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A model for mucus glycoprotein structure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A Silberberg 《Biorheology》1987,24(6):605-614
An approximately 500,000Da subunit characterizes the structural glycoprotein of mucus. This unit is composed of a rod-like very heavily glycosylated protein chain with an unglycosylated cysteine rich region at its end. It is proposed that the 'bare' peptide portion of the subunit forms itself into a lectin by undergoing a disulfide bond stabilised conformational fold. The lectin binding site, R, is assumed to be selective for a rare sugar sequence, which, when present, creates a binding site R. The site R has to be relatively rare. The average number less than s greater than of sidechains which contain R per subunit will only be of order 1. When less than s greater than less than or equal to 1 reasonably long, chain-like aggregates are formed which behave like coiling polymer chains with the subunit the Kuhn statistical element. When less than s greater than much greater than 1 the entire system forms one structure. Data obtained from the literature are analysed. They favor finite size, separate chains. The Kuhn statistical element length, derived from the data, is shown to agree well with the lectin model hypothesis.  相似文献   

A 16 X 10(6)-Mr glycoprotein isolated from bovine oestrus cervical mucus when reduced under conditions where disulphide-bond cleavage is essentially quantitative produces chains whose Mr from light-scattering and from sedimentation and diffusion data is some 4 X 10(6)-5 X 10(6). Pronase digestion of the chains indicates that glycosylated sequences of Mr 0.3 X 10(6)-0.5 X 10(6) are interspersed with enzyme-susceptible non-glycosylated peptide sequences.  相似文献   

Human bronchial mucus glycoproteins of different chemical types were isolated by Ecteola and gel exclusion chromatography. Chemical analysis indicated polydispersity with regard to content of sulfate and sialic acid. No blood group A, B or H activity was found in these glycoproteins. Compositions are reported for amino acid and sugar residues for several fractions obtained from both cystic fibrotic and chronic bronchitic mucus. It is noteworthy that glycoproteins extracted from a single subject contain molecules with different acid groups as well as significant differences in carbohydrate chain length.  相似文献   

The concentration-dependence of viscosity in solutions of purified glycoprotein from pig gastric mucus is of the form expected for simple polymer entanglement. At higher concentrations, however, a weak viscoelastic gel is formed, whose mechanical spectrum (over the frequency range 10−2---102 rad s−1) indicates a more stable mechanism of interchain association, and is closely similar to that of native mucus. On prolonged exposure to solvent, reconstituted gels redissolve, while native mucus retains its structural integrity (as characterized by the storage modulus, G′) but releases a significant, variable amount of glycoprotein. On proteolytic digestion or disulphide reduction of the glycoprotein to its component subunits, network structure is lost, but the mechanical spectra of the resulting solutions show interactions beyond simple entanglement. From this evidence we suggest that in the sub-micrometre-sized ‘domains’ in which native mucus is secreted, the carbohydrate side chains of component glycoprotein molecules are interdigitated in a comparatively stable arrangement, with the polymeric subunit structure of the glycoprotein conferring the branching required for development of a three-dimensional network, and with a substantial, variable sol-fraction of free glycoprotein within the interstices of the gel. On solubilization of native mucus, the ‘domain’ structure is destroyed irreversibly. Interaction between domains, and between individual molecules in gels reconstituted from the component glycoprotein after extraction and purification, is by more transient, non-specific interdigitation and entanglement, to confer the overall flow and spreading characteristics of the gel.  相似文献   

The airway epithelial surface liquid is generally considered to be composed of two layers, a periciliary layer and a continuous thick mucus layer moving in bulk. This view may not be appropriate for all areas of the lung. Our hypothesis, that mucus may form a discontinuous layer with dynamic attachments to the surface, is investigated using a culture system. We used live-cell confocal microscopy to investigate thin mucus layers and fluorescent beads and exogenous MUC5B to visualize mucus dynamics on ciliated human bronchial cultures. A continuous mucus layer was not observed. In sparsely ciliated cultures, mucus attached to ciliated cells; however, in highly ciliated cultures, mucus formed strands several hundred micrometers long. As with increases in ciliation, increases in bead concentration caused the appearance of mucus strands. We confirmed the involvement of mucins in the binding of mucus to cilia by adding labeled purified MUC5B to the cultures. These data suggest that mucins may have an intrinsic ability to form attachments to cilia. The significance of these findings is that aberrant modulation of such an intrinsic property may explain the initiation of highly adherent mucus in cystic fibrosis lung disease.  相似文献   

