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The regulation of stress by an attachment figure is a key feature of attachment relationships. Previous research suggests that in some cases animal companionship may be regarded as an attachment relationship. This may be particularly important for persons with an insecure or disorganized attachment pattern who may find it more difficult than securely attached individuals to accept social support from humans. In our study, we investigated whether 31 boys (aged 7–12 years) with insecure/disorganized attachment would profit more from the presence of a dog (n = 11) than of a friendly human (n = 11) or a toy dog (n = 9) as support during a socially stressful situation (Trier Social Stress Test for Children, TSST-C). Stress levels were assessed via salivary cortisol recorded five times before, during, and after the TSST-C. The behavior of the children was coded from video recordings. Self-reported stress levels did not significantly differ between the groups before and after the TSST-C. Salivary cortisol, however, was significantly lower in the real dog condition than in the other two conditions (Kruskal-Wallis H test on area under the curve increase (AUCi): χ2 = 15.17, df = 2, p = 0.001). Also, the more the children stroked the dog, the less pronounced was their stress reaction (rs = ?0.818, p = 0.002). Our data suggest an important role of physical contact in the stress reducing effect. We conclude that the children investigated profited more from interacting with a friendly dog than with either a human or a toy dog in a stressful situation. We discuss the relevance of our findings for animal-assisted interventions.  相似文献   

Male American redstarts (Setophaga ruticilla) exhibit two modes of singing: repeat and serial mode. Repeat mode consists of repetitions of a single song type, usually one possessing an accented terminal note. Serial mode is constituted by a series of different songs with unaccented terminal notes, sung in a versatile sequence. Different authors have observed that males discriminate between these two modes. In the experiments reported in this paper, we tested whether males use accented terminal notes, song versatility or both to discriminate between the two song modes. We observed that males responded more intensively to the accented song. The accented note seems a very important song characteristic for evoking male American redstart responses. In contrast, males did not show any difference in their response to single and varied serial songs.  相似文献   

Fashions and fads are important phenomena that influence many individual choices. They are ubiquitous in human societies, and have recently been used as a source of data to test models of cultural dynamics. Although a few statistical regularities have been observed in fashion cycles, their empirical characterization is still incomplete. Here we consider the impact of mass media on popular culture, showing that the release of movies featuring dogs is often associated with an increase in the popularity of featured breeds, for up to 10 years after movie release. We also find that a movie''s impact on breed popularity correlates with the estimated number of viewers during the movie''s opening weekend—a proxy of the movie''s reach among the general public. Movies'' influence on breed popularity was strongest in the early 20th century, and has declined since. We reach these conclusions through a new, widely applicable method to measure the cultural impact of events, capable of disentangling the event''s effect from ongoing cultural trends.  相似文献   

Objective: To determine whether interpersonal stress reduces youths’ motivation to exercise in a laboratory setting. Research Methods and Procedures: Physical activity and sedentary behavior were measured in boys and girls across a control day, after reading children's magazines, and on a stress day, after giving a videotaped speech. For one analysis, children were divided into low (n = 12) and high (n = 13) heart‐rate reactivity groups based on changes in heart rate to stress. In a second analysis, children were divided into low and high perceived level of stress based on changes in perceived stress. To determine differences in choice of exercise or sedentary behavior across the control and stress conditions, subjects chose either to exercise for progressively longer periods to earn a monetary reinforcer or to engage in a high‐rated sedentary behavior. Results: The choice to exercise was influenced by stress reactivity differently in the stress and control conditions. Low heart‐rate reactive children participated in similar (p > 0.50) amounts of exercise on the stress and control days, but high heart‐rate reactive children participated in less (p < 0.01) exercise (22.0 ± 2.5 vs. 26.3 ± 2.2 minutes) on the stress than control days. When grouped by change in perceived stress, there were no group differences, but subjects exercised longer (p < 0.01) on the control day than the stress day. Discussion: Interpersonal stress decreased exercise in children susceptible to interpersonal stress. Stress‐induced alterations in health behaviors may lead to weight gain in children.  相似文献   

