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This paper examines the behaviors used by male gorillas (G. gorilla beringei) to influence female choice during inter-group encounters. Encounters are related to the acquisition of females rather than to the defense of a group's range. Data on 58 independent encounters confirms that encounters are generally aggressive, but that contact aggression is less frequent than previously reported. A high number of potential migrants in one of the groups involved, rather than the newness of either group, predicts the likelihood of contact aggression between males. Encounters with a newly formed unit last longer than encounters involving established groups. Male herding serves to prevent female transfer. Females without dependent offspring are more likely than others to be herded. Proceptive females are the target of herding more often than non-proceptive cycling females. Groups where herding has been observed are more likely to be newly formed, and they include significantly more males. This last result confirms that there are advantages to male cooperation in gorillas. It also raises the question of why such cooperation does not occur more often. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Biting and chewing by horses on crossties can result in injury to the handler and damage to equipment. Operant-conditioning techniques have been used to train horses and could be used to reduce or eliminate undesirable biting and chewing. Presently, a differential-reinforcement-of-other-behavior (DRO) schedule, in the context of a reversal design, was effective in reducing biting and chewing in two horses. In DRO schedules, a reinforcer is delivered contingent on the absence of a target behavior for a specified interval. Positive-reinforcement procedures offer an alternative to aversive-control techniques typically used in equine training and may provide for better equine welfare and horse-human interaction.  相似文献   

Individual typological features of behavior of dogs were investigated by the method of choice between the low-valuable food available constantly and food of high quality presented with low probability. Animals were subjected to instrumental conditioning with the same conditioned stimuli but different types of reinforcement. Depression of a white pedal was always reinforced with meat-bread-crumb mixture, depression of a black pedal was reinforced with two pieces of liver (with probabilities of 100, 40, 33, 20, or 0%). The choice of reinforcement depended on probability of valuable food and individual typological features of the nervous system of a dog. Decreasing the probability of the reinforcement value to 40-20% revealed differences in behavior of dogs. Dogs of the first group, presumably with the weak type of the nervous system, more frequently pressed the white pedal (always reinforced) than the black pedal thus "avoiding a situation of risk" to receive an empty cup. They displayed symptoms of neurosis: whimper, refusals of food or of the choice of reinforcement, and obtrusive movements. Dogs of the second group, presumably with the strong type of the nervous system, more frequently pressed the black pedal (more valuable food) for the low-probability reward until they obtained the valuable food. They did not show neurosis symptoms and were not afraid of "situation of risk". A decrease in probability of the valuable reinforcement increased a percentage of long-latency depressions of pedals. It can be probably suggested that this phenomenon was associated with increasing involvement of cognitive processes, when contributions of the assessments of probability and value of the reinforcement to decision making became approximately equal. Choice between the probability and value of alimentary reinforcement is a good method for revealing individual typological features of dogs.  相似文献   

高原湿地是生态系统中重要的碳汇。土壤CO_2通量作为高原湿地生态系统碳收支的重要组成部分,碳的释放对区域碳平衡发挥着重要的作用。藏香猪放牧是我国高海拔藏区一种特有的放牧方式,是导致高原湿地土壤退化的重要干扰因素之一,并影响着土壤CO_2通量的变化。采用土壤CO_2通量自动测量系统(LI-8100A,LI-COR,USA),分别在不同季节对滇西北布伦、哈木谷、伊拉草原上藏香猪干扰和对照(非干扰土壤)CO_2通量变化进行监测,研究发现,藏香猪干扰型放牧降低了土壤CO_2排放通量,且表现出明显的日波动变化特征。相比旱季,雨季不同放牧方式影响下的土壤CO_2通量差异性更为明显,其中布伦、哈木谷、伊拉草原较对照分别降低了70.4%、87.5%、60.7%。CO_2排放通量与土壤理化性状及植物生物量的回归分析表明,对照样地的土壤容重、孔隙度、pH、总活性碳、植物生物量与土壤CO_2通量具有显著的相关性(P0.01)。通过植物-土壤指数(plant-soil index,PSI)分析了藏香猪干扰型放牧对高原湿地的影响,总体来看,对照样地中土壤CO_2通量与PSI之间具有较好的线性关系,可以用来很好的预测未来高原湿地土壤CO_2通量的变化。该研究结果不仅有效估算了强干扰放牧影响下的高原湿地土壤碳排放量,而且为加强藏香猪放牧的科学管理,高原湿地生态系统的保护、恢复及重建提供了理论支持。  相似文献   

