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ABSTRACTAnthropomorphism, attachment level, and belief in animal mind, as well as owners' level of empathy and attitudes toward their pets, are some of the factors that affect human–animal interactions. Owners' ability to identify painful conditions in their pets may have important consequences for the welfare of these animals. In addition to characterizing the typical Norwegian dog owner, the aim of this work was to study the relationship between empathy, attitudes, and perceived animal pain. A sample of 3,413 dog owners in Norway received an internet-based questionnaire (QuestBack?), to which1896 responded. The questionnaire included four parts: demographics, the Pet Attitude Scale (PAS), the Animal Empathy Scale (AES), and the Pain Assessment Instrument (PAI). For the PAI, participants were presented with 17 photos, showing dogs experiencing painful situations of varying degrees, and were asked to rate the level of pain they believed each animal was enduring, using a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). Results showed that Norwegian dog owners had very high levels of animal-directed empathy and equally high levels of positive attitudes toward pets. There were differences based on gender, childhood pet keeping, income and education. Differences were also found rooted in owners' use of their dog, whether kept for companionship or hunting, as well as household size, an indication of human social relations. A strong, positive correlation (r = 0.58) was found between animal-directed empathy and positive attitudes toward pets. Empathy was found to be the best predictor of how people rated pain in dogs. The correlations were, however, moderate, indicating that other processes are also involved when observing animals in pain. 相似文献
This paper analyzes the immensely popular animated film Ratatouille as a social and cultural document. It begins with a recapitulation of the movie's story line – a saga of an astute, ambitious and talented rat, who becomes transformed into an accomplished haute cuisine chef. The film illustrates recent anthropological writings on the central role of cooking in human evolution. It also shows how varieties of cooking and table manners provide key indications of the civilizing process. Ultimately, Ratatouille explores distinctions and similarities between “man and beast”. It communicates the idea that all living creatures share more in terms of aptitude and feeling than divides them. 相似文献
Anecdotal reports suggest that people may be affected more by media coverage of animal rather than human-related abuse. Findings of the extant research regarding this apparent effect are mixed and omit certain key variables that may drive differential reactions to abuse disclosure. The goal of the current study was therefore to examine whether differences exist between individuals' emotional responses and pro-social behavior (reporting abuse) with respect to human (infant), or animal (puppy), directed abuse, and the effect of demographic and personality variables (including empathy and attitude to animals) on these responses. One hundred and twenty-three university students (104 females, 19 males) were presented with two scenarios (randomly presented to control for order effects) describing identical abuse situations but with two different “victims”—namely an infant or a puppy. Immediately after reading each scenario they were asked to indicate how much what the infant/puppy went through “bothered” them, the likelihood of their contacting the police should they know or discover the identity of the attacker, and complete the Profile of Mood States (Short Form). Results indicated that although in general participants were more bothered by the infant-than the puppy-abuse scenario, this was mediated by whether participants were current pet owners, and their level of pet attachment. Specifically, those most attached to their pet were significantly more bothered by the puppy abuse scenario than any other group. Personality and demographic characteristics were also found to relate to mood disturbance, bother rating, and willingness to contact police following each scenario. 相似文献
ABSTRACTVeterinary nursing has been identified as an occupation at risk for occupational stress and burnout, but a better understanding of job stressors and influencing factors is needed. The aim of this study was to examine occupational stress in a veterinary nursing population based on established work stress theories. This study sought to determine which environmental aspects of the work situation may be detrimental to well-being and which factors may operate to reduce job stress. A sample of South Australian veterinary nurses (n = 127) completed a postal questionnaire about their work environment (job demands and control, work social supports) and their psychological distress, work burnout, and job satisfaction, with a response rate of 76.5%. The potential influence of attachment to participants' own companion animals was investigated using the Owner Pet Relationship Scale. Hierarchical regressions then explored the contribution to psychological outcomes, of social support at work and attachment to own companion animal, after controlling for work load, exposure to euthanasia, contact with clients, work demands, and work control. While social support at work ameliorated occupational stress, attachment to companion animal was linked to decreased job satisfaction. Supportive interpersonal relations in the workplace have a key role in veterinary nurses' job satisfaction. Management skill training may have a role in the development of more satisfying workplaces for the veterinary nursing sector, which may have implications for the undergraduate and post-registration training of veterinary practice managers. 相似文献
