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Field evaluation of water transport in grape berries during water deficits   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The net flow in vascular and transpirational components of the grape berry water budget was evaluated during water deficits imposed at different stages of fruit development. Diurnal fluctuations in berry diameter were measured on field-grown grapevines ( Vitis vinifera L. cv. Cabernet Sauvignon) by using electronic displacement transducers. Water deficits were imposed by withholding irrigation, and water potentials of mid-shoot leaves, basal stem xylem and clusters were determined with a pressure chamber. The relative net flows through pedicel xylem and phloem and through berry transpiration were estimated pre-veraison and post-veraison. The xylem functioned nearly exclusively in providing net inflow pre-veraison, while the phloem was clearly dominant post-veraison. Accordingly, the amplitude of diurnal contraction was markedly smaller post-veraison than pre-veraison. The amplitude of diurnal contraction increased dramatically with decreasing plant water status pre-veraison, yet exhibited little sensitivity to low vine water status post-veraison. Measurements of the difference in water potential between clusters and source stems did not provide evidence of a gradient that would elicit significant water movement from the cluster to the stem at any time of the day. This was true for both irrigated and non-irrigated vines, although the non-irrigated vines exhibited a smaller gradient favoring inflow throughout much of the day. The gradient for xylem water transport to the cluster was considerably smaller post-veraison than pre-veraison. The results showed that berry transpiration functioned as the primary pathway for water loss both pre- and post-veraison.  相似文献   

Soil and plant resistance to water flow under field conditions in pea (Pisum sativum L.) plants were measured at six ages. Transpiration flux, leaf and soil water potentials were used to calculate the total resistance to water flow using the Ohm's law analogy. Plant resistance was estimated from the slope of the water potential difference () vs. transpiration (Q) relationship. Plant growth, root density and soil water content distribution were measured. Leaf area and root length both increased until the end of seed filling and decreased during seed maturation. Total resistance decreased with the transpiration flux in a non-linear relationship. Plant resistance estimated as the slope of the vs. Q regression line increased until pod filling and then decreased. The increased resistance to water flow during pod filling was associated with a 10% increase in cell wall thickness.  相似文献   

To dissect differences in both lipid accumulation and composition and the role of these modifications during drought stress, four grapevine cultivars exhibiting differential tolerance to drought were subjected to water shortage. Tolerant cultivars, Kahli Kerkennah and Cardinal, exhibited higher leaf water potential (Ψw), and lower lipid peroxidation compared to the sensitive cultivars Guelb Sardouk and Superior Seedless during stress. Total lipid amounts increased during stress only in the leaves of the tolerant cultivars. Drought induced increases in the ratios digalactosyldiacylglycerol/monogalactosyldiacylglycerol and phosphatidylcholine/phoshatidylethanolamine of almost all the drought stressed cultivars. Moreover, the overall analysis of the composition of fatty acids revealed that a linolenic acid was prevalent in grapevine and the unsaturation level of lipids increased under water stress in all the cultivars. Specific adjustments in the lipid composition during stress could compromise stress tolerance.  相似文献   

A comparison of photosynthetic characteristics of 20 cultivars of grapevine ( Vitis vinifera L. ) from Mallorca (Balearic Islands, Spain) and two widespread cultivars, Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay, was made under irrigation as well as in response to drought. Although these cultivars share a common origin, a high variability was found for several photosynthetic characters under irrigation. Interestingly, these variations were significant for gas-exchange parameters (net CO2 assimilation, stomatal conductance and intrinsic water use efficiency) but not for chlorophyll fluorescence parameters (maximum photochemical efficiency, electron transport rate and non-photochemical quenching). Since water stress is the most limiting factor for plant production under the Mediterranean climate, it is presumable that these findings reflect specific selection pressures over physiological characteristics related to a balance between net carbon gain and water use. Some cultivars presented high carbon assimilation at the expense of a high water loss, whereas others were water savers, accompanied by low CO2 assimilation even under irrigation. Escursach was found to be an interesting cultivar, presenting low water consumption at the same time as reasonably high carbon assimilation. These cultivars also showed different responses to drought, which allowed their classification in two main groups: alarmist cultivars, which showed strong reductions of stomatal conductance in response to relatively low decreases of leaf water potential, and luxurious cultivars, showing low reductions of stomatal conductance under water stress.  相似文献   

