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Using immunological approaches and mass spectrometry, five proteins associated with metallothionein-3 in mouse brains have been identified. Metallothionein-3 and associated proteins were isolated using immunoaffinity chromatography over immobilized anti-mouse brain MT3 antibody. Proteins in the recovered pool were separated by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and distinct bands were excised and the proteins digested using trypsin. Peptides were extracted and analyzed using electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Initial identification was done comparing the identified peptide mass:charge ratios to the MASCOT database. Confirmation of proteins was accomplished by sequencing of selected peptides using tandem mass spectrometry and comparison to the MASCOT database. The proteins were heat-shock protein 84 (mouse variant of heat-shock protein 90), heat-shock protein 70, dihydropyrimidinase-like protein 2, creatine kinase, and beta actin. Independently using antibodies against metallothionein-3, creatine kinase, and heat-shock protein 84 showed that all three proteins were coimmunoprecipitated from whole mouse brain homogenates with each of the three antibodies. Mixing purified samples of metallothionein and human brain creatine kinase also generated a complex that could be immunoprecipitated either by anti-metallothionein-3 or anticreatine kinase antibody. These data are consistent with metallothionein-3 being present in the mouse brain as part of a multiprotein complex providing new functional information for understanding the role of metallothionein-3 in neuronal physiology.  相似文献   

We have isolated mouse DLG6 (mDLG6) cDNA clones by RT-PCR and then by using the RT-PCR products to screen a mouse brain cDNA library. The deduced amino acid sequence of mDLG6 shows 79.2% and 82.7% overall identity to human (hDLG6) and rat DLG6 (rDLG6), respectively. In situ hybridization revealed that mDLG6 mRNA is predominantly expressed in embryonic and adult brain.  相似文献   

The 25-kDa heat-shock protein (Hsp25) is a member of the small heat-shock protein family but its function remains largely unknown. In the present study we examined the expression and cellular localization of Hsp25 mRNA in mice under physiological, unstressed conditions using Northern blot and in situ hybridization analyses with specific oligonucleotide probes. At the organ level, high amounts of Hsp25 mRNA were detected in the oesophagus, skin,eye, stomach, lung and urinary bladder, with moderate amounts in the heart, skeletal muscle, aorta, adrenal gland, ovary, testis, uterus, large intestine, and thymus. At the cellular level, intense to moderate signals for Hsp25 mRNA were localized in the muscle cells of smooth, heart and skeletal types, in the epithelial cells of stratified squamous and transitional types and of the oviduct, in the steroid endocrine cells of the adrenal cortex and corpus luteum, as well as in the spermatocytes of the testis. In contrast, the signal was scarcely detectable in the nervous tissues, lymphatic tissues, the columnar epithelial cells of the digestive tract, or the parenchymal cells of the liver, pancreas and kidney. These results suggest some significant role for Hsp25 in distinct populations of mouse cells under physiological conditions.  相似文献   

Using in situ hybridization for the mouse brain, we analyzed developmental changes in gene expression for the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter subfamilies ABCA1-4 and 7, and ABCG1, 2, 4, 5 and 8. In the embryonic brains, ABCA1 and A7 were highly expressed in the ventricular (or germinal) zone, whereas ABCA2, A3 and G4 were enriched in the mantle (or differentiating) zone. At the postnatal stages, ABCA1 was detected in both the gray and white matter and in the choroid plexus. On the other hand, ABCA2, A3 and A7 were distributed in the gray matter. In addition, marked up-regulation of ABCA2 occurred in the white matter at 14 days-of-age when various myelin protein genes are known to be up-regulated. In marked contrast, ABCA4 was selective to the choroid plexus throughout development. ABCG1 was expressed in both the gray and white matters, whereas ABCG4 was confined to the gray matter. ABCG2 was diffusely and weakly detected throughout the brain at all stages examined. Immunohistochemistry of ABCG2 showed its preferential expression on the luminal membrane of brain capillaries. Expression signals for ABCG5 and G8 were barely detected at any stages. The distinct spatio-temporal expressions of individual ABCA and G transporters may reflect their distinct cellular expressions in the developing and adult brains, presumably, to regulate and maintain lipid homeostasis in the brain.  相似文献   

