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Two largely independent studies of chromosomes from natural populations of Anopheles maculatus provide evidence for several genetic species within the taxon. (1) Polytene chromosome variation shows four different rearrangements of arm 2 and three rearrangements of the X chromosome. There is strong evidence for three species. Two allopatric populations represent either dramatic geographic variation for two independent inversion systems within one of the genetic species, or represent two additional species. Their species status remains unresolved by this work. (2) Heterochromatic variation occurs in both X and Y chromosomes as revealed by Giemsa-banding of mitotic chromosomes from larval brains. The distribution and association of these various sex chromosomes give further evidence of a species complex. A preliminary correlation of these two kinds of chromosomal variation is given.  相似文献   

Secondary metabolites of the neem tree (Azadirachta indica A. Juss., Meliaceae) exhibit a wide range of biological activities in insects. However, few studies have addressed the effects of neem extracts or compounds in arthropods of medical importance. In this study, a laboratory strain of Anopheles stephensi was used to assess the effects of a commercial formulation (Neem Azal) (NA)), containing azadirachtin A at 34%, on blood feeding, oviposition and oocyte ultrastructure. Oral administration of Neem Azal) to A. stephensi females through artificial blood meals did impair blood intake and oviposition in a concentration dependent manner. Similar results were obtained on females, which had consumed Neem Azal) in sucrose solution before taking a blood meal of plain blood. Neem treated females displayed a delay in oocyte development in both the phase of vitellogenesis and the phase of choriogenesis. The ultrastructural studies on ovaries from Neem Azal) treated females revealed distinct structural modifications indicative of: (i) a complete block of oogenesis, (ii) impairment of vitellogenesis and vitelline envelope formation, (iii) a severe degeneration of follicle cells. In agreement with results obtained in other insects, this study indicates that Neem Azal) impairs hormone control of oogenesis and exerts a cytotoxic effect on both follicular cells and oocytes of the Asian malaria vector A. stephensi.  相似文献   

The chromosomes of several cultivatedTulipa species of subg.Leiostemones were examined in conventionally stained and C-banded preparations. The heterochromatin content varied from almost none to 45%. Several chromosome types were recognized with respect to chromosome morphology and heterochromatin distribution, and groups of species with common chromosome characteristics could be identified. These karyological relationships are discussed with respect to the groups formed on the basis of floral and bulb charateristics.  相似文献   

The chromosomes of several cultivatedTulipa species belonging to the subg.Eriostemones were examined using conventional staining and C-banding techniques. Most of the species have lightly banded chromosomes with heterochromatin content varying from nil to about 15%. The banding patterns of several taxa are described and discussed in regard to species relationships.  相似文献   

杨飞龙  李旭东  闫振天  付文博  陈斌 《生态学报》2015,35(16):5449-5457
为了掌握云南省各地中华按蚊种群间的遗传变异和种群结构特征,测序并分析了采自云南9个样本点5个种群组的89头中华按蚊的线粒体COII基因。结果表明这些中华按蚊种群的COII基因序列平均单倍型多样性指数和核苷酸多样性指数分别为h=0.933,π=0.00406,共有51个变异位点,占分析的739个碱基总数的6.9%;定义了39个单倍型,有2个频率最高的单倍型H1和H9,分别占个体序列数的20.2%和12.4%;系统发育分析表明单倍型与地理位置没有明显的对应关系,单倍型网络图显示大部分单倍型分布没有明显的亲缘地理格局,主要以单倍型H1、H9、H4、H33和H2为中心呈星状分布,但元江和元阳构成的种群组(YU)单倍型存在明显地域分布特征;AMOVA结果表明种群组间遗传变异为12.58%,达到显著水平(P=0.04888),地理种群组间具有明显种群遗传结构。不同地区两两种群组间的Fst值和Nm值显示大部分种群组间存在基因交流,没有形成明显的遗传分化,但YU种群组和其他种群组间缺乏明显的基因交流,这主要是因为哀牢山的阻隔,使云南东西部形成两种不同的气候,产生了明显的遗传分化;歧点分布图显示为明显单峰分布,中性检测结果均为显著负值,说明云南省的中华按蚊种群在近期经历过复杂的种群扩张事件。掌握中华按蚊遗传多样性及分化特征,对中华按蚊及疟疾控制具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

Borges AR  Gaspar VP  Fernandez MA 《Genetica》2000,108(1):101-105
The mitotic chromosomes of Bradysia hygida(Diptera:Sciaridae) neuroblast cells are described together with their morphometric data. Giemsa-stained neuroblast chromosomes from female and male larvae confirm the chromosome number of this species, 2n=8 (XX) and 2n=7 (XO), respectively. The karyotype assembly reveals two metacentric autosomic pairs, the A and B chromosome; a subtelocentric, the C chromosome, the smallest one; and a sexual unequal metacentric pair, X chromosome, in female karyotype and a one sexual metacentric X chromosome in male. The implications of the unequal X chromosome pair are discussed.  相似文献   