An in vivo experimental system-called the 'berry-cup' technique-was developed to study sugar phloem unloading and the accumulation of sugar in ripening grape berries. The berry-cup system consists of a single peeled grape berry immersed in a buffer solution in a cup prepared from a polypropylene syringe. A small cross-incision (2 mm in length) is made on the stylar remnant of a berry during its ripening phase, the skin of the berry then being easily peeled off, exposing the dorsal vascular bundles without damaging either these or the pulp tissue of the berry. The sites of sugar phloem unloading are thus made directly accessible and may be regulated by the buffer solution. In addition, the unloaded photoassimilates are easily transported into the buffer solution in the berry-cup. With the berry-cup technique, it takes 60 min to purge the sugar already present in the apoplast, after which the amount of sugar in the buffer solution is a direct measure of the sugar unloading from the grape berry phloem. The optimum times for sampling were 20 or 30 min, depending on the type of experiment. Sugar phloem unloading was significantly inhibited by the inclusion of either 7.5 mm NaF or 2.5 mm PCMB in the buffer solution. This study indicates that sugar phloem unloading in ripening grape berries is via the apoplastic network and that the process requires the input of energy. The system was shown to be an appropriate experimental system with which to study sugar phloem unloading in ripening grape berries, and was applied successfully to the study of berry sugar unloaded from grapevines subjected to water stress. The results showed that water deficiency inhibits sugar unloading in grape berries.  相似文献   

14CO2 evolution from l(+)-tartrate-[U-14C] in grape leaves was observed confirming the dissimilation of tartrate. 30 sec after the administration of l(+)-tartrate-[U-14C], 3 compounds were found to contain 14C. Two of them were identified as monethyl tartrate and malate by chromatographic and MS studies. It is suggested that the 14CO2 evolved is derived from malate-[U-14C] which is metabolically formed from l(+)-tartrate-[U-14C], and that monoethyl tartrate is not an intermediate for the conversion to malate.  相似文献   

The role of leaf in regulation of root and shoot growths in single node softwood cuttings of grape (Vitis vinifera) was characterised. Leafy cuttings showed early rooting, vigorous root growth and subsequent shoot development. Defoliation at planting induced early sprouting, but adversely affected rooting and decreased the survival of cuttings irrespective of pre‐planting treatment with 100 μM indole 3‐acetic acid (IAA). Treatment with IAA did not affect the percent rooting of leafy cuttings but increased root and shoot growth. Leaf weight (wt) and leaf area of the cuttings showed a highly significant correlation to root wt of the new plant at 4 wk after planting, while cutting stem + petiole wt was either not or less significantly correlated to root and shoot weights of the subsequent plant. The greater the area or wt of leaf, the better the root and shoot growths, implying that leaf contributed to adventitious root growth. However, retaining the leaf for just 2 days was enough to stimulate rooting in more than 80% of the cuttings, suggesting that leaf tissue could also induce root formation. Root growth increased with the period of leaf retention but leaf removal before 3 wk triggered sprouting leading to high mortality in rooted cuttings. Bringing the leaf closer to the rooting zone by preparing leaf at base (LAB) cuttings delayed rooting and sprouting compared with the standard leaf at top (LAT) cuttings. An inhibitory effect on rooting and sprouting by the exposed upper internode region in LAB cuttings is suggested.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The kiwifruit berry is characterized by an early stage of rapid growth, followed by a relatively long stage of slow increase in size. Vascular and transpiration flows are the main processes through which water and carbon enter/exit the fruit, determining the daily and seasonal changes in fruit size. This work investigates the biophysical mechanisms underpinning the change in fruit growth rate during the season.


The daily patterns of phloem, xylem and transpiration in/outflows have been determined at several stages of kiwifruit development, during two seasons. The different flows were quantified by comparing the diurnal patterns of diameter change of fruit, which were then girdled and subsequently detached while measurements continued. The diurnal courses of leaf and stem water potential and of fruit pressure potential were also monitored at different times during the season.

Key Results

Xylem and transpiration flows were high during the first period of rapid volume growth and sharply decreased with fruit development. Specific phloem import was lower and gradually decreased during the season, whereas it remained constant at whole-fruit level, in accordance with fruit dry matter gain. On a daily basis, transpiration always responded to vapour pressure deficit and contributed to the daily reduction of fruit hydrostatic pressure. Xylem flow was positively related to stem-to-fruit pressure potential gradient during the first but not the last part of the season, when xylem conductivity appeared to be reduced.


