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Across a 15-year period, annual cohorts of first-year veterinary science students (n = 1,380; 77% female) at a British university completed the Belief in Animal Sentience (BiAS) questionnaire, in which they reported their beliefs about the sentience (capacity to feel) of ten species: dogs, cats, lions, pigs, sheep, rats, rabbits, chickens, bees, and spiders. On the basis of previous findings regarding people’s beliefs about animals’ capacities for mind, it was hypothesized that female students would ascribe more human-like sentience to animals than would male students. It was also hypothesized that the proportion of female students in each of the cohorts studied would have an influence on the beliefs of the year group as a whole: cohorts comprising a larger percentage of women would have higher animal sentience beliefs in both males and females. The data were analyzed using two-level regression models to concurrently investigate the effects of individual respondents’ gender and the percentage of female students in their cohort. Compared with their male counterparts, female veterinary students across all the cohorts studied attributed significantly higher (more human-like) sentience to each of the ten animals listed in the BiAS questionnaire, but the percentage of female students in each year group was not associated with students’ sentience beliefs. It was also found that childhood experience of having owned pet cats or dogs was related to students’ beliefs about the sentience of these species, although this association did not contribute to the differences found between male and female respondents. Given the increasing number of women entering the veterinary profession, and previous findings that beliefs about animals’ capacities for sentience may be associated with the veterinary care they are given, we conclude that gender differences in sentience beliefs could have a significant impact on the future of veterinary practice and patient welfare.  相似文献   


All 150 teaching clinicians at the six British veterinary schools and an equivalent number of veterinarians in small-animal practice were sent a ten-page questionnaire to survey their attitudes to and experiences with companion-animal euthanasia. Of the 300 questionnaires, 167 were returned, with responses being divided approximately evenly between the two groups. Seventy-two percent of the responses were from men. Data were collected on background, length of time in practice, pet ownership, attitudes on animal consciousness, and reactions to the deaths of both client and their own animals. For example, 22% of the respondents said that the death of one of their own pets had led to long-term emotional effects.

Seventy-four percent said that they would euthanize a healthy animal if the owner requested it, while 91% said they would euthanize a severely injured animal that could be saved if the owner requested euthanasia. Ninety-six percent said that they had received no formal training in how to explain to a client that an animal is terminally ill, and 72% felt that such training would be useful. The relationship between depressing events and the mood of the practitioners is discussed.  相似文献   

Live animals and cadavers are integral to veterinary education. In the year of this survey (2008), and in at least the five preceding years, cadavers obtained by euthanasia of healthy pound dogs and ex-racing greyhounds were dissected by students, during their veterinary anatomy classes at the University of Queensland School of Veterinary Science. Students may have ethical concerns about this. An alternative approach was to use donated dog cadavers. These are owned pet dogs that have died of natural causes or have been euthanised for medical reasons, and have been donated by their owners for the purposes of veterinary education. Veterinary students at the School were surveyed in 2008, in order to determine their preferences for cadaver source. Data from 406 questionnaires were analysed. Third-year and fifth-year veterinary students were more likely than first-year students to prefer pound-dog/greyhound cadavers over donated cadavers for anatomy dissection (p ≤ 0.002). Between 32% and 45% of the students had no preference for either source of cadaver. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that veterinary students become more accepting of the euthanasia of unwanted healthy animals for education as they progress through the veterinary programme, in contexts such as the current study. This could occur due to increased acceptance of the euthanasia of healthy animals generally, a decline in moral development, desensitisation, and/or the belief that healthy animal cadavers offer a superior learning experience.  相似文献   


Students (67 per year) in years 1, 2, and 5 (final year) of the veterinary course at The University of Queensland, Australia, were surveyed with six questions asking them to score their perceptions of pet owners, themselves, and veterinarians of the human-animal bond. All students perceived owners, themselves, and veterinarians as usually attached to their pets, although the owners were scored higher, especially by the final-year (year 5) students. The students rated themselves, owners, and veterinarians as usually upset by reports of cruelty to pets, although by year 5 the students realized that veterinarians would be familiar with cruelty to pets.

The use of dogs and cats as experimental animals was perceived to upset owners, but only sometimes to upset veterinarians and students. Students and veterinarians were perceived as less likely to buy cards with pets on them, or Christmas presents for their pets, than were pet owners.

