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动物流感(influenza)不仅会对畜禽养殖业造成巨大的经济损失,而且可以跨越种间障碍进入人群,引发全球性的公共卫生危机和灾难性后果.模型动物是研究流感传播机制的重要基础.模型动物的使用有助于我们对流感病毒传播机制的深入了解.本文从流感病毒的宿主范围、常用模型动物的宿主限制因素和模型动物在流感病毒跨种传播机制中的选择与应用等三个方面进行了综述.  相似文献   

在医学研究中,实验动物具有不可替代的地位和作用,越来越多的人开始关心动物福利。各医学院校是培养未来科研工作者的机构,实验动物在医学院校的使用量非常大,因此,在课堂教学中,培养医学生树立保护动物福利的观念具有重要意义。本文从课堂教育、实验动物处理、3R原则的实施等方面探讨了如何在教学过程中开展动物福利教育。  相似文献   

The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) of Seoul National University (SNU) plays a key role in monitoring and managing the humane use of animals in scientific research. Here, as one of the pioneers of the IACUC in Korea, we reported SNU-IACUC operations and activities including committee establishment and legal formulation, protocol review, and post-approval monitoring of protocols, which the IACUC has undertaken in the last decade. In addition, legal regulations and improvements were also discussed, and encompassed the limited number of committee members and the single IACUC policy in Korea. As of December, 2020, amendments are on the table at the National Assembly. We also emphasized the independent nature of the IACUC in protecting activities, including approval and monitoring animal experiments, and its public role in narrowing the knowledge gap between society and scientists. Thus, the aim of this report is to help society and scientists understand the operations of the SNU-IACUC and its role in animal welfare.  相似文献   

开展实验动物福利工作不论对于实验动物自身,还是科学研究都具有重要意义。本文对实践中如何开展实验动物福利工作,以及其中存在的问题进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

肝癌动物模型是研究肝癌发病病因和机理的重要平台和手段,在肝癌研究过程中,肝癌动物模型的建立起着非常重要的作用,建立和提供良好的肝癌动物模型为今后进一步研究肝癌的致病机理,指导临床肝癌的诊断和治疗提供理论参考。  相似文献   

动物实验是机能实验学申的主要研究手段,对帮助医学生加深课堂理论知识的理解,提高动物实验操作技能有十分重要的作用。实验动物的伦理问题已经在生物医学研究中得到广泛关注,在机能实验教学中加强动物实验伦理学教育是医学生医德培养的重要途径。  相似文献   

动物实验是机能实验学中的主要研究手段,对帮助医学生加深课堂理论知识的理解,提高动物实验操作技能有十分重要的作用。实验动物的伦理问题已经在生物医学研究中得到广泛关注,在机能实验教学中加强动物实验伦理学教育是医学生医德培养的重要途径。  相似文献   

本文讨论了药物临床前研究与实验动物和动物模型之间的关系,探讨了实验动物和动物模型在新药研发过程中实现转化研究的要求和条件.讨论了实验动物质量对新药研发的影响,分析了实验动物质量的影响因素;讨论了实验动物模型的主要类型和特点,分析了进行实验动物模型研究的要点和要求;分析了动物模型与新药研发过程中实现转化研究的条件,提出加强转化研究需要实验动物和动物模型研究的支撑.  相似文献   

Nonhuman animal welfare education aims to promote positive relationships between children and animals and thus improve animal welfare, yet few scientific evaluations of these programs exist. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of an education program developed by the Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) that included 4 interventions focusing on pets (companion animals), wild animals, farm animals, and general animal rescues. Knowledge, attachment to pets, and attitudes and beliefs about animal minds were assessed at pretest, posttest, and delayed posttest using a questionnaire administered to 1,217 Scottish children aged 7 to 13 years old. Results showed a significant positive impact of the program on knowledge about animals and the Scottish SPCA for all interventions. The pet and farming interventions significantly impacted children’s beliefs about animal minds. There were trends toward improvements in a range of other measures. This study highlights the importance of teaching animal welfare education to children for early prevention of animal cruelty, discusses the need to base this education on theory and research to find effective change, and demonstrates how evidence-based practice can inform future education programs.  相似文献   