The fruit growth model adopted by this species changes during the season due to anatomical modifications in the fruit features.  相似文献   

During a survey for natural enemies of thegrape berry moth (GBM) Endopiza viteana(Clemens) in northwestern Pennsylvania, wefound that Trichogramma minutum Riley isthe only native egg parasitoid with thepotential to limit berry damage by preventingegg hatch. Natural parasitism, however, wasfound to be unreliable for providing economicpest suppression. Early season populations ofthe parasitoid are extremely low and may be theresult of inadequate alternative host eggs foroverwintering. Also, wild grapes and theirwooded habitats were found to be favored byT. minutum. Parasitism was low incultivated grapes and in wild grapes growingclose to commercial vineyards (possibly due tothe deterrent effect of insecticides) andhighest in sites 1.5 km from commercialvineyards. Adult T. minutum emergingfrom GBM eggs were exceptionally small andshowed little vigor. Parasitized eggs oftenfailed to produce adult parasitoids. Pre-adults in such eggs had poorly formed mouth-parts or lacked them altogether. Inundativereleases of laboratory-reared T. minutumin border rows of vineyards are suggested as apossible alternative to the current practice ofapplying carbamate and organophosphateinsecticides, which are inimical to beneficialarthropods.  相似文献   

Laboratory and field investigations were undertaken to evaluate the effect of winter mortality on subsequent infestation levels of the grape berry moth (GBM), Endopiza viteana (Clemens) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Supercooling points (SCP) were used as a measure of the minimum survivable temperature for GBM pupae. The SCP of winter forms (diapausing) from a laboratory colony averaged –25.2 °C in December, –24.3 °C in March, and –24.0 °C in April. When diapausing pupae from a laboratory colony were placed in the field from December to March, the SCP averaged –23.3 °C. The SCP of summer forms from a laboratory colony averaged –21.6 °C in March. Significant levels of mortality (ca. 80%) of diapausing GBM pupae were observed after 24 h at –21 °C. Comparable mortality occurred after 1-week at –15 °C. Eighty-four percent of diapausing pupae survived for 8-months at 3 °C; non diapausing pupae suffered high levels of mortality (ca. 60%) after only 7-days at 3 °C. Field survival of diapausing pupae were significantly greater at soil level than 1-meter above the soil. Pupal survival was greater at 75% r.h. than at 0% or ambient r.h.. In 1986–1987 and 1987–1988, pupae covered with snow or leaf-litter had higher of survival than exposed pupae although these differences were only statistically significant in 1986–1987. The above findings are discussed within the context of potential implications to management strategies for GBM.
Zusammenfassung Labor und Freilandversuche wurden unternommen um den potenziellen Einfluss von Wintersterben auf subsequenten Wurmbefall des nordamerikanischen Traubenwicklers Endopiza viteana (Clemens) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) auszuwerten. Die niedrigste Temperatur wobei Puppen ueberleben konnten ist durch Ueberkuehlungstemperaturen der Puppen gemessen worden. Fuer das ueberwinternde Stadium (in Diapause) einer Laborkolonie lag diese Temperatur durchschnittlich bei minus 25.2 °C in Dezember, minus 24.3 °C in Maerz, und minus 24.0 °C in April. Der Ueberkuehlungspunkt lag um minus 23.3 °C im Durchschnitt fuer Laborkolonie Puppen die waehrend der Diapause von Dezember bis Maerz im Freiland ausgesetzt wurden. Der Ueberkuehlungspunkt von Sommerstadien von der gleichen Kolonie lag im Vergleich um minus 21.6 °C im Maerz. Signifikante Sterblichkeit (um 80%) der Traubenwicklerpuppen wurde bemerkt nach 24 Stunden bei minus 21 °C. Vergleichbar war die Sterblichkeit nach einer Woche bei minus 15 °C. Nach 8 Monaten bei 3 °C ueberlebten 84% der Puppen in Diapause; 60% der Puppen nicht in Diapause starben nach 7 Tage bei 3 °C. Das Ueberlebensprozent diapausierender Puppen im Freien war signifikant hoeher auf der Erdoberflaeche als fuer die 1 m ueber der Oberflaeche. Mehr Puppen ueberlebten bei 75% relativer Luftfeuchtigkeit als bei 0% oder umgebender Luftfeuchtigkeit. In 1986–1987 und 1987–1988 Puppen die mit Schnee oder Laub bedeckt waren, ueberlebten prozentual mehr als die ohne jedes Bedeckungsmaterial. Die Ergebnisse werden im Kontext ihrer potenzieller Verwendung fuer Kontrolle des Traubenwicklers diskutiert.

