522,523 fish individuals were counted during this survey, with mean abundance of 4428.2 ± 87.26 individual per 500 m² transect. In terms of relative abundance (RA), the most abundant species were Blue green damselfish, Chromis viridis (RA=54.4%),followed bySea goldie, Pseudanthias squamipinnis (RA= 34.7), Whitetail dascyllus, Dascyllus aruanus (RA= 2.6%), Marginate dascyllus, Dascyllus marginatus (RA= 2.0),Red Sea eightline flasher Paracheilinus octotaenia (RA=1.0),andKlunzinger’s wrasse, Thalassoma rueppellii (0.7%). The highest number of species (S) per 500 m² transect was found on reefs at the latitude 20° in Saudi Arabia (S=21.8), and the lowest number of species was found at the latitude 15° in Djibouti (S=11.11). The highest mean abundance (8565.8) was found on reefs at latitude 20° in Saudi Arabia and the lowest mean abundance (230) was found on reefs at latitude 22°, also in Saudi Arabia. Whereas, the highest Shannon-Wiener Diversity Index was found in reefs at the latitude 22° (H`=2.4) and the lowest was found in reefs at the latitude 20° (H`=0.6). This study revealed marked differences in the structure of ornamental fish assemblages with latitudinal distribution. The data support the presence of two major biogeographic groups of fishes in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden: the southern Red Sea and Gulf of Aden group and the group in the northern and central Red Sea. Strong correlations were found between live coral cover and the number of fish species, abundance and Shannon-Wiener Diversity indices, and the strength of these correlations varied among the reefs. A conclusion was done that environmental differences among the reefs and the habitats investigated were important components of abundance variations and species diversity of ornamental fish along latitudinal gradients in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.  相似文献   

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