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Deep-subsurface samples obtained by deep drilling are likely to be contaminated with mesophilic microorganisms in the drilling fluid, and this could affect determination of the community structure of the geothermal microflora using 16S rRNA gene clone library analysis. To eliminate possible contamination by PCR-amplified 16S rRNA genes from mesophiles, a combined thermal denaturation and enzyme digestion method, based on a strong correlation between the G+C content of the 16S rRNA gene and the optimum growth temperatures of most known prokaryotic cultures, was used prior to clone library construction. To validate this technique, hot spring fluid (76 degrees C) and river water (14 degrees C) were used to mimic a deep-subsurface sample contaminated with drilling fluid. After DNA extraction and PCR amplification of the 16S rRNA genes from individual samples separately, the amplified products from river water were observed to be denatured at 82 degrees C and completely digested by exonuclease I (Exo I), while the amplified products from hot spring fluid remained intact after denaturation at 84 degrees C and enzyme digestion with Exo I. DNAs extracted from the two samples were mixed and used as a template for amplification of the 16S rRNA genes. The amplified rRNA genes were denatured at 84 degrees C and digested with Exo I before clone library construction. The results indicated that the 16S rRNA gene sequences from the river water were almost completely eliminated, whereas those from the hot spring fluid remained.  相似文献   

International drilling projects for the study of microbial communities in the deep-subsurface hot biosphere have been expanded. Core samples obtained by deep drilling are commonly contaminated with mesophilic microorganisms in the drilling fluid, making it difficult to examine the microbial community by 16S rRNA gene clone library analysis. To eliminate mesophilic organism contamination, we previously developed a new method (selective phylogenetic analysis [SePA]) based on the strong correlation between the guanine-plus-cytosine (G+C) contents of the 16S rRNA genes and the optimal growth temperatures of prokaryotes, and we verified the method's effectiveness (H. Kimura, M. Sugihara, K. Kato, and S. Hanada, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 72:21-27, 2006). In the present study we ascertained SePA's ability to eliminate contamination by archaeal rRNA genes, using deep-sea hydrothermal fluid (117 degrees C) and surface seawater (29.9 degrees C) as substitutes for deep-subsurface geothermal samples and drilling fluid, respectively. Archaeal 16S rRNA gene fragments, PCR amplified from the surface seawater, were denatured at 82 degrees C and completely digested with exonuclease I (Exo I), while gene fragments from the deep-sea hydrothermal fluid remained intact after denaturation at 84 degrees C because of their high G+C contents. An examination using mixtures of DNAs from the two environmental samples showed that denaturation at 84 degrees C and digestion with Exo I completely eliminated archaeal 16S rRNA genes from the surface seawater. Our method was quite useful for culture-independent community analysis of hyperthermophilic archaea in core samples recovered from deep-subsurface geothermal environments.  相似文献   

In 1992, two independent reports based on small-subunit rRNA gene (SSU rDNA) cloning revealed the presence of novel Archaea among marine bacterioplankton. Here, we report the presence of further novel Archaea SSU rDNA sequences recovered from the midgut contents of a deep-sea marine holothurian. Phylogenetic analyses show that these abyssal Archaea are a paraphyletic component of a highly divergent clade that also includes some planktonic sequences. Our data confirm that this clade is a deep-branching lineage in the tree of life.  相似文献   

