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Aminopropyl silica gel was prepared from porous silica gel by reaction with γ-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane in toluene and was used for immobilizing chymotrypsin (EC and human serum albumin. Immobilized chymotrypsin was used for the resolution of N-acetyl-dl-phenylalanine and immobilized human serum albumin was used for the purification of goat anti-human serum albumin. Epoxy silica gel, prepared by reaction of porous silica gel with γ-glycidoxypropyltriethoxysilane, was coupled with m-aminobenzamidine and the resulting matrix was used for trypsin purification.  相似文献   

Calf skin acid-soluble collagen, containing about 34 residues of lysine plus hydroxylysine per 100,000 dalton polypeptide chain, was treated with [14C]glucose in the presence or absence of NaCNBH3. In 144 h, under the conditions employed, the presence of NaCNBH3 increased the extent of glycosylation from 8 to 15% of the total residues of lysine plus hydroxylysine. The extent of glycosylation was estimated, using acid hydrolysates of the protein, by isolation and determination of reduced adducts (1-lysinohexitols) employing a system of paper chromatography followed by chromatography on an amino acid analyzer. By those means the difficulties of using specific color reactions such as that with thiobarbituric acid were obviated. Identification of the reduced adducts as forms of 1-lysinohexitol was made by comparison of that substance prepared by treatment of polylysine with [14C]glucose in the presence of NaCNBH3. Of interest is the fact that treatment of the polymer with glucose for 144 h under conditions similar to those used for the collagen, resulted in an increase of extent of glycosylation from 3 to about 50% of the total lysine residues when NaCNBH3 was present in the incubation medium. The greater degree of glycosylation of lysine residues in polylysine as compared with collagen (15 versus about 50%) may be ascribed to the different orders of macromolecular structure in the protein that could sequester certain of the residues from reaction with glucose. 1-Lysinohexitol was also identified in hydrolysates of neutral salt-soluble guinea pig skin collagen that had been reacted with glucose and then treated with NaB3H4. The glycosylated collagens were fragmented by treatment with CNBr, and modified lysine residues were found to occur along the entire length of the collagen chains. The use of NaCNBH3 in the manner described above permits measurement of both aldimine and ketoamine forms of the adducts made with glucose. The possible physiological significance of the reversibility of the ketoamine form of adduct is discussed briefly.  相似文献   

Guanylate cyclase has been purified 60-fold from cell extracts of the bacterium Caulobacter crescentus. It has a molecular weight of approximately 140,000 and is dependent upon Mn2+ for activity. Enzymic activity is unaffected by cyclic AMP, cyclic GMP or N6,O2′-dibutyryl cyclic AMP but is stimulated by N2,O2′-dibutyryl cyclic GMP. The partially purified preparation of guanylate cyclase does not contain detectable adenylate cyclase activity.  相似文献   

Development and regulation of substance P in sensory neurons in vitro   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Substance P (SP), the putative neuropeptide mediator of pain sensation, is contained in small dorsomedial sensory neurons of the dorsal root ganglion. Using different culture techniques and a sensitive radioimmunoassay for SP, we studied the ontogeny and regulation of this functionally important neurotransmitter in these neurons, obtained from neonatal rats. In ganglion explants grown by two different techniques, SP increased two- to threefold during the first week in culture. This rise was predominantly due to mechanisms intrinsic to the ganglion since it occurred in a fully defined medium, in the absence of added nerve growth factor (NGF). Blockade of protein synthesis with cycloheximide prevented the increase in SP suggesting that ongoing protein synthesis was necessary. Furthermore, depolarization with veratridine blocked the increase in SP, an effect which was reversed by tetrodotoxin, suggesting that transmitter characteristics in sensory neurons may be regulated by depolarization and/or transmembrane sodium flux. After a week in culture on a collagen substratum, supplementary NGF was necessary for the continued rise in SP. However, raising the dose of the trophic factor had no incremental effect on SP content, suggesting that NGF was acting primarily on neuronal survival. To approach such questions at the cellular level, ganglia were dissociated and grown in cell culture. In all cultures, SP increased 1.5-fold during the first day. In the absence of NGF, however, SP and cell numbers fell progressively after the second day. NGF elicited parallel increases in cell survival and SP content, supporting the suggestion that NGF acts primarily through neuronal survival to increase SP. Veratridine blocked the increase in SP in a tetrodotoxin-reversible manner, without affecting neuronal survival, indicating that the effects of these agents do not depend on normal ganglionic cellular architecture. Consequently, depolarization probably affects ganglionic sensory neurons directly. Our studies suggest that the development of transmitter characteristics in primary sensory neurons may be regulated by multiple factors, including neuronal activity as well as trophic agents such as NGF.  相似文献   