Unwanted cats surrendered to nonhuman animal shelters are generally categorized as either “owned” or “stray.” This classification is misleading because “stray” cats may include many “semiowned” cats, for which people provide care but who are not perceived as being owned. This differentiation is important because effective strategies designed to reduce cat admissions to, and euthanasia rates in, shelters rely on accurate information about cat populations contributing to shelter intake; cat semiowners will likely respond to different strategies than people with no relationship with the cats they surrender. People surrendering cats to four Australian animal shelters were surveyed to identify factors associated with perception of ownership. Many self-classified nonowners had fed the cats they surrendered, often for a considerable period of time. The factor most strongly associated with ownership perception was an increasing association time with the cat. These findings confirm that enduring relationships between surrenderers and cats, consistent with cat semiownership, are common for cats surrendered to Australian animal shelters. This finding should be taken into account when planning education messages and cat population management strategies aimed at reducing cat admissions.  相似文献   

美国实验动物医学的发展起始于上世纪50年代,目前可能代表着世界上该领域的最高水平.本文对其发展史作了简的地回顾,包括生物医学领域对实验动物兽医的需求,实验动物科学领域早期的兽医实践,实验动物医学会的诞生,实验动物医学领域的培训、教育和考核等的沿革,以及相关法律法规对实验动物医学发展的影响等.笔者依据自身的工作实践和中国国情对中国实验动物医学领域的发展进行了一些思考,期盼实验动物相关法律法规能更加完善、在兽医教育中适度增加实验动物医学相关内容、加强实验动物医学领军人才的培养、加强实验动物医学界多渠道的交流、增加相关领域科研投入和支持等.中国要站在西方发达国家的肩膀上,借鉴其成功的经验,发展有中国特色的实验动物医学事业.  相似文献   

实验动物学是一门应用型课程,任课教员需要具备较好的理论知识以及较强的操作能力和良好的沟通应变能力。对青年教员制定详细的培养计划以及健全培养评价机制,逐步提升新教员的任教能力,是一项长期值得探索的课题。本教研室坚持以提高教员素质为根本,通过完善年轻教员培养计划、优化新老教员一对一"传帮带"机制、建立青年教员试讲和课堂督导机制、完善教员与学员沟通机制、鼓励学习现代化信息手段丰富教学形式、健全新教员授课质量评价制度等举措,有效提高了年轻教员的专业水平、任教能力,年轻教员教学活动不断创新,学员满意度进一步提高。通过以上努力,教研室形成了一支以中青年教员为主的实验动物学教学团队,有效保障了实验动物学的教学质量,为今后医学院校实验动物学教学改革奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The Swiss animal welfare legislation is considered to be one of the strictest such laws worldwide. One unique feature is the inclusion of the concept of “dignity of the creature” and, more precisely, animal dignity. We interviewed 19 people from Switzerland and Germany about their concepts of animal dignity. Thereby, we investigated whether the very specific concept of the Swiss law is reflected in the minds of those who work with nonhuman animals on a daily basis. The results of our qualitative interviews revealed an awareness of the legal term among Swiss interviewees, but their personal concepts of animal dignity were not based on or similar to the legal definitions. The interviewed participants presented a broad range of concepts, including: similarities to human dignity, replacing concepts such as respect or integrity, and context-dependent, contingent forms of dignity. The applicability or usefulness of animal dignity was questioned by several participants; many judged it to be confusing or difficult. Therefore, we conclude by discussing animal integrity as an alternative concept that reflects the interviewees’ ideas of treating nonhuman animals in a respectful and appropriate way, and at the same time does not have the strongly metaphysical connotations of a concept such as human dignity.  相似文献   

Animal advocacy uses images of nonhuman suffering as a form of normative rhetoric and a method of persuasion. Although much attention has been given to various facets of the depiction of human suffering, images of animal suffering have, to a large extent, escaped closer scrutiny. This paper seeks to remedy the situation by investigating four issues—the risk of aesthetics, the risk of perpetuating moral wrongs, the problem of privacy, and compassion fatigue—as they relate to images of farmed animal suffering. The paper will argue that images of nonhuman suffering are in danger of being interpreted as a form of visual intrigue, and that they invite seldom-asked questions concerning the justification of the act of looking, together with the privacy of nonhuman animals. Moreover, it will be maintained that compassion fatigue commonly affects how these images are perceived. Making use of the views of Susan Sontag, J. M. Coetzee, and Stanley Cohen (among others), it will be argued that, in order to escape the problematic connotations and consequences of the aforementioned issues, a normative dimension pointing toward action must be explicated.  相似文献   