Hypothesizing that seed abortion in stenospermocarpic grapes (Vitis vinifera L.) is caused by high gibberellin levels in the seed during the first stages of its development, we studied the effect of gibberellic acid GA3 and uniconazol (a GAs biosynthesis inhibitor) on this phenomenon. In vitro germination was analyzed in the seedless cultivars Emperatriz and Perlon, which were treated with 60 and 120 mg.-l 1 uniconazol (5 and 15 days before bloom) and 100 mg.-l 1 GA3 (5 days after bloom). In addition, endogenous levels of free gibberellins in flowers and seeds of Emperatriz and Perlon were compared with their seedeed progenitor Emperador. Clusters were harvested at bloom and 20 days after bloom for gibberellin analysis and at commercial maturity for in vitro culture of the seeds. Considerable gibberellin activity was found in the three cultivars, but only small differences were detected between the seedless and the seeded genotypes. Exogenous applications of GA3 had a deleterious effect on seed growth and on in vitro germination. Uniconazol also inhibited in vitro germination, though not affecting the total number of germinating embryos plus those rescued from non-germinating seeds. In conclusion, gibberellins do not appear to be directly involved in seed abortion of the stenospermocarpic cultivars Emperatriz and Perlon, although their participation in a more complex scenario should not be rejected, taking into account that in Perlon germination rates are positively correlated with the number of clusters per plant. Treatments with growth regulators also modified berry number per cluster, berry weight and rachis morphology. Finally, the plant source was a determinant affecting germination rates in vitro.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to determine soil and plant resistance to water flow in faba bean under field conditions during the growing season. During each sampling period transpiration flux and leaf water potential measured hourly were used with daily measurements of root and soil water potential to calculate total resistance using Ohm's law analogy. Plant growth, root density and soil water content distributions with depth were measured. Leaf area and root length per plant reached their maximum value during flowering and pod setting (0.31 m2 and 2200 m, respectively), then decreasing until the end of the growing period. Root distribution decreased with depth ranging, on average, between 34.2% (in the 0–0.25 m soil layer) and 18.1% (in the 0.75–1.0 m soil layer). Mean root diameter was 0.6 mm but most of the roots were less than 0.7 mm in diameter. Changes in plant and soil water potentials reflected plant growth characteristics and climatic patterns. The overall relationship between the difference in water potential between soil and leaf and transpiration was linear, with the slope equal to average plant resistance (0.0165 MPa/(cm3 m-1 h-1 10-3). Different regression parameters were obtained for the various measurement days. The water potential difference was inversely related to transpiration at high leaf stomatal resistance and at high values of VPD. Total resistance decreased with transpiration flux in a linear relationship (r=−0.68). Different slope values were obtained for the different measurement days. Estimated soil resistance was much lower than the observed total resistance to water flow. The change from vegetative growth to pod filling was accompanied by an increase in plant resistance. The experimental results support previous findings that resistance to water flow through plants is not constant but is influenced by plant age, growth stage and environmental conditions. A more complex model than Ohm's law analogy may be necessary for describing the dynamic flow system under field conditions. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Stem water storage capacity and diurnal patterns of water use were studied in five canopy trees of a seasonal tropical forest in Panama. Sap flow was measured simultaneously at the top and at the base of each tree using constant energy input thermal probes inserted in the sapwood. The daily stem storage capacity was calculated by comparing the diurnal patterns of basal and crown sap flow. The amount of water withdrawn from storage and subsequently replaced daily ranged from 4 kg d–1 in a 0·20-m-diameter individual of Cecropia longipes to 54 kg d–1 in a 1·02-m-diameter individual of Anacardium excelsum, representing 9–15% of the total daily water loss, respectively. Ficus insipida, Luehea seemannii and Spondias mombin had intermediate diurnal water storage capacities. Trees with greater storage capacity maintained maximum rates of transpiration for a substantially longer fraction of the day than trees with smaller water storage capacity. All five trees conformed to a common linear relationship between diurnal storage capacity and basal sapwood area, suggesting that this relationship was species-independent and size-specific for trees at the study site. According to this relationship there was an increment of 10 kg of diurnal water storage capacity for every 0·1 m2 increase in basal sapwood area. The diurnal withdrawal of water from, and refill of, internal stores was a dynamic process, tightly coupled to fluctuations in environmental conditions. The variations in basal and crown sap flow were more synchronized after 1100 h when internal reserves were mostly depleted. Stem water storage may partially compensate for increases in axial hydraulic resistance with tree size and thus play an important role in regulating the water status of leaves exposed to the large diurnal variations in evaporative demand that occur in the upper canopy of seasonal lowland tropical forests.  相似文献   

