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Religious beliefs and practices have long influenced human perceptions and uses of nature. Animals in particular play a prominent role in magico-religious practices and provide historical and cultural depth of these relationships. Understanding human-faunal relations is often fundamental to the cause of meaningful wildlife conservation. This study investigates the domestic and wild harvested species used for spiritual and religious purposes among the tribals of six tehsils of Udaipur district.


The ethnozoological data were obtained by an emic approach, applying different tools such as semi-structured interviews, participatory rural appraisal, key informant interviews, and focus group discussions. The scientific name and species of animals were identified using relevant and standard literature. Present investigation is a part of major concept worked out for study on tribal people and their beliefs. Ethnozoological information was collected by interview of 150 tribals. The questionnaire was prepared in Hindi keeping all parameters in mind. A total of 55 respondents (35 males and 20 females) answered to the magico-religious parameter. The collected data were analyzed through informant fidelity level (FL).


The present study was undertaken to have an insight of the ethnozoological uses of animals prevalent in Bhil, Meena, and Kathodi tribes inhabiting the Udaipur district of Rajasthan. A total of 25 animals used for magico-religious and social purposes were recorded from the study area. Out of the total number of animals, 60% (15) were mammals, 24% (6) were birds, 12% (3) were reptiles, and the rest 4% (1) were the mollusks. Of the total ethnozoological practices, 64% fall in the magico-religious category, 12% in socio-cultural category, 12% in the category of ethnomusical, and 12% in the category of taboos.


The tribal people maintain strong ties with animals at both the material and spiritual level. Study reveals that traditional people depend on local therapies either magico-religious or natural ones in absence of awareness, modern medical facilities, expensive drugs, and poor transportation. However, the use of animal material in such practices is on a decline.

Candomblé is an African-Brazilian religion that resulted from the adaptation of West African (especially Yoruba) beliefs in Brazil during and after the slave trade. This study seeks to understand the current evolution of Candomblé ethnobotanical knowledge as it travels from Brazil to New York City (NYC), therefore going through a second adaptation process. We identified which Brazilian plant species are still in use, which are being incorporated and/or replaced, and what factors are contributing to the ethnobotanical adaptation that is taking place in NYC. To accomplish this, we compiled an inventory of liturgical plants used by five highly skilled Candomblé practitioners living in NYC and then compared the vernacular and binomial Latin names of these plants to inventories previously published in Brazil by other authors. By doing this, we were able to distinguish patterns of knowledge continuity, assimilation, or substitution. Nearly two-thirds of the species identified in NYC’s inventory were cases of knowledge continuity, where most plants were used by at least four practitioners. Many of these frequently used species have survived the adaptation process from Africa to Brazil, and now from Brazil to NYC. Practitioners also assimilated (20%) and substituted (16%) some species. The assimilation process was mainly influenced by Santería, another Yoruba-derived religion widely practiced in NYC. Substitutions, however, were driven by two distinct forces. In one cohort (7%), species were morphologically and organoleptically similar to the original material, and replacements were mostly influenced by the easy accessibility of botanical materials. The other cohort (9%) was marked by a logical substitution process based on Yoruba rules of plant classification. Our results show that Candomblé practitioners in NYC are maintaining a notable level of cultural continuity, while cautiously assimilating new species and consciously or subconsciously replacing others. Although both accessibility of plant material and cultural forces play a role in the adaptation mechanism, the latter appears to be the most relevant to these highly skilled practitioners.  相似文献   

Conservation behaviour is a growing field that applies insights from the study of animal behaviour to address challenges in wildlife conservation and management. Conservation behaviour interventions often aim to manage specific behaviours of a species to solve conservation challenges. The field is often viewed as offering approaches that are less intrusive or harmful to animals than, for example, managing the impact of a problematic species by reducing its population size (frequently through lethal control). However, intervening in animal behaviour, even for conservation purposes, may still raise important ethical considerations. We discuss these issues and develop a framework and a decision support tool, to aid managers and researchers in evaluating the ethical considerations of conservation behaviour interventions against other options.  相似文献   