Mauro Musto Daniela Faraone Francesco Cellini 《Journal of applied animal welfare science : JAAWS》2014,17(3):198-215
Given the increasing importance of exploring consumers' concerns about the welfare of farmed animals, a survey questionnaire was designed to investigate the role of cognitive styles along with sociodemographic characteristics in consumers' perceptions about nonhuman animal welfare (AW) and their willingness to pay for animal-friendly products. The results revealed that the survey respondents were concerned about AW and had negative perceptions of the way animals were treated. They showed positive attitudes toward some actions to be taken for improving AW and strongly agreed to pay more for animal-friendly products. Consistent with previous studies, results revealed significant associations between sociodemographics and concern toward AW. However, some observed differences were highlighted by cognitive styles rather than by sociodemographic characteristics. These results indicate a significant link between cognitive styles and perceptions and attitudes toward AW, which may outweigh previously found sociodemographic differences and fuel the contemporary debate on AW. 相似文献
我国疾病动物模型的研究现状和展望 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
由于医学科学研究的需要,各类疾病动物模型被广泛用来研究人类疾病的发生发展机制、药物筛选以及治疗评价等.本文全面梳理了我国疾病动物模型的研究和发展现状,分析了我国在这方面的特色优势以及与国际上的差距,内容涵盖了肿瘤、神经及精神疾病、感染及免疫性疾病、心血管与代谢性疾病、药物筛选等不同领域.简要介绍了国家自然科学基金对疾病动物模型项目的资助情况,同时指出了我国疾病模型今后的主要发展方向. 相似文献
ABSTRACTPhysiological responses that occur in horses and humans during their interactions, on the ground and during ridden work, have been investigated in a number of studies with some conflicting results. These suggest that in some situations emotional state may be transferred from humans to horses and that there is the potential for the heart rates of horse–human pairs to become synchronized during ridden work. Here we explore the effect of familiarity on the physiological responses of horse–human pairs completing a task in-hand, using heart rate as an indicator for emotional state. We investigated differences in heart rate response between familiar and unfamiliar pairings and the possibility of heart rate synchronization within each pair. Complete sets of horse and human heart rate data were available for 17 horses. We found a significant order affect, with higher horse heart rates seen the first time around the course regardless of whether a familiar or unfamiliar handler was leading (Wilcoxon test: Z=–2.67, p<0.05). However, despite this, the horses’ mean heart rates for each course were significantly higher with the unfamiliar handler than with the familiar handler (Wilcoxon test: Z=–4.46, p<0.001). In contrast, human heart rates were higher when paired with a familiar horse compared with an unfamiliar horse (Mann-Whitney U test: Z=–5.08, p<0.001). Significant correlations between horse and human heart rates were seen in three familiar pairings and two unfamiliar pairings. Our findings indicate that the relationship between horse and human heart rates during interactions is not straightforward or consistent between horses and humans, and is likely to depend on a number of factors such as experience of the test situation. Although the lower heart rates seen in horses being led by their familiar handler suggest that they are more relaxed with someone they know, this could not be said for the human partner. 相似文献
ABSTRACTFree-roaming cats present a multidisciplinary challenge for wildlife conservation and feline welfare. Veterinary professionals are critical stake-holders in the issue of free-roaming cats, making it imperative that their attitudes and perspectives are well understood. In this study, we conducted an electronic survey of veterinarians practicing across British Columbia to evaluate their perceptions of 1) whether cat overpopulation is a concern, 2) the impacts of cats on wildlife, and 3) alternative management strategies for dealing with cat overpopulation. Of the 389 respondents, 56% agreed that cat overpopulation was a local problem, and 91% agreed that veterinarians play a role in reducing cat overpopulation. Veterinarians in rural communities had a greater involvement in cat overpopulation and perceived it as more problematic than their urban colleagues. The majority (70%) of veterinarians reported that they performed early-age sterilization, supported the principle of low-cost spay-neuter services (67%), and 65% of them were involved in these services. Just over half (54%) of respondents reported that they provide permanent identification to cats, typically offering both microchips and tattoos. Veterinarians were less cohesive on their perceptions of the impact of free-roaming cats on wildlife: 53% agreed that after habitat loss cats are one of the most significant, direct causes of bird and wildlife mortality, while 30% were neutral and 17% disagreed. Fifty-six percent of veterinarians felt that keeping cats indoors would be one of the most effective strategies to reduce cat impacts on wildlife, but they also felt that public education programs and low-cost spay-neuter programs would be effective and more popular with cat owners. Most veterinarians (79%) recommended against unsupervised outdoor access, citing safety and disease risks. Rodent control was the most common reason for not recommending an indoor lifestyle. Overall, our survey results suggest that veterinarians are committed participants in the prevention of cat overpopulation. Conservationists need to focus on increased engagement with veterinarians regarding the impact of cats on wildlife. 相似文献