This study presents a manually constructed alignment of nearly complete rRNA genes from most animal clades (371 taxa from ~33 of the ~36 metazoan phyla), expanded from the 197 sequences in a previous study. This thorough, taxon-rich alignment, available at http://www.wsu.edu/~jmallatt/research/rRNAalignment.html and in the Dryad Repository (doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.5061/dryad.1v62kr3q), is based rigidly on the secondary structure of the SSU and LSU rRNA molecules, and is annotated in detail, including labeling of the erroneous sequences (contaminants). The alignment can be used for future studies of the molecular evolution of rRNA. Here, we use it to explore if the larger number of sequences produces an improved phylogenetic tree of animal relationships. Disappointingly, the resolution did not improve, neither when the standard maximum-likelihood method was used, nor with more sophisticated methods that partitioned the rRNA into paired and unpaired sites (stem, loop, bulge, junction), or accounted for the evolution of the paired sites. For example, no doublet model of paired-site substitutions (16-state, 16A and 16B, 7A-F, or 6A-C models) corrected the placement of any rogue taxa or increased resolution. The following findings are from the simplest, standard, ML analysis. The 371-taxon tree only imperfectly supported the bilaterian clades of Lophotrochozoa and Ecdysozoa, and this problem remained after 17 taxa with unstably positioned sequences were omitted from the analysis. The problem seems to stem from base-compositional heterogeneity across taxa and from an overrepresentation of highly divergent sequences among the newly added taxa (e.g., sequences from Cephalopoda, Rotifera, Acoela, and Myxozoa). The rogue taxa continue to concentrate in two locations in the rRNA tree: near the base of Arthropoda and of Bilateria. The approximately uncertain (AU) test refuted the monophyly of Mollusca and of Chordata, probably due to long-branch attraction of the highly divergent cephalopod and urochordate sequences out of those clades. Unlikely to be correct, these refutations show for the first time that rRNA phylogeny can support some 'wrong' clades. Along with its weaknesses, the rRNA tree has strengths: It recovers many clades that are supported by independent evidence (e.g., Metazoa, Bilateria, Hexapoda, Nonoculata, Ambulacraria, Syndermata, and Thecostraca with Malacostraca) and shows good resolution within certain groups (e.g., in Platyhelminthes, Insecta, Cnidaria). As another strength, the newly added rRNA sequences yielded the first rRNA-based support for Carnivora and Cetartiodactyla (dolphin+llama) in Mammalia, for basic subdivisions of Bryozoa ('Gymnolaemata+Stenolaemata' versus Phylactolaemata), and for Oligostraca (ostracods+branchiurans+pentastomids+mystacocarids). Future improvement could come from better sequence-evolution models that account for base-compositional heterogeneity, and from combining rRNA with protein-coding genes in phylogenetic reconstruction.  相似文献   

In wheat seeds, starch synthase I or the Waxy protein is an enzyme involved in amylose synthesis. The gene encoding this enzyme is Wx and in this study, eight novel Wx alleles were identified in three diploid Taeniatherum species. The variability of these alleles was evaluated, and their nucleotide sequences were compared with those of homologous alleles from wheat. Two types of Taeniatherum Wx alleles were detected in three diploid species Ta. caput-medusae, Ta. asperum, and Ta. crinitum. A phylogenetic analysis indicates that the Taeniatherum Wx alleles were more closely related to Wx alleles from Aegilops species with C, D, M, and U genomes than to Wx alleles of other species. These alleles represent a potential genetic resource that may be useful in wheat breeding programs.  相似文献   

The basal relationship of bryophytes and tracheophytes is problematic in land plant phylogeny. In addition to cladistic analyses of morphological data, molecular phylogenetic analyses of the nuclear small-subunit ribosomal RNA gene and the plastic gene rbcL have been performed, but no confident conclusions have been reached. Using the maximum-likelihood (ML) method, we analyzed 4,563 bp of aligned sequences from plastid protein-coding genes and 1,680 bp from the nuclear 18S rRNA gene. In the ML tree of deduced amino acid sequences of the plastid genes, hornworts were basal among the land plants, while mosses and liverworts each formed a clade and were sister to each other. Total-evidence evaluation of rRNA data and plastid protein-coding genes by TOTALML had an almost identical result.  相似文献   

Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) in two regions of the ribosomal DNA (rDNA) repeat unit were examined in 33 strains representing 18 species ofSaprolegnia. The Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) was used to separately amplify the 18S rDNA and the region spanning the two internal transcribed spacers (ITS) and the 5.8S ribosomal RNA gene. Amplified products were subjected to a battery of restriction endonucleases to generate various fingerprints. The internal transcribed spacer region exhibited more variability than the 18S rDNA and yielded distinctive profiles for most of the species examined. Most of the species showing 100% similarity for the 18S rDNA could be distinguished by 5.8S + ITS restriction polymorphisms except forS. hypogyna, S. delica, S. lapponica, andS. mixta. The rDNA data indicate thatS. lapponica andS. mixta are conspecific withS. ferax, whereas there is no support for the proposed synonymies ofS. diclina withS. delica and ofS. mixta withS. monoica. Results from cluster analysis of the two data sets were very consistent and tree topologies were the same, regardless of the clustering method used. A further examination of multiple strains in theS. diclina-S. parasitica complex showed that restriction profiles are conserved across different strains ofS. parasitica originating from the U.K. and Japan.HhaI andBsaI restriction polymorphisms were observed in isolates from the U.S. and India. The endonucleaseBstUI was diagnostic forS. parasitica, generating identical fingerprints for all strains regardless of host and geographic origin. Except for the atypical strain ATCC 36144, restriction patterns were also largely conserved inS. diclina. Correlation of the rDNA data with morphological and ultrastructural features showed thatS. diclina andS. parasitica are not conspecific. Restriction polymorphisms in PCR-amplified rDNA provide a molecular basis for the classification ofSaprolegnia and will be useful for the identification of strains that fail to produce antheridia and oogonia.  相似文献   

