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Malaria is the direct cause of approximately one million deaths worldwide each year, though it is both preventable and curable. Increasing the understanding of the transmission dynamics of falciparum and vivax malaria and their relationship could suggest improvements for malaria control efforts. Here the weekly number of malaria cases due to Plasmodium falciparum (1994–2006) and Plasmodium vivax (1999–2006) in Perú at different spatial scales in conjunction with associated demographic, geographic and climatological data are analysed.


Malaria periodicity patterns were analysed through wavelet spectral analysis, studied patterns of persistence as a function of community size and assessed spatial heterogeneity via the Lorenz curve and the summary Gini index.


Wavelet time series analyses identified annual cycles in the incidence of both malaria species as the dominant pattern. However, significant spatial heterogeneity was observed across jungle, mountain and coastal regions with slightly higher levels of spatial heterogeneity for P. vivax than P. falciparum. While the incidence of P. falciparum has been declining in recent years across geographic regions, P. vivax incidence has remained relatively steady in jungle and mountain regions with a slight decline in coastal regions. Factors that may be contributing to this decline are discussed. The time series of both malaria species were significantly synchronized in coastal (ρ = 0.9, P < 0.0001) and jungle regions (ρ = 0.76, P < 0.0001) but not in mountain regions. Community size was significantly associated with malaria persistence due to both species in jungle regions, but not in coastal and mountain regions.


Overall, findings highlight the importance of highly refined spatial and temporal data on malaria incidence together with demographic and geographic information in improving the understanding of malaria persistence patterns associated with multiple malaria species in human populations, impact of interventions, detection of heterogeneity and generation of hypotheses.  相似文献   

The early Paleozoic emergence of bioturbating (sediment-dwelling and -mixing) animals has long been assumed to have led to substantial changes in marine biogeochemistry, seafloor ecology, and the preservation potential of both sedimentary and fossil archives. However, the timing of the rise of bioturbation and environmental patterns in its expansion have long been subjects of debate—resolution of which has been hampered, in part, by a paucity of high-resolution bioturbation data or of systematic investigations of facies trends in lower Paleozoic bioturbation. To address these issues, we conducted an integrated sedimentological and ichnological characterization of the Cambrian–Ordovician Port au Port succession and Cow Head Group of western Newfoundland, encompassing over 350 meters of stratigraphy logged at the centimeter to decimeter scale. We find that, across a wide range of marine facies, bioturbation does not on average exceed moderate intensities—corroborating observations from other lower Paleozoic successions indicating that the early Paleozoic development of bioturbation was a protracted process. Moreover, bioturbation intensities in the Port au Port succession and Cow Head Group are commonly characterized by considerable variability at even fine scales of stratigraphic resolution and changes in bioturbation intensity correlate strongly with variability in sedimentary facies. We observe that facies recording nearshore depositional environments and carbonate-rich lithologies are each characterized by the highest intensities of both burrowing and sediment mixing. These data highlight the need for a high-resolution and facies-specific approach to reconstructing the evolutionary history of bioturbation and suggest that average levels of bioturbation, although relatively low throughout this interval, increased notably earlier in nearshore marine settings.  相似文献   

Production parameters for bacterioplankton were assessed during the spring–summer period in the western parts of the Sea of Okhotsk and the Bering Sea, as well as in northwestern Pacific Ocean. The lowest values of bacterial production were observed in early June during the spring phytoplankton bloom (0.08 mg C day–1 m–3), while the maximum values (up to 55 mg C day–1 m–3) occurred in late July?early August, 1.5 to 2 months after the bloom. The concentration of dissolved organic matter, the substrate for bacterioplankton, was assessed using satellite data. The ratio between bacterial and primary production in the surface samples varied from 0.5% at the peak of phytoplankton bloom to 180% at the peak of bacterioplankton development.  相似文献   

The Volga, the largest river in Europe, has experienced multiple stressors from human activities. Recently we showed that its upper course (about 500 km, from its source to Tver) still has large sections with low impact and a natural type-specific potamal flora and fauna. Our present research in the East European lowlands aim to define reference conditions for mid-sized to large lowland rivers in order to build a basis for future management and conservation. Three monitoring sites were selected based on the results from intensive sampling in 2005. In subsequent field campaigns between 2006 and 2010 regular surveys were carried out each year in summer and additional ones in spring. A taxon-rich macroinvertebrate fauna, including several rare potamal relict species, was recorded and the data was used to provide an overview of annual and interannual variation in community indices and metrics. The conditions described for the headwaters of the Volga River system can be used as a reference state for medium-sized and large lowland rivers in regions where reference sites of these types are lacking.  相似文献   

