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An Exploratory Model of Play   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Play is defined as a state of experience in which the actor's ability to act matches the requirements for action in his environment. It differs from anxiety, in which the requirements outnumber the ability, and from boredom, in which the requirements are too few for the ability level of the actor. Games are reviewed with illustrations from a cross-cultural context of traditional and modern societies. It is suggested that games of skill, strategy, and chance all share structural characteristics that allow the player to limit his experiences so as to maximize the play experience as defined. Further theoretical implications are drawn from the model in terms of the relationship of individuals and the social system.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to investigate differences in interaction and attribution when participants directed either a robotic dog (AIBO) or a live dog. Twenty-nine participants (20 female, 9 male) directed one of the two entities, a live dog or AIBO, through a complex maze from a remote location by providing voice commands. Participants were given identical feedback regarding the entity's performance during the maze task. While directing the dog or AIBO through the maze, participants rated their own moods. Following the maze task, participants rated the dog or AIBO on a variety of attributes. Vocal data were analyzed for content and fundamental frequency. Results indicate that although vocal content and mood ratings did not differ when participants interacted with the dog versus AIBO, fundamental frequency was higher when participants talked to the dog rather than the AIBO. The dog and AIBO were also rated differently on several attributes after the maze task. Overall, the results suggest that human responses during interactions with live and robotic animals can be superficially similar, yet distinctly different when examined at a deeper level.  相似文献   

本文概述了犬类宠物资源保护利用的重要性,指出犬是最主要的宠物种类,犬与人类关系密不可分,保护犬类资源对于促进生态文明,构建和谐社会意义重大。阐述了当前我国犬类宠物资源保护与利用现状,对我国犬类种质资源的种类、分布、基因资源构成及我国犬类遗传资源调查研究和保护利用所取得的成效。指出了当前我国犬类宠物资源保护和利用方面存在的主要问题,包括犬类遗传资源流失,缺乏对资源的全面系统调查,没有统一的育种规划和选育目标,犬种资源保护和利用措施不明确,保种与选育关系不协调,规章制度不健全等问题。提出了加强犬类种质资源保护和利用的建议和措施。包括提高思想认识,广泛宣传犬类宠物资源保护的重要意义,积极开展犬类资源普查,摸清家底,健全规章依法管理,加大对犬类宠物资源科研工作力度,制订育种规划目标和加大资源保护工作的投入六个方面的建议和措施。  相似文献   


The regulation of stress by an attachment figure is a key feature of attachment relationships. Previous research suggests that in some cases animal companionship may be regarded as an attachment relationship. This may be particularly important for persons with an insecure or disorganized attachment pattern who may find it more difficult than securely attached individuals to accept social support from humans. In our study, we investigated whether 31 boys (aged 7–12 years) with insecure/disorganized attachment would profit more from the presence of a dog (n = 11) than of a friendly human (n = 11) or a toy dog (n = 9) as support during a socially stressful situation (Trier Social Stress Test for Children, TSST-C). Stress levels were assessed via salivary cortisol recorded five times before, during, and after the TSST-C. The behavior of the children was coded from video recordings. Self-reported stress levels did not significantly differ between the groups before and after the TSST-C. Salivary cortisol, however, was significantly lower in the real dog condition than in the other two conditions (Kruskal-Wallis H test on area under the curve increase (AUCi): χ2 = 15.17, df = 2, p = 0.001). Also, the more the children stroked the dog, the less pronounced was their stress reaction (rs = ?0.818, p = 0.002). Our data suggest an important role of physical contact in the stress reducing effect. We conclude that the children investigated profited more from interacting with a friendly dog than with either a human or a toy dog in a stressful situation. We discuss the relevance of our findings for animal-assisted interventions.  相似文献   

