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Sex differences in the trade-off between feeding and mating in the guppy   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Male guppies Poecilia reticulata court almost continuously and often indulge in sneaky mating attempts. Female guppies, on the other hand, devote much of their time to foraging. This paper demonstrates that both sexes reduce their feeding rate in mixed-sex groups relative to single sex ones and suggests that the decrease is less pronounced for females than for males. Thus males make feeding and mating decisions that are dependent on hunger while female foraging behaviour is constrained by sexual harassment. The observed sex differences in behaviour are a consequence of asymmetrical mating costs in males and females.  相似文献   

Sex-related differences in susceptability to 2-acetylaminofluorene (2-AAF) hepatocarcinogenicity and in vivo biotransformation of 2-AAF have been observed. In order to determine the contribution of hepatocytes to these differences, 2-AAF biotransformation was investigated in monolayer cultures of hepatocytes freshly isolated from male and female F-344 rats.In cultured hepatocytes from both sexes, ring and N-hydroxylated, deacetylated and conjugated metabolites were formed. The half-life of 2-AAF was similar at concentrations of 5×10–6 and 10–5 M; however, at 10–4 M a slower rate was observed in cultures from males. Although the total formation of aqueous metabolites was similar, the ratio of sulfate to glucuronide conjugates of 2-AAF formed by hepatocytes from male and female rats differed. Sulfate conjugates predominated in hepatocytes from male rats, whereas in females, glucuronides predominated. The demonstration of sex-dependent variations in the rate of metabolism at a high concentration of 2-AAF and in conjugation provides evidence that in vivo differences are a function, at least in part, of the biotransformation characteristics of hepatocytes.Abbreviations 2-AAF 2-acetylaminofluorene - 2AF 2-aminofluorene - WME Williams Medium E.  相似文献   

Sex differences in ageing in natural populations of vertebrates   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In many long-lived vertebrates (including humans), adult males have shorter lifespans than adult females, partly as a result of higher annual rates of mortality in males and partly owing to sex differences in the rate of ageing. A probable explanation of the evolution of sex differences in ageing is that, in polygynous species, intense intrasexual competition between males restricts the number of seasons for which individual males are able to breed successfully, weakening selection pressures favouring adult longevity in males relative to females. If this is the case, sex differences in adult longevity and in the onset and rate of senescence should be greater in polygynous species than in monogamous ones and their magnitude should be related to the duration of effective breeding males compared with females. Here, we use data from longitudinal studies of vertebrates to show that reduced longevity in adult males (relative to females) is commonly associated with a more rapid decline in male than female survival with increasing age and is largely confined to polygynous species. The magnitude of sex differences in adult longevity in different species is consistently related to the magnitude of sex differences in the duration of effective breeding, calculated across surviving adults. Our results are consistent with the suggestion that sex differences in senescence in polygynous species are a consequence of weaker selection for longevity in males than females.  相似文献   

Although it is axiomatic that males and females differ in relation to many aspects of reproduction related to physiology, morphology and behaviour, relatively little is known about possible sex differences in the response to cues from the environment that control the timing of seasonal breeding. This review concerns the environmental regulation of seasonal reproduction in birds and how this process might differ between males and females. From an evolutionary perspective, the sexes can be expected to differ in the cues they use to time reproduction. Female reproductive fitness typically varies more as a function of fecundity selection, while male reproductive fitness varies more as a function sexual selection. Consequently, variation in the precision of the timing of egg laying is likely to have more serious fitness consequences for females than for males, while variation in the timing of recrudescence of the male testes and accompanying territory establishment and courtship are likely to have more serious fitness consequences for males. From the proximate perspective, sex differences in the control of reproduction could be regulated via the response to photoperiod or in the relative importance and action of supplementary factors (such as temperature, food supply, nesting sites and behavioural interactions) that adjust the timing of reproduction so that it is in step with local conditions. For example, there is clear evidence in several temperate zone avian species that females require both supplementary factors and long photoperiods in order for follicles to develop, while males can attain full gonadal size based on photoperiodic stimulation alone. The neuroendocrine basis of these sex differences is not well understood, though there are many candidate mechanisms in the brain as well as throughout the entire hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis that might be important.  相似文献   