Two long repeats, MS3 and MS4, are predominantly located in sex-chromosomal heterochromatin in common vole species [1]. Their tandem arrangement was revealed by means of the PCR analysis of genomic DNAs of four Microtus species and by restriction mapping of clones selected from a M. rossiaemeridionalis genomic library. Several mobile elements proved to be incorporated in a monomeric unit of each repeat and amplified together with its other components. In addition, LINE inserts were found in MS4 tandem arrays. The copy number of both repeats per haploid genome was estimated at 100–300 for euchromatin and 20,000–40,000 for the M. rossiaemeridionalis genome. The repeats were assumed to be the major component of sex-chromosomal heterochromatin DNA.  相似文献   

The interfacial feeding behavior, mouthpart movements, and particle flow patterns of Anopheles quadrimaculatuslarvae were investigated, using videotape recordings, high-speed microcinematography, SEM, and laboratory experiments. While positioned at the water surface, larvae demonstrated 12 behaviors associated with movements of the head. In one of these, a larva rotated its head 180° and directed its mouthparts against the air-water interface. The larva rapidly extended and retracted its lateral palatal brushes (LPBs) at a rate of 5 cycles/s (5 Hz), creating currents and allowing for the collection of particles. Particles moved toward the head at a velocity of 4.31 mm/s, in discrete stops and starts, as the LPBs beat. Our analyses determined that particle movement toward the mouth was governed by very low Reynolds numbers (0.002–0.009). This finding indicated that viscous forces predominated in Anophelesfeeding and no inertial movement of particles occurred. According to this model, the LPBs cannot intercept particles directly, but function as paddles for particle entrainment. We did not observe the pharynx to function in particle filtration but, rather, in food bolus formation. We propose that the maxillary pilose area and midpalatal brush function as interception structures. It appeared that the LPBs do not break the surface film to feed, but collect particles from the surface microlayers. A plume of uningested particles emerged from the sides of the cibarium and descended into the water column. The plume consisted of alternately clear and dark, lenticular laminae formed beneath the larval head during the collecting filtering feeding mode. A comparison of particle sizes from surface microlayers and gut contents of fourth instars showed that larvae ingested mainly small particles in the range of 1.5 to 4.5 pm in diameter. The potential significance of interfacial feeding by anopheline larvae in their aquatic environment is discussed.  相似文献   

We examined whether body size affects the swarming behavior and mating success of male Anopheles freeborninear California rice fields. Swarms formed after dusk and persisted for approximately 30 min. The proportion of males in 33 swarms sampled n=6028 ranged from 100 to 92% but decreased over time (r=0.73, t=6.03, P<0.001).On average, swarming males (n=1058) were larger than males sampled from the resting population (n=735, H=35.6, P<0.0001),indicating that some males never swarm at all. Males swarming early were significantly smaller than those swarming during the peak (H=6.71, P=0.009)or final minutes of the swarm (H=4.86, P=0.002). Mated males returned to the swarm after mating, and larger males enjoyed greater mating success than did smaller ones (n=398, H=16.1, P=0.0005).  相似文献   

We conducted a field survey for flatworms to select species as potential biological control agents against Aedes aegypti and Culex pipiens (Diptera, Culicidae) breeding in artificial containers. Laboratory experiments were performed to determine the daily predation rate, differential predation on each mosquito larval instar, selective predation on either A. aegypti or C. pipiens, and predator tolerance to water from artificial containers. Girardia anceps (Tricladida, Paludicola, Dugesiidae), Mesostoma ehrenbergii and Bothromesostoma cf. evelinae (Rhabdocoela, Typhloplanoida, Typhloplanidae) were found in temporary puddles and permanent pools. In the laboratory, they killed between 52% and 100% of immature mosquitoes coexisting in the same habitat. No preference of flatworms for mosquito preys was detected. Predation rate was related to predator size and instar of preys. Girardia anceps and B. evelinae survived after a dry period and when re-flooding occurred, they laid eggs. Tolerance to water from artificial containers was highest in G. anceps and this species could be a suitable predator to reduce mosquito populations from artificial containers using an inoculative approach.  相似文献   

Allozyme variability was analyzed at 16 loci in 11 lines of Anopheles stephensi Liston from Pakistan. Six lines were considered as samples from natural populations. For these lines the mean number of alleles was 1.31-1.63, the degree of polymorphism was 0.188-0.375, the observed heterozygosity was 0.065-0.086, and the genetic distance ranged from 0.001 to 0.016. No population-specific alleles were found. Interbreeding was considerable (mean Fit = 0.183). Differences in allele frequencies were due considerable (mean Fit = 0.183). Differences in allele frequencies were due primarily to local inbreeding (Fis greater than Fst at most loci). The Lahore line, reared for more than 20 generations, had more homozygotes than the other lines. A line refractory to Plasmodium falciparum and a genetic sexing line exhibited decreased allozyme variability. The latter line showed reduced staining intensity at 10 loci. Linkage studies are recommended for the following loci with rare alleles: Acp, Gapdh, Icd-1, Icd-2, Mpi, and Pgd.  相似文献   