Several factors influence how we interpret the behavior of another individual. In the current study, we investigated the effect of level of animal empathy, as well as the level of experience with dogs, on the interpretation of dog behavior. Forty-seven veterinary students participated in the study. Each student filled out a printed questionnaire on their experiences and skills with dogs, and then completed the Animal Empathy Scale. They were shown five 2-minute videos of dogs, and asked to cross off 19 visual analogue scales after each video clip, assessing 19 adjectives for each of the dogs. Principal component analysis (PCA) was performed on all of the visual analogue scale scores for each of the five videos. For every PCA, one of the components retained related to aggressiveness. For students with no prior responsibility for a dog, animal empathy score showed significant inverse correlations with the aggressiveness-component for four of the five videos watched by the students (r = –0.38, p = 0.044; r = –0.39, p = 0.039; r = –0.38, p = 0.047; r = –0.51, p = 0.005). Animal empathy did not show any significant correlation with components related to other types of emotion or behavior. There was no effect of any of the self-reported skills with dogs on the interpretation of dog behavior, and having had a dog in the family as a child only had sporadic effects. These results indicate that people with a low level of animal empathy and no prior responsibility for a dog assess dog behavior and emotion related to aggressiveness as more pronounced than people with a high level of animal empathy. The results also point to possible interactions between animal empathy, experience with dogs, and interpretation of dog behavior.  相似文献   

犬脊髓损伤治疗动物模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 建立犬脊髓损伤治疗动物模型 ,为实验研究提供直接的病例材料。方法 人工损伤犬脊髓 ,使用直流电场刺激使脊髓损伤恢复。结果 人工犬脊髓损伤模型建立 ,直流电场刺激治疗可恢复神经功能。结论直流电场刺激在不同时期对犬脊髓再生及功能恢复均有明显促进作用 ,能促进脊髓再生 ,使脊髓通路更快更完善的建立  相似文献   

School start time influences sleep parameters. Differences between circadian sleep parameters on weekends and weekdays have been associated with obesity, sleep, and psychiatric disorders. Moreover, circadian rhythm dysregulation affects the secretion of some hormones, such as melatonin and cortisol. In the current study, we investigate the effect of school start time on cortisol and melatonin levels in a community sample of Brazilian children and adolescents. This was a cross-sectional study of 454 students (mean age, 12.81 ± 2.56 years; 58.6% female). From this sample, 80 participants were randomly selected for saliva collection to measure melatonin and cortisol levels. Circadian sleep parameters were assessed by self-reported sleep and wake up schedules and the Morningness–Eveningness Questionnaire. The outcomes, salivary melatonin and cortisol levels, were measured in morning, afternoon and night saliva samples, and behavior problems were assessed using the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). The main results revealed that morning school start time decreased the secretion of melatonin. Morning melatonin levels were significantly positively correlated with the sleep midpoint on weekdays and on weekends. Afternoon melatonin levels were positively correlated with the sleep midpoint on weekends in the morning school students. Conversely, in the afternoon school students, night melatonin levels were negatively correlated with the sleep midpoint on weekdays. Cortisol secretion did not correlate with circadian sleep parameters in any of the school time groups. In conclusion, school start time influences melatonin secretion, which correlated with circadian sleep parameters. This correlation depends on the presence of psychiatric symptoms. Our findings emphasize the importance of drawing attention to the influence of school start time on the circadian rhythm of children and adolescents.  相似文献   

目的在2周内对国际标准实验动物Beagle犬进行肺气肿模型的制作,建立较为标准的肺气肿模型,从而为治疗慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)的方法提供良好的动物模型。方法Beagle犬8只,雌雄各半,2岁,体重13~18kg,雾化吸人木瓜蛋白酶12000U/kg,1次,周,共2周。实验前后测量试验动物肺功能,做胸部CT及病理学比较。结果实验前后动物肺功能,CT及病理学检查均显示较大的差异。8例实验动物的功能残气量(FRC)、肺总量(TLC)、功能残气量比肺总量(FRC/TLC%)、潮气量(VT)和呼吸频率(BR),在肺气肿模型制作前后做两两比较,结果显示均有统计学差异P〈0.05,血氧饱和度(SpO2)0.05两者间无统计学差异。CT显示肺体积增大,局部肺野透亮度增加有肺大泡形成。试验后病理学检查显示肺泡壁破坏,肺泡间质断裂,肺泡融合,形成典型的全小叶型肺气肿改变。实验后动物出现肺气肿征表现,如气喘,咳嗽及上呼吸道分泌物增等。结论在标准实验动物身上可以较为准确、快速地复制出近似于人类阻塞性肺气肿病理改变的动物模型。  相似文献   