In order to obtain the diversity and temporal–spatial distribution of Bacillus community during the swine manure composting, we utilized traditional culture methods and the modern molecular biology techniques of polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) and –denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE). Bacillus species were firstly isolated from the composting. Based on temperature changes, the temporal–spatial characteristics of total culturable Bacillus were remarkable that the number of the culturable Bacillus detected at the high-temperature stage was the highest in each layer of the pile and that detected in the middle layer was the lowest at each stage of composting respectively. The diversity of cultivated Bacillus species isolated from different composting stages was low. A total of 540 isolates were classified by the RFLP method and partial 16S rDNA sequences. They affiliated to eight species including Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus cereus, Bacillus thuringiensis, Bacillus anthracis, Bacillus megaterium, Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus pumilus, and Bacillus circulans. The predominant species was B. subtilis, and the diversity of culturable Bacillus isolated in the middle-level samples at temperature rising and cooling stages was the highest. The DGGE profile and clone library analysis revealed that the temporal–spatial distribution of Bacillus community was not obvious, species belonging to the Bacillus were dominant (67%) with unculturable bacteria and B. cereus was the second major culturable Bacillus species. This study indicated that a combination of culture and culture-independent approaches could be very useful for monitoring the diversity and temporal–spatial distribution of Bacillus community during the composting process.  相似文献   

The investigation of large populations of galeate acritarchs recovered from the Late Cambrian to Early Ordovician of the Algerian Sahara allows the definition of 11 morphological criteria which may be useful for the differentiation of individual morphotypes. These parameters have been used for statistical analyses to understand better the classification of this important acritarch plexus. Following a critical evaluation of all parameters, five of them can be retained for multivariate and cluster analyses. The current taxonomic model, with a differentiation into the four genera Caldariola, Cymatiogalea, Priscogalea and Stelliferidium, cannot be maintained. The most important variables appear to be the process length and the presence/absence of ramifications of the distal end of the processes. A provisional four cluster model is proposed to classify the galeate acritarchs from the Algerian assemblages. This study is a first step in the process of investigating the potential use of multivariate statistics in galeate acritarch classification and may serve as a model for future studies to understand acritarch taxonomy.  相似文献   

Multifunctional landscapes are characterized by various functions and values that sustain directly or indirectly the quality of human life, through the provision of natural capital flow. Primary production (PP), representing a measure of the solar energy captured by the system and available to drive its functioning, is recognized as a fundamental supporting service. Several biophysical modification and conversion altering the primary production are due to land-use change. Natural protected areas with a sustainable management of land-use could be able to guarantee the persistence of structure and processes (primary production) fundamental for the provision of natural capital. In this context, the aims of this paper are to investigate the spatial–temporal patterns of PP variability (1986–2010) in the Natural Protected Area of “Torre Guaceto” (southern Italy), taking into account land-cover change and climate conditions and looking at PP as a supporting service able to guarantee natural capital flow. In dealing with this issue, this paper aims at testing whether NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) integrated with NDII (Normalized Difference Infrared Index) can be suitable surrogates for the assessment of shifts in the spatial–temporal dynamics of PP, useful to explore possible feedbacks related to conservation management choices in supporting natural capital flow. Therefore, the assessment of the complex spatial–temporal dynamics of natural vegetation has been performed by using NDVI and NDII. The results showed that after the establishment of the Natural Protected Area of “Torre Guaceto” in 2000, there has been an increase of NDVI that could represent an increase of PP. However, since PP depends also on water content, measured by NDII, a Pearson correlation analysis between NDII and land Surface Temperature (TS) has been carried out, demonstrating that low level of PP in 2005 was not imputable to climate conditions but to the worse quality of vegetation associated to the wetland due to aging phenomenon. In conclusion, to make the conservation management more effective it is not enough to identify and quantify the major landscape transformations and the underlying causes, but rather to detect the capability of new landscape patterns, in terms of configuration and composition, to sustain ecosystem services. The analysis of conservation management based on NDVI and NDII, used as surrogate to detect the maintenance of PP, appears to be very promising in order to develop better strategies for the adaptive management of natural protected areas.  相似文献   

During Italian expeditions, ichthyoplankton was collected in the Ross Sea and Terra Nova Bay, by BIONESS and Hamburg Plankton Net (250-µm and 500-µm mesh, respectively). A total of 394,453 fish larvae representing 46 species, 27 genera and 9 families were collected. Pleuragramma antarcticum dominated during three of the four cruises, whilst in 1994/1995 Trematomus lepidorhinus was also abundant. The most abundant icefish was Chionodraco myersi, which co-occurred with P. antarcticum. Macrouridae, Myctophidae and Bathylagidae were oceanic. Paralepididae occurred in all areas. Notothenioids, nearly 100% of the catch, occurred close to the coast and dominated the shelf ichthyoplankton community.  相似文献   

Background: Current understanding of treeline or forest-alpine ecotone (FAE) dynamics does not fully explain past and present FAE patterns and their underlying processes, nor allow prediction of their response to climate change.