Phenylketonuria (PKU), if not detected and treated in newborns, causes severe neurological dysfunction and cognitive and behavioral deficiencies. Despite the biochemical characterization of PKU, the molecular mechanisms underlying PKU‐associated brain dysfunction remain poorly understood. The aim of this study was to gain insights into the pathogenesis of this neurological damage by analyzing protein expression profiles in brain tissue of Black and Tan BRachyury‐PahEnu2 mice (a mouse model of PKU). We compared the cerebral protein expression of homozygous PKU mice with that of their heterozygous counterparts using two‐dimensional difference gel electrophoresis analysis, and identified 21 differentially expressed proteins, four of which were over‐expressed and 17 under‐expressed. An in silico bioinformatic approach indicated that protein under‐expression was related to neuronal differentiation and dendritic growth, and to such neurological disorders as progressive motor neuropathy and movement disorders. Moreover, functional annotation analyses showed that some identified proteins were involved in oxidative metabolism. To further investigate the proteins involved in the neurological damage, we validated two of the proteins that were most strikingly under‐expressed, namely, Syn2 and Dpysl2, which are involved in synaptic function and neurotransmission. We found that Glu2/3 and NR1 receptor subunits were over‐expressed in PKU mouse brain. Our results indicate that differential expression of these proteins may be associated with the processes underlying PKU brain dysfunction, namely, decreased synaptic plasticity and impaired neurotransmission.


Mutations in the gene encoding leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) have been identified as the cause of familial Parkinson's disease (PD) at the PARK8 locus. To begin to understand the physiological role of LRRK2 and its involvement in PD, we have investigated the distribution of LRRK2 mRNA and protein in the adult mouse brain. In situ hybridization studies indicate sites of mRNA expression throughout the mouse brain, with highest levels of expression detected in forebrain regions, including the cerebral cortex and striatum, intermediate levels observed in the hippocampus and cerebellum, and low levels in the thalamus, hypothalamus and substantia nigra. Immunohistochemical studies demonstrate localization of LRRK2 protein to neurones in the cerebral cortex and striatum, and to a variety of interneuronal subtypes in these regions. Furthermore, expression of LRRK2 mRNA in the striatum of VMAT2-deficient mice is unaltered relative to wild-type littermate controls despite extensive dopamine depletion in this mouse model of parkinsonism. Collectively, our results demonstrate that LRRK2 is present in anatomical brain regions of direct relevance to the pathogenesis of PD, including the nigrostriatal dopaminergic pathway, in addition to other regions unrelated to PD pathology, and is likely to play an important role in the normal function of telencephalic forebrain neurones and other neuronal populations.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease displaying extracellular plaques formed by the neurotoxic amyloid β‐peptide (Aβ), and intracellular neurofibrillary tangles consisting of protein tau. However, how these pathologies relate to the massive neuronal death that occurs in AD brains remain elusive. Neprilysin is the major Aβ‐degrading enzyme and a lack thereof increases Aβ levels in the brain twofold. To identify altered protein expression levels induced by increased Aβ levels, we performed a proteomic analysis of the brain of the AD mouse model APPsw and compared it to that of APPsw mice lacking neprilysin. To this end we established an LC‐MS/MS method to analyze brain homogenate, using an 18O‐labeled internal standard to accurately quantify the protein levels. To distinguish between alterations in protein levels caused by increased Aβ levels and those induced by neprilysin deficiency independently of Aβ, the brain proteome of neprilysin deficient APPsw mice was also compared to that of neprilysin deficient mice. By this approach we identified approximately 600 proteins and the levels of 300 of these were quantified. Pathway analysis showed that many of the proteins with altered expression were involved in neurological disorders, and that tau, presenilin and APP were key regulators in the identified networks. The data have been deposited to the ProteomeXchange Consortium with identifiers PXD000968 and PXD001786 ( http://proteomecentral.proteomexchange.org/dataset/PXD000968 and ( http://proteomecentral.proteomexchange.org/dataset/PXD001786 ). Interestingly, the levels of several proteins, including some not previously reported to be linked to AD, were associated with increased Aβ levels.  相似文献   

The c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) is one of the three major mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) playing key roles in various cellular processes in response to both extracellular and intracellular stimuli. JNK/SAPK-associated protein 1 (JSAP1 also referred to as JIP3) is a JNK-associated scaffold that controls the specificity and efficiency of JNK signaling cascades. Here we studied its expression in mouse brains. JSAP1 mRNA was expressed in developing and adult brains, showing spatial patterns similar to JNK1-3 mRNAs. In embryos, JSAP1 immunolabeling was intense for progenitor cells in the ventricular zone throughout the brain and in the external granular layer of the cerebellum, and for neurons and glial cells differentiating in the mantle zone. In adults, JSAP1 was distributed in various neurons and Bergmann glia, with higher levels in striatal cholinergic interneurons, telencephalic parvalbumin-positive interneurons and cerebellar Purkinje cells. In these neurons, JSAP1 was observed as tiny particulate staining in spines, dendrites, perikarya and axons, where it was often associated with the smooth endoplasmic reticulum (sER) and cell membrane. Immunoblots revealed enriched distribution in the microsomal fraction and cytosolic fraction. Therefore, the characteristic cellular expression and subcellular distribution of JSAP1 might be beneficial for cells to efficiently link external stimuli to the JNK MAPK pathway and other intracellular machineries.  相似文献   