目的:术中定位是微小肺癌手术面临的主要难题,而原因则是肺在术中萎陷造成的巨大形变。我们从研究肺的术中萎陷着手,建立肺渐次萎陷动物模型,模拟肺在术中发生的萎陷,用以研究肺萎陷的过程、规律及影响因素,为微小肺癌的术中定位提供理论基础。本文用渐进的人工气胸模拟肺在术中的渐次萎陷过程,探讨简便、有效的肺渐次萎陷动物模型的制作方法。方法:健康成年犬12只机等分入左、右侧手术组麻醉后移至CT扫描床采用切小口置管和胸腔穿刺两种方式制作人工气胸。向胸膜腔内分次、定量地注射气体,使肺逐渐萎陷直至完全萎陷。通过夹闭气管插管协助稳定肺的萎陷状态。将各萎陷状态分别进行CT扫描。结果:所有实验犬均顺利完成实验麻醉良好,无意外情况发生。9只犬给予气管插管,3只未给予气管插管;4只犬采用切小口置管方式制作气胸,8只采用胸腔穿刺方式。气管插管增加了模型制作难度,但有利于稳定肺的萎陷状态;胸腔穿刺方式相对操作更为简便。随着向胸膜腔内注射气体,肺缓慢而均匀地向肺门方向集中,萎陷进程满意。CT扫描记录了肺从膨胀到萎陷的各阶段,经过后期重建再现了肺的萎陷过程。5只犬出现并发症,均通过改变操作得以纠正,未影响实验进程。结论:本研究建立的肺渐次萎陷动物模型,能够很好地模拟肺在术中的萎陷过程,是研究术中肺萎陷的理想动物模型。  相似文献   

Shelter dogs are typically cared for by staff and volunteers. At the Boston location of the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, prior to 2009, any member of the public who was older than 16 years of age and attended 1 orientation could walk dogs available for adoption. There was no systematic method of training volunteers or staff to walk unruly, strong, or fearful dogs, nor was there any organized system of enrichment in the form of in-kennel or out-of-kennel training for the population of 20 to 40 dogs in the shelter. Using the Dick and Carey (1996 Dick, W., &; Carey, L. (1996). The systematic design of instruction. New York, NY: Harper Collins. [Google Scholar]) model of instructional design, a curriculum called “Safewalk” was devised and implemented. Safewalk created a hierarchical training system for volunteers. After training was implemented, outcomes and lengths of stay were then compared for dogs for the 3 years before and 4 years after Safewalk. Changes in adoption rates for pit bull-type dogs and non-pit bulls were significantly improved, and length of stay for non-pit bulls was significantly decreased. Other components of shelter life for dogs and people were also improved.  相似文献   


This study investigated the effect animal activity had on information visitors attended to at three bear exhibits. Attention was used as an indirect measure of what information visitors are consciously processing, or learning. It was hypothesized that visitors would be more likely to attend to specific information about animal behavior when bears were active rather than when inactive or out of sight. Visitor conversations were recorded during observations of polar, sloth and spectacled bears. Conversation was coded according to its content (animal-directed, human-focused, behavior, other) and to the corresponding behavior of the bear (active, inactive, pacing, not visible). The energy level of the activity was also considered. The hypothesis was supported for the polar bears, but less so for the other two bears. Behavior conversation was highest and human-directed conversation was lowest in the presence of highly animated polar bears. Behavior content was limited in the presence of the less animated sloth and spectacled bears. However, it was still significantly less frequent, and human content more frequent, when the sloth and spectacled bears were pacing and/or not visible. Therefore, what visitors attended to was influenced by what the bears were doing. The findings suggest that animated activity (rather than the more broadly defined ‘activity’) elicits the most visitor attention to behavior, and this in turn potentially facilitates visitor learning.  相似文献   