Human societies utilize mollusks for myriad material and spiritual ends. An example of their use in a religious context is found in Brazil's African-derived belief systems. Candomblé, an Afro-Brazilian religion introduced during the 18th-19th centuries by enslaved Yoruba, includes various magical and liturgical uses of mollusks. This work inventoried the species utilized by adherents and to analyzed their symbolic and magical context. Data were obtained from Candomblé temples in two cities in the northeast of Brazil-Caruaru, in the state of Pernambuco, and Campina Grande, in the state of Paraíba. Questionnaires administered to eleven adepts revealed that at least nineteen mollusk species are being used. Shells from Monetaria moneta, M. annulus and Erosaria caputserpentis were cited by all of the interviewees. Three uses stood out: divination (jogo de búzios); utilization as ritual objects; and employment as sacrificial offerings (Igbin or Boi-de-Oxalá). The jogo de búzios (shell toss), employed in West Africa, Brazil and Cuba, is of fundamental importance to the cult, representing the means by which the faithful enter in contact with the divinities (Orixás) and consult people's futures (Odu). The utilization of mollusks in Candomblé is strongly influenced by ancient Yoruba myths (Itãs) which, having survived enslavement and generations of captive labor, continue to guide the lives of Brazil's African Diaspora.  相似文献   

Indigenous belief systems and informal institutions that result in the conservation of wild species or sites exemplify biocultural conservation. The erosion of cultural beliefs and practices can have adverse, often severe, consequences for biodiversity. We explored the relationships among informal institutions, religion, and human attitudes toward sacred populations of a threatened, endemic species, Sclater’s monkey (Cercopithecus sclateri), in two communities in southeastern Nigeria. Due to habitat loss and hunting pressure across the species’ range, monkeys in these two sites live alongside people, raid farms and gardens, and are commonly viewed as pests. Using structured (n = 410) and semi-structured (n = 21) interviews, we examined factors influencing residents’ views of the monkeys, mechanisms affecting adherence to social taboos against harming monkeys, and implications for conservation. Our analyses revealed that most residents, particularly those from one community, women, and farmers, held negative opinions of the monkeys. Crop and garden raiding by monkeys had the most adverse effect on people’s attitudes. Although the adoption of Christianity weakened residents’ views regarding the no-killing taboos, continued adherence to the taboos was particularly influenced by supernatural retribution in one site and community disapproval in the other. Only one community widely conferred symbolic importance on the monkeys. Such site differences illustrate the value of local cultural understanding in conservation. Pre-intervention studies of this nature allow for the development of locally and culturally sensitive conservation programs, as well as better-informed assessments of what interventions are most likely to be effective.  相似文献   

McCallum H  Hocking BA 《Bioethics》2005,19(4):336-347
Disease in wildlife raises a number of issues that have not been widely considered in the bioethical literature. However, wildlife disease has major implications for human welfare. The majority of emerging human infectious diseases are zoonotic: that is, they occur in humans by cross‐species transmission from animal hosts. Managing these diseases often involves balancing concerns with human health against animal welfare and conservation concerns. Many infectious diseases of domestic animals are shared with wild animals, although it is often unclear whether the infection spills over from wild animals to domestic animals or vice versa. Culling is the standard means of managing such diseases, bringing economic considerations, animal welfare and conservation into conflict. Infectious diseases are also major threatening processes in conservation biology and their appropriate management by culling, vaccination or treatment raises substantial animal ethics issues. One particular issue of great significance in Australia is an ongoing research program to develop genetically modified pathogens to control vertebrate pests including rabbits, foxes and house mice. Release of any self‐replicating GMO vertebrate pathogen gives rise to a whole series of ethical questions. We briefly review current Australian legal responses to these problems. Finally, we present two unresolved problems of general importance that are exemplified by wildlife disease. First, to what extent can or should ‘bioethics’ be broadened beyond direct concerns with human welfare to animal welfare and environmental welfare? Second, how should the irreducible uncertainty of ecological systems be accounted for in ethical decision making?  相似文献   

