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The evolution of sexual dimorphism will depend on how sexual, fecundity and viability selection act within each sex, with the different forms of selection potentially operating in opposing directions. We examined selection in the dioecious plant Silene latifolia using planted arrays of selection lines that differed in flower size (small vs. large). In this species, a flower size/number trade-off exists within each sex, and males produce smaller and more numerous flowers than females. Moreover, floral traits are genetically correlated with leaf physiology. Sexual selection favoring males in the small-flower line occurred via greater overlap in the timing of flower output between males from this line and females. Fecundity selection favored males with high flower production, as siring success was proportionate to pollen production. Viability selection opposed sexual selection, favoring males from the large-flower line. In females, fecundity and viability selection operated in the same direction, favoring those from the large-flower line via greater seed production and survival. These results concur with the pattern of floral sexual dimorphism. Together with previous results they suggest that the outcome of the different forms of selection will be environmentally dependent, and therefore help to explain variation among populations in sexually dimorphic traits.  相似文献   

Abstract To understand how genetic constraints may limit the evolution of males and sexual dimorphism in a gynodioecious species, I conducted a quantitative genetic experiment in a gynodioecious wild strawberry, Fragaria virginiana . I estimated and compared genetic parameters (narrow-sense heritabilities, between-trait and between-sex genetic correlations, as well as phenotypic and genetic variance-covariance matrices) in the two sex morphs from three populations grown in a common field garden. I measured pollen and ovule production per flower, petal size, fruit set, and flower number. My major findings are as follows. (1) The presence of a phenotypic trade-off between pollen production and fruit set in hermaphrodites reflects a negative genetic correlation in the narrow sense that is statistically significant when pooled across populations. (2) The main constraints on the evolution of males are low genetic variation for pollen per flower and strong positive correlations associated with ovule number (e.g., between pollen and ovules in hermaphrodites, and between ovules in hermaphrodites and females). (3) Traits with the lowest levels of sexual dimorphism (ovule number and flower number) have the highest between-sex genetic correlations suggesting that overlap in the expression of genes in the sex morphs constrains their independent evolution. (4) There are significant differences in G matrices between sex morphs but not among populations. However, evidence that male-female trait correlations in hermaphrodites were lower in populations with higher frequencies of females may indicate subtle changes in genetic architecture.  相似文献   

In animal-pollinated plants with unisexual flowers, sexual dimorphism in floral traits may be the consequence of pollinator-mediated selection. Experimental investigations of the effects of variation in flower size and floral display on pollinator visitation can provide insights into the evolution of floral dimorphism in dioecious plants. Here, we investigated pollinator responses to experimental arrays of dioecious Sagittaria latifolia in which we manipulated floral display and flower size. We also examined whether there were changes in pollinator visitation with increasing dimorphism in flower size. In S. latifolia, males have larger flowers and smaller floral displays than females. Visitation by pollinators, mainly flies and bees, was more frequent for male than for female inflorescences and increased with increasing flower size, regardless of sex. The number of insect visits per flower decreased with increasing floral display in males but remained constant in females. Greater sexual dimorphism in flower size increased visits to male inflorescences but had no influence on the number of visits to female inflorescences. These results suggest that larger flower sizes would be advantageous to both females and males, and no evidence was found that females suffer from increased flower-size dimorphism. Small daily floral displays may benefit males by allowing extended flowering periods and greater opportunities for effective pollen dispersal.  相似文献   