目的:建立高效可靠的成年犬心肌细胞分离方法,获得高产量与高质量的心肌细胞,以便进行犬心肌细胞收缩功能的研究.方法:采用改良的Langendorff灌流胶原酶消化法分离得到左心室心肌细胞.荧光显微镜观察细胞生长状态和形态并利用单细胞收缩动态边缘检测系统测定心肌细胞收缩功能的改变.结果:结果显示,与传统方法相比,即刻分离的心肌细胞状态良好,复钙后的心肌细胞成活率达到70%-80%,转染重组腺病毒β2-EGFP培养48 h,心肌细胞成活率为60%-70%.给予持续电场刺激,心肌细胞可以保持收缩节律和幅度稳定30 min以上.结论:该方法操作简单,分离的活细胞产量高,质量好,节约实验成本和时间,为心血管相关研究提供良好的细胞模型.  相似文献   

Although organizations use a variety of interventions to improve group functioning, getting people to work effectively with each other remains challenging. Because the presence of a dog has been shown to have positive effects on mood and dyadic interaction, we expected that the presence of a companion dog would also have positive effects on people in work groups. One reason for this is that a companion dog is likely to elevate positive emotions, which often promote prosocial behavior. In study 1 (n = 120) and study 2 (n = 120), participants were randomly assigned to either a dogpresent or dog-absent four-person group. Three friendly companion dogs were randomly assigned to the dog-present groups; only one dog at a time was used during any given experimental session. In study 1, groups worked on an interactive problem-solving task; participants in the dog-present group displayed more verbal cohesion, physical intimacy, and cooperation. Study 2 was identical except that participants worked on a decision-making task requiring less interaction; participants in the dog-present condition displayed more verbal cohesion and physical intimacy and gave higher ratings of trustworthiness to fellow group members. In study 3, we examined behavioral indicators of positive emotions in dog-present and dog-absent groups. Naïve observers (n = 160) rated silent, 40-second video clips of interaction in groups where either a dog was (1) present but not visible or (2) not present. Behavior in dog-present groups was rated as more cooperative, comfortable, friendly, active, enthusiastic, and attentive. We discuss areas for future research and implications of our findings for work and educational settings.  相似文献   

The feeling of voluntary control and awareness of movement is fundamental to our notions of selfhood and responsibility for actions, yet can be lost in neuropsychiatric syndromes (e.g. delusions of control, non-epileptic seizures) and culturally influenced dissociative states (e.g. attributions of spirit possession). The brain processes involved remain poorly understood. We used suggestion and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate loss of control and awareness of right hand movements in 15 highly hypnotically suggestible subjects. Loss of perceived control of movements was associated with reduced connectivity between supplementary motor area (SMA) and motor regions. Reduced awareness of involuntary movements was associated with less activation in parietal cortices (BA 7, BA 40) and insula. Collectively these results suggest that the sense of voluntary control of movement may critically depend on the functional coupling of SMA with motor systems, and provide a potential neural basis for the narrowing of awareness reported in pathological and culturally influenced dissociative phenomena.  相似文献   

Fourteen patients with posttraumatic headache (PTHA) were treated with a comprehensive treatment package targeting headache symptoms along with associated posttraumatic stress symptoms. Treatment consisted of some or all of the following depending on headache features: thermal biofeedback, electromyography biofeedback targeting the forehead and/or neck muscles, progressive muscle relaxation, education and cognitive–behavioral therapy. Mean improvement for the treatment group was 21%, whereas mean improvement for the wait-list group was –14% indicating a worsening of headache; however, the difference between groups was not statistically significant. There was a significant between groups difference on headache-free days. Within group results were modest with 29% mean improvement by the end of treatment. The reduction in headache index was significant. Minor reductions in psychopathology, most notably anxiety, were found after treatment. This study confirmed the treatment difficulties seen in this understudied population of headache sufferers, but offered hope for symptom relief.  相似文献   

目的 建立成年犬股骨微波灭活骨缺损的实验动物模型 ,为骨缺损修复的研究提供实验依据。方法应用自行研制的骨肿瘤微波治疗仪 ,以 1 5kHz频率、70W功率加热至 5 0~ 5 5℃ ,维持 2 0min ,造成犬股骨中段不同大小的骨缺损。结果 在保持犬股骨连续性的前提下 ,长度 1 5cm的骨缺损 9个月时有 1 2被新生骨填充 ,长度2 5cm和 3 5cm的骨缺损 9个月时无愈合倾向 ,但后者骨折的发生率高。结论 成年犬股骨微波高温造成的骨缺损 ,长 2 5cm、宽 1 0cm 9个月不能自愈 ,适宜于各种骨修复材料的填充 ,是理想的实验模型  相似文献   