Social housing, whether continuous, intermittent, or partial contact, typically provides many captive primates with opportunities to express affiliative behaviors, important components of the species-typical behavioral repertoire. Positive reinforcement training techniques have been successfully employed to shape many behaviors important for achieving primate husbandry goals. The present study was conducted to determine whether positive reinforcement training techniques could also be employed to alter levels of affiliative interactions among group-housed rhesus macaques. Twenty-eight female rhesus were divided into high (n = 14) and low (n = 14) affiliators based on a median split of the amount of time they spent affiliating during the baseline phase of the study. During the subsequent training phase, half of the low affiliators (n = 7) were trained to increase their time spent affiliating, and half of the high affiliators (n = 7) were trained to decrease their time spent affiliating. Trained subjects were observed both during and outside of training sessions. Low affiliators significantly increased the amount of time they spent affiliating, but only during nontraining sessions. High affiliators on the other hand, significantly decreased the amount of time they spent affiliating, but only during training sessions. These data suggest that positive reinforcement techniques can be used to alter the affiliative behavior patterns of group-housed, female rhesus monkeys, although the two subgroups of subjects responded differently to the training process. Low affiliators changed their overall behavioral repertoire, while high affiliators responded to the reinforcement contingencies of training, altering their proximity patterns but not their overall behavior patterns. Thus, positive reinforcement training can be used not only as a means to promote species-typical or beneficial behavior patterns, but also as an important experimental manipulation to facilitate systematic analyses of the effects of psychosocial factors on behavior and potentially even immunology.  相似文献   

The evolution of cooperation is one of the great puzzles in evolutionary biology. Punishment has been suggested as one solution to this problem. Here punishment is generally defined as incurring a cost to inflict harm on a wrong-doer. In the presence of punishers, cooperators can gain higher payoffs than non-cooperators. Therefore cooperation may evolve as long as punishment is prevalent in the population. Theoretical models have revealed that spatial structure can favor the co-evolution of punishment and cooperation, by allowing individuals to only play and compete with those in their immediate neighborhood. However, those models have usually assumed that punishment is always targeted at non-cooperators. In light of recent empirical evidence of punishment targeted at cooperators, we relax this assumption and study the effect of so-called ‘anti-social punishment’. We find that evolution can favor anti-social punishment, and that when anti-social punishment is possible costly punishment no longer promotes cooperation. As there is no reason to assume that cooperators cannot be the target of punishment during evolution, our results demonstrate serious restrictions on the ability of costly punishment to allow the evolution of cooperation in spatially structured populations. Our results also help to make sense of the empirical observation that defectors will sometimes pay to punish cooperators.  相似文献   

Contemporary problems and arguable questions of reinforcement and self-regulation of animals behaviour and human activity are considered conformably to organization and analysis of results of conditioned experiments with probable reinforcement on the basis of semantic and pragmatic diagrams of conceptual space of decisions making. Situations are analyzed when the subject not simply "receives" the reinforcement but must actively "procure" (earn) the useful result. Scientific substantiation of conceptions of reinforcement and activity self-regulation is of considerable importance not only in the higher nervous activity physiology but also in psychology, economics and sociology for the decision of actual problems of organization of the processes of control in contemporary society of all mankind values and norms of behaviour.  相似文献   


In the scheme of contemporary animal training, horse training is virtually unique because it relies on negative reinforcement (NR) rather than positive reinforcement (PR). Furthermore, horse trainers are largely unaware that they are using NR in training. Instead, they believe in the benevolent nature of the horse and see their task in training as one of improving the balance and gymnastic ability of the horse—outcomes that emerge when the rider is similarly properly balanced. Under these conditions, it is claimed the willing horse will perform its required maneuvers. These beliefs may be associated with several welfare issues and indicate areas requiring future research: 1. The absence of release of pressure, the release of pressure at the wrong times, the use of opposing pressures simultaneously and the absence of shaping procedures are central to the development of acute and chronic stress responses in horses.

2. Resultant conflict behaviors contribute to equine wastage statistics and include behaviors that are dangerous to horses and humans.

3. There is a need for research into the mechanics of NR because it is poorly researched compared to PR.

4. When NR responses are installed correctly, only mild pressures need to be used, and results are obtained in few trials.

5. Many qualified animal trainers misunderstand NR and confuse it with punishment. They believe that PR has positive welfare implications and thus NR being “negative,” has negative welfare implications. So there is a need for horse trainers to understand learning theory and the principles that surround NR.

6. Horse trainers are isolated from advances in animal training. Therefore they increasingly seek knowledge and solutions from the growing number of “horse whisperers” and unqualified “horse psychologists.” This is potentially detrimental for the welfare of the horse and the need is urgent for universities throughout the world to become the knowledge bases for equitation science.