Aims Floral longevity, the duration that a flower remains open and functional, varies greatly among species. Variation in floral longevity has been considered to be optimal strategy for resource allocation under different ecological conditions, mainly determined by the rates of pollination and cost of flower maintenance. However, it is unclear whether an intrinsic factor, floral sexual investment, constrains evolution of floral longevity. The theoretical model also predicts that dichogamy favors long-lived flowers, but empirical studies to test this prediction remain unexplored.Methods To examine the effect of floral sexual investment on floral longevity, we measured flower size together with pollen and ovule production in 37 sympatric flowering plants in a natural community. The duration of the female and male phase in 21 protandrous species and floral longevity of the other 16 adichogamous species were documented in the field.Important findings Floral longevity varied from 1 day to 15 days, while pollen number per flower varied from 643 to 710880 and ovule number per flower from 1 to 426 in the 37 species. Flower size was correlated with pollen production as well as ovule production. Floral longevity was positively related to pollen production but not to ovule production. Consistent with the prediction that dichogamy favors long-lived flowers, we found the floral longevity of protandrous species was significantly longer than that of adichogamous species. In the protandrous species, pollen production per flower was observed to be positively related to male duration, while ovule production was not related to female duration. Our analyses of variation in floral longevity and sexual investment among different species suggest that the floral sexual investment could be an intrinsic factor contributing to the selected floral longevity, particularly the male phase, and that high pollen production could potentially increase pollen removal, i.e. male productive success.  相似文献   

Genetic correlations between the sexes can constrain the evolution of sexual dimorphism and be difficult to alter, because traits common to both sexes share the same genetic underpinnings. We tested whether artificial correlational selection favoring specific combinations of male and female traits within families could change the strength of a very high between-sex genetic correlation for flower size in the dioecious plant Silene latifolia. This novel selection dramatically reduced the correlation in two of three selection lines in fewer than five generations. Subsequent selection only on females in a line characterized by a lower between-sex genetic correlation led to a significantly lower correlated response in males, confirming the potential evolutionary impact of the reduced correlation. Although between-sex genetic correlations can potentially constrain the evolution of sexual dimorphism, our findings reveal that these constraints come not from a simple conflict between an inflexible genetic architecture and a pattern of selection working in opposition to it, but rather a complex relationship between a changeable correlation and a form of selection that promotes it. In other words, the form of selection on males and females that leads to sexual dimorphism may also promote the genetic phenomenon that limits sexual dimorphism.  相似文献   

The degree of sexual dimorphism in flowers and inflorescences can be evaluated early in flower development through the study of floral organ size co-variation. In the present work, the gynoecium-androecium size relationship was studied to assess the degree of sexual expression in flowers and inflorescences of the andromonoecious shrub Caesalpinia gilliesii. The co-variation pattern of floral organ sizes was compared between small and large inflorescences, under the hypothesis that inflorescence size reflected differential resource availability. Also, staminate and perfect flowers were collected from three populations and compared on the basis of gynoecium, ovule length, filament length, pollen size and number. The obtained results indicated that staminate and perfect flowers differed only in the gynoecium and ovule length, whereas filament length, pollen size, and number varied across populations. The gynoecium size was smaller and its variability was much higher in staminate than in perfect flowers, as explained by a recent hypothesis about pollinator-mediated gynoecium size selection acting upon perfect flowers. The analysis of the gynoecium-androecium size relationship during flower development, revealed a dissociation of gynoecium growth relative to other floral structures in some buds. Lower gynoecium-androecium regression slopes and smaller gynoecia length characterized smaller inflorescences, thus reflecting the fact that sexual expression was more male-biased. This trend is in agreement with a differential resource-related response at the inflorescence level, however, post-mating resource allocation and the inclusion of other modular levels may also help us to understand the variation in sexual dimorphism in this species.  相似文献   

Stillwell RC  Fox CW 《Oecologia》2007,153(2):273-280
Sexual size dimorphism is widespread in animals but varies considerably among species and among populations within species. Much of this variation is assumed to be due to variance in selection on males versus females. However, environmental variables could affect the development of females and males differently, generating variation in dimorphism. Here we use a factorial experimental design to simultaneously examine the effects of rearing host and temperature on sexual dimorphism of the seed beetle, Callosobruchus maculatus. We found that the sexes differed in phenotypic plasticity of body size in response to rearing temperature but not rearing host, creating substantial temperature-induced variation in sexual dimorphism; females were larger than males at all temperatures, but the degree of this dimorphism was smallest at the lowest temperature. This change in dimorphism was due to a gender difference in the effect of temperature on growth rate and not due to sexual differences in plasticity of development time. Furthermore, the sex ratio (proportion males) decreased with decreasing temperature and became female-biased at the lowest temperature. This suggests that the temperature-induced change in dimorphism is potentially due to a change in non-random larval mortality of males versus females. This most important implication of this study is that rearing temperature can generate considerable intraspecific variation in the degree of sexual size dimorphism, though most studies assume that dimorphism varies little within species. Future studies should focus on whether sexual differences in phenotypic plasticity of body size are a consequence of adaptive canalization of one sex against environmental variation in temperature or whether they simply reflect a consequence of non-adaptive developmental differences between males and females.  相似文献   

