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In recent years, dolphin-assisted therapy has become very popular, and an increasing number of facilities worldwide are offering therapy programs that incorporate dolphins. We observed 83 sessions with five dolphins at “Dolphins Plus,” USA, and 37 sessions with 13 dolphins at “Dolphin Reef.” Israel, during unstructured swim-with-the-dolphin programs. Both facilities are fenced sea pens with ocean water. Our detailed observations focused on contact and distance behaviors between dolphins and amongst dolphins with different groups of human swimmers: adults, children and children with mental and physical disabilities at “Dolphins Plus,” and adults only at “Dolphin Reef.” The dolphins at “Dolphins Plus” showed some signs of stress such as avoidance, speed increase, higher metabolism and intensification of a subgroup. These signs were most evident when the dolphins were with adult swimmers. In contrast, the dolphins at “Dolphin Reef” seemed to be attracted to adult swimmers. We will discuss these opposing findings with reference to the different housing conditions. Our results indicate that limited space results in a reduction of the dolphins' attraction for swimmers.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to examine the psychotherapeutic effect of riding therapy (RT) on a group of adult users of a social services mental health team in South Devon. The benefits of animal-assisted therapy (AAT) and pet ownership on human health and well-being are well documented. However, whilst research has been conducted on the benefits of hippotherapy (the employment of horse riding as a physiotherapeutic aid) little has been undertaken on the psychotherapeutic benefits of riding therapy. Through case studies, the current study sought to explore whether the participants benefited in terms of confidence, increased self-esteem and social/interaction skills. A further objective was to find out whether these benefits, if identified, were transferable to other areas of the riders' lives. The study was conducted utilizing a case study, participant observational methodology following the progress of six women with various mental health problems receiving RT on a weekly basis. The sessions comprised of learning to look after the horses and carrying out stable management tasks, in addition to the riding; the chief instructor was aware that an important factor of the RT was building up a relationship and trust with the horses on the ground. Methods employed to record the sessions, apart from participant observation, included interviews and questionnaires. The prime objective of the study was for the riders' experience of the therapy to be expressed in their own words. It was found that the participants benefited in areas ranging from increased confidence and self-concept, and that the therapy aided social stimulation and led to transferable skills being acquired.  相似文献   

The inclusion of animals and robots in therapeutic interventions for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has become more common. This study provides a first comparison between the potential of living versus robotic dogs to elicit social communication behavior and regulated emotional responses in individuals with ASD. Ten children and thirteen adults with ASD and severe lan- guage delay were tested for appropriate social communication behavior and cardiac autonomic functioning during a planned, structured interaction with an experimenter alone (no-stimulus condition), an experimenter accompanied by a living dog (dog condition), and an experimenter accompanied by a robotic dog (robot condition). A within-subjects design was followed to expose all participants to all three experimental conditions. Overall, participants (children and adults) showed a higher percentage of appropriate social behaviors in Living and Robotic Dogs as Elicitors of Social Communication Behavior and Regulated Emotional?…?the dog and the robot conditions than in the no-stimulus condition. In children, the living dog was more effective than the robotic dog in promoting social communication behavior. In adults, no such difference was found between the dog and the robot condition. Only the dog appeared to elicit a positive effect in cardiac autonomic functioning by increasing heart rate variability (HRV) and buffer- ing the decrease in parasympathetic activity due to interaction with the experimenter. The data are preliminary but relevant and warrant replication in larger-scale studies.  相似文献   

A specific display observed during agonistic behavior among captive Atlantic bottlenosed dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) was examined. The primary component of the display was an open-mouthed posture accompanied by violent vertical head motions and the emission of pulse-type vocalizations. Jaw-clap behavior produced during the display was quantified for use as an index of aggressive motivation. By aurally monitoring the animals' vocalizations it was found that the level of aggressive response between the participants of the interactions increased with the production and subsequent duration of burst-pulse sounds. The possibility of burstpulse sounds resulting in auditory or tactile discomfort when directed toward conspecifics is discussed.  相似文献   


