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Summary A field experiment was conducted at Agricultural Research Institute, Dholi during Rabi 1976–77 in sandy loam soil to study the interaction between zinc and potash in wheat. Zinc and potash were applied to the soil in the form of ZnSO4 and KCl respectively. Interaction between zinc and potash was found significant. Both the levels of zinc sulphate 12.5 kg/ha and 25 kg/ha being at par produced significantly higher grain yield over control. There was significant increase in grain yield with application of 40 kg and 80 K2O/ha over control. Potash at the rate of 120 kg in combination with 25 kg Zinc sulphate/ha decreased the yield.  相似文献   

Zinc fertilizer placement affects zinc content in maize plant   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Background and aims

Adequate zinc (Zn) in maize (Zea mays L.) is required for obtaining Zn-enriched grain and optimum yield. This study investigated the impact of varying Zn fertilizer placements on Zn accumulation in maize plant.


Two pot experiments with same design were conducted to investigate the effect of soil Zn heterogeneity by mixing ZnSO4·7H2O (10 mg Zn kg?1 soil on an average) in 10–15, 0–15, 25–30, 0–30, 30–60 and 0–60 cm soil layers on maize root growth and shoot Zn content at flowering stage in experiment-1, and assessing effects on grain Zn accumulation at mature stage in experiment-2.


In experiment-1, Zn placements created a large variation in soil DTPA-Zn concentration (0.3–29.0 mg kg?1), which induced a systemic and positive response of root growth within soil layers of 0–30 cm; and shoot Zn content was increased by 102 %–305 % depending on Zn placements. Supply capacity of Zn in soil, defined as sum of product of soil DTPA-Zn concentration and root surface area at different soil layers, was most related to shoot Zn content (r?=?0.82, P?<?0.001) via direct and indirect effects according to path analysis. In experiment-2, Zn placements increased grain Zn concentration by up to 51 %, but significantly reduced the grain Zn harvest index from 50 % by control to about 30 % in average.


Matching the distribution of soil applied Zn with root by Zn placement was helpful to maximize shoot Zn content and grain Zn concentration in maize.  相似文献   

Wheat and maize were grown in a growth chamber with the atmospheric CO2 continuously labelled with 14C to study the translocation of assimilated carbon to the rhizosphere. Two different N levels in soil were applied. In maize 26–34% of the net assimilated 14C was translocated below ground, while in wheat higher values (40–58%) were found. However, due to the much higher shoot production in maize the total amount of carbon translocated below ground was similar to that of wheat. At high N relatively more of the C that was translocated to the root, was released into the soil due to increased root respiration and/or root exudation and subsequent microbial utilization and respiration. The evolution rate of unlabelled CO2 from the native soil organic matter decreased after about 25 days when wheat was grown at high N as compared to low N. This negative effect of high N in soil was not observed with maize.  相似文献   

In forest ecosystems, the silicon (Si) mass-balance at the watershed scale can be strongly influenced by readily soluble Si components, such as dissolved Si, adsorbed Si, amorphous silica (biogenic and pedogenic opal) and short-range ordered aluminosilicates. The aim of the present study is to (a) identify the components of the readily soluble Si pool in the Cambisol found below three tree species, under homogeneous soil and climate conditions, and (b) study the impact of Si recycling by tree species on the Si pools. We therefore measured the concentrations of Si extracted by Na2CO3 (Sialk), oxalate (Siox) and CaCl2. The Sialk concentration decreased from the humus layer to 15 cm depth and then slightly increased until a depth of 75 cm. In the humus layer, the Sialk concentration consisted mainly of phytoliths and differed significantly between tree species (expressed as mg SiO2 g-1): Douglas fir (14.5?±?0.65) > European beech (11.8?±?0.30) > Black pine (5.4?±?0.31). Below 7.5 cm, the Sialk content did not differ significantly between tree species, and the Siox content, increasing significantly, was mainly comprised of Si adsorbed onto amorphous Fe oxides. These results suggest that (a) tree species can impact the readily soluble Si content in the topsoil, through different rates of Si uptake and phytolith restitution by the vegetation, and (b) the soil’s readily soluble Si pool is mainly comprised of phytoliths and adsorbed Si. Here, the readily soluble Si pool is thus controlled by both the iron dynamics and Si biocycling.  相似文献   