Competition for resources and the need for cooperation are reported to affect patterns of social interactions and thus the quality of social relationships in primates. Relationships may be described as high quality when both individuals behave in a way that benefits their partner. We investigated the distribution of a wide range of social behaviors across sex partner combinations of adult spider monkeys with specific reference to contested resources. Data were collected from two communities of wild spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi yucatanensis) in the Otoch Ma'ax Yetel Kooh reserve in Yucatan, Mexico. Affiliative behavior was exchanged most frequently between males, and as male-male aggression was rare, male-male social relationships were characterized as high quality. Female-female social relationships were best described as low quality as females showed no preference to be in proximity with other females and female-female affiliative behavior was rare. Relationships between the sexes generally were characterized by high rates of female-directed male aggression, although additional investigation into the effects of kinship and female reproductive state on male-female relationships is required before further conclusions can be drawn. Dyadic and coalitionary female-female aggression was significantly higher than expected in a feeding context, confirming that female spider monkeys primarily compete for access to food. Male-male aggression did not increase significantly when in the presence of females, but males embraced at higher rates when in mixed-sex subgroups. As embraces serve to reduce the likelihood of aggression during tense situations, high rates of male-male embraces in mixed-sex subgroups may mitigate male conflicts over access to females.  相似文献   

Visitors at two zoos were observed as they approached the reptile exhibits at the respective institutions. Both age and sex differences were discovered among several variables designed to measure avoidance behavior. At most ages, females more often refused to enter the exhibits than males. Females also spent less time within the exhibits than males. With respect to age differences, teen aged visitors refused to enter less often and spent more time in the exhibits than did individuals of other ages.  相似文献   

There is tremendous diversity in ageing rates and lifespan not only among taxa but within species, and particularly between the sexes. Women often live longer than men, and considerable research on this topic has revealed some of the potential biological, psychological and cultural causes of sex differences in human ageing and lifespan. However, sex differences in lifespan are widespread in nonhuman animals suggesting biology plays a prominent role in variation in ageing and lifespan. Recently, evolutionary biologists have borrowed techniques from biomedicine to identify whether similar mechanisms causing or contributing to variation in ageing and lifespan in humans and laboratory animals also operate in wild animals. Telomeres are repetitive noncoding DNA sequences capping the ends of chromosomes that are important for chromosomal stability but that can shorten during normal cell division and exposure to stress. Telomere shortening is hypothesized to directly contribute to the ageing process as once telomeres shorten to some length, the cells stop dividing and die. Men tend to have shorter telomeres and faster rates of telomere attrition with age than women, suggesting one possible biological cause of sex differences in lifespan. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Watson et al. ( 2017 ) show that telomere lengths in wild Soay sheep are similar between females and males near the beginning of life but quickly diverge with age because males but not females showed reduced telomere lengths at older ages. The authors further show that some of the observed sex difference in telomere lengths in old age may be due to male investment in horn growth earlier in life, suggesting that sexually dimorphic allocation to traits involved in sexual selection might underlie sex differences in telomere attrition. This study provides a rare example of how biological mechanisms potentially contributing to sex differences in lifespan in humans may also operate in free‐living animals. However, future studies using a longitudinal approach are necessary to confirm these observations and identify the ultimate and proximate causes of any sex differences in telomere lengths. Collaborations between evolutionary biologists and gerontologists are especially needed to identify whether telomere lengths have a causal role in ageing, particularly in natural conditions, and whether this directly contributes to sex differences in lifespan.  相似文献   

I aim to explicate the pattern of differences and relations between the sexes in two groups ofC. capucinus, in terms of phylogenetic, social and ecological predictors. I use three lines of evidence to develop predictions as to how male and femaleC. capucinus interact and how the sexes differ in behavior: (1) phylogenetic similarities to other species ofCebus; (2) a general model of sex differences in female-bonded social systems; and (3) ecological analogy of Old World monkeys. First, I conclude that phylogenetic affinity is a good predictor in thatC. capucinus are similar to other species ofCebus in many patterns of sex-differentiated behavior. An exception is that, unlikeC. apella andC. olivaceus, in which a single breeding male is reported to be highly conspicuous in each group,C. capucinus live in a decidedly multimale system. Secondly, the general model of sex differences in female philopatric, male-dispersal societies, which was originally developed for Old World species, also accurately predicts several aspects of social behavior inC. capucinus. Thirdly, a proposed ecological analogy betweenCercopithecus ascanius andspecies of Cebus is not substantiated in this study of C. capucinus, though the analogy is apparently well suited to the social dynamics of other species in the genusCebus.  相似文献   