To test the idea that dogs have a positive influence on the social behavior of school children, one of three dogs was introduced alternately into a class at an elementary school in Vienna, attended by 24 children (mean age: 6.7 years). Most of the 14 boys and ten girls came from first-generation immigrant families. With parental consent, their behavior was videotaped for two hours every week, during “open teaching situations,” first during a one-month control period in the absence of dogs, followed by an experimental period of similar duration, when a dog was present in the classroom. Frequency and duration of all observable behaviors of individuals and their interactions were coded from these tapes. Although major individual differences were found in the children's interest in the dog and their behavioral responses, the group became socially more homogenous due to decreased behavioral extremes, such as aggressiveness and hyperactivity; also, formerly withdrawn individuals became socially more integrated. Effects were more pronounced in the boys than the girls. Even though the children spent considerable time watching and making contacting with the dog, they also paid more attention to the teacher. We conclude that the presence of a dog in a classroom could positively stimulate social cohesion in children and provide a relatively cheap and easy means of improving teaching conditions.  相似文献   

Animal-assisted therapies (AATs) are not widely promoted in routine mental healthcare but represent a viable treatment option given positive perceptions of pets and growing evidence that animals provide meaningful contribution to psychological wellbeing. Relatively little is known about the general public's attitude toward AATs, especially in relation to more commonly used alternatives. This study compared the acceptability of four different treatment options (AAT, medication, psychotherapy, and no active treatment) for common externalizing behaviors in children. Parents from a community sample (N = 189) were presented with vignettes describing a child with symptoms of an externalizing behavior disorder and were asked to rate the acceptability of the four different treatment options. Participants rated AAT as a highly acceptable form of treatment and more acceptable than no active treatment and medication. However, AAT was rated as less acceptable than psychotherapy. Experiences with animals (both positive and negative) were unrelated to the acceptability of AAT. These findings suggest that AAT is viewed as a highly acceptable form of treatment for common externalizing behaviors and should be more systematically investigated as a treatment for children's mental health problems.  相似文献   


Animal-assisted therapy (AAT) has been shown to reduce the loneliness of residents in long-term care facilities (LTCFs). In this study, we determined the relative contribution of socialization (human–human bonding) and human–animal bonding as mechanisms by which AAT reduces loneliness. Residents in LTCFs volunteering for AAT were randomized to receive AAT as individuals (Individual) or in groups of two to four (Group). Individual AAT was used as a measure of animal–human bonding, and Group AAT was used as a measure of the combination of animal–human bonding and socialization. Any greater effect of Group AAT in comparison to Individual AAT would be ascribed to socialization. Thirty-seven residents of LTCFs, who were cognitively intact, volunteered for AAT, and scored as significantly lonely on the UCLA Loneliness Scale (Version 3), were studied. Six weeks of AAT, one 30-minute session per week, in an individual or group setting was performed, with posttesting during week five. Two residents dropped out of each group, giving us group sizes of 17 (Individual) and 16 (Group). A two-way ANOVA showed a statistically significant effect of pretest vs. posttest scores (F(1,31) = 25.3, p < 0.001), with no effect of Group vs. Individual or of interaction. Newman Keuls post-hoc tests showed that the pretest scores for Individual and Group participants did not differ. There was a significant difference between pretest and posttest scores for Individual participants (p < 0.05) but not for Group participants. There was no difference between the posttest values for Individual vs. Group. When the data from all 33 participants were combined, Delta scores (pretest minus posttest), correlated positively (p < 0.01) with pretest scores, showing that lonelier individuals benefited more from AAT. In conclusion, AAT was more effective in improving loneliness in residents of LTCFs when given individually than in a group situation. Therefore, the main effect of AAT was not mediated by socialization.  相似文献   

On the northern tip of New Zealand's South Island, bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) occasionally pass through Admiralty Bay in large, fast-traveling groups of 100 or so individuals. Watching such a group race and splash through the water is reminiscent of a stampeding herd of ungulates, cetaceans' closest terrestrial ancestors. At other times, smaller social groups of bottlenose dolphins appear in the bay and provide a glimpse of the behavioral complexity that dolphins share with their distant relatives, the primates (Fig. 1). Despite being evolutionarily separated for 95 million years and evolving in vastly different environments, cetaceans and primates share striking similarities in behavior, socioecological problem-solving, life-history patterns, and cognitive capacity. By comparing attributes shared by primates and cetaceans, distraction from phylogenetic "noise" is minimized and our understanding of evolutionary pathways is enhanced. In particular, cetaceans provide a powerful outgroup for studying the evolution of primate social organization.  相似文献   

