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It would be difficult to overestimate the significance of animals in the social and psychological life of our species. Images of animals are everywhere: in our language, religions, dreams, television programs, and folklore. The feelings that we exhibit toward our fellow creatures are intense, complex, and paradoxical. Responses to animals range from the disgust we feel when confronted with a bloated tick to the reverence for animals as deities in so-called primitive cultures; from the love of a child for a pet bunny to the paralyzing fear of phobic experiences when confronted by a harmless spider.

In recent years there has been increasing interest in human-animal relationships by investigators from a variety of disciplines. We will not attempt a synthesis of the growing literature on attitudes toward animals, but will follow a different course. For the past decade we have been exploring the diversity and origins of human-animal relationships, and our research has taken us into some rather odd places: cockfights in the United States and Latin America, slaughterhouses, and most recently, the world of supermarket check-out-counter magazines. In this article, we will summarize some of our findings and speculations that bear on the subject of attitudes toward animals. We will also briefly examine alternative methods of gathering information that do justice to the richness of human experience with animals.  相似文献   


Large herds pose the risk of worsening human—cattle relationships by reducing human contact and thus increasing the risk of accidents. In a survey on 35 dairy farms in Switzerland and Germany, different aspects of human—cow relationships were investigated. The effects of size of herd compared to other factors are presented here. Size of herds in the study varied from eight to 92 cows. On 35 farms the behavior of stockpersons toward their cows was observed directly during milking; personality characteristics of stockpersons were obtained by self-report-inventories, and a questionnaire on management practices was completed. Cows' avoidance distances toward a person were measured, and the social behavior of herds was observed directly.

Size of herd correlated significantly negatively with the percentage of cows with an avoidance distance of zero (rs=-0.52, p≤0.01), but there was no correlation with the median of avoidance distances per herd. Concerning the behavior of stockpersons, size of herd showed a significant negative correlation with the intensity/quality of contact with the cows (rs=-0.51, p≤0.05), and a slightly significant correlation with the total number of talking to/touching interactions with the cows in the milking parlor (rs=-34, p≤0.05). Quality of handling was not affected by size of herd, but the ability of the stockpersons to identify cows (rs=-0.59, p≤0.001), and the frequency of brushing cows decreased with increasing sizes of herd (rs=-0.52, p≤0.01). In regression analysis, the influence of size of herd on the intensity/quality of contact (CON) was confirmed, but showed a much smaller effect than the personality or attitudes of the stockpersons. Additionally, size of herd had no effect on avoidance distances. This was due to the elimination of the effects of CON.

The small influence of size of herd on human-animal relationship parameters was mediated by the intensity of contact with the cows, but is much less important compared to other factors, e.g. the personality and attitudes of stockpersons. Smaller herds facilitated good relationships between a stockperson and his/her cows, but good human—animal relationships were also possible in big herds, and were observed even in the biggest herd (92 cows).  相似文献   

The Cognitive Distortions Scale was developed to assess thinking errors using case examples in two domains: interpersonal and personal achievement. Although its validity and reliability has been previously demonstrated in non-clinical samples, its psychometric properties and scoring has not yet been evaluated. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Cognitive Distortions Scale in two Turkish samples and to examine the usefulness of the categorical scoring system. A total of 325 individuals (Sample 1 and Sample 2) were enrolled in this study to assess those psychometric properties. Our Sample 1 consisted of 225 individuals working as interns at the Diskapi Yildirim Beyazit Teaching and Research Hospital and Sample 2 consisted of 100 patients diagnosed with depression presenting to the outpatient unit of the same Hospital. Construct validity was assessed using the Beck Depression Inventory, the State Trait Anxiety Inventory, the Dysfunctional Attitude Scale, and the Automatic Thought Questionnaire. Factor analyses supported a one-factor model in these clinical and non-clinical samples. Cronbach''s α values were excellent in both the non-clinical and clinical samples (0.933 and 0.918 respectively). Cognitive Distortions Scale scores showed significant correlation with relevant clinical measures. Study Cognitive Distortions Scale scores were stable over a time span of two weeks. This study showed that the Cognitive Distortions Scale is a valid and reliable measure in clinical and non-clinical populations. In addition, it shows that the categorical exists/does not exist scoring system is relevant and could be used in clinical settings.  相似文献   



Internalizing the pervasive weight bias commonly directed towards individuals with overweight and obesity, co-occurs with increased psychopathology and impaired quality of life. This study sought to establish population norms and psychometric properties of the most widely used self-report questionnaire, the Weight Bias Internalization Scale (WBIS), in a representative community sample.