The results indicate that by final year (year 5) these veterinary students have developed some sensitivity in the area of the human-animal bond, which may have been aided by the courses the students received in animal behavior and welfare.  相似文献   


When evaluating the ethical status of an action that harms a nonhuman animal (henceforth animal), one might weigh the benefit to humankind against the cost of the harm done to the animal. To the extent that one does not like humans (is misanthropic), one will not be likely to think that benefits to humans can justify doing harm to animals. We hypothesized that misanthropy would be less strongly related to support for animal rights among idealists (who tend not to do cost-benefit analysis) than among nonidealists. College students (n=154) completed a questionnaire which included questions designed to measure their ethical idealism (ten items), misanthropy (five items), and attitudes towards animal rights and animal research (28 items). Respondents were classified as being idealistic if their score on the idealism scale was greater than the median score. The regression lines for predicting attitudes towards animals from misanthropy differed significantly between idealists and nonidealists. Among nonidealists there was a significant positive relationship between misanthropy and support for animal rights, but among idealists the regression line was flat.  相似文献   


The presence of animals has been associated with decreased physiological responses to stressors. Not all individuals respond equally to the presence of friendly animals. The current study was designed to examine whether attitudes toward animals are related to individuals' physiological responses when an animal is present. The relationship of individuals' perceptions of animals to their blood pressure and heart rate responses during verbalization in the presence of a dog were examined among urban college students (n=218). Lockwood's projective Animal Thematic Apperception Test (ATAT) was used to assess subjects' attitudes toward animals and people in scenes containing animals and identical scenes without animals. The significant period by perception interactions in analyses of variance with repeated measures revealed that cardiovascular responses to verbalization with an animal present were significantly lower for individuals who perceived scenes with animals more positively than for individuals who perceived scenes with animals present less positively. Cardiovascular responses when the dog was present were not related to perceptions of scenes without animals present. The differences in cardiovascular responses depended upon the scenes used. This study supports the view that how people perceive animals moderates their physiological responses to stressors when an animal is present.  相似文献   

BackgroundCats are frequent carriers of Microsporum canis and veterinary students are at high risk of exposure and acquisition of the organism a la infección.ObjectivesAn outbreak of zoonotic ringworm carried by a litter of stray cats is described. Four veterinary students, four dogs, and six cats living in five separate locations were affected. All had direct or indirect contact with the infected kitten litter. We tried to identify the causal dermatophyte.MethodsConventional and mycological culture methods were used.ResultsMicroscopic features of scrapings and hairs treated with 20% KOH strongly suggested a M. canis etiology, and a diagnosis of ringworm was empirically supported by successful treatment of humans and animals. Nevertheless, cultures failed to show the expected morphology.ConclusionsCulture features of our strain are compared with those described by other authors for dysgonic M. canis strains. Epidemiological features are also discussed.  相似文献   


Osgood's Semantic Differential technique was used with a sample of 12 animal names to see if they elicited responses that were distinctively characteristic, and therefore useful in uncovering connotative meaning. The 100 survey participants responded with unanimity to some species, whereas their responses to others were highly variable. Results disclosed a taxonomy of grouping animal names that differed from the normal zoological taxonomy. This suggests that the technique may be useful for discovering the connotations that animals have, and what various animal species may mean to people.  相似文献   

Nataša Siard 《Anthrozo?s》2013,26(6):741-760

Wild boar are present almost throughout Slovenia, causing similar problems as in many other countries, mainly damage to agriculture. Dealing with these problems also involves children. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of age, gender, and farm residence on knowledge, attitudes, and opinions about wild boar management in 11- and 15-year-olds (n = 478) attending schools in/near areas of high wild boar densities, via an anonymous closed-ended questionnaire. Only 52.4% of the questions on factual knowledge were answered correctly, although a relatively high proportion of students (38.3%) reported having seen wild boar in their natural environment. The majority of students (81.4%) expressed affection toward animals in general, while only 11.3% stated that they liked wild boar. The main source of information about these animals was home (40.0%), followed by school (26.1%). Logistic regression analysis revealed that students’ age and gender usually predicted their response (p < 0.05), while living on a farm influenced only the source of information and one attitude question: farm residents were more likely to express affection toward wild boar. The older students were more likely to know more about wild boar, but they also were more likely to be indifferent toward the species. Boys and girls did not differ in their knowledge, but girls were more likely to express fear/dislike of wild boar. In general, older students and girls were more likely to be undecided in their responses. Since we found almost no effect of farm residence on students’ knowledge and opinions, it can be concluded that wild boar problems are recognized generally, not only in agriculture. Because information from home can be biased, we propose that teachers be encouraged to include wild boar topics in their teaching, educating young people properly about wild boar problems and consequently influencing their adult behavior concerning management issues.  相似文献   