In situimmunolocalization and Western blot analysis of separatedcellular and subcellular fractions, were used to determine thelocalization of different isoforms of NADP-malic enzyme in bothwheat (C3) and maize (C4) plants. In both techniques, an affinitypurified anti-(maize 62 kDa NADP-ME) lgG from the maize greenleaf isoform also reacted with a 72 kDa protein in tissues ofC4 plants as well as C3 plants. The light- inducible 62 kDaisofomi is located in bundle sheath chioroplasts of maize leaves.In etiolated leaves and in roots of maize there is evidencefor the occurrence of a 72 kDa isoform which co-migrates on2-D (SDS and isoelectric focusing) PAGE. The 72 kDa isoformis also present in low levels in green leaves. This form mayoccur in multiple intracellular compartments; but in situ immunolocalizationexperiments and Western blot and activity assays on fractionatedprotoplasts indicate that a significant amount of this isoformoccurs in plastids. With regards to C3 plants such as wheat,a 72 kDa isoform in leaves is largely confined to the chloroplastsbased on in situ immunolocalization and Western blots and enzymeactivity assays with fractionated protoplasts. In maize, itappears that the constitutive expression pattern of a possibleC3 ancestral gene for NADP-malic enzyme has been maintained,and a high level expression of a light-inducible isoform locatedin bundle sheath chloroplasts (62 kDa) has been acquired duringits evolution. Key words: NADP-malic enzyme, Triticum aestivum, Zea mays  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizas modify plant responses to soil zinc addition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zinc deficiency is one of the most commonly reported plant and human nutrient deficiencies worldwide. Conversely, Zn is also a common environmental contaminant, significantly reducing plant growth. These contrasting effects of Zn on plant growth and nutrition have been the focus of a considerable number of studies; however, most studies focus on plant responses to soil Zn concentration under either deficient or toxic concentrations, but not both. The formation of arbuscular mycorrhizas (AM) can increase plant Zn uptake under low soil Zn concentrations, and on the other hand, ‘protect’ plants against excessive Zn accumulation under high soil Zn conditions. Here we report the findings of an experiment in which we studied the response of AM formed by tomatoes under low, medium and high soil Zn conditions. To control for the formation of AM in this study we used a mycorrhiza defective tomato mutant and its mycorrhizal wildtype progenitor. While mycorrhizal colonization was not significantly impacted by soil Zn addition, the growth of plants and tissue Zn concentrations were. Together these data highlight the complex interactions between AM and Zn, and the utility of a genotypic approach for studying AM in this context.  相似文献   

Leece  D. R. 《Plant and Soil》1976,44(2):481-486
Summary Physiologically inactive zinc occurred in the tops of both zinc-inefficient and zinc-efficient maize cultivars when grown in pots on a black earth soil. The condition was not caused by P/Zn, Fe/Zn, Cu/Zn or Mn/Zn imbalances, but was associated with marginally deficient boron levels. Phosphorus fertilization intensified the condition producing a P/Zn imbalance in both cultivars, possibly combined with a Cu/Zn imbalance in the inefficient cultivar and Fe/Zn, Cu/Zn and Mn/Zn imbalances in the efficient cultivar. Plant analysis was inadequate as a measure of zinc deficiency under these conditions.  相似文献   

The critical value of soil Olsen-P is the point above which the probability of crop yield response to fertilizer P is small or nil. Determining this critical value is fundamental when making appropriate P fertilizer recommendations. In this study, the critical values were determined for continuous maize (Zea mays L.)-winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cropping systems from a 15-year field experiment across three sites in China using linear-linear, linear-plateau and Mitscherlich models. The mean critical values for maize using the three models ranged from 12.1 to 17.3 mg P kg?1 (average 15.3 mg P kg?1) and for winter wheat from 12.5 to 19.0 mg P kg?1 (average 16.3 mg P kg?1) among study sites. The mean critical value for maize was approximately 7% lower than that for winter wheat across all sites based on the three models. Critical values identified by the Mitscherlich model were 1.4 to 2.1 times those from linear-linear and 1.3 to 1.9 times of those from linear-plateau and were crop and site dependent. There was a significant negative correlation (P?<?0.05) between the mean critical value from the three models and the observed P uptake by either maize or wheat. Our study shows that the critical values can vary with sites, crops and models used, and thus caution should be taken when selecting the most appropriate one when making P fertilizer recommendations for agronomic return and to minimize chances of negative environment impact from overfertilization.  相似文献   

Effects of zinc [0 and 5.0 mg Zn kg−1 (soil)] on photosynthetic rate (PN), and chlorophyll fluorescence in leaves of maize (Zea mays L.) cv. Zhongdan 9409 seedlings grown under different soil moisture regimes (40–45 % and 70–75 % of soil saturated water content) were studied. Zn application did not enhance maize plant adaptation to drought stress. The relative water content and the water potential of leaves were not affected by Zn treatment. Moreover, The PN of drought-stressed plants was not improved by Zn supply. The increases of plant biomass, stomatal conductance and quantum yield of photosystem 2 due to Zn addition were notable in well-watered plants.  相似文献   