Floral traits that increase attractiveness to pollinators are predicted to evolve through selection on male function rather than on female function. To determine the importance of male-biased selection in dioecious Wurmbea dioica, we examined sexual dimorphism in flower size and number and the effects of these traits on pollinator visitation and reproductive success of male and female plants. Males produced more and larger flowers than did females. Bees and butterflies responded to this dimorphism and visited males more frequently than females, although flies did not differentiate between the sexes. Within sexes, insect pollinators made more visits to and visited more flowers on plants with many flowers. However, visits per flower did not vary with flower number, indicating that visitation was proportional to the number of flowers per plant. When flower number was experimentally held constant, visitation increased with flower size under sunny but not overcast conditions. Flower size but not number affected pollen removal per flower in males and deposition in females. In males, pollen removal increased with flower size 3 days after flowers opened, but not after 6 days when 98% of pollen was removed. Males with larger flowers therefore, may have higher fitness not because pollen removal is more complete, but because pollen is removed more rapidly providing opportunities to pre-empt ovules. In females, pollen deposition increased with flower size 3 days but not 6 days after flowers opened. At both times, deposition exceeded ovule production by four-fold or more, and for 2 years seed production was not limited by pollen. Flower size had no effect on seed production per plant and was negatively related to percent seed set, implying a tradeoff between allocation to attraction and reproductive success. This indicates that larger flower size in females is unlikely to increase fitness. In both sexes, gamete production was positively correlated with flower size. In males, greater pollen production would increase the advantage of large flowers, but in females more ovules may represent a resource cost. Selection to increase flower size and number in W. dioica has probably occurred through male rather than female function. Received: 15 June 1997 / Accepted: 12 February 1998  相似文献   

In dioecious plants, females typically invest more biomass in reproduction than males and consequently experience stronger life-history trade-offs. Sexual dimorphism in life history runs counter to this pattern in Silene latifolia: females acquire less carbon and invest more biomass in reproduction, but males pay a higher cost of reproduction. The species is sexually dimorphic for many traits, especially flower number, with males producing many, small flowers compared to females. We tested whether the cost of reproduction is higher in males because flower number, which we presume to be under sexual selection in males, is genetically correlated with traits that would affect life-history trade-offs. We performed artificial selection to reduce the sexual dimorphism in flower size and looked at correlated responses in ecophysiological traits. We found significant correlated responses in total vegetative mass, leaf mass, leaf thickness, and measures of CO(2) exchange. Individuals in the many-and-small-flowered selection lines did not grow as large or invest as much biomass in leaves, and their leaves exhibited an up-regulated physiology that shortened leaf life span. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that genetic correlations between floral display and ecophysiological traits lead to a higher cost of reproduction for males.  相似文献   

Many species exhibit sexual dimorphism in a variety of characters, and the underlying genetic architecture of dimorphism potentially involves sex-specific differences in the additive-genetic variance-covariance matrix (G) of dimorphic traits. We investigated the quantitative-genetic structure of dimorphic traits in the dioecious plant Silene latifolia by estimating G (including within-sex matrices, G(m), G(f), and the between-sex variance-covariance matrix, B), and the phenotypic variance-covariance matrix (P) for seven traits. Flower number was the most sexually dimorphic trait, and was significantly genetically correlated with all traits within each sex. Negative genetic correlations between flower size and number suggested a genetic trade-off in investment, but positive environmental correlations between the same traits resulted in no physical evidence for a trade-off in the phenotype. Between-sex genetic covariances for homologous traits were always greater than 0 but smaller than 1, showing that some, but not all, of the variation in traits is caused by genes or alleles with sex-limited expression. Using common principal-components analysis (CPCA), a maximum-likelihood (ML) estimation approach, and element-by-element comparison to compare matrices, we found that G(m) and G(f) differed significantly in eigenstructure because of dissimilarity in covariances involving leaf traits, suggesting the presence of variation in sex-limited genes with pleiotropic effects and/or linkage between sex-limited loci. The sex-specific structure of G is expected to cause differences in the correlated responses to selection within each sex, promoting the further evolution and maintenance of dimorphism.  相似文献   

