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Tyrosinase derepression in Neurospora mycelia grown in Vogel medium, submitted to starvation in phosphate buffer 0.1 M, pH 6.0, was abolished by exogenous magnesium sulfate. This effect seemed to be caused by the sulfate ion itself and not by a sulfate-derivative. Sulfate repression required protein synthesis, thus suggesting the involvement of a specific gene product mediating sulfate repression. Cultures made in Westergaard and Mitchell crossing medium became competent for sexual development and could be stimulated to form tyrosinase either by mating or starvation. In that case the enzyme derepression was insensitive to the sulfate effect. The possible existence of a positive mechanism for the control of tyrosinase activity during sexual development is suggested.This work is a part of two theses, by Rolf Alexander Prade and Angela Kaysel Cruz submitted to the Departments of Biochemistry and Physiology, respectively, of the School of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto in partial fulfillments of the requirements for the Master Degree.  相似文献   

Protein changes during the asexual cycle of Neurospora crassa.   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
A method for synchronizing conidiation and isolating large numbers of cells at discrete stages of conidia development is described. Using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, we analyzed the protein profiles of mycelia, aerial hyphae, and conidia and observed that the concentration of 14 polypeptides increase and 38 decrease during the asexual cycle. Twelve polypeptides were present in extracts of aerial hyphae or conidia, but not mycelia, suggesting that they may be conidiation specific. The protein profiles of mutants defective in conidiation were also analyzed. Differences were detected in the two-dimensional profiles of protein extracts from fluffy and wild-type aerial hyphae. Polyadenylated RNA isolated from wild-type mycelia and conidiating cultures was translated in vitro in a rabbit reticulocyte lysate. Differences were detected in the polypeptide products specified by the two RNA populations, suggesting that changes in steady-state levels of polyadenylated RNAs also occur during conidiation.  相似文献   

DNA methylation is dynamically remodelled during the mammalian life cycle through distinct phases of reprogramming and de novo methylation. These events enable the acquisition of cellular potential followed by the maintenance of lineage-restricted cell identity, respectively, a process that defines the life cycle through successive generations. DNA methylation contributes to the epigenetic regulation of many key developmental processes including genomic imprinting, X-inactivation, genome stability and gene regulation. Emerging sequencing technologies have led to recent insights into the dynamic distribution of DNA methylation during development and the role of this epigenetic mark within distinct genomic contexts, such as at promoters, exons or imprinted control regions. Additionally, there is a better understanding of the mechanistic basis of DNA demethylation during epigenetic reprogramming in primordial germ cells and during pre-implantation development. Here, we discuss our current understanding of the developmental roles and dynamics of this key epigenetic system.  相似文献   

Tad is an active LINE-like retrotransposon isolated from the Adiopodoumé strain of Neurospora crassa. Extensive analysis of other Neurospora strains has revealed no other strain with active Tad, but all strains tested have multiple copies of defective Tad elements. We have examined the ability of Tad to survive during the sexual cycle of Neurospora and find that active Tad is rapidly eliminated. The characteristics of this elimination suggest that the repeat-induced point mutation (RIP) mechanism was responsible. By the use of transformation to switch the mating type of the Adiopodoumé strain we concluded that this strain is not defective in the RIP process. Analysis of defective Tad elements isolated from a variety of strains indicates that the major difference between these elements and active Tad is due to the presence of a large number of G-C to A-T transition mutations. This would be expected if the changes were due primarily to the RIP process. Mapping of a selection of defective Tad elements reveals that they are present on all of the chromosomes; however, many of the elements are not widely shared among strains. This suggests that repeated introduction and elimination of Tad elements has occurred. Mechanisms that might be responsible for this repeated introduction are discussed.  相似文献   