Mixed cultivation of crops often results in increased production per unit land area, but the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. Plants in intercrops grow differently from plants in single crops; however, no study has shown the association between plant plastic responses and the yield advantage. Here, we assessed the productivity of wheat–maize intercropping as compared to sole wheat and sole maize, and the associated differences in wheat shoot and leaf traits. In two field experiments, intercrop wheat and maize were both grown in alternating strips consisting of six rows of wheat and two rows of maize. The traits of wheat plants in border rows of the strips were compared to the traits of plants in the inner rows as well as those in sole wheat. Leaf development, chlorophyll concentration and azimuth, as well as the final leaf and ear sizes, tiller dynamics of wheat and yield components of both crops were determined. The relative densities of wheat and maize in the intercrop were 0.33 and 0.67, respectively, but the corresponding relative yields compared to the respective monocultures were 0.46 for wheat and 0.77 for maize. Compared to wheat plants in the inner rows of the intercrop strips as well as in the monoculture, border‐row wheat plants in the intercrop strips had (a) more tillers owing to increased tiller production and survival, and thus more ears, (b) larger top leaves on the main stem and tillers, (c) higher chlorophyll concentration in leaves, (d) greater number of kernels per ear and (e) smaller thousand‐grain weight. Grain yield per metre row length of border‐row wheat was 141% higher than the sole wheat, and was 176% higher than the inner‐row wheat. The results demonstrate the importance of plasticity in architectural traits for yield advantage in multispecies cropping systems.  相似文献   

Biochar is a promising amendment to promote cadmium (Cd) sorption and fixation in agricultural soil, where microplastics are emerging contaminants in soil. Herein, a greenhouse pot experiment was conducted to elucidate the effects on Cd availability in a soil–plant system by biochar and fresh/aged microplastics application. The fresh microplastics led to an obvious increase in soil Cd availability and Cd uptake by wheat plant, while the aged microplastics increased the available Cd in soil but had no effect on Cd uptake by wheat plant, which was likely attributed to the blocking effect of the aged microplastics on Cd transportation from the soil to the wheat plant. Unexpectedly, biochar had increased Cd availability and Cd uptake. The increased soil soluble Cd was because of both decreased soil pH and elevated dissolved organic matter (DOM) content resulted by biochar addition. Also, the unchanged Cd adsorption of the soil was likely responsible for the increased tested soil Cd availability. In addition, the combined effects of a greater decrease in soil pH, an increase in soil DOM content, and a reduction in Cd adsorption after the addition of microplastics to biochar-amended soil resulted in a significant increase (ranging from 2.63% to 47.73%) in Cd availability compared to soil treated with biochar alone. Moreover, fresh microplastics inhibited wheat growth, and greater inhibition effect was observed for their aged ones. The biochar elevated the wheat biomass; however, the coexistence of microplastics and biochar decreased the wheat plant biomass compared with biochar alone, due to the negative influence of microplastics in plant growth.  相似文献   

锌在红树植物白骨壤-土壤系统中的分布与迁移   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
河口海湾沉积物中锌的污染已对水生生物构成了潜在的威胁.本研究在温室中建立红树植物白骨壤的模拟湿地系统,分别用不同浓度的人工配置污水和人工海水(对照)每周定时、定量地对模拟湿地系统进行为期1年的污灌试验,研究污水中的重金属锌在红树植物白骨壤-土壤系统中的分布、累积与迁移规律.结果表明,由人工污水加入模拟系统中的锌主要存留在土壤中(大于67%),只有一小部分(1.24%~10.4%)迁移到植物体和凋落物中,即白骨壤-土壤系统对生活污水中的锌具有较强的净化作用.根据物质平衡模型进行的计算表明,土壤子系统中锌的环境容量较大.  相似文献   