ABSTRACTRecognizing the deep relationship between grief and the loss of a companion animal, veterinarians and mental health practitioners often find themselves consoling pet owners both prior to and in the aftermath of pet euthanasia. Yet how does euthanasia influence this bereavement process? To explore this we examined, using a survey, the correlations between pet euthanasia, Complicated Grief (CG), and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) amongst a diverse range of pet owners from the state of Hawaii. Participants (n = 236) completed a 37-item questionnaire, the Inventory of Complicated Grief Revised Short Form (ICG-R-SF), and the PTSD Checklist (PCL). Of the participants, 3.4% and 4.7% met the criteria for CG and PTSD, respectively. This paper explores and subdivides respondents into those who attended their companion animal’s euthanasia and those who did not. Our results indicate that physically attending a companion animal’s euthanasia is not correlated with CG or PTSD. As the experience of pet loss itself may be more indicative of psychological distress than whether or not the owner was present at the moment of euthanasia, veterinary staff need not dissuade pet owners from sharing their pet’s final moments. 相似文献
ABSTRACTPrior research shows that the correlation between religiosity and support for animal rights can be positive, negative, or zero. We hypothesized that this relationship may actually be curvilinear, where a moderate degree of religiosity may reduce support for killing animals (compared with non-religiosity or atheism), but a very high degree of religiosity (e.g., fundamentalism) might increase support for killing animals. We tested this hypothesis in a large sample of American undergraduate students, using a correlational study design with self-report measures of religiosity and of support for killing animals in different domains. The results indicated that, in support of our hypothesis, the relationship between religiosity and support for killing animals is curvilinear, as moderate levels of religiosity were related to less support for killing animals. People who were either not religious at all or very religious were the ones who most supported the killing of animals. Belief in God in itself was related to less support for killing animals. We then replicated the curvilinear relationship between religiosity and support for killing animals using data from four experiments from a previously published article on support for killing animals. We briefly consider possible explanations for these findings, the limitations of the study, and propose directions for future research. Overall, we believe that this study helps clarify the complex relationship between religiosity and support for killing animals, and advances the scientific understanding of the psychological forces that motivate people to support or object to the killing of animals. 相似文献
AbstractSpeech addressed to a cat was examined to test whether the use of child-directed language (CDL) with a companion animal is related to perceived intelligence of a listener and/or listener responsiveness. Fifty-one undergraduates briefly entertained a cat using a toy, and the vast majority of these participants spoke to the animal. The language used was similar to CDL, and two aspects of this language (number of questions and attribution of thoughts to the animal) were positively related to ratings of the animal's intelligence. The cat's responsiveness, as measured by time spent in proximity of the participant during the interaction, was not strongly correlated with measures of speech use. The results suggest that speech used with companion animals follows a model in which the human first perceives a social interaction, and therefore uses speech. This speech is then modified, based on the perceived comprehension of the listener, regardless of who this listener may be. 相似文献
AbstractAn investigation was conducted into human fear of dogs and experiences of canine aggression in an adult community sample (n = 292). Consistent with expectations, it was found that, while fear of dogs was relatively common (present in almost half the respondents), fear of dog attacks was less so, and extreme fear of dog attacks was very rare. Women, middle-aged and older adults were more likely to fear dogs than men and younger adults, while older people were more likely than younger ones to fear dog attacks. Reported encounters with canine aggression, particularly threatening behavior, were relatively common, but having been attacked by a dog was less strongly related to fear of dogs than having been threatened by a dog. Logistic regression analyses revealed that being female, having been threatened by a dog, and being older were strong predictors of dog-related fear, while being older and obtaining higher scores on a measure of trait anxiety predicted fear of dog attacks. 相似文献