Grapes (Vitis vinifera) are a valuable fruit crop and wine production is a major industry. Global warming and expanded range of cultivation will expose grapes to more temperature stresses in future. Our study investigated protein level responses to abiotic stresses, with particular reference to proteomic changes induced by the impact of four different temperature stress regimes, including both hot and cold temperatures, on cultured grape cells. Cabernet Sauvignon cell suspension cultures grown at 26°C were subjected to 14 h of exposure to 34 and 42°C for heat stress, and 18 and 10°C for cold stress. Cells from the five temperatures were harvested in biological triplicates and label‐free quantitative shotgun proteomic analysis was performed. A total of 2042 non‐redundant proteins were identified from the five temperature points. Fifty‐five proteins were only detected in extreme heat stress conditions (42°C) and 53 proteins were only detected at extreme cold stress conditions (10°C). Gene Ontology (GO) annotations of differentially expressed proteins provided insights into the metabolic pathways that are involved in temperature stress in grape cells. Sugar metabolism displayed switching between alternative and classical pathways during temperature stresses. Additionally, nine proteins involved in the phenylpropanoid pathway were greatly increased in abundance at extreme cold stress, and were thus found to be cold‐responsive proteins. All MS data have been deposited in the ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD000977 ( http://proteomecentral.proteomexchange.org/dataset/PXD000977 ).  相似文献   

A model has been derived for the enrichment of heavy isotopes of water in leaves, including progressive enrichment along the leaf. In the model, lighter water is preferentially transpired leaving heavier water to diffuse back into the xylem and be carried further along the leaf. For this pattern to be pronounced, the ratio of advection to diffusion (Péclet number) has to be large in the longitudinal direction, and small in the radial direction. The progressive enrichment along the xylem is less than that occurring at the sites of evaporation in the mesophyll, depending on the isolation afforded by the radial Péclet number. There is an upper bound on enrichment, and effects of ground tissue associated with major veins are included. When transpiration rate is spatially nonuniform, averaging of enrichment occurs more naturally with transpiration weighting than with area‐based weighting. This gives zero average enrichment of transpired water, the modified Craig–Gordon equation for average enrichment at the sites of evaporation and the Farquhar and Lloyd (In Stable Isotopes and Plant Carbon‐Water Relations, pp. 47–70. Academic Press, New York, USA, 1993) prediction for mesophyll water. Earlier results on the isotopic composition of evolved oxygen and of retro‐diffused carbon dioxide are preserved if these processes vary in parallel with transpiration rate. Parallel variation should be indicated approximately by uniform carbon isotope discrimination across the leaf.  相似文献   

A model has been derived for the enrichment of heavy isotopes of water in leaves, including progressive enrichment along the leaf. In the model, lighter water is preferentially transpired leaving heavier water to diffuse back into the xylem and be carried further along the leaf. For this pattern to be pronounced, the ratio of advection to diffusion (Péclet number) has to be large in the longitudinal direction, and small in the radial direction. The progressive enrichment along the xylem is less than that occurring at the sites of evaporation in the mesophyll, depending on the isolation afforded by the radial Péclet number. There is an upper bound on enrichment, and effects of ground tissue associated with major veins are included. When transpiration rate is spatially nonuniform, averaging of enrichment occurs more naturally with transpiration weighting than with area-based weighting. This gives zero average enrichment of transpired water, the modified Craig-Gordon equation for average enrichment at the sites of evaporation and the Farquhar and Lloyd (In Stable Isotopes and Plant Carbon-Water Relations, pp. 47-70. Academic Press, New York, USA, 1993) prediction for mesophyll water. Earlier results on the isotopic composition of evolved oxygen and of retro-diffused carbon dioxide are preserved if these processes vary in parallel with transpiration rate. Parallel variation should be indicated approximately by uniform carbon isotope discrimination across the leaf.  相似文献   