Pteropus livingstonii and Pteropus seychellensis comorensis are endemic fruit bat species that are among the most threatened animals in the Comoros archipelago. Both species are pollinators and seed dispersers of native and cultivated plants and are thus of crucial importance for the regeneration of natural forests as well as for cultivated plantations. However, these species are subject to strong anthropogenic pressures and face one of the highest rates of natural habitat loss reported worldwide. Yet little is known about the population genetic structure of these two species, making it difficult to define relevant conservation strategies. In this study, we investigated for the two flying fox species (1) the level of genetic diversity within islands, as well as across the archipelago and (2) the genetic structure between the two islands (Anjouan and Mohéli) for P. livingstonii and between the four islands of the archipelago (Anjouan, Mohéli, Grande Comore and Mayotte) for P. s. comorensis using mitochondrial and microsatellite markers. The results revealed contrasting patterns of genetic structure, with P. s. comorensis showing low genetic structure between islands, whereas P. livingstonii exhibited high levels of inter-island genetic differentiation. Overall, the genetic analyses showed low genetic diversity for both species. These contrasting genetic patterns may be the result of different dispersal patterns and the populations’ evolutionary histories. Our findings lead us to suggest that in terms of conservation strategy, the two populations of P. livingstonii (on Anjouan and Mohéli islands) should be considered as two separate management units. We recommend focusing conservation efforts on the Anjouan population, which is the largest, exhibits the highest genetic diversity, and suffers the greatest anthropogenic pressure. As for P. s. comorensis, its four populations could be considered as a single unit for conservation management purposes. For this species, we recommend protecting roosting trees to reduce population disturbance.  相似文献   

青藏高原是地球上一个独特的自然地理单元, 具有丰富的生境类型和生物种类, 是生物多样性与全球环境变化领域的热点研究区域。青藏高原发育着独特的动物区系, 尤其是有蹄类动物, 如藏羚(Pantholops hodgsonii)、野牦牛(Bos mutus)、藏原羚(Procapra picticaudata)、普氏原羚(P. przewalskii)、白唇鹿(Przewalskium albirostris)等青藏高原特有动物。在本文中, 我们探讨了如下问题: 青藏高原有多少种有蹄类动物?有多少种特有有蹄类动物?其分布格局如何?生存状况如何?保护现状如何?我们首先确定了青藏高原动物地理区的地理边界。发现青藏高原有28种有蹄类, 其中10种是青藏高原特有种。青藏高原有蹄类种数占中国有蹄类的42%, 单位面积上的有蹄类物种密度比中国现生有蹄类物种平均密度高62%。特有种比例高达36%。然而, 青藏高原有蹄类物种分布不均匀, 其丰富度呈东部高西部低格局, 而高原特有有蹄类则分布于高原腹地。青藏高原有蹄类动物生存受威胁比例高, 其中71%为受威胁物种, 54%被列入濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约(CITES)附录I或附录II。野外调查发现大额牛(Bos frontalis)已经野外灭绝, 目前仅在高黎贡山有人工养殖的群体。青藏高原有蹄类物种红色名录指数从1998-2015年呈现持续下降趋势, 全球气候变化将加剧这一趋势。青藏高原有蹄类受威胁局面仍在继续, 物种生存状况持续恶化。虽然经过40年的自然保护区建设, 但一些青藏高原有蹄类的重要种群与栖息地并没有被自然保护区和新建的三江源国家公园所覆盖。因此, 在开发青藏高原、实现人类社会经济发展目标的同时, 应尽量保存高原野生动物种群与生境, 实现青藏高原草地生态系统的可持续利用与生物多样性保护的双赢目标。  相似文献   

Sustainable ecotourism development and conservation depend on understanding factors that affect flagship species. This study analysed environmental factors and their effects on flagship species: African buffalo (Syncerus caffer), red-river hog (Potamochoerus porcus), olive baboon (Papio anubis), duiker (Cephalophus spp.), and crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) distribution in Bomfobiri Wildlife Sanctuary (BWS). Secondary data (camp reports 2017–2019) showed flagship species distribution across four vegetation types in 14 sites. Field observations were used to reconstruct camp report information using GPS coordinates to show animal distribution. Environmental factors were assessed based on the scope and severity of their threats to the species. PAST ver.3.06 was used to analyse animal and vegetation data. A total of 995 individual animals were recorded. Riverine forest (n = 325) had the highest, followed by semi-deciduous (n = 316), and woodland Savanna (n = 192). Bushfire was the major predictive factor on animal distribution, followed by grazing pressure, farming activities, elevation, and erosion. These findings imply that an increased scale of disturbances reduces the chance of sighting flagship animals. A higher concentration of these species in riverine and semi-deciduous forests calls for increased patrols as a conservation measure. Constructing viewing platforms and hiking trails in areas of higher animal activity would improve ecotourism development.  相似文献   