Design and Methods

In a survey of the German population, N = 1158 individuals with overweight and obesity were assessed with the WBIS and self-report measures for convergent validation.


Item analysis revealed favorable item-total correlation of all but one WBIS item. With this item removed, item homogeneity and internal consistency were excellent. The one-factor structure of the WBIS was confirmed using confirmatory factor analysis. Convergent validity was shown through significant associations with measures of depressive and somatoform symptoms. The WBIS contributed to the explanation of variance in depressive and somatoform symptoms over and above body mass index. Higher WBIS scores were found in women than in men, in individuals with obesity than in individuals with overweight, and in those with lower education or income than those with higher education or income. Sex-specific norms were provided.


The results showed good psychometric properties of the WBIS after removal of one item. Future research is warranted on further indicators of reliability and validity, for example, retest reliability, sensitivity to change, and prognostic validity.  相似文献   

An important step in ensuring ethical animal treatment and welfare is to understand people's attitudes toward them. However, research is lacking from some Asian countries, such as China. This needs improvement. In this study I asked Chinese university students about their attitudes toward animal welfare issues. The students reported strong concern for the treatment of animals across a broad spectrum of issues, although the level of concern varied according to the issue. The results are in agreement with recent research showing that Chinese society displays generally positive attitudes and behaviors toward animal welfare initiatives. This study, combined with previous work reported in the literature, suggests that the Chinese public is perhaps philosophically ready to accept and support the urgent changes needed to improve animal welfare standards in their country.  相似文献   

Summary Tannins limit the use of fodder trees as feed for ruminants. Removal of the effects of tannins would thus improve the nutritional quality of these trees. This prompted the study to evaluate the effect of rumen or faecal mixed cultures from different animals on tannin degradation. Tannin extracts, tannic acid and gallic acid were used to enrich media to assess if rumen or faecal mixed cultures could degrade the phenolic compounds. Rumen fluid of Acacia-adapted sheep, sheep fed on wheat bran, bush duikers (Sylvicapra grimmia) and goats fed on Leucaena pallida and Sesbania goetzei were separately inoculated into Growth Study Medium (GSM) and incubated for 5-15 days. Faecal samples from dikdik (Madoqua guentheri), camel (Camelus dromedarius), zebra (Equus quagga), Grant’s gazelle (Gazella granti) and hartebeest (Alcelaphus buselaphus) were also separately inoculated into GSM media and incubated from 3-5 days. TLC results showed that mixed cultures from rumen fluids of Acacia-adapted sheep, sheep on wheat bran, goats on Leucaena pallida and Sesbania goetzei partially hydrolysed tannic acid to pyrogallol. Complete degradation of the heterocyclic ring in tannic acid and gallic acid was achieved by the mixed cultures from the faecal samples of dikdik and this was confirmed by HPLC. Mixed cultures from faecal samples of camel hydrolysed gallic acid to phloroglucinol. This study has demonstrated that faecal microorganisms of Ethiopian dikdik could completely degrade hydrolysable tannin.  相似文献   


Pet Attitude Scale score (Templer, Salter, Dickey, Baldwin, and Veleber 1981) of adolescents was best predicted both in univariate and multivariate analyses by Pet Attitude Scale score of the adolescent's mother and by the presence or absence of a pet in the home. The pet attitude of daughters correlated more highly with the pet attitude of their mothers and their fathers than did the pet attitude of the sons. A noteworthy finding was the virtual absence of any relationship between pet attitude of fathers and pet attitude of sons. Other variables associated with higher pet attitudes of adolescents included not being afraid of animals, and on the Family Environment Scale, more expressiveness, more independence, less achievement orientation, and less control. Pet contact in school was not related to adolescent pet attitude.  相似文献   



The Scale of Positive and Negative Experience (SPANE) is a new instrument that assesses subjective feelings of well-being and ill-being and overcome several limitations of previous popular instruments. The current study examined the scale''s psychometric properties with a large Chinese sample.