Research in estimating the water status of crops is increasingly based on plant responses to water stress. Several indicators can now be used to estimate this response, the most widely available of which is leaf water potential (ΨLWP) as measured with a pressure chamber. For many annual crops, the predawn leaf water potential (ΨPLWP), assumed to represent the mean soil water potential next to the roots, is closely correlated to the relative transpiration rate, RT. A similar correlation also holds for young fruit trees grown in containers. However, exceptions to this rule are common when soil water content is markedly heterogeneous. Two experimental conditions were chosen to assess the validity of this correlation for heterogeneous soil water content: 1) young walnut trees in split-root containers. The heterogeneity was created by two unequal compartments (20% and 80% of total volume), of which only the smaller was irrigated and kept at a moisture content higher than field capacity (permanent drainage). 2) adult walnut trees in an orchard. In this case, soil water heterogeneity was achieved by limiting the amount of localised irrigation (20% of the irrigated control) which was applied every evening. Values of sap flux and of minimum and predawn leaf water potentials with homogeneous and heterogeneous soil water content were compared for trees grown in the orchard and in containers. In spite of intense drought reflected by very low RT or stem water potential, ΨPLWP of trees under heterogeneous moisture conditions remained high (between -0.2 and -0.4 MPa) both in the orchard and in containers. These values were higher than those usually considered critical under homogeneous soil conditions. A semi-quantitative model, based on the application of Ohm's analogy to split-root conditions, is proposed to explain the apparently conflicting results in the literature on the relation between ΨPLWP and soil water potential. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Processing tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. UC82B) plants were subjected to moderate levels of water deficit and salinity (Na2SO4/CaCl2) in sand culture. Fruit water content and the relative contributions of organic and inorganic constituents to fruit solute potential (Ψ) and soluble solids content were determined throughout development. Fruit Ψ averaged –0.63, –0.86 and –0.77 MPa in the control, salinity and water deficit plants, respectively. Reduced net water import and maintenance of solute accumulation, irrespective of water import, accounted for the reductions in Ψ of stressed fruits. Mineral ions (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl and SO2-4) contributed –0.31 MPa to Ψ in salinized fruit, compared with –0.19 MPa in control and water deficit treatments. Changes in net carbon accumulation were not observed among treatments, despite considerable differences in fruit K+ status. Starch accumulation in immature fruit was increased and hexose accumulation was decreased by both salinity and water deficit. Maximum starch levels were negatively correlated with total fruit Ψ, but were independent of fruit K+. Organic acid levels were generally higher throughout development in salinized plants, relative to control plants, and correlated with increased inorganic cation rather than anion accumulation in these fruits.  相似文献   

Water transport through a microporous tube-soil-plant system was investigated by measuring the response of soil and plant water status to step change reductions in the water pressure within the tubes. Soybeans were germinated and grown in a porous ceramic 'soil' at a porous tube water pressure of -0.5 kpa for 28 d. During this time, the soil matric potential was nearly in equilibrium with tube water pressure. Water pressure in the porous tubes was then reduced to either -1.0, -1.5 or -2.0 kPa. Sap flow rates, leaf conductance and soil, root and leaf water potentials were measured before and after this change. A reduction in porous tube water pressure from -0.5 to -1.0 or -1.5 kPa did not result in any significant change in soil or plant water status. A reduction in porous tube water pressure to -2.0 kPa resulted in significant reductions in sap flow, leaf conductance, and soil, root and leaf water potentials. Hydraulic conductance, calculated as the transpiration rate/delta psi between two points in the water transport pathway, was used to analyse water transport through the tube-soil-plant continuum. At porous tube water pressures of -0.5 to-1.5 kPa soil moisture was readily available and hydraulic conductance of the plant limited water transport. At -2.0 kPa, hydraulic conductance of the bulk soil was the dominant factor in water movement.  相似文献   

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