A series of thin-layer Chromatographic (TLC) systems were employed to study the effects of dibutyryl cyclic AMP (db-cAMP) on the metabolism of 3H-tyrosine in neuroblastoma cultures. The neuroblastoma monolayer cultures incubated with radiolabelled tyrosine synthesized di-hydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA), dopamine (DA), and norepinephrine (NE), in confirmation of previous reports identifying these compounds in neuroblastoma cultures. In addition, we found evidence suggesting the presence of metabolites of DA and NE, that is, homovanillic acid (HVA) and 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG) together with 3-methoxy-4-hydroxymandelic acid (VMA). When these cultures were grown in the presence of db-cAMP for 3 days, tyrosine uptake was increased with a proportional increase in tyrosine hydroxylation. This effect persisted in the absence of db-cAMP, but it was not apparent with only 90 min exposure to db-cAMP. Suspension cultures showed the same baseline level of tyrosine uptake as did monolayer cultures, but the uptake in suspension cultures failed to increase with db-cAMP treatment. It is suggested that the db-cAMP induced differentiation of the neuroblastoma cells in monolayer cultures was associated with induction of a tyrosine uptake system.  相似文献   

The potent muscarinic cholinergic antagonist 3-quinuclidinyl benzylate (QNB) has been used to detect and quantify muscarinic receptors in the developing chick heart. Specific binding in microsomal pellets prepared from hearts ranging in age from 70 hr in ovo to adulthood was examined and was found to increase from 4 × 10?13 moles of [3H]QNB bound/mg of protein at the earliest stage tested to 5 × 10?12 moles of [3H]QNB/mg of protein at birth and then to drop slightly to 2 × 10?12 moles of [3H]QNB/mg of protein at the latest age tested. The developmental significance of these results is discussed.  相似文献   

To see whether phenylalanine serves as a substrate in melanogenesis, hanging drop explants of neural crest from amphibian (Ambystoma maculatum and A. mexicanum) embryos were subjected on the seventh day in vitro to treatment with phenylalanine-3H and studied by means of light microscopic radioautography. All melanin-containing cells showed label. On the other hand, when puromycin, an inhibitor of protein synthesis, together with the labeled amino acid was administered to the cultures, no radioactivity was incorporated by pigmented cells. Comparable results were obtained when leucine was substituted for phenylalanine. In control experiments, puromycin and labeled tyrosine or 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA), both known precursors for melanin synthesis, were administered to the neural crest cultures. In these experiments, puromycin had no effect on the incorporation of label by pigmented cells. Our data strongly indicate that in differentiating amphibian melanocytes with functional pigment-forming systems, phenylalanine is used in protein synthesis, but does not serve as a substrate for the tyrosine-tyrosinase system.In another series of experiments, explants of neuroepithelium (neural crest anlage) were grown from the time of explantation to the seventh day in vitro in the presence of phenyllactic acid, an analog of phenylalanine. Pigment cells developed normally.These results suggest that phenylalanine plays little or no role in pigment cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Biochemical analysis of macromolecular constituents of somatic cells in culture frequently requires the production of large quantities of cells from small initial populations, often a laborious and expensive procedure. Here we show that nude mice, because of their genetic immune deficiency, provide a relatively simple and reliable means of growing large quantities of cells irrespective of the species or tissue of origin. Most established animal cell lines are capable of growing as large tumors in these athymic mice. The passage of mammalian cells in nude mice does not cause either the loss or modification of specific biochemical, chromosomal, antigenic or other cellular markers, nor the induction of malignant transformation of the host cells. Tumors formed by the injected cells grow as localized, encapsulated masses, and host cell admixture due to elements of the vascular system in the tumor is variable but not extensive. Pure cultures of the original cell type can easily be recovered from the tumors if they are derived from previously established cell lines. The use of nude mice for large scale growth of animal cells is particularly advantageous for cell lines which are not adapted to mass suspension culture for highly differentiated functional tumor cells which cannot be grown in vitro.  相似文献   