The coastal distribution of Hector's dolphins and their attraction to vessels make them easily accessible to commercial tour operations. For over 25 yr, tour operators have been undertaking view and swim‐with‐dolphin trips in Akaroa Harbour, New Zealand. Since 2003, auditory stimulants, in particular stones, have been provided during such swim encounters. The potential effects associated with such stimulants have not, until now, been examined. Here, we investigate the effects of stones and other human‐induced noise on Hector's dolphin behavior. The use of stones significantly affected how dolphins interacted with swimmers. Specifically, swimmers who used stones had a greater probability of close approaches by dolphins than those who sang or simply floated on the surface of the water. The number of close and sustained approaches was also significantly higher for swimmers using stones. Dolphins were more interactive with active swimmers, approaching closer and engaging for longer than with nonactive swimmers. Dolphins socializing had a tendency to be engaged longer with swimmers. The use of stones as an auditory stimulant to sustain or enhance interactions with dolphins by artificial means may not be in the best interest of an endangered species, which already faces a range of challenges due to human activity.  相似文献   

Cognitive and speech development are delayed in children with Down syndrome (DS). We investigated the effect of dolphin-assisted therapy (DAT), a form of animal-assisted intervention, on the development of speech/language and social behavior in children with DS. We hypothesized that DAT would improve the social and cognitive functions with respect to verbalization and thereby promote task performance. A semi-crossover design was used to study 45 children with DS: 18 received a weekly one-hour session of DAT for 6 weeks (group A), 12 children (group B) started with swimming pool sessions (control period of 6 weeks) and thereafter received DAT, and 17 children (group C) were put on a waiting list (control period of 6 weeks) before receiving DAT. The parameters “verbalization,” “impulsiveness,” “proper understanding of rules,” “recognition of persons,” and “establishing contacts” were measured using the Matson Evaluation of Social Skills for Individuals with Severe Retardation (MESSIER) before and after DAT, as well as before and after each of the control periods. Repeated measures ANOVA revealed no significant changes for any of the variables during the control periods (swimming pool, waiting list). Following the period of DAT there was a significant improvement in “verbalization” and “recognition of persons,” while “impulsiveness” decreased. No significant changes were found for the other parameters. “Verbalization” continued to increase during the follow-up period of 6 months, while “recognition of persons” slightly decreased. The results of this study provide support for our hypothesis. Through improvements in verbalization and the recognition of persons, the execution of tasks among children with DS receiving DAT improved. Additional studies are needed to determine if these positive effects of DAT are long-term.  相似文献   

Previous studies suggest that contact with dogs can positively affect the wellbeing of elderly people in nursing homes, but there is a lack of research investigating the causal pathways of these effects. One such path- way may relate to the behavioral responses of the elderly when interacting with a dog. The present study compared the immediate behavioral responses of nursing home residents to bi-weekly visits from a person accompanied by either a dog, a robot seal (PARO®), or a soft toy cat, using a randomized controlled design. A total of 100 nursing home residents com- pleted the study. Each participant received a total of 12 visits, during which their behaviors, including interactions between the visitor and the accom- panying animal (real or artificial), were recorded. Also, data on cognitive im- pairment, presence of depressive symptoms, age, time lived in the nursing home, dementia diagnoses, and gender were collected. We found that the immediate responses to, and interaction with, the visiting animal depended on the type of animal that was brought along. The dog and the interactive robot seal triggered the most interaction, in the form of physical contact (F(2,103) = 7.50, p < 0.001), eye contact (F(4,151) = 6.26, p < 0.001), and verbal communication (F(4,195) = 2.87, p < 0.05). As well, the cognitive impairment level of the residents affected with whom they interacted. The higher the cognitive impairment level, the more interaction was directed toward the animal and less toward humans, regardless of visit type (F(2,101) = 4.10, p < 0.05). The dogs and the robot seal stimulated the residents to more in- teraction, compared with the toy cat, but the robot seal failed to maintain the attention at the same level over time. The cognitive functioning of the residents correlated with the level of interaction, and this needs to be studied further.  相似文献   