The molecular relationship of placental mammals has attracted great interest in recent years. However, 2 crucial and conflicting hypotheses remain, one with respect to the position of the root of the eutherian tree and the other the relationship between the orders Rodentia, Lagomorpha (rabbits, hares), and Primates. Although most mitochondrial (mt) analyses have suggested that rodents have a basal position in the eutherian tree, some nuclear data in combination with mt-rRNA genes have placed the root on the so-called African clade or on a branch that includes this clade and the Xenarthra (e.g., anteater and armadillo). In order to generate a new and independent set of molecular data for phylogenetic analysis, we have established cDNA sequences from different tissues of various mammalian species. With this in mind, we have identified and sequenced 8 housekeeping genes with moderately fast rate of evolution from 22 placental mammals, representing 11 orders. In order to determine the root of the eutherian tree, the same genes were also sequenced for 3 marsupial species, which were used as outgroup. Inconsistent with the analyses of nuclear + mt-rRNA gene data, the current data set did not favor a basal position of the African clade or Xenarthra in the eutherian tree. Similarly, by joining rodents and lagomorphs on the same basal branch (Glires hypothesis), the data set is also inconsistent with the tree commonly favored in mtDNA analyses. The analyses of the currently established sequences have helped examination of problematic parts in the eutherian tree at the same time as they caution against suggestions that have claimed that basal eutherian relationships have been conclusively settled.  相似文献   

A full-length cDNA, LpNDPK, encoding ryegrass nucleoside diphosphate kinase (EC has been cloned and sequenced. The nucleotide sequence of the clone contains an open reading frame of 450 nucleotides encoding a protein of 150 amino acid residues with a calculated molecular mass of 16.5 kDa and a Pi of 6.62. The LpNDPK encoded protein possesses substantial homology with nucleoside diphosphate kinases (NDPKs) isolated and cloned form other sources; the highest identity (86 percnt;) was observed with NDPK from sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum). Amino acid comparisons with other NDPKs show that the presented ryegrass NDPK sequence also contains several motifs and specific residues crucial for catalytic activity which are highly conserved among other NDPKs. RT-PCR expression analysis using primers covering the coding region of LpNDPK revealed that the ryegrass NDPK gene is equally expressed in stem, leaf, and flower tissue.  相似文献   

The identification and characterization of genes involved in the microbial oxidation of arsenite will contribute to our understanding of factors controlling As cycling in natural systems. Towards this goal, we recently characterized the widespread occurrence of aerobic arsenite oxidase genes (aroA‐like) from pure‐culture bacterial isolates, soils, sediments and geothermal mats, but were unable to detect these genes in all geothermal systems where we have observed microbial arsenite oxidation. Consequently, the objectives of the current study were to measure arsenite‐oxidation rates in geochemically diverse thermal habitats in Yellowstone National Park (YNP) ranging in pH from 2.6 to 8, and to identify corresponding 16S rRNA and aroA genotypes associated with these arsenite‐oxidizing environments. Geochemical analyses, including measurement of arsenite‐oxidation rates within geothermal outflow channels, were combined with 16S rRNA gene and aroA functional gene analysis using newly designed primers to capture previously undescribed aroA‐like arsenite oxidase gene diversity. The majority of bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequences found in acidic (pH 2.6–3.6) Fe‐oxyhydroxide microbial mats were closely related to Hydrogenobaculum spp. (members of the bacterial order Aquificales), while the predominant sequences from near‐neutral (pH 6.2–8) springs were affiliated with other Aquificales including Sulfurihydrogenibium spp., Thermocrinis spp. and Hydrogenobacter spp., as well as members of the Deinococci, Thermodesulfobacteria and β‐Proteobacteria. Modified primers designed around previously characterized and newly identified aroA‐like genes successfully amplified new lineages of aroA‐like genes associated with members of the Aquificales across all geothermal systems examined. The expression of Aquificales aroA‐like genes was also confirmed in situ, and the resultant cDNA sequences were consistent with aroA genotypes identified in the same environments. The aroA sequences identified in the current study expand the phylogenetic distribution of known Mo‐pterin arsenite oxidase genes, and suggest the importance of three prominent genera of the order Aquificales in arsenite oxidation across geochemically distinct geothermal habitats ranging in pH from 2.6 to 8.  相似文献   