Aims: We address the overarching hypothesis that the FAE is a mosaic of distinct landscape units of vegetation and landforms that result in differential responses to climate change. We focus on climate-related, landscape and vegetation characteristics, but also consider the effect of landscape heterogeneity on biogeochemistry and overall resilience of the FAE to climate change.

Results: There are three distinct FAE land units at Niwot Ridge, generated by different interactions of climate with vegetation, landforms and topography. Within these FAEs, a process of self-organisation takes place from organism to patch to landscape scales, and is modulated by positive and negative feedback loops along an elevation gradient. The underlying controls cannot be attributed solely to temperature, but to a combination of interactions along a physical/biotic gradient.

Conclusions: FAE dynamics result from interactions among mechanisms and processes at the microsite, patch and landscape scales: (1) tree persistence; (2) forest patch establishment; (3) drivers of patch forest configurations and (4) resilience, increasing along a gradient of biotic control.  相似文献   

In this paper, first we consider the global dynamics of a ratio-dependent predator–prey model with density dependent death rate for the predator species. Analytical conditions for local bifurcation and numerical investigations to identify the global bifurcations help us to prepare a complete bifurcation diagram for the concerned model. All possible phase portraits related to the stability and instability of the coexisting equilibria are also presented which are helpful to understand the global behaviour of the system around the coexisting steady-states. Next we extend the temporal model to a spatiotemporal model by incorporating diffusion terms in order to investigate the varieties of stationary and non-stationary spatial patterns generated to understand the effect of random movement of both the species within their two-dimensional habitat. We present the analytical results for the existence of globally stable homogeneous steady-state and non-existence of non-constant stationary states. Turing bifurcation diagram is prepared in two dimensional parametric space along with the identification of various spatial patterns produced by the model for parameter values inside the Turing domain. Extensive numerical simulations are performed for better understanding of the spatiotemporal dynamics. This work is an attempt to make a bridge between the theoretical results for the spatiotemporal model of interacting population and the spatial patterns obtained through numerical simulations for parameters within Turing and Turing–Hopf domain.  相似文献   

Speciation requires the evolution of reproductive barriers to achieve isolation between species. In this paper, we examine the role of two major pre-zygotic barriers in reducing the chance of F1 hybrid formation between two pairs of Narcissus species. Field experiments were performed over 5?years in eight natural populations to determine whether flowering phenology and pollinator fidelity could act as reproductive isolation barriers in Narcissus. Our results show that reproductive isolation due to flowering phenology is highly variable and asymmetric. In some populations, pollinator fidelity was so strong that the quantification of reproductive isolation was complete and a strong negative correlation was found between the strength of this barrier and the abundance of hybrids. Nevertheless, the degree of pollinator fidelity was quite variable among populations indicating that reproductive isolation varies geographically but very consistent across years indicating that plant-pollinator interactions are well established. In fact, the finding that hybrid formation between these species occurs only in sites where pollinator fidelity is incomplete suggests that hybrid formation also varies geographically and that divergent evolutionary outcomes may occur in different sympatric populations of Narcissus.  相似文献   

Substantial ecological changes occurred in the 1970s in the Northern Baltic during a temporary period of low salinity (S). This period was preceded by an episodic increase in the rainfall over the Baltic Sea watershed area. Several climate models, both global and regional, project an increase in the runoff of the Northern latitudes due to proceeding climate change. The aim of this study is to model, firstly, the effects on Baltic Sea salinity of increased runoff due to projected global change and, secondly, the effects of salinity change on the distribution of marine species. The results suggest a critical shift in the S range 5–7, which is a threshold for both freshwater and marine species distributions and diversity. We discuss several topics emphasizing future monitoring, modelling, and fisheries research. Environmental monitoring and modelling are investigated because the developing alternative ecosystems do not necessarily show the same relations to environment quality factors as the retiring ones. An important corollary is that the observed and modelled S changes considered together with species’ ranges indicate what may appear under a future climate. Consequences could include a shift in distribution areas of marine benthic foundation species and some 40–50 other species, affiliated to these. This change would extend over hundreds of kilometres, in the Baltic Sea and the adjacent North Sea areas. Potential cascading effects, in coastal ecology, fish ecology and fisheries would be extensive, and point out the necessity to develop further the “ecosystem approach in the environmental monitoring”.  相似文献   