Absorption spectra of mixed monomolecular films containing chlorophyll and endogenous redox reagents are studied at a gas-water interface. Overlapping absorption spectra are resolved by difference spectroscopy and fourth derivative analysis. Monomolecular films are formed in a Langmuir trough using a Wilhelmy film balance. A reaction between vitamin K1 and chlorophyll is observed both in the dark and after illumination. A smaller interaction occurs between α-tocopherolquinone and chlorophyll. A light-driven reaction occurs between oxidized plastocyanin and chlorophyll, but not between reduced plastocyanin and chlorophyll. An interaction is observed between cytochrome c and chlorophyll both in the dark and after illumination. Evidence is obtained indicating that the presence and amount of aggregated species of chlorophyll are dependent on the presence of specific reagents. We suggest that redox reagents of Photosystem II and Photosystem I of photosynthesis also serve to “induce” the formation of distinct chlorophyll species.  相似文献   

The presence of nerve growth factor receptors and the imipramine-sensitive uptake of catecholamines in sympathetic neurons of chick embryos were investigated by autoradiography. Neurons were dissociated from paravertebral ganglia of different embryonic ages and receptors and catecholamine uptake were then determined both at the beginning of culture and after 2 days in culture, at which time the number of surviving neurons is determined by the survival factors present. It was found that while essentially all the neurons specifically bound 125I-NGF both after dissociation and at the end of the culture period, only 60% of the neurons take up [3H]norepinephrine after dissociation, and this proportion remained constant through the culture period under conditions where all the neurons survived. All of the neurons maintained by NGF in culture (35% of the total) displayed this uptake, and in contrast, only one-quarter of those maintained by heart cell-conditioned medium alone (60% of the total) took up catecholamines. The uptake was shown to be neither induced by NGF nor suppressed by heart cell-conditioned medium. These results support the hypothesis that chick sympathetic ganglia contain discrete subpopulations of neurons which may be selected in culture by virtue of their different requirements for survival factors.  相似文献   

Native chicken liver fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (Fru-P2ase) can bind to blue dextranSepharose affinity column and is not displaced by its sugar-phosphate substrate; however; it is readily eluted by the inhibitor 5′-AMP. Treatment of Fru-P2ase with pyridoxal 5′-phosphate (pyridoxal-P) in the presence of the substrate, fructose 1,6-bisphosphate, followed by reduction with NaBH4 leads to the formation of active pyridoxal-P derivatives of the enzyme showing diminished sensitivity to AMP inhibitor. The modified enzyme does not bind to the affinity column. On the other hand, in the presence of AMP modification of Fru-P2ase with pyridoxal-P occurs at the catalytic site; this modification does not alter its binding behavior toward the dye ligand. Blue dextran can also protect Fru-P2ase against AMP inhibition, and it is a competitive desensitizer for the nucleotide ligand. The results establish that blue dextran binds specifically to the allosteric site of the enzyme, and that the structure of this site may resemble that of the dinucleotide fold in other enzymes. Like native Fru-P2ase, digestion of pyridoxal-P-Fru-P2ase (with regulatory properties altered) with subtilisin causes a severalfold increase in the catalytic activity measured at pH 9.2, without significant change in the activity at pH 7.5, and produces a peptide with 56 amino acids. The residual subunit, Mr ~ 30,000, was found to contain all of the incorporated pyridoxal-P.  相似文献   

The influx and metabolism of choline have been studied in primary cultures of isolated neurons and glial cells from chick embryo dissociated cerebral hemispheres. The results showed a correlation between both influx and metabolism of choline and the exogenous concentrations of choline. When neurons and glial cells were preincubated (10 min) and incubated in Krebs-Ringer phosphate solution with concentrations of choline lower (0.5 μM) or higher (150 μM) than the one present in the growth medium, the metabolism of choline, as a function of time, approached saturation following unusual kinetics. This suggests a non steady state of the endocellular concentrations of free choline. Moreover, when both neurons and glial cells were preincubated (10 min) with 50 μM choline and then incubated (2 min) with various concentrations of choline, only one uptake mechanism was measured, while the preincubation in the absence of choline followed by the incubation of the cells with various concentrations of choline showed the presence of two apparent Km's with different affinities.The results also indicate the capacity of glial cells to incorporate choline suggesting a storage function for the cells.  相似文献   