Principal Findings

Data were collected form 21,322 full-time workers from the power industry. The psychometric properties were assessed in term of internal consistency reliability, factorial validity, convergent validity, and measurement invariance across gender, age, marital status, education level, and income level. The results demonstrate that the SPANE has high internal consistency reliability, a correlated two-factor structure (with the uniqueness of three general and specific items of positive and negative feelings allowed to correlate with each other), strict equivalence across gender, age and marital status, and strong equivalence across education and income. Furthermore, the SPANE converges well with two measures of life satisfaction.


The Chinese version of the SPANE behaves consistently with the original and can be used in future studies of emotional well-being. The scale norms are presented in terms of percentile rankings, and implications and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the relationship between weight‐related attitudes and suicidal behavior after consideration of depressive mood in Korean adolescents. The study population consisted of a nationally representative sample of 74,698 adolescents (n = 39,466 boys, 35,232 girls) in middle and high school who completed the Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web‐based Survey (KYRBWS) in 2007. Logistic regression models were used to examine the relationships between measures of weight‐related and self‐reported suicidal behavior, controlling for demographics, depressive mood, stress perception, level of school achievement, and substance use. Suicide attempts were surveyed among those reported to have suicidal ideation (n = 7,579 boys, 10,204 girls). Significantly more girls than boys reported suicidal ideation (29 vs. 19%) and suicide attempts (7.7 vs. 4.5%). Factors significantly associated with suicidal ideation were overestimation of weight (vs. correct estimation) and behaviors to lose or gain weight (vs. no weight control) among boys and overestimation of weight and attempting to lose weight among girls. In contrast, the odds of suicide attempts were significantly higher among boys who tried to lose, gain, or maintain their weight (vs. no weight control) and girls who underestimated their weight (vs. correct estimation) and tried to lose weight (vs. no weight control). Boys and girls classified as overweight or at risk for overweight were significantly less likely to report suicide attempts compared to those classified as underweight. Weight‐related attitudes, such as incorrect weight perception and weight control behaviors, seem to be useful indicators for identifying Korean adolescents who are at risk for suicidal behaviors.  相似文献   

The Lexington Attachment to Pets Scale (LAPS) is perhaps the most widely used instrument to assess human emotional attachments to pets and is suitable for both dog and cat owners. However, this instrument has not been translated into Spanish. Thus, the present study aimed to assess the psychometric properties of the Mexican version of the Lexington Attachment to Pets Scale (LAPS-M), which was translated into Spanish and adapted for dog owners. We analyzed the internal consistency and factor structure in a convenience sample of 152 people; 56.6% were women and 43.4% were men, with a mean age of 32.4 years (SD = 10.9 years), who had, on average, two dogs for a period of 3.8 years. The results indicate that the scale has excellent internal consistency in its complete version, with a Cronbach's alpha of 0.96, and also in its three subscales, with Cronbach's alpha coefficients ranging from 0.83 to 0.94. Factor analysis suggests a unifactorial structure is appropriate. However, the goodness-of-fit indicated by confirmatory factor analysis statistics would likely improve with a larger sample size. When we compared the central tendency measures of the LAPS-M according to the type of relationship with the dog, we found higher scores among people who considered dogs to be family members than among those who considered dogs to be pets. Furthermore, people who reported that the relationship with their dog was burdensome or stressful had lower scores. We conclude that the Mexican version of the LAPS is adequate and that further studies with larger sample sizes will contribute to the evidence regarding its psychometric properties  相似文献   



Buruli ulcer is a stigmatising disease treated with antibiotics and wound care, and sometimes surgical intervention is necessary. Permanent limitations in daily activities are a common long term consequence. It is unknown to what extent patients perceive problems in participation in social activities. The psychometric properties of the Participation Scale used in other disabling diseases, such as leprosy, was assessed for use in former Buruli ulcer patients.