Water pathways through permeable riverbeds are multi-dimensional, including lateral hyporheic exchange flows as well as vertical (upwelling and downwelling) fluxes. The influence of different pathways of water on solute patterns and the supply of nitrate and other redox-sensitive chemical species in the riverbed is poorly understood but could be environmentally significant. For example, nitrate-rich upwelling water in the gaining reaches of groundwater-fed rivers has the potential to supply significant quantities of nitrate through the riverbed to surface waters, constraining opportunities to deliver the goals of the EU Water Framework Directive to achieve ‘good ecological status’. We show that patterns in porewater chemistry in the armoured river bed of a gaining reach (River Leith, Cumbria) reflect the spatial variability in different sources of water; oxic conditions being associated with preferential discharge from groundwater and reducing conditions with longitudinal and lateral fluxes of water due to water movement from riparian zones and/or hyporheic exchange flows. Our findings demonstrate the important control of both vertical and lateral water fluxes on patterns of redox-sensitive chemical species in the river bed. Furthermore, under stable, baseflow conditions (<Q90) a zone of preferential discharge, comprising 20 % of the reach by area contributes 4–9 % of the total nitrate being transported through the reach in surface water, highlighting the need to understand the spatial distribution of such preferential discharge locations at the catchment scale to establish their importance for nitrate delivery to the stream channel.  相似文献   

The development of the pertussis vaccine production in the National Institute of Public Health in the Netherlands since 1953, and the results with the consecutive lots of vaccine in the mouse protection test and the U.S.A. toxicity test are described. The results in the latter test are compared with the results of a locally developed guinea pig toxicity test. Special attention is given to the difficulties encountered when the U.S.A. toxicity test is used for adsorbed DPT vaccines. The potency data of all lots of DPT vaccines produced since 1958 fall within the limits of the potency test as prescribed in the U.S.A. Minimum Requirements. There are indications that the increased potency of the vaccine may have led to a lower mortality rate of pertussis.  相似文献   

We explored the possible effects of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and Arctic Oscillation (AO) on interannual sea surface temperature (SST) variations in the Alborán Sea, both separately and combined. The probability of observing mean annual SST values higher than average was related to NAO and AO values of the previous year. The effect of NAO on SST was negative, while that of AO was positive. The pure effects of NAO and AO on SST are obscuring each other, due to the positive correlation between them. When decomposing SST, NAO and AO in seasonal values, we found that variation in mean annual SST and mean winter SST was significantly related to the mean autumn NAO of the previous year, while mean summer SST was related to mean autumn AO of the previous year. The one year delay in the effect of the NAO and AO on the SST could be partially related to the amount of accumulated snow, as we found a significant correlation between the total snow in the North Alborán watershed for a year with the annual average SST of the subsequent year. A positive AO implies a colder atmosphere in the Polar Regions, which could favour occasional cold waves over the Iberian Peninsula which, when coupled with precipitations favoured by a negative NAO, may result in snow precipitation. This snow may be accumulated in the high peaks and melt down in spring-summer of the following year, which consequently increases the runoff of freshwater to the sea, which in turn causes a diminution of sea surface salinity and density, and blocks the local upwelling of colder water, resulting in a higher SST.  相似文献   

Duan  Yulong  Wu  Fasi  He  Dongpeng  Gu  Ji-Dong  Feng  Huyuan  Chen  Tuo  Liu  Guangxiu  Wang  Wanfu 《Aerobiologia》2021,37(4):681-694

The deposition of the airborne microorganisms onto cultural heritage is associated closely with the subsequent biodeterioration. In this study, a systematic investigation was carried out to detect the seasonal variation and diversity of airborne fungal concentration at the World Cultural Heritage Site Maijishan Grottoes in western China. A bio-aerosol sampler was deployed to collect samples over four seasons in 2016. The culturable airborne fungi were isolated, purified and then identified with the extraction of genomic DNA, PCR amplification of ITS rRNA region, sequencing, and phylogenetic analysis. The concentrations of culturable fungi ranged from 216 to 1389 CFU/m3, which varied seasonally with significant differences among the sampling sites. Fifteen different fungal genera were confirmed, among them, Cladosporium was the most predominant fungal genus, followed by Penicillium. The fungal community structure and their relationship with environmental factors were also delineated. The spatial–temporal differences of airborne fungi at Maijishan Grottoes were mainly due to height, rainfall, relative humidity, and temperature. The dominant genera Cladosporium and Penicillium may pose potential threats to the ancient painted sculptures and murals, and monitoring of the airborne fungi at such a heritage site could provide supporting data for the pre-warning and control of fungal outbreaks inside the caves for better management.


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