In decisions on nature conservation measures, we depend largely on knowledge of the relationship between threats and environmental factors for a very limited number of species groups, with relevant environmental factors often being deduced from the relationship between threat and species traits. But can relationships between traits and levels of threats be identified across species from completely different taxonomic groups; and how accurately do well-known taxonomic groups indicate levels of threat in other species groups? To answer these questions, we first made a list of 152 species attributes of morphological and demographic traits and habitat requirements. Based on these attributes we then grew random forests of decision trees for 1183 species in the 18 different taxonomic groups for which we had Red Lists available in the Netherlands, using these to classify animals, plants, and mushrooms according to their rarity and decline. Finally, we grew random forests for four species groups often used as indicator groups to study how well the relationship between attribute and decline within these groups reflected that relationship within the larger taxonomic group to which these groups belong. Correct classification of rarity based on all attributes was as high as 88% in animals, 85% in plants, and 94% in mushrooms and correct classification of decline was 78% in animals, 69% in plants, and 70% in mushrooms. Vertebrates indicated decline in all animals well, as did birds for all vertebrates and vascular plants for all plants. However, butterflies poorly indicated decline in all insects. Random forests are a useful tool to relate rarity and decline to species attributes thereby making it possible to generalize rarity and decline to a wider set of species groups. Random forests can be used to estimate the level of threat to complete faunas and floras of countries or regions. In regions like the Netherlands, conservation policy based on attributes known to be relevant for the decline to birds, vertebrates or plants will probably also impact all aboveground terrestrial and freshwater macrofauna or macrophytes.  相似文献   

Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV) is one of the most widespread zoonotic arthropod-borne viruses in many parts of Africa, Europe and Asia. It belongs to the family of Nairoviridae in the genus of Orthonairovirus. The main reservoir and vector are ticks of the genus Hyalomma. Livestock animals (such as cattle, small ruminants and camels) develop a viremias lasting up to two weeks with absence of clinical symptoms, followed by seroconversion. This study was carried out to assess risk factors that affect seroprevalence rates in different species. In total, 928 livestock animal samples (cattle = 201; sheep = 247; goats = 233; camels = 247) from 11 out of 13 regions in Mauritania were assayed for CCHFV-specific immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) (including a novel indirect camel-IgG-specific CCHFV ELISA). Inconclusive results were resolved by an immunofluorescence assay (IFA). A generalized linear mixed-effects model (GLMM) was used to draw conclusions about the impact of certain factors (age, species, sex and region) which might have influenced the CCHFV antibody status of surveyed animals. In goats and sheep, about 15% of the animals were seropositive, whereas in cattle (69%) and camels (81%), the prevalence rate was significantly higher. On average, cattle and camels were up to twice to four times older than small ruminants. Interestingly, the seroprevalence in all species was directly linked to the age of the animals, i.e. older animals had significantly higher seroprevalence rates than younger animals. The highest CCHFV seroprevalence in Mauritania was found in camels and cattle, followed by small ruminants. The large proportion of positive animals in cattle and camels might be explained by the high ages of the animals. Future CCHFV prevalence studies should at least consider the age of surveyed animals in order to avoid misinterpretations.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation is one of the most prominent effects of anthropogenic ecosystem degradation. However, despite the accumulating evidence that anthropogenic habitat fragmentation acts negatively on the dynamics and viability of many species, rainforest fragmentation can occur naturally. The need to disentangle ‘natural’ fragmentation processes from (often) very recent anthropogenic effects poses a methodological challenge in the field of conservation genetics. Additional challenges include sampling schemes that can generate false signals of population size changes or population genetic structure. Finally, limited analytical power often results from restricted sample sizes, numbers of markers, or their informativeness. We reviewed the available literature on the effects of habitat fragmentation in non-aquatic tropical animal species over the last 10 years to ask what has been learned as a result of the increasing attention paid to these methodological issues. Fifty-four studies contained relevant datasets on the question of fragmentation effects in 74 animal species. Primates (n = 18) and passerine birds (n = 17) contributed most species to the survey. Unambiguous signals of fragmentation effects were reported in 33.8 % of species, whereas the remaining species showed either equivocal (36.5 %) or no evidence (29.7 %) of fragmentation effects. Our review further reveals that uneven sampling cannot be ruled out as possible explanation for many of the reported genetic bottleneck signals and genetic structure effects. Based on the reviewed evidence, methodological (e.g. improving sampling schemes, multiple analytical approaches, added value of different markers) and conceptual recommendations offering a better understanding of general and species-specific evolutionary responses to fragmentation are formulated for future studies.  相似文献   