Sialylated glycoconjugates play important roles in various biological functions. The structures are also observed in brains and it has been proposed that sialylation may affect neural plasticity. To clarify the effects of sialylation in the brain, particular neurons that exhibit sialylation should first be determined. Using in situ hybridization, we performed systematic surveys of the localization of mRNAs encoding the six alpha2,3-sialyltransferases (ST3Gal I-VI) in the adult mouse brain with or without physiological stimulation. First, striking region-specific patterns of expression were observed: While ST3Gal II, III, and V mRNAs were in neuronal cells throughout the brain, ST3Gal I, IV, and VI mRNAs were in restricted brain regions. Next, to assess whether the expression of the six mRNAs can be regulated, we examined the effect of kindling epileptogenesis on the six mRNA levels. Of the six subtypes, upregulation in the ST3Gal IV level in the thalamus was most pronounced; the number of ST3Gal IV-expressing neurons in the anterior thalamic nuclei increased from 2% to 21% in a time-dependent manner during epileptogenesis. Western blot analysis evaluated the increase of the end-products in the thalamus. These findings provide a molecular basis to clarify when and where sialylated glycoconjugates function accompanied by neural plasticity.  相似文献   

Neuromedin U (NMU) has been associated with the regulation of food-intake and energy balance in rats. The objective of this study was to identify the sites of gene expression for NMU and the NMU receptor-2 (NMU2R) in the mouse and rat hypothalamus and ascertain the effects of nutritional status on the expression of these genes. In situ hybridization studies revealed that NMU is expressed in several regions of the mouse hypothalamus associated with the regulation of energy balance. Analysis of NMU expression in the obese ob/ob mouse revealed that NMU mRNA levels were elevated in the dorsomedial hypothalamic (DMH) nucleus of obese ob/ob mice compared to lean litter-mates. In addition, NMU mRNA levels were elevated in the DMH of mice fasted for 24 h relative to ad libitum fed controls. The pattern of expression of NMU and NMU2R were more widespread in the hypothalamus of mice than rats. These data provide the first detailed anatomical analysis of the NMU and NMU2R expression in the mouse and advance our knowledge of expression in the rat. The data from the obese rodent models supports the hypothesis that NMU is involved in the regulation of nutritional status.  相似文献   

Distribution of PINK1 and LRRK2 in rat and mouse brain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mutations in two kinases, PTEN induced kinase 1 (PINK1) and leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2), have been shown to segregate with familial forms of Parkinson's disease. Although these two genes are expected to be involved in molecular mechanisms relevant to Parkinson's disease, their precise anatomical localization in mammalian brain is unknown. We have mapped the expression of PINK1 and LRRK2 mRNA in the rat and mouse brain via in situ hybridization histochemistry using riboprobes. We found that both genes are broadly expressed throughout the brain with similar neuroanatomical distribution in mouse compared to rat. PINK1 mRNA abundance was rather uniform throughout the different brain regions with expression in cortex, striatum, thalamus, brainstem and cerebellum. LRRK2, on the other hand, showed strong regional differences in expression levels with highest levels seen in the striatum, cortex and hippocampus. Weak LRRK2 expression was seen in the hypothalamus, olfactory bulb and substantia nigra. We confirmed these distributions for both genes using quantitative RT-PCR and for LRRK2 by western immunoblot. As their broad expression patterns contrast with localized neuropathology in Parkinson's disease, the pathogenicity of clinical mutant forms of PINK1 and LRRK2 may be mediated by nigrostriatal-specific mechanisms.  相似文献   