Former Buruli ulcer patients in Ghana and Benin, their relatives, and healthy community controls were interviewed using the Participation Scale, Buruli Ulcer Functional Limitation Score, and the Explanatory Model Interview Catalogue to measure stigma. The Participation Scale was tested for the following psychometric properties: discrimination, floor and ceiling effects, internal consistency, inter-item correlation, item-total correlation and construct validity.


In total 386 participants (143 former Buruli ulcer patients with their relatives (137) and 106 community controls) were included in the study. The Participation Scale displayed good discrimination between former Buruli ulcer patients and healthy community controls. No floor and ceiling effects were found. Internal consistency (Cronbach''s alpha) was 0.88. In Ghana, mean inter-item correlation of 0.29 and item-total correlations ranging from 0.10 to 0.69 were found while in Benin, a mean inter-item correlation of 0.28 was reported with item-total correlations ranging from −0.08 to 0.79. With respect to construct validity, 4 out of 6 hypotheses were not rejected, though correlations between various constructs differed between countries.


The results indicate the Participation Scale has acceptable psychometric properties and can be used for Buruli ulcer patients in Ghana and Benin. Future studies can use this Participation Scale to evaluate the long term restrictions in participation in daily social activities of former BU patients.  相似文献   


Endangered species recovery requires a rapid, concerted effort on several fronts, including an understanding of sociological considerations such as the values and attitudes of local people. We examined the values and attitudes of residents living in and around the City of Hamilton, Victoria, toward the endangered, mainland Australia population of eastern barred bandicoots (Perameles gunnii) and bandicoot conservation efforts using a sample telephone survey. Over 90% of those surveyed indicated that they favored efforts to save the bandicoot and nearly 100% believed that bandicoots have a right to exist. Support was broad and varied little with respect to gender, age, level of education, or income. Attitude scale scores supported these results, with most people scoring relatively high on moralistic and naturalistic/ecologistic scales and relatively low on utilitarian and negativistic scales. Of people surveyed, 45.5% owned cats. Cats pose a major threat to bandicoot survival because of predation and disease transmission. Although cat owners and nonowners displayed similar levels of support for bandicoot conservation, 70% of cat owners allowed their cats out at night, when bandicoots are most active. The results suggest that the local public would support new conservation measures invoked to enhance bandicoot survival and represents a potentially valuable source of volunteer labor. A public affairs program should educate the public about the role of domestic cats in bandicoot decline and explicitly point out the contradiction between strong support for bandicoot conservation and the behavior of permitting cats to roam free at night. To increase chances of success, managers and conservationists should recognize the importance of nonbiological aspects, such as values and attitudes of local people, to endangered species restoration efforts.  相似文献   


All 150 teaching clinicians at the six British veterinary schools and an equivalent number of veterinarians in small-animal practice were sent a ten-page questionnaire to survey their attitudes to and experiences with companion-animal euthanasia. Of the 300 questionnaires, 167 were returned, with responses being divided approximately evenly between the two groups. Seventy-two percent of the responses were from men. Data were collected on background, length of time in practice, pet ownership, attitudes on animal consciousness, and reactions to the deaths of both client and their own animals. For example, 22% of the respondents said that the death of one of their own pets had led to long-term emotional effects.

Seventy-four percent said that they would euthanize a healthy animal if the owner requested it, while 91% said they would euthanize a severely injured animal that could be saved if the owner requested euthanasia. Ninety-six percent said that they had received no formal training in how to explain to a client that an animal is terminally ill, and 72% felt that such training would be useful. The relationship between depressing events and the mood of the practitioners is discussed.  相似文献   



Medical statistics has become important and relevant for future doctors, enabling them to practice evidence based medicine. Recent studies report that students’ attitudes towards statistics play an important role in their statistics achievements. The aim of the study was to test the psychometric properties of the Serbian version of the Survey of Attitudes Towards Statistics (SATS) in order to acquire a valid instrument to measure attitudes inside the Serbian educational context.