The European Veterinary Code of Conduct recognizes the crucial role of veterinarians in improving animal welfare and maintaining its standards. However, several studies have claimed that veterinary students’ attitudes toward animals may worsen as they progress through their academic training. This study aimed to investigate students’ attitudes toward nonhuman animal use in three European veterinary medicine schools (Italy and Spain). For this purpose, 565 veterinary students completed a questionnaire consisting of a range of items grouped into four animal-use categories: “Research,” “Entertainment,” “Utilitarianism,” and “Veterinary Issues.” Items were scored on a 5-point Likert-type scale, with higher scores indicative of higher concern regarding animal welfare. Results showed that the use of animals for “Entertainment” and questions related to “Veterinary Issues” raised the most concern among the veterinary students, while the use of animals for “Research” was of least concern. Moreover, we also examined some potentially confounding factors: age, academic year (first to fifth), gender, previous experience with pets, and university. Female students had a higher concern for animal welfare compared with their male counterparts. Students in their earlier stages of training as veterinarians also exhibited a greater concern for animal welfare compared with those of later academic years. Other factors affecting students’ attitudes toward animal use were the age of the students and the university they were enrolled at. The findings of this study confirm that attitudes toward animal use are not homogeneous and are associated with students’ demographic, educational, and personal characteristics.  相似文献   


This article presents an analysis of data from over 200 accounts of, and responses to questions about, how animals feature in people's lives. The accounts were generated by a Mass Observation Project (MOP) directive on “Animals and Humans.” The MOP, based at a UK university, sends out two or three directives a year, asking correspondents to write in response to a series of questions and prompts. The “Animals and humans” directive began with the question, “What do animals mean to you?” followed by a range of prompts about respondents' experiences of animals. The paper is specifically concerned with issues of how language both reflects and contributes to typologies of living creatures. It presents a qualitative analysis of some of the themes that emerged from responses to the directive, as well as a more quantitative analysis of the words chosen by respondents to denote different kinds of animals. Using these different methodological approaches, it focuses on how moral ambiguity is expressed and the ways in which categories and meanings shift depending on linguistic context. These methods complement each other, with the computer-assisted linguistic analysis providing a different and more quantitative method of revealing aspects of people's values, attitudes, and assumptions as they report on the role of animals in their lives. Overall, the paper shows how a corpus linguistic analysis can demonstrate the permeability of categories and boundaries, and the moral ambiguity toward animals that is revealed in the way language is used.  相似文献   

As nonhuman animals age, geriatric individuals require additional care and veterinary support to ensure their well being. The focus on lifelong care is a relatively newer approach when providing good welfare, and few studies have examined how veterinary care impacts behavior at different ages or how best to accommodate geriatric individuals in zoos. The objectives of this study were to (a) assess both the immediate and long-term (one year later) behavioral impacts of cataract removal for macaroni (Eudyptes chrysolophus) and southern rockhopper (Eudyptes chrysocome) penguins; (b) compare the behavior of penguins following cataract surgery to that of other conspecifics in the same habitat; and (c) monitor the impacts of cataract surgery on swimming behavior using time-depth recorders. Individual responses to cataract removal differed in direction and magnitude, and these mixed results highlight that welfare is experienced and thus measured at the individual level. Positive responses included increased habitat use, increased time spent swimming, and increased rates of affiliative interactions. This study highlights the importance of assessing welfare impacts of veterinary interventions on geriatric individuals.  相似文献   

Donna Acutt  Nik Taylor 《Anthrozo?s》2013,26(3):437-447

Research demonstrates that animal abuse is linked with various forms of interpersonal violence and that veterinarians themselves are concerned about this link. However, Australian veterinarians are not currently mandated to report cases of suspected animal abuse (AA), a position outlined by the Australian Veterinary Association under their “Animal Welfare principles and philosophy–Animal Abuse” section. A range of barriers to reporting suspected abuse cases have been identified. Barriers specifically mentioned in the AVA statement regarding the non-mandatory reporting stance were presented to a community sample of 209 participants. While 161 (77%) indicated they were aware that certain professionals were mandated to report animal abuse, notably 76% of these (n=123) indicated (incorrectly) that veterinary professionals in Australia were so mandated. Over half of the participants (n=117, 58%) indicated that “Concerns about the continued welfare of the animal victim” was, in their opinion, the most significant barrier to introducing mandatory reporting for the veterinary profession in Australia. The implications of community opinion regarding veterinarians and mandated reporting, along with acknowledgement of barriers and potential consequences of mandated reporting, are discussed.  相似文献   

