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Previous studies have indicated that the primary problems associated with ownership of assistance dogs lie not with the dogs themselves, but with people's attitudes and behavior towards them, including interference with the dog while it is working, and denial of access to public facilities. However, there has been little systematic study of the attitudes of the general public towards assistance dogs. Our study was carried out to compare the knowledge and attitudes of young people in Japan and the UK towards assistance dogs, in order to provide a basis for the future development of assistance dog provision in Japan.

Forty-four Japanese and 42 British college students completed questionnaires in which they were asked about their knowledge of, and attitudes towards, assistance dogs. A similar percentage (about 20%) of the British and Japanese students reported that they were unhappy about allowing the dogs access to places where food is sold. However, the British participants were more likely to be positive about the idea of using dogs to assist people with disabilities than were the Japanese. Attitudes towards assistance dogs varied among the Japanese students. Some considered assistance dogs happier than pet dogs, because pet dogs are sometimes neglected, while others expressed sympathy for assistance dogs because they are strictly trained and exploited by humans. When asked their opinions about the idea of using dogs as assistance dogs, 98% of the British students, but only 41% of the Japanese students, agreed with the idea. Our results suggest that perception of assistance dogs, and also understanding of the well-being of people with disabilities, were both more well-informed and realistic among the British students than among the Japanese students.  相似文献   

Decades-long field research has flowered into integrative studies that, together with experimental evidence for the requisite social learning capacities, have indicated a reliance on multiple traditions ('cultures') in a small number of species. It is increasingly evident that there is great variation in manifestations of social learning, tradition and culture among species, offering much scope for evolutionary analysis. Social learning has been identified in a range of vertebrate and invertebrate species, yet sustained traditions appear rarer, and the multiple traditions we call cultures are rarer still. Here, we examine relationships between this variation and both social intelligence--sophisticated information processing adapted to the social domain--and encephalization. First, we consider whether culture offers one particular confirmation of the social ('Machiavellian') intelligence hypothesis that certain kinds of social life (here, culture) select for intelligence: 'you need to be smart to sustain culture'. Phylogenetic comparisons, particularly focusing on our own study animals, the great apes, support this, but we also highlight some paradoxes in a broader taxonomic survey. Second, we use intraspecific variation to address the converse hypothesis that 'culture makes you smart', concluding that recent evidence for both chimpanzees and orangutans support this proposition.  相似文献   


Recent years have seen an increase in interest in the social, behavioral, psychological, and developmental correlates of animal abuse. The current study examined the relationships between empathy, family environment, attitudes toward animals and participation in animal abuse using a self-report methodology among a sample of college students. Within a sample of 286 college students, scores on the Attitudes Toward the Treatment of Animals Scale (ATTAS) were significantly correlated with scores on the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI), a measure of empathy. The Caregiving subscale of the ATTAS was found to significantly differentiate abusers from non-abusers, and to differentiate abusers who reported having first engaged in abuse prior to age 13 years from those who reported having first engaged in abuse at age 13 or later. Abusers scored significantly higher on the IRI Fantasy subscale than did non-abusers. Men who reported a history of sexual abuse were more likely to report participating in animal abuse than were those who reported no history of sexual abuse. Finally, the effect of sexual abuse on animal abuse was found to be independent of individual differences in empathy and attitudes toward animals. The potential roles of trauma and fantasy in the genesis of animal abuse are discussed.  相似文献   


A random national sample of 299 clinic dropouts from the Jamaica National Family Planning Program were interviewed at least five months beyond their first missed clinic appointment. Correlates of early (after 1 or 2 visits) versus late (3+ visits) dropping out, continued contraceptive practice, and pregnancy since visiting the clinic were identified. The Health Belief Model of “compliance” behavior is proposed as an appropriate theoretical basis for future studies of clinic dropouts.  相似文献   

The innovations developed by scientists working on animal welfare are often not adopted in practice. In this paper, we argue that one important reason for this failure is that the solutions proposed do not adequately address the societal concerns that motivated the original research. Some solutions also fail because they do not adequately address perceived constraints within the industry. Using examples from our own recent work, we show how research methods from the social sciences can address both of these limitations. For example, those who persist in tail-docking cattle (despite an abundance of evidence showing that the practice has no benefits) often justify their position by citing concern for cow cleanliness. This result informs the nature of new extension efforts directed at farmers that continue to tail dock, suggesting that these efforts will be more effective if they focus on providing producers with methods (of proven efficacy) for keeping cows clean. Work on pain mitigation for dehorning shows that some participants reluctant to provide pain relief believe that the pain from this procedure is short lasting and has little impact on the calf. This result informs the direction of new biological research efforts to understand both the magnitude and duration of any suffering that result from this type of procedure. These, and other examples, illustrate how social science methodologies can document the shared and divergent values of different stakeholders (to ensure that proposed solutions align with mainstream values), beliefs regarding the available evidence (to help target new scientific research that meets the perceived gaps), and barriers in implementing changes (to ease adoption of ideas by addressing these barriers).  相似文献   