The validation study was performed on a cohort of 417 medical students who were enrolled in an obligatory introductory statistics course. The SATS adaptation was based on an internationally accepted methodology for translation and cultural adaptation. Psychometric properties of the Serbian version of the SATS were analyzed through the examination of factorial structure and internal consistency.


Most medical students held positive attitudes towards statistics. The average total SATS score was above neutral (4.3±0.8), and varied from 1.9 to 6.2. Confirmatory factor analysis validated the six-factor structure of the questionnaire (Affect, Cognitive Competence, Value, Difficulty, Interest and Effort). Values for fit indices TLI (0.940) and CFI (0.961) were above the cut-off of ≥0.90. The RMSEA value of 0.064 (0.051–0.078) was below the suggested value of ≤0.08. Cronbach’s alpha of the entire scale was 0.90, indicating scale reliability. In a multivariate regression model, self-rating of ability in mathematics and current grade point average were significantly associated with the total SATS score after adjusting for age and gender.


Present study provided the evidence for the appropriate metric properties of the Serbian version of SATS. Confirmatory factor analysis validated the six-factor structure of the scale. The SATS might be reliable and a valid instrument for identifying medical students’ attitudes towards statistics in the Serbian educational context.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to examine the association between attitudes toward fast food and the frequency of fast‐food intake in adults. This study is a cross‐sectional evaluation of random digit‐dial telephone surveys to identify patterns of eating away from home and attitudes toward it. Participants included 530 adults (94% white, 65% women, 70% married, 42% with college educated). Attitudes toward fast food was measured using an 11‐item, 4‐dimensional scale: perceived convenience of fast food (α = 0.56); fast food is fun and social (α = 0.55); fast food perceived as unhealthful (α = 0.45); and dislike toward cooking (α = 0.52). Frequency of fast‐food intake was found to be significantly associated with age (odds ratios (OR) = 0.981, P = 0.001), gender (men > women), and marital status of the participants (single > married/partnered and divorced/separated/widowed). Additionally, frequency of fast‐food intake was also found to be significantly associated with perceived convenience of fast food (OR = 1.162, P < 0.001) and dislike toward cooking (OR = 1.119, P < 0.001) but not with perceived unhealthfulness of fast food (OR = 0.692, P = 0.207). These findings suggest public education regarding the unhealthfulness of fast food may not influence fast food consumption. Interventions targeting the issue of convenience and quick or efficient preparation of nutritious alternatives to fast food could be more promising.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the characteristics, motivations, and expectations of humans who enroll their dogs, cats, and other pets into pet life-care centers. Pet life-care centers are groups or institutions that provide a permanent home for pets in the event of the owner’s illness, inability to care for their pet, or death. The long-term pet care industry has grown in the quality and type of care available to pet owners and is a classic example of the human–animal bond in action. This bond is well-documented in the literature, with most research focusing on physical, emotional, and mental health benefits to the pet owner. Few studies have examined how the human–animal bond affects the animal, and little is known about the motives and expectations of owners who enroll their pet in a life-care center. We conducted a study using a mail questionnaire sent to 163 current clients of a pet life-care center in Texas, USA. Of 101 respondents, whose ages ranged from 30 to over 70, most were female, married, and college-educated. Respondents strongly endorsed a variety of reasons for enrolling their pet in the center, with quality of veterinary care and satisfaction of their pet’s basic needs being the most highly rated. Coding of open-ended responses was consistent with these ratings and identified having no other options as another frequently endorsed reason. The open-ended responses also indicated that respondents expected that their pet would enjoy extensive social interaction, receive high-quality medical attention, and be treated like they were at home. Respondents who had previously visited the center were more willing to adopt a pet in the future than those who had not visited the center. With the dramatic growth of pet life-care centers in the United States and lack of existing literature, further studies in this area are advised.  相似文献   