Individuals with overweight and obesity are subject to enormous bias and discrimination across domains. This bias constitutes a considerable public health problem beyond the effects of excess weight on health. Unfortunately, the few interventions that have been implemented to reduce this bias have not been successful. Evidence that the presence of an animal makes individuals and settings appear more attractive, desirable, approachable, and relaxed, as well as happier and safer, suggests that dog ownership may be a simple way to reduce weight bias. Accordingly, we tested whether the presence of a dog can reduce weight bias in a sample of 314 online participants. Each participant was presented with a stimulus image representing one of three conditions (person with dog, person with plant, or person alone), and was then asked to rate the human model using three measures. Two sets of stimuli (featuring different models) were used to ensure that findings were not restricted to a particular model. Contrary to our predictions, we found no evidence that the presence of a dog affects endorsement of weight-related stereotypes, general evaluations, or desire for social distance. These findings contrast with a large body of literature showing that dogs enhance perceptions of a range of individuals and settings. The effect of dogs on perceptions may be restricted in the case of weight bias because of the pervasive, explicit, and severe nature of this bias. Dogs may have stronger effects on attitudes that are less openly endorsed. Promising avenues where dogs are very likely to influence attitudes include perceptions of individuals of different racial and ethnic backgrounds, gender identities, and even political parties.  相似文献   

One prediction from life‐history theory is that males should increase investment in reproductive effort as they age because the opportunity for future reproductive events declines. However, older males may not be able to increase their reproductive effort if condition declines with age. The effect of age‐related changes in condition may be especially important for energetically costly activities such as moving within and between habitat patches while searching for mates. Although such searching is a component of many mating systems, the relationship between age and active mate searching has not been investigated. We investigated whether mate‐searching effort increased with age in the thornbug treehopper, Umbonia crassicornis (Hemiptera: Membracidae). In this species, males search for females using a ‘fly‐call‐walk’ strategy consisting of three phases: (1) flying from one plant to another; (2) walking and signalling while on a plant; and (3) close‐range courtship of encountered females. We measured several aspects of mate‐searching behaviour over the month‐long period of a male’s reproductive lifetime. Over the relevant period of male sexual activity (19–33 d), male condition remained stable. However, older males (25–33 d) did not search more actively than younger males as predicted; instead, younger males (19 d) had greater plant‐to‐plant flight activity and found females faster. Within‐plant walking rates and courtship duration did not differ among age classes. These results suggest that thornbug males may be investing so heavily in mate searching at younger ages that they are unable to increase investment in searching effort when they get older. As a result, older males are likely to be at a competitive disadvantage when active searching is required to locate sparsely distributed females.  相似文献   

Most organisms use multiple cues across many modalities to assess potential mates. Salamanders in the genus Plethodon have an elaborate courtship display, yet previous studies primarily have concentrated on the influence of olfactory cues on courtship success. In this study, we tested whether two different cues (one chemical and one visual) affected courtship success and duration in the red‐legged salamander, Plethodon shermani. By staging and observing over 180 courtship trials, we found that ‘foot‐dancing’, a male visual cue performed in the earliest stages of courtship, significantly increased the likelihood that a male and female would progress to subsequent stages of courtship and, thus, the likelihood of insemination. In contrast, delivery of biologically relevant levels of a non‐volatile pheromone (produced in a large gland on the male's chin) during courtship trials did not increase overall insemination rate success, but did significantly reduce the duration of one of the later stages of courtship, tail‐straddling walk. Thus, we propose that early use of visual cues in Plethodon courtship, may (1) increase the detectability of the male message by increasing the range at which the male can be perceived by the female and (2) indicate the context of the male's approach and subsequent behaviors. In short, this study draws attention to the need to examine behavioral traits affecting courtship success at multiple stages and across several sensory modalities.  相似文献   

当前我国医患关系呈现为整体和谐、局部矛盾尖锐的态势,局部矛盾体现在暴力伤医事件频频发生。在缓解局部矛盾的过程中,医学生作为青年学生,面对恶性暴力事件带来的冲击时心理生理都会受到很大影响。同时,医学生作为未来医生又直接关系到未来医患关系的构建,因此,如何在当前特殊形势下避免医患矛盾给医学生带来不良影响,加强医学生德育教育的有效性,成为医学生德育教育的重点和难点。本文通过分析医患矛盾成因,对医学生德育教育的影响以及对策来探讨和研究,希望为构建和谐医患关系和医学生德育教育方面提供新的解决思路。  相似文献   