In the field 92.9% of female Culex restuansdrank from the oviposition site before beginning to oviposit. Individuals that drank did so an average of 6.4 times, spending an average of 114.5 s in this behavior. Individuals prevented from drinking by sealing their proboscises either failed to lay or laid abnormal egg rafts. Drinking does not appear to be related to evaluation of the ovisite. Instead, it may be necessary for emptying the entire clutch of eggs from the ovarioles and may also assist in the construction of a normal egg raft.  相似文献   

Algae are important food resources of the larvae of the African malaria vectors, Anopheles gambiae Giles and Anopheles arabiensis Patton (Anopheles gambiae sensu lato), and other zooplankton, but empirical evidence remains meager about the agal flora in ephemeral water bodies. The animals present in natural aquatic habitats in western Kenya were sampled from July to November 2002 to study abiotic and biotic environmental factors determining A. gambiae sl larval abundance. The five highest concentrations of third and fourth instars and pupae (hereafter referred to as old-stage larvae) were sampled in conjunction with the unicellular epizoic green algae, Rhopalosolen species (Chlorophyta; Chlorophyceae). Canonical correspondence analysis revealed that the presence of Rhopalosolen species was the most important determinant of the animal assemblage. The density of old-stage A. gambiae sl larvae was positively correlated with the presence of Rhopalosolen species, but the density of first and second instars of A. gambiae sl was not. The water bodies with Rhopalosolen sp. yielded larger mosquitoes in spite of the higher density of larvae. We demonstrated that the productivity of water bodies in terms of the larvae of malaria vectors can differ in magnitude depending on the agal flora. We discuss phytoplankton as a regulator of mosquito larval populations.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic analysis of the developmental stages and tissues of Anopheles albimanus showed that qualitatively similar allozymes of aconitase (Acon-2) occur at all stages, and the enzyme is widespread in every larval and adult tissues. Relative heat stabilities of the allozymes were investigated by electrophoresis of heated aqueous extracts and by heating the enzyme in situ in acrylamide gels after electrophoretic separation in Tris-citrate and Tris-maleate buffer systems. The pupal aconitase in the crude extract is more stable to heat than the larval and adult enzyme. The presence of citrate ions in the gel increased the stability of aconitase to heat. Studies of substrate specificities indicated that cis-aconitic acid is the best substrate but citric acid can also serve as a substrate. Zymograms developed with isocitric acid as a substrate showed no aconitase electromorphs and produced only isocitrate dehydrogenase bands. Aconitase has a pH optimum of 8.0 and this enzyme is completely inhibited if treated in situ with ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid (EDTA), p-chloromercuribenzoate (PCMB), and urea at concentrations higher than 5mm, 5×10–5 m, and 2 m, respectively. Acon-2100 and Acon-2105 do not respond differently to the above treatments. Genetic crosses involving a holandric translocation, pericentric inversions, visible mutants, and allozyme markers were analyzed to map the aconitase (Acon-2) locus on the left arm of chromosome 3. The gene sequence (and map distances) on 3L is centromere—esterase-8 (Est-8)—2—esterase-4 (Est-4)—25—esterase-2 (Est-2)—9—Acon-2—5—phosphoglucomutase (Pgm)—7—esterase-6 (Est-6).  相似文献   