Repeat-induced point mutation (RIP) is a process that efficiently detects DNA duplications prior to meiosis in Neurospora crassa and peppers them with G:C to A:T mutations. Cytosine methylation is typically associated with sequences affected by RIP, and methylated cytosines are not limited to CpG dinucleotides. We generated and characterized a collection of methylated and unmethylated amRIP alleles to investigate the connection(s) between DNA methylation and mutations by RIP. Alleles of am harboring 84 to 158 mutations in the 2.6-kb region that was duplicated were heavily methylated and triggered de novo methylation when reintroduced into vegetative N. crassa cells. Alleles containing 45 and 56 mutations were methylated in the strains originally isolated but did not become methylated when reintroduced into vegetative cells. This provides the first evidence for de novo methylation in the sexual cycle and for a maintenance methylation system in Neurospora cells. No methylation was detected in am alleles containing 8 and 21 mutations. All mutations in the eight primary alleles studied were either G to A or C to T, with respect to the coding strand of the am gene, suggesting that RIP results in only one type of mutation. We consider possibilities for how DNA methylation is triggered by some sequences altered by RIP.  相似文献   

Most cytosine residues are subject to methylation in the zeta-eta (zeta-eta) region of Neurospora crassa. The region consists of a tandem direct duplication of a 0.8-kilobase-pair element including a 5S rRNA gene. The repeated elements have diverged about 15% by the occurrence of numerous CG to TA mutations, which probably resulted from deamination of methylated cytosines. Most but not all common laboratory strains of N. crassa have methylated duplicated DNA at the zeta-eta locus. However, many strains of N. crassa and strains of N. tetrasperma, N. sitophila, and N. intermedia have one instead of two copies of the homologous DNA and it is not methylated. A cross of strains differing at the zeta-eta locus produced progeny which all had duplicated, methylated, or unique, unmethylated DNA, like the parental strains. We conclude that a signal causing unprecedented heavy DNA methylation is present in the zeta-eta region.  相似文献   

Most 5-methylcytosine in Neurospora crassa occurs in A:T-rich sequences high in TpA dinucleotides, hallmarks of repeat-induced point mutation. To investigate how such sequences induce methylation, we developed a sensitive in vivo system. Tests of various 25- to 100-bp synthetic DNA sequences revealed that both T and A residues were required on a given strand to induce appreciable methylation. Segments composed of (TAAA)(n) or (TTAA)(n) were the most potent signals; 25-mers induced robust methylation at the special test site, and a 75-mer induced methylation elsewhere. G:C base pairs inhibited methylation, and cytosines 5' of ApT dinucleotides were particularly inhibitory. Weak signals could be strengthened by extending their lengths. A:T tracts as short as two were found to cooperate to induce methylation. Distamycin, which, like the AT-hook DNA binding motif found in proteins such as mammalian HMG-I, binds to the minor groove of A:T-rich sequences, suppressed DNA methylation and gene silencing. We also found a correlation between the strength of methylation signals and their binding to an AT-hook protein (HMG-I) and to activities in a Neurospora extract. We propose that de novo DNA methylation in Neurospora cells is triggered by cooperative recognition of the minor groove of multiple short A:T tracts. Similarities between sequences subjected to repeat-induced point mutation in Neurospora crassa and A:T-rich repeated sequences in heterochromatin in other organisms suggest that related mechanisms control silent chromatin in fungi, plants, and animals.  相似文献   

A temperature-sensitive methionine auxotroph of Neurospora crassa was found in a collection of conditional mutants and shown to be deficient in DNA methylation when grown under semipermissive conditions. The defective gene was identified as met-3, which encodes cystathionine-gamma-synthase. We explored the possibility that the methylation defect results from deficiency of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM), the presumptive methyl group donor. Methionine starvation of mutants from each of nine complementation groups in the methionine (met) pathway (met-1, met-2, met-3, met-5, met-6, met-8, met-9, met-10 and for) resulted in decreased DNA methylation while amino acid starvation, per se, did not. In most of the strains, including wild-type, intracellular SAM peaked during rapid growth (12-18 h after inoculation), whereas DNA methylation continued to increase. In met mutants starved for methionine, SAM levels were most reduced (3-11-fold) during rapid growth while the greatest reduction in DNA methylation levels occurred later. Addition of 3 mM methionine to cultures of met or cysteine-requiring (cys) mutants resulted in 5-28-fold increases in SAM, compared with wild-type, at a time when DNA methylation was reduced approximately 40%, suggesting that the decreased methylation during rapid growth in Neurospora is not due to limiting SAM. DNA methylation continued to increase in a cys-3 mutant that had stopped growing due to methionine starvation, suggesting that methylation is not obligatorily coupled to DNA replication in Neurospora.  相似文献   