The benefits of human–animal interaction have been discussed extensively in the literature. In this paper we take a slightly different strategy in documenting that some humans acknowledge the importance of pets by actually referring to them in human obituaries. We begin with a brief overview of the human obituary, followed by the potential for pets as fictive kin to be named as survivors in obituaries. A bi-national, exploratory, content analysis of companion animal (CA)-related content in published newspaper obituaries is reported. The two criteria for inclusion were that a pet or pet survivors be named in the obituary or that donations be made to a pet-related charity. Of the 11,818 obituaries in three newspapers over a three-month period, 260 (2.2%) met one or both of these criteria. Five themes emerged within obituaries containing CA data. First, the word “pet” was rarely used. CAs were typically listed as survivors along with human family members. Second, terms of endearment were consistently used to describe animal companions left behind. Third, some family members, who likely crafted these last statements about their loved ones, engaged in a personification of (and projections onto) the animals left behind. Fourth, there was variation in the roles played by each person with their animal companion. And fifth, donations were made to a wide variety of animal charities. The possibility of CAs as fictive kin is explored, in addition to a call for further study.  相似文献   

The present research examines relationships between people and their pets through the lens of the Rusbult Investment Model. The Rusbult Investment Model identifies important antecedents to commitment in a relationship: satisfaction with the relationship, quality of alternatives to the relationship, and investments in the relationship. In turn, commitment predicts enactment of behaviors that involve forgoing one’s own needs to benefit one’s relationship. Among these behaviors are forgiving transgressions, accommodating undesirable behaviors, and sacrificing for the sake of one’s relationship partner. Recent research has revealed that pets benefit humans through conferral of social support. By examining commitment processes in human–pet relationships, relationship duration may be maximized, leading to greater benefits for both the human and the pet. The present research surveyed pet owners about their relationship with their pet (e.g., feelings of commitment, investment) and their willingness to engage in pro-relationship behaviors (e.g., forgiveness, accommodation). Regression analyses revealed that human–pet relationships operate in a similar fashion to human–human relationships in terms of both the predictors and outcomes of commitment. This effect was observed across a range of behaviors, among different types of pets (i.e., dogs, cats, and one fish), and in the context of both current and former relationships. These results suggest that increasing satisfaction and investments and decreasing the perceived quality of one’s alternatives, either individually or in tandem, may benefit human–pet relationships. The findings are discussed in terms of the role these factors may play in pet abandonment and its costs to animal wellbeing. This discourse erects a call for experimental and intervention-focused research that might draw upon both the present and past research on commitment to pets.  相似文献   

An Exploratory Framework for the Empirical Measurement of Resilience   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
Deliberate progress towards the goal of long-term sustainability depends on understanding the dynamics of linked social and ecological systems. The concept of social-ecological resilience holds promise for interdisciplinary syntheses. Resilience is a multifaceted concept that as yet has not been directly operationalized, particularly in systems for which our ignorance is such that detailed, parameter-rich simulation models are difficult to develop. We present an exploratory framework as a step towards the operationalization of resilience for empirical studies. We equate resilience with the ability of a system to maintain its identity, where system identity is defined as a property of key components and relationships (networks) and their continuity through space and time. Innovation and memory are also fundamental to understanding identity and resilience. By parsing our systems into the elements that we subjectively consider essential to identity, we obtain a small set of specific focal variables that reflect changes in identity. By assessing the potential for changes in identity under specified drivers and perturbations, in combination with a scenario-based approach to considering alternative futures, we obtain a surrogate measure of the current resilience of our study system as the likelihood of a change in system identity under clearly specified conditions, assumptions, drivers and perturbations. Although the details of individual case studies differ, the concept of identity provides a level of generality that can be used to compare measure of resilience across cases. Our approach will also yield insights into the mechanisms of change and the potential consequences of different policy and management decisions, providing a level of decision support for each case study area.  相似文献   

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