银露梅亚雌雄异株种群的多倍化和花特征性二态 性二态是性别分离植物的常见性状,对植物的雌性和雄性功能可能产生不同的影响。本文以青藏高原特有植物银露梅(Dasiphora glabra)为研究对象,利用银露梅同时存在两性、雌性和雄性植株的种群,探讨银露梅与传粉相关的花特征性二态现象及其对传粉者访问、花粉流和结实的影响。另外,本文还利用流式细胞仪检查了两性植株、雄性植株和雌性植株之间基因组大小的差异。研究结果表明:银露梅雌性植株和雄性植株数量约占种群中植株总数量的40%,表明银露梅两性植株数量多于雄性和雌性的植株数量。两性植株的花数量显著多于雄性和雌性植株的花数量。雄花的花大小显著大于雌花和两性花的花大小。雄花的花粉数量与两性花的花粉数量没有差异,但是雌花的胚珠数量显著高于两性花的胚珠数量。双翅目的蝇类是银露梅最主要的访花者,尽管访花者偏好访问更大的花,但是在花间连续访问对大花没有表现出偏好。模拟花粉流实验表明,两性植株和雄性植株的有效花粉转移都很低,从而导致较低的结实率。雌性植株和雄性植株的DNA含量约为两性植株的4倍,并且单性植株和两性植株之间相互授粉不能结实。以上结果表明,与两性花相比,雌花和雄花在与传粉相关的花特征二态性上分别在雌性和雄性功能上表现出优势,但这种优势在很大程度上被低效的花粉转移所掩盖。银露梅的雌性植株和雄性植株经历了多倍化事件,导致与两性植株之间存在繁殖隔离,从而维持了3种性别植株的共存。  相似文献   

Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) is a common phenomenon in animals and varies widely among species and among populations within species. Much of this variation is likely due to variance in selection on females vs. males. However, environmental variables could have different effects on females vs. males, causing variation in dimorphism. In this study, we test the differential‐plasticity hypothesis, stating that sex‐differential plasticity to environmental variables generates among‐population variation in the degree of sexual dimorphism. We examined the effect of temperature (22, 25, 28, and 31 °C) on sexual dimorphism in four populations of the cockroach Eupolyphaga sinensis Walker (Blattaria: Polyphagidae), collected at various latitudes. We found that females were larger than males at all temperatures and the degree of this dimorphism was largest at the highest temperature (31 °C) and smallest at the lowest temperature (22 °C). There is variation in the degree of SSD among populations (sex*population interaction), but differences between the sexes in their plastic responses (sex*temperature interaction) were not observed for body size. Our results indicated that sex‐differential plasticity to temperature was not the cause of differences among populations in the degree of sexual dimorphism in body size.  相似文献   