Using data from a previously published study on effects of a canine-assisted activity (CAA) on college student stress the week before final examinations, we examined whether participation in this activity had effects on perceptions of 1) family supports (i.e., emotional distance to family members and pets) and 2) current stressors. A total of 74 students completed the Family Life Space Diagram (FLSD), which uses an individual's structured drawings of distances between symbols of self and living entities, organizations, and stressors to reflect “emotional distances.” Participants were randomly assigned to order of CAA or FLSD, which was the intervention study control condition. Groups completed the FLSD after participating in CAA (Group A, n = 34) or prior to CAA (Group B, n = 40). Participants were primarily white (56.8%) females (75.7%) with a mean age of 19.38 years (SD = 1.75). Significant differences with large effect sizes were found for both groups in distances between 1) self-closest and self-average family member (Group A: t = 7.02, df = 33, p < 0.001, d = 1.205; Group B: t = 6.25, df = 39, p < 0.001, d = 0.987) and 2) self-closest personal stressor (t = 2.93, df = 18, p = 0.009, d = 1.311) and self-average personal stressor (t = 2.54, df = 18. p = 0.020, d = 1.138). In both cases, Group A (FLSD following CAA) placed personal stressors in closer proximity to self. Although CAA did not affect students’ current perceptions of family and pet relationships, the intervention may have increased their abilities to cope with personal stressors. Modified stress theory supports the proposition that positive emotions associated with CAA engage positive coping strategies, resulting in more positive perceptions of stressors.  相似文献   

Cetaceans produce a variety of vocalizations to communicate; however, little information exists on the acoustic behavior displayed by Commerson's dolphins (Cephalorhynchus commersonii) in the wild other than their echolocation behavior. Most available literature suggests that Commerson's dolphins do not produce any other sound type besides narrow‐band high‐frequency (NBHF) clicks, such that no signals are emitted below 100 kHz. We conducted acoustic recordings together with sightings to study the acoustic behavior of Commerson's dolphins in Bahia San Julian, Argentina. This is the first study that provides evidence that this species produces a variety of acoustic signals, including whistles and broad‐band clicks (BBC), with frequency content well below 100 kHz. Whistles were recorded mostly in the presence of mother and calf and were associated with parental behavior. BBC may be used for communication purposes by adults. These vocalizations are within the hearing range of killer whales and so could pose a risk of predation for Commerson's dolphins. Whether this population of Commerson's dolphins produce all these types of signals while they are in the open sea out of the waters of Bahía San Julián, which are apparently safe from predation, remains unknown.  相似文献   

Ganges river dolphin abundance has undergone a predominant decline across its range since monitoring began. In Nepal, disappearance from some of the rivers it once used has already occurred. Today this species can only be found in three river systems in Nepal, the Karnali, Sapta Koshi, and Narayani, but numbers are low in these locations. To determine the abundance of dolphins remaining in the Karnali system (which includes the Karnali, Geruwa, and Mohana), and factors affecting dolphin habitat use, we conducted surveys where we recorded dolphin presence. Dolphins within this river system were sighted only in the Karnali and an abundance estimate of 5.04 ± 0.753 SE was calculated. This pattern of ranging differed from that previously reported (from previous sightings only in the Geruwa to current sightings only in the Karnali). River depth likely contributed to the presence or absence of dolphins. Shifts in available habitat between the Geruwa and Karnali have resulted from changes in the course of the main stream Karnali following construction of the Chisapani irrigation intake. Because of the low numbers of dolphins reported, there is great concern that loss of this species in Nepal is likely in the near future.  相似文献   



Multiple factors affect the growth response to recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) in children with idiopathic short stature (ISS).


To evaluate the growth responses of children with ISS treated with rhGH, aiming to identify the predictors of growth response.


We studied 120 cases, 90 males (75%), with a mean age of 13.8±2.7 years and 30 females (25%), with a mean age of 12.3±2.5 years. All patients received rhGH with a standard dose of 20 IU/m2/week. The calculated dose per week was divided into six days and given subcutaneous at night.


A significant positive trend was detected in the delta changes of all anthropometric data. For the first year, the growth response was positively correlated to CA and BA delay and negatively correlated to height, weight and IGF-1 SDSs. For the second year, the growth response was correlated positively to first year growth velocity, BA, triceps skin fold thickness SDS and deviation from target height, and negatively correlated to weight, IGFBP3 SDS and target height SDS. For the third year, the growth response was positively correlated to five variables namely target height, 2nd year growth velocity, IGF-1 SDS, weight SDS and triceps skin fold thickness SDS. For the fourth year, growth response was positively correlated to 2nd and 3rd year growth velocity, BA, deviation from target height and weight/ height SDS.