Strong asymmetries in parental care, with one sex providing more care than the other, are widespread across the animal kingdom. At present, two factors are thought to ultimately cause sex differences in care: certainty of parentage and sexual selection. By contrast, we here show that the coevolution of care and the ability to care can result in strong asymmetries in both the ability to care and the level of care, even in the absence of these factors. While the coevolution of care and the ability to care does not predict which sex evolves to care more than the other, once other factors give rise to even the slightest differences in the cost and benefits of care between the sexes (e.g. differences in certainty in parentage), a clear directionality emerges; the sex with the lower cost or higher benefit of care evolves both to be more able to care and to provide much higher levels of care than the other sex. Our findings suggest that the coevolution of levels of care and the ability to care may be a key factor underlying the evolution of sex differences in care.  相似文献   

Sex differences in the vocal behavior of nonhuman primates can take various forms: sex‐specific call types, differential production of shared call types, or sex discrepancy in phonation. Also, a growing literature is evidencing that systematically analyzing the vocal repertoires of primates at the call level might lead to underestimating their communicative abilities. Here, we present an extensive multi‐level analysis of the still unknown vocal repertoire of adult red‐capped mangabeys (Cercocebus torquatus), with a special emphasis on sex differences. We collected recordings from seven adult males and seven adult females housed in captivity. We present a structurally‐based classification of mangabey calls that we cross‐validated by an analysis of the associated contexts of emission. We found 12 sound units (including six sex‐specific) that were concatenated to form eight call types (including four sex‐specific), which were produced either singularly or in sequences composed of one (“repetition”) or several (“combination”) call types. We extracted organizational principles that ruled call composition and calling patterns. This revealed a high degree of potentially meaningful variability in terms of semantics and syntax. Male–female discrepancy in terms of phonation could be related to morphological dimorphism and would enable listeners to behave appropriately according to the sex of the caller. Sex differences in repertoire size, structural gradation, and call usage could reflect specificities of male–female social roles. We discuss the pertinence of these sex differences according to social system and habitat quality. Am. J. Primatol. 72:360–375, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Juveniles should choose social partners on the basis of both current and future utility. Where one sex is philopatric, one expects members of that sex to develop greater and sex‐typical social integration with group‐mates over the juvenile period. Where a partner's position in a dominance hierarchy is not associated with services it can provide, one would not expect juveniles to choose partners based on rank, nor sex differences in rank‐based preferences. We tested these ideas on 39 wild juvenile (3.2–7.4 years) blue monkeys (Cercopithecus mitis stuhlmanni), cercopithecines with strict female philopatry and muted hierarchies. We made focal animal observations over 6 months, and computed observed:expected amounts of proximity time, approaches and grooming given to various social partners. Overall, our results agree with the hypothesis that juvenile blue monkeys target social partners strategically. Spatial proximity, approaches and active grooming showed similar patterns regarding juvenile social preferences. Females were far more sociable than males, groomed more partners, reciprocated grooming more frequently, and preferred—while males avoided—infants as partners. Older juveniles (5–7 years) spent more time than younger juveniles (3–4 years) near others, and older females were especially attracted to infants. Close kin, especially mothers and less consistently adult sisters, were attractive to both male and female juveniles, regardless of age. Both sexes also preferred same‐sex juveniles as social partners while avoiding opposite‐sex peers. Juveniles of both sexes and ages generally neither preferred nor avoided nonmaternal adult females, but all juveniles avoided adult males. Partner's rank had no consistent effect on juveniles' preference, as expected for a species in which dominance plays a weak role. Juveniles' social preferences likely reflect both future and current benefits, including having tolerant adult kin to protect them against predators and conspecifics, same‐sex play partners, and, for females, infants on which to practice mothering skills. Am. J. Primatol. 72:193–205, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   


The present study investigated the relationship between pet ownership and opinions on the use of animals in medical research. A questionnaire was answered by 484 schoolteacher students and 156 pre-school teacher students from Uppsala University, Sweden. Animal use was found to be of significant importance for developing treatments for human disease by 59 percent of respondents, but 15 percent did not agree. Forty-four percent thought that it was morally acceptable to use animals in biomedical research, while 25 percent did not. A significantly higher proportion of those who reported experience in the use of animals in research from university teaching morally accepted and understood the importance of using animals in biomedical research, compared with students without this background. Fifty-eight percent of the students were pet owners and the most common species owned were the cat and the dog. A lower proportion of pet owners (39%) found it acceptable to use pet species in biomedical research than did non-pet owners (52%).  相似文献   