A multimedia version of Piers-Harris Children''s Self-Concept Scale 2 (Piers-Harris 2) was created with audio and cartoon animation to facilitate the measurement of self-concept among younger children. This study aimed to assess the psychometric qualities of the computer version of Piers-Harris 2 scores, examine its score equivalence with the paper-and-pencil version, and survey the respondent preference of the two versions. Two hundred and forty eight Taiwanese students from the first to fourth grade were recruited. In regard to the psychometric properties, high internal consistency (α = .91) was found for the total score of multimedia Piers-Harris 2. High interscale correlations (.77 to .83) of the multimedia Piers-Harris 2 scores and the results of confirmatory factor analysis suggested the multimedia Piers-Harris 2 contained good structural characteristics. The scores of the multimedia Piers-Harris 2 also had significant correlations with the scores of the Elementary School Children’s Self Concept Scale. The equality of convergence and criterion-related validities of Piers-Harris 2 scores for the multimedia and paper-and-pencil versions and the results of ICCs between the scores of the multimedia and paper-and-pencil Piers-Harris 2 suggested their high level of equivalence. Participants showed more positive attitudes towards the multimedia version.  相似文献   

Form C of the Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scales (MHLC-C) was designed to investigate health-related control beliefs of persons with an existing medical condition. The aim of the present study was to examine the psychometric properties of this instrument in a culture characterized by external control beliefs and learned helplessness—contrary to the societal context of original test development. Altogether, 374 Hungarian patients with cancer, irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes, and cardiovascular and musculoskeletal disorders were enrolled in the study. Besides the MHLC-C, instruments measuring general control beliefs, anxiety, depression, self-efficacy, and health behaviors were also administered to evaluate the validity of the scale. Both exploratory and confirmatory factor analytic techniques were used to investigate the factor structure of the scale. Our results showed that the Hungarian adaptation of the instrument had a slightly different structure than the one originally hypothesized: in the present sample, a three-factor structure emerged where the items of the Doctors and the Others subscales loaded onto a single common component. Internal reliability of all three subscales was adequate (alphas between .71 and .79). Data concerning the instrument''s validity were comparable with previous results from Western countries. These findings may suggest that health locus of control can be construed very similarly to Western countries even in a post-communist society—regardless of the potential differences in general control beliefs.  相似文献   

LEWIS, ROBIN J, THOMAS F CASH, LORA JACOBI, CRISTINA BUBB-LEWIS. Prejudice toward fat people: The development and validation of the Antifat Attitudes Test. Although the stigma of obesity in our society in well documented, the measurement of antifat attitudes has been a difficult undertaking. Two studies were conducted to construct and validate the Antifat Attitudes Test (AFAT). In study 1, college students (110 men and 175 women) completed the preliminary 54-item AFAT and specific indices of body image and weight-related concerns. Psychometric and factor analysis revealed a 47-item composite scale and three internally consistent factors that were uncorrelated with social desirability: Social/Character Disparagement, Physical/Romantic Unattractiveness, and Weight Control/Blame. Several body image correlates of antifat prejudice were identified, and men expressed more negative attitudes than women. Study 2 experimentally examined the effects of information about the controllability of weight on the antifat attitudes of 120 participants. Exposure to information on behavioral vs. biogenetic control led to greater blame of persons who are fat for their body size. The implications of the findings and the potential utility of the AFAT are discussed.  相似文献   

Street-involved youth represent a particularly vulnerable subsection of the homeless population and are at increased risk of health problems, substance abuse, and depression. Qualitative research has demon- strated that animal companions help homeless youth cope with loneliness, are motivators for positive change, such as decreasing drug or alcohol use, provide unconditional love without judgement, and improve youths’ sense of health. To quantitatively investigate the association between depression and pet ownership among street-involved youth, a cross-sectional study was per- formed with a convenience sample of 189 street-involved youths who were surveyed in four cities in Ontario, Canada, 89 of whom were pet owners and 100 of whom were not. Logistic regression modelling found pet ownership to be negatively associated with depression in the study population (controlling for gender, regular use of drugs, and time since youth left home), with the odds of being depressed three times greater for youths who did not own pets. While pet ownership among street-involved youth has many liabilities, includ- ing impairing youths’ ability to access shelter, services, and housing and employment opportunities, companion animals may offer both physical and psychosocial benefits that youth have difficult attaining. This finding highlights the importance of increased awareness among youth service providers of the potential impacts of pet ownership for street-involved youth.  相似文献   

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