Our study showed multiplicity of predictors that is responsible for response in ISS children treated with rhGH, and BA was an important predictor.  相似文献   

While the population growth rate in long‐lived species is highly sensitive to adult survival, reproduction can also significantly drive population dynamics. Reproductive parameters can be challenging to estimate as breeders and nonbreeders may vary in resighting probability and reproductive status may be difficult to assess. We extended capture–recapture (CR) models previously fitted for data on other long‐lived marine mammals to estimate demographic parameters while accounting for detection heterogeneity between individuals and state uncertainty regarding reproductive status. We applied this model to data on 106 adult female bottlenose dolphins observed over 13 years. The detection probability differed depending on breeding status. Concerning state uncertainty, offspring were not always sighted with their mother, and older calves were easier to detect than young‐of‐the‐year (YOY), respectively, 0.79 (95% CI 0.59–0.90) and 0.58 (95% CI 0.46–0.68). This possibly led to inaccurate reproductive status assignment of females. Adult female survival probability was high (0.97 CI 95% 0.96–0.98) and did not differ according to breeding status. Young‐of‐the‐year and 1‐year‐old calves had a significantly higher survival rate than 2‐year‐old (respectively, 0.66 CI 95% 0.50–0.78 and 0.45 CI 95% 0.29–0.61). This reduced survival is probably related to weaning, a period during which young are exposed to more risks since they lose protection and feeding from the mother. The probability of having a new YOY was high for breeding females that had raised a calf to the age of 3 or lost a 2‐year‐old calf (0.71, CI 95% 0.45–0.88). Yet, this probability was much lower for nonbreeding females and breeding females that had lost a YOY or a 1‐year‐old calf (0.33, 95% CI 0.26–0.42). The multievent CR framework we used is highly flexible and could be easily modified for other study questions or taxa (marine or terrestrial) aimed at modeling reproductive parameters.  相似文献   

The conditioning of dolphins to human‐interaction behaviors has been documented in several areas worldwide. However, the metrics used to report human‐interaction behaviors vary among studies, making comparison across study areas difficult. The purpose of this study was to develop standard metrics for reporting human‐interaction behaviors and utilize these metrics to quantify the prevalence of human‐interaction behaviors by common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) near Savannah, Georgia. The four metrics used were percentage of days with human‐interaction behaviors, percentage of sightings with human‐interaction behaviors, percentage of the catalog that interacted with humans, and spatial extent of human‐interaction behaviors. Human‐interaction behaviors were observed on 69.6% of days and 23.5% of sightings near Savannah. In addition, 20.1% of the animals in the catalog were observed interacting with humans. These rates are much higher than those found in other areas with known issues with human‐interaction behaviors. These behaviors were observed across an area of 272.6 km2, which is larger than other reported areas. The four metrics used in this study proved to be a valuable way to report human‐interaction behaviors, and their use is recommended for future studies to allow for comparison among areas.  相似文献   

摘要 目的:探讨不同介入时间和不同疗程高压氧治疗对脑出血大鼠动物学行为及促血管新生因子表达的影响。方法:240只SD大鼠随机分为假手术组、脑出血组、高压氧组,每组各80只。采用胶原酶诱导建立脑出血大鼠模型,建模成功后根据高压氧介入时间分为6 h介入组、1 d介入组、2 d介入组、3 d介入组等亚组。分别治疗1周、2周、3周、4周,采用Longa评分法、平衡木评分法、Berderson评分法评估大鼠动物学行为,采用qRT-PCR检测大鼠脑组织血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)、缺氧诱导因子-1α(HIF-1α)mRNA表达。结果:不同介入时间、不同疗程,脑出血组、高压氧组脑出血大鼠动物学行为评分、脑组织VEGF mRNA与HIF-1α mRNA表达均高于假手术组(P<0.05)。治疗1周、2周、3周、4周,不同介入时间高压氧组脑出血大鼠动物学行为评分低于脑出血组,脑组织VEGF mRNA、HIF-1α mRNA表达高于脑出血组(P<0.05)。高压氧介入时间越早,治疗疗程越长,脑出血大鼠动物学行为评分越低,脑组织VEGF mRNA、HIF-1α mRNA表达越高,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:高压氧治疗能够改善脑出血大鼠动物学行为、促进促血管新生因子表达,且以脑出血后6 h介入、疗程4周效果最佳。  相似文献   

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