Sexual selection should produce sexual size dimorphism in species where larger members of one sex obtain disproportionately more matings. Recent theory suggests that the degree of sexual size dimorphism depends on physical and temporal constraints involving the operational sex ratio, the potential reproductive rate and the trade-off between current reproductive effort and residual reproductive value. As part of a large-scale experiment on dispersal, we investigated the mating system of common brushtail possums inhabiting old-growth Eucalyptus forest in Australia. Paternity was assigned to 20 of 28 pouch-young (maternity known) genotyped at six microsatellite loci. Male mating success was strongly related to body size and age; male body weight and age being highly correlated. Despite disproportionate mating success favouring larger males, sexual size dimorphism was only apparent among older animals. Trapping and telemetry indicated that the operational sex ratio was effectively 1 : 1 and the potential reproductive rate of males was at most four times that of females. Being larger appeared to entail significant survival costs because males 'died-off' at the age at which sexual size dimorphism became apparent (8-9 years). Male and female home ranges were the same size and males appeared to be as sedentary as females. Moreover, longevity appears to be only slightly less important to male reproductive success than it is to females. It is suggested that a sedentary lifestyle and longevity are the key elements constraining selection for greater sexual size dimorphism in this 'model' medium-sized Australian marsupial herbivore.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism in body size and leg length was investigated in a common orb-weaving spider of Ireland and northern Europe, Metellina segmentata (Clerck, 1757) (Araneae, Metidae). Univariate and multivariate analyses of sexual dimorphism revealed that a greater proportion of between sex variation (sexual dimorphism) was attributable to variation in shape than in size. Significant differences were found in the scores for males and females for the first two principal components. PCI (shape) accounted for 44.25% of the variation and PC2 (size) 13.01% of the variation. Although M. segmentata has been attributed with minimal sexual size dimorphism, females were markedly heavier, possibly a reflection of differential reproductive investment between the sexes, but males had markedly longer legs and broader prosoma. The results are discussed with regard to existing theories of natural and sexual selection, particularly those concerning sexual cannibalism and differential life history traits in males and females. Models that attempt to explain the evolution of sexual size dimorphism in spiders and of the web builders in particular, fail to account for the multivariate nature of dimorphism, especially with respect to shape.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism is common in plants and animals. Although this dimorphism is often assumed to be adaptive, natural selection has rarely been measured on sexually dimorphic traits of plants. We measured phenotypic selection via seed set on two floral and four carbon uptake traits of female and hermaphrodite Lobelia siphilitica. Because females can reproduce only via seeds, which are costlier than pollen, we predicted that females with smaller flowers and enhanced carbon uptake would have higher fitness, resulting in either sex morph-specific directional selection or stabilizing selection for different optimal trait values in females and hermaphrodites. We found that directional selection on one carbon uptake trait differed between females and hermaphrodites. We did not detect significant stabilizing selection on traits of either sex morph. Our results provide little support for the hypothesis that sexual dimorphism in gynodioecious plants evolved in response to sex morph-specific selection.  相似文献   

There has been very little empirical study of quantitative genetic variation in flower size in sexually dimorphic plant species, despite the frequent occurrence of flower size differences between sexual phenotypes. In this study we quantify the nature of quantitative flower size variation in females and hermaphrodites of gynodioecious Thymus vulgaris. In a field study, females had significantly smaller flowers than hermaphrodites, and the degree of flower size dimorphism varied significantly among populations. To quantify the genetic basis of flower size variation we sampled maternal progeny from 10 F0 females in three populations (across the range of variation in flower size in the field), performed controlled crosses on F1 offspring in the glasshouse and grew F2 progeny to flowering in uniform field conditions. A significant population * sex interaction was again observed, hence the degree of sexual dimorphism shows genetic variation among populations. A significant family * sex interaction was also observed, indicating that the degree of sexual dimorphism shows genetic variation among families. Females showed significantly greater variation among populations and among families than hermaphrodites. Female flower size varied significantly depending on the degree of stamen abortion, with morphologically intermediate females having flowers more similar to hermaphrodites than to other females. The frequency of female types that differ in the degree of stamen abortion varied among populations and families and mean family female flower size increased as the proportion of intermediate female types increased across families. Variation in the degree of flower size dimorphism thus appears to be a result of variation in the degree of stamen abortion in females, the potential causes of which are discussed.  相似文献   

Pollen size varies little within angiosperm species, but differs extensively between species, suggesting the action of strong selection. Nevertheless, the potential for genetic responses of pollen size to selection, as determined by additive genetic variance and genetic correlations with other floral traits, has received little attention. To assess this potential, we subjected Brassica rapa to artificial selection for large and small pollen during three generations. This selection caused significant divergence in pollen diameter, with additive genetic effects accounting for over 30% of the observed phenotypic variation in pollen size. Such heritable genetic variation suggests that natural selection could effect evolutionary change in this trait. Selection on pollen size also elicited correlated responses in pollen number (–), flower size (+), style length (+), and ovule number (+), suggesting that pollen size cannot evolve independently. The correlated responses of pollen number, flower size and ovule number probably reflect the genetically determined and physically constrained pattern of resource allocation in B. rapa. In contrast, the positive correlation between pollen size and style length may represent a widespread gametic‐phase disequilibrium in angiosperms that arises from nonrandom fertilization success of large pollen in pistils with long styles.  相似文献   