Positive reinforcement training (PRT) efficiency was examined as a function of training frequency in 33 pair‐ or triple‐housed female rhesus macaques. The animals were trained three times a week, once a day or twice a day, using PRT and a clicker as a secondary reinforcer. All animals were trained on 30 sessions, with an average of 5 min per training session per animal. The behaviors, trained in succession, were Targeting (reliably touching and following a Target); Collaborating (dominant animals allowing subordinates to train while stationing); Box‐training (accepting being enclosed in a small compartment while responding to Target training) and initial Injection training. Fulfilled criteria for Targeting were obtained in 32/33 animals in a median of nine training sessions. Collaboration was obtained in 27/33 animals in a median of 15 training sessions. However, only four animals completed Box‐training during the 30 training sessions and started Injection training. When comparing training success in terms of number of training sessions, training twice a day was less efficient than the other two treatments. In terms of daily progress, our results suggest that from a management perspective, daily training is more conducive to quick training success than thrice weekly training. In addition, in this study no further advantages could be gained from training twice a day. Am. J. Primatol. 71:373–379, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Modification of leech behavior following foraging for artificial blood   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this study we examined whether the foraging for artificial blood affected the behavioral responsiveness of leeches to electrical stimulation of the body wall. After foraging for artificial blood, electrical stimulation of the posterior end of the leech significantly increased the percentage of stimulation trials that elicited locomotory activity—swimming and crawling—compared to the behaviors elicited when leeches did not forage or foraged for normal saline. On the other hand, shortening always dominated the behavioral profile of the leech to anterior stimulation even after foraging for artificial blood. In intact anterior end-isolated nerve cord preparations, we also found that application of artificial blood to the intact anterior end was sufficient to modify motor responsiveness to DP nerve stimulation. Full strength artificial blood had an overall negative effect on the likelihood of DP nerve stimulation initiating swimming and on the average length of elicited swim episodes compared to when pond water surrounded the anterior end. Application of a 10% solution of artificial blood to the anterior end led to an increase in the likelihood of DP nerve stimulation eliciting swimming.  相似文献   

In rats choice reaction was elaborated in 12 passages radial labyrinth with different volumes of food only in six of twelve passages. Then the conditions were modified: the first group of rats in the beginning of the experiment was placed to another labyrinth sector, and in the second group the food volume was changed in passages. In new situations in animals of both groups the reaction efficiency temporarily decreased, simultaneously the correction of behaviour structure took place. The character of behavioural tactics (tendencies to visit passages with larger food volume at the beginning of the experiment, spatial-motor asymmetry etc.) is described in dynamics of adaptation to new conditions. Factors determining the rats behaviour structure are discussed.  相似文献   

Previous theoretical studies suggest that a species' landscape should influence the evolution of its dispersal characteristics, because landscape structure affects the costs and benefits of dispersal. However, these studies have not considered the evolution of boundary crossing, that is, the tendency of animals to cross from habitat to nonhabitat (“matrix”). It is important to understand this dispersal behavior, because of its effects on the probability of population persistence. Boundary‐crossing behavior drives the rate of interaction with matrix, and thus, it influences the rate of movement among populations and the risk of dispersal mortality. We used an individual‐based, spatially explicit model to simulate the evolution of boundary crossing in response to landscape structure. Our simulations predict higher evolved probabilities of boundary crossing in landscapes with more habitat, less fragmented habitat, higher‐quality matrix, and more frequent disturbances (i.e., fewer generations between local population extinction events). Unexpectedly, our simulations also suggest that matrix quality and disturbance frequency have much stronger effects on the evolution of boundary crossing than either habitat amount or habitat fragmentation. Our results suggest that boundary‐crossing responses are most affected by the costs of dispersal through matrix and the benefits of escaping local extinction events. Evolution of optimal behavior at habitat boundaries in response to the landscape may have implications for species in human‐altered landscapes, because this behavior may become suboptimal if the landscape changes faster than the species' evolutionary response to that change. Understanding how matrix quality and habitat disturbance drive evolution of behavior at boundaries, and how this in turn influences the extinction risk of species in human‐altered landscapes should help us identify species of conservation concern and target them for management.  相似文献   

Probability analysis was carried out of the appearance of single elements of rats behaviour in the process of extinction of a conditioned alimentary motor reflex. The dynamics of effector behavioural components at a sudden cessation of reinforcement (usual schedule of extinction) was compared with cessation of reinforcement signalled by a previously differentiated signal and with reinforcement cessation preceded by a stimulus initially unknown to the animal. If the reinforcement cessation is signalled by a previously differentiated (negative) stimulus, in response to its action the animals "loose the aim", what is revealed in a rapid complete reduction of all elements of the goal-directed alimentary behaviour. Obviously differentiation signal actualises the memory trace of "nonreinforcement" which was formed in the previous negative experience of the animal; this is revealed in accelerated inhibition of the alimentary motor reflex under extinction.  相似文献   