Learning to Teach in Two Cultures: Japan and the United States. Nobuo K. Shimahara and Akira Sakai. New York: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1995. 264 pp.  相似文献   

Since the 1940s, perceived companion animal overpopulation in the United States has been an important issue to the animal welfare community (Moulton, Wright, & Rinky, 1991). This surplus of animals has resulted in millions of dogs and cats being euthanized annually in animal shelters across the country. The nature and scope of this problem have been notoriously difficult to characterize. The number of animal shelters in the United Stares, the demographics of the population of animals passing through them, and the characteristics of per owners relinquishing animals are poorly understood. What portion of these animals are adopted or euthanized, why they are relinquished, and their source of acquisition are all questions for which there have been little data. Consequently, we are no closer to answering the fundamental question of how and why many animals are destroyed each year in shelters (Arkow, 1994).  相似文献   

The number of osteoporotic females in Japan with vertebral bone mineral density measured by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry, defined as less than -3 SD of the peak bone mass, is approximately 10,000,000, corresponding to 8% of the whole population of Japan. While this value approximately corresponds to the prevalence of low bone mineral density in the United States, the incidence of hip fracture appears to be much less in Japan than in the United States, 50,000 per 125,000,000 per year compared with 250,000 for a population twice as large. This seems to be paradoxical because of the lower bone mineral density and lower calcium intake in Japan, with 400-500 mg/day mainly as soybean products, small fish with bones, and vegetables. The difference in hip fracture incidence, however, may not actually be as wide as it seems when the larger number of bedridden elderly subjects in Japan is taken into consideration. In these bedridden subjects with severe immobilization osteoporosis, hip fracture is only prevented by the fact that they are not ambulatory. Life-style difference may also offer an explanation. Sitting on a tatami mattress on completely flexed knees with frequent standing up, along with other household work, in a narrow home space may ensure a marked development of hip musculature and also provide skill in balancing oneself to prevent fails. The difference in fracture incidence should be analyzed from various angles to obtain a firm ground for the future prevention of hip fracture due to osteoporosis. Although osteoporosis universally affects all races and nationalities, conspicuous differences may be encountered in the severity of its manifestations and complications.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Race talk within discourse analytic traditions have largely focused on the discursive construction of racism in majority groups. This article extends this work by examining how Black adults discursively engaged in race talk. Across focus groups, two conversations emerged: explanations of racialized experiences and how racialized experiences should be dealt with. In explanations of racialized experiences, participants highlighted their own negative behaviours or constructed experiences as imprecise or an artefact of ignorance. These discourses functioned to circumvent inequitable relations premised on White normativity. In explanations of how racialized experiences should be dealt with, participants constructed themselves as having responsibilities, downplayed their racialized experiences or framed them as inevitable. Each of these discourses functioned to construct racialization as something that could be corrected through good behaviour or they placed ideological limits for what is possible for Blacks in society. Implications for the existing literature on race talk are discussed.  相似文献   

Male Song Sparrows (Melospiza melodia) sometimes interact with neighboring territory owners by song‐type matching or repertoire matching. In some Song Sparrow populations, levels of song sharing are high and most neighbors can interact by matching, but levels of song sharing are much lower in other populations, limiting the degree to which males can match their neighbors. One explanation for variation in sharing levels is that the importance of song‐type and repertoire matching, and therefore the extent of song sharing, varies geographically in North America, being greater in western populations than eastern populations. However, to date, two studies of eastern populations have provided conflicting evidence concerning levels of song sharing by Song Sparrows. Thus, we measured sharing of whole songs and introductory phrases of songs between males with adjacent territories in another population of Song Sparrows in the eastern United States (North Carolina), near the eastern and southern limits of the species’ breeding range. Males (N = 17) in our study shared an average of only 8.7% of their song types with neighbors, and more than half of neighbor pairs shared no whole songs. Sharing of introductory phrases was more common (mean = 22.8%). The level of whole song sharing in our study is the second lowest yet reported for any Song Sparrow population, supporting the hypothesis that sharing is generally lower in eastern than in western populations.  相似文献   

通过对美国和日本便利诊所的发展背景、历程以及对日本康源诊在车站选址及其诊疗时间、诊疗范围和预防接种服务等特征的介绍,提出便利、高效、适应社会发展和人民健康需求的诊所模式可作为为我国诊所发展的借鉴。  相似文献   