Existing theory and research suggests that understanding the nuances of particular instantiations of human–animal relationships is important in promoting positive, mutually beneficial relationships between people and animals. One such aspect of human–animal interaction (HAI) involves species of animal involved in the relationship, and how various types of HAI may impact individuals' attitudes about animals. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore if species and/or types of animal ownership were associated with feelings of emotional attachment, commitment, and moral orientation toward animals. A sample of young adults (n = 567) from the 4-H Study of Positive Youth Development completed a survey which included questions about animal ownership and attitudes about animals. Regression analyses demonstrated that the species of animal(s) a person owned significantly predicted all three dimensions of attitudes about animals. In addition, latent class analyses identified three prevalent types of animal interaction (no/few animals, small animals only, large and small animals), and multinomial logistic regression within the mixture model indicated that individuals in these subgroups significantly differed in moral orientation scores. Overall, the analyses strengthen support for the notion that species of animal involved in the interaction matters, and that relationships with various species of animals may differ qualitatively. These findings have implications for understanding the role of the relationship between types of animal ownership and attitudes about animals. Exploring the multifaceted nature of human–animal relationships is important in understanding how to optimize the person and animal characteristics that are associated with adaptive, mutually beneficial human–animal relationships.  相似文献   

Enlargement of captive space has become a trend in zoos, frequently designed with geographic and mixed species themes. Geographic exhibits, however, often mislead the public; in mixed species exhibits, welfare of individual animals and their breeding potentials in some species are ignored. Another popular “natural” open and outdoor exhibit system commonly runs contrary to nature and the requirements of the inhabitants. In all this, the quality of space is forgotten. Zoos need to reevaluate the advantages of cages as well as animal housing in buildings, to ensure management of diverse species in a larger number of taxonomic groups. As zoos reach a crossroad in history, renewed significance of wildlife conservation must be realized in exhibit design consideration. The importance of cohesive and proper exhibit design processes cannot be over-emphasized.  相似文献   

Sanna Ojalammi 《Anthrozo?s》2018,31(2):233-246
These days zoos often claim that their main objective is the promotion of nature conservation and that they strive to educate their visitors about animals and nature conservation. But how do zoo visitors themselves perceive this emphasis on conservation education? In order to determine how Helsinki Zoo visitors perceive nature conservation during their visit, we undertook a qualitative analysis of 75 structured situational interviews and five autoethnographical visits. Our results show that there was only a limited understanding of nature conservation among the zoo visitors. Their perception follows the typical framing of nature conservation in zoos: conservation projects that embrace captive breeding, in-situ conservation collaboration, and the reintroduction of those species. Moreover, in the Helsinki Zoo case these perceptions may have been influenced by the fact that the zoo did not give concrete advice on how the visitors themselves can contribute to conservation, except in terms of donating money. Framing nature conservation in such ways distances it from visitors’ everyday lives.  相似文献   

Semi-natural grasslands are increasingly grazed by large herbivores for nature conservation purposes. For many insects such grazing is essential for the conservation of their habitat, but at the same time, populations decrease at high grazing intensity. We hypothesised that grazing management may cause increased butterfly mortality, especially for life-stages with low mobility, such as hibernating caterpillars. To test this, we measured the effect of sheep grazing on overwinter larval survival. We used the Glanville fritillary (Melitaea cinxia), which has gregarious caterpillars hibernating in silk nests, as a model species. Caterpillar nests were monitored throughout the hibernating period in calcareous grassland reserves with low and high intensity sheep grazing and in an ungrazed control treatment. After grazing, 64?% of the nests at the high intensity grazing treatment were damaged or missing, compared to 8 and 12?% at the ungrazed and low intensity grazing treatment, respectively. Nest volume and caterpillar survival were 50?% lower at the high intensity grazing treatment compared to both ungrazed and low intensity grazing treatments. Nest damage and increased mortality were mainly caused by incidental ingestion of the caterpillars by the sheep. It is likely that grazing similarly affects other invertebrates, depending on their location within the vegetation and their ability to actively avoid herbivores. This implies that the impact of grazing strongly depends on the timing of this management in relation to the phenology of the species. A greater focus on immature and inactive life-stages in conservation policy in general and particularly in action plans for endangered species is required to effectively preserve invertebrate diversity.  相似文献   