William E. Davis Christine L. Foster Meredith K. Holub Rosina C. Krecek Audra W. Richburg 《Anthrozo?s》2018,31(2):211-219
The purpose of this study was to examine the characteristics, motivations, and expectations of humans who enroll their dogs, cats, and other pets into pet life-care centers. Pet life-care centers are groups or institutions that provide a permanent home for pets in the event of the owner’s illness, inability to care for their pet, or death. The long-term pet care industry has grown in the quality and type of care available to pet owners and is a classic example of the human–animal bond in action. This bond is well-documented in the literature, with most research focusing on physical, emotional, and mental health benefits to the pet owner. Few studies have examined how the human–animal bond affects the animal, and little is known about the motives and expectations of owners who enroll their pet in a life-care center. We conducted a study using a mail questionnaire sent to 163 current clients of a pet life-care center in Texas, USA. Of 101 respondents, whose ages ranged from 30 to over 70, most were female, married, and college-educated. Respondents strongly endorsed a variety of reasons for enrolling their pet in the center, with quality of veterinary care and satisfaction of their pet’s basic needs being the most highly rated. Coding of open-ended responses was consistent with these ratings and identified having no other options as another frequently endorsed reason. The open-ended responses also indicated that respondents expected that their pet would enjoy extensive social interaction, receive high-quality medical attention, and be treated like they were at home. Respondents who had previously visited the center were more willing to adopt a pet in the future than those who had not visited the center. With the dramatic growth of pet life-care centers in the United States and lack of existing literature, further studies in this area are advised. 相似文献
Stander's Similarity Index (SIMI) has become a popular measure for comparing algal assemblages. The interpretation of the value produced by this index, however, has been highly variable between studies. Using replicate sampling of natural algal assemblages and computer simulation techniques, a method by which confidence intervals could be applied to SIMI was developed. This paper presents that method and gives an example using hypothetical species counts of two algal assemblages. Since a more realistic range of the actual similarity between two assemblages is produced, the estimation of confidence intervals when using SIMI is recommended. 相似文献
Golovanova NK Samovilova NN Gracheva EV Peklo MM Vlasik TN Sobolev AY Jurchenko YV Prokazova NV 《Biochemistry. Biokhimii?a》2004,69(3):275-280
Polyclonal antibody was raised to a cloned fragment of human GM3 synthase. Affinity purified R27C1 antibody to the tagged recombinant protein inhibited GM3 synthase activity in human liver and HL-60 cells in a dose-dependent manner. However, the R27C1 antibody did not affect liver sialyltransferase activity towards asialofetuin. We are the first to measure GM3 synthase activity in human liver (194 +/- 60 pmol NeuAc/h per mg protein), which was about 10-fold lower than in phorbol myristate acetate-stimulated HL-60 cells (1353 +/- 573 pmol NeuAc/h per mg protein). On immunoblotting the R27C1 antibody recognized a common protein band in a number of human tissues (liver, brain, atherosclerotic aortic intima, HL-60 cells) with molecular mass of about 60 kD, which is similar to that of the purified GM3 synthase from rat liver. In human liver and aortic intima, the 60-kD band was almost a single band, which makes possible the use of the R27C1 antibody for immunohistochemical studies in these tissues. 相似文献
解放军疾病预防控制所,为履行职能和任务,在业务办公大楼12层建设了SPF动物实验设施,面积约240 m^2。文章介绍了作者的设计思路和建设方案。同时还介绍了SPF动物房的建设经验。 相似文献
AbstractAssistance animals have long been recognized for their value in enhancing the lives of adults with disabilities by increasing the physical independence, confidence, and social lives of their handlers. Recently, this concept has been applied to the growing population of children with physical disabilities and developmental impairments, though the benefits and risks of these placements have not been thoroughly assessed. Our study used interviews to evaluate the outcome of placing assistance dogs in the pediatric population, looking specifically at the unique advantages and disadvantages of this application of the human–animal bond. We administered a structured interview assessing risks and benefits of assistance dog relationships to 17 families with a child under 18 years who graduated from a single provider (NEADS) over a five-year time period. Benefits were found in 88% of families, and were overwhelmingly social and cognitive, with additional physical and medical benefits for the pediatric client. However, risks, including behavioral, financial, and time/cost issues were significant, becoming a burden in 53% of families. Perhaps more than with adult placements, we found that it was of prime importance to understand the assistance animal in the context of the family, rather than just in relation to the individual with a disability. It is hoped that results of this and future studies will enhance the welfare of both client and assistance animal, as well as the overall success of this unique human–animal relationship. 相似文献