Solubilization of the gel phase of sputum by reduction with dithiothreitol and alkylation with iodoacetamide resulted in different gel filtration patterns when sputa from different patients were examined. Two extreme types of of behavior were identified; in one the glycoproteins were completely excluded from Sepharose 4B, and in the other all the glycoproteins penetrated the gel matrix to a certain extent. Pronase digestion of the products of reduction and alkylation of the former resulted in a gel filtration pattern similar to that obtained by reduction and alkylation alone in the latter. The disulfide bonds cleaved by dithiothreitol were labeled by reaction with [1-14C]iodoacetamide and the glycoproteins isolated. Pronase digestion of the labeled glycoproteins revealed that, although most of the cysteine residues occurred in peptide regions cleaved by Pronase, some were situated in resistant peptide regions. Structures are proposed for the bronchial glycoproteins isolated from the two extreme types of sputum. These structures consist of a glycoprotein subunit, resistant to Pronase and attached by covalent bonds to a “naked” peptide region. Whereas the glycoprotein subunits are similar in both types of sputum, the “naked” peptide is a continuous peptide chain in one type but a discontinuous peptide chain in the other.  相似文献   

The extent of gastric damage induced by aspirin was found to differ according to rat strain. The occurrence of ulcers varied, from high to low, in the following strain order: Donryu, Sprague-Dawley (SD) and Wistar. The content of corpus mucus glycoprotein was essentially the same in all the strains: about 6 mg as hexose of dry tissue. Antral mucus glycoprotein content increased in the order Wistar, SD and Donryu: 7.1, 8.3 and 9.1 mg, respectively. Gastric mucus glycoprotein carbohydrate composition was essentially the same in all three strains. The relatively low proportions of N-acetylglucosamine, galactose and sialic acid from the antrum was a characteristic feature in contrast to mucus glycoprotein from the corpus which contained a high proportion of these sugars.  相似文献   

We have studied the biosynthesis of rat gastric mucin in stomach segments using an antiserum against rat gastric mucin specific for peptide epitopes. Pulse-chase experiments were performed with [35S]methionine, [3H]galactose, and [35S]sulfate to label mucin precursors in different stages of biosynthesis, which were analyzed after immunoprecipitation. The earliest mucin precursor that could be detected by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was a 300-kDa protein. The occurrence of N-linked "high-mannose" oligosaccharides on this protein was shown by susceptibility to degradation by endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase H. This precursor could be labeled with [35S]methionine and not with [3H]galactose or [35S]sulfate. The 300-kDa precursor was converted into mature mucin after extensive glycosylation and sulfation. The mature mucin but not the 300-kDa precursor was in part secreted into the medium. Specific inhibition of sulfation with sodium chlorate had no effect on rate and amount of mucin secretion. In addition, we show that two core proteins are expressed in rats, slightly varying in Mr among individual animals.  相似文献   

Two types of rat gastric mucus glycoprotein subunits   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gastric mucus glycoproteins were extracted with 2% Triton X-100 from rat gastric corpus and antrum and purified by CsCl equilibrium centrifugation. Corpus mucus glycoproteins were degraded into what appeared to be two "subunits" (Mw 4.4 x 10(5) and 6 x 10(6)) by the reduction of disulfide bonds. Papain digestion of the latter produced glycopeptides with a molecular weight of approximately 4.4 x 10(5). This type of subunit had carbohydrate chains with about 9 sugars attached to every 2 amino acid residues. Papain digestion of the former type of subunit revealed no change in the elution profile on Bio-Gel A-15m. This type of subunit had carbohydrate chains with 17-19 sugars attached to every 3 amino acid residues. The subunit of antral mucus glycoproteins was essentially the same as the former type of corpus subunits in molecular weight (Mw 4.4 x 10(5)) and average oligosaccharide chain length. These results suggest that there are two distinct types of mucus glycoprotein subunits in rat stomach.  相似文献   