A C Codn  Y S Lee    V E Russo 《Nucleic acids research》1997,25(12):2409-2416
It has previously been reported that multiple copies of the hph gene integrated into the genome of Neurospora crassa are methylated at Hpa II sites (CCGG) during the vegetative life cycle of the fungus, while hph genes integrated as single copies are not methylated. Furthermore, methylation is correlated with silencing of the gene. We report here the methylation state of cytosine residues of the major part of the promoter region of the hph gene integrated into the genome of the multiple copy strain HTA5.7 during the vegetative stage of the life cycle. Cytosine methylation is sequence dependent, but the sequence specificity is complex and is different from the sequence specificity known for mammals and plants (CpG and CpNpG). The pattern of DNA methylation reported here is very different from that measured after meiosis in Neurospora or in Ascobulus . After the sexual cycle in those two fungi all the cytosines of multiple stretches of DNA are heavily methylated. This indicates that the still unknown methyltransferase in Neurospora has a different specificity in the sexual and the vegetative stages of the life cycle or that there are different methyltransferases. The pattern of methylation reported here is also different from the pattern of cytosine methylation of transgenes of Petunia , the only pattern published until now in plants that has DNA methylation at cytosines which are not in the canonical sequences CpG and CpNpG.  相似文献   

The mechanisms that establish DNA methylation in eukaryotes are poorly understood. In principle, methylation in a particular chromosomal region may reflect the presence of a "signal" that recruits methylation, the absence of a signal that prevents methylation, or both. Experiments were carried out to address these possibilities for the 1.6 kb zeta-eta (zeta-eta) region, a relict of repeat-induced point mutation (RIP) in the fungus Neurospora crassa. The zeta-eta region directs its own de novo methylation at a variety of chromosomal locations. We tested the methylation potential of a nested set of fragments with deletions from one end of the zeta-eta region, various internal fragments of this region, chimeras of eta and the homologous unmutated allele, theta (theta), and various synthetic variants, integrated precisely in single copy at the am locus on linkage group (LG) VR or the his-3 locus on LG IR. We found that: (1) the zeta-eta region contains at least two non-overlapping methylation signals; (2) different fragments of the region can induce different levels of methylation; (3) methylation induced by zeta-eta sequences can spread far into flanking sequences; (4) fragments as small as 171 bp can trigger methylation; (5) methylation signals behave similarly, but not identically, at different chromosomal sites; (6) mutation density, per se, does not determine whether sequences become methylated; and (7) neither A:T-richness nor high densities of TpA dinucleotides, typical attributes of methylated sequences in Neurospora, are essential features of methylation signals, but both promote de novo methylation. We conclude that de novo methylation of zeta-eta sequences does not simply reflect the absence of signals that prevent methylation; rather, the region contains multiple, positive signals that trigger methylation. These findings conflict with earlier models for the control of DNA methylation, including the simplest version of the collapsed chromatin model.  相似文献   

Redundant DNA of Neurospora crassa   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Approximately 20% of the DNA of Neurospora crassa consists of redundant sequences. This is calculated from the reassociation rate of fragmented, denatured DNA as measured by hydroxyapatite column chromatography. The redundant DNA has a complexity of 105 base pairs and a repetition frequency of up to 60 copies per genome. Its buoyant density in CsCl is 1.720 g/ml and its hypochromicity 20–24%. Base composition determination shows 54% GC content like Neurospora nuclear DNA. DNA-RNA hybridization studies indicate that rRNA and tRNA cistrons make up 2.3 and 1.2%, respectively, of the redundant fraction. Pulse-labeled RNA is shown to hybridize with both redundant and unique DNA fractions, suggesting that both fractions are transcribed.This work is supported by a grant from National Science Foundation (GB 8058) and National Institute of Health Research Career Development Award (K3GM31-238).  相似文献   