Viability assessment of dog spermatozoa using flow cytometry   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The percentages of living and dead spermatozoa in fresh dog semen samples were assessed by means of a dual staining technique using carboxifluorescein diacetate (CFDA) and propidium iodide (PI). Two ejaculates were obtained from dogs, each ejaculate was divided into 4 aliquots, and different proportions of freeze-killed cells were added to each aliquot. Data obtained by flow cytometry analysis of each sample were compared with those obtained by the microscopic evaluation under epifluorescence illumination and by phase-contrast microscopy evaluation of the samples stained with eosin-nigrosin. Regression analysis was used to compare the 3 methods for membrane integrity assessment of canine spermatozoa, and high correlation coefficients were found between the flow cytometry procedure and the 2 microscopy techniques. The results from this study validate the use of flow cytometry as a precise method for assessing the viability of dog spermatozoa.  相似文献   

Positive reinforcement training holds great potential for enhancing the management of species for reproduction. This paper reviews a wide range of animal training activities and resultant benefits which could have application to captive reproduction programs. Recognized benefits fall into several categories. Basic animal care can be improved through voluntary cooperation by the animals with veterinary procedures and routine husbandry activities. The quality and quantity of physiological data collected for research can be improved through voluntary cooperation by the animal subjects with sample collection. Positive social interaction and reproductive behavior can be increased and aggressive behavior reduced through employment of a specialized training regime called cooperative feeding. Good success has been reported with special training programs to facilitate introduction of new members into primate social groups, while mixed results have been obtained in efforts to use training to enhance maternal skills. Finally, a discussion of both direct and indirect enhancement of psychological well-being through the use of positive reinforcement training is presented. While positive reinforcement training techniques will not be useful in every situation, information developed to date strongly suggests that these techniques should be given serious consideration when developing comprehensive programs for the management of species for reproduction. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In experiments on dogs with equiprobable right and left reinforcements in the choice of feeder in conditions of free behaviour, direct correlation was found between the strength of the nervous system and the strategy of dogs behaviour. The dogs of strong type, despite the difference in equilibration and lability, manifested one, similar strategy of behaviour with dominating preferences, definite and goal-directed actions; the dogs of the weak type displayed another strategy, characterized by uncertainty, permanent hesitations in choice reaction. In situation of competition of probability and value of reinforcement, some different aspects of animals typology appeared, presumably connected with individual characteristics of functioning of four brain structures as a basis of types of higher nervous activity (frontal cortex, hippocampus, amygdala, hypothalamus). Behaviour of choleric and flegmatic was oriented to a high probability of events and that of sanguinic and melancholic--to a low one. Thus, "informational" and "motivational" factors of behaviour organization are connected with interaction of specialized brain macrostructures, and properties of this interaction become apparent in animals typology.  相似文献   

Four pigeons responded under a progressive-delay procedure. In a signaled-delay condition, a chained variable interval (VI) 30-s progressive time (PT) 4-s schedule was arranged; in an unsignaled-delay condition, a tandem VI 30-s PT 4-s schedule was arranged. Two pigeons experienced a signaled-unsignaled-signaled sequence; whereas, two pigeons experienced an unsignaled-signaled-unsignaled sequence. Effects of saline and d-amphetamine were determined under each condition. At intermediate doses (1.0 and 1.78 m/kg) delay functions were shallower, area under the curve was increased, and, when possible, break points were increased compared to saline; these effects were not systematically related to signaling conditions. These effects on control by delay often were accompanied by decreased response rates at 0 s. These results suggest that stimulus conditions associated with the delay may not play a crucial role in effects of d-amphetamine and other stimulants on behavior controlled by reinforcement delay.  相似文献   

Periosteum-derived cells (PDCs) are being extensively studied as potential tissue engineering seed cells and have demonstrated tremendous promise to date. There is convincing evidence that culture medium could modulate the biological behavior of cultured cells. In this study, we investigate the effects of DMEM (low glucose) and RPMI 1640 on cell growth and cell differentiation of PDCs in vitro. PDCs isolated from Beagle dogs were maintained in DMEM and RPMI 1640, respectively. Then, the cell migration rate of periosteum tissues was analyzed. PDCs of the third passage were harvested for the study of proliferation and osteogenic activity. Proliferation was detected by MTT assay. Alkaline phosphatase activity and mineralized nodules were measured to investigate osteogenic differentiation. Our data demonstrated that DMEM induced alkaline phosphatase activity and strongly stimulated matrix mineralization in cell culture, while similar cell migration rates and proliferation behaviors were observed in the two culture conditions. Interestingly, the osteogenic differentiation of PDCs could be enhanced in DMEM compared with that in RPMI 1640. Thus, it can be ascertained that DMEM may serve as a suitable culture condition allowing osteogenic differentiation of dog PDCs.  相似文献   

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