A growth chamber study was conducted to evaluate the effect of application of phosphate fertilizer on soil solution dynamics of cadmium (Cd) and Cd accumulation in durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum). Treatments consisted of three phosphate fertilizer sources containing 3.4, 75.2, and 232 mg Cd kg?1 applied at three rates (20, 40 and 80 mg P kg?1) plus a no fertilization control. An unplanted treatment at 40 mg P kg?1 was included to separate the effects on soil solution Cd dynamics of the crop from that of the fertilizer. Soil solution samples were obtained using soil moisture samplers every 10 days after germination. The experimental results indicated that plant biomass significantly increased with P application rates and decreased with increased Cd concentration in the phosphate fertilizers. Total cadmium concentration in soil solution was not consistently affected by phosphate fertilization rate and fertilizer sources, and therefore Cd concentration in the fertilizer. Application of phosphate fertilizer, however, increased the concentration and accumulation of Cd and shoot Cd/Zn ratio, and decreased shoot Zn concentration in durum wheat. Phosphate sources had a marginally significant effect (P?=?0.05) on shoot Cd concentration and did not affect Cd accumulation in durum wheat. Concentration of Cd in soil solution was unrelated to Cd concentration in durum wheat. These results suggest that the immediate increase in Cd concentration and Cd accumulation in durum wheat with phosphate application is due more to competition between Zn and Cd for absorption into plants, enhanced root to shoot translocation and enhanced root development, than to a direct addition effect from Cd contained in phosphate fertilizer. In the short term, application of phosphate fertilizers can increase Cd concentration in the crops, regardless of the Cd concentration of the fertilizer. An optimal P fertilization, possibly in combination with Zn application, may offer an important strategy for decreasing Cd concentration and accumulation in crops.  相似文献   

The effects of constant soil moisture levels of 90, 60 and 40% of the maximum capillary capacity, applied beginning from the planting of the germinated kernels, on the dynamics of the foliage development of maize was studied in relation to ontogenical changes in leaf area of individual leaves. There were two maxima in the growth of total leaf area (characterized by leaf area duration and loaf area relative growth rate) unrelated to the soil mositure. The first maximum which was less marked, appeared in the phase of 5–8 leaves, the second and main increase being observed before flowering in the phase of 10–12 leaves. The effects of continued decrease in soil moisture were a correspondingly progressive reduction in leaf area and delayed development of the whole plants. Plants with 60% soil moisture attained the same leaf area as those with 90% but only after the end of the vegetative phase. The greatest differences in rate of development between watering treatments appeared at the time of greatest increase in leaf area of control plants. Continued decrease in soil moisture markedly affected the development of the leaves at different insertion levels (especially in elder leaves). Clear-cut prolongation of ontogenesis took place under dry conditions. In conditions of higher soil moisture growth was rather limited or stopped after reaching a certain maximum.  相似文献   

The relationship between soil K supply, characterised by the soil solution K concentration and the soil K buffer power, and plant K status was investigated for field grown crops. The study was carried out in 15 K fertilisation trials with maize and wheat covering a wide range of agricultural soils and K level. Soil K buffer power was obtained through sorption–desorption curves. For each trial the critical K concentration in the soil solution was deduced from the relationship between the K concentration in the soil solution and the K concentration in shoot tissue water, which was considered as a relevant indicator of the plant K status. At sufficient K levels, the maximal K concentration in the shoot tissue water of maize (145 mM) was lower than that of wheat (175 mM) but the percentages of the critical K concentration in plant tissue water to this maximal K concentration were similar for the two plant species with an average of 75%. The critical K concentration in the soil solution varied between soils. However, a close correlation was found between the critical K concentration in soil solution and the inverse of the soil buffer power at this concentration (r 2=0.981) or the inverse of the square of buffer power (r 2=0.989). On a wide range of soils and field conditions, these two indicators were more able to account for K availability and plant response than exchangeable K content or K saturation ratio of the CEC.  相似文献   

The effect of soil salinity and soil moisture on the growth and yield of maxipak wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was studied in a lath-house experiment in whih, chloride-sulphate salt mixtures were used to artificially salinize a sandy loam soil from Al-Jadyriah Baghdad. Five soil salinity levels of ECe's equal to 1.7 (Control) 4.2, 5.8, 8.1, 9.4 and 11.0dSm–1 were prepared and used at 3 levels of available soil moisture depletion, namely, 25, 50, and 75% as determined by weight. Both growth (vegetative) and yield components were studied throughout the growing season.Results showed that increasing the soil salinity from 1.7 to 11.0 dSm–1, and decreasing the available soil water from 75 to 25% resulted in independent and significant decreases in Mazipak wheat growth and yield components at different stages of plant development. Root growth showed more sensitivity to both available soil water and soil salinity level than other components. It has been concluded that at soil salinity levels of more than 8.0 dSm–1, available soil water became a limiting factor on wheat growth and the maintenance of 75% of available soil water during the growth period is recommended to obtain satisfactory grain yield.  相似文献   