The enzymatic machinery for neurotransmitter synthesis and breakdown have been compared in sister cultures of newborn rat sympathetic neurons grown for 12-28 days either in the presence (CM+ cultures) or in the absence (CM- cultures) of a culture medium conditioned by rat skeletal muscle cells. Neuron numbers, total protein, and lactate dehydrogenase activities were identical in CM+ and CM- cultures. Choline acetyltransferase activity was 27- to 100-fold higher in homogenates of CM+ than CM- cultures, whereas acetylcholinesterase activity was 2.5-fold lower. The activities of tyrosine hydroxylase (TOH), DOPA decarboxylase, and dopamine beta-hydroxylase were all about twofold lower in homogenates from CM+ cultures. All these effects were also observed in homogenates of sympathetic neuron cultures grown with and without a macromolecular factor partially purified from CM (Weber, J. (1981). Biol. Chem. 256, 3447-3453.). Experiments of mixing homogenates from CM+ and CM- cultures suggested that the differences in each of the enzyme activities did not result from differences in the concentrations of hypothetical reversible enzyme activators and/or inhibitors. In addition, the deficit in TOH activity in CM+ cultures resulted from a decrease in the enzymatic Vmax with no significant variation in the apparent Km's for the substrate and the cofactor. An identical decrease in the Vmax was observed if TOH was assayed under phosphorylating or nonphosphorylating conditions, suggesting that this decrease did not result from differences in the state of enzyme phosphorylation. Immunoprecipitation curves of TOH activity by an anti-TOH antiserum were parallel when performed on homogenates from CM+ and CM- cultures, suggesting a difference in the number of enzyme molecules without detectable alteration of their kinetic properties.  相似文献   

The expression of macrophage antitumor activity and the production of prostaglandins (PG) by operationally defined macrophage populations differed under varying culture conditions. Culture conditions that caused increased PGE2 production by activated macrophages resulted in an inhibition of their tumoricidal activity. In contrast, production of high levels of PGE2 by resident and elicited macrophages was associated with an increase in antitumor activity. The activation of resident or elicited cells by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) could be blocked by indomethacin. Treatment of these macrophages with PGE2 alone also resulted in their activation and subsequent tumor cell destruction. Activation of resident and elicited macrophages by LPS appears to be mediated by PGE2.  相似文献   

Dissociated sympathetic neurons from the neonatal rat, grown in cell culture in the virtual absence of other cell types, can develop many of the properties expected of differentiated adrenergic neurons including the ability to synthesize and accumulate catecholamines (CA)2. However, in the presence of high concentrations of appropriately conditioned medium (CM), the cultures develop the ability to synthesize and accumulate acetylcholine (ACh); correspondingly, their ability to synthesize CA decreases. In this paper several developmental aspects of the CM effect are described. The time course of development of cultures grown with or without CM was followed using synthesis and accumulation of [3H]CA from [3H]tyrosine and production of [3H]ACh from [3H]choline as assays for adrenergic and cholinergic differentiation. The ability to produce CA or ACh developed along parallel time courses in the two sets of cultures, rising primarily during the second week in vitro and reaching a plateau during the fourth week. When CM was used as a cholinergic developmental signal, the sympathetic neurons showed a decreasing response to addition of CM as they matured adrenergically; addition of CM during the third or fourth 10 days in vitro was not as effective in inducing ACh production as addition during the first or second 10 days. Similarly, removal of CM at various times from cultures previously grown in CM showed that the cholinergic induction caused by CM was not easily reversible in older cultures. Thus, as with the adrenergic decision, the cholinergic decision becomes less reversible as the phenotype becomes fully expressed.  相似文献   