Human attachment representations are shaped in interaction with the primary caregiver and are generally transferred to further bonding/ social partners later in life. According to previous evidence, primary attachment representations acquired with humans do not seem to be transferred to companion animals. This was held as a major factor why such animals would effectively provide social support also to persons with insecure attachment. The aim of this study in 19 male children, 7–11 years of age and with insecure-avoidant or disorganized attachment, was to investigate differences in their social behavior and in physiological responses when socially supported by an unfamiliar therapy dog in a socially stressful situation. The Trier Social Stress Test for Children (TSST-C) was conducted to elicit stress in the children when in the presence of the dog and a female human investigator. We found that boys with disorganized attachment (n=11) communicated more intensely than avoidantly attached boys (n=8) with both the dog and humans present. Boys with a disorganized attachment had more physical contact with the dog during the TSST-C and talked more to the dog during and after the TSST-C than did boys with an insecure-avoidant attachment. While the prevailing wisdom holds that attachment representations acquired with the primary human caregiver would not transfer to companion animals, our data indicate otherwise. At least components of attachment-related interaction styles, such as degree of contact seeking in verbal and tactile interactions are also displayed in interaction with animal partners.  相似文献   

The female calling song (FCS) of the southern green stink bug Nezara viridula is composed of vibrational pulse trains that include either short pulses and a long pulse (FCS-1) or just short pulses (FCS-2). Their function in communication was studied by investigating male vibratory responses to natural and artificial signals on artificial and natural substrates. On a loudspeaker membrane, FCS-1 triggered in males from a Slovene and a French population significantly more courtship songs (MCrS) than FCS-2. Experiments with artificial signals showed that male responses are modulated by the duration of pulse trains and pulse repetition time. On a bean plant, males of both populations responded in the same way to the two types of female calling song pulse trains. Moreover, a laser vibrometer study of the transmission of different natural and artificial vibratory signals through the bean plant showed that the pulses of a high repetition rate are prolonged and fused at distances from the emitter. We conclude that female calling song pulse trains of different temporal structure have the same function in vibrational communication of the species. The temporal and spectral structures of the female calling songs of N. viridula are discussed in terms of effective transmission through plants.  相似文献   

The activity of amylases, and the level of starch and solublesugar content were analysed in the normal (+/+), a ‘gibberellin-sensitive’male sterile stamenless-2 (sl-2/sl-2) mutant, and GA3-revertedsl-2/sl-2 mutant stamens of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentumMill.), at various stages of development. In the mutant stamens,amylolytic activity did not differ from that of the normal untilthe tetrad stage, but thereafter it was significantly lowerthan that of normal stamens. The starch content also did notdiffer in the two lines at early stages of development. However,at later stages it decreased in normal stamens, whereas it remainedunchanged in the mutant. The soluble sugar content graduallyincreased during the development of normal stamens. But in mutantstamens, it remained the same throughout development and wassignificantly lower than the normal. In GA3-reverted mutantstamens, the amylolytic activity and the level of starch andsoluble sugars were comparable to normal stamens. It is proposedthat the sl-2/sl-2 mutation, through its effects on endogenousgibberellins, affects the activity of amylases which, in turn,result in lower sugar levels leading ultimately to abnormalpollen development. Key words: Amylases, male-sterility, tomato  相似文献   

Using vascular heat-exchange controller implemented mild hypothermia treatment, the authors established the cerebral vasospasm model in which blood was injected twice into dog’s foramen magnum; and it was discussed the influence of the concentration of endothelin-1 and NO in blood plasma and cerebrospinal fluid through continuing treatment of mild hypothermia at different times in secondary brain vasospasm model after subarachnoid hemorrhage. Thirty healthy mongrel dogs were randomly divided into five groups; artificial cerebrospinal fluid group (group A), normal temperature control group (group C), mild hypothermia 8 h group (group H1), mild hypothermia 16 h group (group H2), and mild hypothermia 32 h group (group H3). The authors injected the artificial CSF into dog’s foramen magnum in group A while the other four groups were injected with autologous arterial blood. The normal group’s temperature maintained 38.5°C. The authors set the temperature at 33.5°C in mild hypothermia groups and this was maintained for 8, 16, and 32 h, respectively. ET-1 and NO levels in the cerebrospinal fluid and plasma were assayed in each group on days 0, 7, 14, and 21. Then the changes of the diameter of blood vessels of cerebral basilar artery and overall performance categories score in each group through application of CT angiography were recorded. In the cerebral vasospasm model which was constructed by injecting the blood to dog twice, mild hypothermia treatment, through the application of vascular heat-exchange controller, could reduce cerebral vasospasm. It was observed that the duration of the mild hypothermia is directly proportional to the longer duration of the relieving of cerebral vasospasm. The reciprocal changes observed in the levels of ET-1 and NO in cerebrospinal fluid and plasma revealed that it might be possible to reduce the cerebral vasospasm by regulating the rising amplitude of ET-1 and the decrease in NO in CSF and plasma.  相似文献   