Maize (Zea mays var. Caldera) plants were grown under sterile and not sterile conditions in soil in an atmosphere continuously enriched with 14CO2 for 36 days. At harvest the above ground parts of the maize were cut off and the roots were separated from the soil by washing with water. The soil was dispersed using ultrasonics and separated into soluble clay silt and sand fraction. Roots were included in the coarse sand fraction. 25% of the total label present in the soil 5.5% of that in the soil-plant system, was water soluble. Very little label was present in the clay and silt fractions (5% in each) and most (65%) was in the sand fraction as root material.Rapid extraction of soil after the removal of roots without ultrasonic treatment released soluble matter which amounted to <0.5% of the total activity in the soil-plant system.Isolated roots steeped in water released about 18% of their activity. Much of the soluble fraction may therefore be root lysate.The soil and roots accounted for 22% of the total activity in the soil-plant system. Glucose accounted for 89% of the sugars in the soluble fraction of the soil.78% or more of the 14C present in glucose, arabinose and xylose constituents of the root-soil mixture occurred in the coarse and fine sand fractions, which also included root material. For mannose and galactose the value was 70% and for rhamnose, 50%.After reinoculation of the soil-root mixture and decomposition for 56 weeks, the water soluble material obtained on fractionation of the soil decreased to less than 1% of the total activity. A much greater proportion, 25%, was present in the clay fraction as a result of decomposition.  相似文献   

Many of the world’s soils are zinc (Zn) deficient. Consequently, many crops experience reduced growth, yield and tissue Zn concentrations. Reduced concentrations of Zn in the edible portions of crops have important implications for human Zn nutrition; this is a cause of global concern. Most terrestrial plant species form arbuscular mycorrhizas (AM) with a relatively limited number of specialized soil fungi. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) can take up nutrients, including Zn, and transfer them to the plant, thereby enhancing plant nutrition. Under high soil Zn concentrations the formation of AM can also ‘protect’ against the accumulation of Zn in plant tissues to high concentrations. Here, a short review focusing on the role of AM in enhancing plant Zn nutrition, principally under low soil Zn concentrations, is presented. Effects of Zn on the colonisation of roots by AMF, direct uptake of Zn by AMF, the role of AM in the Zn nutrition of field grown plants, and emerging aspects of Zn molecular physiology of AM, are explored. Emergent knowledge gaps are identified and discussed in the context of potential future research.  相似文献   

Erenoglu  B.  Cakmak  I.  Römheld  V.  Derici  R.  Rengel  Z. 《Plant and Soil》1999,209(2):245-252
Effect of zinc (Zn) nutritional status on uptake of inorganic 65Zn was studied in rye (Secale cereale, cv. Aslim), three bread wheat (Triticum aestivum, cvs. Dagdas, Bezostaja, BDME-10) and durum wheat (Triticum durum, cv. Kunduru-1149) cultivars grown for 13 days in nutrient solution under controlled environmental conditions. The cultivars were selected based on their response to Zn deficiency and to Zn fertilization in calcareous soils under field conditions. When grown in Zn-deficient calcareous soil in the field, the rye cultivar had the highest, and the durum wheat the lowest Zn efficiency. Among the bread wheats, BDME-10 showed higher susceptibility to Zn deficiency and Bezostaja and Dagdas were less affected by Zn deficiency. Similarly to field conditions, in nutrient solution visual Zn deficiency symptoms (i.e. necrotic lesions on leaf blade) appeared to be more severe in Kunduru-1149 and BDME-10 and less severe in rye cultivar Aslim. Under Zn deficiency, shoot concentrations of Zn were similar between all cultivars. Cultivars with adequate Zn supply did not differ in uptake and root-to-shoot translocation rate of 65Zn, but under Zn deficiency there were distinct differences; rye showed the highest rate of Zn uptake and the durum wheat the lowest. In the case of bread wheat cultivars, 65Zn uptake rate was about the same and not related to their differential Zn efficiency. Under Zn deficiency, rye had the highest rate of root-to-shoot translocation of 65Zn, while all bread and durum wheat cultivars were similar in their capacity to translocate 65Zn from roots to shoots. When Zn2+ activity in uptake solution ranged between 117 p M and 34550 pM, Zn-efficient and Zn-inefficient bread wheat genotypes were again similar in uptake and root-to-shoot translocation rate of 65Zn. The results indicate that high Zn efficiency of rye can be attributed to its greater Zn uptake capacity from soils. The inability of the durum wheat cultivar Kunduru-1149 to have a high Zn uptake capacity seems to be an important reason for its Zn inefficiency. Differential Zn efficiency between the bread wheat cultivars used in this study is not related to their capacity to take up inorganic Zn. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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