Sex differences in spatial cognition have been reported for many species ranging from voles to humans. The range size hypothesis predicts that sex differences in spatial ability will only occur in species in which the mating system selects for differential range size. Consistent with this prediction, we observed sex differences in spatial ability in giant pandas, a promiscuous species in which males inhabit larger ranges than females, but did not observe sex differences in Asian small-clawed otters, a related monogamous species in which males and females share home ranges. These results provide the first evidence of sex differences in spatial ability in the order Carnivora, and are consistent with the range size hypothesis.  相似文献   

The hippocampal formation (HF) plays an important role to facilitate higher order cognitive functions. Cholinergic activation of heteromeric nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) within the HF is critical for the normal development of principal neurons within this brain region. However, previous research investigating the expression and function of heteromeric nAChRs in principal neurons of the HF is limited to males or does not differentiate between the sexes. We used whole‐cell electrophysiology to show that principal neurons in the CA1 region of the female mouse HF are excited by heteromeric nAChRs throughout postnatal development, with the greatest response occurring during the first two weeks of postnatal life. Excitability responses to heteromeric nAChR stimulation were also found in principal neurons in the CA3, dentate gyrus, subiculum, and entorhinal cortex layer VI (ECVI) of young postnatal female HF. A direct comparison between male and female mice found that principal neurons in ECVI display greater heteromeric nicotinic passive and active excitability responses in females. This sex difference is likely influenced by the generally more excitable nature of ECVI neurons from female mice, which display a higher resting membrane potential, greater input resistance, and smaller afterhyperpolarization potential of medium duration (mAHP). These findings demonstrate that heteromeric nicotinic excitation of ECVI neurons differs between male and female mice during a period of major circuitry development within the HF, which may have mechanistic implications for known sex differences in the development and function of this cognitive brain region.  相似文献   

Objectives: Comparison of redox balance changes in the blood of women and men as a result of submaximal eccentric (ECC) and concentric (CONC) efforts.

Methods: 10 women and 10 men performed three 45-minute submaximal treadmill runs at constant velocities (downhill run – ECC, uphill run – CONC and level run). Prior to the 45-minute exercises, after their completion and following 24 hours of recovery, the concentration of lactate, oxidized low-density lipoprotein (ox-LDL), 3-nitrotyrosine, uric acid (UA) and the white blood cell count (WBC), neutrophil (NEUT), lymphocyte (LYMPH) and monocyte content in the blood were determined.

Results: In women, the ox-LDL increased significantly 10 minutes and 24 hours following ECC (P?P?P?P?Discussion: ECC cause impaired redox balance only in women. Due to the increase in antioxidant capacity of the blood without accompanying oxidative damage to macromolecules, for both sexes, it is recommended to perform concentric running efforts at the highest possible subliminal intensity.  相似文献   

Brown‐headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater) are one of few species in which females show more complex space use than males. Female cowbirds search for, revisit, and parasitize host nests and, in a previous study, outperformed males on an open field spatial search task. Previous research reported a female‐biased sex difference in the volume of the hippocampus, a region of the brain involved in spatial memory. Neurons produced by adult neurogenesis may be involved in the formation of new memories and replace older neurons that could cause interference in memory. We tested for sex and seasonal differences in hippocampal volume and neurogenesis of brood‐parasitic brown‐headed cowbirds and the closely related non‐brood‐parasitic red‐winged blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus) to determine whether there were differences in the hippocampus that reflected space use in the wild. Females had a larger hippocampus than males in both species, but hippocampal neurogenesis, measured by doublecortin immunoreactivity (DCX+), was greater in female than in male cowbirds in the absence of any sex difference in blackbirds, supporting the hypothesis of hippocampal specialization in female cowbirds. Cowbirds of both sexes had a larger hippocampus with greater hippocampal DCX+ than blackbirds. Hippocampus volume remained stable between breeding conditions, but DCX+ was greater post‐breeding, indicating that old memories may be lost through hippocampal reorganization following breeding. Our results support, in part, the hypothesis that the hippocampus of cowbirds is specialized for brood parasitism. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 76: 1275–1290, 2016  相似文献   

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