This study deals with five species of the Barbirostris Complex of Anopheles subgenus Anopheles that are known to occur in Thailand. Three new species of the complex, A nopheles dissidens sp. nov. , A nopheles saeungae sp. nov. , and A nopheles wejchoochotei sp. nov. , are characterized and compared with Anopheles barbirostris van der Wulp and Anopheles campestris Reid based on specimens of molecularly identified progeny broods. For practical purposes, the five species are essentially isomorphic and can only be unequivocally identified from diagnostic mitochondrial and ribosomal DNA sequences. Based on overall morphological similarity, An. campestris is considered to be a member of the Barbirostris Complex rather than a separate member of the Barbirostris Subgroup. The molecular data, mitotic karyotypes, bionomics, and distributions of the species are reviewed and discussed. It is concluded that integrated molecular epidemiological studies of the complex throughout the Oriental Region are needed to unambiguously elucidate the individual species and their relation to disease. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Xanthurenic acid (XA), produced as a byproduct during the biosynthesis of insect eye pigment (ommochromes), is a strong inducer of Plasmodium gametogenesis at very low concentrations. In previous studies, it was shown that XA is present in Anopheles stephensi (Diptera: Culicidae) mosquito salivary glands and that during blood feeding the mosquitoes ingested their own saliva into the midgut. Considering these two facts together, it is therefore likely that XA is discharged with saliva during blood feeding and is swallowed into the midgut where it exerts its effect on Plasmodium gametocytes. However, the quantities of XA in the salivary glands and midgut are unknown. In this study, we used high performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection to detect and quantify XA in the salivary glands and midgut. Based on the results of this study, we found 0.28+/-0.05 ng of XA in the salivary glands of the mosquitoes, accounting for 10% of the total XA content in the mosquito whole body. The amounts of XA in the salivary glands reduced to 0.13+/-0.06 ng after mosquitoes ingested a blood meal. Approximately 0.05+/-0.01 ng of XA was detected in the midgut of nonblood fed An. stephensi mosquitoes. By adding synthetic tryptophan as a source of XA into larval rearing water (2 mM) or in sugar meals (10 mM), we evaluated whether XA levels in the mosquito (salivary glands, midgut, and whole body) were boosted and the subsequent effect on infectivity of Plasmodium berghei in the treated mosquito groups. A female specific increase in XA content was observed in the whole body and in the midgut of mosquito groups where tryptophan was added either in the larval water or sugar meals. However, XA in the salivary glands was not affected by tryptophan addition to larval water, and surprisingly it reduced when tryptophan was added to sugar meals. The P. berghei oocyst loads in the mosquito midguts were lower in mosquitoes fed tryptophan treated sugar meals than in mosquitoes reared on tryptophan treated larval water. Our results suggest that mosquito nutrition may have a significant impact on whole body and midgut XA levels in mosquitoes. We discuss the observed parasite infectivity results in relation to XA's relationship with malaria parasite development in mosquitoes.  相似文献   

Microsatellite‐containing regions were isolated and characterized in Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) marajoara, a primary vector of malaria parasites in northeastern Amazonia, Brazil. An enrichment protocol yielded 500 positive clones. We designed primers to amplify 40 unique microsatellites, 11 of which amplified cleanly and were polymorphic. A survey of 323 individuals showed that these loci are highly variable with the number of alleles ranging from 11 to 52, and expected heterozygosity ranging from 0.64 to 0.95. These markers will be useful for studies of population structure and intraspecific variation in A. marajoara.  相似文献   

Kin selection theory suggests that cannibalism is more likely to spread and be maintained if cannibalism of close relatives can be preferentially avoided. One important group of insects in which kin discrimination might be expected to evolve is cannibalistic tree-hole mosquitoes. Larvae of these species develop in small, ephemeral water bodies, where they regularly encounter both relatives and nonrelatives. In this study we compared the degree of sib cannibalism with the degree of nonsib cannibalism in two ecologically distinct mosquito species: an anautogenous (blood-feeding) detritivore Trichoprosopon digitatum (Culicinae) and an autogenous predator Toxorhynchites moctezuma (Toxorhynchitinae). Despite a wealth of literature documenting kin-biased discrimination in other insects, neither of these tree-hold mosquito species preferentially consumed nonrelatives. In the case of Tr. digitatum, the size-dependent nature of larval cannibalism may preclude additional selection for preferential consumption of nonrelatives, but in the autogenous Tx. moctezuma the direct nutritive and indirect competitive benefits of indiscriminate cannibalism may outweigh the immediate costs of consuming a relative.  相似文献   

Anopheles (Anopheles) sinensis [Wiedemann (1828)] is a member of the hyrcanus species group, and it has been incriminated as the natural or experimental malaria vectors in the Republic of Korea, Japan, China, and Indonesia. In Thailand, however, An. sinensis seems to be of little medical importance. Hybridization tests among the three iso-female lines (isolines) of An. sinensis [i.e., Form A (X, Y1) and Form B (X, Y2) (Thailand strain), and Form B (X, Y2) (Korean strain)] were established based on two distinct types of metaphase chromosomes and geographical differences The chromosomal form of the Korean strain was first identified from this study. Results of reciprocal and back crosses indicated that both karyotypic forms of theAn. sinensis Thailand and Korean strains were genetically compatible, and provided viable progenies and completely synaptic polytene chromosomes. The sequences of the rDNA internal-transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) and mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit II (COII) among the An. sinensis strains were nearly identical to each other, and the intraspecific sequence variability was very low (0.0-0.6%). Sequence comparisons among the cryptic inter-species (i.e., An. sinensis, An. lesteri, and An. yatsushiroensis), however, revealed extensive divergence, and the intraspecific variability ranged from 12.2 to 34.6%. Therefore, it is concluded from these results and previous vector ability studies that the An. sinensis Forms A and B exhibit cytological polymorphic races that have different vector abilities in their transmission of malaria, depending on their geographical locations.  相似文献   

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