Several endocrine factors, including sex-steroid hormones are known to influence adiponectin secretion. Our purpose was to evaluate the influence of testosterone and of the synthetic non-aromatizable/non-5α reducible androgen 17β-hydroxyestra-4,9,11-trien-3-one (trenbolone) on circulating adiponectin and adiponectin protein expression within visceral fat. Young male and female F344 rats underwent sham surgery (SHAM), gonadectomy (GX), or GX plus supraphysiologic testosterone-enanthate (TE) administration. Total circulating adiponectin was 39% higher in intact SHAM females than SHAM males (p<0.05). GX increased total adiponectin by 29–34% in both sexes (p<0.05), while TE reduced adiponectin to concentrations that were 46–53% below respective SHAMs (p≤0.001) and ablated the difference in adiponectin between sexes. No differences in high molecular weight (HMW) adiponectin were observed between sexes or treatments. Adiponectin concentrations were highly and negatively associated with serum testosterone (males: r = −0.746 and females: r = −0.742, p≤0.001); however, no association was present between adiponectin and estradiol. In separate experiments, trenbolone-enanthate (TREN) prevented the GX-induced increase in serum adiponectin (p≤0.001) in young animals, with Low-dose TREN restoring adiponectin to the level of SHAMs and higher doses of TREN reducing adiponectin to below SHAM concentrations (p≤0.001). Similarly, TREN reduced adiponectin protein expression within visceral fat (p<0.05). In adult GX males, Low-dose TREN also reduced total adiponectin and visceral fat mass to a similar magnitude as TE, while increasing serum HMW adiponectin above SHAM and GX animals (p<0.05). Serum adiponectin was positively associated with visceral fat mass in young (r = 0.596, p≤0.001) and adult animals (r = 0.657, p≤0.001). Our results indicate that androgens reduce circulating total adiponectin concentrations in a dose-dependent manner, while maintaining HMW adiponectin. This change is directionally similar to the androgen-induced lipolytic effects on visceral adiposity and equal in magnitude between TE and TREN, suggesting that neither the aromatization nor the 5α reduction of androgens is required for this effect.  相似文献   

Geologic carbon sequestration involves the injection of supercritical carbon dioxide into deep saline aquifers. Some of the CO2 dissolves into the brines, perturbing water chemistry and water-rock interactions, and impacting microbial habitat and survival. In this study 3 model organisms were tested for their ability to survive high pressures of CO2 exposure in batch cultures: the gram-negative Shewanella oneidensis (SO) strain MR-1, the gram-positive Geobacillus stearothermophilus (GS), and the methanogenic archaeon Methanothermobacter thermoautitrophicus (MT). Results indicate that GS can survive the highest pressures of CO2 for the longest periods of time while SO is the most sensitive to CO2 toxicity. Survival was then evaluated for SO with various minerals and rocks representative of deep saline aquifers to determine if minerals enhanced survival. Cultures were exposed to 25 bar of CO2 for 2 to 8 h and were plated for viable cell counts. Results show that biofilm formation on the mineral surface is important in protecting SO from the harmful effects of CO2 with quartz sandstones providing the best protection. The release of toxic metals like Al or As from minerals such as clays and feldspars, in contrast, may enhance microbial death under CO2 stress.  相似文献   


This study examined whether priming cues embedded in mediastyle presentations shaped people's perceptions of specific dog breeds, and in particular, the German shepherd dog (GSD). Two hundred and four adult females were exposed to one of two types of media-style presentation (stories or pictures). Half of the participants in each condition were exposed to versions designed to portray the GSD in a positive light; the remainder to stimuli developed to present the same breed in a negative light. Participants subsequently rated six individual breeds of dog, including the target breed, on a number of traits (e.g., “friendliness,” “aggression”). Analysis revealed a significant effect of priming on people's perceptions of the GSD. Participants exposed to the negative stimuli perceived this breed as significantly less approachable, and more dangerous and aggressive, than those exposed to the positive stimuli. Priming did not influence the participants' perceptions of other breeds, even those often regarded in a negative light, although there was some evidence of breed-related category-based stereotyping. Overall, results suggest that people's perceptions of dog breeds can be influenced by verbal and visual representations. The results have implications for how dogs are portrayed in the media and other publically available sources of information.  相似文献   

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