The evolutionary causes of sexual dimorphism in plants have not been as widely studied as in animals and the importance of sexual selection in causing dimorphism remains controversial. Sexual selection is most obvious when it favours the evolution of a trait which enhances mating success at the expense of decreased viability. We studied the relationship between floral display (number of inflorescences), pollinator attraction and plant survival in a dioecious shrub, Leucadendron xanthoconus. Pollinator attraction, measured as the number of insect pollinators, increased linearly with floral display in males. However, males with extravagant displays had a higher probability of dying. Our data suggest that male plants are undergoing selection on floral display for increased mating success counterbalanced by selection against plants with extravagant displays. Seed set in females did not increase with floral display, except at very low inflorescence numbers. Nor was female survival correlated with floral display. Because inflorescences are terminal in the species, selection for more inflorescences in males causes increased ramification, thinner terminal branches and smaller leaves. Thus vegetative dimorphism in this species appears to be caused by selection for extravagant floral display in males, but not females. Limits to dimorphism are imposed by survival costs of elaborate display.  相似文献   

密点麻蜥的两性异形和雌性繁殖   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李宏  计翔  屈彦福  高建芳  章玲 《动物学报》2006,52(2):250-255
蜥蜴繁殖成功率与其形态特征有密切的关系。作者在内蒙古乌拉特后旗采集密点麻蜥(Eremias multio-cellata) ,定量研究该种形态特征的两性异形和雌体繁殖特征,检验与成体形态特征相关的两性繁殖成功率差异是否能促进两性异形的进化。密点麻蜥成体个体大小无显著的两性差异,但头部大小两性差异显著;雄性个体的头长和头宽均大于体长相同的雌性成体。繁殖雌体于五、六月份排卵;在实验室条件下,雌体在六月下旬至七月下旬之间产仔。该种雌体年产单窝仔,每窝2 -4仔。窝仔重与雌体体长呈正相关,但雌体体长仅能解释很少一部分(约19 %)窝仔重的变异。窝仔数和幼仔重均与雌体体长无关。幼仔重与相对生育力(相对于雌体体长的窝仔数)呈显著的负相关,表明该种蜥蜴存在后代数量-大小之间的权衡。密点麻蜥雄体和雌体向较大体型方向进化的选择压力均相对较弱,与成体头部大小相关的两性繁殖成功率的差异是导致该种蜥蜴头部大小两性异形进化的主要原因[动物学报52 (2) : 250 -255 , 2006]。  相似文献   

Trade-offs between flower size and number seem likely to influence the evolution of floral display and are an important assumption of several theoretical models. We assessed floral trade-offs by imposing two generations of selection on flower size and number in a greenhouse population of bee-pollinated Eichhornia paniculata. We established a control line and two replicate selection lines of 100 plants each for large flowers (S+), small flowers (S-), and many flowers per inflorescence (N+). We compared realized heritabilities and genetic correlations with estimates based on restricted-maximum-likelihood (REML) analysis of pedigrees. Responses to selection confirmed REML heritability estimates (flower size, h2 = 0.48; daily flower number, h2 = 0.10; total flower number, h2 = 0.23). Differences in nectar, pollen, and ovule production between S+ and S- lines supported an overall divergence in investment per flower. Both realized and REML estimates of the genetic correlation between daily and total flower number were r = 1.0. However, correlated responses to selection were inconsistent in their support of a trade-off. In both S- lines, correlated increases in flower number indicated a genetic correlation of r = -0.6 between flower size and number. In contrast, correlated responses in N+ and S+ lines were not significant, although flower size decreased in one N+ line. In addition, REML estimates of genetic correlations between flower size and number were positive, and did not differ from zero when variation in leaf area and age at first flowering were taken into account. These results likely reflect the combined effects of variation in genes controlling the resources available for flowering and genes with opposing effects on flower size and number. Our results suggest that the short-term evolution of floral display is not necessarily constrained by trade-offs between flower size and number, as is often assumed.  相似文献   

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