Extracts prepared from embryonic eye tissue permit all of the neurons present in embryonic ciliary ganglia to survive and develop in cell culture. High K+ concentrations stimulate growth of the neurons in culture above the maximal levels obtained with eye extract alone. Growth in 25 mM K+ produced parallel increases in the levels of choline acetyltransferase activity, lactate dehydrogenase activity (a common cytoplasmic enzyme), and total protein synthesis per neuron. The K+ effect appears to be mediated by membrane depolarization. Intracellular recording confirmed that the neurons were chronically depolarized in 25 mM K+. Veratridine produced the same stimulation of growth, while tetrodotoxin blocked the veratridine effect without preventing the K+ effect. Ca2+ may also play a role in the K+ effect. Two drugs thought to block Ca2+ channels (Mg2+ and D600) each blocked or reduced in the increase in growth caused by 25 mM K+. The drugs did not interfere with neuronal growth in control cultures, indicating that eye extract and membrane depolarization influence neuronal growth by different mechanisms.  相似文献   

Chicken liver fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase binds to blue dextran-Sepharose affinity columns and is eluted by AMP, an allosteric inhibitor of the enzyme. On the other hand, bumblebee fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase, which is not inhibited by AMP, does not bind to blue dextran-Sepharose. Chicken liver 1,6-bisphosphatase binds 3.6 mol of AMP/mol of enzyme, while the bumblebee enzyme binds no AMP. However, bumblebee fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase can be activated by subtilisin, indicating that it possesses a protease-sensitive region similar to that present in mammalian fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase.  相似文献   

A cloned human cutaneous lymphoma Hut102-B2 with helper T-cell phenotype (Leu1+, Leu2a?, Leu3a+) was found to produce substantial quantities of interferon (IFN) on induction with the phorbol ester, 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA). Whereas only trace amounts of IFN were secreted by Hut102-B2 cells spontaneously, up to 8000 laboratory units/ ml of IFN were synthesized under the optimal conditions of TPA induction. Characterization studies including neutralization by specific antisera to IFNs and determination of the activities in human and bovine cells disclosed that the IFN produced by Hut102-B2 cells exposed to TPA was a mixture of immune IFN (IFN-γ) and leukocyte IFN (IFN-α) made in approximately equal amounts in terms of antiviral activity.  相似文献   

The molecular forms of acetylcholinesterase (AcChE) have been studied in primary cultures of newborn rat sympathetic neurons grown either in the absence (CM? cultures) or in the presence (CM+ cultures) of muscle conditioned medium. The cultures were treated with a mitotic poison to eliminate non-neuronal cells. CAT activity increased with time in culture 4- to 20-fold faster in CM+ than in CM? cultures. In agreement with previous experiments (J. P. Swerts, A. Le Van Thaï, A. Vigny, and M. J. Weber, 1983, Develop. Biol.100, 1–11), AcChE activity developed at a 3-fold lower rate in CM+ than in CM? cultures. This deficit in AcChE activity in CM+ cultures resulted from a deficit in the number of enzyme molecules immunoprecipitable with an antiserum raised against rat brain AcChE. In both types of cultures, AcChE forms were separated by sucrose gradient sedimentation into three main peaks corresponding to the 16 S and 10 S forms and a mixture of the 6.5 and 4 S forms. In 3-day-old CM+ and CM? cultures, the 16 S form represented 2% of the total activity. After 12–26 days, the percentage of 16 S form raised to 15–30% in CM? cultures, but remained lower than 5% in CM+ cultures. This difference was also observed when AcChE molecular forms were analyzed in the presence of protease inhibitors. A similar result was obtained by comparing cultures grown with and without a macromolecular factor partially purified from conditioned medium. These results suggest that an inverse relationship exists between the presence of 16 S AcChE and the presence of cholinergic synapses in these cultures.  相似文献   

Lung tissue obtained from fetal rabbits of 23 days gestational age was maintained in organ culture to study the in vitro formation of lamellar body phospholipids. During the culture period, the epithelium of the prealveolar ducts of the explants differentiated to form type II pneumonocytes. After 8 days in culture, the explants were harvested, homogenized, and two lamellar body fractions were isolated by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. The lamellar body fraction which best retained the distinct multilamellar structure was recovered at the interface between a solution of buffer without sucrose and buffer containing 0.41 m sucrose. The phospholipid compositions of both lamellar body fractions were similar to those reported for lamellar bodies and surfactant isolated from fetal rabbit lung, with the exception of a slightly higher phosphatidylethanolamine content. The disaturated phosphatidylcholine content of the lamellar body fractions, expressed as a percentage of total lipid phosphorus, was not influenced by the presence of palmitate in the medium.  相似文献   

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