The existence of mouse H3-receptor isoforms was investigated by PCR analysis and cDNA cloning. Splicing mechanisms previously reported in various species are conserved in the mouse. The retention/deletion of a fragment in the third intracellular loop of the mouse receptor leads to the existence of three isoforms designated mH(3(445)), mH(3(413)) and mH(3(397)) according to the length of their deduced amino acid sequence. PCR analysis showed that mouse H3-receptor isoforms display different expression patterns in the brain. Following expression in Cos-1 cells, [125I]iodoproxyfan binding indicated similar pharmacological profiles of the mH(3(445)), mH(3(413)) and mH(3(397)) isoforms. The pharmacological profile of the mouse H3 receptor is more similar to the rat receptor than to the human receptor, although some differences were also observed between the mouse and rat receptors. For example, the potency of thioperamide and ciproxifan is slightly higher at the mouse receptor than at the rat receptor but 40-100-fold higher than at the human receptor. In situ hybridization histochemistry showed that the distribution of H3-receptor mRNAs in the mouse brain is rather similar to that previously reported in the rat brain. However, the autoradiographic and cellular expression patterns observed in several brain areas such as the thalamus or hippocampus reveal important differences between the two species.  相似文献   

Huntington disease (HD) is an adult onset neurodegenerative disorder characterized by selective atrophy and cell loss within the striatum. There is currently no treatment that can prevent the striatal neuropathology. Transglutaminase (TG) activity is increased in HD patients, is associated with cell death, and has been suggested to contribute to striatal neuronal loss in HD. This work assesses the therapeutic potential of cystamine, an inhibitor of TG activity with additional potentially beneficial effects. Specifically, we examine the effect of cystamine on striatal neuronal loss in the YAC128 mouse model of HD. We demonstrate here for the first time that YAC128 mice show a forebrain-specific increase in TG activity compared with wild-type (WT) littermates which is decreased by oral delivery of cystamine. Treatment of symptomatic YAC128 mice with cystamine starting at 7 months prevented striatal neuronal loss. Cystamine treatment also ameliorated the striatal volume loss and striatal neuronal atrophy observed in these animals, but was unable to prevent motor dysfunction or the down-regulation of dopamine and cyclic adenosine monophsophate-regulated phosphoprotein (DARPP-32) expression in the striatum. While the exact mechanism responsible for the beneficial effects of cystamine in YAC128 mice is uncertain, our findings suggest that cystamine is neuroprotective and may be beneficial in the treatment of HD.  相似文献   

We have examined the degradation of amyloid precursor protein (APP) in the brain cortex of adult (24±2) and old (58±2) mice at different post-mortem time intervals (0, 1.5, 3, 6, 12 and 24 h). The brain cortex extract was prepared and processed for immunoblotting using antibodies against N-terminal 47–62 amino acids (Asp29) and central 301–316 amino acids containing Kunitz protease inhibitor (KPI) domain (Asp45) of APP. Asp29 (N-terminal) recognizes two bands of 140 and 112 kDa. The amount of 140 kDa is relatively higher in adult than old. The level of 112 kDa is 1.6 times lower in adult than old. It shows no remarkable change with varying post-mortem time. On the other hand, Asp45 (KPI) detects two bands of 110 and 116 kDa. While 116 kDa disappears rapidly after death of the animal, 110 kDa shows no remarkable change with different post-mortem periods. Further incubation of the disrupted tissue at 4 °C for 24 h and immunoblot analysis with Asp29 (N-terminal) shows 112 kDa in both ages but 58.5 kDa in adult and 70 kDa in old only. Analysis with Asp45 (KPI) shows only 54 kDa which increases after 3 h in adult but decreases significantly after 1.5 h and becomes undetectable at 24 h in old. Thus the present findings indicate that APP is degraded in a precise pattern and it depends on cellular intactness, post-mortem period and age of the animal.  相似文献   

The extraneuronal monoamine transporter plays an important role in the inactivation of monoamine transmitters. A basal extraneuronal tissue expression of this transporter has been reported, but it is also expressed in CNS glia. As little is known about the expression pattern and the function of the extraneuronal monoamine transporter in the brain, we performed a detailed investigation. Firstly, a northern blot analysis of different rat organs revealed that the transporter is strongly expressed in placenta, lung and heart and less prominently in the whole brain, brain stem, intestine, testis, epididymis, stomach, kidney and skeletal muscle. It was not expressed in cerebellum, liver and embryo. Using an in situ hybridization to the rat brain, we detected a marked and highly confined expression of the extraneuronal monoamine transporter in the area postrema, but in no other brain areas. These findings were confirmed by polyclonal antibodies against rat extraneuronal monoamine transporter showing an intensive signal in the area postrema, although a few cells in the cerebellum and the brain stem also showed a signal. Additionally, a partly overlapping expression pattern of the monoamine oxidase-B was detected. Summarizing, we firstly describe a marked and highly confined expression of the extraneuronal monoamine transporter in the rat area postrema by in situ hybridisation which may play a role in physiological functions of this circumventricular organ such as emesis, food intake and the regulation of cardiovascular functions.  相似文献   

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