A detailed account is presented of attendant polysomatic variation in planta and elucidation of the modal karyotype in the difficult-to-study endangered orchid Bulbophyllum auricomum, known as the Royal Flower of Myanmar. The somatic chromosome number of B. auricomum (2n?=?38) is reported for the first time. Polysomaty was prevalent in all seed-derived plants studied except two (SC34 and SC42). It was noted that in addition to normal diploid cells occurring in different frequencies (60% in SC21 to 89% in SC22, SC35), root tip cells also showed chromosome numbers <38 (in 0?C37% metaphases) and >38 (in 0?C33% metaphases). The chromosomes of B. auricomum are very small (0.7?C2.7???m) in size. The karyotype of diploid B. auricomum showed 34 chromosomes with primary constriction (14?M?+?16?m?+?4sm) and 4 chromosomes with secondary constrictions (sm:sm). Of the 50 plants analyzed, 2 (SC34 and SC42) were polyploid, showing 70 and 62 chromosomes in the root tip cells. The polyploidization in seed-derived plants clearly indicates the heterogeneous nature of orchid seed stock. Early detection of polyploidization in in vitro?Cpropagated B. auricomum is valuable for conservation of this native endangered orchid species. On the other hand, the clonally propagated plants retained the chromosomal status of parent plants. This protocol could be exploited to protect this native endangered orchid species from natural extinction.  相似文献   

In a number of places, sacred forest sites play an important role in conservation and local livelihoods. Here we examine how Iban hunters and animals alike use sacred forest in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. To determine the relative importance of different sites in hunting, we compare hunting effort, animal species and their numbers encountered by hunters, and encounters and captures in a variety of forest sites including sacred groves. We relate the results to the role of such sites in the overall Iban agroforestry system and in the conservation of forest habitat that professional conservationists deem precious. Such land use practices, while having social and religious origins, may be important for local economic purposes, but they may also be valuable in promoting and enhancing the more global goals of biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Blastocystis is a common intestinal protozoan parasite of humans and a variety of animal species. To date, the prevalence of Blastocystis and major subtypes distribution in the domestic animals inhabiting in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Area (QTPA) of China is yet poorly studied. In this study, we investigated the distribution and genetic diversity of Blastocystis in seven animal species in QTPA in China. Four hundred and five fresh fecal samples were collected from domestic animals in Qinghai, Yunnan, and Tibet of China and analyzed using nested PCR and SSU rRNA gene sequencing. It was found that the overall prevalence of Blastocystis infection was 40.2% (163/405) in the animals studied. The most predominant subtype of Blastocystis was ST10 (57.7%) followed by ST14 (28.8%) and ST2 (13.5%). These results reveal the epidemiological features of Blastocytis infection in animals in the high altitude plateau area. The finding of presence of ST2 in a number of animal species suggests a zoonotic nature of Blastocystis and might be of importance of public health.  相似文献   

For conservation purposes, and to supply critically endangered insects for laboratory use, a system for artificial breeding is crucial. However, in the case of carnivorous insects such as diving beetles, the larvae must be isolated because they are cannibalistic. We developed a method for mass breeding the larvae of two diving beetles, Dytiscus sharpi sharpi (Wehncke) and Dytiscus sharpi validus (Régimbart) (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae), which are designated critically endangered species in Japan. Ten to twenty larvae were raised in a small tank (35 cm × 25 cm × 10 cm; water depth 7 cm) with Rana ornativentris (Werner) tadpoles as prey. At low prey density, ~80 % of the larvae were cannibalized. At moderate prey density, 50–60 % were cannibalized. However, at high prey density, <3 % were cannibalized. Well-fed mass-bred adults were larger than individually bred and field-collected adults. This mass breeding method can be used for the conservation and breeding of these rare diving beetles in a manageable number of aquaria.  相似文献   

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