Sulfation of mucus glycoproteins, reaction catalyzed by Golgi resident sulfotransferase, is an important event in posttranslational processing of gastric mucins. Here we report the purification of mucus glycoprotein sulfotransferase enzyme from the microsomal fraction of rat gastric mucosa. The enzyme was released from the membrane with 0.5% Triton X-100 and precipitated from the 100,000xg supernatant with 90% ice-cold acetone. The enzyme activity (44.7 pmol/mg/45 min) in the precipitate was enriched nearly 10-fold compared to Triton X-100 extract of microsomal membrane (4.2 pmol/mg/45 min). On SDS-PAGE, the enzyme gave a single 43 kDa protein band, which was active towards mucin, but did not catalyze the sulfation of galactosylceramide. The study is the first to report the characteristics of a sulfotransferase enzyme specific for gastric mucin.  相似文献   

The undegraded high-molecular-weight glycoprotein of human gastric mucus has been isolated free of noncovalently bound proteins and lipids, as judged by gel filtration, sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, cesium chloride density gradient centrifugation, and lipid analysis. Mild alkaline methanolysis of the thoroughly delipidated glycoprotein revealed that, on the average, the native undegraded glycoprotein contains 2.9 mol of acyl linked fatty acids/mg glycoprotein. The low-molecular-weight glycoprotein subunits, obtained after pepsin digestion, contain 2 nmol of acyl linked fatty acids/mg glycopeptide. The highest content of covalently bound fatty acids was found in the fraction of glycoprotein which remained undegraded after pepsin digestion. On the average, 10.2 mol of fatty acids/mg was substituted on this pepsin-resistant glycoprotein. After deacylation with hydroxylamine, the undegraded pepsin-resistant glycoprotein became susceptible to proteolytic cleavage. The obtained results suggest that fatty acids covalently bound to gastric mucus glycoprotein are involved in the regulation of proteolytic digestion of mucus glycoprotein in the stomach.  相似文献   

A fatty acyltransferase activity which catalyzes the transfer of palmitic acid from palmitoyl coenzyme A to gastric mucus glycoprotein has been demonstrated in the rat gastric mucosa. Subcellular fractionation studies revealed that the enzyme activity was present in a Golgi-rich membrane fraction. Optimum enzymatic activity for acylation of mucus glycoprotein was obtained with 0.5% Triton X-100, 25 mM NaF, and 2 mM dithiothreitol at a pH of 7.4. The enzymatic activity increased proportionally, over a given range, with increased concentrations of both substrates and of enzyme. The apparent Km of the enzymes for the undegraded mucus glycoprotein was 4.5 X 10(-7) M and for palmitoyl-CoA, 3.8 X 10(-5) M. The 14C-labeled product of the reaction cochromatographed on Bio-Gel A-50 column and migrated on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis with gastric mucus glycoprotein. Treatment of this 14C-labeled glycoprotein with mild alkali released hexane-extractable product which was identified as [14C]palmitate. The enzyme was also capable of fatty acylation of the deglycosylated glycoprotein, but did not catalyze the transfer of palmitic acid to the proteolytically degraded mucus glycoprotein. This indicates that the acceptor site for fatty acyltransferase is situated in the protease-susceptible nonglycosylated region of the mucus glycoprotein polymer.  相似文献   

Treatment of bovine cervical mucus glycoprotein with cyanogen bromide gives four fractions, with the molecular weights of the three major fractions being 230 000, 130 000, and 35 000. The results indicate that, as for other glycoproteins, there are different regions along the protein core, some of which have a high sugar content and others which contain considerably less carbohydrate; it seems likely that the regions of lower sugar content may be important to intermolecular linkages. The data suggest that the basic unit of the glycoprotein has a molecular weight of 550 000-600 000, with its protein core consisting of approx. 1200 amino acid residues.  相似文献   

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