Estela M. Díaz 《Anthrozo?s》2016,29(2):263-282
The present study used relational and predictive approaches to build on past literature examining humanlike animal attributes. From the relational approach, it examined how five humanlike attributes ascribed to animals (Attributes Questionnaire) relate to one another and to attitudes toward 21 uses of animals (Attitudes Toward the Use of Animals Scale). From the predictive approach, it examined the predictive power of human affection toward animals and human perception of animal minds for granting animals moral consideration; additionally, it analyzed the predictive power of humanlike animal attributes for willingness to become an ethical vegetarian or ethical vegan. These analyses focused specifically on gender differences. The author used SPSS and SmartPLS 3.0, a Partial Least Square tool, for statistical analyses. Results from 481 Spanish university students responding to online and pencil-and-paper questionnaires revealed overall moderate correlations between different humanlike attributes and low correlations between those attributes and animal uses. Affection toward animals and perception of animal minds were good predictors for moral consideration of animals, especially when all four attributes were aggregated in the model (R2 = 0.47; Q2 = 0.32). Humanlike animal attributes directly affected students’ intentions to become vegetarian and vegan but the explanatory power was weak in both cases (R2 < 0.19; Q2 < 0.15). The study also revealed significant gender differences. Among women, humanlike animal attributes were more closely interrelated, better correlated with a greater number of animal uses, and stronger drivers of the moral status of animals. However, data showed no significant gender differences for path strength of humanlike animal attributes on the willingness to become vegetarian or vegan. In sum, perceiving humanlike attributes in animals has ethical consequences, but its influence on the adoption of pro-animal attitudes and behavior are still unclear. More research is needed to explore and explain causal relationships between the aforementioned variables and to uncover how gender differences may affect them.  相似文献   

Introduction and objectivesThere is a considerable lack of structure in training health professionals in geriatrics. The narratives can promote a collaborative reflection on different topics and might be used as a pedagogic strategy for undergraduate health students. This study aimed to explore the adoption of new perspectives on ageing after the implementation of dynamic narratives in the first graduate year for physiotherapy students.Materials and methodsAn exploratory qualitative study was performed. Participants were included if they were: ≥18 years old, physiotherapy students and agreed to participate. Physiotherapy students (n = 44) were recruited from the School of Health Sciences, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria. Two gaming sessions were performed to help students, as narrators, express their visions and ways to deal with the geriatrics field. Students’ perspectives about ageing at baseline (T1) and after the narratives experience (T2) were collected by answering the following question: What is your perception regarding ageing? Two evaluators were involved in qualitative data analysis by performing: (i) an individual analysis of themes/subthemes and a discussion meeting to evaluate discrepancies and to reach a consensus.ResultsNegative perceptions about ageing were referred 39 times at T1 (most of them related to restriction; deterioration subthemes). There were no negative perceptions registered at T2. Positive perceptions increased at T2, from n = 39 to n = 52, and three new subthemes emerged (beginning of something, fighting ageism, challenge).ConclusionThis study demonstrated the potential of narrative-based experiences as a desirable pedagogic methodology (board games-oriented) for geriatric education in undergraduate health students.  相似文献   


Sixty-eight people from a variety of religious backgrounds and who had experienced the death of a companion animal were interviewed. Questions covered their personal experience of their pet's death, the role that their religion played in this experience and factors affecting how well they coped with the death. Individuals varied widely in their emotional response to the death of their pet. Demographic variables were relatively weak predictors of the distress experienced, the strongest predictor of distress being whether or not the animal was euthanized. Religion did not affect the level of distress that participants reported or the veterinary treatment, including euthanasia, that they considered appropriate. Nevertheless, 56 percent of participants believed in an afterlife for their pet and generally found this belief comforting. Having someone to talk to, and being included in decision-making were also reported to be helpful.  相似文献   

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