目的:通过对沈阳军区总医院近5年的动物实验情况以及科研相关数据的分析,得出动物实验情况概况及发展规律,以期更好地为科研服务。方法:回顾性分析沈阳军区总医院整体的科研课题层次、数量、资助强度、动物实验人员的学历层次,以及实验动物种类和数量的相关资料,分析沈阳军区总医院实验动物概况。结果:沈阳军区总医院动物实验项目随科研课题数量的增加呈逐年递增态势,实验动物模型也向多样化发展。结论:沈阳军区总医院科研课题多数需要进行动物实验,动物实验已成为医院医教研一体化的重要组成部分,实验动物这门独立的学科成为医院科研必要的支撑条件。  相似文献   

随着生命科学研究的发展,我国实验动物科学进入快速发展时期,加强实验动物行业的规范化管理彰显重要。实验动物许可证管理是实验动物工作规范化、科学化管理的重要组成部分,同时也是推进实验动物学科发展的重要途径。随着国家实验动物立法和各省市对实验动物的配套立法等工作,促进了实验动物行业的有序发展,加强实验动物许可证的有效管理,对于促进我国实验动物的产业化和规范国家实验动物管理发挥了重要的推动与保障作用。本文对我国实验动物许可证管理现状进行分析,以对实验动物管理工作提供参考。  相似文献   

Acid glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) were isolated from serum and/or plasma of some domestic animals and the composition of the isolated GAG mixtures were studied. Mean values of total GAG concentration, in terms of hexuronic acid, ranged from a maximum of about 12 mg/l in serum of calves, trained horses and sheep to about 9 mg/l in serum of cows and donkeys and in plasma of trained horses to about 6.5 mg/l in sedentary horse serum and rabbit plasma to a minimum of 4 mg/l in dog serum and sedentary horse plasma. Statistically significant differences in total GAG concentrations (P < 0.0005) were found in horses between plasma and serum and also between sedentary and trained subjects. Chondroitin sulphate was the main component in serum and plasma GAG mixtures, accounting for 81–84% of total GAGs in the examined animals, except in cow serum (72%), trained horse plasma (75.5%) and sheep serum (87%). Keratan sulphate-like structures, measured as galactose, ranged from 12% in sheep serum to 17% in cattle serum. Fucose was associated with galactose in GAG fractions, which supports the hypothesis that articular cartilage is among the sites of origin of circulating GAGs.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of formal teaching of ethical issues related to science on middle school students' attitudes towards science and science achievement. A total of 132 Grade 8 (age 13 – 14years) students in Seoul participated, who were divided into the control and the experimental group. Student attitude toward science was assessed using a questionnaire before and after the intervention which composed of five sub-categories: students' interest level in science, students' perception of the practicality of science knowledge, student's opinion on how science is defined, students' perception of the relationships within science, scientists and society, and students' perception of the value of science. The study further examined whether teaching ethical issues in science had any effect on students' achievement level by means of a pre- and post-test evaluation.

The results of this study showed that teaching ethical issues in science had a positive influence on the students' attitudes toward science, specifically, the interest level in science (p = 0.028) and perception of practicality of science knowledge (p = 0.044). However, there was no statistically significant difference in science achievement level between the control and experimental groups. The results imply that there is a need to explore ethical issues in science education, and that incorporating various materials on the ethical perspectives of science and technology in educational material will promote students' positive attitude towards science.  相似文献   

根据动物存活率与平均寿命的定义,推导出存活率与平均寿命的数学关系,即:E=-1lnr,其中E表示动物的平均寿命或期望寿命(可以用日、周、月、年等表示),r表示特定时段内(可以用日、周、月、年等表示)动物的平均存活率,其时间单位与E相对应.根据这种关系,可以利用动物的平均存活率估计其平均寿命(或期望寿命),反之,如果已知动物的平均寿命,也可以用来推算动物的平均存活率.  相似文献   

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