23S rRNA gene from the halophilic archaeon Haloferax mediterranei (strain ATCC 33500) was cloned and sequenced. Proceeding from the 2,912 nucleotides long sequence, the secondary structure of Haloferax genus large subunit rRNA was proposed. Haloferax mediterranei intergenic spacers 16S/23S and 23S/5S were also sequenced, and found to be 382 and 116 nucleotides long respectively. The 16S/23S spacer showed an Ala-tRNA intervening sequence, which is a common feature in Euryarchaeota. Sequence analysis of 23S rRNA and 16S rRNA was performed for the six organisms from the family Halobacteriaceae with both available gene sequences. Phylogenetic trees with completely different topology were obtained using both molecules.  相似文献   

The causative agent of fasciolosis in South America is thought to be Fasciola hepatica. In this study, Fasciola flukes from Peru were analyzed to investigate their genetic structure and phylogenetic relationships with those from other countries. Fasciola flukes were collected from the three definitive host species: cattle, sheep, and pigs. They were identified as F. hepatica because mature sperms were observed in their seminal vesicles, and also they displayed Fh type, which has an identical fragment pattern to F. hepatica in the nuclear internal transcribed spacer 1. Eight haplotypes were obtained from the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 (nad1) sequences of Peruvian F. hepatica; however, no special difference in genetic structure was observed between the three host species. Its extremely low genetic diversity suggests that the Peruvian population was introduced from other regions. Nad1 haplotypes identical to those of Peruvian F. hepatica were detected in China, Uruguay, Italy, Iran, and Australia. Our results indicate that F. hepatica rapidly expanded its range due to human migration. Future studies are required to elucidate dispersal route of F. hepatica from Europe, its probable origin, to other areas, including Peru.  相似文献   

A new method of coding polymorphic multiistate characters for phylogenetic analysis is presented. By dividing such characters into subcharacters, their frequency distributions can be represented with discrete states. Differential weighting is used to counter the effect of representing one character with multiple characters. The new method, generalized frequency coding (GFC), is potentially superior to previously used methods in that it incorporates more information and is applicable to both qualitative and quantitative characters. When applied to a previously published data set that includes both types of polymorphic multistate characters, the method performed well, as assessed with g1 and nonparametric bootstrap statistics and giving results congruent with those of other studies. The data set was also used to compare GFC with both gap-weighting and Manhattan distance step matrix coding. On these grounds and for philosophical reasons, we consider GFC to be a better estimator of phylogeny.  相似文献   

Bacteria and archaea in frozen (− 20 °C) ruminal digesta were analysed by qPCR and cloning/sequencing of 16S rRNA genes. Samples frozen with and without glycerol as cryoprotectant indicated a major loss of Bacteroidetes in unprotected samples, resulting in higher proportions of Firmicutes. Archaeal numbers and diversity were unaffected.  相似文献   

The Plasmodiophorida and Phagomyxida are orders of zoosporic eukaryotes of uncertain phylogenetic affinities. We have obtained ribosomal DNA sequence information from several species in these groups. Phylogenetic analyses of these sequences have confirmed that they form a monophyletic grouping that clusters most closely with a rhizopod assemblage consisting of sarcomonads and chlorarachneans. The Phagomyxida sequences appear distant enough from those of the Plasmodiophorida to justify a separate order. The relationships between the Plasmodiophorida remain unclear, with species from the same genus showing significant degrees of divergence.  相似文献   

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