Orangutans share many intellectual qualities with African great apes and humans, likely because of their recent common ancestry. They may also show unique intellectual adaptations because of their long evolutionary divergence from the African lineage. This paper assesses orangutan intelligence in light of this evolutionary history. Evidence derives from observations of juvenile ex-captive orangutans reintroduced to free forest life by the Wanariset Orangutan Reintroduction Project, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. The intellectual qualities shared by great apes and humans point to a distinct “great ape” intelligence with hierarchization as a pivotal cognitive mechanism. Evolutionary reconstructions jibe with this view and suggest that technically difficult foods may have been key selection pressures. Orangutans should then show hierarchical intelligence when obtaining difficult foods. Evidence on ex-captive orangutans' techniques for processing difficult foods concurs. Intellectual qualities distinct to orangutans may owe to arboreal travel pressures; in particular arboreality may aggravate foraging problems. Evidence confirms that ex-captive orangutans' techniques for accessing difficult foods located arboreally are intellectually complex—i.e. they show hierarchization. These findings suggest other factors probably important to understanding great ape and orangutan forms of intelligence and their evolutionary origins.  相似文献   

Collaboration among all shelters and nonhuman animal welfare groups within a community along with the transparent, shared reporting of uniform data have been promoted as effective ways to increase the number of animals' lives saved. This article summarizes the shelter intakes, outcomes, and live release rate (LRR) from 6 geographically diverse communities participating in the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Partnership program for 5 years (2007–2011). This program is both a grant program and a coaching program that works to focus the community partners on a data-driven goal using standardized definitions and metrics. There was improvement in LRR in all communities over time regardless of intake numbers, human population, or mix of dogs/puppies and cats/kittens entering shelters. Averaged across all communities over the 5-year period, there was an overall improvement in LRR of 62%. Within individual communities, the degree of improvement ranged from 18% to 96%. This improvement in LRR was accomplished through a wide variety of programs in each community based on resources and interests during the time period.  相似文献   

生态交通建设中的动物因素考虑   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王硕  贾海峰 《生态学杂志》2007,26(8):1291-1296
随着交通设施建设及运营过程中生态环境问题的出现,环境友好的"生态交通"逐渐成为许多国家道路交通建设的目标。铁路和公路等交通设施对动物群落的影响及相应的修复措施是生态交通建设研究中的重要部分。本文回顾了生态交通的产生背景及国内外研究和发展状况;分析了交通及交通设施对野生动物的影响,从道路事故、环境污染和生境阻隔等方面阐述了由此造成的动物群落数量、结构甚至习性的变化;同时,总结了减缓上述不利影响的工程措施及非工程措施,详述了运用最为广泛的动物通道的类型、位置及适用对象,提出了生态交通设计的基本原则和方法。  相似文献   


This study aimed to investigate the associations between individual difference factors (chronotype, Big Five, emotional competences) and perceived stress in French university students. In total, 362 students agreed to take part (M age = 20.19 ± 1.75 years). Participants completed the Caen Chronotype Questionnaire, Big Five Inventory, the Profile of Emotional Competences, and the Perceived Stress Scale. Results showed that chronotype amplitude (+), eveningness chronotype (+), neuroticism (+), conscientiousness (-), and intrapersonal emotional competences (-) were important for perceived stress. These findings have theoretical and practical implications in terms of identifying students who might benefit most from stress management interventions.  相似文献   

Sakiko Yamazaki 《Anthrozo?s》2013,26(2):291-304

The unprecedented East Japan Great Earthquake in March 2011 impacted many humans as well as animals. To date, only national surveys that do not necessarily focus on the heavily impacted areas have been administered, and there is a lack of data on the situation for companion animals and their owners in these areas. This survey was administered between June and November 2012 to pet owners in Iwate (n = 140) and Fukushima (n = 149) Prefectures in north-eastern Japan, areas heavily affected by the disaster. It explored the types of disaster preparations for pets engaged in by owners; the situation on evacuation with pets; the use of, and need for, pet-related support after the disaster; and the associations between pet attachment and disaster-related behaviors of pet owners. In total, 41.2% (n = 119) of all respondents were able to evacuate with their pets, and evacuation rates were especially low in Fukushima. With the exception of preparation of pet food and other supplies, less than 50% of respondents engaged in different types of pet-related disaster preparations. Especially in Fukushima, those who evacuated with their pets were better prepared compared with those who could not. The rate of utilization of support was also low, with less than 50% of respondents utilizing each type of support, regardless of pet-evacuation status and area. The need for support was generally higher during the initial phase (immediately after the disaster; 30–40%) compared with the current phase (20–30%). However, in Fukushima the difference between the initial and current phases was not significant for both those who evacuated with their pets and those who could not. Bivariate analyses indicated mixed results for the association between disaster-related behaviors and pet attachment. Implications for future disaster-prevention measures are discussed.  相似文献   

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