The process of hyphal fusion (anastomosis) in growing colonies of Neurospora crassa, stained with the membrane-selective dyes FM1-43 and FM4-64, was visualized by confocal microscopy. Time-lapse, live-cell imaging illustrated the dynamics of hyphal growth and anastomosis during its pre-contact, contact and post-contact, and post-fusion stages. Fusion-competent hyphae were morphologically distinct and exhibited remote sensing, resulting in branch initiation and/or re-direction of growth to facilitate contact between participating hyphae. A stained Spitzenk?rper was often observed where fusion-competent hyphae met. It is suggested that this structure contains secretory vesicles responsible for the delivery of cell adhesion molecules at the point of contact, cell wall synthesizing enzymes for the swelling growth of fused hyphal tips, and digestive enzymes required for fusion pore formation. Dramatic changes in cytoplasmic flow frequently occurred between the participating hyphae following fusion. After anastomosis has taken place, septa commonly formed close to the fusion site. The live-cell imaging reported here has clearly shown the complexity of the hyphal homing and fusion process. The control and consequences of repeated anastomoses within a mycelium must be as complex as the process itself.  相似文献   

Many filamentous fungi are capable of undergoing conspecific hyphal fusion with a genetically different individual to form a heterokaryon. However, the viability of such heterokaryons is dependent upon vegetative (heterokaryon) incompatibility (het) loci. If two individuals undergo hyphal anastomosis, but differ in allelic specificity at one or more het loci, the fusion cell is usually compartmentalized and self-destructs. Many of the microscopic features associated with vegetative incompatibility resemble apoptosis in metazoans and plants. To test the hypothesis whether vegetative incompatibility results in nuclear degradation, a characteristic of apoptosis, the cytology of hyphal fusions between incompatible Neurospora crassa strains that differed at three het loci, mat, het-c and het-6, and the cytology of transformants containing incompatible het-c alleles were examined using fluorescent DNA stains and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP-X nick end labeling (TUNEL). Hyphal fusion cells between het incompatible strains and hyphal segments in het-c incompatible transformants were compartmentalized by septal plugging and contained heavily degraded nuclear DNA. Hyphal fusion cells in compatible self-pairings and hyphal cells in het-c compatible transformants were not compartmentalized and rarely showed TUNEL-positive nuclei. Cell death events also were observed in senescent, older hyphae. Morphological features of hyphal compartmentation and death during vegetative incompatibility and the extent to which it is genetically controlled can best be described as a form of programmed cell death.  相似文献   

In conidia of Neurospora crassa germinating at 25°C, DNA synthesis measured by incorporation of tritiated adenosine reaches a maximum soon after the outgrowth of the germ tube (6–7h after inoculation). In conidia heat-treated at 46°C (for 15h), a maximum of incorporation of the DNA precursor occurs already 1h after inoculation, then the incorporation progressively declines until the end of the heat-shock. When such conidia are shifted to 25°C, a maximum of DNA synthesis occurs during the development of the presumptive conidiophore as at the outgrowth of normal germ tubes. This wave of DNA synthesis is followed by a second maximum of DNA synthesis, occurring only in the microcyclized cultures, when the premature differentiation of proconidia takes place. Prevention of this second wave of DNA synthesis with hydroxyurea or 5-fluorodeoxyuridine respectively reduces or fully inhibits such induced conidial differentiation.  相似文献   

Differential Gene Action in Neurospora crassa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

Isolation of telomere DNA from Neurospora crassa.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
The most distal known gene on Neurospora crassa linkage group VR, his-6, was cloned. A genomic walk resulted in isolation of the telomere at VR. It was obtained from a library in which the endmost nucleotides of the chromosome had not been removed by nuclease treatment before being cloned, and mapping indicates that the entire chromosome end has probably been cloned. Sequences homologous to the terminal 2.5 kilobases of DNA from VR from these Oak Ridge N. crassa strains are found at other sites in the genome. To characterize these sites, I crossed an Oak Ridge-derived his-6 strain with a wild-type strain of different genetic background (Mauriceville) and characterized the hybridization patterns seen in the progeny. It appears that the sequences homologous to the VR terminus are found at genetically different sites in the two parental strains, and no hybridization to the VR telomere from Mauriceville was detected. The other genomic copies identified in the Oak Ridge parent were not telomeres. I suggest that any repeating sequence blocks found immediately adjacent to the VR terminus in Oak Ridge strains must be small and that the repeating element identified in that background may be an N. crassa transposable element integrated near the the chromosome end at VR.  相似文献   

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